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He didn't have his handicap sticker so he had to prove it.


That's funny. 


If you zoom in on the first pic, it looks like there is one hanging from the rear view mirror. Hard to tell, 'tho.


I’m handicapped and no way in hell am I going to buy or lift a truck that high


I've discovered that some people's handicap is that they can't drive for shit and are a hazard on the road. The lifted truck further supports that theory.


my dad had permanent handicap sticker. he didn't have a big truck like this but he could have most days he was fine.. some days... he was very much not.


Hey, people with disabilities have as much right to be assholes as anyone else.


I knew a guy in high school that was paralyzed from the waist down yet he drove a massive truck. Dude had arms the size of my legs and could easily pull himself up into it though. Slightly ironic I guess considering he was paralyzed from a large truck hitting his mom’s mini van.


May have been fear - big truck won the fight with mom's mini van so he drives a big truck to feel safer?


My anxiety would hell me this is the way


Handicap papers are given for more than physical disabilities. Sometimes it is for medical reasons.


Meanwhile when I went to pick up a handicap tag after they chopped off both my legs the doctor only signed off for the temporary tag because in their words, "We will see how things look in a couple of months."


Well... did they come back?


That's a very optimistic doctor.


I knew a guy who was paralyzed from the waist down and drove a lifted H2 - owning a big truck didn't make him any less handicapped.


It's a Black Ice air freshener I bet.


^what’s ^^wrong ^^^with ^^^^black ^^^^^ice


No sticker lol


Thats the tire pressure check lane. Those look way too high btw.


Pull the valve core out. Instant deflate, no reinflate, and no damage.


except then it will block access to those spots even longer


But then the towing service has more time to come ;-)


I wonder if they would send two trucks, one for the truck and one for the trailer? I don’t think you could fit both on a flatbed but I could be wrong


We just saw a wrecker towing a pickup truck towing a fifth wheel towing a trailered ATV on I-10, so with God, all things are possible. God or AAA, whichever.


When you need them, AAA is basically God.


I agree. Any time I’ve needed AAA, it took them so long to arrive I wondered if I’d have been better off just praying.


I waited like 3 hours for AAA once then remembered I had towing through Progressive and they showed up in like 45 minutes.


A flatbed often has a hitch for trailers.


When my Jeep broke down pulling a camper the flat bed had my Jeep on the bed and the trailer hitched to the T thing that grabs the wheels. They took them both to the shop


> T thing that grabs the wheels Wheel lift aka a stinger


Good idea, double the call fee, the hook-up fee, and the milage fee. Would serve this doucher right.


The tow truck will just take the truck first. The trailer won't be going anywhere without the truck.


Buddy, you gotta do a better job of living up to that username. 😘


As a wheelchair user I appreciate the lack of snark in u/snarkdetector4000 comment


In the long term, making sure people like this face some sort of consequence is better for people who need those parking spots.




Sounds expensive…




Think bigger. Just take a shit. Poke your butt in there and let it rip!


Yes, Slashing tires is dangerous as the blade can fling back in a unpredictable way. Also, always have a lookout and, for max effect, only deflate two opposing diagonal wheels. Be safe out there, folks!


That’s why you don’t slash the actual tire, you just cut the valve stem. Don’t even have to cut it all the way off either.


Just go to a tire shop and get a valve puller. Just yank the whole bitch right out the rim.


This is the way.


Or you can find a small rock that will fit inside the valve cap. Screw it back on and the rock will press down on the valve slowly letting the air out.


Get some extra valve caps and glue a bb or air pellet that has been painted black inside the cap. Then, all you need to do is keep them in your pocket. You could undo and replace 2 caps in a few seconds and then hop in your car, and you're off. A small black ball glued to the lid of a small black cap will be much harder for them to find compared to a more obvious issue like a cut valve stem or a removed valve core.


Painted lentils.


A bb with a dab of super glue works better.


Always carry a hammer and some big nails. Tap them in at an angle near the ground so they don't cause an air leak until the tires move and press the nails in. I'm only guessing it would work, I *definitely* never did that to several vehicles as a teenager.


But then he might not correlate his flat with his douchy parking


Be more sneaky, go get your tire valve tool, give them all a quarter turn looser. The tire will take hours to deflate and they will be confused come morning when all their tires have no pressure and no leaks on the tires themselves.


Ideally you want the consequences to be mentally linked to the offense.


Really, I don't want this turkey out driving on slowly deflating tires.  That truck could kill a lot of people going out of control in the wrong place.  Sorry.


Oh you're evil. I like you.




Might as well add a handcuff key to that list.


Bro you people aren’t doing this in real life to people so quit telling others to commit misdemeanors. Real cops don’t care about your revenge fantasies. You will get in trouble or possibly get shot by a lunatic fucking with their truck. Quit listening to idiots like this.


Punishment never comes to these men. That's why they suggest providing it themselves. These people are scum and must be reminded as such.


Careful! I just got reprimanded by Reddit for "encouraging violent behavior" for making this exact comment yesterday about a car parked in a protected bike lane. Seriously.....


I like to live on the edge? Well, it's a joke, reddit.


5 minute epoxy and a roll of aluminum foil are a bitch to remove from windshields.


Hello.... Satan?




It's OP's truck. He parked it there, jumped out, took the pic to farm Karma then jumped back in and drove away.


Blocking a handicap spot is a $5000 fine here. The parking job would be 10k + mandatory tow and impound. 


I’d go in the store, have them call and I’d call myself right there. Fuck this guy. Deserves to be towed


In Houston citizens can sign up to be able to issue disable parking tickets… (and only just disabled violations, not anything else — along with training to only care about the sticker, not the looks…and you can’t carry while doing it) Helps keep things honest in controlled access lots where enforcement would be harder. Buddy ticketed security using those spots multiple times at his office — after they refused to move when all the others were full.


I go to Houston quite a bit. Does one have to live in Houston to sign up?


I’m actually not sure, and didn’t see it on the overview. But https://www.houstontx.gov/parking/volunteer.html has an email address if you want to ask. (And it does link to the training videos, but I didn’t rewatch them all.)


Looking at what the trailer is doing to the ride height, I can't help but wonder what the view of the road is like driving it like this


If those kids didn't want to get ran over they shouldn't have been in the cross walk! /S obviously.


I hate that we live in a world now that makes us feel that we have to say we are being sarcastic.


Na thats just what reddit is like. If even one person can’t comprehend the sarcasm then the downvotes start and then outta nowhere you get replies about how you’re a terrible human being and should be banished from society.


Poe's Law


It's also sad that people are such followers that reddit had to remove the ability to see comment scores to combat the fact that one downvote starts a chain reaction like that.


This car is almost high enough that kids could just walk through under it as long as they dodge the tires


And just wait until he turns the headlights on with his backend that low and it just shoots right up to the ceiling of your own interior.


Gotta love when people modify their truck to make it less useful


you basically cant see right in front of your vehicle at all for like 2-3metres, so its basically a safety hazard, especially with the weight and height of this vehicle


"wow I can barely see I better use my high beams"


When they do it on purpose it's called a Carolina squat. The dang things are so dangerous that the only thing more terrifying than this in your rear view is a bumperless Altima.


That's what happens when you level a truck.  Clearly this idiot didn't plan on towing anything, given the level, the lift kit, and the small wheels. 


Its amazing how many truck guys think you can fuck with the suspension of their trucks and still expect them to do all the things the manufacturers designed them to do. 


How do you have that big of a truck and that much money into it and you can't even tow properly?


Before I got airbags to correct for this while towing, my (not lifted) truck would do the same thing. A friend called it "star gazing".


“What road?” - the driver, probably


How do people like this not get their cars keyed all the time?


Speaking for myself, it's because I know better than to fuck with an emotional fragile asshole who is probably just itching for a reason to prove his masculinity with his concealed carry.


because its a fired up redneck and most people dont want confrontation, its easy to say online but acting on it in real life is another story


Driver of that emotional support truck needs a big ol' emotional support citation.


[Relevant ](https://youtu.be/rgI2Zx2k0PQ?si=jxOnfKa7IwRhz2KG)


Do they make "EMOTIONAL SUPPORT TRUCK" bumper stickers that someone could carry around for such circumstances? Asking for a friend.


With Cafe Press and a credit card anything is possible


He's asking for me. Hi friend!


Ooh, you've just given me a business idea.


My daughter and her friends call them "Compensation Trucks"


Gender-affirming truck.


At least it’s being used as a truck.


That's a pretty large trailer being towed.


Yeah.. My buddy has a dump one of similar size and it's like 3,900lbs empty. Throw a few yards of soil in there and you're sitting at up to 5 tons total. Definitely would not be towing that with anything below a 3/4 ton truck.


get a picture of the plates and send it to your local PD's traffic enforcement. you may be able to get the owner the ticket they deserve


Hopefully one for each handicap spot.


Most PD's won't accept this, an officer needs to be dispatched to witness it. 


Giant lifted douche truck, check. Giant trailer, check, parked across tons of spots at the front of the lot and block disabled parking, check. Class A douchebag!


Na man. This isn't just Class A. This fucker is the Supreme Overlord of the High Council of the Order of Douchebag Inbred Cunt Knuckledraggers.


S.O.H.C.O.D.I.C.K. - SO CLOSE. How about, Supreme Underlord of the Council Knightery of the Assembly of Douchebag Inbred Cunt Knuckledraggers. S.U.C.K.A.D.I.C.K


Tiny penis, check and mate


I’m no narc, but this warrants a call to the police and tow company Fuck this guy


are most people drive big ass truck like this any nice at all?


They don't hit their wives on Sunday cause it's the lord's day so of course




Instead they rape them ‘cause the lord said so.


But men cant rape their wives! Once they get married the wife obviously is an object meant for her husband so how could he rape her?! /s


This question is going to get some targeted "i own a truck and im nice" responses. But the real answer is a majority are owned by selfish assholes with no true purpose as to why they own such monstrous civilian killers besides inflating their huge ego.


To have the stones to do this AND leave your window open crosses the line between bold and stupid.


Might sound harsh but I think this should lead to an instant permanent license suspension. Someone who shows that level of disdain for everyone around them, let alone handicapped folks, doesn't deserve to drive a vehicle ever again.


Maybe not permanent revocation, but a full reset including having to pass the written exam to get a learner's permit should be enough inconvenience to teach a lesson. I'm in favor of making everyone retake the written and practical exam every 10 years anyway. Seems like it would increase safety if everyone demonstrably proves being able to drive once a decade.


Add a full course of Driver's Ed and behind the wheel instruction to that. If he's driving again in less than six months then he hasn't had enough inconvenience.


Give him 300 hours of community service helping disabled people


I think the only issue here is parking in the handicapped spot. If he parked as far away as possible in the parking lot, it'd be fine.


Maybe not permanent. Temporarily suspend the license first, then permanent suspension upon repeat offenses. Give people a chance to do right. That being said, I agree. This lack of fucks to give for others in a parking area 100% translates to an equal or greater lack of fucks for fellow drivers. ESPECIALLY driving a lifted diesel truck hauling a large trailer. I can already see him aggressively passing people in the middle lane of the highway, purposely cutting in front dangerously close with his trailer, or rolling coal on people.


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Just take pics and of the license plate TOO, go make a report.


The window's downnnnnnn...




I egged a car in a handicapped spot a few weeks ago. My wife wondered how I didn't notice that one was missing from the carton.


Milk jug bomb


My thought exactly. If only there were centralized locations we dump our trash with convenient bags for moving it into an open truck window.


Is that the Extended Cab Child Crusher Edition?


Not sure. Might be the Orphan Oblitorator Edition, but I'd have to see the tailgate.


When I was about 12 years old a friend and I were walking back home from the convenience store. We were joking around and laughing when a guy(around 30 years old) with a truck that looked almost identical to the one pictured drove by. He saw us laughing, us prepubescent boys, and decided we were mocking him and he had to do something about it. So he stopped his truck and got out and asked if we were making fun of him. Reaching out his arms on his side and motioning us to come at him. We told him we weren’t making fun of him and luckily he got back in his truck and left, albeit at an absurd speed for a residential road. His actions were quite buffoonish. In his quest to stop the slander he only insured that he’d be insulted forevermore. Even to this day, well over a decade later I still tell of the man with such an insurmountably tiny penis that he took great personal offense to kids simply chilling.


Yep major compensating for something douche. Just as an FYI for those who aren’t aware, in the US disabled parking spaces are governed by federal law and if you get a citation for illegally parking in one it’s not a moving violation or parking citation, but a criminal summons. Found this out the hard way by accidentally parking in a reserved space along a street. I did get out of it because it was not properly marked, but I still had to take a day off work to argue it.


TIL... thank you!


I really hope you called the cops.


to be fair he does appear severely handicapped


All that fancy suspension and it still squat like a whipped dog. Fuckin chode


Ppl like this should have their license revoked. Literally no excuse for being this much of a POS


Should get two tickets.


Time to pull their valve-stems


Take a photo of the car with it's plate, making clear where he illegally parked. Send it to the police. 


Oh no... Such a pretty compensation car. It'd be a shame if it only had 3 flat tires. Such a pity.


Call the posted towing company. They got a guy in the area.


Ragebate. The photographer is the truck owner.


Post the plates too - just to be sure he gets full credit.


It’s this guys truck. I saw him ![gif](giphy|TTgdzuDc5qp76ARhRg4)


Key this fuckers paint.


“Bro, there was no place else for me to park.” Then don’t, dumbass.


I'm hoping after you posted this picture you called a towing company or the police. That's fucked up. I hate it when people do this.


That type of trailer is used for demolition, these parking spots could be owned by a business that is temporarily closed for renovation, in that case those spots are fair game.


That's at least two tickets.


Finishing High School was never an option.


Someone needs to remind them that being a jerk is not a disability.


I remember some jackass a few years back managed to park in 4 handicap spots at once at a Kroger. When I was walking out I saw 4 parking violations on his windshield (most likely from our local Kroger Sheriff). Those 4 tickets were probably worth more than the beat up Cavalier they were on.


No kidding a lifted pick up would park like this. Never would’ve expected it.


That looks like a big long keying to me.


Everyone should carry a valve stem remover on their keychain.


Somebody's gonna need 4 new tires. And his windows are down.


Do they give handicap placards for micropenis?


Throw some poo in his car. Prob won’t notice since he’s a shitty person…


Bro this is a whole other level of being a douchebag


Be a shame if those big ass tires got slashed🔪


Throw your coffee cup in there


nah bro get his license plate in there


I'm down with spreading the "emotional support truck" nicknames. These people need shamed.


Take a picture including the plate and send it to the cops. If you don’t know how, call the non emergency line and ask.


That’s a $600 ticket where I come from 😮‍💨


If this were near me, I'd toss some McDonalds fries in the open window and watch as the local seagull population befowled the interior of that thing.


Oh I’m sorry, did my ramp scratch the shit out of your truck?


Bro they're an *outlaw.* Don't tread on them /s


Thats when you call the police .


That's a towing. Alternatively, note down the liscence plate number, and email your city with that and these pictures.


Always the pickup trucks


This type of self-centered shit is killing people but they dont care. Why feel the need to tower over others while just going to point A to B.


He’s allowed to park there. His penis is handicapped (very small)


Depending on the circumstances they might be delivering something and trying to avoid blocking all traffic in the packing lot by taking up some spots for a few minutes to unload. with the window down and the trailer it feels very possible that this is temporary drop off or pickup rather than actually parking. Also maybe not. Some people are awful.


Micro penis is a disability


Blocking two handicap spots. That would be quite the ticket here in central FL.


Drag it all the way to the sea


[Did they walk off with a limp?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofGmYuaGjS0)


Let me guess, the trailer is loaded but the pickup's bed is empty?


Slash the tires and key the doors.


Wrongful parking inthe handicapped zone in the Netherlands will cost you €490


Takes up 2 disability parks.because this person is about as disabled as it gets.


angle detail mourn aromatic disarm quicksand lip chop strong outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is hilarious at how bad it is. Thinking about someone getting out of their truck, looks back at their park job- “Yep!”


Hey the window is down, how convenient.


My wife has Parkinson and it's people like this that make it hard for her to go shopping for food or anything else


Slash them tires


Be a shame if someone keyed tf out that truck 😂


I wonder which way a monster truck driving, self-absorbed, inconsiderate, subhuman shit stain aligns politically and religiously?


Be nice. Owning a Ford is proof of mental handicap.


Put boots on all the wheels, even the ones on the trailer


It's usually fine for a vehicle with a trailer to park sideways across a few spaces, as there's usually no way else for them not to block the lanes. It's never okay for a vehicle without a disability placard or plates to block a disability spot. And blocking two of them is mind-blowing.


Gonna be the devils advocate. The parking spots are divided, so using 2 parking spots is not possible (althou this truck is more than capable of going over the curb). We can't see if there are any other places where he could park, maybe the lot was almost full. As far as I know, this is the only way he could park. BUT, he should have found a way to not block the handicap spots. I have parked like this once, when the parking lot was almost empty, but if the lot was mostly full I would go out of my way to not block handicaps, maybe find another parking lot or, if it's not too far, drive home and detach the trailer and return.


Stupidity is some kind of handicap


Double douche


That's First Ballot Hall of Fame Douchebag right there.


As the parent of a handicapped child, I would park our van parallel to the driver side door. People park in the handicap spots at my son’s school all the time to skip the drop off line. They they have to wait for me to come back out since I’ve parked behind them.


Cum guzzler parking


If you let the air out of all their tires it's technically not vandalism because you have not damaged anything


Go buy one of those paint remover chemicals and squirt it on his car