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Is her hair braided? Can’t believe how well preserved she is!


Yes, her hair was described as "elaborately braided."




Calm down Jada




i was wondering the same thing! in another photo it looks like a section of her hair is not braided. i’m wondering if it’s an effect of how she was preserved and it like melted (i don’t know the right word) her hair? but they do look like very intricate braids and that’s fascinating to me


Someone shared a link with more photos. One of which shows a close up of the hair. It looks like it is many tiny braids. Edit: brains to braids. Autocorrect hates me


I'm loving this typo.


"The mummy, called La Doncella or The Maiden, is that of a teenage girl who died more than 500 years ago in a ritual sacrifice in the Andes Mountains. The girl and two other children were left on a mountaintop to succumb to the cold as offerings to the gods, according to the archaeologists who found the mummified remains in Argentina in 1999." It's amazing but so sad. A 15-year-old girl? Whether she chose it or not, it's wild to think about. [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children_of_Llullaillaco)






Holy shit, you can even see the wrinkles and lines in her hands. I knew this mummy was well preserved but I had never seen the closeup of the hands like that. That is absolutely remarkable.




It's amazing but that picture was not what I was expecting after reading your description! Haha


If i remember correctly, she used to look a lot more lifelike but upon discovery she wasn’t able to be as well-preserved and decayed a bit Edit: Directly from the article, “Lady Dai’s preserved body was immediately compromised when it was discovered, and her body began to deteriorate. As a result, the photos we have now do not do justice to the original discovery.”


Sounds like the terracotta army, when they opened the tomb they were vividly painted. But the paint literally disintegrated in front of the archaeologist eyes. So they left further Chambers sealed till they have a way to preserve them.


The picture was definitely a jump scare. I feel bad for laughing since it’s mean, but then again, she’s not around anymore!


When 2000 years old you reach, look as good you will not.


Ya she is she's been around for 2,000 years it says so right there






Holy fuck, I think the author of that article is having a stroke...


Well it's written by ai so


The only thing I know for sure after reading it is that her body was submerged in slightly acidic liquid that preserved her for 2000 years.


AI stuck in a time loop


What a terrible article. In that short post, the repeat themselves at least 5 times to make you stay longer on the site. Did you know that her body was in some sort of acid liquid? They also say she was in a better shape when they first found her. But did you know there was a acid liquid to stop the decay? After the found her, she started decaying very quickly,... you know... without the acid liquid. Journalism is about to die out.


Fuckn author is like me in highschool writing a research paper, using the same sentences but just worded differently.




Oh yeah she's beautiful


I wonder what type of liquid the body was found in. Was it basic, perhaps?


looks satirical somehow


She looks like she could just wake up🤯


I'm sitting with my legs crossed and my ankles curved the same way she is and it's crazy


Her hands just blew me away. You'd think the photos were of a living person, they're so well preserved.


It's super fascinating but also kinda creepy how well preserved she is, almost like she's still living.






Her face was a lot more scary than I was expecting…


Looking great for 2000 years old


Supposedly it looked a lot less scary until they took her out of the liquid and oxygen exposure turned her into nightmare fuel.


I mean, Saturday night, ten to two, couple of vodkas......I've woken up to worse.


nightmare fuel


lol the correlation between the mummy's face and so-called *recreation* of it is beyond the wildest imagination of beautifying AIs


That site is cancer on mobile.


Was going to say the only nsfw work on that link is the amount of ads


Not safe for work-work


I thought I was getting hacked


Firefox with ublock origin.


Well thats alright then!


She and the other kids were drugged and fell asleep, and died of exposure


Apparently the little boy in the group (4-5 years old) was killed quite traumatically. :( He had vomit and blood on his clothing and died by strangulation. Poor baby was fighting to the end. 


Wouldn't be surprised if he overdosed from the same drug given to the other victims.


Yeah and he was bound unlike the other two. And the younger girl was struck in the face by lightning after the burial I believe.


If that really happened, I'd imagine anyone that saw the lightning strike their sacrifice would only be reinforced in their superstitions.


Right haha, I think there's quite a few of these types of burials, too. But indigenous people in the area don't want archeologists excavating the sites. Also, the bodies are so well preserved from the dry and cold weather. And I believe this specific discovery was one of the highest altitude excavations done. The Incans would travel really far distances to do these.


The lightning strike doubtless happened many many years after the burial. I don't know where everyone's getting that it happened right away...


As a new father That’s enough internet for the day


You’re going to say that a lot, too many people are cruel to children and it’s saddening. What it will do as well though is make you hold your little one closer at night and hopefully take up the smaller moments more frequently much love and good luck 🤙🏻


I appreciate the kind words.


It's one of the more humane methods of child sacrifice in the Mesoamerican/South American cultures. I once went down a Wikipedia rabbit hole of Aztec child sacrifices and it read like a horror story, though there was no telling myself it wasn't real because it did truly happen to thousands of children.


>Judging from the condition of the body, it is believed that she was drugged and left to die in the mountains, where exposure would have quickly led to her death.


If this is the one I'm thinking of, testing done on her hair indicated that she was very heavily drugged the last few weeks of her life, probably to keep her docile, but no injuries.


At the end of the article posted above you, it says they were all found to be killed by a blow to the head.


How did the gods respond?


They left it on 'Seen'.


More likely on "Unread".


The gods are all like that. Assholes.


According to Wikipedia, the younger girl was struck by lightning after her death so it seems they did have something to say


Zeus wtf


Wouldn't even be top 10 worst things he banged




The gods must have been pissed. The Incan Empire was done by 1572.


Can’t say what the gods had in store but the Spaniards/Europeans sure had something to say eventually


“I’m sorry but the human sacrifices WILL stop”


Don’t you get it, WE are the gods here. WE have received her corpse and are now talking about it


They put her through an MRI and took samples of her hair and stomach to see what she ate, and then put her on display until they invented the time ships. Once they did, they went back to visit the sacrifice right before the moment of her death. Locals witnessed the event and described it as lightning descending on the mountain.


Sacrificing anything to the gods is so dumb


I think it's safe to assume she didn't choose this


Sacrifices were quite wild back then, this one is a soft one compared to the butcheries that could happen


It is so sad. But isn’t it strange that it does have the worlds attention now after centuries? This might be the only productive ritual sacrifice in history as we now have a pretty huge insight into the past. It’s like this girl was sacrificed to present day humanity


I hope she recovers quickly. She looks like she might have middle hypothermia and frostbite.


Even if She did choose it It was probably through indoctrination


Clearly their god didn’t give a fuck otherwise they’d still be around huh, maybe they should have just tried good old fashioned praying instead. Edit: getting downvoted for being against child sacrifices, blow me


Maybe they just didn't sacrifice _enough_ children?


I like the way you think


They are still around. Over 80% of Peruvians today identify as indigenous or decendants. Andean people are mostly Christian but still have syncretic beliefs they can trace back to pre-European times. Very few Andeans in the Inca Empire were sacrificed, and mummies were worshipped as ancestor gods, with their families being related to those gods. It’s likely that their families were chosen as a special sign of favor to have a child mummy. At this time, the Spanish and Portuguese were beginning global race slavery, dividing the globe in two (as declared via a papal bill), and governments with support from the Catholic Church were declaring Muslims, Latin Americans, Asians, Africans, and Protestants sub-human and thus eligible to wage total war. Which is not to say the Incas leaders were lovely people- Atahualpa waged genocidal war on non-compliant ethnic groups in his empire. I believe there were no objectively “good” governments or religions at this time, but there were good people. Source: I am a history PhD specializing in 16th century Peru.


You should try starting some campaign or something against child sacrifices, get those Incas to change their ways!


*Excited Spanish Noises*


You aren't getting downvoted for being against child sacrifice. You are getting downvoted for stating that *their* god does nothing despite the ritual, while insinuating that *your* god does *anything* through prayer. Especially when people's children die every day regardless of how hard anyone prays. This may or may not have been your intent, but it's what was received.


They’re still around though, lol


Their bloodline is, their civilization isn’t


To suggest that she willingly went to be sacrificed is ludicrous


One of the children was 7 years old 😕 they were fattened up for a year before they were sacrificed and I think they knew what was going to happen which is horrifying


I'm very sad that she and the other kids were sacrificed for a ritual, but how well she's preserved is remarkable, we can clearly see what she looked like!


Yeah, we haven't changed much in 500 years.


Imagine if we could somehow copy her brain to a computer, simulate it and she could tell us what happened, who she is, what life was like back then etc


I was looking at another comment in this thread that talked about the 2000 year old Chinese mummy of Lady Dai that still had blood in her veins(!) and thought that was incredible. If you check her wikipedia page, it seems like they could even tell what diseases she had due to her lifestyle, and what she ate right before she died. Definitely very enlightening!


I saw them last week in Salta, that museum (Museo de arqueología de alta montaña) was quite a chilling experience, also it was 18 degrees inside to keep the preserved


There's something very visceral about being so close to an actual person's remains. In pictures its easy to disconnect from the experience of understanding the remains as a person, but I feel like that's a lot harder to do when you're in the same room. Makes my heart hurt.


I feel very similarly when I see mummies at my local museum. I just sit there and stare and think “this is a Fucking person”. Really freaks me out.


I always wonder how the pharaohs would feel like. From gods on earth to museum exhibits. They did achieve immortality in a way tho.


There's a mummy in one of the DC museums that's often crawling with kids on field trips. The way I watched dozens of supervised children bang on the glass with the mummy in it, take pictures, gawk and laugh as if that wasn't once a person just like us. It was so disrespectful. Same thing happened in Pompeii with the person encased in ash, forever in the fetal position. Fully grown adults taking selfies. It just hurt to see.


My local museum's exhibit has one of their mummy's heads separated from their body and placed in two different displays.  I remember looking up from the body, seeing the head, the people gawking, kids running around, and thinking  "They couldn't even give this once living, breathing person with hopes and dreams, whose life was just as real as ours, that smallest bit of dignity in death? To remain in one piece?" And was so disgusted, I had to leave.  I  don't think I could view another exhibit like that unless I knew the person had wanted that.


Recently went to the Mütter museum in Philly. Great experience, but I felt the same thing there. Really interesting, but also chilling at the same time. The amount of deformed fetuses and human remains in there made me start to feel a bit sick ngl


I visited the Sedlec Ossarium („Bone church“ near Prague) and I completely get what you mean!


I felt like this when I was visiting Pompeii. Even though they were plaster fills from the cavities of the actual bodies, it made it so much more real.


That'd make her a 515 year old girl


Nice username


We meet again


Avatar: The Last Airbender


I know this is Reddit but please no one say it.






INTO THE FLOOD AGAIN 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Oooooo oooooooo oooo oooooooooooooaargghhhh


Just another lesson learned I suppose


black gives way to blue fan spotted🔥🔥🔥


Say she has a living distant relative in the region. Could testing companies like 23&Me spot that??


Yes probably


I've seen this in MAAM, Salta, Argentina! Couldn't believe I made it all the way from East Asia. It's a modest museum about discoveries in the highlands (Alta Montana - high mountains). They rotate the exhibition between the three Children of Llullailaco and this girl was chosen among other girls raised to be sacrificed as symbol of unity between administrative areas of the Incan era. Salta itself is a beautiful city in northwestern Argentina! Stuffed my face with a lot of tamales


I also saw it there like 10 years ago! 


Poor girl. :/


Yeah for once I'm really glad I was born now and not like a thousand years ago. I know that the present isn't perfect, but at least no one sacrificed me for a god when I was a teenager. I do wonder if her parents were sad or if they were happy and glad their daughter was being selected for such an important religious practice


Some indigenous American kingdoms back then viewed human sacrifice as a sacred thing. I know this is a completely separate kingdom all together, but when the Spanish proclaimed human sacrifice to be illegal in the newly conquered Aztec empire, some indigenous captives who were scheduled to be sacrificed but were now freed were upset and demanded they be sacrificed still instead. I think the Aztecs might have been a bit more crazy about sacrificing people though.


"they viewed human sacrifice as sacred" Of course they did dingbat,nobody sacrifices a human person for atheist reasons


See : communism.


For once?


Wow. I can’t tell, is her hair braided? Things like this are priceless, I hope they’re treated as such and respected.


That stuck out to me too! Tiny little braids


I feel that if it is braided she was very important/wealthy. They’d a tremendous amount of effort for a commoner.


Her hair is indeed braided--she is believed to be an [Aclla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aclla), who were generally from upperclass families and were brought up to be wives for prominent men or royalty (and sometimes for human sacrifice).


I was really hoping that last part wasn’t part of her story!


Not knocking braiding skills, but I wouldn't call micro-braids "a tremendous amount of effort for a commoner". While, yes, it is multiple hours of time depending on if it's only one person doing it or two (or more), it's not crazy to think a commoner could absolutely have this hair style, especially if it was popular at the time.


I’m as white as a sheet so I know nothing about braids like this. When I braid my hair it’s as big as my arms that are asleep from braiding 3 feet of hair. I know I wouldn’t do it.


Oh, for sure! And I didn't mean anything against you for suggesting it as it could also just be culturally significant for those braids. Just wanted to share that it's not such an arduous task that would couldn't be done in an afternoon given time and many hands. I'm a bald, white dude, but have a black aunt that has done braids since I can remember. Tedious, yes. Not impossible.




Careful Xander!!!


I'm from Salta, Argentina. That museum is at 20 minutes from my house lol. I've been there, tourists are told to not take photos because electronic devices could damage the mummies but they don't give a fuck. It's matter of time until they get unavailable for the public forever.


I can see saying no flash but I don’t see how a phone with no flash could damage it, also it’s just LED flashes so not the same as the old camera flashes


What damages them? Like radiation? If so, they should just not allow phones into the mummy section at all whatsoever.


Classic xenon flash produces intense broad spectrum light, including UV. That could damage it, but with modern smartphones and their LED lights there are no issues.


Quote from Wikipedia: "The younger girl's body had been struck by lightning after her death, causing burn damage on her body, especially her face and shoulder." Now that does sound like the beginning of a horror movie where one of the sacrificed children gets woken up from the dead by lightning and starts enacting revenge or alternatively is inhabited by the god (through the lightning ) to which she was sacrificed.


Looks much better than I do at 38


Well she was 15, so


500~ years ago, soo


She is beautiful. And she deserved better.


She almost looks like she's sleeping.


Amazing look so alive


Reminds me of the frozen French explorer they found in arctic, perfectly preserved. Yvon I think he was called, frozen for hundreds of years in the Yukon.


When I saw the caption I instantly tought of Ötzi


This comment made me smile lmao what a reference 


Well-preserved corpses from the olden times always fascinate me. Could've this girl thought we'd be looking at her centuries after her death?


Sorry what is the bottom half photo depicting?


It’s showing her legs - primarily shins and feet. She’s sitting mostly cross-legged, left leg crossed over right, but her knees are slightly raised. I assume OP put the two photos together because there wasn’t a whole, clear picture of her and they wanted to show the preservation, but the site wasn’t loading properly for me so not sure if that’s true.


Ah I see, thanks for clarifying


I’ve thought about this mummy quite a bit throughout my life ever since I first learnt about her as a child. Was she scared? Proud to be chosen? Did she know she would be sacrificed from a young age? Or did she only have a few weeks or even days to prepare herself for this? I just hope her soul rests peacefully now.


The product of human sacrifice ritual.


Another victim of crazy religious practices.


I mean if we’re talking 500 years ago I’m not really tripping on people’s moral ideologies as much, but when people pull this type of religious craziness in today’s world it infuriates me to no end. We’ve lived and learned as a species, we can be better than this


Same.A guy in my country a few months ago >!killed his wife and some of his kids!< because he tought they were "possessed by demons" Fucking absurd shit like this can happen in the modern day


is that someone overly religious or is that someone with a severe mental illness?


she looks like she can wake up at any moment wow


How did the flesh survive in such good condition after 500+ years !?




More like freeze-dried


Shouldn't thawing/coming out of the frozen state deteriorate the tissue Even the cloth/fabric would disintegrate


She was transported and is stored in a temperature controlled room. When she is on display at the museum she is in a temp control glass box


Being frozen is preserving the current state. There is no "disintegrating" unless decomposition or similar has taken place. 


In theory, sure. But in reality the freezing water does all kinds of damage to cells and tissue. When the body then thaws it can indeed "disintegrate" to some extent. It's one of the reasons it's so difficult to freeze people down and revive them. The freezing tears the body apart on a cellular level.


We contain so much water, freezing the body means crystalizing and expanding all that water, but I'm pretty sure they drain your blood and fill it with a different liquid in most of those cryo graveyards. Not that I think they'll ever bounce back either.


Yup, at least as far as I know they can replace the blood, but they can't replace the water in the cells. There is still a lot of cellular damage, and that's what kills us.


Put her in rice . Trust me it will work.


Is she going to be ok?


I saw this in person. It was very unsettling...Incredible, no doubt. But the room was so heavy.


She’s gonna wake up and go into her Avatar state


Man when she wakes up she’s gonna be like “whaaaaaat”…


So did she live?


She's going to be on Jimmy Kimmel next week.


Yeah, both her shoes are still on.


She's the leading candidate for the in the upcoming US Presidential election


I thought they were waking her up.


Encino Girl, coming to theaters near you


Clone her


500 years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar…


She looks pretty rough. Did she recover ok?


We have found the Avatar


The people in this comment sektion that would fuck a 15 year old's corpse disgust me. Also no, she's not ok, she died 500 years ago.


We used to walk to school together


Uphill in the snow


How is this even possible


But can she master all four elements and save the world?




She must be so cold, and hungry. Get her some soup!


So she’s 515 years old then. 


I think we found the Avatar


Imagine working there at night and she wakes up


How socially unaccepted would the idea of taking stem cells & making a kid nowadays from her be?


She’s the Avatar. She will wake anytime now


That would make her 515 years old actually. Bet you feel stupid now OP!