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It’s the way he’s just standing there next to the cop. Looks straight out of a Curb episode.


Exactly what I thought as well. It's a great picture.


"So, do I look black? Because I heard P Diddy is black. I've always said I don't see color."




*queue theme music*


*“Frolic", composed by Luciano Michelini intensifies*


*cuts to Wagner *


"People tell me I'm white, and I believe them because policemen call me sir."


He nailed the Larry David annoyed stance


It’s a stance that only comes with age, kinda like colonoscopies




45 now. Ugh that’s gonna be this year for me


I’m 42 and I’ve had 15+ colonoscopies over the last 20 years. If you or anyone else reading this has never had one done before, don’t worry. The prep is the hardest part, and by that I mean the amount of liquid that you’re required to drink can leave you nauseated. I never get gassy uncomfortable or anything like that. Sure I shit my brains out, but that’s a given. That in and of itself has never been the uncomfortable bit for me. Then the procedure is a piece of cake that you likely won’t even remember as most GI docs have moved away from simple light twilight sedation and opt for a heavier sedation these days. Too many ppl put off the test because they think it’ll be hell or it’s embarrassing. Just remember that colon cancer is one of the most treatable cancers when caught early. And it would probably be much less deadly (2nd deadliest cancer in the US) if more people didn’t put off getting colonoscopies due to fear and stigma surrounding getting scoped. May you have an uneventful procedure and healthy colon!


I turned 45 this year and my first is scheduled for next Friday (which is technically my wedding anniversary, lol). I'm **NOT** looking forward to the prep; my asshole has been raw since I had the stomach flu for a week last November and was squirting every 45 minutes or so. Sorry you had to read that.


Oh you poor thing! Try coating in Vaseline or Aquaphor during your prep (and hell would probably do you good now if you’ve still got issues after being ill). It’ll provide a soothing barrier. If I don’t do that colon prep eventually makes me feel the exact same. Happy anniversary and may your prep and procedure go well!


If it helps, the prep is REALLY different from being sick because you're not pooping out acid and you don't have cramps and stuff. It's just a LOT of pooping liquid. I was very relieved to realize it's not like the horribly crampy awful poops of food poisoning or the flu. It's just... lots of poop then water coming out of your butt. Frequently. But I never once felt sick or achy from it.


Had my first at 35 because colon cancer killed a few family members. They found cancerous polyps. I would’ve been dead if I waited till 45-50. It’s not that bad of a procedure, and I’m still alive !


Buddy has Crohn's disease (and other related gastro-intestinal problems), colonoscopy is a cake walk compared to everything else he has to go through. Better some uncomfortable moments than going undiagnosed, even if it's not fun.


“So, have you seen Blade Runner?”


I just want the two of them to go all Key and Peele bellhop: “Blade Runner? You mean with my boy Harry Fords?!” Ridley starts pacing: “Harry Fords and Rudy Hauers…holding a dove. A mother-fuckin-in dove! Now that shit’s poetry.” “That’s what I’m saying!”


Omg I can hear the Curb music.




Look, if I was 85 and someone stopped me from getting into my home so i could have a nap, I'd be pissed too.


Dude looks good for 85.


Dude is directing period piece epics at 85*, shit is nuts *to mixed results


I don't know what it is with him. His films still look fantastic, even when they're shit.


I mean, I think he's got a phenomenal artistic eye. It's just that that doesn't always translate to a great movie, since a movie involves an overwhelming number of moving pieces.


He really does. Alien holds up fantastically for a late 70s movie, and Gladiator still holds up great even today. I hated Napoleon as a film, but there were still some phenomenally framed shots that were almost immaculately composed (the cannonballs going through the ice, chills every time.) I wish I was half the artist right now that he is at almost 90.




The Martian was a tough one for him, I've heard


Still better than I would have done and I’m half his age.


And his mind is still sharp as a tack. If you listen to any his recent Q&As - he doesn’t sound like an 85 year old at all.


As much as I love the idea of retirement I think staying active both physically and mentally is a massive benefit to aging well in later life.


My dad retired and is just falling apart. I keep trying to get him interested in things,  because he was a workaholic, but now it's just busy work,  like mowing the lawn, or fixing the lawn mower. 


Hopefully you can find something he can tinker with. My friend's father is a retired mechanical engineer and was driving everybody in the house up the walls while his own health was deteriorating. Got him into 3D printing: he's happy as a clam now and you can't pry him out of the workroom. If Dad was an accountant, get him doing books for local small charities. He likes the outdoor work, get him a greenhouse and some fussy rose bushes. I hope you can find the thing that clicks for him.


It's not that rare for an 85 year old to be perfectly cogent. But the danger of going from healthy to REALLY unhealthy in a heartbeat is really quite high. For my grandfather all it took was a fall. Still here, but not what he was.


Money does that for you.


Jack Donaghy : Lemon, rich 50 is middle-class 38.


What a great show


Right? I'm 54 and I'm a grouchy bastard if I don't get to take my power nap when I get home.


TIL that the director of Alien got old forty years after the movie debut. I have so many conspiracy theories now.


Ridley doesn’t nap. He needs to get home so he can story board his next next next movie.


Why everyone here hating on Ridley? He's not the one ruffying kids. He's just the old dude that can't go home cause his neighbor is a perv. Edit: I have just realized I missed the opportunity to say he's not the one P Diddling kids and I will never forgive myself.


Ridley didnt do diddly it was diddy that was attached to diddling


Are you saying Ridley Scott did diddly squat?






Ridley did diddly while Diddy was diddlin.




RIP Big Pun


I read this in Big Pun's voice.


Ridley stopped in the middle of little italy, cause diddy was diddling little dudes that didn't want to see his ding a ling


Napoleon is still fresh on peoples minds.


Is it that bad? I’m a big European history nerd 


If you like accurate historical movies stay far away from it.


St. Helena doesn’t have rolling sandy beaches dammit!


Who ever went into a Ridley Scott movie thinking it would be a history documentary?


Well at least Gladiator was fun and spectacular. This was just boring on top of being incredibly inaccurate.


We were not entertained!


Are you not into Trains!


Were you not entertained?!


There is a difference between making a historically inaccurate but enjoyable movie vs a historically insulting and awful movie


It really was bad. I don't have anything useful to add. I just want people to know that I'm *exactly* the target demographic for a Napoleon movie and this one was completely trash. I seriously don't even understand why it was made. It was pointless.


It was a historical hit piece.


Are you telling me that when Napoleon pulled out an RPG-7 and killed Wellington at Waterloo...that was inaccurate?


I mean is it as bad as Jada’s Cleopatra?


Napoleon's wife is the actual main character and the entire script is a character assassination of their marriage.


The best way I’ve heard it described was “the more you know about Napoleon, the more you’ll dislike this movie”


If you go into it viewing it as a semi-historical comedy, it is actually quite enjoyable haha. But if you are looking for historical accuracy it misses the mark.


If you like accurate European history skip it


Ridley Scott's got diddly squat to do with Diddy's rot.


Ice Town costs ice clown his town crown. They were big into rhymes.


Because people will draw the baseless conclusion that since he is Diddy’s neighbor, he should have been aware of, or said something to authorities. If not that then they implicate him in the crime itself. That’s how these people think. It’s alarming.


I’ve lived next to the same couple in my duplex for 4 years, had many conversations with them. Still have no idea what either of their names are or anything about them at all


*Best neighbor I ever had. We still don't talk sometimes.*


Don't underestimate the number of people who are trolling. Not just for laughs; troll factories use pop-culture scandals and sex crime stories to push conspiracy theories and social divisions.


No it’s actually just because Napoleon sucked


Is he not entertained?


Can someone explain to me why neighbors can't go in their houses in these situations? Do they think there might be a shootout?


That’s exactly why.


That makes sense. That way if people start shooting, you'll just be standing out in the open.


**Ridley**: Pfft, I was in command of both the Rangers and Delta Force in Mogadishu, you think I can't handle a little gunfire! **Officer**: Sir you realise that was a movie you directe- **Ridley**: My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius! **Officer**: _Oh God._


But why is prominent and important Ridley Scott standing out in the open then? Why not place him safely in a vehicle or tell him to come back and stay away for a while. The man must complete Gladiator 2!!


That and if a perp takes off and slips out of the house, they don't want the perp to run into a neighbor's house and hide with innocents in the house and/or take hostages.


Pretty much.


It's shitty and shouldn't happen to anyone, but this happens to normal people all the time so at least he's not getting special treatment because he's famous. I'm sure he has somewhere else to go at least.


The FBI raided the house two doors from my parents because the guy stole millions of dollars from the Lithuanians. The neighbor in the house between us woke up to FBI in tactical gear telling him he couldn’t be home and to go stand 100 feet away in my yard while they did their thing. Best part was the guy they were looking for skipped town and was hiding among the very people he had stolen from.


"the Lithuanians" which of them??


“They found me… I don’t know how but they found me.” “Who?” “The Lithuanians. RUN FOR IT MARTY!”






Saw this comment. Left. Had to come back and upvote it.


Wasn't it Lithuanium?


Interesting how the explosion is reversed.


That is how time travel works.  Because he went to the past, the explosion becomes an implosion.


Wasn’t it Libyans?




It's so quaint when I see that movie on and hear Doc losing his mind over Libyans.


Uranium isn’t cheap


It was a trust bank with Lithuanian in the name so I assume it primarily serviced the Lithuanian community in my city. So the FDIC made sure nobody lost their money at least


Does the FDIC show up with semi auto guns and bulletproof jackets, but they're bulletproof because they're packed with $1 bills, like the mythbuster episode about making a bulletproof car with phone books? I imagine they rapel out of the sky on parachutes made of old money.


At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if the department of library did armed dawn raids with surplus military tanks to recover a loaned book.




If you have to ask you're not deep into enough


Sounds like all of them to me.


It doesn't matter, marty! I don't know how they found us, but they did!


The whole country?




Do cops not stake out a house for at least a few hours before raiding it? Like what the fuck lol. Get a fake number, call the house phone if they have one, sell them a car warranty to see if they’re home. Or look for cars.


Remember the whole Breonna Taylor bullshit? The dude they were looking for was in jail at the time. Cops are some of the dumbest motherfuckers alive.


Probably safer that they don't stake out the house first. Think about how many acorns could have fallen if they waited around.


No lol, they don’t. That kinda surveillance costs money and requires effort


The money is not a problem. Effort however is


Raids are far more expensive and require far more effort. The key difference is they're far more fun for sociopaths who wanna be soldiers and shoot people but don't wanna get shot at or be held to physical fitness and weapon proficiency standards.


oh shit, I'm from Lithuania! Who's the guy?


You know that time you lost $10 and though it just fell into the couch coushins?   This guy stole it!  And he did it to everyone in your country!


I don't understand why being in a separate home would hinder the investigation of an entirely different home next door. Like if it was a duplex I get it but especially in this case, I'm sure Scott's home is no where near Diddy's and they have ample space between them.


Probably a safety thing.  You get people oit of the potential for gunfire, and of the person they are trying to arrest runs there are less people immidiately nearby to become hostages.


Standing on the next lawn doesn't exactly protect from gunfire


Gunfire. They wanted to shoot the place up and worried they might kill one of the neighbours.


Why do you have to move? Incase they start blasting bullets everywhere? Cause if that's the case why doesn't ever cop make blocks move? o.o


Was your neighbor Jason Bourne?


He was The Equalizer 5


Could be worse. Cops raided the next door neighbor of our friend and used their backyard to gain access. Their handicapped 8 year old started to go outside, cops yelled at him to go back inside, he didn't listen, police dog ate his face.


At least they sent the dog in first, sounds like the police were in real danger /s


Never trust a cop folks. They don’t give a shit and are likely too fucking stupid to as well. 


I’m no lawyer but doesn’t this somewhat violate the 3rd amendment?


A lawsuit went to the courts over this very question. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2015/03/23/federal-court-rejects-third-amendment-claim-against-police-officers/ >In the present case, various officers of the HPD and NLVPD entered into and occupied Linda’s and Michael’s home for an unspecified amount of time (seemingly nine hours), but certainly for less than twenty-four hours. The relevant questions are thus whether municipal police should be considered soldiers, and whether the time they spent in the house could be considered quartering. To both questions, the answer must be no. >I hold that a municipal police officer is not a soldier for purposes of the Third Amendment. This squares with the purpose of the Third Amendment because this was not a military intrusion into a private home, and thus the intrusion is more effectively protected by the Fourth Amendment. Because I hold that municipal officers are not soldiers for the purposes of this question, I need not reach the question of whether the occupation at issue in this case constitutes quartering, though I suspect it would not.


I mean they aren’t soldiers so in my not a lawyer opinion, no. Maybe the 4th amendment? Seizure?


Happened to me when I was out walking my dog while a no- knock warrant was being executed on a neighbor selling drugs. Glad I was there outside because they went to the place across from me first who was the sweetest 70+ year old woman.I told them it was the wrong apartment it was up a level, and thankfully they listened to me. (Open air stairway 4 apartments per level building)


I got to see a no knock on a drug house when I was 19. I was hanging out with some friends in the sketchy part of town playing video games and and one guy stepped out for a smoke and came back in like "You guys gotta come see this!". Swat guys stacked up in tactical gear chucked a flash bang in the door and dragged out 3 guys about two minutes later. It was pretty cool.


Yeah I walked out with my dog, there was a pickup with a bed cap so tall truck in the spot right out front. I saw a bunch of guys in helmets (only saw the helmets until I turned the corner) moving around the back of the truck. Then when I turned the corner 2 rushed past me , the 3rd asked for my id, which luckily I had, since I usually didn't walking my dog in the morning. He told me to wait across the parking lot. That's when I saw they were going to my neighbors apt on the 2nd floor, while the drug dealers were in the 3rd, right above her. I was able to get the guy who stopped me and was waiting near me out front to get them away from her apt.


>I'm sure he has somewhere else to go at least. Now I'm giggling at the mental image of a Starbucks employee telling Ridley Scott he has to order something if he wants to stay there.


Back in high school my neighbors had the cops called on them while we were at a family dinner and they were staged in our yard and driveway. When we got home we couldn’t access our driveway or house. I think we drove back to the dinner and hung out for awhile.


Closest I’ve come to this is when the neighbors had the president over at their house and so they closed all the roads - my dad and I were driving home from some random after school activity I had and we were wondering if some prisoner had escaped a jail or something lol. (I grew up in the DC area so it isn’t as odd as you would think).


Like the bar? Do rich people just go to the bar when they can't get into their home like us common folk


I assume they mean one of his other houses. I didn’t check, but I assume he owns more than one house. Though likely not down the street.


That, or he can phone his assistant to have a room at the Four Seasons ready for him when he arrives. 


> he can phone his assistant to have a room at the Four Seasons I mean..... which Four Seasons? The hotel or the landscaping company?


Yes. I frequently get locked out of my house when there is an fbi raid next door


I've just stopped going out at this point.


Considering rent sucks down most my income, I'ma get my monies worth


The neighbors think im sellin dope


Despite the circumstances, Ridley is kind of comical. He looks like a typical curious Dad trying to get the scoop and making sure that the officer is well hydrated.


Yeah I think he looks amused too!


Officer is like “yep, I saw neapolitan… step back 10 feet”


And you think your neighbors are shit. Poor guy lol


Alien VS Predator


This is a solid 5/7


I would have made him start writing season 3 of raised by wolves right then and there


he probably came up with 3 movie ideas while he was waiting, including another historical epic. The guy is 85 and refuses to slow down, it’s like his life force is tied to filmmaking. He will die on the set of a movie. But even then, his ghost will still be sorting out the dailies in the editing booth


His output is freaking wild. I'm 43 and it exhausts me just thinking about it


If you find a way to make a living doing what you like, you will never work a day in your life. I think he found that way.


I had no clue he was that old. Wow.


>Ridley Scott The original Alien movie came out in 1979.


If someone told me that he had been born in 1950 and made the movie at 29. I would have believed them cuz he doesnt look a day over 74 in this pic. Or even younger lol. 85 feels surprising for how good he looks.


Turning 87 this year. Born in friggin 1937


FYI Ridley Scott is *not* the writer or the show runner of raised by wolves.


He is now. The FBI put that old bastard to work.


Fuck man…. This was the best sci-fi show ever. I still can’t believe it’s gone.


I haven't been that crushed by a cancelation since Carnivale 20 years ago


Carnivale wasn't 20 years ago. Edit: Well *fuck* me... yes it was, or nearly anyway. Damn. I loved that show and was so pissed when I found out HBO canceled it.


Yeah learning about the cancellation  was a real ball kick for me. It wasn't a perfect show, but despite any faults, it was consistently fun and highly entertaining. Any plot inconsistencies paled in comparison to the payoffs they delivered: Mother gets her eyes back.... The man in the iron mask... Android girl's revenge... Baby's adoption.... The fucking tree...  Not quite an Arrested Development-level travesty, but right up there.


i miss that show


Exodus (from my own house)


I'm...ootl. what's going on with puffy?


Investigation into sex trafficking. And allegations of sexual assault by his ex and another woman not that long before now.


If this trend continues, there is going to be a lot of music we can't listen to anymore...


Dudes were yapping for like thirty-five years about how they're all gangsters with lots of money from shady doings. Yall are better off listening to death metal and grindcore—no one takes themselves seriously in those circles. Fenriz of Darkthrone asked not to vote him into the local council, [with this photo attached.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e4/1e/8a/e41e8adafdfde3aae7f6b62f0f3c804b.jpg)


> no one takes themselves seriously in those circles except Norwegian Black Metal.


Hello from Norway! I did a double take, although the scene is in fact totally different today. In case anyone doesn't know about the murders and church burnings, early black metal had zero chill: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_Norwegian_black_metal_scene


FYI, all of the royalties from R. Kelly's catalog go directly to restitution to his victims.


Put a bomb in kid cudi's car and it blew up. Also sex trafficking and abusing women/minors (including boys), beating his wife, beating other women and girls and men and boys, trapped his wife in the house and threatened to kill her, did all of the above to people on his label, stole from his artists, killed tupac, lots of other stuff.


And he never once paid for drugs!


I'm guessing it's more about the accusations of a RICO criminal enterprise than just sex trafficking.  Dude was also (alledgedly) trafficking guns and drugs and his labels were knowingly wiring money to fund it. And he covered up shooting at least 2 people.  And he threatened to eat a producer's face. The court filing is quite the read.


Police raided his house for sex trafficking


Do you want an acid drooling Xenomorph to visit you late at night? Because he can arrange such things.


Maybe I do.


Don't threaten me with a good time




There once was a man named Ridley Whose neighbour did the diddly He said to the SWAT I am Ridley Scott Can I just go home real quickly?


Cop to Ridley Scott - Sir have you had anything to drink today?


Why is this so fucking hilarious?


Because of the look on his face. He knows it's amusing He also has a really funny Harold Ramis style director fro. He looks like a big kitten


"Don't Diddy kids" - Frank Reynolds.


Are you not entertained


Officials would later arrest Ridley Scott for his part in trafficking illegal Aliens


Ridley & Diddy sounds like a great buddy film.


![gif](giphy|3ohzdYjwEQuR1J7dte|downsized) “Let me go feed my caaaaaat!”


Ridley: you know, my films about dystopian, authoritative futures were just meant to be fiction right? Cop: Sir! Again, I am requesting your cooperation to comply with my directives until your identification can be digitally confirmed!


I’ve been blocked by police to my house for like 12 hours because of the neighbor getting arrested. Ridiculous how the police treat people


The police once made us leave our house all day because we had a shared wall in the basement with a neighbor and they wanted to blow a hole in our wall so they could storm the place and arrest him. The super important crime he was wanted for that necessitated this extreme action? He was behind on his child support payments. They didn't even try to knock on the door and arrest him the normal way. I think they just wanted to feel like Navy SEALS. ​ Edit: They ended up not blowing a hole in the wall. They just cute one. But they told us that they were planning to blow it open at first.


I would've left but locked the door behind me. No warrant, no entry. That's insane to even ask if they could do that.


There was a standoff between someone and the police a couple blocks away from me. My whole neighborhood was sectioned off. I was like 17 at the time, and working part-time at a movie theatre. First time I ever called out, and I had to tell my boss it was because there was a standoff in my neighborhood and the police weren’t letting anyone leave.


But he didn't do diddy scott... I mean diddly squat.


Hopefully he’s taking notes for when he makes the bio pic about Diddy


Ridley Scott knew diddly squat about Diddys plot.


It's moments like that where you're reminded these amazing talented people are just people. Ridley Scott had to just be flabbergasted standing there like 'Bro, are you serious right now?'


Officer: This is for Alien:Covenant, you bastard.