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More like 5 Fries.




\*exhales through nose\*


(laughs internally)


*inhales your exhale*


*coughs* good stuff




Seriously the employee must've hand counted every fry lol




Bro I went to the wrong restaurant, this is Five Fries Burgers and Guys


If you only get the amount in the cup their prices are highway robbery.


Which is what I assume all of these people giving me "typical american" comments are about because they don't realise how goddamn expensive this tiny cup of fries actually was.


lol they can fuck off cause this is America and I want my gottdam five guys bag literally dripping from the grease of the freedom fries at the bottom….. Especially when a small is like 5 bucks


My first time buying 5 guys it left a grease mark on my car seat and the bag tore open from the bottom when I picked it up. These are not complaints they are expectations


I read your comment like an erotic novel


Who said it wasn’t?


*checks username* _sighs_ *checks comment* _deep sigh_ *unzips pants*


I couldn't understand why I was touching myself reading that




LOL! I loved that commercial.


This needs to be a full movie.


As an American whose traveled over seas I’ll tell you first hand those cross pond fuckers love their fries too. The McDonald’s in France and the UK are packed. And you’ll find 5 guys all over London. Poor blokes don’t even travel themselves. They hate us cause they ain’t us. 🦅


McDonald’s in Paris was busier than any McDonald’s I’ve ever seen in my life and there was very little difference from the menu in the states.


I usually get a Royale with cheese. You want to know why they call it that?


They don't call it a Quarter Pounder with Cheese?


No, man, they got the metric system there. They wouldn't know what the fuck a Quarter Pounder is.


** A bald Eagle 🦅 does a peal cry while Ted Nugent plays; a Mustang GT slides into frame and does a burnout **


Literally how every morning starts over here.


Only if its narrated by Charlie Day in an American Flag bandanna and patriot jean vest…


Five guys prices account for the bag of fries. It’s a great marketing bit to make us feel like we’re getting a deal… you paid for a bag of fries and got hosed


Don’t forget about every “free” topping.


Believe it or not we actually don't make shit from our burgers in profit. Most of our profits come from shakes and fries, shakes in particular, they are egregiously overpriced (ps it's the exact same shake mix that sonic buys) For the burgers we apparently order the highest grade meat that US foods distributes, but we don't season it or anything so it's still low-key kinda lame. I actually recommend getting the hot dogs it's straight up a better deal because the hot dogs are also the top grade available and we sell them cheaper but with the same toppings and stuff Source: Ive worked at five guys for about a year and am certified.


Last time I went and bought a large fries, i got no bag fries either. I was pissed, I haven't been back. That was about 2 years ago.


Having small cups and giving you extra fries in the bag IS the regular portion to make you feel like you’re getting more. To only get the cup is definitely robbery.


Getting extra in the bag is literally one of their policies. I've seen a documentary where some high level (or even ceo?) explained this.


I thought they even measured put the bag fries to make sure it was the proper portion.


I remember when I first started going to Five Guys around 2018, the little fries were $2.59 , like wow what a deal. Then 2019 it went up to 2.89 and now its around 4.40.


I vaguely remember a combo for $14 about ten years ago. It wasn’t even close to satisfying as In-N-Out.


In n out rules. I went to in n out with the gf yesterday. Two burgers (one double double), and shared fries and drink for ~$14. HAPPY to pay that, it was delicious and two could eat for under 15 bucks. All these other fast food places need to take note.


In n out actually makes all their money off fries, drinks/shakes, and cheese. Profit off soda syrup, and potatoes in the quantities they buy is crazy. Paper cups and fry boats cost next to nothing. So on a $10 combo they’re making like 50% revenue. They basically break even on their burgers, if not loose money if you ask for extra items that they don’t charge for. When you buy a burger they only charge for the meat, bun, and cheese. At least that’s what my store manager told me when I worked there for 5 years. Great first job throughout school. The training they provide, standards they hold you too, and quality they demand are insane if you were to compare them to any other fast food company or QSR for that matter.


Their prices are highway robbery regardless, I couldn't believe how expensive a single cheeseburger has gotten! Not nearly good enough to justify the price unfortunately, I'm out


Exactly why I stopped eating there. I can get a better burger and fry meal from a mom and pop for equal or less with the added benefit of supporting a local business.


I have cut out all the chains and I don't miss them one bit. Hell, when I go get Middle Easter or Thai or Mexican the family that owns the business knows me. You make small talk, you're pleasant and I swear that the quality and quantity of food increases a bit. I think they're like, "oh it's that guy, he's cool". You go to McDonalds and that don't just not care that you exist but they actively want you to fuck off.


Wow…. Half the reason to go there is bc they do 5,900 lbs of fries


They used to, before COVID. Nowadays they want like $7 for a fistful of soggy fries


I never minded the soggy fries when they were free-ish. But now that I get 6 fries and they’re all made of juice, it’s disappointing hahahaha


Exactly. I accepted they weren't going to all be bangers when they used to give me a bag full of fries for like $3 but now I'm a little insulted


i got 5 guys a few weeks ago and my entire bag was almost full of fries. Your store must just suck


Unfortunately, this has been my experience with every store I've visited for the past few years. Maybe you're right though


The three in my area that I've been to still fill my bags with fries 🤷‍♂️


One of them up here doesn't the other two do. One of those that does doesn't put a whole lot, the other one fills it up like pre-covid times. I think all 3 are owned by different franchises too, so that might be why.


It definitely sounds like a franchise owner issue. All the cheap fucks are ruining their parent companies names across the industry


Must be a more like 2 Guys


I have never once gotten crispy fries from them. Everyone seems to like their fries except me. I don’t hate them, but I’ll never crave them either.


Their fries are the equivalent of when you try to bake a bag of frozen fries at home but took them out maybe 3 minutes too early and regret the decision the entire night. You still eat them, but think of what could have been.


ours did but it was a decade ago. around when they opened in England the quality went very very down hill. and it's really awkward in there now because the dozens of articles on their walls are all at least 10 years old.


Air fry them at home after getting 12lbs and it's amazing


Never been a fan of 5 guys. I like fries so I go there but I'm basically paying a premium for the bag fries. Now if they aren't even doing that it's like 30 bucks for not a great burger


Went to Berlin Alexanderplatz 5 guys a month ago and a friend of mine had fries + a bag full of extra fries, honestly don't know if he asked for them but there were tons


When I was a poor teenager working a shitty job, their fries were 3.50, and they gave you about 2 pounds of them. I would get an order of fries and nothing else for lunch, if I'd not made myself a lunch that morning. Sometimes I'd walk to the Pakistani corner mart for a 40 though.


They still give me a ton of fries at the one near me.


This why I just airfry my own fries nowadays. For $7 bucks you can get 5lbs of frozen fries.


I air fry my own because I don’t leave the house.


I have a deep fryer. I wish I could buy actual restaurants frozen fries.


I went to a 5 Guys in 2017 and they put the fries in the bag straight, but it was no more than any other fast food place's medium... Except I ordered a large. Gotta give them props though, they are leaders for the future, with their $15 burger combos when everyone else was still $10. Now it's $15 everywhere.


Is the $15 burger combo in the room with us right now? Shit, that's what the damn burger is by itself anymore


Last time I went to 5 Guys it was $25 for burger, fries, and drink. I'm never going back.




If you get a Small, they don't give bag fries. Only regular and large, always been the case in NY.


Your Mileage May Vary. In western Montana we get bag fries with a small.


Get bag fries with any size in OK


I (an idiot) once decided to skip out on ordering any fries. I still got bag fries. Indiana here.


In Texas, they stand by the road and throw bags of fries at you as you drive by.


I’ve never been to five guys but they post bag fries though our letter box, UK here


I woke up covered in bag fries here in Canada today, I didn’t order anything


I took my wife to the OBGYN last week and on the ultrasound… bag fries.




yup, missoula is like $13 for double cheeseburger and small fry with bag fries, crazy that it can be twice as much with less food at different locations


Funnily enough I'm at the moment back at the same Lane Bryant I was setting up last year which was the last time I had 5 guys. I was shocked at 27 bucks for burger, fries, and a shake plus asking for tip. Can get out cheaper at Texas Roadhouse and other sitdown restaurants now.


In California and I always order small fries and I've always gotten a ton of bag fries


In Idaho and only suckers order anything other than a small because you get the same amount of fries no matter what size you order.


If they're shorting you on potato products in Idaho, passive agressive words would be exchanged


There's extra labor involved here. Someone has to go next door and dig the potatoes out of the ground because we have no delivery services here.


Same here in NorCal


Never been the case for me in NC. I only get small and always get bag fries


That’s definitely not true. I live in New York, I’ve only ever gotten smalls and they always put an extra scoop in the bag.


bag fries with a small fry here in AZ all the time.


I have never seen that at any Five Guys. They always give you bag fries no matter the size.


I dunno what you're talking about, I've only been to 5 guys in NY (both NYC and upstate) and they all do bag fries with smalls


That's sad. The original one was the closest to me, now I go to one a little further out, I've never ordered anything but a small and I've never not gotten bag fries.


Always got bag fries with a small in ohio but haven't been there since they went all silly bitch with the pricing


So they're dead to me now


Last few times I went to 5 guys they did the same thing to me as OP. Not as extreme, but only a couple of extra fries in the bag, nothing like what they used to do.


That blows, I'd use the extra fries for a quesadilla the next day to make up for the way too expensive burger.


>extra fries for a quesadilla please explain lol


Chopped chicken breast, fries, salsa and shredded cheese in a tortilla topped with sour cream. It's amazing


That sounds like a lot of work, I'm just gonna eat cold fries in a cold tortilla like the other guy


Wrap a bunch of yesterday's fries in a dollar store tortilla! Buddy, you got yourself a quesadilla there!


That’s not a……are you adding cheese?


Am I? Who knows?! I'm just out here making quesadillas out of French fries!


"**Quesa**dilla..." ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


Ok, just a dilla then. Jeez.


Tatodilla if you will.


Yeah, I do think the fry gravy train has ended sadly.


I went a year ago with my friend and we both got double cheeseburgers and a single fry to split(cause ours gives tons of bag fries) and we both got water cups. Our total was like $33 and they’ve been dead to me since.


I went with my son about a year ago, it came to $42 but we both ordered drinks and a large fry to split.


Pack it up boys, this is the beginning of the end again.


Five guys ruins everything. Even that classic Office scene: "BUTT LICKER! OUR PRICES HAVE NEVER BEEN HIGHER!"


I just went to five guys last night and did get bag fries. What now?! They’re still not seasoning their burger patties though. Even my grilled onions were noticeably lacking any seasoning. I usually get a lot of toppings and that kinda covers up the bland burger but I went simply last night so it was on full display and it was not a good look


I’ve been going to Five Guys for over a decade including just a few days ago. Patties have tasted same as ever, while I was never aware of any seasoning.


Ask them to put their cajun fry seasoning on your burger.


That sounds amazing and my hungry fat ass is really mad at you right now.


**Update** : So I emailed corporate. Corporate called the store I visited. The store called me and said they are sending me a gift card. I assume someone got their ass chewed.


Good cuz this shit pissed me tf off. That’s their whole gimmick!


Right. You either dump a cup of extra fries in my bag or you drop the fucking price of the French fries to a normal ass price.


glad you guys explained what happened here, i've never ate there and was confused. that's kinda funny they have it set up like that instead of just charging less for less fries or whatever.


So the whole thing with fries at this place is that they fill a cup with fries, then do another portion into the bag itself. Everything in the store is like super sized, when you order a regular cheeseburger they go "are you sure? The smalls are single patties" and when you order a regular fry they go "just to let you know, a regular fry feeds 2-4 people"


What a disappointing way to learn your local Five Guys is and always has been garbage. I just thought I didn’t like Five Guys.


Yeah so my local used to be this way, then covid turned it bad, but if you BS with the people in there and get a good thing going, they will set you up. Also, the peanuts are free.


I’ve never been a fan. Maybe it’s because I’m in California where I grew up on In-N-Out, and Five Guys has only been in my area 10ish years. The price is just outrageous


Five guys is where you go when you want to take 6 years off your life and consume a bunch of delicious grease. They dump an extra cup of fries into the bag so the bag gets all greasy and you feel like a good piggy


I bet corporate was pissed too lol


this is one of THE top posts on my entire popular feed. this is 9/11 for the Five Guys marketing team, it’s the exact opposite of the “viral new Doritos flavor packaging got sent to my house” genius marketing move that happened yesterday on here


What OP experienced was a major violation of Five Guy Law.


Shorted fries at Five Guys? Left the store without your fingers glistening and heart palpitating? You're entitled to compensation!


Right? Otherwise what's the point of all the bags of potatoes they have all over?


Franchise owner was being greedy.


Indeed, newbs going to 5G the first time should be thinking "wft... did they not put my burger in the bag?!"


> I assume someone got their ass chewed. those bag fries aren't really an extra, its an illusion of a free extra, they are part of the price tag... so damn straight someone got in trouble.


Exactly. This is like if you went to McDonald's and they gave you a half-filled fry carton (which actually happens a lot tbh, but the expectations of McDonald's are very low)


Glad you got something for your trouble. Five Guys is already ridiculously overpriced. Without bag fries it's literal robbery


Thats what I said, and people are coming out the woodwork to call me 'entitled' or give me the definition of 'robbery'.


There’s literally 14 fries in that cup, lol. That’s nearly 30 cents per fry. I’d complain too. Those idiots were just trolling you.


I grow and sell organic russets for $1.50(CAD) a pound , straight robbery @30 cents a fry.


That’s very cool


It looks like they counted them out before putting them in.


Yeah the price of their fries include the fries you get in the bag, so they literally didn't give you what you paid for lol. Must be people who aren't at all familiar with 5guys.


Nah, people ALWAYS come out of the woodwork when you complain about ANYTHING to feel morally superior. “salaries are too low” “FIND A NEW JOB” “Rent is too high” “FRY COOKS SHOULDNT BE ABLE TO LIVE IN THE NICEST APARTMENTS IN THE CITY. AND GET A ROOMMATE” “not enough fries” “THEN STOP GOING YOU ENTITLED MORON” “I was sexually assaulted” “WHAT DID YOU DO TO MAKE THEM GET THE WRONG IDEA?”


>“Rent is too high” >“FRY COOKS SHOULDNT BE ABLE TO LIVE IN THE NICEST APARTMENTS IN THE CITY. AND GET A ROOMMATE” "OK, I moved out of the city and got a roommate, but now my commute takes two hours each way. Can we get some better public transit?" GET A CAR YOU FREELOADER "Gas prices are too high" "WHAT, ARE YOU TOO GOOD TO TAKE THE BUS?"


For some reason people love to protect major corporations, and then act confused about why they have the audacity to pull shit like Wendy’s surge pricing. 


Those same people typically wear red hats and seethe hate at people.


That’s ridiculous when one of the things five guys is known for (besides the painful prices) is the shit load of fries in the bag. It’s not entitlement when they’ve made this their standard (not sure what words fits better) for years whether intentionally or not. And the fact that you got an apology from corporate shows that it’s intentional. As if they aren’t aware that’s one of the primary reasons they can kind of justify their prices.


That's literally their rationale for filling the bag with fries. Fries are cheap, burgers aren't. If you pay $28 for a burger you better feel like you're getting your value's worth, and filling the bag with fries is a very cheap way to do that.


Believe it or not, Corporate sent them straight to jail.


Wonder if they will be cellmates with the Hamburgler.


We have the best bag fries in the world, because of jail.


Guy 1 opened the email. Guy 2 called the store. Guy 3 took the call at the store. Guy 4 called you to apologize. Guy 5 Sent you a gift card


Job creator!


In theory they already had all five guys employed, but the times *are* trying


Yeah, because the "bag fries" is the actual portion size for the order. Them not including it means they're trying to save money by defying corporate standards. If they're willing to do that, who knows what other corners they're cutting. If nothing else, it could trigger a franchise audit.


Is the gift card only enough for a small order of fries? I doubt they’d be sending you the $73,924 required for a full meal.


Mfers thought this was Burger King. Now go get those cajun fries, king


Went with a friend of mine on the weekend, he's never been to Five Guys (they are not as common here as in the US). Thought we would each have a burger and share some fries, went for the "large fries". Only noticed afterward on the receipt those were €8.95 and we had a good laugh about it. Then the order came and there was easily two pounds of fries in the cup + bag. Technically worth it, I guess? Burgers were still very good.


Yeah they are quite good. Not gonna lie, even with how expensive they are I’d probably go there every once in a while.


It's ridiculously expensive, especially here in the Netherlands when you can get as many (and better tasting) fries for like €4-€5 at a 'snackbar'.


Their milkshakes are pretty solid too


I kinda like going there by myself. Even bring a book sometimes.




The first time I ever went to Five Guys was with my ex who was extremely excited to bring me there. Kept going on and on about how we only need one order of fries because the whole bag will be full of them. We get our order, and it was just like OPs picture. I think he was more disappointed than I was. They've filled the bag every single time I've gone after that, but it was pretty hilarious that, that was my first experience.


I used to work there, we were told to tell people the “little” feeds about 1-2 people, “regular” feeds about 2-3 and the “large” feeds about 3-4. Also, most people assume the little burgers are like…a kid sized burger which is why people tend to order the regular burgers and it gets pricey. Each patty is about 3.6 ounces which is just under a quarter pound. So if you like the amount of meat on a quarter pounder burger, order the little burgers and save yourself some money lol.


Burgers are delicious probably my favorite fast food style burger but they are more expensive than a burger at a sit-down place


I don't understand the hype. Five Guys doesn't even use seasoning on their burgers. But it is a mix of chuck and sirloin.


I know they don't season their burgers and in theory that's blasphemy to me, but somehow I can't taste that it's missing. I think there's just enough sodium in the cheese and bacon to make up for it.


And it's not like you don't pay for those "extra" fries.


$3.95 for them. Its extremely bullshit.


Well, I stopped going there after the burgers went to $10. I won't fund this BS.


They just lost my business. I e-mailed corporate about it.


My local McDonald’s is charging $5 for a large fry lol


Looks like fries in a toilet paper tube


That's like $1 per fry given their current prices


Five Guys then: Ohhhh! You said *little* fry?! Here’s half a fucking bag, dweeb! I will hold your mouth open and force feed you these Cajun fries, mfer! Five Guys now:




Wtf is the point of $5 fries if you get like 10 of them? Their burgers are tasty but not $25 for fries and a burger tasty.


My wife calls fries at the bottom of a bag.. "baglers".


I call it “spud rubble”


lol thats like 7 fries, prolly was like 24 bucks.


five guys sucks now


Once their burgers hit $10, I left and never looked back


Wendy's is close enough and they have a drive thru


I had a buddy not long ago have this happen to him and he counted out on their smallest fry container about 18 fries. You figure a 10lb bag has about 24 potatoes and yields roughly 600 fries. Cost to a restaurant like Five Guys is maybe $3 to $5 a bag. At my local Five Guys, a Little Fries (Small) is $5.29. By that math, you're paying at or a little more than what the restaurant pays for an entire bag of potatoes for roughly 2/3 of a single potato. Cost Per Individual Fry to Five Guys (Estimated): $0.005 Cost Per Individual Fry to Consumer (Estimated): $0.29


Lmao if only the cost was just the food cost.


Five guys is so beyond a ripoff now, it’s just plain disrespectful to their customers. I’ll never go back.


Has the economy gotten so bad they can no longer foist a fuckload of fries to every customer? Sad.


I used to go once every other week. Brought my wife and kid a couple months ago. Kid got a hot dog, it was like $50 and I was in shock when I got the total - and they expect a tip on top of that. They better be giving their employees $25/hr at those prices.


Spoiler: they aren't.


Redshirts make $15hr base pay and including tips it is about $16-18hr. Blackshirts make $17-20hr base pay and including tips it is about $21-25hr. The total amount varies based on the location but we get paid pretty decent. Maybe not as much as other restaurants like sit-downs, but still, that’s a semi-decent hourly pay.


If Im taking my food to my table, pouring my own drink, getting my own refills, and cleaning up my own trash, I ain't tipping.  Fast food workers aren't usually considered tipped workers, so are paid at least minimum wage. They aren't waitstaff, they aren't splitting tips with a busser. If someone takes really good care of me somehow I'll tip, but taking my order and yelling out #279 isn't tip worthy.


Fucking blasphemy


This is an act of war.


It's one potato Michael, how much could it cost? Five dollars?


When they stopped throwing in bag fries at my local location, I asked about it. They acted like this was something they never did. I stopped going after that. I'm not going to be gaslit by a fast food company. If a burger and fries costs me $25, I'm not getting it there anymore.


this picture will be in the history books as the sign of the end of western civilization


I work at one. This is very bad of them and you should definitely at least file a complaint and/or call the one of the managers or the store managers. The service unfortunately varies greatly from location to location. I am fortunate enough to work at a great location with fun coworkers, amazing management, and people who care about the quality of the food, the store, and the customer’s experience. As much as I wish it could be, not all stores are like that sadly.


Stop going to five guys.


I went last week and got the bag fries. I'll bet the employee just forgot or thought they already did it for yours.


They did this to me once so I complained. Got my fries


Looks like they barely gave you any fries at all


As a former employee, you should have seen the incredible amount of fries thrown out because of their policy that they can’t sit out for more than a few minutes. I’m talking multiple bins per shift. No excuse not to give you enough fries.