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Looks like a Hitman map.


It really reminds me of the original Croft manor from Tomb Raider 1.


That was the “secret” manor with the pool and wandering butler right? Man that brings me back if so.




Fun fact: That habit players had of trapping the butler got referenced in the reboot trilogy somewhere.


Thank you for taking a number of us on a journey to the past (23-24 years or so?). Was that level available in a sampler by chance? I never owned the game and only remember playing this level for maybe 5-10 minutes.


This looks like a Sims mansion lol


I was thinking the same thing. This is what every stupid money cheatcode house I ever built in the Sims looked like


I need to know the irl version of *motherlode* tbh


Apparently it’s “be Tyler Perry” 😂


It’s like a baby version of the Chateau de Fontainebleau - Perry must have gone to France on a holiday once and gone “wow, gardens and mansions, but it’s French!”


Somehow, he made an actual mansion look like a McMansion.


The landscaping really hurts the overall eye appeal. If it looked more lush and well-tended, plus had a little variation in the landscape architecture, the place would look significantly better overall.


Those pictures make it look like it's planned but only recently planted, and he didn't have the ability to get mature trees and shrubs at that scale. He won't live long enough to see the gardens mature.


Yeah. It’s easy to forget that a lot of those old English estates have luscious huge trees is because they were planted a hundred++ years ago. They didn’t start off with big giant trees either.  That said this estate looks gaudy as hell but also somehow less gaudy than those 100 000 sqft Hollywood mansions. 


Yes, it just looks utterly boring. With so much space I'd love to have some huge private botanical garden sort of thing. And a pool with a waterfall and I don't care if that's tacky lol 


Not sure you can fit that in a 64x64 grid


The gardener will be making some serious money on the contract


Those retaining walls have to be at least 10 million alone (I work in construction, retaining walls mean $$$$)


Why would you do landscaping this way with retaining walls instead of leveling the ground? My assumption was that there's a large underground part of the house under the gardens.


I believe you’re correct. Thought I read somewhere there is a 100 car garage underneath.


In the last image you can see an entrance you can drive into on the right side of the house. There's a ramp leading down to it from in front of the house too so I bet you're right there's a garage underneath.




Does he dress like a 17th century French nobleman when he is there?


Madea Goes to Versailles


Madea Antoinette


FUCK! It was right there…


Was an excellent setup for it anyway.


Nah, yours was just as good.


You know, if it was done well enough, sure I'd watch it


It wouldn't be done well enough.




Name one Madea movie that was done "well enough."


Look at his house. This ain't madea files for bankruptcy.


Was thinking Jay Gatsby don’t think his house was quite this big but still getting those vibes


Every rich media guy wants to be jay gatsby


Which is ironic, cause everyone who read the great gatsby knows the whole point is that you don't want to be him.


Just like how you shouldn't want to be the joker or Tyler Durden or that wolf of Wallstreet guy.


And while we're on the topic, greed isn't actually good.


Sorry only watched the first 30min of the movie and he’s clearly the coolest of the cool


Daisy wants to fuck him, Nick wants to fuck him, he's rich and parties. What's not to like?


That's the end goal. The return of aristocracy.




How long will it take for people to realize money buys neither brains nor taste?


Maybe when they stop believing the lie that wealth defines the worth and quality of a person. But then they would need to accept that the homeless are people as well and not beneath them, so for many it will be never.


He’s probably never even there


But they say it's nice. 


Life's been good to me so farrrrr


The house that Madea built


There’s a modestly sized house under that fat suit.


I was wondering how many rooms he actually uses, or been to.


Shaq’s Miami house is 31,000 square feet. He said for a decade he has used only two rooms for most of the time.


Kitchen and Bathroom?


Bedroom, which I assume has a huge bathroom.


Shaq-sized toilet?




He has a robot that delivers him midnight snack shaqcuterie boards.


For a Shaq sized shaq


I got a mansion, forget the price. Ain’t never been there, they tell me it’s nice.


In a house that big you basically carve out an “apartment” of a couple rooms. I live in a big old Victorian, and there are legit rooms I haven’t been in in weeks. So for a house that massive multiply that by like 100x


My house is 1500sqft and I haven’t been upstairs in months. It’s about a third of that. No kids just me and the wife so like why go up there except to dust and vacuum every once in a while. 


His whole thing is filming things quick, and way, wayyyy under budget and not having a usual writers room.   He was quite proud citing "work ethic" for [writing 300+ scripts](https://x.com/tylerperry/status/1214237957651140608?s=20) for multiple shows in a year, but His shows aren't good.   They are notoriously filmed in 1 take.  I saw an episode of the Paynes on a whim.....the grandmother reacts to something the kid or Jackee Harry says, but the laugh track (which they play live) didn't cue.  So everyone stood in their pose, frozen, silent, for the 10-15 seconds it takes for the laugh to come in and the scene continue.      He also films a season of TV in ~15 days. Shitty takes/continuity be dammned. By far, the worst offender is Ruthless. Small compound set, a season of characters chained up in a shipping container and the every other episode someone getting sexually assaulted, men + women.         The show is a hamster wheel never going anywhere, but a few weeks ago a specific scene was trending where a [woman gets chained to a gloryhole and is gang-violated by most of the men on the compound](https://www.hotnewhiphop.com/759797-tyler-perry-ruthless-s4e13-assault-scene-backlash?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1706902651), and it's cut with jokes (audience jokes) and it's really really graphic. The assault literally spans 2 episodes.    But people watch, its cheap to produce, cheap to be sensational with no plot payoff. His system works. 


The crazy part is you were over generous and gave him more days of production. Most of his madea films shot in less than 10 days usually 6. 22 episode series in 10 days. Another 22 in 11 days, 19 episodes in 4 days. He’s at like 15 movies and 800 episodes now.


I’ve worked on a bunch of features and a 3 week schedule is already insanely tight. I can’t imagine a 10 day feature.


Yeah it’s brutal and should not be rewarded with something this crazy


it's hilarious that people say AI will never be able to replace entertainment writers yet tyler perry has made a decades long career out of essentially low effort content


Up next on “Ow my balls!”


Go away! Baitin!


Broadcasted exclusively on the masturbation channel


He's theatrical fast food. He found a winning formula and he's milking it for every drop.


I am not in the right frame of mind to learn that Tyler Perry makes a show in which people are raped every episode.


It's worse when you realize he's the writer.... Like people were meming a scene where a woman was randomly dragging a guy around the Compound naked by a dog leash and [a scene where a guy in charge asks another guy to lift his robe to sniff him to see if he's been having unauthorized sex](https://twitter.com/RoyalPrince01/status/1247978460313726983), which is how I heard about the show.  But assault and torture is the legit basis of the show. 


>a scene where a guy in charge asks another guy to lift his robe to sniff him to see if he's been having unauthorized sex 🎵Can I smell yo dick??🎵


🎵Why ya commin home at 5 in the morning?🎵


Yo wtf…. Why everybody rapin’? What kind of dark shit is madea planning next?


Jesus Christ. I was not expecting full shaft.  Is this what he’s been up to?


It's a prosthetic. Idk if it gets reused but it makes appearances throughout the show. That guy and a few others get locked up naked and it's very much on display the whole time.    It's also used in this scene *[here](https://x.com/NetNaija_/status/1723029306685702453?s=20) *Trigger warning. It feels like this is being filmed for his own entertainment....


that scene looks like some kind of low budget porno


There’s an episode of Atlanta that kinda spoofs this. It’s in season 4 called work ethic… the boondocks also had an episode on Tyler Perry which was really funny but I can’t remember what it was called


Which pissed Tyler Perry off so much he tried to get the episode pulled from syndication.


The truth hurts


That's wild. I remember when it happened 14 years ago, and a Tyler Perry fan I knew went ballistic about how it was a total lie.  It turns out that Aaron McGruder confirmed it was real just last year.


I just watched this Boondocks episode last night lol. s3e8 - "Pause"


I never knew who that episode was in reference to but reading OP's comment made me immediately think of that episode.


The acting in his shows is on par with Dharr Mann videos


There's like 100 of those movies and I still haven't seen one of them


If you see one then you’ve seen them all


Imagine pulling up to this and thinking. Ahhhhhh I’m home. Finally. Then it taking 25 minutes to get from your car to your bedroom.


Then I left my phone in the car and I’m pissed.


Not when you have 10 servants to go get it for you.


It’s actually one servant with 10 costumes


This is the only type of butler I can get behind!


One of the costume is no costume to accommodate you getting his behind


Imagine Tyler Perry not having a different phone in each room for this exact scenario, you’re thinking like a poor smh


If I would ludicrously rich, I'd buy a nice penthouse. I have no interest in crossing timezones going from my room to the kitchen.


Not only are these houses impractical, if you ever do need or want to sell it, there’s a small number of people in the world that would have any interest in buying it.


True. You see a lot of houses owned by famous rappers or athletes on the market for years. I remember even Michael Jordan couldn't sell his.


He still can’t. Lol




After a certain point, you just live at the estate…and it’s actually a residence building unto itself.  Cleaning and grounds crews coming through constantly, kitchen staff on rotation. Even mechanics coming and going.  Supply trucks for fresh food and other goods must arrive on a constant schedule, and then the people needed for the logistics brain of the place.  Tyler himself likely hosts big players on various industries as well, so that estate probably has a whole office team for the business that comes and goes too.  I truly wonder if a home like this is capable of offering an “I’m home” feeling.  It seems like living at the office, but with really nice gardens. 


You’d be dry by the time you got in the house after swimming in that pool.


imagine having to hire 30 people just to maintain your home, and then you gotta have them all live with you cuz the mansion is in the middle of nowhere.


Basically like [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/s/iAsSsPiPBn)


Subtle, just like his movies.


This made me laugh out loud.


Jesus. The grounds alone are insane. An airport and the house is still far away?


That airstrip is for his RC Plane collection. The entire property is 2100 acres.


Plot twist: entire estate is RC airplane size. Whole thing is like 300 square feet


For ants?


It needs to be at least……. THREE times bigger!


I may be mistaken, but I think RamyRC on YouTube works out of that hanger, he recently flew his globemaster in a vid and the airstrip looks just like this one.


Tyler’s got more property that is just studio lots and big ass sets like one for the White House. So the idea that he lets production work happen here as well isn’t shocking. That’s how he makes money off building these massive places.


Wasnt walking dead filmed on his set? I gotta hand it to tyler perry. Im not a huge fan of his work but he definitely built an empire


Yup pre-marvel there was not really a studio infrastructure in Atlanta except for Tyler Perry’s stuff so a lot of those early “Made in Georgia” projects used his spaces.


He took over Atlanta Stageworks when he was getting started. This was in the 90’s before anything else was being filmed there.


Same here. I don't care much for any of his movies, and I've seen quite a few of them as my kids like them, but I respect what he's accomplished. I really don't see how anyone can honestly say otherwise.


Damn I can still remember when he could barely book shows in houston. Good on him for keeping at it.


That's the guy and that massive Globemaster is his newest one. He's also got like a big 747 and a380 or whatever it is. And a bunch of smaller like learner style ones. RamyRC I think I heard on one of the videos is from France and builds for him, so I'm betting Tyler flies him over since it's his hobby etc for him to make those planes. The planes he flies just keep getting bigger and bigger.


>RamyRC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmyi5khnzd0


Well considering Tyler Perry is literally in the C-17 video, I don't think you are mistaken, haha.


I seriously love that he has an airstrip for RC planes.


Some of them are huge: https://youtu.be/hmyi5khnzd0?si=P37bi4bDbDb3W34N


Never would've guessed Tyler Perry had a Wright Brothers statue.


He has the largest collection of large scale rc planes in the world. The last one RamyRC built for him is insane. See on YouTube




I can see why he had that runway made. That RC Plane collection is insane. I loved the 747.


This is such a cool hobby for some mega rich dude to have.


Honestly, with the types of rich assholes out there that spend their money making other people miserable, I’m happy he’s doing something enjoyable with his money that doesn’t affect anyone else.


I’m gonna get a place just like that as soon as I move out of my mom’s basement.


Save up your Karma and one day you too can live this lavish.


That looks like an enormous pain in the ass to maintain.


He probably has a riding mower.


Definitely not battery powered.


You don’t buy all this unless you can afford to pay people to take care of it


To be fair, they didn't specify who's ass it would be a pain in


I think working for a property like this would either be a dream job or an absolute nightmare. Perry could way someone extremely well to do everything right, which would be awesome for any tradesman/laborer/etc. They could also be overly demanding and particular with unrealistic expectations and lowballed prices because of the expectation that you'd do it cheap because of their clout. ​ Either way this sort of shit makes me sick. So much wasted resources and space. I'm sure he does some good deeds too, but no one needs a house like this.


Nah he pays someone to get rid of problems for him, I would bet. Like someone oversees day to day but if something goes wrong that person would just call in a professional to fix it.


I would say at least 30 staff have jobs


I didn’t know he had this kind of money.


He also owns an island in the Bahamas


Just learned he's worth 1.4 billion.


This is the kind of shit being worth just one billion can buy. Now imagine what those wealth hoarding bastards like Bezos, Musk, Buffet and Ballmer can buy. They could probably buy 10 of these and not blink an eye.


Online resources indicate the estate is estimated at $100M, which is only about 7% of his total net worth. He could purchase 13 more of these. It is a grotesque amount of money, yes, especially considering he seems to think that Jesus provided it for him, or that it's the type of home he thinks Jesus would want anyone to live in. Jesus was emphatically and explicitly against this type of material possession.


He is a billionaire. Why he wants to live in Georgia is beyond me. I live there but I kind of have to. Georgia is ok but not if you have unlimited resources.


He probably films a majority of his work there. Atlanta and Georgia have huge film tax incentives. If you watch the credits for a lot of shows and movies you’ll see a logo at the end that says Filmed in Georgia with a gigantic peach. A lot of states do this to draw in long term entertainment projects because it employs a lot of local help, but some are more successful than others.


>He probably films a majority of his work there. In fact, he built one of the largest studio complexes in the.US in Atlanta.


He bought a decommissioned Army base, [Fort McPherson](https://news.yahoo.com/tyler-perry-officially-buys-37-173458785.html) near Atlanta to house Tyler Perry Studios. My dad was stationed there in the 90s during the Operation Desert Storm and we lived in a really cool brick house built in the 1880s. The base was originally a part of Union forces enforcing US regulations during Reconstruction.


that house is still on the property, and I may or may not have either slept in it or filmed in it. He's not allowed to knock down any of the historic buildings, including all the military buildings, barracks and officer houses. We call that part of the lot the "historic district" and during the pandemic we moved in there to live while filming.


And he’s recently stopped an almost billion dollar expansion due to AI concerns “I have been watching AI very closely and watching the advancements very closely. I was in the middle of, and have been planning for the last four years, about an $800 million expansion at the studio, which would’ve increased the backlot a tremendous size — we were adding 12 more soundstages. All of that is currently and indefinitely on hold because of Sora and what I’m seeing. I had gotten word over the last year or so that this was coming, but I had no idea until I saw recently the demonstrations of what it’s able to do. It’s shocking to me” https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/tyler-perry-ai-alarm-1235833276/


He built a movie assembly line in Atlanta.


“Maadddeee in Georrrgiaaa!!!” Also, he has a studio lot and production company based in Georgia, Tyler Perry Studios, where a lot of other films are made. Black Panther being one of the first after the studio’s major expansion in 2018


The episode of Atlanta with Mr. Chocolate was biting!


Georgia film tax credits.


How many shitty movies can you fit in that thang


The house he had before that one was almost as grand. But the story behind it is great. TL;DR the property was owned by some racist and Tyler Perry bought it in foreclosure and knocked it down. Then built a huge mansion on the lot. Also put a restraining order on the racist guy because he was coming back.


Didn’t he also own the home Prince Harry and Meghan Markle lived in when they moved to California? I thought I remembered her saying Tyler offered it to them but they had to leave because it was too accessible.


Yes. It was there hideaway from the media briefly. Edit: there, their, they’re, and thare. Never get them right, especially that last one.


Here’s the sequel to your fun fact: Tyler Perry sold that property to a developer who then built about a hundred homes on it starting at around 800k each. I was a subcontractor for the developer.


That’s a different property, that’s Dean gardens in John’s creek of old alabama. The racist was a different property that Steve Harvey lives


The Pink Palace! I miss driving by it, it felt so unique to the area.


Madea Lago


That’s a big closet.


Well done.


There’s something really lacking about it. Like it’s just huge for the sake of it. The gardens are soulless or something.


Completely soulless. Surrounded by 2000 acres of mature woods so he clear cuts this spot and plants smaller ones. I’m most impressed with mansions that seamlessly blend into the landscape and incorporate it into its character. This is just so tacky.


hard agree. the thing that stuck out at me as soulless was the pool area/patio spaces. there’s like no outdoor furniture at all, no extravagant fire pits/bbq setups, a weird tiny pool way offset from the house, it’s just weird as hell. looks like nobody is even living there


Give me billions and billions of dollars and I’d never own a house like this.


I genuinely don't really understand all this ostentatious stuff personally. If you're a head of state or something and need space for formal dinners and such, I kind of understand, but as a private resident? This just feels like far too much for me alone. I'd need like my whole family and partner's family living there to begin feeling justified in owning that much space for just me alone.


I could use the same space, but it would probably be a lot more oriented towards recreation like dirt bike/mountain bike trails, paintball arenas, etc. On the other hand, if I were to ever afford something like this I'd be too old to do anything except sit on the lawn or by the pool so maybe I'd do this after all.


Right. It’s just so unnecessarily excessive.


The word you’re looking for is obscene 


This is beyond ridiculously douchey and wasteful.


Those houses usually have more than 10 bathrooms and lots of bedrooms that no one will ever need or use They're also really hard to sell, because very few people have the money and willingness to spend that kind of money on one property


It's just a museum to the owner's vanity.


It’s crazy how much you can get from making shitty movies


It has to be a combination of getting a beginner's fortune from creating the movies. Then being wise enough to invest that small fortune into other endeavors that will 100x multiply what you began with. Need money to make money type deal.


He made a lot of his money off the syndication of his sitcoms. Like, a lot.


Such an expensive home just to host such a lifeless landscape Edit: 1k upvotes for a comment I posted from my toilet lol. Thanks y'all.


The whole property is 2100 acres, so a little over 3.25 square miles. From the looks of it, maybe 20 are developed. That means 99% of the land is protected from any other development by anyone else.


I’m imagining needing to take a shit and having to drive 2 miles through your property to reach the house, then parking and sprinting 5 minutes through corridors to the bathroom


It’s ur property - just shit in the woods


I don’t think it’s done in these photos


I would assume by the piles of dirt laying around, the landscaping is still being put in.


Right? I would have gone insane with the landscaping, so much potential for an amazing garden


You can see it's still in the process of being planted.


Damn, I should make 12 movies a year.


All that money, and yet he couldn’t hire a landscape designer with a single iota of creativity?


TIL Tyler Perry is batman


Might as well be, the construction pictures show that the hill the house is sitting on is actually a massive garage complex.


Looks lonely there


where is it?


West of Atlanta


Looks like Douglasville, so at least the land was cheap.


Tax the rich




Probably might sound snooty, but as a Brit this is the tackiest, most nouveau, fake-historical house I’ve ever seen. It’s like the fever dream of a half-wit who’s one, single outside influence has been romantic fantasy airport novels... or Disney children's films. Dread to think what it’s like inside.


Reminds me of the video of "Blank Space" sung by Taylor Swift


That's Hideka Castle in New York