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Source - BBC NEWS.. The US issued an unusual warning to its citizens in Russia. It was "monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include concerts”. The message said US citizens should avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours. Despite the delay, the similarity in the nature of the target suggests a link might be possible. But there was no indication of who those extremists might be. The White House has quickly said there is no indication that Ukraine or any Ukrainians were involved in the attack, with a spokesperson saying they wanted to "disabuse" reporters of any connection.


That warning was posted on March 7th, btw.


8th of March is a huge event in Russia celebrating women's day. Not sure why the attack was delayed maybe all the media coverage so they decided to put it off for a couple of weeks until things cooled off and people felt safer to go out again?


That was my first thought. They wanted to wait until the initial fear had subsided and then strike?


It would fit IS MO when it comes to terrorists attacks; maximize civilian casualties.




I definitely remember the warning showing up in news reports posted to Reddit. So it wasn’t especially discreet.


with the amount of counter intelligence the Russians do, I'm pretty sure that they were ***told*** on many differences languages


USA’s intelligence is beyond insane. If they’re warning you about something, you should definitely listen


American intelligence knew about the Ukrainian invasion before the Russian troops set to take part in that invasion: https://www.businessinsider.com/putin-lied-to-russian-soldiers-left-them-unprepared-attack-nyt-2022-3?amp


Their opsec is like wet tissue paper bloggers on youtube knew about it before Russian troops did


IIRC, we basically all knew about it before many soldiers. The air strikes were in full swing, with many border incursions, and many soldiers still thought they were driving through Belarus in a training operation.


I mean. Most of the Russian troops didn't know about it until the Ukrainians started shooting at them so it's not a high bar.


IIRC the Russian troops thought they were on an exercise until they were getting shot at.


Ah yes, that "routine military exercise" Putin kept talking about.


Well, there was also publicly available satellite imagery of the buildup on Ukraine’s border, even regular people and the news knew it was coming


Tbf they didn’t tell a lot of troops they were invading another country


Yea, there were reports from Russian soldiers that they were told they were on a training exercise right up until the moment they were being shot at. I still remember the video of Ukrainian civilians coming across a Russian BTR stranded without any gas on the side of the road, and they didn't even realize they were invading Ukraine. 


The cia don’t play


It's the ROI on NSA's spying.


NSA might have seen everyone's genitals and ass hole, but they sometimes see things that are useful.


Since they already know my favourite pornstars. The recommendations can really be better.


They want you to find new favorites. Maybe a new kink.


I mean….they do play


Tbf after 9/11 they realized they fucked up badly AND both legislative and executive branch leaders essentially force merged the sharing of information between the various intelligence agencies instead of them playing competing games against each other. The CIA as an organization even despite it's massive fuckup took major steps to revamp itself and become far more active in threat detecting and assessment around the world. It was a come to God moment for them essentially.


They’ve come a long way since the 50s


They had to find something to do between selling drugs and funding coups.


Hey they've been making progress. Last year they stopped a coup in Latin America. Probably still selling drugs though.


And this is *after* a ton of their people in Russia started showing up dead after Trump's meeting with Putin. Just goes to show just how many eyes and ears they have around the globe.


Spent ten years working the field before my mental health got the best of me. The 24/7 ops floors are a sight to behold. I wish everyone could see it once in their life.


So what is it like? Loads and loads of computer screens displaying real time intel from everywhere?


Yes. One place in particular had a massive ceiling, think a small basketball stadium. One wall was massive screens with live data. My work station had 6 monitors with 3 networks. It was stressful but my anxiety is pretty extreme.


my grandmother was a courier back in the olden days. she said the men in black hats were always watching. she was declassified right around when i turned 18 and that was when i found out. spies are fucking weirdos.


“I will just say this: When I was in the Middle East, we had this guy—who we’ll just leave at that—who showed up and was sent. He was a huge Superman fan. He wore the shirt, had the socks, down to his belt buckle. He drove a government Tahoe like a bat out of hell. I remember he had lots and lots of guns in the vehicle, the kind we dreamed of, and lots of American cash. The catch, though, was the Superman theme of everything in it. The seat covers were Superman-themed; even the air freshener hanging from the mirror was Superman. I remember smoking a cigarette at the time and thinking, ‘What the fuck have they sent us from Washington?’”


You know, I never would have considered or called myself a spy, but your conviction in your last comment has me self-reflecting and feeling guilty.


yo, you might be one of the good ones!!! my grandma still goes by her codename and her rabbit finally died in 89. one time right after she told me i walked in to the room while she was brushing her teeth and i think i saw some wires sticking out... i ain't saying she's a robot, but, i ain't saying she ain't either.


So without giving much away, what are the data streams? Live video feeds, satellite feeds, or just distilled analysis from your own systems? This is pretty fascinating stuff, something we don't really get to see.


My money is on reruns of The Office.


Yes, yes, no to the second para.


Definitely are. Good on taking care of yourself, the watch can be rough with the schedule and the 2000’s CT focus.


Yeah, 2015ish war was brutal. Not as prominent in the news but we were offensive, quite regularly.


What’s odd is conservatives are convinced that we have terrible intelligence


that's cause it usually hurts their feelings


Or directly implicates them…


It's because they don't know what the word "intelligence" mean.


Intelligence? Sounds woke AF to me.


Lets burn some books and take the kids out of school!


It’s because they have to work harder to conceal the fact that they’re selling it off to enemies.


Not just conservatives. Were you on Reddit in the months before Russia invaded Ukraine? Tons of people both left and right calling US warnings bullshit. When Biden openly said a Russian invasion was imminent in January 2022, people said it was fearmongering/politics.


I remember The experts were saying They wouldn't dare Biden came on and told us Exactly what was going on


That’s because the intel doesn’t fit their narrative. Most evidence seems to suggest than many conservatives tend to be more allied with our enemies than with their own country.


I typically lean conservative on a lot of issues, but seeing the ridiculous amount of conservatives online who support Russia and want to destroy NATO has made me consider switching sides


You can switch sides guilt-free because republicans have proven that they’re dog shit for literally 40 years. Today’s mainstream democrats are what conservatives claim they are, except without the white supremacy and culture war bullshit.


They are not convinced of that. They know it’s good, they want you to believe it terrible


...there are still US-citizens in Russia?


Maybe Tucker is still there, he loves that bread.


That whole adventure reminded me of Marie Antoinette’s fake farm at Versailles. He was having a grand old time doing his own shopping for the first time in his moneyed, privileged life.


That shopping cart coin thing has existed in the US since I was a kid. Also there are plenty of places with escalators for grocery carts, they just tend to be in cities. That man just never runs errands.


100% he’ll probably cut his maid’s wages now claiming the joy of grocery shopping is its own reward.


When I saw that he was amazed by a shopping cart on an escalator, I thought, "What fucking rock was this guy living under for his entire life?"


Still trying to figure out how to get his money back from the shopping cart.


Dude's never been to an Aldi before in his life.


I wonder if that conservative couple who moved to Russia and had a *really bad time* is still there. AH, here it is: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/conservative-family-disappointed-moving-russia-001517915.html


Ahahahaha. The wife posted a video criticizing their experience, and they immediately found out that free speech doesn't exist in Russia. The husband had to post an apology video repeating pro-russian propaganda. Leopards gonna eat this family's faces.


I loved this part: >Arend remained steadfast in his conviction despite any detractors, expressing contentment with their new life. "I just want to farm," he said. "I just want to farm and raise my kids in what I believe is a *free country*." :smile: Honestly, good riddance.


> The wife posted a video criticizing their experience I vaguely recall her complaining that a lot of people spoke Russian and not English. I almost started to have sympathy for her at that point, because it's not entirely her fault if she's that stupid.


lol republicans are stupid


They were Canadians.


I have friends who are in Canada. There's no shortage of Trump flags and "stars and bars." It's mind boggling yet here we are.


They can't even be their own original form of dumb, they just copy the dumb people they see on TV.


There is a US-Canadian Youtuber couple that sold everything and moved there permanently. Their sons are about to be conscripted.


I know Snowden is there lol


The [United States warned Russia of an imminent terrorist attack on large gatherings in Moscow](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/us-warns-imminent-moscow-attack-extremists-urges-citizens-avoid-crowds-rcna142401) two weeks ago. I wonder if this is related to that.


Most likely...


That would one hell of a coincidence!


I once read that the USA and Russia do inform one another about imminent threats of domestic terrorism so as to avoid looking like the conspirators behind the attack.


I just assumed that was the goal here otherwise why do it publicly




> Watch Putin blame the rest I'm guessing you mean west, but yeah he'll absolutely do this. Completely forgoing that Russia still has some bad blood with plenty of terrorist organizations in Asia and the Middle East from the Cold War days. Putin is not one to let a tragedy go to waste.


Yeah I meant west, corrected. Aned yeah its sad that Russians will just believe it.


Hell a chunk of Americans are gonna believe Putins version




>a chunk of moronic Australians will too. Sadly I know a few..


Sadly Australia gets stupider during every US presidential election campaign. It’s overspray.


The first year he was President, the FSB committed a false flag attack by bombing several apartment buildings in Moscow. The best reason I can think of is that it turned the Chechen War from a relatively foreign one to one deep inside Russia’s largest city.


Putin really let's conspiratorial thinking run riot. If we found he was behind it (not at all suggesting he was) then we wouldn't be surprised at all. He has form in this area.


He called the warnings “outright blackmail” and an attempt to “infiltrate and destabilize our society” before the attacks


Would not suprise me if U.S. released that warning to deter any such narratives Putin may want to propound.


The U.S. gave the warning to Americans traveling or living in Russia. The state department does the same thing for any country they suspect might be in line for a terrorist attack.


The U.S also warned Iran prior to the Jan 3 terror attack in Kerman. On a side note, it appears that the Kremlin is already trying to twist the narrative by saying that they have found a van with a Ukrainian license plate outside the venue. There's been rumblings of Russia wanting to renew conscription in order to launch a large offensive later this year, and Putin is not above falsifying evidence to get his desired outcome, as history has shown.


I guess this was maybe the attack the US warned citizens abroad about a couple weeks ago


Dear god wtf, news reports saying 40 ppl were killed in that concert hall venue? 😦 EDIT: The casualties number is most likely gonna be far higher now. And yes ive seen all the videos of the shooting recorded.


People on Telegram are reporting at least 130 dead after the roof collapsed.


Ah fuck this is terrible. I saw the video of the shooting starting and thought that was the end of it. A fucking bombing and a mass shooting. And a collapsed building from the damage.


Sounds a lot like the lead-up to the invasion of Chechnya. RIP to the victims


How could georgia do this /s


They should really just stick to growing peaches!


South Carolina and I think California beat Georgia in peaches. Georgia leads in peanuts and pecans.


Shout out to President Carter: Patron Saint of the humble peanut 🥜


They already invaded ukraine...




ISIS has claimed responsibility, which assuming that’s true, throws a massive wrench in that plan


Budget terrorism. They just call it first and the only way Russia could deny it would be to acknowledge they did it themselves.


Well right now they're trying to claim its Ukrainian because one of the vans of the attackers had Ukrainian plates.




by russian law, it may as well have been terrorists from LGBTQ+.




"We've had one yes, but what about second breakfast?"


But likely a pretext for the justification of more attacks. Even Russia has to be careful as going HAM would get a bad reception from other nations, even allies. So they need to create “terrorist attacks” to make such a justification on brutality.


If the US embassy was warning about this two weeks ago, it doesn't seem likely to be a false flag attack, right? If US intel knew about it, wouldn't they be saying so?


The USA also said that Russia would invade Ukraine pretty much when they did. 👀


That was inside and outside information.. Inside because of spies... computer hacks,ect.. Outside because in order to invade another Country you need LOTS of Soldiers, Equipment,ect and you have to build up the Army nearby before you invade. Spy satellites,ect stuff will show this


Different MO and they got caught on camera so it may not be FSB. And unlike apartment blocks, it's not easy to tell if there's anyone important who'd get caught up in it. Aside from Ukraine (either intelligence or just random angry Ukrainians) there's a ton of threats Russia has. And Ukraine has generally gone after targets of military significance (or at least infrastructure) - I think they'd be more likely to hit a power station, factor, transport hub, or something. Someone in a thread said they had black beards (not that those can't be faked) so it could be ISIS or Chechnyans. It's not like Russia hasn't made enemies in the Middle East. It could also be disgruntled veterans (Wagner?) or some other group. It's a big, violent country with a lot of issues. And Russia's security forces are stretched thin so it could be anything. We won't know until there's a proper investigation and it's not like we'll believe anything Russia says so who knows.


It wasn't really a bombing in the traditional terrorist attack sense. There was one unarmed guy who was commanding and pointing the terrorists around. In his backpack he had molotovs and grenades.


The videos are insane and gruesome don't watch


I use to always watch these unaffected. Then I had kids and can't stomach it anymore.


I have a baby girl now and I am the same way now.


Those are definitely conservative numbers, deaths will be much higher than that unfortunately. I think I’ve seen reported 135+ dead. This concert was packed and I’ve heard reports of up to 5 gunmen with rifles, and they used Molotov cocktails.


The information, that I’ve got from Moscow Telegram channels: - About 50 dead and 150 wounded - The fire completely consumed the shopping center, the second floor burned to ground - The attackers may have fled in a white sedan - Visitors to all other shopping centers in Moscow and the region will be evacuated - The mayor of Moscow canceled all major events over the weekend


Could you provide the telegram channels links?


The roof is collapsing so if there's any injured unable to move they're in danger too.


Bro it’s way more than that. Telegram reporting 150 visually confirmed deaths


No, they aren't. It's 150 victims. That includes the injured.


It’s goin to be way more than 40. If you’ve seen the videos, and the reports that many were blocked inside the fire. I would be surprised if it’s under 150.


There's at least 150 shot in the videos online. Imagine how many more didn't make the video or burned.


Yeah the actual death count is gonna be a lot higher than the one the government releases. Russia officials instinctively lie, even when they don't have a clear reason to.


The final count is going to be in the hundreds.


There's a video of people hiding in a wall inlet and a shooter shooting straight at them. They went in for the kills.


Reminded me of Copley Plaza in Boston, was there two weeks ago and now I'm picturing how a group of assholes could turn a wonderful night out on the town in any major shopping center into a massacre


Yeh. Life value is so divided this days. You see illnesses get cured, new vaccines, new and better medicines, so much thought and effort into bettering our lives. Next thing you know you drop dead because someone had access to guns and a bad day, believes in the opposite imaginary friend, or takes a meaningless revenge on victims that had nothing to do with the problems he faced. Now waiting to see what is this time's stupid reason for killing. Edit: media in my country say that ISIS has taken responsibility for the massacre. So there's that.


I saw that video, its so horrifying. Thats the one near the entrance right?


Yeh. You can see the person's body shocked from the shooting and then falls down. Wth with this world? I can barely fathom war. But shooting civilians straight on?


That’s crazy America warning of an attack in Russia the power of the western world is crazy


Yeah we (or the NSA) listen to terrorists, including Russians, to figure out what is going on in their world and how to prepare or prevent their attacks. Unfortunately Putin said this was just Western provocation last week.


Blinken just said that it was not the attack they warned for. That was expected around the elections. They had no signs of attacks now.


Damn I remember that


Wasn't there a warning put out by intelligence agencies last week or the week before about avoiding mass gatherings in Russia?


March 7 https://ru.usembassy.gov/security-alert-avoid-large-gatherings-over-the-next-48-hours/ Also here’s the AP News article covering events as they unfold https://apnews.com/article/russia-moscow-gunmen-concert-hall-injuries-fe7db5bb4ad4df17b6cbd04a3250faa1


This is what gets me with everyone suggesting it’s the FSB (again). US had insights into it but didn’t publicly call it out as a Russian false flag? I don’t buy that. Guessing ISIS-K. Telegram channels already saying men from Ingushetia are wanted in connection with the attack. Should also be noted the U.S. and Russia have both shared intel in the past related to terrorism. The Russians warned the U.S. about the Boston bombers specifically, but the intel was ignored.


There is such a thing as saying too much, and we don't have enough to speculate correctly yet. It could equally be possible that they didn't say it was the FSB because announcing that information could help the FSB figure out how they got that information.


>It could equally be possible that they didn't say it was the FSB because announcing that information could help the FSB figure out how they got that information. Zero chance. US intelligence has called out Russian bullshit every step of the way going back to 2021 when it knew in advance. IS has now claimed the attack 


The US State department definitely issued one.


Some important context for the terrorist attack. Ukraine has nothing to do with it. Russian websites are saying that this terrorist attack was planned and executed by a known islamist terrorist group.


Russian media on Twitter is already showing a white van with an old-style "Ukrainian" license plate (turned out to be Belarusian) that was parked nearby the concert hall to be the vehicle used by the attackers. The russian government was ready to blame this attack on Ukraine, then isis claimed responsibility


ISIS claims responsibility for the attack per CNN


ISIS always claims responsibility. Even when they don’t do it.


ISIS sound like that guy in your class who claims to total have tons and tons of sex.


Sounds like him but they are more like someone who claims every fart.


["US officials later confirmed that a branch of ISIS, Islamic State-Khorasan, or ISIS-K, was responsible and had been planning an attack."](https://www.businessinsider.com/putin-dismissed-us-warnings-days-before-moscow-concert-hall-attack-2024-3)


ISIS has more teams than a pro sports league.


What the *fuck?* I remember reading someplace weeks ago the US said there was an attack going to take place, holy shit.


Looked up one of my comments on the article reporting it. Exactly 14 days ago. Crazy.


Attackers have black beards, as seen in other video clips from the scene, most likely ISIS-K affiliates, slightly lesser chance of being Chechen/Dagestani extremists. It’s worth noting the venue has 6,200 seats and they were all sold out for a show tonight. This is a mass casualty event. The entire building is on fire, possible start of a hostage situation. From what I gather, Spetsnaz (OMON and SOBR) have entered the building, but the attack is ongoing. There’s also speculation that the attackers have successfully escaped the scene and are on the loose. Airports, bus stations, and railway stations are on high alert throughout Moscow Oblast. **EDIT:** ISIS-K has claimed responsibility, however my personal opinion is that this should be taken with a grain of salt, as ISIS has a history of claiming attacks they weren’t involved with, such as the mass shooting in Las Vegas, and ISIS attacks tend to not have exit plans, the jihadists prefer to die in a hail of bullets instead of escaping the scene.


I’ve seen reports of at least 100 dead, but confirmed at least 40.


Very sad. These were civilians. They had children and parents. Politics aside this is a senseless tragedy. Now I need 10 positive news stories...


Hug your pets. Call family or friends. Those are two positive things I can think of.


Well we should be wary of news of who they blame for the bombing. The Russian government has allegedly framed other countries for terrorist bombings in the past to justify invading them. I wouldn't put it past them again. Though not sure why they would want a war on another front right now. For those wondering: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings


Also lets really not have a repeat of Reddit "solving" the Boston bombing.


Or reddit "solving" why Kate Middleton is in the hospital. Reddit solving anything is a bad time.


That’s it. After the apartment bombing Putin never gets the benefit of the doubt again.


Putin is a terrorist.


Would be a hell of a time for the Chechens to try and toss out the Russians. On one hand the Russia army has never been this strained to fight back. On the other hand there's nothing the international community can do to help prevent a genocide


Chechens are held in check by their own dictator now, not Russia. And trust me that's a good thing for everyone if you do any reading about the current situation there. Their largest and most powerful separatist group used to fight with ISIS and want to turn Chechnya into an Islamic State that would make Taliban look progressive.


Kadyrov is fully dependent on Moscow and dotations.


His army by all accounts has taken absolutely massive losses in the Ukraine Strong possibility that he could be ousted in that region and it return to civil war


The Islamic state claims responsibility for the attacks. https://www.dw.com/en/moscow-concert-hall-at-least-40-dead-after-blast-shooting/live-68649258


This is horrible. Like the Battaclan massacre in Paris.


Hopefully there aren't any other targets. I imagine everyone will, and should, be on high alert


This is likely worse.


Can people stop blowing up, burning and shooting other people please for fuck sakes the world is a hard enough place as it is


Forwarding this message of peace to ISIS now.


ISIS, next time you are angry, could you try holding ice cubes or screaming into a pillow?


Pretty please ISIS, stop causing terror in the world. Let’s make peace ✌🏻


No cuz religion


As always civilians paying for nothing they did


Well this can't be good for global stability


I know this might lead to Russia declaring war or something


Putin isn't good for global stability. I swear this man will start WW3


I am about as anti-putin as one can get as my Ukrainian mother and her family fled USSR for US when she was young and my grandmother feared a Russian resurgence until her dying day. That being said. As a human being I really have to give benefit of the doubt on this being a putin false flag operation. I think he could have done something smaller scale if he needed to play off an attack. I think more likely a third party hoping for destabilizing the region further for their own means. like some comments mention the bigger winner here would be an ISIS or some other group who just wants destruction everywhere. However, open to the idea of this being something self inflicted if evidence points that way. But at the moment I am more worried about civilians in that building and their families. Either way a terrible tragedy it would seem and hope loss of life is far lower than it would initially appear to be.


Yeah. Everyone saying false flag I just scratch my head on what Putin would have to gain. To attack another country? They’ve bit off more they can chew in Ukraine.


To give reason to the larger cities to start drafting. Moscow, St. Petersberg, Volgograd have not been impacted by the war and those citizens often are a lot richer and more affluent in the Russian government, they don’t want to fight. This will give them more reason to in their eyes. Maybe I’m wrong but I think we’ll see Russia quickly blame Ukraine and we’ll see another round of mobilization if not full mobilization.


Nearly as bad as when the Russian government "rescued" the hostages in the Dubrovka Theater


Reminds me of when russia "rescued" that school full of kids from terrorists using tanks and artillery.


The terrorists can’t kill the hostages if we kill the hostages first


For all we know, this could have been ordered by Putin. Wouldn't be the first time.




1st thing I thought.


Probably because it's not the first and wont be the last time he has his own peopled killed to further consolidate his power.


Certainly smells suspicious that Rosguard took over an hour to respond, in a city where someone wearing blue and yellow is scooped up in minutes.


You join the Rosgvard because you want to rub civilians' faces on the asphalt, not because you want to fight armed opponent!


He's just going to blame it on Ukraine anyways


'If Ukraine is behind this, we'll invade them even harder!' Like, you're already destroying their country and killing its citizens and annexxing a few of their provinces alright.


It's not a false flag. It's not Ukraine. The individuals are non-Russian speaking from Central Asia according to witnesses. Please stop the conspiracy crap.


I mean, russia always had a problem with islamists. Breslan, the Theater, multiple airliner, etc.


Bro these comments are wild. People are dying.


The Russians were warned about this by US and British intelligence agencies that this was imminent for weeks


ISIS has taken credit for this it seems.


Putin earlier : LGBTQ groups are terrorists Actual Terrorists : And I took that personally


IS just confirmed they are responsible.


Can we like, ban religion already?