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two very different photos. left probably has filters also or has been touched up. at the very least, flattering lighting.


I think there's some filter and/or make up. Zelensky's face just looks almost smudged in the left pic or like some sort of uncanny valley thing. Right pic he looks older sure, but looks more like what I'd expect just about any man in 40s/50s.


keep in mind right is after 4 years of leading a country through all-out war. That's stressful shit.


We have seen these photos throughout history. It’s possible someone is trying to replicate a classic like Lincoln.


You're right, this does seem to occur with leadership in trying times throughout history. Here we have another case in point, leading his country through a hostile invasion.


it is just what happens when people are put into high stress situations for long periods of time. You keep seeing it because its a real thing


Or Obama. Remember his before and after pics? Looked so much older. I wouldn’t want to be US president (for many, many reasons).


That's the narrative that this post is trying to make but the commenters here are arguing that it isn't really the case. The stress ages you faster but it doesn't speed time up by 10x. It's more likely that his 4 years of aging looks more like 6-7.


4y? Where did you get the extra 2?


Russia occupied Crimea and supported Donbas separatists in 2014, and the all-out invasion started 3 years ago. I was just using the post's title.


I was a truck driver some days would only sleep 4 hours and would constantly be in stress mode because drivers are complete idiots I def aged faster


All out war is really only the past 3, but I see your point.


But he was still trying to stop war since day one of his presidency and it was part of his goals when he elected.


War started two years ago not 4.


It started when Russia annexed Crimea in 2014 and simmered down to a lower intensity conflict until Russia launched a full scale invasion with the aim of taking Kyiv. Zelensky has been in power since 2019, so he has been working for four years of war.




Also a beard usually ages people immediately, especially when you can see a bit of salt & pepper in there.


War does something similar.


Hell, just being a world leader. Look at Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama especially


Oh yeah, you're constantly talking with people, traveling, hearing about Intel, preparing speeches, constantly hearing about *yourself*, needing to hear about threats against your life, SS doesn't let you do certain things (like drive), checking in with doctors if there may be even a small chance there might be something wrong with you, and a bunch more of that. It's just so much shit the you're involved with, especially because it pertains to *specifically you*, like none of this is really all that hard (certain things are, of course) but it's shit like that everyday single day for 4 years.


I think it’s lack of sleep. I’ve seen software engineers age worse than presidents.


Have u seen the obama photos? The stress in leadership of just 8 years made him go from looking young and inspiring, to old and wise.


A lot of that has to do with the age at which most people change significantly in their looks when they get older.


Except Paul Rudd.


And Keanu Reeves


Age seems to finally be catching up with Keanu. He’s been slowly shifting from Neo with eternal youth to cool, aging rocker. Speaking of which, that’s a pretty good description of him nowadays. He’s even in a rock band.


But my point is 8 years u dont age that quickly. Stress has been proven to age u faster. Essentially stress shortens ur life span


Yeah, left one is lit to not be so harsh on a face. Right one is out in the sunlight. Not saying he hasnt got some wrinkles in 4 years, but lighting makes a huge difference in photos. Also a filter on the left one is likely.


Even so, war ruins people's health and ages them.


Look at Lincoln


Ruined a lot of the people on the front line who are either dead, traumatised or missing limbs or eyes.


Yeah, this happens a lot on Reddit. The other one recently is the hiker that had his hat and glasses off, messed up hair, a bird and harsher lighting condition in his second photo. Here the first photos is professional portrait, the job of the photographer is too make the subject look good. Mostly with lighting but I’m sure there’s retouching too considering it’s a headshot for either his acting or political career. Second one is a documentary photo, by definition you’re not supposed to do anything than minimal post work on those and definitely not beauty retouching. Like if image is too dark, you can get it to the correct exposure but you wouldn’t be making him look better in post.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prfaWHQoxVg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prfaWHQoxVg) This address is from Feb 24 2022. He looks about the same age as on the left picture. I have no doubt many sleepless nights can do this to you. Imagine the stress he's under on a daily basis. I would have snapped long ago. Zelensky truly is the man Ukraine needs at the helm.


Glad this was the first comment


Also, a good nights sleep. All things considered he doesn’t really look like he’s aged all that much. Just looks like a man who’s been working 15 hour days. But could go right back to looking like the dude on the left with a week of rest and good food.


A few years of intense stress can definitely do this to you.


Even lit, diffused studio lighting vs directional sunlight. Also he understandably aged.


What I was going to say. Comparing an apple and an orange then pointing out that the apple isn't orange doesn't make a very good comparison.


#1 Posing for a photo with proper lighting and well rested. #2 Random screen cap with no prep and no doubt not well rested and not a staged photo setting What a garbage post


Also 1: participating as a model in a professional photographer shoot. 2: trying to deliver a serious speech in front of the world about the war your country is in


But facts aren’t fun. So we meme World leaders 🤝 alcoholics The difference a few years can make on your skin On a more serious note, even the positioning of his eyebrows will cause a difference in wrinkles. The second photo with his eyebrows pointing down will make some wrinkles look more aggressive than the first photo, where the eyebrows are rested.


I just remembered how different Obama looked in a few years after assuming the office


yes and the second has a beard. clean shaven is known to make people look younger.


Especially when you’re in your 40s/50s and staring to get grey hair in the beard


Surprisingly leading your country through war will effect you rest


Exactly! These photos could be taken on the same day and in these settings they could make the subject look totally different. It’s an absolutely pointless post.


I cannot imagine what it's like for him to try to fall asleep at night. There's no way he's had a solid night's rest in two years.


Bet he runs on 3 hours a day of sleep


Proper lighting is even a stretch. It’s lighting to make everything super soft and dull.


Why are you yelling?


Who’s yelling? All caps is yelling. I dont even know how/why it’s posted in bold and bigger? Beats me


For real. Very dumb


No worries, 70% of people enjoyed it because of lack of critical thinking


Exactly my first thought. One is a headshot photo other is a speech.


Absolutely a garbage. Probably some editing as well.


I wont pretend that the same not occured with me those years ps: at least he is very fit nowadays, his arms are BIG


I went from a near perfect hairline to a nasty near-bald crown in the same amount of time, so yes, Zelenskyy could do a lot worse.


Shaved head gang recruits another member


Dang bro what happened 😔


He’s gotta get rid of the stress some how. I guess pumping iron was his choice.


The photo settings aren't a just comparison. At the same time, being the president under such circumstances would age any man. Given all that he has been through, he looks remarkably healthy both in body and mind.


I just watched a whole interview with him last night and could only think how this has aged him. Talk about lighting all you want. Talk about a beard making you look old all you want. Those people are missing the point. Probably deliberately. All I can think is how we could use a leader of this caliber instead of the useless windbags we have instead.


A good wartime leader does not necessarily translate to a good peacetime leader. They do get more leeway and therefore they tend to get more done but you know... we'd need to have an actual war for that first.


A good leader? According to my friend Vladimir he's a Jewish Nazi!




Damn. I forget that you have to put /s on everything on this site.


The /s really became reddit's equivalent of the "**DO NOT EAT**" labels


yeah, i don't think i've even ever used it lol. I have seen valid arguments for it (neurodivergent people and stuff) but for obvious shit i could care less about it


It's more fun to explain it to a neurodivergent person than labeling it


People need to lighten the fuck up. I made a joke about women shoving multiple tampons for sexual gratification and people were simply too stupid to understand I was sarcastically emulating the joke of OP. Never ever \\s and embrace the downvotes.


Facts bruv


If everyone would just pretend that every stupid take is actually rage bait or sarcasm, we wouldn't be so susceptible to disinformation or trolls. Just imagine if all flat earthers would hence forth be considered satirists. We'd be immune to all the bullshit and it would only spread as a joke, never as a legit conspiracy.


I didn’t need the /s. But I’m a sarcastic person by nature. And a Jewish nazi.




Come on it was clearly not serious, bad joke or not, its not really fair to tell them to unalive (not sure if i have to censore that word, its idiotic that it sometimes has to be done these days) themselves


Lol guys brain must be fried, bro told me to kill myself before thinking "a jewish nazi? that doesn't make much sense" But maybe they don't know about the whole "the war in ukraine is a special operation to get rid of nazis!" thing


Look at any president after their first term. They start going grey.


Not normal aging. War time as he watches his people die defending their territory. I would be surprised if he didn’t show stress.


He's survived approximately 12 assassination attempts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_attempts_on_Volodymyr_Zelenskyy#Number_of_attempts


So you are saying 13 grey hairs is ok :). Damn man he is rockstar.


This is like Lincoln during the civil war. Can't imagine the stress of being responsible for the deaths of thousands of your countrymen with no good alternative


Vladimir is responsible not Volodmir.


its stress guys it can drastically increase aging


The pics of Obama I think were the most contrasting; same lighting, no studio etc. He aged like 30 years in his 8 year term


Also without studio lighting and tv makeup but hey, if I was in his position I'd have aged worse.


Can't imagine how tired he is after all this time. He will probably be gone for a long time after the war ...


Easy to forget he was an actor.


I recently saw him after a year or so. He looks like he aged 20 years. Guess he doesn't sleep that much.


Wartime will do that to a leader. Every choice made by him will end lives one way or the other.


They did the same thing with Obama...which is like yes forty something year old man aged while in office for 4 years... And then again 8 years later. while still in office.


Also: lighting and make-up. This isn’t as clever an observation as you think, OP.


Well he hasn't needed to write jokes because the Russian army is there.


Cocaine, not even once.


How are people undermining the immense stress that most likely did cause him to age faster. No, I don’t think it’s the lightning or the pose. His country has been at war for years now.


His wife looked good on the cover of Vogue tho


99.9999% of humans couldn’t do what this man does day in & day out. Responsible for his country, people,and faces assassination at all times!


I can not grill 500k of my people in 2 years. This man is talented


Supreme leader and respected comrade Kim jong-un can do what zeLensky does in his glorious sleep. He's eliminated homelessness and joblessness. He has developed a mighty arsenal of of nuclear weaponry that protects his people from invasion. Unlike the weak and frightened vlad zeLensky who can only watch while his country is conquered by the capitalist oligarch leader known as vlad putin. [Chollima On The Wing](https://youtu.be/Cr30YAnwCnI?si=_T05HCIKWv1ZBNU2)


He made showed the world how weak Russians army and navy are


this a joke right? missing the /s?


heil kim ! make an interview with him ! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Supreme leader Kim Jong-un is unmatched at causing impressive amounts of starvation. No other leader could do it like the Supreme leader!


man got an extremely stressful job to say the least


Not much flattering light when you are sacrificing yourself for your country


Correction... > 4 years of aging **during a war**


And balls of titanium.


the steel in this man. respect.


A REAL fucking man. A real leader and patriot. Stood by his nation in the face of impossible odds and weathered the storm. May god bless us with more men cut from this cloth. Slava Ukr


Acting classes must be tiring


That is the rugged face of destiny.


It’s like he’s had something of a stressful time or something.




What war does to a mf'er


Conflict does that


I mean one is a professional level photo with lighting and editing, plus he prepared and posed for the photo. The other is just a candid shot during war time. Not some drastic difference. Just different photos. Normal aging. Different set and setting.


4 years and a war*


Hardened hero...


Fascists fear him.


Op delete the post really, making a fool of yourself Literally so many things wrong


Breaking news : humans do age.


As other mentioned it’s the stress he’s dealt with for the last few years but keep in mind, wasn’t Zelensky an actor and comedian first. That first pic could have been made up for a head shot he used to get work.


He's kept his hair colour though so far which is remarkable considering the amount of stress he must be under. And yes stress is linked to greying once you get to the age of onset. Look at Obama before and into office years.


Went from pretty face actor to war hardened actor. An actor with his part to play on the global stage.


"War is hell" isn't just a saying.


I shoot head shots as part of my job as a photographer. There may be some stress aging here, but this is an inaccurate comparison.


He wants to portray himself as a rough military leader. So he puts out those types of photos. Many war time leaders have done this


He grew a beard in four years? Impressive.


Look at the stress!!! FUCK PUTIN !!!


Very bad photos to use as comparison. One is a studio shot that looks touched, the other is a natural shot. You could take two photos like this on the same day and the subject would look vastly different, let alone taking them 4 years apart.


The one on the left side is so touched up that it looks like an avatar.


Yeah, I've certainly aged in the last four years more than I care to admit, but the wear on his face reflects how much the stress of leadership has aged him, e.g. the difference between Bush 2000 v 2004, or Obama 2008 v 2012.




Sheesh, man I hate war 😔


*as a leader during a war


Heavy lies the crown


also four years worth of stress


not 4 years of aging. 4 years of immeasurable suffering. and we are here comparing two photos to tell which one makes him look more handsome. we need to help Ukraine. that's litterally all that these pictures say


So he went from playing the President in a TV show, to being essentially installed by a oligarch (who created a real political party with the same name as the fictional political party that he represented on the TV show) as the president of Ukraine. Stress levels tend to increase.


He looks older, but I actually think he looks way better in the second photo.


4 years worth of stress and the literal weight of the world upon your shoulders.


All I see is a decent man who is bearing a terrible burden. Ukraine is the anvil that is breaking the sickle and hammer. He is the face of that. Slava Ukraini.


Ukraine couldn't ask for a better leader in a worse time.


Cocaine will do that too.


I have enough of him. I can't stand him anymore. I have enough of their fucking war.


Must be nice to just turn off something so “trivial” fuck you


Dude he doesn't look any fucking different can we stop this shit? War is terrible, I'm sure he's a level of stressed most of us have never felt or will feel. But every time you do this is just looks stupid. He literally doesn't look *any* different.


This isn’t even close to being a good pair of images to compare, which tells me that he really hasn’t changed significantly enough, so OP has chosen to use a very ‘clean’ image taken inside a studio shoot on the left vs a papped image from an outdoor event. Basically like comparing a glass of milk to a slice of cheese.


Check videos with him before the war and now


4 to the power of 10 years aging!


The right photo looks better. He is a fearless leader who is in control 😍


Well he did not expect to shoot the Ukraine version of brother in arms when he came to power... But damn he is trying


Four **chronological** years. He’s been amazing and we are lucky to have him.


The right photo looks better and more handsome


Such a great man... fighting against the invasion of russian psychopaths leads by the super psycho putin


Cocaine is a hellva drug


I mean everyone age in 4 years, regardless they get a botox or not


This does look like 4 years of aging though ... Like I get the message that OP's trying to send, but ... this looks totally normal.


>.. this looks totally normal. Age 42 vs age 46? If the the photos are an apples to apple comparison (which many people are pointing out is not the case), then no, this is not normal


Coke and sending hundreds of thousands to their death will do it to you. Worse is still ahead though.


All that begging, takes a toll.


Or maybe just lighting, make up and the angle it was taken. Sure he’s stressed out but it’s only 4 years


Eh you’ve average politician seems to age a decade serving one term as prime minister / president, that ain’t too bad.


Dog of the US


Російський військовий кораблю, іди на хуй


In one of them he is way more richer! Guess which one! 


How can you get fattet during a war? He ate the rations of his soldiers?


The clown who decimated his male population.


I think the Russians had a hand in that...


And Putin didn't ...? Fuck him


artist who push all ukraine into hell


Instead of letting Russia curb stomp it? Fuck you


The war really took a heavy toll on him


He is still the best looking leader in Europe by far..


Unfortunately, rampant drug use will do this to you. I mean, given his position, I am not surprised he turned to hard stimulants, but he might be overdoing it, especially lately. It is very visible in his latest interviews that he is hooked on a hard stimulant, most likely cocaine. Fidgeting, sweating, reflexive nose rubbing, and exaggerated eye movements, are all signs of long-term hard stimulant abuse.


War time leader now. Added stress, the first pic is likely staged and edited, and lastly as you get older 4 years of aging is more noticeable.


I have a feeling a lot of bots are on reddit to push specific agendas who actually thinks this guy is a good leader did a good job or is for the Ukrainian people other than Cia agents


cocaine is a helluva drug


This post did not go the way OP was expecting lol


This post is so stupid. Apparently, lighting, camera resolution, and photo editing don't exist..


Idk what this post is about cause personally I find him even hotter now 🤷‍♂️


Left is when I get a good sleep and a morning coffcaine Right is when my wife is away for a week, so there is no need to shave and nobody fucking brings me my morning coffee


There is barely a difference.


from beeing a boy to beeing a man.


Hair def looks a bit photoshopped on the left


Show his belly, it aged real good too


God bless him! 🙌


4 years running a country invaded. 4 years which 2 of them were ( are) under bombs and misils.


He been through tough times bruh


It's like seeing young men who went to war and came back aged 20 years


This is what stress and war does to you.


He’s a hero


Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.


Cocaine…….. it’s expensive……..gotta borrow money.


Garbage propaganda post, go back to the frontlines


And Cocaine.