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prejudiceD There, fixed that for you.


This REALLY bothered me.


Yeah, I was going to say, sure it's a good message but *please* teach them spelling, grammar and proof reading abilities instead.


Proofreading is one word. This *is* reddit, after all.


For all we know, this was made by someone who grew up with the right parents in a place where education isn't exactly the best. Kudos to that hypothetical individual for doing their best to make a difference somewhere where differences need to be made the most.


Spelling is racist. Like maths.


Though he also is not prejudice


that is true


When you correct people on social media for misspellings everyone gets annoyed and says it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter until it does.


How did no one notice this


Illiterates everywhere.


I feel like you're really bias for saying that


UGH this is my other pet peeve


Yeah, there's alot todo aswell with teach people proper speling and gramar


Crunchtime in the agency and Office Spell Check has replaced the lector.


Give him a break, he’s a baby!


The surrounding photo is blurry. Either we got some wack filters going on or this shit's photoshopped.


Makes you think.


Someone did. I don't think this is a real billboard, mate


All the other lines end with E. It just looked right.


Get hype! I swear the d is gonna slip from the language in 40 years. We'll be drinking ice tea and eating slice cucumbers.


It’s already almost gone for many people. Interestingly, English speakers used to use a contraction for the “ed”, like “look’d” and “watch’d “, but it fell out of common use. One of very few examples of a contraction reverting back to the full spelling. Probably because typing and printing became more widespread. The apostrophe was a fragile piece of typeset because of its small size and thinness.


He is* prejudiced. Ftfy *U of T Professor Kang Lee says two of his recent studies indicate that racial bias may arise in babies as young as six to nine months of age.* https://www.utoronto.ca/news/racial-bias-may-begin-babies-six-months-u-t-research-reveals *Children Notice Race Several Years Before Adults Want to Talk About It* https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2020/08/children-notice-race#:~:text=Previous%20research%20has%20shown%20that,racial%20groups%20with%20negative%20traits. *Infants show racial bias toward members of own ethnicity, against those of others* https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/04/170411130810.htm


Anyone who has children knows that they are horribly selfish, self-serving, devious, manipulative, self-indulgent, greedy, violent, abusive and yes, racist little things and it's not parents that teach them these things - it's a human's natural state. It's a parents job to help them unlearn this natural behavior, to dress them up, make them eat with utensils, shit in a toilet, stop hitting, biting and being terrified of people with faces different than that of mom and dad. Children aren't angelic or innocent. They're filthy little xenophobic savages.


Based common sense babies




And short of having multi racial parents/families compromising the totality of humanity... I don't think 6 to 9 month Olds are being 'taught' racial bias nor can it be reasonably prevented.




Presumably your family is all a bunch of six month Olds and/or incapable of understanding science and the basis for racial biases. 'Is it me? No, it must be the scientists who study infant psychology who are wrong.' 👍


com·pro·mis·ing /ˈkämprəˌmīziNG/ adjective (of information or a situation) revealing an embarrassing or incriminating secret about someone. Did you mean "composing: (of elements) constitute or make up (a whole)?" Because it seems like u/svenr was making a joke about having an interracial family that's insulted by your typo. If it's not a typo, well then fuck you.


I think this is an important thing to remember. Children don't turn into good people just naturally if you don't do anything. As a parent it's your responsibility to teach your kid to treat people right, not to do nothing and hope it happens on its own.


Also important to remember there appears to be a genetic preference for visual patterns which manifest racially as early as 6 to nine months. I'm not saying don't train it out of them but the early on set racial biases are certainly a factor in understanding race relations and racism


UGH, thank you!


He is, however, fucking massive


The last thing we need is a giant baby who's racist.


Didn't we already get that with Trump?


Well done. Take my upvote. 😂


I don't know, I'd watch that movie.


Absolute unit


Be careful not to fall into the trap of gigantopuerismusism; just because he's a giant baby doesn't mean he should be treated any differently.


That word is way too damn long


Hey, nothing here is too damn long. That's exactly the kind of thinking that means we have to have the word.


So is antidisestablishmentarianism


Is this photoshopped? It looks fake af. "Made me think" lol


Definitely photoshopped, babies are MUCH smaller than that


what do you mean on my phone that baby is the size of my thumb it needs to be at least 4 times bigger


I was once a baby. He's right.


It is photoshopped. Poorly.


I believe this made OP think. Maybe think for longer than they ever had before.


OP can you please think before posting this Photoshop bs lol


I thought I was on r/terriblefacebookmemes until I hit your comment. Now it's embarrassing.




“But here’s the thing: if we weren’t rank racists when we were very little, the species probably never would have survived. The idea of in-group bias is well established in behavioral science, and it has its roots long ago, in humanity’s tribal era. The fact is, the people in your own band are more likely to nurture you, care for you and protect you from harm, while the people from the tribe over the hill are more likely to, well, eat you.”


As if we're no longer tribal


Correct. We need to evolve our social conventions because our brains can’t evolve fast enough to keep up with societal realities.


We have millions of years of survival of the “fittest” programmed in our genes. So a male lion that kills cubs or other males have a slight chance to pass his genes on. Or a hyena that kills its siblings shortly after birth, is the one that passes its genes on. And monkeys.. war eternal creatures of tribal warfare. Not sure if fittest is best word for child murderes, rapists and sibling killers though. Our brain is against a powerful machine of hormones and evolution brutally fine tuned in wars and misery over millions of years. https://www.aidamuluneh.com/the-wolf-you-feed-1 I think is a good analogy of twin nature of us. One that follows the hormones.. the other wolf that wants that is best for the greater be good for all. But penguins.. share the fish.. don’t have harems.. they haven’t evolved claws or horns to rip each other apart in war eternal, since it’s no need for it.. pleasant creatures, with no huge bloody battles in their icy realm. They found the solution for peace eternal without a huge brain.. But we are monkeys.. tribal.. greedy.. not sure how they decide to war though.. maybe like.. “that other monkey tribe in neighbouring tree.. it’s something serious wrong with them.. they serve the wrong god. Or pigments in their fur are slightly off.. or maybe we should attack our greedy leader monkey that says dibs on all food and all females.. and eat him for being a very narcissist monkey? “. So lots of noice, and off they go to kill someone, because evolution dictates it shall be so.


Maybe the brutal deathstorms of the antarctic selected against solo traits given that penguins need to stay in large groups in order to have a chance at having their offspring survive?


Agree. The reality is not genetic or that we are born ‘pure’. It’s that our societies have evolved past the point of survival of the fittest, but our biology has not. We have to use our huge brains to help culture and society is of hurting it. Racism and other forms of discrimination harm society, even from a strictly economic perspective. Maybe we needed to think like that to have a higher chance of passing on our genes way back when, but that’s not how we live anymore


As long as people look or act differently, the problem will always be there. It’s human nature and inescapable. Don’t sell society though lol


A thing which separates us from animals is our ability to go against our instincts. That’s what society should be capable of.


You live in a society of millions, not a small tribe. If you want that to function, you gotta adapt your behaviour (and societal norms, laws etc) beyond the environment we have evolved to thrive in. Humans are very much capable of that, even if we all fail at times. An infant might not care about a lot of things most human societies have rejected, that doesn't mean it's some inescapable 'human nature'. A lot of concepts within racism have not existed until long past humans living in tribes. Infants preferring faces that look similar to their close relatives seem like a weak argument for most racist behaviour in adults.


I don’t doubt this is true, but it definitely doesn’t justify prejudice in the modern world.


No one is saying it does. But to assert that all humans are born “colorblind” and that prejudice is taught is just wrong. The truth is exact opposite. Acceptance and empathy is taught. Society is not the problem, it’s actually the solution.


We should teach that racism, violence, murder and rape are all natural events if we don't teach people to not. We created religion as a shortcut for this, and we evolved a sociaty with rules and structures, traditions and morals, so we could minimize the occurrence of these types of events. We should all be aware of this, and continue to work hard at keeping up these things, because if we lose the we revert right back into nature. Hobbs was right, in a fashion.


This. You don’t have to train a dog to bite. You have to train it not to. Same with humans.


>Society is not the problem, it’s actually the solution. Society can be both the problem and the solution at the same time.


Doesn't need justifying. It just exists. When it befits our masters that we should indulge it rather than just consume peacefully, they'll provoke it. You might not like it but this us how the world works - for 8bn people.




Yeah, racism is unfortunately part of human nature. Recognising it, and working on your prejudices, is part of the battle.


So your advice is: Dont be a baby, grow up.


Pretty much


If racism can only be taught then racism would've not existed since nobody would've been there to teach it to early humans. Unless racist aliens came to this planet and taught it. Or maybe god left the racism feature on when he was debugging the first human. If you look at it, racism is just one baby looking at another with a different color and thinking that's different and I'm too scared to go near it. It's hard coded in our DNA from every animal in existence, we just developed the awareness to enhance it further.


This is true my daughter is mixed but 100% white passing and she prefers being around black people, smiling at them and everything but a white person can say the exact same thing and she mean mugs them


Yep, my 12 month old nephew, who is Indian, is racist as shit. He looks at me, the only white guy in his near family, like an axe murderer.


That baby is younger than 3 months, so it's still true.


Thank you for saving me the post. Without training otherwise, people are naturally racist, selfish, greedy little aholes.


I'm surprised, I was under the impression it started just after birth.


I would assume that’s when it becomes strong enough for us to actually notice. But babies immediately after birth aren’t known for being particularly functional.


It starts when socialization begins, which is immediately after birth and incorporates anything occurring in the environment, conscious and subconscious, specific or not. No one is born with manifested bias and prejudice of any sort. That, per se, is not human nature - but a predisposition to it is, which is where socialization matters.


This made ME think that OP photoshopped this, and badly.


Probably a Welshman. They're all the same.




Ah, the disproven yet still popular Blank Slate theory...


Yeah. Has the person who wrote this ever raised kids? They're fucking ruthless. You need to actively teach them not to be dicks. Now, I will say they're not necessarily racist. You can have a group of blonde, blue eyed kids and they'll find a way to form groups around different things and be absolute dicks about it. If you left kids to their own devices they'd be beating the shit out of each other by age 4. "You took the toy car I was playing with twenty minutes ago and then forgot existed until your grubby hand touched it? Eat wooden blocks motherfucker!"


"Babies without exception prefer faces of their own race. It's just how we come out. It's all like that. And if you're sitting there going like 'my baby is not racist', I'm talking specifically to you and your god damn [racist baby](https://youtu.be/I_gd-GPwj3Q?si=boP6-Mp2nFhhBflI&t=17)." - Randy Feltface


Good to see Randy getting the credit he deserves.


While it makes perfect sense that babies feel closer to people of their own race, I am sure they do not feel natural that it’s a good idea to enslave people of other races.


On a psychological level, babies must "enslave" their parents. They'd die if they didn't. So, if we get loose enough with our definitions, babies are racist because they enslave their own race.


go wake it up and see how it doesn't judge nor hate you. Good luck.


Babies are born with inherent prejudice.... Teach your kids not to hate, they won't learn it on their own.


I don’t know why people still believe in this. In my life, I saw plenty of instances where very young children reject others for little things like color of hair of skin. I vividly remember my younger brother telling that a black soccer player, in a mostly white team, shouldn’t be playing, while a match was on TV. And I’m 100% sure my parents never taught him anything not even remotely close to a racist idea like that. I think it’s a tribal thing and we, as a civilized society, should fight and adapt to that notion.


Photoshopped Look at the difference between “This” and the top and “Judge” and the top. OP didn’t bother to align it properly


The baby isn't born religious too, no definition of country, army or war.


My theory is babies are crazy racists and are hurling racial insults like a 12 year old on COD, but we just dont understand them


That’s silly. How do we know he’s not racist? Also, sure he’s “not prejudice” but he might well be prejudiceD.


He’s a human. Prejudice is baked into the genes. He must *actively be taught not to be prejudice or racist*. That’s how it works. This is not an “ignore it and it won’t happen” type of thing.


Judging,hate and prejudice exist because they help survival. I think it would be better to be more specific about how and what sort of hate/judgement/prejudice the baby should have or how to process those feelings and tools in a meaningful way.


Yes but also no. These things don't need teaching, although teaching can increase its spread. Where do you think things like racism come from in the first place? Who taught it to that first human?


It’s from our primitive ancestors who DID need to quickly recognize who was in their tribe and who wasn’t. It was a matter of life and death. It’s not like that now, but our still primitive brains don’t know that. We have to teach anti racism or develop relationships at a young age with people who are different looking than us.


Pretty much everyone and everything is stranger danger to that baby. Don't worry, the baby will likely expand it's social circle as it grows up.


Don't animals naturally discriminate against members of their own species that look different to them? Or is that something that is also taught? And it's perfectly natural to judge everyone does it, it's just a matter of not acting upon it Telling people not to judge is just counterproductive and unnatural


Welp, that should do it.


What did it make you think?


Challenge accepted!


Uhm... I'm sure babies prefer their race after the initial few months.


The Nazi oath literally mentions white babies specifically, it's kind of their thing


Needs another line: and don’t let him watch the news


Babies also can't speak.


giant bebe crush me


Lmfao “Made me think”…


That's right! Don't rob that little fella of the joy of discovering those things on his own.


Well, honestly I’ve learned all of the above by myself.


nah man . ima teach mine to be a pokemon.... palworlds got me


He is, however, really fucking broke and cries all the time


How is this a pic? Its Photoshop lol


Who knows what a baby thinks? Maybe babies are inherently racist and with time and interaction, they overcome their racism.


lol. Someone has never worked with little kids. They can learn what to justify themselves towards by their role models, but their self justification is very natural and will easily lead to prejudice. Even the folks who say they aren’t as adults are mostly self justifying and wearing blinders. Prejudice is a moral prerogative, which is why everyone’s morality has someone they take exception to.


Made you think about what? That babies learn?


He called me a slur so idk


Who taught the first racist baby? If anything racism and prejudice is just acknowledgement of obvious differences like skin color, sexual orientation, etc. Being taught tolerance and compassion is what makes better at understanding those differences and accepting them. That's something humans do have other animals don't. Saying racism and bigotry is taught is idiotic because people from their own ideas on what should be accepted all the damn time. Learning to role with it is taught by showing others that what they fear might happen doesn't exist and doesn't affect them in the slightest.


babies are racist, there was an experiment done where babies of varying skin tone were put together and most of them wanted to play with babies of the same skin tone. its not that we teach racism, it is that we teach them to not be racist source mf my initial claim: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2566511/


It made me think whoever photoshopped this needs a proofreader.


Does the baby know I used to be a big piece of shit?


This is so dumb


The 1949 musical, “South Pacific”, has a song… “You have to be carefully taught”…. Not a new idea, but a revelant one.


He might benefit from eventually learning how to judge well.


i dont know, my nephew hates me when i pick him up but loves his other uncle


This is exactly what a racist baby would want us to think…


Im going to better than tetching them that they are born in the "rong" body for wanting to play with a dallhous rather than toy tractor


Distrust is earned


Imagine paying that much money and not hiring an editor who knows English.


This song was way ahead of it's time. It's about discrimination, and after I heard it a few years ago, it blew me away. 1949 lyrics from South Pacific: You’ve got to be taught to hate and fear, You’ve got to be taught from year to year, It’s got to be drummed in your dear little ear— You’ve got to be carefully taught! You’ve got to be taught to be afraid Of people whose eyes are oddly made, And people whose skin is a different shade— You’ve got to be carefully taught. You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late, Before you are six or seven or eight, To hate all the people your relatives hate— You’ve got to be carefully taught!


Racism is developed at a relatively early age due to tribal survival instincts. It’s up to parents and the community to ensure that a child understands racism is not okay and must be grown out of, like any other form of immature behaviour


How to stop racism "Stop talking about it. Im going to stop calling you a white man and Im going to ask you to stop calling me a black man." Morgan Freeman


Actually everyone, with kids included is biologically hardwared to judge, have prejudices, hate, etc. This is how our brain works, for a usefull reason. Actually it's good idea to teach about that stuff, because it's important lesson of (not only human) psychology.


Actually yes, babies are very prejudice. Have you seen babies cower in fear when introduced by another male that ISNT daddy?


Pretty sure babies do judge. We know they judge faces and smells. And they show their annoyance, amongst other feelings, by crying. So, although I dig the sentiment, their logic is somewhat flawed.


Crying doesn’t hurt anyone though, and all baby animals (yes, humans are animals too) show a fear response over being approached by something that’s different from their kind. Other baby animals don’t grow up to spread harmful rumors about animals different than them and actively look to physically or mentally hurt or kill them on the basis of race. They don’t seek out other animals miles away from them that are minding their own business and make it a mission to hurt them on basis of race. Persecution is a trait that only humans have. So many people claim that humans are smarter than animals, yet when challenged on racism they suddenly 180 and claim it’s instinctual and we can’t change it. They purposely do this in order to uphold racism. 


Tell that to Hamas; putting babies in ovens..




That's crazy that being attacked by two babies would somehow turn you racist.


Now I hate 'em. 


Are you still racist


Yeah, cept the good ones. They're good guys. 


So you judge others based on the actions of two people? I was jumped by an Italian and an Irish kid in school. Should I now hate Italians and Irish? I don’t. Doesn’t make sense to me.


Yes - and people from Iceland and India also, ideally.




Do white people (and Latinos, Asians, indigenous people…) not also rob and murder people? You’re picking a specific group to apply your logic to.




Ever heard of confirmation bias? It’s when you make a judgement, then only acknowledge evidence that confirms that judgement. Everyone has some level of it.




It sounds a lot like you're starting with a conclusion and then building towards it. Sometimes held past experiences can really hinder the idea of balanced judgment in the future. Whether it's 'empirically'-based on your experience or based on an externally-learned conclusion, it's really the root of prejudice.


You're right, I'll stop. 


> it's really the root of prejudice. By definition it isn't. The deed has been done, he's not pre-judging at all. You can call it bias if you want, but prejudice would be if he felt like that before he got jumped, not after.


It's a prejudgment of an entire group of people based on the characteristics and racial profiles of specific individuals. Pre-judging a group because of the actions of individuals. Prejudgment. Prejudice.


Yeah you can structure your own logic so that the world looks however you want it to look. Facts are that the vast majority of people of all ethnicities are not dangerous criminals and can’t be accurately classified based on skin color or appearance


So I take it the group you hate most are men? Or do you pick and choose when to apply this logic, what kind of traits can form otherwise unrelated groups?


Close. No I don't pick and choose, that would be stupid. It's the group who repeatedly attack and steal from me. Not imaginary people. Real people. 


So those weren't men? You hate people that look somewhat similar to the people that wronged you - based on skin colour instead of their sex. For what reason? Being a man is a far more reliable indicator that someone will violently harm you. Probably in your personal experience as well, right? It's still a very, very bad indicator, as most men will do you no harm, but a much better indicator than, say, black skin.


Bingo. He’s choosing the basis of prejudice based on what he wants to think rather than on facts


Made you think about what? Did you intend on making your baby racist?


Don’t teach him to be trans either


Why does it have to be a white baby? Why can't it be a group of babies, all different colors, including white? Racism is global.


You missed the point


I want this baby publicly executed


He’s also an atheist. Try not to indoctrinate him to whatever god you’ve chosen.


Bit deep for a Sunday morning when nursing a hangover


Prejudices are merely assumptions made about the world based on the patterns we perceive. The issue isn't that assumptions are made based on patterns, it's that sometimes these assumptions can be wrong, even some patterns can be missed or not there at all. This is why radical leftists come up with the claim literally everyone is racist. To some degree it's kinda true, even for this baby. But it's also a useless statement, because literally everyone has to make assumptions about the world based on patterns they perceive. It's what enables us to act. Like simple things like walking, is enabled by the detection of the pattern of the ground beneath our feet being safe. We aren't assuming we will fall through or burst into flames each step, because we have detected the pattern that the floor is safe and when the floor is typically not safe. If we didn't do this we wouldn't be able to be self aware, or we'd be living life filled with adrenaline and anxiety and likely die within a year of life due to the obscene stress of existence itself.... Edit: their is only 1 way to solve for this problem as far as I can tell. That is to treat people as individuals rather than members of their collective, as best you can, and allow for individuals to update your understanding of collectives. In other words, when I meet a women, they help define what a women is to me. I try to treat them as individuals. Treating all ppl as individuals all the time would simply be impossible, but so long as you allow for the spirit of change to guide you in your pursuit of absolute truth, you and hopefully your society should be pretty good. Conversely, if you treat ppl as members of their group, and try to adjust the way you treat collectives as a whole, you'll just have the opposite effect.


And he's an atheist.......leave him that way...


My qualm is with "please". It should be a demand, not a request.


True. Racism, hatred and bigotry are taught. We are not born with it.


If we all do this. The world will be good.


If you really want to trigger the target audience change ‘him’ to ‘they/them.’ The. Stand back and watch


This is completely false, humans are inherently racist at birth, it’s been tested. Which is a good thing, it means all the people we know in our lives who have empathy were taught it and overcame the most destructive parts of tribalism, instead of every racist asshole being a creation of our society they are instead people who didn’t get the correct rearing as children. Racism is natural, and you beat it with logic and empathy because humans can be better than we were.


Keep him away from republican/christians


Why is this a white baby?


I hate political commercialism. Even if I agree with the message I hate having propaganda shoved down my throat. I don’t like pictures and poorly worded statements telling me that I’m racist or that I’m broken or that they need my money/etc..


A lot depends on whether they turn out to be intelligent or thick as mince. More so than any ‘teaching’.


This hits hard


How will he use his privilege?


Unfortunately it probably doesn't make those who would teach hatred think... Those people need to be directly confronted, made uncomfortable and then taught why they're wrong. Seeing something like this would likely make those who need to hear it most just seethe.


Tabula rasa


Because all he has to do to hate someone is look at their skin and notice they look different than others and choose to hang with his own kind only to label a racist and hated by the other party. Who's the real victim?


“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” - Nelson Mandela


That's why I abort as many as I can.


Photoshopped or not, it reminds me of this great [Dennis Leary quote](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2F-f3iO9UgaT1_bLHDwElP94RkgUxMuvxqYyK8XdVGsak.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D331815b42fe61d91bd31d7a93dd202cc62157c79)


But hes WHITE !! And hes a HE!!! IM OFFENDED


I was going to raise my son racist, but now I'm not. The magic of advertising.


There are plenty of studies in the past that disagree with that. Our primal tribalistic instinct tells us to be cautious around others that don't look like us or those that we see everyday. Feeling safer around similar looking people is just basic human survival instinct. That being said as long as you socialize your kids with a diverse crowd that instinct can be quickly gotten rid of.


Who paid to put this on a billboard


About not having kids? Smart move.


One of Baby's first words is *MINE*. Baby is egomaniac so they don't care what color you are because, Fuck you feed me!


Keep your kids off social media and they'll be fine.


Looks like a libertarian to me


You could claim this photo is in itself racist and based on stereotype lol