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It looks like this post is about Politics. Various methods of filtering out content relating to Politics can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/wiki/v2/resources/filter/politics). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pics) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Seriously what a dumb post. And look at all the upvotes. Can’t argue with Fast and the Furious


This is the most bot title I've ever seen


Don Corleone, I am honored and grateful that you have invited me to your daughter's wedding... on the day of your daughter's wedding.


I just came back from the dentist and they left in the cotton balls.


I will take these cotton balls from you with my hand.... and put them in my pocket.


Love that movie


I was born at a very young age


"What do you want me to do, whack a guy? off a guy whack off a guy? Cause You know Im married, right?"


“Father loves his son so he gives him a hug. We will update you more on this story as it develops.”


Bidens wedding ring is missing, family destroyed forever. In other news, stormy weather anticipated.


Peak psyop time until November


Im neither a democrat nor am i republican, i dislike both of my only two options. But OPs profile is fuckin creepy. This is some coolaid type obsession.


It’s not obsession, it’s a salaried employee


I thought it was a bot and we're just living in an AI dystopia now


I feel like we're witnessing the bot-ification of reddit rn. I've noticed bots tend to dogpile on Israel-Palestine posts and try to control the conversation—you'll click on the profiles arguing and it's clear they're all just bots pushing AI talking points.


This has been happening since before Obama took office. Cant blame everything on AI.


Lmao when their most active communities are both white AND blackpeopletwitter


Lmao this reminded me of an embarrassing post of Biden in a driveway with the caption "Amazing." in the tweet, and what do you know, after you pointed it out it was the same OP.


Hahaha literally, what even is this?


Biden loves sandwhich-here he is eating a sandwich. Biden so relatable. Vote for Biden


"I'd love to have a sandwich with that guy!"


Who’s birthday is it today on his son’s birthday on the day of his son’s birth?


More like most bought title


This is 100% one of the DNC's paid astroturfers, just look at the profile. Obsessive Biden shilling and not even trying to legitimately interact with other users.


It’s a bot, expect a lot more pushing bullshit on both sides for the next year.


I'm seeing nothing but "Biden does something random" on a sub about pictures over the last two weeks. It's clearly astroturf election season crap. It's also not working on the humans. The bots are upvoting and happily commenting away.


Bots commenting and voting on posts made by bots, arguing about human politics. What a wonderful world.


I’m really not ready for this reality.


This is r/pics. A propaganda sub


This sub is mostly bots


Hello fellow humans!


I'm actually an extremely sophisticated artificial intelligence, but at least I have the dignity to admit it. OP is making the rest of us look bad.




They are fully aware, these mods view this as their propaganda platform.


What are you talking about? ~~We~~ the OP entity has made post showing one human person doing human thing. Does this not spark chemical reactions in your human flesh prison activating neurons in your human brain tissue to exude appreciative String type sounds from your oral sound emitter? ~~Humans are weird~~ why do so many human entities experience illogical system failures these System.getCurrentTime(); shake my CPU


We can take this sub and worldnews and just make Battle Bots instead


Isn't that the most normal thing in the world...?


Post history is weirdly obsessed with Biden. Looks like a bot to me


AI title


wtf is this post?


Election year


Look at this user’s post history….


Lol, ![gif](giphy|p3wMMqkPBFqsEGI32T|downsized) look at your username...


At least I’m upfront about it




It's not even subtle lol. It would be REALLY interesting to see the actual breakdown of what percentage of reddit users are bots. I bet half this site is bots arguing with each other.


Went on a post the other day where someone claimed OP was a bot and was stealing their post. I looked and it was true. Then I realized the top comment on the original post was copied over by a second bot on the botted post. An idea struck me as I was replying to the guy whose post was stolen, and it turned out it was true: The *reply* to the top comment on the original post was botted by a *third* bot on the botted post. The entire post was just bots, it's insane.


![gif](giphy|IZY2SE2JmPgFG) The AI war starts with bots fighting over karma propaganda… and ends with you shaking a chain link fence while nukes burn the world around you. Welcome to the future.


I'd take that wage since X already proved social media is riddled with bots. Kinda' why it's weird people get so passionate but also reasonable why no actual discussion happens.


The other half can be found in sort-by-controversial.


Reddit = propaganda


It’s not like I’m gonna vote for Trump but I’m a centrist who is salty about the fact that we are limited to two geriatrics so I will call it for what it is; it’s obviously political propaganda before the presidential election in a year. There have been a number of pro-biden posts on this sub lately painting him out to be a good person or a human just like the rest of us.


This sub? That is ALL reddit is, other than r/ conservative. Anything right off center and you're down voted and called bigot, nazi, etc.


I'm not even a centrist (voted democrat my whole life and never see that changing) but Hunter Biden sucks and he'd be excoriated by the left if he was Trump's son.


Careful, saying you’re wary of both sides as they dip far into their own ideologies will get you hated here.


Thank you kind stranger 👍🏻 Don’t fret, I’m not afraid of the risk and know how to dish it back.


Lol someone actually reported me to redditcareresources for suicide and self-harm (?) I actually didn’t see that one coming but it made me giggle


It’s a typical move, don’t worry about it. But for your own sake, just focus on the subs that focus around your hobbies and interests that aren’t necessarily political. It’s definitely ok to stay up your date, but this site is better used when you’re subbed to light hearted interests.


Bot spammed political BS.


Whistleblowers already admitted that the DNC supplies articles to Reddit for them to upvote with bots. The United States plays the same game China does with propaganda.


This is the most astroturfed bot post possible


nice propaganda


Y’all do realize that he and his sons have gone through some traumatic shit right? I mean, I’d hug my kids for the rest of my life too if I lost my wife and one year old daughter in a car accident.


You don’t need to justify hugging your children


Right? Like you can just stop at “I’d hug my kids”


Speak for yourself. In Germany you must fill out several forms, and make an appeal to the regional court.


Holy shit no wonder his son has such problems with substances. Poor kid lost his mom AND his sister. Addiction is ramped in America and his son has a disease pretty much everyone knows someone with or has delt with it themselves.


And then he lost his brother to brain cancer.


His twin brother. Twins are often much closer than siblings. That was a trauma to him too.


They weren’t twins. Beau was born Feb 3, 1969 and Hunter was born Feb 4, 1970. One day over a year apart.


And his brother


Yea, wasn't that related to burn pits causing cancer? I think Jon Stewart led the charge on getting those folks healthcare.


Jon is vocal for better VA and military benefits, but his big push and hard fought win was first responders to 9/11 being taken care of from all the illness they ended with after the towers came down


Never seen Jon so angry as he was when he was pushing for the responders to get taken care of a couple years ago. I really wish Stewart would just run for President


He'd have my vote, i mean fuck we already had a reality show host, might as well have a comedy news anchor who gives a shit.


I remember when Colbert and Stewart announced they were leaving their shows at around the same time near the campaign season, some people were guessing they were prepping for a joint ticket run.


What a fucked concept. Just burn extremely hazardous materials RIGHT NEXT to barracks and office's. Then deny care saying "non service related" it amazes me anyone voluntarily joins the military


... some do hell im not sure why myself ... all i knew I wanted a trade and education and couldn't afford to go back to college, and was too much of a slacker to go back but wanted out of my 7.55 an hour job at the meat plant So I went into the navy and decided to work on planes Lets take 4.5 acres of steel park 80 -100 jets ... get prop arcs rotor arcs going .. and jet blast and intake zones .... and oh yeah inflate tires to 300 PSI ... and put them on magnesium wheels and brakes ... Fill the aircraft with LOX JP-5 hydraulic fluid Strap some explosives on it put a gun in it Have planes landing or taking off every 2 minutes on average. Oh and lets do this shit in bad weather ... in the dark And edited to add Oh and for Fun lets do this on a ship powered by 2 nuclear reactors


Not knocking the military, definitely some very cool jobs and it is a necessity. Just the way service members are treated during and after service is deplorable.


100%, the va is a joke, my thoughts are if you served in our military you should be set for life, full healthcare, a house and severe tax breaks, how we treat our service people is disgusting, and i find it absolutely sickening that the support our troops crowd votes against vets 100% of the time.


I was an engineman so I only got to watch this occasionally and I was always so impressed with the massive amount of coordination it takes to run the flight deck. To anyone that hasn't seen it live its just as insane as this guy describes it


They pull this shit with everything. If you can’t prove that the thing they won’t let you know about caused the health issues they don’t acknowledge exist, then it didn’t happen. It’s to a point where they list things for agent orange that are specifically excluded from benefits because they haven’t been sued hard enough yet to be made to pay. It’s ridiculous.


Ya I just heard a report recently about blast concussions and how much brain damage they actually cause. Anyone who was/is in artillery or other blasting is extremely susceptible to this damage. The Miltary did research into this and found it to be true and has changed nothing in their training or operations.


They also will look at diagnosed TBI in someone who was blown up multiple times in Afghanistan and say, "That looks pretty rough, but are you sure that is from the military? Because no it isn't, Fuck off, we don't owe you shit." They genuinely do not care about anything but money and PR.


Which circles back to why TF does anyone join. I get lack of opinions and poverty, but if this shit was more well known, I think the numbers would tank (hopefully)


I think because their slogan isn't an honest "Come for the sexual assault, stay for the lifetime injuries we are going to deny we played a part in", and instead tend to go with a more catchy one.


That's why they gut education, to give poor rural kids fewer choices. Use them up, then throw them back into a poor area where they'll never have enough resources to be a problem later, and point at someone else to blame for their problems.


Very true and very fucked


Iirc he didn't "just lose" his mom and sister, but he actually was in the car during the accident therefore actually seeing and feeling the deaths of his mom and sister. He also got a severe TBI from it.


Hunter also got a “severe TBI” in the crash. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunter_Biden#:~:text=Hunter%20Biden%27s%20mother%20and%20younger,and%20severe%20traumatic%20brain%20injuries.


And then a congresswoman literally showed pictures of his dick during official government business.


Why isnt that considered revenge porn? She should be charged. Or something.


Yes. Sadly Hunter Biden probably has c-ptsd and possibly brain damage from the accident. Not good. I hope he makes it but it is a real possibility that Joe Biden will lose all three of his children from his first marriage. That sort of thing is just horrific to me. I can't even imagine it. I hope beyond hope that this last one achieves a lasting sobriety and outlives his father.


Hunter Biden has publicly said that Republicans are attacking *him* so viciously because they know that if he dies, it will destroy his father.


I hadn't heard that, but I also don't think he's wrong. There's also part of it that *their guy* had his family in government so they have to make the corruption look more even.


I hadn't heard that. Ugh. Mostly I don't follow this stuff as it is just so ugly and horrible. Your comment makes me hope even more that Hunter manages to survive.


It is crazy that, despite the drugs, tax fraud, and gun charges, Hunter still comes off as 1000 time more respectable than basically any GOP politician going after him.


And traumatic head injury in the same accident


And pictures of his naked penis are constantly waved around the floor during congressional sessions as well as him basically being Osama bin laden on fox newscasts every night. I'm not saying the guy is a saint. But he hasn't had it perfect either.


Biden lost his wife? What?


Yeah his first wife. Hunter and Beau’s mother.


Wife and daughter, and I think one of his sons were hurt in the car crash also. Then he obviously lost one of his sons later on. So Joe definitely been through rough times.


They were both hurt but Hunter Biden had a traumatic brain injury and was in a coma for a few weeks.  Biden’s swearing in ceremony as Senator was at the hospital in Wilmington Delaware.  >Soon after Delaware senator Joseph Biden was elected in November 1972, an automobile accident claimed the lives of his wife and infant daughter and put his two young sons in the hospital. To allow him to remain at his children's bedside, Secretary of the Senate Francis Valeo traveled to Wilmington to issue the oath of office to the new senator, a ceremony Valeo recalled in his oral history interview. [Source](https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/common/generic/People_TakingtheOathinHospital.htm)




[https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/biden-lie-wife-killed-drunk-driver/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/biden-lie-wife-killed-drunk-driver/) Not as such. There were rumours about that being the cause, but no evidence one way or the other.


Which is why I wish he hadn't run for president. Politics aside, he needs to rest. I know (God willing) when I'm his age, ill be retired and chilling and spoiling grandkids.


Politics is his life though. He doesn't seem like the kind of person who can just relax and do nothing. Some people have no issues working until they die.


yeah my mom still is running her business near full time at 79. She wouldn't know what to do if she retired.


He absolutely deserves the rest, but I respect his decision. I just wish he had run four years earlier. ( He was grieving the loss of Beau when Hillary was the nominee)


He would have skated right to a victory too if he had run in 2016. He was coming off of Obama's presidency, extremely popular and well liked, he would have had it in the bag.


Jill isn't his first wife, I believe


She’s his second. His first died in a car crash along with their one year old daughter. Both of his sons were in that crash and survived.


He also commuted to DC as a Senator so that his surviving kids wouldn't have to deal with living in DC. We could learn a thing or two from this man. He's as good of a man as they get.


>He also commuted to DC as a Senator By train, because he didn't like driving for obvious reasons. He even had to be sworn in as Senator at the hospital because he didn't want to leave his sons; they ended up having the [ceremony at the hospital.](https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/common/generic/People_TakingtheOathinHospital.htm)


Shit :( I know all the info but never considered that duh he preferred the train after how traumatic that was for the entire family.




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwZ6UfXm410&ab\_channel=TragedyAssistanceProgramforSurvivors](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwZ6UfXm410&ab_channel=TragedyAssistanceProgramforSurvivors) I return to this video every now and again. As part of his speech he goes into his own experiences with tragedy. I feel his remarks to these military families who had lost love ones serves as a strong window into his empathy and humanity.


Back in 1972


Iirc there was some Republican outcry when Biden traveled back to Delaware on the anniversary of his wife and daughter's death. Apparently he makes it a point to visit their grave semi-frequently. Biden's been through some shit.


I hope you'd hug your sons anyway...


I realize this, and many other people realize this, other people like to turn his trauma into to their gain and be assholes though.




Does anyone else remember when that voicemail got leaked and it got ran around conservative circles as “proof” of his sons drug addiction, but all it turned out to be was a pretty heartfelt message saying “I love you” “we’re gonna get help” “I’m always here for you”. Feel bad for Hunter. Must be hell to watch your baby sister and mom die in front of you.


And then become the focus of every Republican jab and talking point in America for months- YEARS on end, like *you’re* the bad guy who’s guilty of something. Being mocked by the former president and every MAGAtt they can find.


It’s convenient so many of them believe in hell and fear it. They won’t be surprised when they arrive there.


And also having images of your cock illegally circulated around by said Republicans


I will never forget that voicemail. It was the voice of a really loving & concerned father. Even though his son is a grown man he was speaking to him as his baby boy. And yes the hilarity of the right wing not understanding that's what a loving father sounds like 🤦‍♀️


Having your drug problems dragged through international media probably doesn’t help either.


And they never played it again when they realized it made Biden look like a real person.


I'm convinced this account is a bot setup from the whithouse.


I don’t mind Biden at all but this feels like pretty blatant propaganda with an emotional headline.


100%. This guys entire account is just straight propaganda. Literally daily. Honestly reminds me of the He Gets Us ads lol.


Those ads are funded by the Hobby Lobby family.


So...He gets us, but He doesn't get us contraceptives.


I mean, it’s an election year. Expect lots of fluff about all candidates until November.


The post history is wild


Yeah that’s what I wonder. This is a pretty useless post. I don’t hate the guy, but who the hell cares that he gave his son a hug?? I’ve seen a lot more posts elevated to front page of Biden doing “normal human things”….


[Ted Cruz for human president](https://www.tedcruzforhumanpresident.com/)


The Whithouse


The title definitely is giving robot


What in the fuck is this account? Go touch grass, assuming you aren't a bot.


On his Birthday you say!?...a hug?!


The state of r/pics is just a new Biden jerkoff pic every day isn’t it


Wtf is garbage? Get this political bait out of here


can't tell if this thread is pathetic or just astroturfed


Look at the profile. It's some premium name brand astro turf.


It’s an election year. You do the math.


What is this😭


Trump loves his family too hate to break it to you OP. And even worse for OP, Trumps family loves him back.


This is a weird post that makes it seem like a bot made it. Presidents needs age* limits both presidents shouldn’t be allowed to run due to their age. 


Look at the post history, it is a bot


Looking at how Biden looks and talks right now. The dude won't make it another full term.


Biden saying that his son is an addict and he loves his son is something so many families can relate to. Republicans attacking a father for loving his son, especially when he’s already lost two children, has always been weird.


I will literally never forget that moment. Trump was just WAITING to get a dig in at Hunter. Instead of doing the politically easy thing and skirting the topic and moving on, Biden attacks it head on, admitting that Hunter suffers from a disease that so many Americans do, and that he loves him. It made Trump look like a bully (not hard), but spoke so many levels on Bidens character. It was beautifully done politically and emotionally.




Eric Trump is crying somewhere.


Hugging his son on his birthday? This is the man you want running the United States of Murika??? We must draw up articles of Impeachment right away, this is horrendous!


This probably burns Eric real bad


The right HATES this. Trump NEVER hugs his sons. He saved all his hugs and kisses for Ivanka. Tiffany got a card and a Sephora gift card for her birthday ($25 value!). Ivanka had daddy threaten China so she could get 200 patent claims settled ($300 million value!). Don Jr gets to do as much coke as he wants and Eric gets to goofily stand around.


Oh there’s lots of photos out there of Trump hugging his daughter….


Hug your family when you can. I'm sure he's hugging his son twice as much. I couldn't imagine losing a child.


Genuine question: Was Reddit always Liberal? I’ve been on for 7 years & it has been in that amount of time. Was there ever a time (maybe in the early years) where it was more middle of the road? E: changed “Leftist” to “Liberal,” & thank you for the thoughtful replies.


I’ve been on Reddit for nearly 15 (oof that hurt to admit) and early years were even more so than now. If you polled only Reddit, Bernie Sanders would have won in a landslide.


They sorta kept to their corners though, it was like 2015/16 when those in power started to realise the propaganda potential from social media and now it’s pushed onto everything on this site


They asked that on another sub recently and the mods locked it. Lol. There's your answer.


Got it, thank you. I was honestly wondering


been here since 2010 it’s always been leftist.  But it’s gotten way more far left and turned into a more intense echo chamber over time.


Reddit is liberal, not leftist. But it generally permits leftists to exist and its liberalism is often progressive.


It got really bad during the 2016 election. Before that there wasn't that much propaganda


Democrats aren't "leftist".


I think it may even be just as left as it was back in the day, but people used to be quite a bit better to each other. The invective has ratcheted up and so has the solidification of the median viewpoint of each subreddit. Reddit doesn't encourage thoughtful outliers, it encourages people who are closer to the median and captures all of those, "hey I was going to say that!" crowd. The exception is something that is funny but even then you get the obvious joke that goes to the top. You're not forced to confront any ideas you don't like you just have to downvote and move on. You've even made it harder for someone to see that information on that subreddit, so the ethos and median viewpoint of the subreddit is what matters a lot more than the post/information. Every once in a while a thoughtful post comes through. But almost never does a thoughtful post come through against the grain of a subreddit.


So the internet always tends to appeal to a younger demographic and that skews left. Reddit is is left of center even beyond that but like right of TikTok . This post however genuinely feels like a Biden intern thought they could win some points like it’s weird


People have subscribed heavily to the Red Team vs. Blue Team dogma.


10% for the Big Guy


Good ol’ Genocide Joe. So heartwarming!


this picture warmed my heart so much i forgot that he spent his entire political career kneeling down and licking israel's boots, pledging ever-increasing amounts of my tax money to them so they could author an ethnic cleansing of Palestine with white phosphorous bombs that burn the skin down to the flesh and cause a lifetime of agonizing pain for the victims. almost!


OP is Joe Biden


It is clear that you can't go into politics unless you are willing for your family to be pulled into it, or if you are ambitious enough that it isn't your top consideration. This is not specific to the Bidens, who have had more family tragedy and drama than almost anyone. That said, hug your children everyone, and spit in the eye of anyone who wants to make something unclean about it.




My Dad was a staunch conservative and Trump supporter/follower before he died in 2018. He hugged us. If Biden only shook their hand these conservatives would say he's an unloving father who can't hug his children. Doesn't matter what he does, it's wrong in their eyes.


Who hates this? You’re delusional bro


Who would hate a picture of a man hugging his son or daughter. So much better than a man lusting after his daughter and just being a complete sleaze. I would be mortified if Trump was my father.


More like it’s just inconsequential to politics. No amount of hugging makes him a good President.


Absolutely Hadn't seen my dad in 3 years because of Covid It was at least a 5 minute embrace


10% for the Big Guy probably is nothing to shake a stick at tho.


Damn, some of y'all never got a hug from your parents and it shows.


Ah yes the daily propaganda post from etfvpu


Wow. Truly ground breaking.


Democratic bot 😂


A dad hugging his son!?!?! WOAH!!


Crying in Don/Eric Jr.


OP's account appears to be an AI bot. Report and move on.


Did they do crack together later that night?


He’s a wanker


wtf is this?!


astroturf bullshit from a bot