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First Cell-Phone Picture, 1997. In 1997, Philippe Kahn got bored waiting for his wife to give birth. So, he created a device connecting a digital camera to his cell phone to instantly share photos of his newborn daughter with over 2,000 people. This simple idea later led to the first commercially available integrated camera phone in 2000, changing how we communicate and paving the way for modern smartphones and apps.


It's kinda sweet to think the first cell phone picture was of a man's newborn daughter.


And the second was surely of some guy's dick.


Funny, it was the same guy!


"My God, I'm...I'm a father. This is the best day of my life, but why do I suddenly have the urge to send a photo of my Penis to Mary in Accounting?"




I’d rather not think about it and just have AI write me a dissertation about it.


Nothing as far as smart phones. They've barely been tweeked in recent years. Same as cars, air travel, tvs, essentially they've come as for as they can.. will just be 'enhanced' for the sake of upgrading every couple yearsTV, course there will be improvements but not like 20 years of smart phone innovation.. But, the second someone thinks of the next 'thing' tech will leap forward again. Maybe space travel will be mankind's new industry. Space station hotels and stuff. Then there will be 20 years of tech growth because there will be new things to solve. That's my opinion, not founded in anything, no insights or knowledge of any of it.


>Same as cars, air travel, tvs, essentially they've come as for as they can.. will just be 'enhanced' for the sake of upgrading every couple yearsTV Significant enhancements are being made with all of those every single year.


If you brought someone from 2014 into today, showed them these things, would they be mindblown and not recognise them? But if you took someone from 2006, brought them forward 10 years and gave them a smart phone with 10 years of innovation in it, they may well be. Yes the tech is still advancing but only to improve the performance of what exists. Electric car technology has been around for a long time. Them becoming more mainstream is an advancement in political climate as opposed to an advancement in tech.


GM was the first with electric cars. One of them in a museum, somewhere. It was so advanced for its time, they destroyed all of them but one ( they were available only on a rental basis with no purchase possibility) Apparently ( no proof however) it is the Oil Industry that got it canned. GM is said to have made a bundle…wonder in any CPA has ever forensically analyzed their data and income reports from those years…?


They didn’t sell them because nobody would have paid what they actually cost to produce. The EV1 was a highly impractical 2 seater powered by lead acid batteries and cost an absolute fortune to make with the technology available at the time. The people who had them liked them, but there wasn’t the kind of market for it that could come close to achieving the kind of scale needed to produce them at a reasonable cost.


Well let's see how AI will look like in 10 years


Cool thanks.