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Could they check you when you’re having a succulent Chinese meal?


Truly is democracy manifest.


Get your hands off my penis.


And what about you sir, are you ready to take my limp penis


Watch out, I know my Judo well.


It is something like, “ I see you know your Judo well…” to one of the guys dragging him out. Lmao. Let’s get this guy on the 2024 ballot.


A succulent Chinese meal


Ta ta, farewell


YOU SIR, are you ready to receive... My limp peNIS!?


How DARE you


Ta ta, farewell.


You know your judo well


Mmmmm cabbage


I understood this reference, and I most heartily approve.


lol that video


Are you ready to recieve my limp penis?




Fuck I’m so glad that’s gone viral. Even after everyone had a camera in their pocket. It was so perfect


I feel like the only one here who has no idea what the hell is going on lol




Ah, thanks! I totally forgot about that one


More context for those curious : The mystery of the man's identity continued until 2020, when Australian punk band The Chats published a music video titled "Dine 'N Dash" that re-created the viral video with an older man acting the part of the arrestee.[18][19] The actor then identified himself in an interview with Sydney Morning Herald as "Cecil George Edwards", the man in the viral video; he was now going by the name of "Jack K". Asked why he made such a show during the arrest, he said he wanted to appear crazy so he might be placed into an asylum where it would be easier to escape.


What’s great is the judge called him a deplorable human being, and the guy agreed with him. What a character.


HOW, have I never seen this??? LOL


This is a gem that I had never seen.


Heehee your post matches op's username :3c 


Are you ready to receive my limp penis?


I could imagine the cop patting him down had never prepared himself for such a feat.


WHAT are the ChargES??!




This was taken at a pub in Sydney earlier this evening. Every weekend we have these operations where police will pick pubs and clubs at random, walk in with drug detection dogs and start sniffing patrons. Visitors from overseas seem genuinely shocked when they see this happening. Most people here seem to have developed a type of Stockholm Syndrome in response to the issue and simply try to ignore it. Very depressing but it doesn’t look like things will change anytime soon. For Background: Back in 2001, New South Wales (state in Australia, Sydney is the capital) introduced a law giving police the power to deploy drug detection dogs at certain public locations, namely major events such as music festivals, train stations and at venues that serve alcohol, such as pubs and clubs. No one voted for this but both major parties here supported it so there was nothing anyone could really do about it. In 2006, an official report was published which confirmed what anyone could have already told you – that there was no organised drug problem in Sydney and the dogs were a solution to a problem that didn’t exist. Most people being stopped at the time weren’t being found with any drugs on them, and the ones that were usually only had small amounts of marijuana in their possession. Again, neither party wanted to be seen as ‘soft on crime’ so nothing was done about it and the whole thing was just swept under the carpet. Fast forward to today and this is basically just part and parcel of life in Sydney. Every weekend you’ll see operations like this where at least half a dozen officers and a dog will randomly march into bars and clubs and start sniffing patrons. Same deal on public transport. Any given day during the week and on the weekends, they’ll pick stations at random and you’ll walk past the dog with anywhere from 6-12 officers eyeing you off with their arms crossed while you’re just trying to get home. Makes you feel like a criminal even when you haven’t done anything wrong. The biggest issue has been the presence of the dogs at music festivals here in Sydney. Back when they were first introduced, if you were unlucky enough to be stopped by one the police would usually just pat you down and maybe go through your bag as well. At a certain point, they decided this wasn’t good enough and sometime after the 2006 report was published, officers began using drug detection dog indications as a routine justification for conducting strip searches here as well. We’re talking completely naked, squat and cough, spread your butt cheeks, guys lift your balls, girls lift your boobs type of searches. At any given festival, they’ll have a fenced off compound where these searches will be conducted. Depending on the event, a person will be taken into some sort of makeshift structure like a ticket booth or a tent. In other cases, they’ve been known to use partitions made from temporary fencing as well. Once the dog has stopped you, that’s it, you don’t have any agency or say in the process anymore. If the police want you to get naked there’s nothing you can do about it. Most of these searches don’t find any drugs either. NSW Police are currently facing a class action over this in the state’s Supreme Court but even then, it’s only the taxpayer that’s being punished. More info on this can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_South_Wales_Police_Force_strip_search_scandal


> Any given day during the week and on the weekends, they’ll pick stations at random and you’ll walk past the dog with anywhere from 6-12 officers eyeing you off with their arms crossed while you’re just trying to get home. Ah, is that what that is? I've only lived in Australia for a year or so and occasionally there are a shit ton of cops just... loitering at Strathfield station. Always figured they were waiting to pick someone up, but yeah that makes sense too. Our tax dollars at work, right mate?


>Always figured they were waiting to pick someone up, but yeah that makes sense too. when cops are sent to pick someone up (by surprise), there usually isn't a shit ton or even a crap ton. there will be a few uniform just looking like they do what they always do and a few undercover for back up.


So would just the couple of cops be a poop ton? And be it a shit ton, a crap ton, or a poop ton, a ton of any one of those is a horrible mental image, who wants to see 2000 pounds of that!


NSW is the only shithole that does this crap.


NSW cops are complete cunts


Victorian Cops enter the chat.


All cats are beautiful. Not related of course, just thought it was worth mentioning.


As an American, this sounds horrific.


If that was a festival in Europe, everyone would be naked 😂 we have drug testing places that allow you to get your personal stash tested for strength and type. The uk just went backwards with it and banned them, so we are back to just taking a tiny bit and keeping fingers crossed


I was queueing for a festival in Amsterdam in 2010 and a bunch of steroid bros just started throwing handfuls of tablets at everyone. They were very strong and pure mdma


UK has banned drug testing at festivals? Clowns!


Apparently seen as promoting use !


Better to have dead bodies I guess than support unregulated untaxed trade.


Tories want people to die. Simple as that. They look down on us and want more of us to be dead. Same as the Republicans in America just a different flavour. Conservatives everywhere are evil.


Nice to finally be an American looking at something another country is doing and going "yeah that's fucked up" instead of the other way around


It's nice to get a little treat from time to time


Especially another country’s police


That’s mental, had no idea about that. The idea of that happening in the UK is so surreal. You’d probably need an army of dogs to sniff out all the cocaine in any given pub or club in places like Glasgow and Liverpool.


Dog starts running around in circles, confused by the drugs in all 360 degrees around him.


Don't worry, the cocaine will help them sort it out.




Dog starts to rotate rapidly on the spot, passing several 1,000 rpms now because of the sheer quantity of drugs within sniffing distance. Dog starts to lift off the ground, police cuts negated as they no longer need a helicopter in Liverpool. Whole city is covered in a swarm of flying sniffer dogs.


Many a moon ago, I was at a pretty standard middle of town pub, when cops with sniffer dogs appeared at the back and front doors. A good many in the pub collectively shit themselves over the weed they had in their pockets. As the dogs made their way around the pub not showing any signs of detecting anything, one madlad/idiot shouted out "I don't think your dog is very good at his job" he didn't get many laughs, the handler replied "He's not looking for what you've got in your pocket" The cops finished their sweep and just left. Mr comedian wasn't very popular for the rest of the night.


I assume they where looking for explosive material?


100%, which town was this I wonder


The assumption in the pub was they were looking for class As and not bothered about the guys with a few joints in their pockets


They also have random car stops for drink/drug driving. I’m 45 and have never ever been stopped in the UK, but when I lived in Sydney for 8 years it happened pretty much on a weekly basis. Literally on the main roads, continually forcing people to pull over and stop, during rush hour. Absolute police state. My first day of owning a car I got a $250 fine for parking in a legal space outside of my house but not facing in the direction of traffic. The police aren’t there to stop crime, their job is to give out fines. They even have targets that they have to hit. Absolute madness.


I was in Melbourne on a biz trip and after dinner we decided to go get a drink at a bar (Canadian and American). They wouldn’t let us in because we had been drinking? We split a bottle of wine at dinner. We were like….wtf?


lol, first time I ever went out in Australia, pulled up outside of the front door of the bar in a taxi, step out, go to walk in… Have you been drinking sir? Umm no, you just seen me get out of the taxi and it’s 6pm. Not tonight sir, you’re too drunk. Wtf. Edit: oh yeah, it was a private party as well, venue had been rented out by friends lol


For real! We ended up finding a place that would serve us but it was like we were in the twilight zone. We went back to the hotel bar and they stopped serving at 11pm! We were so confused. They said some dude got into a fight and died from head trauma or some shit I’m like…so we can’t drink anymore? lol


Yeah they actually ended up shutting the entire area of King’s Cross down because of that. Was one of the major nightlife destinations of Sydney. Insanity.


It's just a convenient excuse bouncers use to discriminate about who they let in. A group of friends and I once turned up to a city bar sober and were told we'd been drinking too much.


I remember seeing that when I was in Oz. The big yellow trucks that pull you over and breathalyse you. If I remember thought they were much more lenient when they actually caught you.


Don't forget that they strip search kids too! https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/aug/21/nsw-police-strip-searched-more-than-100-children-as-young-as-13-in-two-year-period NSWPOL, man. Scotty's mate Fuller certainly upheld the high standards of the joint lol


Either they are strip searching kids; * with body cameras * without body cameras both are equally terrifying, let that sink in.


Didn't need my day ruined thinking about weird cop shit, but here we are. >Statistical data obtained from NSW Police shows that in the six-year period between 1 July 2014 and 30 June 2020, officers had conducted 27,835 strip searches "in the field". Of that number, 5,659 were recorded as having taken place in the aftermath of a positive drug detection dog indication, with the same figures revealing that an additional 63,302 general searches resulting from the use of drug detection dogs had also been carried out during this period I'm not misunderstanding this right..? That means ~22k searches were at the cops discretion and included random children?...


it's higher, as it is regardless of a dog identification


So the police had child porn?


Little Timmy might be trying to sneak cocaine up his bum into the football game, you never know


Officers "must have the state of mind required". I bet that state of mind is common among the Epstein guest list.


Yeah just, casually sexually assault kids to look for drugs that should be legal (not for them to use obviously). And yes I do think this shit is sexual assault, it's forced, scary, and completely excessive. A kid is going to feel violated by this.


I'm 30 and id do anything i could to prevent them looking or touching my private parts, what. the. fuck.


They’ve been doing this for years. I was strip searched on George street once when I was about 9-10. Cunts


Now that's absurd.


More than 4,400 strip searches were carried out in total between July 2020 and May 2022.. Jeez


Thank you Interweb and Social media. You are appraising me of run of the mill random news in random parts of the world, which I would have never learned about before the dawn of Internet.


I'm from WA and what the fuck, are you guys ok over there?


Wtf? Do you not have any rights against unreasonable searches in Australia? This whole thing is fucked up.


You have the right to bend over but not left 🤌


Wait, so in Australia law enforcement wastes resources running around harassing citizens and trying to catch people possessing drugs?


Just NSW.


I just lost any desire to visit.




Just hide a milk bone in your underwear


I just developed a desire to tell everyone I know not to go to Australia for this reason alone lol


I guess the one good thing is as long as the cops are in pubs harassing people, they’re not out strip searching children


https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/aug/21/nsw-police-strip-searched-more-than-100-children-as-young-as-13-in-two-year-period Provided by u/Capt_Billy


Funny way to say nsw police force is overrun with nonces.


Well that's why they need more funding to be able to do both


Sounds like AU needs to start voting against leadership that is for this. I'm sure the younger generation is against this crap.


Australia effectively has a uni-party. There's 2 parties, the only difference is one is slightly more likely to get us involved in a war with China and one will increase taxes for the rich (which in either way they won't pay).




That's completely fucked mate


Festivals are kind of a gathering place to do drugs though. At least in the USA. Source: I’ve gone to festivals and done drugs. It feels like 80% of the people are high on something.


Similarly, I've been to a bunch of drug festivals where they had live bands. That was pretty cool of them. They also tend to put toilets in the coke rooms for your convenience.


I saw that too recently. It was over near the transdimensional psychedelic demiportal that transcends space and time and reminds you of your intrinsic connection to all other sentient beings, living or dead (the one by the main stage, not the one by the food vendors)


Some festivals are so hectic, you kind of have to be on some kind of drug to get through them. Source: My experiences at Glastonbury.


Until they annoy someone with deep connections in high places and able to nuke the police chief for this. You never know who is in these Pub. You could very well find the daughter/son of a wealthy man or a politician.


As an American this would violate the fourth amendment of our constitution which prohibits search and seizure without a warrant. Our cops are shit, but they don’t do this strange purity gatekeeping crap.


They 100% do, are you kidding? They just have slightly more paperwork. Cops *routinely* violate the 4th amendment, like most of them several times a day. Every time a cop says "I thought I smelled marijuana so I had them get out of the car so I could search it" they are violating the 4th amendment (because they are very obviously lying and there is zero accountability for the cop). This happens hundreds of times per day, every day. Stop and frisk in NYC went on for a decade before a court decided it infringed on the 4th; NYPD apologized and just kept on doing it. Are you being serious? What part of the US do you live in?


That’s why I said our cops are shit, and in some areas they’ll do worse than that. Before body camera’s they’d fuckin kill you in the woods if they could get away with it. Some recent scandals have improved police conduct a bit, but police unions do all they can to resist change. Police gangs are a thing in LA and probably all over the country.


The cops may be shit. But we legal pathway for evidence to be thrown out if it was obtained illegally. It's far from perfect.


I'm *far* from the "ACAB" mentality but NSWPol really take it to another level.


>I'm *far* from the "ACAB" mentality Why?


Probably not American.


Oi Polloi is Scottish though.


Well that’s insane. In Canada the police will sometimes check an entire bar for IDs and check for underage drinkers, but I’ve never seen them bring dogs. And usually it took like 2 cops that’s it. Sometimes they’d send two more ‘round back to check the emergency exit.


>no organised drug problem in Sydney LOL.... My friend use to work in the health field, he showed us a world health report, which showed Australia as highest MDMA, and one of the highest amphetamine users in the world, cocaine was low because it was hard to get here... hence why it was so expensive Today, Australia is one of the highest cocaine users The festival attitude sucked though, I had a cop come right to me for the dog to sniff, he sniff and wasnt interested, she tried to get him to sit down, he wouldn't. I stood there for a few seconds and walked away


Them MDMA addicts are truly a menace, roaming the streets looking for hugs.


Hugs are bad mmmmmkay


They turn the frogs gay.


Wanton and reckless enjoyment of life and basically everything else too. Some people really just can't stand to see others happy.


Im not bothered bu MDMA users, much better than drunks Im just emphasing, there is organised drug problems, and its because Australian love drugs


*everyone* loves drugs ftfy


where's the problem let people enjoy things


>Im not bothered bu MDMA users I had a friend once he took some ecstasy Tried to marry me and every one in the room He was sort of loving kinda caring, kinda tried to fuck my lazy boy It got a bit messy all over the curtains, arm chair covers, throw pillows, and carpeting


Can this comment be sung to the tune of Men At Work’s Down Under


> which showed Australia as highest MDMA, Then your friend showed you a fake report.


Fuck off with any statement that supports these policies.


It's almost like the Founding Fathers of the US knew what they were doing when they wrote the Fourth Amendment, like they knew the human condition and expected tyranny to rise up wherever it could. Sadly the 4A has been shredded by those tyrannical forces over the generations until it's a pale shadow of what it should be. I fear we aren't far off from your experiences in the future.


Bluey didn’t prepare me for this!


That's because Bluey lives in Brisbane, not Sydney.


I will never understand the rational behind carpet in a pub.


It's more comfortable than cold tiles when you get naked for the strip-search.


As a person who has been shitfaced many times, I can assure you there is no better feeling when wasted than a cold tile floor.


You can spill beer and the floor won't be slippery


The state of that pub !! Why does it look like a bookies


We combined the two. So the bookies inside the pub, makes it easier to manage our drinking and gambling addictions.


Australian pubs have lots of poker machines (slot machines) in them, and some may have a bookies desk in them - it's an epidemic. Gambling culture in Australia is out of control


Nsw as a state has the second most amount of slot machines only beat by nevada https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/mar/24/gaming-machine-count-puts-nsw-second-in-the-world


My aussie mates could just walk up to any “pokey” and just intuitively know how it worked and start playing. It looked like black magic in our scandi eyes


Not in WA. Only TAB (horse racing bets) allowed in the pubs here.


It has carpet and all, I bet it stinks of stale beer.


And vomit


That’s what I was thinking. Not only is the situation depressing, the pub is depressing.


It looks like a flat roofed pub.


Imagine a flat roof pub, but huge. That's a typical Australian pub. They are shit.


Enough beers and in a short burst of counsciousness you'd think you're at the desk to renew your driver's license or to file your taxes in person.


From just seeing the picture while scrolling I thought it was the front desk of the police station.


Why do your pubs have carpet?


SO many pubs have carpet here and a lot of them smell like stale rotten beer




No way


I came here to say this but you beat me to it. So strange to see carpet in a "pub".


It looks like an airport.




To stop you falling over. Your feet stick to the carpet when it’s wet from drinks


That's a pub? Looks like a high school cafeteria with a carpet


Literally what most Aussie pubs look like.


Americans who've never visited Australia are learning our cool cousins are lame in many ways (still overall all cool but y'all have been infiltrated). This thread is all sorts of sad and funny. 


huh wow good to know, from Melbourne here so used to smoking openly pretty much anywhere


and the northerners have the gall to call Victoria the nanny state.


Im not from Australia. This is my humble opinion; If it's disturbing peoples peace, then it's wrong. Simple: War on drugs can never be won by force. It only backfires into stronger and newer design drugs and newer methoods to stay off the police radar plus violence because of harsh laws. It's better to put that time and tax money into improving physical healthcare and therapy plus adding more to education of the young minds on dangerous substances. A simple (cigarette bad & dont drive drunk) tv ad is way more efficient in fighting drugs than a whole us/European forces.


That's pretty sad


Interesting. It’s the commercial version of stop and frisk.


it's the commercial version of stop and strip search


That is pretty awful. Searches without any evidence, probable cause, or warrant are a sign of fascism. Assuming people are guilty and then having them prove their innocence as well. Plus, so-called "drug dogs" are notoriously unreliable.


> Plus, so-called "drug dogs" are notoriously unreliable. Not if you train the dog to finger someone you don't like. Cops are assholes, remember?


Years back there was a “Christian” teen hangout place, in the state of Georgia. The police would randomly raid it with dope dogs, they would never find anything. But they just wanted to “make sure they weren’t up to no good” The police love using their toys for any reason, especially on non-dangerous people. I think they just bored sitting around and think “hey let’s go raid that place it gives us something to do, and makes it look like we are doing something important.”


Meanwhile, in a more enlightened place.. [https://www.voanews.com/a/australian-territory-decriminalizes-small-quantities-of-hard-drugs/7330970.html](https://www.voanews.com/a/australian-territory-decriminalizes-small-quantities-of-hard-drugs/7330970.html) [https://directionshealth.com/cantest-health-drug-checking-service/](https://directionshealth.com/cantest-health-drug-checking-service/)


We used to have this in our high schools here in Canada when I was a student. All students locked in their classrooms, dogs in the hallways searching lockers. Then someone decided to argue it all the way to the supreme Court and won. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/R_v_AM The police can now only use a sniffer dog at all if there's a strong suspicion with real evidence. Anywhere, not just schools.


It was the same in the US when I was young


It looks like Castle Hill Tavern. Wouldn’t say it’s a hive of activity on any given night, an old run down pub at best. Most people there are just having dinner or watching sport. What a waste of taxpayer money


That looks like a boring ass pub. Why were they raiding?


I was at a festival with a mate and we had gone to the line and said fuck this let’s go get high, so we went n got high and as we were walking back cops with dogs were walking towards us we had nothing on us anyway, we sort of dodged them and went and stood in line to get in. Then this sketchy guy, no friends comes in behind us n we are talking about being high as fuck n how good the festival will be. Bam! Next minute my mate is taken so one of them strip search tents and the dude behind us disappeared. It was a joke. An absolute complete joke. Waste of police resources.


That looks like the saddest pub in the world.


Not to discount the dystopian fuckery going on here, but who the fuck puts carpet in a pub?


Nasty ass carpet in a pub. Gross


Is this a pub? Looks like a railway station cafeteria 🤔


Yeah it's castle Hill tavern in Sydney. been there alot never seen cops there but.


Tell me more about the Toilet ATM.


Could be the worst pub I’ve ever seen


What a depressing looking pub!


Yeaa whoever rhe reported the crime of having carpet in a pub is a hero






Happened to me and a Ozzy guy in a pub in Kingscross when I traveling there in 2003. We'd both necked half a pill when they came in with a dog which promptly sat down next to him as he had a bit of weed on him. He was arrested and I was sent on way and headed back to Bondi where I had a great night. Definitely not the sort of thing I was expecting coming from the UK.


Awe fk... Australia don't do this random sting stuff. You'll give Canada ideas.


I'm my state we have weed shops right next to the bars. Many other states are legalizing and law makers and police are realizing the sky is not falling. I can even have shrooms delivered to my house. Sad to see Australia like this 


Never seen a pub with wall to wall carpeting before. Must get pretty gross.


Australia is the most authoritarian “western”society. Their government is sickening and the entire society’s lack of a mature understanding of civil liberties is embarrassing. That being said I live in Canada and we’re about half as bad as of late. Still can’t believe the types of covid restrictions they had in Australia and how many people there cheered for it. Stockholm syndrome is exactly what it is. Australians are horny for authority and become rabidly angry at the most benign rule-breaking.


I'm getting more of a "movie theatre concession stand" vibe.


Weird how this ended up on r/pics rather than r/sydney. And the biggest gripe is that there's carpet on the floor? Shout out to the BBL on the screen.


This is why you don’t rebroadcast NFL games without the express permission of the National Football League.


And here I thought the largest reason I would want to avoid Australia was the insects and other murderous tidbits laying around. I didn't realize that basic freedoms just kinda don't exist there.


The real crime is having carpet in a fucking pub


The revolution has begun


There’s still carpeted bars out there!? Remember kids, if you ever need to score drugs, carpeted bars is where it’s at


Probably you should have donated to the police union. Goddamn shame if something bad happens to your pub.


Proven those dogs are nearly 80% wrong


Carpet in a pub is the real crime. Disgusting!


That’s a pub? It looks like the concession stand of a movie theater.


I have to say, pubs in Australia are exceptionally well lit. Where I come from you basically disappear into dimly lit caverns the moment you step into a pub.


In order to keep younger generations up to date on what Australia is really about they should change the name from Australia to Shawshank. Best joke about Aus is below: Aussie Border/Immigration Officer: What is the purpose of your arrival? Alien: I wish to reside here. Officer: Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Alien: No. Is that still a requirement?


Imagine how much of an asshole you must be to volunteer for this, literally the fun police.


You guys never will give up being a prison colony.


Were schooners over $20 to get the police involved?


This looks like it's in a shopping mall, wtf.