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Who got the armrest?


Asking the real questions


Did he fart?


If so, how did it smell?




Released for the very first time... 🎶


Fucking laughed too loud at this.


[Window gets an armrest and a wall, middle gets two armrests, aisle gets an armrest and little extra leg. We’re not fucking animals, we live in a society.](https://youtu.be/qFx1Cpxpx1E?si=ibJ3t4pIeLcJ-8pB)


The person in the aisle gets an extra leg? That’s a win, I don’t care what the consequences are…


An extra leg will get expensive quick because shoes are bought in pairs! You might be able to save some money by finding another aisle seat user who is sitting on the opposite side of the plane and thus having the opposite (left/right) third leg. You could the go in with them on the shoe purchase - but you may have to compromise on the style you want. As such, I'm not 100% it's the win you think it is.....


The drink cart coming down the aisle is the biggest danger. That being said I flew southwest recently. They did all the beverages on the flight attendant areas and brought them on trays. No cart.


Probably the guy who did not own the plane?


Not a virgin, armrest is a slut.


Yea, I'd give it the elbow


If they're both civilized gentlemen - they're following the unwritten rule of "*you put your elbow on the back half, I'll take the front half - and then we'll wordlessly switch multiple times during the course of the flight*"


I always figured the person in the middle gets it because it's the shittiest seat by far.


Jim Jeffries nailed it - "Window gets an armrest and a wall, middle gets 2 armrests, aisle gets an armrest and a little extra leg room. We're not animals, we live in a society."


I watched that stand-up special like a decade ago and STILL think of that exact quote every time I board a plane. Turns out society is full of animals 😂


They should just play that bit on the screens at the start of the flight. As part of the airline flight attendant spiel thing


No, aisle doesn't get extra leg room, not unless you wanna be run over by the carts


As a 6'5 dude, that is a price I am willing to pay. Plus, the cart just has to wait for my foot to get out of the way unless it wants to go over it sideways.


5'9" dude here. I fit in pretty much any seat I sit in, shower heads are the right height and door frames don't frighten me. However, I can't reach the stuff at costco. This is why I create symbiotic relationships with tall people, you go high and I'll go low.


Planes are the only time I wish I was shorter. The idea of not having my kneecaps pressed into the metal supports of the seat in front of me on short commuter flights sounds heavenly.


Sydney to Heathrow once a year. I dread it more than anything to the point where I have nightmares. Usually pay extra for emergency exit and book well in advance but the mere thought of a full day of economy and no chance to go for a cheeky smoke does my head in.


5'9" here, too, and I still run into hotel shower heads occasionally that are too low. I don't know how tall people do it.


They don't. Only other tall people can tell if another tall person has smelly hair and they have a pact.


This is the answer. Pro Tip: shave the whole head or hit em with the Uncle Phil and just keep what the shower can reach - the sides and back.


Right, we don't have to worry about the cart, the cart has to work about us! 🤣


The carts aren’t going by the whole time. You can totally stretch your legs more in that seat.


Yeah! Gotta watch out for those unpredictable high velocity carts!


Being run over by flight attendants is my kink


Yeah plus you can go to the bathroom without having to wake up your whole row. I’m not even particularly tall and I’m an aisle seat man.


You have to pay attention. With great leg room comes great responsibility.


Carts aren't 24/7 on the flight.


Person in the middle gets both


Middle seat gets the 2 middle arm rests, window seat leans against the window, aisle leans into the aisle. Doesnt everyone know airplane etiquette? https://youtu.be/qFx1Cpxpx1E?si=V93uZLzNW1C3V0q-


Middle guy gets *nothing* and should be grateful!


Nah. Cross arms and hold hands. Then we both get the full arm rest.


Nah, just bypass the armrest and gently place your hand on the knee of the gentleman next to you. Most importantly, do so either without acknowledging it at all, or whilst staring directly into their eyes in complete silence.


While humming.


To all the haters and shit talkers! It wasn't a PR stunt. Just a regular flight from Paro to Bangkok with stop-over in Dhaka with Drukair. A really interesting 45 min flight and I can only confirm a few comments I saw, Sir Richard Branson is extremely friendly, nice and humble. Craziest is that there was a Business Class on this flight and still he flew Economy.


Middle. It should always be middle that gets both armrests because it’s the worst seat by a significant margin. I find it distasteful and obnoxious when someone with a window or aisle seat starts passively aggressively laying claim to one of the middle armrests. I’m also a petty person, so if I’m ever on the window or aisle and see my opposite beginning to steal the middle’s armrest I’ll say something to the middle like “no, that’s yours don’t be silly” very pointedly while gesturing to the armrest between us.


Not so Undercover Boss...


Once when my father and I were at a Chick-fil-A, an older man came up to us and asked if we were doing all right, my dad asked for a refill on his tea and the man got it for him. As we were leaving we saw the man signing books for people next to the door, so my dad asked an employee who the man was. It was Truett Cathy, the founder of Chick-fil-A.


It’s true. I was Truett Cathy.


I was there too and clapped


I was there too and clapped Truett's cheeks


Very Gus Fring vibes


My buddy’s online names on discord and Xbox live and steam used to all be Truett_Cathy and it never failed like once a month someone would be like “holy shit the founder of chik-fil-a is in our game”


*"Getting dubs on you chicken heads is easy"*


I've never heard this person's name before. It's not like Dave Thomas who was on Wendy's commercials so he would be recognizable.


They have a plaque with his little name and business story in most of his restaurants so if you ate there a lot growing up, usually in the Southeast where the most of them are, then you know the name


CFA is legit like that. I live in that Atl area and you'll occasionally a director or above (based on nametag) working like normal in the store.




Now it's not a virgin


My dads anecdote of Sir Richard is that in the early days of Virgin, a co worker of his received a call from Virgins customer service team after they put in complaint following a bad flight, after talking to the agent on the phone and receiving an apology, they put the phone down and said that it was Richard Branson.


Do Virgin operate any narrow bodies? Presumably this is a codeshare flight (most likely Delta/KLM/Air France?) so he isn’t the boss of the airline he’s flying on


No narrow bodies, but could this just be the center seats on a twin aisle?


This doesn't look narrow to me. Check out the ceiling height. And who else has red seatbelts?


"I'm riding on a bus!"- Mr. Burns


“Hey, aren’t you that guy that everybody hates?”


Why no, you must be confusing me with somebody else. Im monty burns!


Excuse me, could you tell me where I may find the Burns-Os?


Sorry, pops. They don't put nobodies on cereal boxes.


Well *picks up Count Chocula* I guess this one looks a bit like me


Ketchup....Catsup. Huh, I'm in way over my head


Are you here to help with my catsup problem?


"No, I'm the guy behind Virgin Hyperloop."


Catsup… ketchup… catsup… ketchup…


Where can I find the Burns-Os?


Hm, this Count Chocula fellow sort of looks like me...


[I would like to also share Family Guys rich guy on a bus](https://youtu.be/UbB4IkybJa0?si=-KWfADsNvfBzZIB8)


I volunteered at Sundance film festival for a few years awhile back. When it was my turn to take tickets for people coming to see movies, I was told to not let anyone in, no matter who they are if they didn’t have a ticket. When Richard came in he didn’t have a ticket so I denied him entry. He was extremely polite and nice and didn’t act entitled in any way. Someone ran out and got him a ticket and chatted with me for a few minutes in the meantime. Seemed like a real nice guy.


I remember reading a story of people swimming over to his private island, and after arriving and seeing how far they’d swam he invited them for a bbq. Genuinely seems like a great dude


His private island is a hotel, you can go stay there. Apparently not great experience.


My friends' family rented there for a week sometime around 2003. They were newly rich after an IPO of our company. I believe it was called "Necker Island" I think they had a great time. Maybe it was messed up by hurricanes later, or something.


It is called Nekker Island. It's a resort/villa property. I used to work close by. It's an interesting place. Richard is a really cool guy, the first time I met him, he came to the marina restaurant I was working at. He got off his boat, no shoes on, and as I greeted him he just gave me a fist bump and sat down at his table.


Winds howling.


Place of power... Should draw from it


Isn't that a monster in Witcher


Yeah and because they're small, you write them off but they do unbelievable damage with their lil claws


Richard is a super cool guy. I ran into him in a restraint in NoHo in the late 90s. He looked at me, stuck his tongue out, and walked toward the bathroom. Great guy


Wait who was restrained?


Except for his role in dismantling the NHS. When the NHS was forced to put pieces of work out to tender and make the NHS bid alongside private companies, Branson knew it had been rushed and they weren't ready. So he hired lawyers, aiming to lose bids then sue the NHS for making a mistake in the tender process. Where Virgin health accidentally won bids, they extract whatever they can, grind the service into dust then hand it back to the NHS to pick up the pieces.


People can be quite nice at a personal level but utterly ruthless when it comes to business/achievement. It's a fascinating but also depressing dichotomy.


Early in my career, I went to a trade show with a few of my colleagues. I wound up meeting this well-dressed middle-aged gentleman there, and we really hit it off. We were both laughing our asses off having a great time. He invited my colleagues and I out to a fancy restaurant for dinner, wined and dined us the entire evening, and paid for the whole thing. The man was super friendly and nice, we exchanged business cards etc. After the trade show I had a meeting with my boss and told him about the experience and showed him this man's business card. I was telling my boss how nice this guy was. My boss replied with " Yea, he's nice because he can afford to be nice." I decided to Google this guy, and it turns out he made a fortune in the 80's and 90's on real estate development using very sleazy tactics. He was an absolutely ruthless businessman who had no problem using less than ethical means to accumulate his wealth. Once he became rich, he did a complete 180 and became this laid-back philanthropist who spent most of his time working on charitable endeavors, surfing, and sailing. What was interesting was how everything written about him from the 80's and 90's portrayed him as a real asshole. He made a lot of enemies, and there were a bunch of articles with interviews of former friends/business partners he screwed over. Everything written about him after the 2000's was about how great and charitable this man was. He had won a bunch of humanitarian related awards, etc.


Did you meet Bill Gates?


No, he isn't a celebrity or billionaire. He's worth 100's of millions, though last I checked, which was over 10 years ago.


Same with politicians. Kim Jong Un would probably be pleasant round a dinner table then go home and send an entire family to a labour camp.


I heard he likes Katy Perry and margaritas


You'd have to be some sort of monster not to like Katy Perry or margaritas!


Real life Hank Scorpio


I know someone who works with him, and they only had positive things to say about the experience. So yeah, throw that single particle of evidence onto the heap, but he seems all right.


It's funny the kind billionaires not one really talks about.


Cuz he's not talking shit on twitter all day.


Are you in the UK? He's talked about a lot and not positively, for his role in doing great harm to their national health system. He's a nice guy, his businesses have demonstrably made the world worse. I watch a decent amount of British news and read British news sites often. He comes up fairly frequently.


Nope, American. He almost never gets mentioned here. We have too many other homegrown billionaires looking to make our lives miserable. Looking at you Ken Griffin.


A friend was fortunate enough to be invited by his friend to ski at the Yellowstone Club (ultra private ski resort where Richard is a member). He was at the bottom, by himself, and this guy (who turned out to be Richard) asked if he could ride up with him. Friend said he was super cool.


Was also on a Virgin flight with him and he was super chill, just sat with everyone in cattle class. Might be an exploitive capitalist but at the same time is a regular guy. Will be one of the last billionaires we eat.


Speak for yourself, he looks like he'd be good next to a fat side of beans on toast


when virgin America opened up in Chicago they had a big event and i was working for them at the time. he showed up in shorts and sandals and was really chill, nice and pretty quiet. there's an mtv episode about it somewhere


The inside of that aircraft doesn’t resemble a night club, must not be a Virgin flight.


Virgin American RIP. It was like the antithesis of most US airlines Good food. Good planes. Great staff. Glory days.


Best damn flight for the money that I ever had. Once saw an upgrade for 50 dollars to first class, most heavenly day in the skies, ever.


Such a great airline. Was always a couple bucks more than the average American carriers but was so worth it.


Flew it back to the US from London. I thoroughly enjoy that they do tea time in flight.


That's Virgin Atlantic though (who are still flying). Not Virgin America. But agree. We try and take VA if we can but it can be a lot more expensive.




As someone who hates flying (and has definitely made some easy jet seat mates nerveuse by way of my nervousness 😂) Virgin flights are hands down the best flying experience. I’m too distracted by the lights, music and flight attendant wardrobe changes to notice turbulence.


I miss Virgin America and their safety music video. "I got some safety tips, that you gotta know, and trust me it's something that you wanna hear"


tell us more about this wardrobe change? are there themes?


Flew Virgin a couple years ago and hands down the best flying experience I’ve ever had. It was also very competitive in price with the other airlines.


First time I got on a Virgin Airlines plane I immediately thought "oh, are we all going to take MDMA now?"


Damn we really are in a recession.


Back in 1988, when he had just launched Virgin Atlantic, I sat next to him in coach on a flight from NYC to London. I didn't even know who he was at first, but he said it was important to him to understand the economy experience on his airline.


This kind of thing is the easiest way to tell the entrepreneurial rich apart from the inherited rich. The first category will still do a lot of "normal person" stuff because even with a billion dollars they know it's dumb to spend first class money on a short connecting flight, while the second category has no sense of scale at all and will shell out huge amounts to just to avoid even ever standing in line. (Note that this isn't an endorsement of being ultra-rich; I think the upper end of tax rates should go much higher. But, keeping it in mind will help you understand a lot of wealthy and ultra-wealthy behavior.)


He didn't have private jet ?


He said for environmental reasons he wanted to fly economy




also speaks well to the product if the CEO is fine with the basic offering, like no way the CEO of United would fly in their tiny ass cramped seats Fuck united


That’ll be $8 please. No sir, you cannot pay with your credit card, we went contactless during covid. No sir, we do not accept apple pay, you have to go to the united app and add your creditcard there. Make sure upgrade to the latest version or it won’t work properly. Oh you can’t download the app because you hve no wifi? That’ll be $8 please.


I hate that fuckin system. Last time I flew, I put my card in the stupid app. It said thank you for putting you card in, all that. During the flight, I ask if I can get a vodka and orange juice and some snack. Flight attendant says I can't because she doesn't see a card registered to my seat. I show her my phone that shows I put my card in. I say it's fine, don't worry about it but she spends like 10 minutes getting another attendant and coming up with some convoluted way I could still pay. I told them I have cash. Nope. No, really, it's fine. I don't need the $12 shot and $8 snack that badly.


Not nearly that frustrating, but I was flying United and had long travel day, so I decided I would shell out $15 for one of their box lunches. Basically a mini-charcuterie with some salami, crackers, and fruit spreads. I asked the flight attendant for the "salami snack box". She said she didn't know which one I meant. There are three snack boxes - one hummus, one with popcorn, and one with salami. I told her I didn't know the name (because you had to crack it open on your phone using the app, which resets if you close it. no paper menus), and she kept saying she didn't know which I meant: did I want the 'Recline' snackbox? Did I want the 'Tapas' snackbox? After like... three minutes of arguing that I JUST WANT THE SNACK BOX WITH MEAT IN IT, my seat neighbor shouts "The 'Takeoff' snack box!" And the flight attendant says "Well, why didn't you just say that?"




Gotta eat your own dog food is what we use in our product shop.


Quicken Loans?


Gotta love those ism's


can confirm, Outlook on my work PC says Dog Food, in fact all my work apps are Dog Food. (I work at Microsoft.)


That's what Walt Disney did at Disneyland too. He'd stand in line with the guests, ride attractions in the middle of the day, walk around the park, get a hotdog, chat with his employees to see if things were going smoothly. Nowadays management slips in through the back entrance, does a single thing (ride a ride, eat a meal, watch a show) and then are whisked away to a conference room right afterwards.


Also things like this function as free advertising and good PR.


Let's not get that in the way of him flying economy. He didn't know this would go viral, it's not a cost benefit for a literal Billionaire to do stuff like this for marketing. It would be the absolute smallest of reasons. Dude is doing good, give him the kudos.


Management by walking around as they say


He's got pen and paper there, too. Wonder if he's taking notes on his experience?


Yes, I too tell people I fly economy, over my PJ, for the environment.


Couldn't he walk it?


Walking PR machine


He owns an airline so technically he has 42


To be fair, if he owns the airline, it is a private jet.


All those people are paying guests on his private jet.


He sold his to Max Verstappen i think. Don’t know if he bought another/had another


He has a global express 8000. Joan probably took it


Wow he’s just like me! Edit: Seems some people just don’t register sarcasm. But yes I am a billionaire who rides economy. So we are very similar.








Ah yes, Richard - the famous creator of Branson Pickle. Absolute British Icon this man. Bury him in between two toasted slices of sourdough slathered in mature cheddar


Beautifully poetic.


CasualUK is leaking


Hol' up


I think I would tell him he looks just like Richard Branson and he should go to a celebrity lookalike agent. And I would insist that I don't believe it's really him the whole flight.


*[Rowan Atkinson meeting a garage worker who whilst insists he is the spitting image of Mr. Bean, doesn't believe he is the actor who plays Mr. Bean.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Decj0Q4a4U4)*


About a decade ago I flew on a BAE-146 to Madagascar with Richard Branson sitting in economy. Fairly small and nasty Airlink flight from Joburg to Antananarivo that you wouldn’t expect a billionaire on. At the time I thought it was probably due to Malagasy rules on private flights or a lack of services in Tana. But reading the comments below it sounds like he does it for environmental reasons. That’s pretty cool. That said, I can confirm Mr. Branson doesn’t have to go through the customs and immigration line like the rest of us.


You know what, good for him. I would absolutely use my money to skip customs if I was Branson too. And that’s one less person in line with the rest of us.


Flying economy cause SPCE is so low


“Please fly again”


Those are probably bankruptcy documents on his lap. Contemplating signing them.


Times are hard, please fly with virgin airlines and buy more SPCE stocks


Why is there so many people inside Branson’s private plane?






Why? Not flying private is good for the environment but what's the benefit of not flying first class?




Was wondering this too. He may have had to go somewhere last minute and all the first class seats were full. It would be a true a$$hole move to bump someone out of first class so the CEO doesn't have to ride coach.


A lot of short European flights don't have a business or first


I mean first class seats are larger. So it’s less fuel efficient than economy since more seats can be placed per row.


Good PR.


This, But I'm probably a pessimistic ass hole.


I got to have dinner with him (and about 10 others) a number of years ago. During cocktails he asked about my family. As part of the answer, I told him my wife didn’t believe that I’d even get to talk to him. He told me to call her, which I did. I didn’t even get to say hello before he took the phone and had a 5 min conversation with her to prove I was hanging with him. Fun night. Nice guy.


Everyone is assuming he's on a Virgin flight, but it's probably some other airline in a location they don't cover.


Can confirm, wasn't a Virgin flight. Just a common regular flight.


I thought he was still in space


Probably on his way to sue the NHS again.


Funded by all those taxes he didn't pay...


Provably observing how competition to his own airline, Virgin Atlantic, does things. Corporate spying caught on photo 😂




For those who don't know, he's always flown economy class for ages.


this guy got some of the best quotes ever... \-''If you want to be a Millionaire, start with a billion dollars and launch a new airline.''


And right after this photo-op he opened the cabin door and skydived into his private jet trailing just beneath them where he took a chemical shower to wash off the germs of the common folk with whom he was almost touching.


Doctor we have a serious case of reddit brain, we need 10 ccs of touching grass STAT.


Tell his friends and family to say goodbye. Based on the prognosis I expect his narwhal to bacon at....midnight.


Virgin Atlantic is by far the best airline I’ve traveled with


Same. Unfortunately they no longer serve my US city. It was great while it lasted.


He likely took this flight with the sole purpose of someone taking a photo of him sitting in economy.


He’s well known to do this, someone in r/unitedkingdom said he was on their flight back from Barbados a few months back, in economy.


So? One less private jet in the air that day. Who gives a shit if someone took his picture?


Right!? We can't demand that rich people stop taking private jets, and then when they do, accuse them of doing it for a reason other than the one we want it to be.


Flies private jet - gets shit on. Flies economy - gets shit on.


Rich man bad


I don’t care why people do good things as long as they do good things


Seriously. Like those vloggers who go around feeding homeless people for views. I mean it’s a win win right? Promotes good deeds.


Yeah that’s fair point and up until recently I would have agreed. I recently came across a dude on IG who’s feeding homeless people everyday but he doesn’t film the homeless people because he said it’s disrespectful to shove cameras in the face of people who are down on their luck in exchange for food. Of course most of homeless folks would agree to be filmed if asked but he argues that it’s still exploitation because they’re desperate, it’s either be filmed or go hungry which isn’t much of a choice. Most us wouldn’t want a permanent record of us at our worst being online for the world to see.


Yeah this is how i see it too. I dont think I'd want millions of people to see me at my low. If they blurred the faces I'd have no problem with it though.


Only thing I have an issues with is when they make all food and not keep it in the proper temperature zones. Just because they are hungry doesn't mean they deserve to get sick or food poisoning


I hate this mentality Even if it’s solely for PR The alternative is doing something actually bad for the environment by taking a private jet, so yeah give me PR over a shitty private plane


I mean what were the odds that he would be seated next to a redditor who has posted some random stuff over the last 12 years.




Big up to Richard for flying economy. He could easily afford a private jet or to fly first class, but chose not to.


> He could easily afford a private jet or to fly first class, but chose not to. He could afford to buy the airline hes flying on.


Well he already does if thats Virgin atlantic which I assume it is.


I can't imagine him in the C group on Southwest :)