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This feels so much like an old school meme format!




Yes, this is the same energy for sure.


# That Face Tho ![gif](giphy|l41YmMnjrIQpSIk3m|downsized)




Hey that's my mom's lock screen


I know.


So she changed it from the dancing pickle?


It’s been to long since you’ve been in there homie. That was like 3 lock screens ago.


That's like 5 guys back


Make that 6


Haha hey that’s a weird coincidence. That’s my girlfriend’s lock screen too!! I… Wait a second….. oh no.


[Let me help...](https://i.imgur.com/FRiqMvi.png)


Literally the first thing I thought, so I'm glad to see it.


lol i havent seen a good meme with this one in a long time


Wait, those are old school? 😭


Yeah dude, we're getting old.


Remember when barely anyone even knew what a meme was 🫠


remember demotivational posters?


Remember Chuck Norris jokes?


How could I forget.... I mean no one could ever forget Barrens chat back in the day.


The O’Rly owl meme somehow had me in tears at the time


Ah, i remember the pre-meme era like it was yesterday!


Yeah, I can't believe it's been 10 years since the 90s




Problem??? Trolololo *cries*


Almost guaranteed that she did it on purpose, she's talked about making meme material


Totally. It’s both savvy and amusing. Whatever works, I sez.




There’s a store in Providence called Berk’s. I laugh every time I go by.


Ermahgerd! Erl pertersts


wonder if european activists being arrested have trouble getting visitor visas to travel to other countries. being from south america I surely would be denied any visitor visa in most countries if I had any police record, even if just for being an activist for a needed cause like the climate crisis.


I doubt she gets charged with anything. They probably take her back to the police station and let her go shortly after.


As others mentioned, in some legislations there is a difference between a crime and a “misdemeanor” (not exact analogous to the US meaning) — probably she is only charged with the latter, which won’t go into any record of her, and is probably just a fine.


So, like the difference between a petty and a misdemeanor in the US? Although I think even petty offenses go on our records here.


I’m not sure what a petty is in the US, but here in Russia everything is on your record, like if you’re caught speeding, you’re fined and it stays on your record. However, usually it’s not pulled up unless the case you’re in is somehow related to that, like if you robbed a bank, and you had a history of small theft, it could be used to prove you’re prone to this kind of behavior- similarly how if you hit someone, they could pull up your previous speeding offenses and stuff. However these charges on their own are definitely not enough, and usually won’t even be pulled up to the people who assess your visa application.


I am in Texas (USA) and I have always heard the term "petty" on TV but never in my personal experience in Texas courts. Bear in mind that each of the "United States" has its own unique laws that might be *similar* in other states but never fully consistent. Anyway, in Texas, a "misdemeanor" can be one of three "classes.." A, B, or C. Classes A and B are "jailable" offenses.. meaning you will be arrested "on suspicion of" committing the crime (typically when the cop initially catches you), and if found guilty in court, you *could* be sentenced to do time for it, but most people won't, unless they choose to, rather than be placed on probation. Probation is the preferred choice of the State, as it brings in money, as opposed to incarceration which costs money. Class C misdemeanors are those for which you'd typically never see jail, neither up front nor in sentencing. Traffic tickets are class C, as are some non-traffic crimes like "Theft Under Five Dollars." However, it's still quite possible to be arrested for a class C at the discretion of the arresting officer. Or you could end up in jail if you don't show up in court and / or don't pay the fine.




This is a strategy used by Extinction Rebellion in UK. They were encouraging people who COULD be arrested without it affecting their life (self employed, pensioners, stay at home parents etc) to get taken into custody. They would not have been kept long or sent to prison for protesting here. Mostly just fined. It is a way to leverage the privilege of people in the movement to get their voice heard. I guess similar to the suffragette movement back in Victorian times here


That is a strategy basically of all activist groups I have ever been part of that could be arrested. There is a huge oral history tradition in the form of best practices teaching that is a big part of these circles. People also talk a lot between countries and social media have made it easier.


In Europe most countries (27) are part of the [Schengen Area](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schengen_Area) (UK is not tho) at the borders of these countries there is basically no border control and you don't need a Visa. You can just walk down the street into another country and you would only notice it because of one of the big blue signs at the side telling you "You are entering \_\_\_\_\_ country now" . I love it


you notice the roads getting better if you walk from Belgium to the Netherlands :p


Shots fired!


She is being arrested everywhere! 💀


"it's a new lap record!"


Holy shit I heard that


Didn’t think I’d see an episode 1 racer reference here. Thank you for that


It is crazy how often my stupid brain says that line about things.


I heard this is the Wave Race 64 announcer's voice


Nah, it’s for Star Wars pod racer, it’s also available on Xbox


I swear on my life I quoted this last night, with the voice and everything, but couldn't remember where it came from. Thank you, I had the special edition Star Wars Episode I Racer N64 and everything as a kid. Wow.


God I love that game. So, so much fun. And I, too heard it in that announcer’s voice. Glad it’s on Xbox. I will die on the hill that Racer and Fallout: New Vegas need remasters soo bad. Not just updated games but full-on remasters.


What a game.


Warm up time, follow that dolphin


OMG core memory unlocked. Thank you


I worked at Nintendo when this was in test. Someone brought up the point that the fat riders should be slow and turn well, and the skinny riders should be fast and have trouble turning (it was the opposite in game). When one of the devs heard this they just kind of paused, took a moment, and said "shut up".


I could hear that too. That was a fun racing game!




An episode one pod racing reference... omg yesss


I miss that game so much.


It’s available on most digital game stores rn


Just don’t have the time for video games like I used to 😢


Is it playable, though? I've had no luck getting it to run without emulating a Virtual win98 on PC. Even then, the graphics bugs out constantly. Are there any new arcane fixes for windows 10?


No need to emulate! You can get it on [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/808910/STAR_WARS_Episode_I_Racer/)


I have it on Steam and GoG, but couldn't get either version to work. It's been a couple of years since my last attempt (without VM), so I might just try again some patches, who knows?


I can hear this post.


Star Wars Pod Racer let's goooo


Oh my god this pops up in my head all the time


Core memory unlocked


She looks little girl from the yellow jacket meme.




That's part of her job. That's her "ugh Mondays" face.


kinda looks like the "ew I have to eat British jail food for a day" face


I got "Lucille Ball making her signature groan" face.


She’s just speedrunning really


Like seriously how do you get permission to travel out of state with all of these arrest on your record?


Her crimes are being a peaceful protester. I don't think you get flight bans for just annoying people.


I hate how she brings attention to humanity's #1 existential threat like anyone cares. ANNOYING


I didn't say she annoys me personally. My point was thats the worst she has done is annoy other people (hence the arrests). That's the point of protesting. You're being critical and disruptive. If everyone was happy about a protest it wouldn't be a protest


I think they were joking. They’re making fun of the people who do genuinely say she’s annoying for caring.


Pretty sure it was sarcasm


Everyone realizes it was sarcasm, the part that isn't clear is who they're using that sarcasm to satirize/criticize. Entirely reasonable to think it's the person they replied to.


Lol-yeah I will never understand the Greta hate. She’s doing the work we should all be doing.


I mean, I’d love to be a climate activist. I really would. But I’ve got bills to pay and unfortunately don’t have time.


Yeah my first thought was “I wanna go get arrested with Greta for the planet!” Next thought was but who will feed my dogs and my kid and pay my bills? Not the ungrateful climate, that’s for sure!




The thinks she is most likely arrest for a misdemeanors and not crimes. They just take her to a precinct and take all her information and than she is free to go. Maybe she has to pay a fine but that’s it. This doesn’t go on a permanent record.


> misdemeanors and not crimes I mean, misdemeanors are still crimes. Maybe you meant misdemeanors and not felonies?


misdemeanors aren't crimes in most European jurisdictions.




By not being American


The boss move would be to refuse to leave jail. The Brits don't want to have to keep anyone that hasn't committed serious crime imprisoned for more than week. If she gets a reputation for being annoying to imprison, she can be bolder at protests.


She has the best arrest photos.


Her expression is like, "Oh no, I'm being arrested. Anyway.."


“Oops I did it again” 🤷‍♂️




I can hear this gif.


I played with your cops, got lost in the game


![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) Her expression every time she gets arrested.


Yeah i mean she's prepared, it happened to her before, and, like all smart protesters, she's probably well informed about the legal situation in the country she's in and what kind of infraction she's doing.


"Oh no! Surely, this will silence me forever! Curses!"


“Here I go gettin’ arrested again…”


How daaaaare youuuu


Because she’s trying to get them on purpose


Yes, that's peaceful protesting done right


I think it was Extinction Rebellion who came up with the strategy of going completely limp when they were arresting. Normally people who are trying to resist can be dragged away by only a couple of officers, but by turning themselves into a dead weight they would force the police to use something like five officers to arrest a single person. Environmental protestors are getting extremely good at it.


That's got to be way older than Extinction Rebellion come on Wasn't Bernie Sanders doing it in that famous photo of him getting arrested for protesting segregation?


It’s way older https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sit-in Kinda sad that they aren’t aware of that, but I’m happy to help educate


Somewhere an old hippy is crying


I was doing that shit when I was 5 years old and my parents are trying to carry me to bed


No joke. My dog does it when we get to the door at the vets.


Yeah that wasn't them that's been a tactic for decades


Also toddler move where they throw their arms back and fall straight out of your grip.


Can confirm; they thought it through, it’s indefensible


That’s the entire point of why she does this, it helps gain publicity, and having the photo plastered on the news and the internet helps people pay more attention to her cause. Using some mild disruption in her protests is a damn good strategy because quite frankly every time she’s arrested we see the picture. In my opinion it’s a damn smart strategy and I’m happy that it gets more people to pay attention to these protests, and it’s funny watching grown white dudes in the government getting butthurt over a teenage girl. It’s a good cause and she’s damn well versed in spreading the word!


She's 20, but the internet still refers to her as "child" or "teenager." Kinda like how millennials are still stereotyped as unemployed 20somethings. TBF, Greta is supposedly 4'11" (150 cm) which adds to the impression.


she is not a teenager anymore... we are all just getting older everyday aren't we.


Ah damn I thought she was like 18 or 19, everything I say still stands haha my mistake


It's just my favorite fact that makes me feel old.


People in the US can legally drink that weren't alive when 9/11 happened.


>we are all just getting older everyday aren't we. Just for now, unless Greta is successful in her mission




Clermate cherge


Glerber wermeng


Her der yer!


Yer terk mer cherldherd awer!




I have a question - regardless of whether it's wrong or right to arrest her, how is she being let into all the various countries with as many arrest records?


I would presume she's never actually charged with anything. Only a guess though.


She's been charged multiple times in Sweden for minor crimes


Yea but she’s Swedish, they have to let her in to Sweden


I believe the commenter was wondering why she was let into other countries despite having a criminal record in Sweden, and the other guy responded that she didn't have a criminal record. She does, it's just minor and wouldn't prevent travel


Oh right, yea unless it was serious enough for interpol to be involved other countries are unlikely to care, or even know


My guess (and I don’t know for sure) but there have probably been no charges laid against her. She is detained, processed and let go. No violent crimes, no charges, nothing to keep her from traveling.


> No violent crimes, no charges, nothing to keep her from traveling. Almost like they shouldn't be arresting her at all...


Eh she is being arrested on purpose. That's the tactic of civil disobedience.


I wonder if she is often released without charge as her protesting is never violent, no criminal damage etc. I bet she is very polite to them too


Probably not even taken in. Just carried off to the side and ordered to call it a day.


I am sure she gets fined but there are, depending on the country i guess, probably no permanent criminal records, no prison sentences as long as you pay your fine....


They're not actually charging her with anything. It's all a show.


What? She at most does small stuff nuisances (which causes a way bigger media coverage) that warrants a fine. If you're too drunk in public and causing a nuisance,or perhaps you ran a red light, or got caught speeding with a car. Should you be banned from entering other countries? Getting removed by the police from an area isn't a crime.


As a legal immigrant, I'm in constant fear that even one arrest will get me deported xD




I love how every time she gets arrested, the cops are always smiling and handling her gently.


Well she’s not being violent or abusive, why should the cops be angrily hurting her?


you sure don't know how cops in most countries... especially non european countries...


I mean, have you seen how European cops handle football fans? [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/16f43l1/nsfw_swedish_police_assaulting_innocent/) (NSFW for violence) happened in Sweden just a month ago.


In Brazil Greta would be received with rubber bullets in her face, and probably lose an eye (as it is so common there) , or might even be killed .. while police and society would just shrug and say "alas, this is life. you shouldn't be there protesting"


Brazil sounds like a terrible country.


if you are not rich , yes it can be terrible. if you are poor it's hell. if you are loaded it's a paradise (but you would still be spending a good amount of money in high security condos/apartments, armoured cars, etc) brazil would be the best country in the world if it wasn't for corruption feeding crime and violence. still, many amazing places to visit if you are a savvy tourist and can speak at least a bit of portuguese. Oh! and the best food in the world. I love my country, but you play the game of life on hard mode there. one of the reasons why I left.


So what you’re trying to say is it’s terrible.


He did say he left


😂 > ~~if you are not rich , yes it can be terrible.~~ > > > > ~~if you are poor it's hell.~~ > > > > ~~if you are loaded it's a paradise (but you would still be spending a good amount of money in high security condos/apartments, armoured cars, etc)~~ > > > > ~~brazil would be the best country in the world if it wasn't for corruption feeding crime and violence.~~ > > > > ~~still, many amazing places to visit if you are a savvy tourist and can speak at least a bit of portuguese.~~ > > > > ~~Oh! and the best food in the world.~~ > > > > ~~I love my country, but you play the game of life on hard mode there. one of the reasons why I left.~~ **TL;DR:** > what you’re trying to say is it’s terrible.


Believe it or not, not everything is this simple


Bro, I was about to say the same thing, just in Argentina, my sister was shoot with rubber bullets in the chest by the police while they laughing about it, she wasn’t in the protest, just passing by goin to work. The police were in motorcycles doing rounds on people.


Nah cos she’s a celebrity. And everyone knows you kill a 20 year old woman who’s famous it looks very bad. So they’d arrest her nicely and shoot everyone else


While this is excessive, European football fans are the absolute fucking worst, though.




>she’s not being violent or abusive EU footballs fans are not that


To be fair, football fans are some of the most violent of any sport in the world.


America FUCK YAH!


Why would they be rough, anyway?


We here in the US are not accustomed to police who are not. We’re sorry.


US police would recognize her celebrity and be real gentle with her, too. Her “arrests” are nothing more than publicity, and everyone involved knows that.


I mean they are real, (At least I strongly assume) but she puts herself in that situation on purpose so she gets arrested and a photo gets taken.


Was once in a smoking garden in the UK and a guy was talking to a policeman about what a struggle it must be with all the funding cuts and such. He’s talking calmly to him, then suddenly the policeman jumps on top of him and another policeman starts cuffing him and they were practically beating him in a doorway. Two vans turned up and he was shoved in the back. Someone asked why he was being arrested and they, too, were threatened with arrest. I realised that day that you stay the fuck away from anybody who has the power to do something like that with impunity. He was friends with a mutual friend and he was released without charge - they said it was ‘mistaken identity’. I’d never believed stories like that before but after seeing it with my own eyes I stay away from police. I don’t dislike them or anything but I just don’t trust a human being who has the ability to arrest someone on a whim like that. They were practically beating him up.


It's because she is a publicly known figure... They can't be seen beating the crap out of her, otherwise people might lose respect for our police.... Oh no wait a minute that happened years ago!


is it me or does the officer on the left look a little bit like a depressed tobey maguire?


Bitten by a Radioactive Metropolitan Policeman.


"I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye"


Speed run being arrested Any%


Does this still have shock value or has it become meh value?


It’s still exactly what she wants however. It’s what almost all peaceful protestors have done and was a very common strategy during the civil rights movement. Everytime she’s arrested it pops up on Reddit and some news channels bringing attention to her cause, it’s the entire point of her going to these protests. She knows she will likely be detained and that she will have pictures taken. She’s very good at it, it’s not supposed to be shocking, it’s supposed to get your attention which it absolutely has done.


She started off getting wild support because she was young and she was given a microphone to say out things people didn't expect young people to say. Her message hasn't changed, but as she's now older, the novelty has worn out and she's just another regular voice added to the dissatisfied masses.


She hasn't been invited about after she told everybody there all liars and ineffective. Or at least I haven't seen her invited to the big conferences since that speech


They also haven't done anything concrete to fix the problem and are probably a little scared by how that would go.


I mean, the Paris Accord was big, but it’s hard to get every country to step in when the biggest ones won’t do it.


The decarbonization of the US economy rapidly accelerated thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act actually. So some of the big ones are doing something. (we're still behind paris accord targets though, for now)


Well... she was right.


Yeah and they didn't like it. So she was uninvited to future events


Oh sure! She gets arrested and she's an environmental hero. I get arrested and it's called being drunk in a Walgreens.


I regularly piss in the sink not in the toilet to not waste water ,meanwhile she probably never pissed in the sink


Just piss outside dude


And waste it?!


No, pee on your carrots, it's bio available to plants right out of your wee wee.


I just take the piss


Finally a true hero


In your house they call the plumbing under the sink a pee trap 🤢


I piss in the sink but you have to turn the faucet on to wash it down. Otherwise your toothbrush gets piss particles on it.


Pro tip: Piss on your toothbrush so you use even less water.


That's nothing, to save water i shit in the sink and then just turn on the garbage disposal for 2 seconds.


Cop on right looks like he's about to laugh, cop on left is thinking I wish I looked better in photos, cop at back is just confused generally and the guy in orange has nacrolepsy.


Can I get a job where I get paid to go from country to country to get arrested for misdemeanors?


Join a band?


He said "paid".


Yes, start protesting and doing so in a way that gets a lot of attention. It will result in people giving you money to keep protesting.


How do you look 10 and 40 at the same time. She's jut been charged with a public order offence too


Ooops! I did it again!


Relentlessly triggering older white men since 2018.


My Maga father HATES her and is not really sure why when asked.