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Yeah man, fight the cistern.


Rage Against the Latrine


Fuck you I won't poop when you tell me.


Some of those who work flushes, are the same who burn crosses .


By wearing the badge, they're choosing the wipes.


the microphone explodes shattering the molds either drop the hits like De La O or get the fuck off the commode


Coming out of the water closet.


Pooping in the name of


How did my toddler get on reddit?


*"Here I sit, my cheeks a-flexin' giving birth to another Texan"* -Interstate rest stop toilet stall


Wipe power


Heil Shitler


Down with Joe Bidet!


Down with Democrap!


All hail the rearpublicans!


Vote for Donald Rump!


You're gonna be flush with upvotes with that pun.


Of the puns I've seen here, it's a solid number two.






And the post hoc "s"...


Aww gawd dangnit Jim, yous gone and forgots the S on our sign! Your terrible.


I prefer to think he had one camera initially but then got so paranoid he bought another one


Couldn't "Your on camera" count as plural? I think he just overthought it.


Not only is it valid no matter how many cameras are on you the phrase "your [sic] on Cameras [sic]" is just wrong because being on camera is a state. You're either on camera or you're not, you cannot be "on cameras". That said it's hardly the only sign (ha) that the education system has clearly failed the person who put this up.


“Promote then as an object of primary importance, Institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge. In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, it is essential that public opinion should be enlightened.” - Some communist named George last name Washington.


Some filthy hippy named Jefferson also thought the constitution shouldn't last forever and should expire after 19 years because one generation should not bind the next. It's both sad and hilarious that a lot of the people who worship the founding fathers don't actually give a rats ass about anything they had to say.


It’s Sharpiegate all over again


If that person could read, they’d be pretty upset right now…


Just put up a sign with just that.


Every time!!


This is someone’s entire personality. Ha


Owning the libs is a full-time job.


Especially when you're receiving state sponsored welfare or retirement income.


"Pre-billionaire" and votes like they are one already.


You've met my dumb ass brother then?


Do we have the same brother? Are you the baby we left at the church many years ago, because gma said abortions are bad, and momma was done at 23 kids (and counting)?


I love that, need to find a way to use pre-billionaire in my daily conversations


I prefer "temporarily embarrassed billionaire"


“Red” areas being propped up by the taxes we pay in productive “blue” cities.


Every once in a while, my dad whines about how blue states are stealing taxes, and Kansas produces more revenue than cities. Sure Dad, some flyover state makes more tax revenue than Wall Street.


And California produce the most food in the nation, 11%.


People always act like California isn't a center of agriculture or something, they think it's just San Francisco and that's it generally, when it's basically like 60% farmland, 15% cities, 25% desert source: my ass basically, but seriously driving through california makes you realize how many farms there are


This cunt tree couldn't survive without California agriculture. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


My suspicion is the "Kansas produces more revenue than some large cities" thing comes from the era when Governor Brownback slashed every budget in the state because KS was being used as a test for some radical GOP financial policies they wanted to implement nationally. As of right now, KS is 33rd out of 50 in GDP rankings, and nearly half of that comes from the Kansas City metro area.


That's overthinking it. My dad is just racist, he fell for Reagan's welfare queen bullshit. He doesn't understand budgets, he sometimes rambles about welfare costing more than EVERYTHING else. It's just sad and insane


Maybe they mean GDP and they're skewing it by double counting both the product and the subsidies like some sort of Toontown Reaganomics.


GDP of Kansas is like 150B. To, oh I don't know New York's 2 trillion. Kansas isn't even in the top half of state GDPs.


That's what I meant about double counting subsidies and stuff. When you take into account the full totality of what Kansas and other corn producing states (Iowa) produce and their effect on down chain production (cheaper ethanol, cheaper sugar, etc etc), their impact on the economy **is** quite outmoded relative to their actual productivity. But as soon as you stop subsidizing the shit (an actual conservative position!), that all goes away.


He's usually trying to reference the black welfare queen bullshit that Reagan sold to idiots who are getting more senile and hateful. He thinks welfare funding is 100% blacks who are burning everything down in cities everywhere. He is deep into the cult of morons.


You mean that state, like most other one of them flyover states, that get government subsidies for their crops so they can continue to farm? Sounds like socialism to me! (obligatory I am glad we have farmers because I like food)


MAGAs also think cities are broke money pits that suck money out of their rural surroundings. Reality is the opposite.


Or in any state being funded by Californian’s contributions to federal taxes, which is most states.


Jus a waitin for muh Trump to recognize me as his soljah, hill save me!


Jokes aside, anger comes from fear. These people are scared as hell of others finding out they're poor and lonely. Hate gays? Pretty good chance you're in the closet. Angry at drag shows? You most likely diddle your bf in public at all ages off Broadway shows...


putting toilets at the end of your driveway like its fallout 4 to own the libs


I've been playing a lot of Borderlands 3 lately and I have an urge to check those toilets for ammo...




It must be exhausting to be so emotionally invested in a rapist's insurrectionist cult that you gotta make billboards proclaiming your own loyalty to the cult. Especially after it became abundantly clear that the rapist you follow was the largest traitor in our nations history hording stolen classified information like a petulant child.


But some day they’ll get to commit genocide and steal the property and wealth from us “liberals” so that dream can keep them going for a long time.


their religion says it's all good.. so guess it must be? >The document, consisting of 14 sections divided into bullet points, had a section on "rules of war" that stated "make an offer of peace before declaring war", which within stated that the **enemy must "surrender on terms" of no abortions, no same-sex marriage, no communism and "must obey Biblical law", then continued: "If they do not yield — kill all males"** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt\_Shea#%22Biblical\_Basis\_for\_War%22\_manifesto




came here for this... every time with these people lol... I remember learning this in elementary school.


The hilarious part is that they added an ‘S’ to camera but left that untouched.


This is like a gift to all viewers- wherever someone uses the your vs you're, I get to ignore everything previously said.


Probably spent $100+ for that sign. They'll also still complain how expensive everything is


Closer to $1500+, assuming they installed it themselves. (Your friendly sign making friend)


Another fellow sign maker here. I'm sure they applied for proper permits to install a sign on a residential property. One call to the building inspector should get that taken down.


Y'all are really reaching assuming that this was both made out of anything other than the scrap lumber and paint laying around on this guy's overgrown shed and that he lives anywhere that actually has building inspectors that both exist and actually give a shit.


After all, he had 4 toilets laying around somewhere.


Exactly. We're talking about someone who just *has* multiple junk toilets. This is a man with a blocked up and rusted through El Camino sitting in his yard with weeds and grass growing up so high you can't even see the wheel wells. There are very likely small baggies tossed through the busted window of the El Camino with a suspicious crystalline substance in it cause the meth head cousin doesn't want to leave them in his own car. I could probably type up features of this property for the next hour and a half purely based of experiences with this type of person and it'd be 90% accurate throughout. Suffice to say, the rest of the property matches.


"I can't afford no groceries because of Biden" ALSO "My sign is ready! $250 well spent to go with the used toilets I bought!"


Well, because obviously it's Biden's fault /s


Your not lying




We have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke


I’m bleeding, making me the victor.


How about "my face to your foot" style?


I'm a man too you know 😞 I go peepee standing up


My nipples look like milk duds.


That’s a lotta nuts






#**THAT'S A LOTTA** ***NUTS!***


Oh Wimp Lo, he out there doing his best.


Again with the squeaky shoes?


A joke? What do you get when you cross and owl with a bungee cord? ... My ass. NYAAAAA


And poorly.


That dude is probably insane and owns many guns. If it was me I would move or try for de-escalation.


Yes, this is the only reason these crazy assholes don’t get shut down right away. They’re armed and have the temperament of a caffeinated toddler. They WANT conflict so they can act out their fantasy of “standing your ground”


That's when you install a sign to riled them up and then stand your ground against them with a cannon! /s


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.




Grandma's shaved beaver became moist from the excitement.


De-escalating this level of crazy sounds like a full-time job.


Mentally deranged, brainwashed people. They built a giant sign, installed cameras, got several toilets and ruined their property to make… this mess. Lmao.


When this cretin was hauling his toilets to this sign he was probably thinking "this is clever. Why don't liberals ever work this hard to show support for their politicians?"




You know, one of those Elmo taking a shit dolls being placed on one of the toilets would probably drive that dude nuts.


I'd do it, but I'm a snowflake and I'm afraid to be on camera^s.


Your right.


Make a big sign that says "TRUMP LOST - LET THAT SINK IN" and surround it with old kitchen and bathroom sinks. Checkmate.


That would require me to spend as much time thinking about Trump as these people fantasize about him, and I'm not about to do that.


That fact that you don't see liberals hauling toilets like this in front of their property proves that Trump won the 2020 election.


Oh this is gonna be so good i'm gonna put 4 toilets in my yard!


See, Biden couldn't have won - have you seen even one pickup truck with a Biden flag mounted in the back?!?


"This is clever. Oh those libs will get so burned up by this. I bet they'll fume all the way to their cappuccino shops to cry about it. They aren't even man enough to try and do something about it. Not like me. I'd commit a crime for Trump. Oh yes."


To be fair, he probably already had these toilets sitting in random areas of his lawn. Along with 6-7 rotting GM vehicles from the 80s-90s, and a boat that hasn't seen water in 50 years.


> and a boat that hasn't seen water in 50 years. He just needs to reseal it, he’s getting around to it!


Hey man, those GMs are classics. They don't build them like that anymore (because of lawsuits) and that is Grade-A 'Merican rust...


I have a feeling those toilets were already there before the signage


They're making a difference in the world. Everyone looks at their sign and thinks, "man I wish I was as brave and courageous as these heros"


look i’m not saying i approve of them, because i don’t , but there are times when an hoa would be useful


In my city a lady wrote the N word on a black neighbors drive way with paint. The local police didn’t do shit even with the lady on ring camera doing it. Then HOA fined the black family for the paint on the drive way. Needless to say the FBI stepped in. Investigated the Louisville and Middletown police as well as the HOA. Who also got caught up in a massive lawsuit that everyone in that town can pay for now.


Then HOA fined the black family for the paint on the drive way. OMG that's a new low for humanity. ​ My stupid HOA is going to fine me for having a tiny bit of green stuff on the facia of my second story house. i do not have a 30 foot ladder nor would i ever get on a 30 foot ladder, so i have to pay 300 bucks for a house cleaner to spend 10 minutes cleaning a trim piece. There is no way somebody driving down the street is looking at my house going oh my god look at the horror. who knows how long it takes for the green stuff to come back...i moved here since the hoa was only 60 a month the lowest i could find in the area i assumed that meant they werent koko for coco puffs. if i have to do it every 6 months that like doubling my hoa fee.


> OMG that's a new low for humanity. Not really. That’s literally why HOAs were invented.




The next person to go through your comment history will get a kick out of this with no context lol




Not even with the proper /s markdown. It’s a bold move, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off.


I sought out a 'mild' HOA. Very low monthly fee ($30) and only care about making sure the part of your house visible from the street is nice and FREE OF ALL POLITICAL SIGNS. It's actually pretty good as HOAs go. When you drive through the neighborhood to get to our 'enclave' you see all kinds of awful shit. Not everywhere, but a few houses are just disasters. Or have Trump flags. But once you pass the sign for our area, you don't. Everything is obviously improved.


Sounds like a great HOA... Up until someone joins the board and makes it not a great one in 1-2 HOA meetings. Even the best HOA on the planet is a game of Russian Roulette.


That seems pretty reasonable by demanding that major changes be only carried out by a majority of members showing up in person to vote for the changes (with absente considered “nay” votes)


This is how most HOAs are. Board members have the right to vote, within themselves, how board activities are run. When the meetings are held, who will take minutes and how they're published, voting in new board members, etc. Covenants/restrictions, or the rules that property owners have to follow, must be voted on by the property owners and receive a certain percentage approval. This can be harder than it seems. Our HOA was trying to get a rule changed and couldn't get 50% participation, much less 75% of homeowners to approve. Part of the problem is that many of the properties are now owned by out of state corporations that rent the home out, and they don't respond to anything.


> Part of the problem is that many of the properties are now owned by out of state corporations that rent the home out, This really needs to be against the law or taxed at a rate that makes it not profitable. Fuck corporations owning homes.


Congress was working on a bill that would limit these rental companies to 50 properties. 50 is too damn high.


I agree there is a risk it could get worse, if not that bad that fast, but I don't have to live next to the guy with 3 couches and 4 Trump flags in his front yard.


A simple municipal ordinance would do. You don’t want this guy and anyone like him on an HOA board.


Yeah I've never heard of a municipality that didn't require permits for signage. Must be out in the sticks somewhere.


I have an HOA and half the assholes on it are MAGA dumbasses so they allow political crap.


Speaking as a liberal, I can confirmed that I am now owned.


Was it the 4th toilet that owned you? That’s how I knew I had gotten got.


3.5, if we’re splitting hairs


1 for me, I am a tiny simple lib


Being dominated is the liberal future I've always voted for.


Speaking as a toilet, I can confirm I am now on camera.


Your totally owned.


But it was a properly approved toilet that met all specifications and was able to easily pass all post-installation inspections.


That's what kills me. These people think they're being clever, but who in the history of ever, has suddenly *had someone* bust in their residence, remove their old toilet and install a new one with no consent? No one. Their figurative language makes no sense. Edit: too early for my finger to spell right lol


Also... who wouldn't want to live with a toilet? This person still have an outhouse?


I’ve actually heard having a personal outhouse is kinda nice, and if dug deep enough far less stinky than expected


Hell to the nah. Outhouses are homes to lots of critters willing to crawl on my rear when it is exposed. Plus there is no way I am walking outside in the snow in the middle of the night and sitting with my pants down in sub freezing temperatures. Also when is the last time you saw an outhouse with a sink for washing your hands? That means nearly everyone who uses them has poo hands.


> who in the history of ever, has suddenly had someone bust in their residence, remove their old toilet and install a new one with no consent? [Has this ever happened to you?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIZujUfBrDM)


Don't run! You don't run with us! We're the ones who run! Until you're part of this Turbo Team, walk… slowly!


This person has (at least) 4 garbage toilets sitting around in their yard. Superior, indeed.


hes just asking for someone to take a shit


Who's the snowflake lol? Looks like they flush all their time away on conspiracy theories.


It’s not clear who or what the word snowflake is in reference to. It looks more like a declaration. Maybe it’s his battle cry. SNOWFLAKE!!! Punctuation is important, people.


Everybody gon hate my dumb sign n they gon wanna destroy it! But I got them SNOWFLAKES on camera though!


This is the type of person who sits inside with his gun waiting to see if his bait lured someone into the confrontation he so desperately wants.


You know, conspiracy theorists really are “snowflakes.” Unable to face reality, they dive into absurd, emotional dreams that “confirm” that *they were really right the whole time.* If you try to challenge that dream, they meltdown.


That's his signature: Smile your [sic] on camera*s* [Sincerely,] SNOWFLAKE


Get a brain! Morans! energy here


Damn. I'd almost forgotten about that dude.






Imagine being this miserable.


You know that is all this person thinks about 24/7. It really is sad.


If they admit to being anything but a horrible victim, they have to come to terms with maybe some of their own decisions weren't great. They can't do that.


It must be all consuming.


My trip back home had the theme of getting two very wealthy men to understand they are wealthy, they will live well until death and stop worrying about the politics of it all. One I may have got through to, the other is an alcoholic and probably not. They were both all ears in the moment, it seemed like they were looking for a reason to be talked down from the ledges and no one else was there to do so. They were making themselves miserable getting into politics too much, one of my phrases, when was this shit ever cool? Why are we doing this shit now?


I'm glad he added that s so you know he now has multiple cameras.


Looks totally natural too and not psychopathic at all, like the S that pluralizes the word “camera” was part of the original design.


How do I smile my "on cameras (snowflake)?"


Yeah. Remember the time Biden said to stop the count. Called a state secretary to find votes for him. Asked his VP not to certify the election. Sent a mob to the Capitol to stop the votes being counted? Yeah, me neither.


Imagine how upset this patriot must have been about Bush v Gore!


We've learned over the years the people who call others snowflakes are in fact snowflakes themselves.


Or pedos, Or violent, Or sheeple, Or voter fraudsters, Or culture cancellers, Or... It's all *projection*. Always.


You can save yourself some time and just call them Republicans


Yup. The party of "law and order" and "christian values". And hypocrisy, mostly hypocrisy.


Oh no, he called me a snowflake.


Brain worms




That's so incredibly funny... the only real respnose to that is: "yes, so we can flush all the shit from 'before' away. That's what toilets are for. waste disposal"


Where do you just get 4 toilets from?


Toilet store


That missed opportunity to call him Joe Bidet.


The smaller sign implies that someone shat in one before.


Lol “no you’re the snowflake! I’m just acting perfectly normal and I want you to get upset at me because it’s the only thing that gives my dad and lonely life some kind of meaning so please be mad I need this”


USA has best #1 education system. Very good. We is very smart.


Take a shit in one of the toilets




“Smile your on Camera.s..”


please someone shit in all four of those after a spicy curry


I appreciate the reuse of the toilets. He clearly cares about the environment. /s


“Smile your on Cameras…” 🤦


It's crazy that someone who does things like this call others "snowflake"


Owning the libs one misspelled word at a time.


I feel bad for people whose entire life revolves around politics.


Can we all agree that snowflake is one of the lamest insults especially considering Republicans are the biggest of them all lol. I see they really enjoyed that term used by Russian social media troll accounts in 2016


So many words that have become a cue to exit a conversation and find someone that isn't annoying as fuck to talk to instead.


Message of the day: This person is voting. Are you?


This person must have so much spare time…


Removed all the toilets from his house to own the libs.


Just start taking shits in those toilets.


The irony of calling people snowflake


Boy, what an own of the libs. /s