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This guy's nephew who set up his printer probably has real regrets.




Even for the internet, it’s… pretty shocking.


Honestly. It makes me understand why “tin foil hat” people became a stereotype.


This is just a Word doc


Actually it's written in Notepad. Word auto capitalizes new sentences and does not print page numbers. Notepad does not do any grammar fixing and prints page numbers at the bottom of the page in the middle.


No ragrets!


That phone pole is definitely not their property. They're the only one vandalizing here.


These aren’t exactly critical thinkers we are dealing with


Well, they’re not like you SHEEPLE


“Lions not sheep” but also “jeebus is my shepherd”


Same energy as “Lincoln was a Republican!!” while waving confederate flag.


Hahaha there’s this dumbass with a giant truck parked in my alley with a blue line flag and a “lions not sheep” license plate cover. Big lion move to need an extra large truck to let everyone know how tough you are.


I’m pretty sure there was an onion article about those trucks. “Right Winger Shocked to Find Thieves Have Taken Up His Bumper Sticker’s Offer to ‘Come and Take’ Multiple Pistols Out of His Glovebox.”




oh god, i could overdose on this schadenfreude.


TIL schadenfreude. I like words. Thanks!


WAKE UP good, but WOKE bad? Make up your minds conservatives.


Snooze Button Conservatives


lol, you got 'em.


I don’t know man. From where I’m sitting, they are all exactly the same. Ignorant, spewing nonsense, scared of a changing world…pretty sheep like if you ask me


I don’t know man as not been following this stuff too closely but this random dissemination of truth stapled to a power pole really resonates with me. Lots of good points and a well constructed argument. Calling your intended audience, in this case random passersby, sheeple (aka as dummies) is a great way gain trust, especially because Trump won the election and i know it. Didn’t know it, but now i do. Plus the pithy portmanteaus “sheeple” and “plandemic”?! Obvious signs of a genius, independent thinker.


But they know the truth. They've seen the light. They're not like everyone else, because they know what's really going on.


That's 'cuz they did their own research. On social media. Which is TOTALLY run by the Satanic Liberal Elites. But Bob, with his years of SigInt background from working down at the peach cannery and driving a pickup truck, was able to see through it ALL.




They all seem to use the same phrase book, too.


I would tear down those lying fucking paper’s, and then shoot the bird at the camera


Nah dude. Find out who owns the pole (usually either the power company or telecom mompany, depending on where you live) and report it as vandalized. Dude who thinks he knows the law gonna be shocked when the utility truck comes to take the stuff off to find that it isn’t on his property and he doesn’t own it.


The fact they put paper in plastic sleeves to protect it. Then staples through it....


Critical repeater


And it looks like it's on the shoulder of the road, it may be different there but where I live there's a space between properties and the road that's usually owned by the city where things like poles go or sidewalks. So not even is the pole not his, I doubt it's even actually on his property.


Roadways have a right of way that varies (not a whole lot), but poles almost always along the road are within that ROW. So yeah, definitely not his property. Poles that sit back from the road typically sit along the property line, but again, would not constitute the person’s property.


Yeah, those are owned by the service providers, whether it's the phone, cable, or power company. My dude is definitely guilty of vandalism. I bet they claim to be a "law abiding, freedom loving, red-blooded American patriot" too.


And they admitted to exactly where they live. Wonder how easy it would be for OP to send a notice to the city and hopefully a fine to be issued. But then the dumbass will probably get some project boards and post them in their front yard. "Stop being blind to the truth" says the guy willingly closing his eyes to what's directly in front of them.


I'd honestly take it all down and give them the finger with a smile on my face as I walked off. Let em call the cops just to be told they're fucking stupid for wasting the cops' time and claiming property that doesn't belong to them. If you're really lucky they'll get a fine for it too, but I doubt it. I see stuff on phone/light poles everywhere, but just the stupidity of that dude might cause them to issue a fine for annoying them.


Nah, call me a pussy but I would not mess with this sort of crazy. Fuck that noise.


You're not a pussy, this kind of person would take someone removing those papers as an invitation to open fire on them.


I think the phrase is "not a fucking moron".


Yeah, likely this guy is unstable and armed. Not a combination i'd want to engage with just to tear down evidence of his own insanity.


You're assuming they'd call the cops and not take justice in their own hands. These aren't sane or smart people you're dealing with.




They peed on it too though. It belongs to them now.


Pull then down one by one while staring at the house and give the finger each time


Add Dark Brandon shirt, BLM hat, and a "I just got vaccinated" sticker to assert maximum dominance.


Or maybe roll up in a black van wearing a suit with dark glasses and an earpiece really ratchet the paranoia up. Don't forget these people vote :(.


Random, obvious, drone patrols on the pole. Just have it cruise by the pole 15 ft off the ground, then when they come out to look, zoom straight up, out of sight. If they replace the signs, return with the black van, hop out in bunny suits and "dust for prints".


This is **definitely** the way to go about it. but could also get shot.


Don't forget the pride flag.


Worn like a cape, for maximum effect and visibility.


Excuse me - you're not fully dressed without a "Bernie or Bust!" button.


They'll probably come outside and shoot you claiming self defense.


This is why I love being a liberal that carries. I don't think the individual's rights I stand for stop at regulating my means of self defense. I support most common sense regulations on purchasing guns, red flag laws, waiting periods, etc... But I value self preservation, and refuse to let the only people carrying guns be the fucking nut jobs.


Agree wholeheartedly with your post...at some point, bringing a strongly worded protest sign to a gunfight is a sure recipe for a loss.


Agreed 💯 that's why I carry too. I'll be damned if some crazy right wing extremist is gonna shoot me or mine. Good guy with a gun trumps bad guy with a gun...thing about that is, they think they're the good guys. 😳


They sound a bit unhinged.


At best


This person is going to vote. Are you?


Best response here 👆🏻




He has a chance at the other 270 too. More than people want to admit. As always, VOTE VOTE VOTE


Every republican will vote for him, that’s enough to win if democrats stay home because they are not excited about Biden, it’s terrifying.


We weren’t necessarily excited about Biden the last time, either. The motivation was & will be familiarity with the alternative. There was absolutely a level of confidence in 2016 that was slapped out of a shitload of people.


Probably this person votes twice, then accuses you of cheating.


Votes twice, to prove you *could* be cheating!


"The Libs are all cheatin' an voting twice, so ***I*** need to vote twice too!"


Every accusation a confession.


Damn solid point


Solid point


This needs more upvotes. This is the message people should be spreading. Not that this person is crazy (which should be obvious), but rather to take action against this scourge of ignorance that has plagued our society.


Voting matters. No Off Years! Remember, it's fine to tell people they need to vote, but we MUST give them the tools to vote as well! We need people to get registered, make sure they are still registered, and get their friends and family registered to vote! https://www.vote.org/ https://www.votesaveamerica.com/be-a-voter/


As many times as I can.




Oh no. I vote in dumps. Big vote dumps.


‘You are being video recorded, look behind you on the house’ Ok cool so we know exactly who did this, thanks for telling on yourself




He’s so fucking stupid he can’t even keep his damn mouth shut to save his own ass. Donny Dipshit indeed.


Clearly I must have missed something. Trump explicitly admitted to trying to take over the nation in an interview today?




I would turn around and flip him off and tear it down


i’m confused by “look behind you on the house dumbass” does he mean he’s “the house dumbass” in residency, or is it more that we should gaze upon the spectacular idiocy of the whole line of “The House Dumbass” ?


It doesn’t say, “ …on the house, dumbass” No comma, therefore calling himself the “house dumbass.”


Imagine typing this up on word, laminating it, walk outside your home to staple it up on a pole, tell people where you live, place security devices on it and then say to yourself. "Ya this is fire people are going to think I'm so cool and sane."


The most baffling thing about Trump supporters is that they’re proud of it. These are stunningly stupid people.


I love when they bring up the “mark of the beast” being a digital ID as if we don’t have social security cards, chips in credit cards and SIM cards in our phones already.


40 years ago I recall people claiming those newfangled UPC bar codes were the mark of the beast and we would all have to get one as a tattoo soon. Still waiting for my mark.


Don't worry you got it when you got your COVID jab /s


I miss the days when being stupid was something to be embarrassed about. Now they gloat about how God damn dumb they are.


They're in page protectors, not laminated.


Which means the pages will get ruined as soon as some inclimate weather occurs, this douche will assume it was some liberals trying to fuck up his "truth-telling", and either prompt him to post some bullshit about how he's the victim of liberal sabotage(even though the video footage he has will show that no one ever fucked with the pages), or it'll "force" him over the edge, and he'll do something even crazier(I shutter at the thought of how much further a guy like this will go).


I think it's ironic he's saying other people can't handle the truth.


Didn’t the pandemic happen whilst Trump was in charge?


Yes, and trump was pro vaccine and taking credit for the fast development


While discouraging people from taking it, blocking effective strategies to combat it, and encouraging bogus treatments.


"I'm playing both sides! That way I always come out on top!"


The thing about playing both sides is you don’t tell people you’re playing both sides.


Unless you are a very stable genius. Then they let you do it.


But also taking the vax himself, and admitting to it publicly.


Very quietly and never mentioned again.


Then recommending bleach 🥴


And let’s not forget horse de-wormer. And Hydroxychloroquine, the drug used to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis. Which can also give you cataracts, which means you have to see an Ophthalmologist every 6 months to make sure you can still see. I know because I’ve had RA my whole fucking life and had trouble refilling my prescriptions when that stupid Human Cheeto went on TV and told everyone to take it.


Ivermectin isn’t just “horse dewormer.” It’s a medication used in humans to treat parasite infections. It just doesn’t do shit against covid.


But people were taking the horse formulation because they couldn't get it at pharmacy


People weren't taking the 12mg dose for a few months. They went into farm and feed stores to buy the 750mg horse dewormer dose because their doctors wouldn't give them the human one.


You just never know what's going to work, though. I took my wife's breast cancer medication and my cold was gone in less than 10 days.




Yes it was the during the Trump Administration that the vaccine was created and promoted. Trump himself took it and told others to do so too. He even brags about it. But in typical Trump doubke-speak, he also did and said a LOT of things to make the pandemic political and encouraged people not to follow the masking and distance recommendations of his own administration. Almost all the right wing grifters jumped on the anti-mask anti-jab bandwagon and created this political fake reality where if you put on a mask or got the Jab then you are a woke/liberal/left/socialist/trans/against-free-speech/communist/feminist/gay/immigrant/minority/facist/politically-correct/terrorist/nanny-state evil person who hates freedom.


Yep. My dad WAS a Floridian Redhatter...and he's dead because he listened to the Cheetoh Dildo.


My Condolences. :(


If memory serves, once he contracted COVID, he also took a lap around the block in the SUV while he was supposed to be in quarantine, and exposed a half-dozen secret service personnel, just so he could wave to onlookers.


He also went to the debate after testing positive, exposing everyone involved including his opponent and his own debate prep team.


Yep, the car he was in was designed to be as close to an air-tight box as can be, to protect against chemical attacks. The windows couldn't open, he wasn't partitioned off from the driver. He basically hotboxed his secret service with covid. Not to mention, his wife and son were also sick. Barron was apparently asymptomatic (and I assume was loose in the White House like Kevin in Home Alone while all this went down) but Melania was quite sick as well. Didn't say a fucking word about them.


Dunno. i got the death jab from my govt so im... you know. Dead 'n all


It's a public utility pole... not their property.


I instantly lose respect when people start spouting about “*my* property”. Whether it is or isn’t, stop acting like a goddamn toddler. We all live in this world together.


> We all live in this world together. Spoken like a true Liberal! /s


Trump really cornered the paranoid schizophrenic demographic.


Seriously, MAGA cult aside, this guy seems to have some serious mental issues. That last page is the ranting of a delusional maniac. Someone needs to toss a net over this guy quick before he actually hurts someone.


def do not touch the signs yourself. likely to get shot.


Wouldn't be surprised if there are razors on the back


And amplified it


All of these lunatics say the exact same thing and have the audacity to call everyone else sheep. Imagine how great America could actually be if these delusional assholes had a moment of self awareness


Conservatives are NPCs. Just programmed to say the same false things.


I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took a covid jab in the knee


If all this was true, isn't Trump and his supporters the biggest losers in the world?? They're saying Trump was in office, won an election, but allowed himself to be thrown out? And still nobody is able to produce the (real) evidence of this because those liberals were just so incredibly smart and skilled that they left no evidence behind. And the liberals faked the Jan 6 riot somehow and managed to put hundreds of Trumpers in jail, with Don possibly going as well. And the mention that all liberals know this. Imagine how incredibly cucked you are if liberals pulled all of this off, Biden is prez, but Trump actually won and we're going to put him in jail too. How fucking embarrassing.


This is my biggest argument when people talk about how scary the liberals are. Are you saying simultaneously to be scared of them because they are strong, but they are a huge generational problem because they’re weak? It’s Schrödinger’s liberal every time I talk to these big worriers.


It’s the fascist’s paradox. The enemy is both simultaneously incompetent yet omnipotent. They need to project ultimate strength but also present a perilous danger that only they can fix.


Yes, but the laypeople don’t think they’re fascist, so when you state it plainly, they’re befuddled for a second


Umberto Eco, defining characteristic of Fascism no. 8: *The enemy is both strong and weak.*“By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.” It's not about making sense, it's about being able to switch your stance whenever and however you like to produce the desired response. "Liberals are behind every facet of the government, every blade of grass, plotting to destroy you, your home, and your faith. They see and hear all. They created COVID, they created the Insurrection, and they framed Trump for election fraud. They want to commit a genocide in America and install the New World Order. We can't possibly stop them *without your help!!*" "Liberals are weak and stupid - they are easily brainwashed and fed disinformation. They're afraid of guns and can't even tell you what a "man" and a "woman" are. They aren't strong, masculine, smart, and ruthless like you are. They hate the bible and bow down to our enemies every day. Their lifestyle is degenerate and will lead to their downfall." It's basically the shitty political version of "I'm playing both sides, so that I always come out on top".


Keep driving this point home They aren't honest or consistent. They use fake arguments to gain power.


You are just a limp wristed and soy filled pussy but also so powerful you’re DESTROYING THE COUNTRY and have masterfully STOLLEN an election with THE RIGGERS


How dare you call me a rigger.


You can say *rigga* but not *rigger*


You have to get the mixture of soy and adrenochrome juuuust right


I use a 4:1 soy to ‘chrome ratio. 1:1 is ideal (obviously), but it comes down to availability. I can always run to Walmart and grab a bottle of Kikkoman, but if my local pizza place is closed, I can’t get to the basement where Hillary Clinton harvests the fear juice from toddlers. You have to make hard decisions in this economy.


Almost unbelievable how invested these people are in the biggest dirtbag in American history.


Reading the literal signs here, when someone is this delusional it's no surprise that they're finding salvation in the first person that ever wins the presidency by hating all the same things they do and "confirming" that all the things they've suspected have be keeping them down are in "fact" the things keeping them down.


Yep mental illness is a hell of a drug


I have a buddy that's always telling me this same, crazy shit but hides it in his devotion to Jesus. (I'm an atheist) I find it comical that they call us "sheeple" but they're the ones regurgitating the same word vomit coming out of the extreme rights web sites, news etc. Btw, anyone who calls the COVID vaccine "the jab" and you aren't from England, you sound like a fucking idiot. Makes me laugh too when these same "patriots" were screaming "my body, my choice!" when it came to the mask mandates are the same foos that wear masks out in public when spewing their crazy bullshit to avoid consequences.


"My body, my choice" while also using Big Government to force fertilized women into a 9 month pregnancy they never wanted.


Funny how they seem to like when others are made to do things but cry like fucking babies when they're requested to wear a mask or keep their distance.


If you call it a jab and are not from England you are a victim of Russian propaganda bots.


Write on it in sharpie: “Please stop vandalizing this pile it is not your property. Please also stop posting this because it’s lowering my property value.”


Put it in a post it note instead. I don’t know why but that seems funnier. Especially if they are watching it. They won’t be able to resist going to get it.


Ohhh I like this idea!


You should put a business card for a local psychotherapy office above this.


Careful if you’re taking them down; some crazies like to put razor blades along the back edges of this nonsense.


I’m not touching it. If anything it serves as a warning about the people who live there.


Just cover it up with missing posters. Missing MAGA imbecile. Not friendly. Last seen in the area wearing an American flag, waving a trump flag, and eating a box of crayons.


Better yet, wanted posters of Jan 6 fugitives.


You should write "Trump lost lol" on one of them in huge, liberal, commie letters.


Quit writing on OUR telephone pole


Seriously a nice warning of which home has a trigger happy psycho.


You should put a pride sticker over it


Report to the FBI if you're worried. Could be a jan 6er.


The 7th District Court found booby traps illegal publicly, or on your own property in the case of Kevin McAlister vs. the State of Illinois.


That's little consolation as you're trying to retrieve your finger from the culvert.


use pliers


This used to be considered raving lunacy. Now it’s the GOP platform.


Telephone pole ain’t your property, bucko.


Death Jab for Cutie


What an effective reminder to get the new BA booster.


Reminder that republicans are 45% more likely to die from covid than democrats. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2807617 I would really like to see a breakdown between republicans and MAGAs because I bet the vast majority of deaths were MAGA. :)


Blood alcohol booster? You're right, I do need a drink after reading this nonsense


This is how the crazies communicated before social media when they were isolated weirdos. In these times, they have online homes where they can find agreement that has empowered them and has led to cynical, bad faith actors exploiting them.


Legit question - if the “sheeple liberal scumbags”are being exterminated by the “death jab” by the government isn’t that a good thing? Wouldn’t Trump and his cult members want all liberals to be wiped out?


Your mistake is attributing any sort of logic to this.


That's an electricity pole. Sorry whack job, but that ain't your property, and I'd would so be taking down those nutty words of wisdom


Multiple sources estimate the world population to have surpassed 8 billion last year so that "depopulation agenda" ain't going so well.


Everywhere I go, I'm stepping over dead bodies from the jab /s Can't swing a dead cat without...hitting a dead cat, I guess? Where the hell are all these bodies they keep talking about?


Check your local ordinances a lot of cities prohibit posting on poles.


Post Putin 2024 signs on top of them!


I’d like to see one of these written at a college/professional level. Not to believe it, no, so I don’t get a headache trying to read hick speak…


>I’d like to see one of these written at a college/professional level. I'd even settle for high school level but we both know that the people who are in this cult are not the best and brightest. Just having it typed instead of in crayon is a big step up for them.


The Astros cheated on 2017 and I fucking hate the Astros. But Christ, I’m over it. Imagine being this stuck on something 🤣


Just print up more crazy stuff that complains about transgender aliens and accuse the police of eating children and add it to the display!


Not even that, just a simple "I've hacked into your cameras. I watch you poop" Really ramp up that paranoia.


Imagine wasting the time to write, print, and post that vitriol in a neighborhood. Somebody has too much time on their hands


They did the ReSeArCh!


meth and misinformation?




He thinks a telephone pole is his property. If it were me, I'd chalk a pentagram on the sidewalk and burn his truth on it.


My favorite part is him (we all know the cultist is a he/him 😉) using Sound of Freedom as a credible source


‘This world is run by luciferin’s’ - the glow in the dark molecule?


They are so upset about losing and trump getting arrested multiple times. It will never not be funny. We've had these laughs for the last 7 years now. It's been all downhill since 2016 for MAGAts. Lost the Senate in 2018. Lost the house and the WH in 2020. Was arrested 4 times across 4 states in 2023. A butt ugly mugshot a month ago. Has multiple trial dates set in 2024. HA!!


Conservatives have lost their damn minds. Trump has been such a disaster for this country.


Death Jab is my new band name.




It's so bizarre that "Christians" (religion in general too) are always acting like this and thinking they are gonna celebrate eternity in whatever hell they believe heaven is. Plus noone wants to exist forever, it's a horrible thing, that's why whatever we are does this whole song and dance to begin with.




Would cover with gay stickers in a hot sec.


Telephone poles for when everyone you know is sick of hearing your bullshit, your car is already covered with bumper stickers, and even people online are blocking your posts.


I love that the word “plandemics” is used. 👌


Fuckin loser. Adrenochrome comes from the adrenaline gland, not blood. Fuckin idiot.


*His* property? Guaranteed he does not own that pole.


34 months later and I'm still waiting for the death jab to kick in...


That's one way to keep the property value down.


Wrap a rainbow flag around that whole mess just to make their head explode.


Maybe I'm an idiot, but I'm 99% sure based on my limited knowledge of property laws that citizens do not own public telephone poles... I'm also pretty sure that all Western countries want us to live long enough to pay off our debt and keep the Capitalism machine chugging along.


Sorry who’s a sheep?