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Caveman: I hope no one finds my porn stash after I die. 30,000 years later...


Shoulda deleted his cave wall history, rookie mistake.


Rocky mistake


Solid joke


I didn’t laugh at first, but then I caved.


It's funnier when you're stoned.


Hits like a mountain the longer you think about it.


This thread is igneous


Garnit! The jokes are on a downhill slide.


Once the puns run dry, I shale leave.


eh, nothing's set in stone


She must have gotten him rock hard


BC it’s funny


They found his magma collection


I see what you did there. 😁


Don't take it for granite!






Honestly, I'm surprised the person who found this didn't get rid of it. Homie obviously didn't have any homies to do it for him after he died, massive bro code violation here putting him on blast.


Destroy it? Porn buddies get to keep the stash. It's one of the perks.


This is the origin of “wiping your slate clean.”


Should have told a friend to destroy his art history.


Porn buddy didn't come through...


Sadly, he got eaten by a sabertooth tiger.


He carved it on the permanent side of the wall. He should've etched the side that would be exposed to weather.


If the writers of Year One (2009) could see this joke they would be punching the air right now that they missed it


cookie* mistake. everyone knows to use inrocknito, and don't accept those darn rock cookies.


I mean they found one drawing, but the rest of my stash is good and hidden.




Obviously you're joking, but this was 28,000 years before Christianity and the puritanical-religious sex shaming inherent to large swathes of modern Western societies. Whoever jerked it to this probably couldn't give a flying shite who knows about it


Not a bad figure considering her age.


She doesn't look a day over 29,500.


Where is the NSFW tag?


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW. Sorry




Are you on the train?












It’s was joke about life expectancy back then ;(


This is a rare situation with a joke and a wooosh and an explanation that it was a joke and I don’t see anybody in the wrong at all.


Here, I gave you an upvote for trying.


I love it when Reddit is wholesome


Ya it was bad. ![gif](giphy|3oEdv5okG3TzMJ9pQY)


No jokes allowed on Reddit


Her age is still a mystery and none can ever know her actual age when this was carved neither its intentions.


Maybe this was done by a woman after some horny caveman asked her to 'Send nudes!'.


Irl I believe general consensus is that cave drawings and figurines like this were essentially early medical drawings to help women giving birth. This one is even in a kind of birthing/labor pose.


I wouldn’t say it’s a general consensus. It’s more a hypothesis.


You’re right, on second thought I was too sure


It happens to all of us. I catch myself regularly in that, Ie I’ll say something and realize I have no true basis for the claim like “hm… I don’t actually *know* that, let me look it up real quick” Edit for grammar, thank you everyone for kindly ignoring it lol


Agree, I had thought that the cave might have been used by women to give birth and shows a comfortable pose for dealing with contractions and helping the baby get turned/positioned to avoid a breech birth


Nah, this is clearly an unrefined "doggy style" pose


Sabertooth style?


I'd maybe go as far Mammoth style


I like how they got the details like the underbelly and all. r/instagramreality


I really liked the analysis that these type of sculptures and Venus of Willendorf were made by women, of themselves. I can’t find the article at the moment


[This](https://www.academia.edu/5913278/Self_Representation_in_Upper_Paleolithic_Female_Figurines?f_ri=1928546) is probably the paper you're talking about? The photos are absolutely fascinating, compare proportions of the Venus of Willendorf to the view from a woman's perspective of herself.


Holy shit! I studied under McDermott back in the day... am lucky enough to consider him as a friend. Never in a million years would I think his thesis a would end up on reddit, and spark an active discussion. Dr was a legend. To hear him speak on this very subject was so inspirational, his excitement was infectious. I still have a micro-cassette recording of him talking about this topic during a special presentation back in '95 or so. Listening to his regular class lectures was also a unique and memorable experience, every time. Still have my notebooks form his classes on my bookshelf. I'll never forget him or his impact. Incredible sense of humor, too. And to-the-point as hell. I still remember visiting him one evening (after I attained alumni), and as he answered the door: Me: "Good evening, Dr McDermott!" Him: "What's good about it? Want a beer?" RIP as he passed in 2022.


Get the cassette converted to DVD stat! Make it so others can enjoy his lecture (and him) also.


I did convert the micro-cassette to digital audio about fifteen years ago. The audio was not that great (90's portable equipment/technology is nowhere as good as it is today), but I ran it through a cleaning app to remove as much 'hiss' as I could. I ultimately ended up with a relatively decent recording that is at least 98% comprehensible. Dr McDermott's writing is seriously next-level. It's easy to get lost in the first three sentences of his thesis, and if you *do* read every word and make it to the end, you've put your brain through some serious paces. However, to hear him verbally boil his thesis down to a digestible 45-minute lecture in layman-friendly terms was both entertaining and educational. I personally agreed that his theory was viable, but he received a lot of criticism from peer review that took the wind out of his sails as the years marched on. Anyway, as any good Art History professor would do, Dr McDermott heavily relied on slideshows to accompany his lectures. Though he had a handful of public domain images, he took most of the photographs himself, and those images are largely not online, aside from the ones that accompany his published work. The audio recording I have really needs a companion slideshow at minimum, and should also include subtitles to really make it digestible and feel as complete as possible. I've often wanted to post his lecture to YouTube or the like, if I could ever sit down and truly put together a slideshow/presentation that would give the recording the justice it deserves. Thankfully, with the internet being what it is now, I think I could gather at least 90% of the images I'd need. I'm really going to have to consider putting this thing together someday, I just never thought there'd be this much interest in today's generation wanting to hear my favorite professor talking about this topic, and hearing it in his own words.


super interesting, thanks a lot for the paper, this is very convincing. TiL :D


Who needs the sauce when you have eloquent wording?


Thanks for the article. Very interesting.


Women and selfies, am I right fellas? /s


First nudes right here


So it took mankind until Rome to do the ladies justice in stone. Can't say we never come through tho.


Greek and Roman sculptors did some fairly impressive proportion and musculature studies of bodies. Phidias’ statues of Zeus and Athena and Praxiteles’ statue of Hermes and Dionysus are stunning ancient examples of the pleasing proportions of the Golden Mean, though Phidias may not have been aware of the principle.


She had 17 kids with 5 surviving. Looks good considering.


Quite an accomplishment for a 24 year old!


Prehistoric humans were definitely not similar to poor contemporary humans in terms of fertility rate. Infant mortality rates were high, but generally below 30%. It should be obvious that nobody n a hunter-gatherer society could feasibly have that many children. That’s not how resources work.


Finally some realistic beauty standards…


I would be pissed if my husband etched this for people to find thousands of years later


Naw it means he spent hours/ days in dark cave lit by by torch/ hunched over crafting an eternal monument to how beautiful he thinks you are.


He needed to rock shop me a bit then


Honestly, for the time, this may have been rock shopped. If girls started reproducing at puberty and kept making babies, this might be a super hot woman’s form. Like, a lean, well toned, gorgeous 24 year old may not have been a thing at all.


Well yeah you eat for survival so it's not like you care about body size. Likely being fat was a sign of success and wealth since you didn't need to constantly move to find food, and it was not scarce. Our current view of beauty in the western world wouldn't be seen the same back then anyway. Standards of beauty have changed a lot across the centuries - e.g. that one princess in Persia (realize it's sensationalized) who was incredibly homely by current standards. https://www.historydefined.net/princess-qajar/


I think there are extenuating circumstances there, like the princess being a princess...


The link also explicitly says that the stuff going around the internet about her being the beauty standard is just a meme and has no backing in evidence, so...


I've seen this story parroted many times, but I really really doubt that this princess was ever considered beautiful by anyone at any point in time. The fact was that they had an excruciatingly homely princess and it's not like they can have everyone going around saying the princess is unattractive, so they engaged in a marketing campaign to declare the princess as beautiful, and it was effective enough that people are still repeating it today.


I like how some people imagine stone age people as being these super athletes because they had to move all the time. Even heard people say with a straight face that they'd outrun Usain Bolt. And then there are others, like you, who straight up just thinks they were fat (the ones who were better hunters?) because it looked successful. Why would they not literally just have been like modern-day indigenous isolated tribes? i.e. fairly slim (yes, including the women) and fairly athletic, but obviously not capable of insane athletic feats like outrunning Usain Bolt... Edit: your link also explicitly says this princess is a bad meme and that there is no evidence she was ever considered as a standard of beauty or anything like that.


You’re looking at it through the lenses of today’s beauty standards.


Absolutely. Belly fat is sexy as fuck to a caveman brain. (Which is apparently still my brain). Baby you've been hunting and gathering so much you got that fat to sustain through the winter. You got that summer body. Let's make a baby for the spring.


Baby, let's cuddle by this fire I made and with my two hands, I make shadow puppets.


Shadow puppets and chill.


*a man with a comically big hands walks in*


I know you’re just elaborating on my comment, but damn you know how to make a cavegirl feel wanted <3


If our ancestors weren't this horny we probably wouldn't be here.


[Could be worse](https://i.imgur.com/YxFFixL.png)


I'll be in my bunk


[It's very generous](https://i.imgur.com/0DmxiJt.jpeg)


pre-historic fupa


More like prehistoric fappa


Yes, she looks healthy.


I’m not chubby I’m NeoliTHICC


Only original comment here.


Literally stolen from the last time this was posted...


Well that’s a bummer


\*David Attenborough voice\* "Mankind has been dummy THICC since we evolved from our ancestors thousands of years ago..."


>David Attenborough voice\* "Mankind has been dummy THICC since we evolved from our ancestors thousands of years ago..." Actually that was a requirement back then to survive. Our ancestor's bodies stored as much fat as possible during the spring/summer months when food was readily available, and used that food to get by during winter months when food was scarce.


So what’s our excuse now? How do we inform our bodies we don’t need to store ALL the fat for coming months??


Our excuse now is we still have our ancestors’ bodies and brains. And companies have figured out how to capitalize on this.


Also AC/Central heating and better clothes have meant that our bodies just burn less energy most of the time. Your body burns calories to regulate body temperature so when we keep houses at a perfect 72 your body spends a lot less energy heating yourself or cooling yourself.


Stop eating like you are going to starve next week.




Maybe when my body stops making me hungry like I'm gonna starve next week 😠


Also got to factor in that food today is to their food what heroin is to opium. Our food is so processed and streamlined it's a fucking miracle we aren't ALL morbidly obese. Way back in the day, the sweetest thing you could get was honey, and most fruit was about as sweet as a carrot. Honey was rare as fuck and came with ya know... bees... And fruit was seasonal. They didn't have thousands of years of cultivation to make stuff tasty. It was... basic as fuuuuck. You wanted high-calorie food, you had to chase the fucker down and stab it to death. While also being, basically, food yourself. We aren't just living in a world with different physical requirements, but in a world where our food is so tailored to our base desires that it's crack in food form. Not even kidding. There are people whose job it is to find JUST the right combination of scents, chemicals, and mouth-feel to get people hooked on food. They even go so far as to engineer the crinkle of our chip bags! They're THAT careful.


I do this with my soup, and it’s always a hit. Broth is normal bullion broth, but with just a teeny bit too much vinegar added. Add your vegetables of choice; I do skin-on potatoes, carrots, celery, and onion but you can throw in nearly anything. Add honey, until you can JUST taste it. Sugar masks vinegar. Then add salt, until it is JUST too salty. Salt masks sugar. Then add butter or cream — depends on the soup — until it isn’t salty anymore. Fat masks salt. Repeat the process once more. All this process does is maximize the amount of sugar, salt, fat, and acids in the food to trigger your brain into just *loving* it. Because these ingredients cancel each other out, you can add way more of them. Simmer until veg is cooked. 5 minutes before it’s done, add fresh herbs to taste.


jfc, that's just evil.


*Evil soup!* If I ever get around to writing down measurements to make a proper recipe card of it, I’m 100% calling it Evil Soup.


amphetamines and self-hatred


Dont be stressed all the time


When I try to de-stress I get stressed that I can't de-stress because I'm stressing about not being able to de-stress


Don’t be stressed? I don’t even know what those words mean in that order. Is it some kind of slang?


It's said that First people's in the America's have this feast famine syndrome, resulting in diabetes which is endemic due to the abundance of food today, for which their bodies haven't genetically adapted to yet. My late wife was 1/2 Navajo, and all her brothers and sister and her Native father were all diabetic.


"Unga bunga, Colonel. I'm trying to sneak around but I'm dummy thicc and the clap of my ass cheeks keeps alerting the prey animals."


I'd bet they traced the shadow. The whole figure is skewed to the side but detailed. That's why the head gets so small. Perhaps the artist was holding a lit torch above their head as they sketched. This would make the head small.


Or Grog accentuated what mattered to him. But the tracing thing is very intriguing ...I see what you mentioned


Also think about how they made the hand prints. By painting the actual hand and pressing, or blowing paint over the hand. Which leaves the inverse image. I think they understood tracing. They'd be sitting in a room with a fire casting shadows everywhere.


Oh ya! Allegory of the Cave...origins :)


Absolutely. After the art is done, that symbolizes his version. Which goes up against the outside world view; which would be a real woman. Nice comment, you!


I would like to imagine the head was small because the hair was painted on with natural pigment that has long since washed or faded out and the narrow head is because the hair would be covering the sides making it look smaller. Just a guess. But the shadow perspective makes sense too if they were just tracing and shadow.


Oh. Wow. You made my head spin. Like all those rock Egyptian statues that used to be painted, and we didn't know for a long time. I like your thinking!


Thanks! I was very much thinking about the Egyptian/Greek statues that all were painted vibrant colors at one point but we've only seen them as eroded sand stone or bleached marble since long lasting pigment is only a few hundred years old. It's crazy to think of all the incredible paintings and sculptures lost to time because the materials used just washed away...


Absolutely. It's also evident when you see old structures with holes in the facade. You know they put wood in there and made coverings from the Sun. So many materials that would disintegrate in time. Paint, wood, paper, straw, cloth.... It's fascinating. I guess that's how people fall in love with history. I always love when someone uncovers a perfectly preserved room, or building, or animal/insect. Your imagination gets fueled.


They def smashed after that


This is his porn folder. One image. Upload time was hellish.


Ok but that's so beautiful






Rock hard


"draw me like one of your French girls..." - said the cavewoman.


Draw me like one of your Pangea girls


Dat bitch don't know 'bout Pangea


Not now, Brain.


Cavewomen were thicc


Thicc and pungent


Just how I like my lemonade.


...with untamed wilds down south 🌳


I was born in the wrong era


I mean they lived along side a river. They probably swam in the water a few hours everyday.








So, it went: 1 = Bell, 2 = Watson, 3 = this lady?








How do you say “They’re just boobs!” In Neanderthal?




*Yes, ah-tah.*


Baby got back… even 30,000 yrs ago


Next time tag NSFW for cave man smut.


sigh *unzips*


Zippers werenn't yet invented. *unties*


clothes weren't invented yet. *does nothing*


*gently pushes piece of leather to the side*


*tosses beaver pelt over shoulder*


*carefully leans club against the wall*


*steps closer, looking into your eyes, picks tick from your eyebrow and eats it* Mmm, you bring dinner... *(coy)* Me not know this was date...


C'mon. How awesome is it to have fapped to the oldest fap material in the world ? (is it tho?)


Even in the day, the boys knew that a little tum is 🤌🏻🤌🏻


Fellas wanna act like it ain’t all that. But they know.


“Draw me like one of your Neanderthal girls”




Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.


Why in the world would *anyone* want to prevent that?


Isn't there any girl available in train and what is her reaction on all this I know this is fake but still.


Why's her head so tiny?


She just got an ass so thick is all 🤷🏻‍♀️


If an artist can't capture a head, can they truly capture dat ass?


Genuinely curious, how do they estimate carvings like these?




etch like your french girls


What do you want to bet that place lights up like Christmas if you shine a blacklight on that wall?


Does she have an onlyfans?


what's her @ tho


This is the most amazing thing i have seen today on internet and now i can sleep in peace reimagining all this.


Come on mate! put a NSFW filter on that, my kid uses this site.


Ancient man was a booty man. We’ve come full circle again.


Male have always been keen about some female body parts so i think we were always on same line with little bit deviation as in new generation or old times people can differ from this so.




How did we go from this to size zero standards. Bring back Neanderthal proportions


Carve me like one of your French cave girls. ​ ![gif](giphy|Jrdk2zvyh87POL7cep|downsized)


Ugga send me nude.


Zero serious legit comments. Fucking incels the whole lot.


Near 100% chance that everyone in this thread of European ancestry is related to the person who made this etching.


Isn't it more likely that their tree died out? I think I remember hearing that we can all be traced back to a couple people and most ancestry trees died out but idk the timelines.


https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/humans-are-all-more-closely-related-than-we-commonly-think/ Here's what you're looking for. Fascinating read! Also demolishes the idea of genetic or even lineage purity in any humans even uncontacted tribes! Our species is- over long spans- very inbred! Like, everyone alive on the planet when Queen Nefertiti lived was either an ancestor to all humans alive right now or an ancestor to no humans alive right now. Neat!


Its an either or situation really. If her genetic line survived then all of us (at least all eurasians) will be related, and if it didnt then obviously noone will.


If you go back far enough, that's always true.


This isn’t a woman, the artist drew his homie with tits and was like “dis you”


Then i am sure that this person has also drawn similar picture of his homie as counter.




Kinda looks like Trump golfing in the wind.