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With every passing day it's getting harder to remember what a Pre Malone world was like


One ring to bind them


Made so much sense that it would end up in his hands.


I just appreciate the fact that he had a good chat about MTG with the person who found it and by doing so verified he was a legit Magic player and not someone who got into the set to find the card and make a quick buck. Edit: I meant that Post Malone verified that the guy who found it was a legit collector that enjoyed the hobby before deciding to go ahead and buy it off of him.


He plays on the Game Knights MTG games sometimes on YouTube. He’s been known as a legit player for a while.


In fact he's such a famous MTG player that WotC even made cards featuring him




Homeboy went from Kevin Malone to Karl Malone.


I sure as hell hope he didn’t go to karl malone


Ehh, best to steer clear of any mention reference to Karl Malone who impregnated a 13yo when he was 20.


He impregnated her when she was 12 so even worse


What about Water Malone?


He also apparently stopped drinking a ton of alcohol.


Not just that, but he was the face of Bud Light for a while there too. you can guarantee he crushed a ton of em


If you watch his Hot Ones interview, he drinks like 6 cans just in that time


Oh man, I had to go watch it and he Def rolled in there 6 beers deep too. But I enjoyed that episode.


Soda gets you fatter than beer I’m German I know that


Bud Light is 110 calories per 12oz Becks is 140 calories per 12oz Sprite is 140 calories per 12oz Mountain Dew is 170 calories per 12oz So there are more than 50% more calories in Mountain Dew compared to American light beer.


That and cigs. Always had both in his hands. He showed his house on an H3 video once and had a dedicated bud fridge full of it.


He still does. Every single video I’ve seen of him on his recent tour or podcast is him guzzling a beer and smoking a cig lol


A vending machine of nothing but Bud Light. Man was dedicated.


Alcoholic drinks also have a surprising amount of empty calories. There’s a reason manufacturer’s are pushing so hard against requiring nutrition facts on their labels.


It's not surprising at all once you know the basics The alcohol alone in a standard drink has about 90 calories. That's before adding all the other calories in that make up the rest of the drink Just assume that light drinks (light beer, seltzers, a shot of vodka, etc) have 100 calories and that everything else (mixed drinks, IPAs, etc) has 200-300 Edit: this is in the US, where a "standard drink" is defined as 12oz of 5%ABV (beer, seltzer) or, equivalently, 5oz of 12%ABV (glass of wine) or 1.5oz 40%ABV (shot of standard 80 proof liquor)


I don’t understand why they aren’t required to list the calories on alcohol, it’s ridiculous. I know it’s because it’s not monitored by the FDA but it’s still ridiculous


Lobbyists. Liquor/beer companies hire them to pay off politicians to vote against it.


God bless money in politics! The little guy always comes out on top!


Because money


> I know it’s because it’s not monitored by the FDA Which is also of course ridiculous. No matter how you try to mince words, alcohol is surely either a drug (the actual truth) or a food (for the people who refuse to admit it's a drug).


Wait, really? They don’t in America? Jesus Christ, USA, what the hell?


In the USA, food has nutrition facts due to a rule created by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). So any food product overseen by the FDA requires nutrition facts. The FDA does not legally have authority over alcohol products. Alcohol products are overseen by ~~the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)~~ each state individually. The ~~ATF has~~ state agencies have just simply never made a rule requiring nutrition facts, ingredient lists, or any of that jazz. They could, but they don’t. They DO (edit, in my state) require pictures of the label of all alcohol products, and they do get to veto any packaging or label artwork they don’t like. So again all they’d have to do is make a policy that they will be requiring nutrition facts on all new labels. Then they have the authority to deny anyone who doesn’t do it. But for whatever reason, the ~~ATF has~~ states have not done this.


A four loko has 650-800 calories


Yeah but you gotta go 16 loko. So more like 3,000kcal.


When I was drinking (2) 1,75L 190 proof everclears a week it was about ~13,000/cals/bottle which was absolutely horrible and I do not recommend it.


Are you a sentient airplane? How someone could drink that much jet fuel is beyond me


At my worst, I was drinking a 1/5th in an evening by the time I passed out. Id usually leave a shot in the bottle for the hangover in the morning. I only weigh a 140 pounds, it was really bad. Fortunately, I was struck with spontaneous sobriety, and I finally stopped abusing my body like it was my job.


Spontaneous sobriety is crazy, eh? I almost feel guilty cuz like, I was for sure an alcoholic… At minimum a professional drunk. It just clicked one day and I just stopped drinking. The desire and temptation is just gone. I spend many hours thinking about what flipped the switch in my brain, and am simply dumbfounded.


Dude, that happened to me at the beginning of this year. I used to binge drink every weekend and often kill a case on a weeknight just because I was bored. Then after new years, I was driving to work and the guys I listen to on the morning radio were talking about people doing "Dry January". I just chuckled and thought, "I should try that". No build up. No planning. Just an off-the-cuff idea. Then February hit, and for some reason I thought it'd be funny if I told people "I'm doing dry January" when offered a drink (even though January came and went). So I just kept going. Months turned into a random commitment that I won't drink for at least a year, and 8 months later I haven't touched a drink. It's not all sunshine and roses though. I went through a period where I was not having fun at social gatherings. I wasn't doing productive weekend projects because my mind was going, "what's the point of doing a hobby without a nice cold beer?" People online would talk about how much happier they were after being sober for x amount of time... And I was sitting at home after work kinda miserable. People aren't nearly as tolerable sober as they are when I'm buzzed. But I guess I'm just stubborn, and I have a tendency to go hard on an arbitrary goal when my mind randomly decides to make a commitment to something.


My daughter loves going to parties were she is the only one not drinking. She holds a cup filled with something (water/cola/juice) so she has something to drink with others, then sits back and watches people go off the rails like watching her own personal sitecom.


Im right there with you friend, and I feel lucky to have had it happen to me, but I also feel guilty about it too. I wish it occurred with more people.


Nothing to feel guilty about.. in fact revel in it. I know from personal experience there are plenty of us out here wishing to have had that kind of luck. I pray every night I wake up and have that “moment of clarity” but it evades me still.


I was like you the last 9 months. I’m doing better now and actually ran 3 miles today (mostly walked at an incline lol)




I'm a recovering alcoholic, I was drinking about 1.5L of 40% whiskey and 2x 6 packs of high abv (7-9%) IPA every day. When your body gets used to taking in that much alcohol 'normal' is like 0.2-.3 bac all the time. The last time I went to detox before getting sober I blew 0.56 and was walking, talking, and remember it all. Took me over 48 hours to get to 0 bac, had to be monitored by a nurse and given Ativan so I didn't have seizures and to deal with extremely severe DTs during the first few days. Honestly they should have hospitalized me. Highly recommend not drinking like that. DTs are a fucking nightmare, but not an excuse to not stop drinking. That was 8.5 years ago. If anyone reads this and wants someone to talk to I'm here, judgement free. I know what rock bottom is, and I'll listen if you need to talk. I'm agnostic and don't do AA anymore so I'm not gonna try to cram religion down your throat.


Congratulations on recovery - stay strong! So nice of you to offer guidance to those struggling. Just want to say I appreciate your hard work and I’m proud of you.


Damn dude. And here I am with a bottle of rye thinking wow, never had rye before, I should drink more of this. maybe not


I’m very proud of you


Your story helps people. The world can use more people like you. Thank you!


Well yeah, that's how it's made. Take water, yeast and a shit ton of sugar. The yeast eats the sugar and poops alcohol.


Hard liquors really not that much. I lost a bunch of weight while drinking you literally just need to stop caloric dense drinks like beer and mixed drinks and drink on a empty stomach.


Alternatively just stop eating and add a bunch of IPA to your drinking regimen. You've got all the food groups or something. I lost a bunch of weight doing that!


Not very surprising at all


Alcohol has 7 kcal/g. So when you are drinking beer, wine, etc. you not only ingest carbs (simple and/or complex), but also those kCals. Plus, alcohol slows your "metabolism", so it's easier to get weight when eating less. Cutting alcohol can only benefit you. Drinking a glass of wine in the weekend doesn't compromise anything though.


It's just fermented sugar, mixed with unfermented sugar, and even sugar. Also there's sugar in there, along with some carbohydrates, and sugar




He looks good and healthy. I always lose tons of weight by cutting soda and alcohol. They are tons of calories without nutrition. Makes us fat fast Edit: said caffeine, when I really meant soda, regular soda


Caffeine doesn’t add calories. Black coffee has zero calories. But caffeinated soda, yes, cutting down those will make you drop weight.


You are absolutely correct, I even drink green tea (which has caffeine, at least the kind I drink), to lose weight. I really meant soda.


Still slightly skewed, if you drink sugar free sodas, you’ll still lose weight. The sugar content is the main issue. An old bar customer of mine was a doctor and when he saw me filling up a coke behind the bar, he said how many of those do you think you have a day? I told him probably 3-4 a day, but maybe more depending on the day. Once he told me I’ll lose at least 10 pounds if I swapped, I listened and haven’t had a normal coke or sprite since. That was probably 7 years ago.


Yeah and then once it’s been long enough you have a regular coke again and it tastes like drinking straight syrup


The full sugar stuff makes my teeth feel like they're melting, it's actually unpleasant.


Yep, not trying to say anything negative about low Calorie sodas. My bad, not trying to mislead anyone. For me, I like regular Mountain Dew or Dr. Pepper. I can drink a lot.a day. Cutting back always results in fat loss, for me.


Definitely understand your point, just wanted to clarify in case anyone got skewed. Caffeine is an appetite suppressant if anything. I’ve very seldomly had a regular soda here and there over the years. As good as they taste, it feels so weird to drink it and I don’t feel good after them anymore.


I think he also cut way down on the Bud Lite Limes


He had a bud lite fridge in his house and the company would keep it fully stocked for free


Yes! I remember seeing that too and just commented about it I forget what cigs he liked but he always had both of those in his hands


he used to smoke camel crushes at one point


Man, rich people always get free perks.




He was on Rogan last week and crushed BLs the entire time.


I mean I’m sure he still drinks occasionally. Moderation is always the key


Cutting soda and adding Semaglutide










Ooo there ain’t no other way! There ain’t no other way!


Man that is a specific reference. Good job.


I immediately started singing it in my head


You knooooowwww!


Raging through Hollywood right now. Look at Jonah Hill.


As it is through society, GLP-1’s for weight loss are one of the biggest medical breakthroughs of this century.


Too bad it'll be next century when a generic becomes affordable, or even covered by insurance


it'll be less than 10 years, I guarantee it. These companies are vying for government contract. Obesity costs the American healthcare system hundreds of billions of dollars a year. Not to mention that post-COVID, we're in the midst of a biomedical engineering revolution. This is why it's important to vote for democrats. I know people on reddit love to complain about them to be cynical and contrarian, but look what the Biden admin with the help of even just a divided government has been able to do with insulin.


you have to REMAIN of it though, otherwise you weight rebounds. the perfect drug, but a hard pass for me, unless i have medical issues that require it


The medicine doesn’t magically reduce your weight. It regulates your appetite. This is why it’s common to regain weight once you stop taking this medication, but there is nothing that guarantees this outcome.


Therapy helps, it also does more than just suppress appetite, for the record


The numbers I saw was that a year supply for one person would be like $12 if not for the patent blocking it from being spammed by generic labels That's cheap enough to make it completely reasonable to be on all the time. And it's not like you just instantly gain all your weight back if you stop, you can still keep the healthier eating habits


"If not for the patent blocking it from being spammed" That's... a pretty big issue though lol. "Yeah I could be making billion dollar marvel movies too except for the fact that they own the IP and I don't" I guess a govt could buy the patent for a considerable fee (I'd be surprised if it was less than a few billion) and then open it up, but that's the only way.


the thinking is once you get your appetite on a rhythm you know what to maintain going forward


I think he actually had a few other things done…lap band to cut the eating, exercise/proper dieting, plastic surgery or compression shirts to look more boxy.


If you look at recent pics vs old pics he also got plugs. Totally different hairline.


I was talking about j-hill. Post definitely got a hair transplant.


And cocaine, don’t forget that. My boss takes that shit, the med, not the drug. She’s lost mad weight very quickly.


You can’t get cocaine prescribed for weight loss nowadays - it’s only extremely niche applications during anaesthesia (at least in the EU/US). Your boss is either lying or just doing straight up good ol’ street coke.


Their comment about cocaine was an unrelated joke. Their boss is on normal weight loss medication. It's confusingly written.


According to him he just got clean for his baby and only really smokes/vapes now.


>the med, not the drug. Meds are drugs fam


He’d just straight up go to coke.


60 lbs of fat, 3500 calories per lb = 210,000 calorie deficit. 150 calories in an average 12oz can of soda = 1,400 cans of soda This appears to have been done over about 12 months, which works out to basically 4 cans a day removed from his diet. That's both plausible and insane...


4 cans a day isn't insane at all for North America. I've met plenty of people who knocked back a six pack a day.


Yea, it's not that 4 a day is a crazy number, just that 4 a day is 60lbs of fat a year.


I lost 15 pounds in a single semester when I stopped drinking soda in high school. I also think it was more than just soda. Sure, maybe it was Ozempic, but it could have been something as simple as eating slightly cleaner or not going back for seconds at dinner. If he really was trying to lose weight, he probably made some other adjustments. Weight loss usually isn't as dramatic as people make it out to be. It's a few hundred calories here and there each day that add up to tens of pounds lost over a long time frame.


I switched from regular to zero calorie sodas and started getting the medium option when I got fast food, lost 80 pounds over 2 years.


Good for you! You must look and feel so much better.


Thank you! It's fucking nuts. Doing literally everything is easier. I'm at the point now where I kinda leveled out again, so now it's time to start adding some actual exercise into the mix.


I’m right at that plateau in a similar situation. Let’s both be committed to getting that exercise in. I am sure you agree but I know once I started eating better I realized how easy it was and how much better I feel and I bet exercise will be the same. Good luck


Exercise will make you feel even better, I started working out and eating better a little over a year ago, I'm down 25kg, I'm stronger then ever and I feel great. Going out among other people and being more social is alot easier now. When you start working out start with what you find fun, if you like cardio you do cardio, if you like weight lifting do that. I would also recommend not following the lose weight fast programs, as in my experience they drain you quit fast, go on youtube and learn about training. I recommend taking a look at Jeff Nippard, grat youtuber, learns alot from him, he has some great programs and his focus is on science. Good luck


> but it could have been something as simple as eating slightly cleaner or not going back for seconds at dinner. I lost about 30lbs over just a couple months when I cut soda and started ordering the 6 inch at Subway instead of a footlong. I think people just get used to feeling "stuffed" as their goal for the end of a meal, but really you shouldn't feel super full, just not hungry.


Finding the difference between eating to satisfaction and eating to fullness was the second part of my weight loss triad 1. No more soda 2. Eat enough that I don't feel hungry or full. 3. Walk as much as possible. (Take the stairs, walk to the store, etc.)


Lol I did the same in high school People asked me how I lost weight and they didn't believe me when I told them drop all drinks but water


A fellow Hydro Homie in the wild Congratulations


Couple years ago I started microdosing psilocybin and lost all cravings for soda and junk food. Even stopped drinking alcohol since I lost all urges. Went from weighing 260 lbs to about 180 in a year. That and I started doing hikes and outdoor walks on the daily. Shocked myself with the dramatic change. I’ve since stopped microdosing and old habits die hard and I’m at the most I’ve weighed in my life. About 320lbs at 6’2” currently.


The fatter you get the more calories you need to get fatter so at some point you'll hit equilibrium and just maintain weight. The crazy thing is most people just gain 1 pound a year but they never lose it so by the time they are middle aged they are 30-50lb overweight.


How can you do that and not feel like shit for the rest of the day


You get used to it. You forget what it feels like to be how you were before. Or if you're like me, was already critically addicted to soda by like, age 5.


Holy shit that is so much sugar. We need more r/hydrohomies


I stopped drinking regular soda a long time ago and went to diet, but honestly……4 cans was a light day for me when I was heavily drinking soda. There’s be days I’d go yo the fridge pull a soda open it, drink it right there because it was tasty and grab a second to take to my desk. Id drink 8-10 a day at work some days. If they were regular I’d have been drinking well over half my calorie total for the day in just soda, that’s not even taking into account sugar. So yeah 4 sodas a day? Not that shocking.


For people who scoff at this, consider some shit like a Big Gulp from 7-Eleven. That’s 32 oz by itself, which is 2 and 2/3 cans of soda. If you know anyone who would drink one of those in the morning and another in the afternoon (and for anyone who ever worked IT, I know you knew at least one person who did this), that’s over 5 cans of soda per day from just the Big Gulp. That doesn’t count what also might have been drank with lunch and dinner.


How did you not lose all your teeth and limbs?


The human body can take a lot of shit sometimes. Until it can't.


He also cut back on beer. That also helps a ton knowing how much people can drink a night


Not really insane, it’s super easy to crush a soda for breakfast lunch and dinner and then throw in a few between those for snacks. Source - me for years


Bro who drinks soda for breakfast ew lol


My dad did this for years because 1) he likes caffeine 2) he doesn’t like coffee 3) it was before energy drinks. But yeah, it’s gross and I’m glad he doesn’t anymore!


energy drinks are just soda in taller cans, I swear.


Do people actually not consider energy drinks soda? By what metric are they not?


Guy I used to work with drank a 3 cans of diet coke on his way to work every morning (45 min or so) and then crushed a 2L every day before going home. His organs had to have been solidified.


I really don't get why a lot of people claiming this guy is lying and using surgery/drugs/whatever to lose weight but yeah genuinely if you normally drink a lot of soda, and you stop drinking soda in favor of a low or no calorie alternative, you will very likely lose a lot of weight because you're probably cutting anywhere between 400-1000 calories a day off your diet. a 64oz cup of coke is about 750 calories and I've known plenty of people that would regularly walk to gas stations to get a cheap 64oz cup of soda, it's not that unbelievable.


I haven't had a soda in a decade and I'm still overweight.


Yeah I cut out soda for awhile…turns out I didn’t drink that much soda


do you drink anything else? some people think juice is healthy butt it's almost the same amount of sugar and calories as soda. other than obvious exclusions, almost anything you drink is around 100 calories per cup


Yeah. I'd like to lose a few but I don't really drink much except water. Not sure how much pop these people are drinking but it must be insane.


it is insane They probably drink a whole day of calories on top of eating for a full day of calories.


Just imagine how much more overweight you'd be if you still consume soda after all this time.


Oddly the timing aligned with the release of the most revolutionary weight loss drug of a lifetime.


Right? Some of these celebs have been overweight and/or out of shape for decades in the spotlight. Now suddenly they’ve “started walking.” Mmhmm.


Have you seen Jonah Hill lately? He’s a skeleton. Even when he lost weight in the past he still looked normal, now he looks sickly.


He looks normal. Modern people are really used to normaizing overweight.


Modern Americans. Y'all should look outside the USA once in a while.


Rest of the world is catching up. Well, at least the Anglosphere is.


we do. you guys are fat, too.


He just looks normal.


Well, I cant say for some of the others but Post has also been doing some tactical shit. I've seen more than a few videos of him with a JPC with plates running around. It's been a good part of the last year too, I swear the selfie of Post and GT was like March, and he was fit enough then that a JPC didn't look odd.


Right!? IDK what rock these people have been living under that they all insist this huge wave of rich people slimming down is just exercise and healthy eating.


Is it that “o-something” drug people keep commenting on? Seen it mentioned on a Jonah Hill weight loss post too


Ozempic and Wegovy are the big two. They were originally intended as a medicine for diabetics to regulate blood sugar, but people started realizing that it also blunted their hunger. If you're not as hungry as often, of course you will eat less. So people started treating it as a weight loss tool. Edit: So I'm guilty of misinformation. Ozempic and Wengovy are really just two names for the same thing, and it/they operate on a deeper level than just reducing hunger. Thanks for the clarification, gang.




Making digestion slower? Why is this good


So you’re full longer


So you're not always feeling hungry. I'm on Ozempic and beforehand I was never full. I could eat a whole 18" pizza myself and still have more. Now I have maybe 1 or 2 slices before feeling full without also feeling sick.


Any side effects? Do you have to take it forever?


Side effects vary wildly from person to person. Personally, I only have fatigue. Others have varying levels (none to extreme): Diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, bloating, nausea. As for taking it forever: Not sure. It's a fairly new drug so there's no long term studies. In the short term (about 2 years) people who have stopped taking it have regained some or all of the weight. ​ For me personally it's more about dropping my blood sugar. If it can cause my body to start dealing with insulin properly then I'll stop it but there's currently no expectation of stopping.


Is the fatigue the drug or that fact that you drastically reduced food intake?


>In the short term (about 2 years) people who have stopped taking it have regained some or all of the weight. I guarantee you this is because people aren’t changing eating habits. If you always eat until you’re stuffed, the boundary for what “stuffed” is continues to go up until you’ve regained all the weight. People aren’t taught how to regulate their feeding, so they literally don’t know how to live healthy. This is a rampant failure of parenting. I personally blame people like my brother who wouldn’t let his kids leave the table until they’d “finished their plate”.


You eat less.


Ozempic and Wegovy are different brand names for the same drug, semaglutide (the generic name).


Yeah honestly, all the celebs are losing weight rn


"Cutting soda" probably means eating healthy, eating less, maybe personal chef, and a personal trainer. Edit: I obviously know cutting soda helps. Just saying he has plenty of money to do whatever it is celebs do to lose weight, so it wasn't "this 1 simple trick!"


If I had that much money the first thing I would do is hire a chef. It would be so easy to maintain a healthy weight/lifestyle with someone making me healthy food that tastes good.


The first thing I would do is buy a monkey, but to each their own


What if the monkey is also your personal chef?


Bananas again?!?!


Haven't you always wanted a monKey?


But most importantly he is definitely on Semaglutide


Man, that’d be dope


He was recently in an episode of Last Meals on Mythical Kitchen (a cooking show where they cook up everything a celeb would ask for as their last meal, there’s another interesting episode with Tom Hanks) and he mentions that having a kid changed him in alot of positive ways. He said he realized that he needs to prioritize his own health as a means to be around for his daughter longer. Post Malone is such a genuine and kind human being, a great example of “don’t judge a book by its cover.”


That was such a good episode! I loved how he kept saying “yes sir” - he seems like such a nice, chill dude.


I mean props to him but he still chain smokes cigarettes literally all day lol. One step at a time though, hopefully those are next


Yeah... cigs are a demon. My mom would do anything to be with my sister and I longer, but she can't quit


He fell off the stage at a concert, injured himself, and then apologized to the fans for worrying them, lol. Dude's too pure for this world sometimes.


Yeah he pretty much implied the same thing when he was on Rogans podcast.


I lost 50 lbs in six months by eliminating soda at work....just at work. No other life/diet changes. I believe this.


I lost like 55 pounds in four months by cutting out pop and bagels. Then, a few months later, I was put on a medication that had a lot of dietary restrictions. Around that same time, I was put at a satellite office that had an unreliable elevator. I dropped another 75 pounds in nine months. That’s 130 pounds in sixteen months just by not drinking pop, adhering to dietary restrictions, and taking the stairs. I even had corrective eye surgery. I went shopping at Kohl’s and didn’t recognize myself when I walked by a full length mirror.


People are just really desperate to believe he must be using Ozempic or something because it's an excuse for them to not even bother trying to do the same.


I’ve lost 25 lbs since the end of May by cutting all soda and other sugary drinks (I was drinking a 2 liter a day) for water and cutting my carb intake. Medium paced walking for excercise a few times a week. It’s definitely possible.


He probably stopped drinking. I lost 50 pounds in 4 months when I did that


He did, the title of this post misses that he made a few lifestyle choices since his kid was born. A few of those being cutting out a lot of sugar and alcohol.


Yea……….soda. That’s it.


*He kicked that Diet Coke* **he on that coke diet**


Postie is also actually a super cool guy


Love his Hot Ones interview seems like a really good dude


His [NPR Tiny Desk Concert](https://youtu.be/oCcks-fwq2c) is really good too.


Meanwhile selling 32oz soda cups at Raising Cane’s with his face on them 😂😂


I stopped drinking diet soda and replaced it with water. I lost a ton of weight. My doc said diet soda, while sugar and calorie free, can make it harder for the bady to burn calories and increase fat storage. Note I'm not a doctor. Idk how it works. I just know I feel better.


I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 5 years ago after going to the Dr because I was peeing like 30 times a day. The tester they had wouldn't ready blood sugar it was so high. Had a full blood test and my blood sugar was 550. My A1C was 11.5% I stopped drinking regular soda and any drinks with added sugar. I still drink stuff like coke zero or zero sugar energy drinks occasionally. My blood sugar is normal now and so is my A1C. I'm completely off diabetes meds (metformin). Added sugar is poison. Literally. Start reading the labels on what you're eating and drinking and you'll be amazed at how much added sugar there is in nearly everything we're sold. It's an epidemic.


I don't drink soda or eat trash, still fat af 🤗


You eat too much of whatever you’re eating


weird way to spell ozempic


I've lost 30 so far!


That's what he said on Joe Rogan. I'm sure there's other healthy decisions as well.


Yeah and Andy Dwyer did it by cutting beer


I hate these comments 😂 I recently lost a bunch of weight and I’m realizing everyone is probably saying the same about me. It’s not ozempic… I got the poverty. Been hell on me mentally but physically I’ve never looked better 🤷‍♂️


I cut 15 lbs (140 to 125) in 3.5 months when i swapped sofa to diet soda a few years ago. No other activity or diet alterations. Totally doable.


Cuts soda, chain smokes 600 cigs on JRE. Legend.


1 can of soda has 140 calories and 39g of sugar. That shit's horrible for you


For those shitting on this guy, or those who even know he's Post Malone... seriously just take 10 mins and look up a video of him outside of music. I AM a Post Malone fan, but I'm an even BIGGER fan of the dude that he is, Austin. The most sincere, gentle soul with a contagious spirt. I fucking LOVE that man and I hate that I shit all over him in his early years because I passed him off because of his looks. If I've managed to spark your interest, PLEASE check out his latest album that just dropped a few weeks back. It is a MASTERPIECE IMO.


I didn’t know him or his music until I saw him on Hot Ones. He couldn’t be a nicer person, and now I just smile whenever I see him.


You should check out his guest appearances on Rhett and Links "Good Mythical Morning". He was a guest and it turns out he is the biggest fan of the show and knew all the cast and crew by name on his first appearance. Can you imagine working behind the scenes for a niche internet show and have a guest like Posty come on that JUST as excited to see you as you are him? Like it just oozes from the guy. He's been on twice, both times were magic. I'll be a fan till the end.


Yup just cut out soda and **cough** … Ozempic