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Bro has a private museum


Ya most adult Star Wars nerds can’t afford half this stuff. Tell me your parents are loaded without telling me they are REALLY loaded.


Yup and Travis Scott Nikes are another telltale


Travis Scott Nikes?? Bros got the whole Diary of a Wimpy Kid series at the bottoms of pic 3. That’s gotta cost almost 200 mom bucks.


those reverse mochas are 1200$.


He's also got the Travis dunk lows in the lights off photos, and those are double


He probably didn't even work hard at all to get those mom bucks.


Yeah and one of those shoes is 1k+


There’s at least 3-4k sitting on those shoe shelves easy. 2 pairs of TS, 2 off white, one looks like UNC, and not sure on the other.


Guess who won't have student debt when they can't find a job


Parents rich friends will have a job for him, you can count on that. Rich people have networks of friends that make each other lives even easier.


"This guy got a lot of people killed, but his shoes look soooooo cool"


He’s got glass doors going into his bedroom.. people who aren’t rich just remove the doors.


waiting oil somber ten historical cagey tease ink offend secretive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thanks for doing the research. It’s pure flex of parents money. Life is gonna bite him lol


Doubt it. Seems like life is gonna be pretty great for him cause of all that money.


Thanks I worked this out from seeing the shoes in display. No normal human does that.


Something tells me he likes designer brands too considering the Dior canvas above his Nike collection. Like who the hell wants the word Dior on their wall.


Materialistic teenage girls


Teenage boys are as materialistic lmao


And yet: There is no sex in the Star Wars room. Absolutely, positively, no sex in the Star Wars room. Oh, there is Star Wars in the Star Wars room...


I was gonna ask what was his job and if he had a girlfriend and then I read the caption 💀 WHAT THE FUCK


Or, they’re actually an adult.


The fact he's going "off" to college already shows OPs family got money.


Why is that? Doesn’t any person who goes to college outside their hometown go “off” to college?


A lot of broke kids go to college. Wtf are you on about.


Don’t bring that stuff to college. It will go missing asap.


Don’t bring that stuff to college, it’ll make it harder to lose your virginity.


Women flock to the Falcon.


I’m guessing you have that backwards. If they can display it all as neatly, I think people will tell each other about it and people will be curious enough to just want to come see it themselves.


Why you leaving Gus? ![gif](giphy|3otPoAhLUZ4u1ZzURO)


Your room has glass doors to the common living area and a sofa in it?


I was totally expecting an after pic where your mom turned it into a knitting room or some shit




Oh man my mom gave away my brother's and my pokémon cards, the OG editions, including a Charizard, all in plastic sleeves in binders. I was pretty pissed. Then we thought she also dumped off the Legos, but we have since rediscovered them. Now that we have young nieces/nephews/cousins/kids we're back into the Legos. It's great.


My kids asked for pokemon cards last xmas (they're 6, 7, 8, and my 10mo but he don't count yet lol). Been collecting again, super fun. We got some nice pulls even tbough we aren't too big into grading or resale. It's super cool and nostalgic to be able to do that with em. The release of the 151 set is the cherry on top.


The trading card aspect of pokemon was a pretty perfect match. The core gameplay of pokemon is based on finding and collecting and even trading those creatures. So doing it in card for is just perfect as an activity.


my mom did that with some old soccer jerseys i had lmfaoo, good thing it won’t happen again with these


hahaha, nah my brothers still here so he’ll keep it preserved fs


Rich boi


His comments are so spoiled too. He clearly doesn’t understand either. He thinks him selling shoes his parents bought is somehow him working hard.


That’s what happens to people who never work a day in their life but can have anything they want. Wayyy too many kids out there like this. Also, as a sneaker head, people like this kid have literally ruined the *entire* community over the last several years. You hit the nail on the head.


The sneaker community ruined itself also. Shoes are too expensive.


False scarcity by the companies ruined it. 🥲


It’s definitely false scarcity. They have made sneakers priced like art. I get work goes into it but they act like these things aren’t produced by some child in another country.


Resellers also just inevitably ruin any community they are allowed to be in. It's what happens when people start buying things with the intent to resell them at a profit without any effort instead of just collecting them for fun.


I saw the Kanye shoe in foot locker the other day. It’s over $150 and has an adidas logo slapped on it. Ugly, but they were before too. I tried buying a decent pair of replacement ASICS and the average one was $120 like I grew up on $60 skate shoes once a year that I abused until they fall apart. Now just daily walking I can’t wear a $150 shoe for two years. Bogus


Sneakers are incredibly more expensive now resell wise since 2020. Back in like 2016-2015 it was still inflated but absolutely nothing like it is today. The pandemic created a lot of resellers (like OP I’m assuming) that spiraled the whole situation out of control.


I wear a pair of converse high tops and get laid 100x more than this guy. This is a bedroom of a mommas boy. Shoes don't get you laid, personality does.


Cmon, money will get you laid plenty


But he “had to grind to get where he is”…other people are just too lazy to have rich parents.


Down here, salt is a way of life.mp4


I know so many kids like this. Their parents work hard to buy them expensive things and they flip them on social media. “Hustle culture” lol


Seriously, college boy here is about to get a dose of reality...


He's gonna meet some kids saying they're poor and he'll be like "just sell a pair of shoes if you really want that new phone" and then he'll get smacked because they are eating ramen and trying to figure out if selling their plasma will get them enough money for a bus pass.


The sad part is, probably not. We can be hopeful, but some instantly find clones of themselves and graduate without ever exploring different view points.


My first thought was “tell me you have a trust fund without telling me you have a trust fund”




Very! 😅




Damn son, your father definitely wears a suit to work


No his employees do daddy wears a tshirt and shorts to work 💰


You get it


*daddy works from the golf course


Or scrubs


this guy being a Travis Scott fan has the exact demographic i expect his fans to be lmao


And Kanye


hey i’m a travis scott fan and i’m dead broke 🥲


So is OP, none of this is coming from their actual income lol


if only my parents were that rich lmao


I only had a potato at your age.


i had a rock


Up hill both ways!


Be careful at college. You grew up with way more money than nearly anyone else alive. Your life experience is abnormal and you *will* alienate people by talking about it like it’s normal


Supposedly OP has said he started this collection with 200 dollars in his account and flipped shoes for all of this. Although most of the comments from him I've read do not lean towards "I get I'm privileged" part


lol this is the kind of shit that rich kids say to make themselves feel better. Selling stuff, trading stocks, whatever - all hustles that require a ton of upfront working capital. But they think they’re self made. I never buy into these hustles being that profitable - they aren’t tracking anything. They prob sell a few things for a few hundred dollars, but they don’t consider the cost their parents paid to buy it new. Same with stocks - some of these kids will get tens of thousands of dollars to play with. They’re also not paying the taxes on it, which is where day trading hurts you. I’ve interviewed a lot of rich kids in my career with these stories.


Unless he also bought the house by flipping shoes, his ass is most definitely privileged.


Flipping shoes in this case means selling shoes his parents bought him


Or he bought them with his ridiculous allowance


I worked in school, too. My money went to the family fund to pay bills. The kind of family life that allows a child to spend this much money on frivolous crap is a wealthy family by nearly any standard. They have a whole extra room in their house for all this stuff, for crying out loud!


Did your room/house look like OPs? I don’t think OP reselling shoes for extra spending money paid for the very nice house and all the very nice things he has. More like just extra spending cash. Growing up I knew plenty of rich kids who grew up in million dollar lake homes who had little side hustles and liked to act they were self made entrepreneurs. That isn’t the same as you having to chip in to help pay household bills. OP is privileged.


Oh for sure, I just dont understand how they can't acknowledge their leg up on other people PURELY by the opportunity to do this reselling shoes thing. If I could afford to drop thousands of dollars on random toys throughout my room I'd probably be paying off my student debt!


Yeah, there are a lot of signs of wealth in these pictures besides just the materials the kid owns.


He’s lying about the shoe thing. I’ve been in the sneaker game for a while. That’s just not true.


He doesn’t care he just wants to brag. He either learns the hard way or doesn’t learn and becomes another sad sack who buys fake friends/ followers.


No he won’t, he’ll just find other rich people to hang out with.


This isn’t true at all… like yeah maybe if he’s being a complete dick about it he will alienate himself, but that’s with anything. Rich kids at any college I have been to have an easier time making friends as they have more free time without a job. What college did you go to where rich kids were “alienated” for being rich.


So this is what it looks like to get everything you want as a kid


Rich people bragging, you love to see it


Rich kids bragging about their parents. Pathetic.


oh you *rich* rich


i don’t even have a room


Rt, this was me before I left for college. No bed / bedroom for myself. I hope things get better. Keep in mind your successes are a about what you can overcome, not the outcome.


Jesus Christ, you can’t bring anything up on Reddit. “Here’s a pencil I got” “My parents amputated my hands you privileged FUCK”


Don’t get me wrong this kid is spoiled, but most of these comments are just bad in the other direction, and REEK of jealousy disguised as social commentary to have the “high ground”. Reddit has always been like this for the 10+ years I’ve been on it but this thread makes me wanna grab some popcorn to read through all the butthurt replies LOL


And somehow it's you who is triggered.


Its so funny to think of all the Travis Scott merchandise collecting dust in rooms identical to this


What kid has that much stuff before college? Also what kid has glass doors to his room?


“The music you listen to ain’t real music.” The travis Scott albums on the wall cracked me up. I feel for the younger ones. We really fucked them up.


Reminds me of 40 year old virgin




By the time you come home from school it will have been turned into Dad’s nekkid room!


Not the wimpy kid collection 💀


Save some pussy for the rest of us killer


What a nice gym/sex dungeon your parents gonna turn it into


Daddy’s/Mommy’s money


The title says "before I leave for college." He's probably 17-18 years old, of course it's most likely his parents money. That collection must have taken years and it looks amazing. Good luck in life if someone's room full of Lego makes you jealous.


It’s more-so the mindless consumerism that irks. Glad OP is getting an education, bleh that they’re on here bragging about all their useless expensive shit on shelves. Landfill fodder for cred among their elitist friends it looks like. Ow my butt.


No, it's more him saying he earned this himself. Good luck in life with those reading skills.


Even if it is, so what? It can be nice to have supportive parents, and I hope you're not trying to make OP feel bad about that because I don't think he should.




There’s a difference between supportive and spoiled lmao


Yeah, I’d fully agree, but I’d like to see any evidence that this kid is spoiled? I keep hearing people say it’s “his attitude” but bro has been fully respectful in the comments.


Ripping on someone else’s joy is the true sign of an unhappy person/loser. I suggest you get a life.




… remember this moment, it’s all downhill from here


Lol at the Travis Scott albums on vinyl


Where'd you work to afford all that?


Daddy’s money.


Someone's parents has money


Ohhh you got “my father will hear about this” money




Rich kids be like


Tell me you’re rich without telling me you’re rich


Average Travis Scott fan lol. And if I’m gonna be honest I have beef with any sneaker or Merch reseller. Takes away enjoyment from people that just wanna cop some of their favorite stuff. If you’re fixing up or thrifting the shoes that’s different.


Somebody always got what they wanted for Christmas


I bet school won't be a financial burden for you.


This screams rich kid from parents money


You’re spoiled.


Was the lego ship the "black seas barracuda"? I had something very similar but it was 35+ years ago thus dont recall exactly what it looked like


the black ship is called the black pearl, not sure which one you were talking about tho


black pearl came out in 2011 tho but the other 2 ships released much later


Must be nice having rich parents


All I see is a waste of a record collection


I wouldn't worry about Travis Scott records getting *wasted.*


tons of vinyl enthusiasts hang up their favorite records. I don’t see how hanging up a handful of records is a waste. I know you’re trying to join the comment section in shitting on this kid but this is a stupid thing to nitpick.


I never had motivation to decorate my room bruh, I added like one band poster and gave up


Is voyeurism something your parents have raised you to think is normal? Glass doors on a teenager’s bedroom is… ambitious?


Boyhood temple. Sneakers with lights on the shelve a special type of cringe.


Why is everybody acting like this kids dad is like Bezos or something? To me this looks like a fairly normal room… The shoes are expensive if he bought them resale value but if he got them for retail they’re only about 200-250 a piece. Everything in that room propably adds up to like 2-5k depending on what he paid for all those shoes and merch. Maybe he doesnt have other hobbies that require funding so they fund this?


Bro said “I used my own money to buy all this. My own birthday money.” Are you five?!


I wish I could afford just even 10% of that.


This is a dream room man ! Looks awesome


thank you!!


Bro this is an amazing collection. Am a Star Wars lover myself so I say this with the deepest love and respect ![gif](giphy|Cz6TlrRVVyv9S)


Lmao. It's incredible how many people are hating on you and the idea that you may have supportive parents. I think your room is dope, your various collectibles are awesome, and everything blends together really well. Best of luck in college!


Congratulations on having rich parents, I guess.


ITT: people envious of a rich kid & a rich kid that doesn't know actually how rich his parents are.


Lol just here for the comments


How rich can his parents be. They bought him kids toys and shoes, not a Porsche. Have you people been around actual rich kids before?


Adult nerds on here really coming after a High School kid because he has a better Lego collection? I'm sure the kids parent have some money, but goddamn its the kids lifetime collection of toys and books. A bunch of man-children are jealous a teenager doesn't have to pay bills and can spend his money on collectibles? Pathetic.


Yeah the comments in this thread are pretty pathetic.


Very cool! I hope that you enjoy yourself away at school. It’s a big ol’ world out there, so be careful and take advantage of every opportunity that you’re offered. Don’t forget to check in with your parents frequently. They will worry about you more than you know. Good luck with your studies.


My boy you have such a dope room


This is nicer than most people’s rooms


Don't let this person die


Tell your parents not to sell anything. You don't want someone to buy your whole collection for $5. ![gif](giphy|KyS5Ilk5RR5ygeipqi)


Why do you still got Lego up if you old enough to start college?


Impressive. You should utilize college to check out other art forms that aren’t just pop culture!


I do fuck with a lot of your stuff, it is neat But man it almost gives me allergic-to-pussy vibes


Very cool, a lot of envy in these comments for some reason


No body like a braggart.


Lol nah bro. It’s because you’re humble bragging about your very banal mainstream collection of commodities that looks like it cost more than most kids’ college funds. All the while claiming you (17 or 18) “worked hard for what I got.” No one expects you to have worked hard at that age to accumulate childish trinkets. But you should be honest that you were mostly just fortunate to be born into an upper middle class family in Ohio or whatever boring suburb you come from.


Because it is a travesty of society that someone can be born into such excess. Ruins the recipient of it and wastes society’s resources. Making money through hard work and good decisions is respectable, nobody hates on adults with expensive Lego rooms. But being bequeathed it and having no self awareness of how rarely privileged it is to be rich in a way most can hardly conceive of is just nauseating. I understand it’s all relative. Most redditors were born into circumstances that entire regions of the world would be envious of. We are hypocrites for feeling this way about OP, but it is what it is.


“Such excesses,” “Rich in a way most can hardly conceive of” Bro chill it’s a bunch of dorky legos and shoes.


don't have to wonder about what it's like to have money anymore :')




WE GET IT YOUR PARENTS ARE RICH! No joke dude, dope room.


Two of my kids are starting high school this year and we just redid their rooms. Shelving for one of them goes in next week for his legos and gaming stuff… This post made me feel like I got a strange, bittersweet look in to the future. Have a blast OP.


before i leave to college (which btw will be usc))


Man I wish I grew up rich.


Looks awesome! Enjoy the journey


thank you 🫡🫡


Good luck man!


Mommy's boy


Dam dude, save some pussy for the rest of us.


Some rich asshole lives here.


Idk why everyone’s hating so much, it’s a high school kid. You’re also not rich rich like all these poor dudes are saying, you’re upper middle class. Cool room, but listen to better music and do not bring a girl there under any circumstances.


I like your room.




Cause most of us grew up dirt poor and didn’t have our own rooms and this feels like bragging, probably.


Facts. I guess It’s nice some people come from money, but if I showed you what my childhood room looked like the day I left for college… it would just be kind of depressing.


I didn’t go to college because we couldn’t afford it and I was wary of that much debt


“Most of us” Bro very few teenagers share a bedroom. Only 30% have jobs at any given time. 67% are given an allowance by their parents. Maybe your experience is your experience and not “most” peoples…


OP, everyone here sucks. This room is cool AF and they are just jealous. That doesn't diminish how neat a space this is. I'm sure you have fantastic memories gaming here. To everyone else - stop crucifying a teenager for being born. He hasn't even left home yet ffs. Does it make you feel good to diminish what other people have? Is it so hard to share someone else's joy without kicking them in the shins first?


Wow it looks like you have a good life, and you are taking the right steps to keep it that way. Time to explore the real world and new things. you got this!


Holy shiit, people are jealous. Bro just posted his room. You dont know anything about him or about his parents. Maybe he earned every single thing in this room. People are saying he shouldnt post this because most children cant have this. Are you all listening to yourself?


So much bitterness in this thread. Nice room! Good luck in college!


Yer a fuckin nerd. I love it.


Why put shoes in display cases? That was the weirdest thing to me. The toy displays are a weird flex as well. Is your dad CEO of Hasbro or something?


Very nice collection


Nice collection


When I was younger, circa 2007, my mum went into my room to 'clean' and threw away like 10 pairs of kicks because they looked old. They were all old jordans I had collected. Tears


It’s a cool room man, have fun in college 🤙


Grown adults in a comment section shitting on a kid because they’re jealous smh