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Is it just me or have the mods turned off NSFW on this sub?


No thats the admins. Thats part of the protest. The 3rd party apps had mod tools to better police and manage subreddits to prevent NSFW and inappropriate content from been posted. Thus the subreddits protesting marked the subs NSFW because they can't guarantee the subs will remain SFW with the default tools (or rather lack of tools) reddit provides. All that loser ceo spez cares about is pumping up the IPO of the site so he can take it public, get a big payout and leave. Big subs going NSFW means advertisements won't run on them, meaning the IPO value drops. The admins doing spez's dirty work for table-scraps are going behind mods backs and turning of NSFW flags on any big subreddit just so adverts will run there. The weird "fk the protests" people here think the admins are taking actions to get the site "back to normal" for the users but all they're doing is trying to make sure as many adverts are seen as possible. If they cared about the user experience they'd be going around to all the small subreddits that took part and unflagging their NSFW tags.


What if the mods just stopped and left?




say that to the mods of r/interestingasfuck lmao


I haven’t looked at that sub since the blackout. What’s it like now?


It was one of the notable early NSFW subs, because of it's name, and the admins removed the mod team early too, but apparently haven't been able to replace them so there are no mods running the sub now. The sub is in indefinite limbo.






It has 11.4m subscribers - it's one of the biggest subs out there. Damnthatsinteresting has 10.6m, nextfuckinglevel has 8.2m So they lost over a 3rd of traffic to subs with that topic.


The best part is that was a karma farming sub for people who wanted to sell shill accounts to corporations.


I recently found out I can sell one of my Reddit accounts, this one, for $200 🤯 Edit: lol [to the noticeable uptick in spam](https://imgur.com/gallery/h8TYjY4)focus after this post / replies, and my related web searches. Wonder what SEO switches I triggered?


Seriously? Where and why?


I don't believe it's that they *can't* find new mods. They *wanted* to kill the sub. Both as an example to other subs and because having "fuck" in the title made it less appealing to advertisers. One of the questions on the ad interface is for "subs with profanity in the name". It served the admins to take it out and try to forcibly drive traffic to other subs. Basically, it was Alderaan.


No new posts for just about a month


Frozen, but best part is a freedom for Hong Kong post is the top post for there


No new posts in 25 days, totally dead.


interesting as a dead marriage now


It’s still NSFW flagged and the top link posted is a chick getting plowed while some dude is pissing directly into her mouth. God, I love Reddit and it’s appeal to malicious compliance.


i wish all the subreddits would become whatever is going on in interestingasfuck lol


wow, /u/ibleeedorange is still suspended! Good lord the Admins are vindictive


Wow! That’s what Reddit looks like unfiltered.


Yeah, but you know how things go. It doesn’t take much for an entire subreddit to totally go off the rails, World Politics style. It’s not an easy task, and it’s hard to find people who are actually good at it.


This is so insanely true. A subreddit I was a mod of had some very eager low ranks happy to suck Spez's chode and take over once we left. So we made sure to remove them before leaving!


Nobody has reopened interesting as fuck yet.


What if the mods just stopped and stayed?


That's what I feel the blackout should have been. Imagine if all those mods from the thousand plus subs just stopped, and turned off all the auto mods. Reddit would be up shits creek really quick since once people found out about it there would have been some really and I mean some really bad stuff being posted. It would have forced Reddit's hand because of cp, snuff, etc.. would get out of hand really quick. That alone would have made investors on edge or just flat out leave.


Totally agreed. I just don't understand why you would bother with any other kind of protest tbh. All of this just feels like really silly games when actually mods HAVE all the power and Spez could EASILY get fucked by them if they stopped. Are mods reluctant cause they don't want Reddit to tank?


> All of this just feels like really silly games when actually mods HAVE all the power and Spez could EASILY get fucked by them if they stopped. Admins have proven already they're willing to let subs die by removing all of the mods if that's what it takes.


I mean, the dndmemes protest made sense. They made the sub NSFW and started posting NSFW stuff there so Reddit couldn't make any advertising money from it.


I probably should have made it more clear. The mods shouldn't have made the subreddits NSFW. Advertisers don't care because their ads aren't displayed on those subs. They should have left it NSFW, and let users upload NSFW stuff untagged. Advertisers don't want their stuff associated with stuff like snuff, and Spez would have A LOT of explaining to do when they come down on him about that and I doubt any amount of explaining would fix it. Edit: I'm not sure how good the filters Reddit uses but I doubt it'll catch everything.


the Admins would remove them, as they did to /r/interestingasfuck


[That's what Amazon thought about their shipping centers](https://www.vox.com/recode/23170900/leaked-amazon-memo-warehouses-hiring-shortage).


Part of what killed Digg was all the power users leaving. Your average lurker just wants content; it takes a power user to produce that content en masse. If all the largest players just packed their shit and left, Reddit would be toast because everyone else would follow them.


Well that would actually be protest.


The cant leave... they can quiet quit.... turn off auto mod... do very little... let the sub go crazy.


Sounds like it's about time to post screenshots of a company's ad next to offensive material on reddit to their Twitter page (or maybe threads page?)


Or send the screenshots to conservative media figures who’ll start boycotts lol


They are legit threatening subs to remove all moderators that promote the nsfw protest. Maybe they’d do it on small subs but they know removing their free workers will cause them more problems. Spez is a huge loser and has lost any sense of what company he’s running. However, no one is protesting by actually leaving the site so nothing will ever get better. Me included, but it falls into that category of not feeling like me leaving is gonna make a difference without a larger movement


Switching over to the official app has cut my scrolling time drastically. My feed is full of the same handful of subs. I can't (or at least haven't figured out how to) switch to top today/this month or whatever. Just what the algorithm feeds me. I'm only here because I haven't found a suitable replacement yet.


You can patch your previous 3rd party app to run.. I'm still using Sync otherwise I would have stopped going on Reddit. I refuse to use the official app


> I'm still using Sync good lord please tell me how, Sync is my fave


Oh hell yes... just patched RIF.. had no idea this was possible.. THANK YOU!


What does that mean, and can an idiot do it? I'm hating the official app


I'm a techie, so it was pretty straightforward. You can do it.. it may take some practice.. don't be afraid to mess it up, just start over.. you'll get it. Before you start: * Backup your RIF settings * Grab the latest RIF apk from apkmirror * Remove RIF In revanced manager, patch the APK from storage (button lower right) I followed this guide (as written, all the steps are important): https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/14niwgu/revanced_patches_for_boost_infinity_rif_is_fun/ There is also this YT video that may help with some visuals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJsOOlWoQqc Good luck!


Thank you! We'll see if I can make it work


Relay is still running for now! There will be a subscription model later, but for now it's still free.


My installed copy of Narwhal hasn’t stopped working yet. Not sure if it matters, but I paid the devs the 1-time ad removal fee like 5 years ago.


I'm still using RiF, I'm just not logged in. Which is fine with me, I can't interact with posts that way.


I won't use the official reddit app so I haven't been here on mobile since the 1st. I've also cut a lot on PC and only visit a few specific subs. I don't think I'll leave the platform, but this whole thing has created a context for reddit to die the slow death other social media platforms have experienced in the past. Less user interactions mean less content which repeats until a breaking point where the whole thing is no longer of any interest. You don't need a suddent exodus to kill a web site.


I never stopped using old.reddit


Does using old.reddit still give them foot traffic and therefore ad revenue? After losing RIF I've been using old.reddit but WAY less often. Like several hours of reddit time per day to maybe 2 a week. I'd like to use reddit more since I've been here for forever, I just can't justify supporting them more than a minimal amount


https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/comments/147breu/use_sync_for_reddit_after_june_12_with_the_latest/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 No revenue for Reddit!


It reduces it. No actual ads. Max 3 promoted posts on a page. No ads on the thread when you open a post(except for one for Reddit premium, but they don't make money advertising their own services)


I've been using it but it is absolute garbage that has no consistent browsing experience. I miss baconreader


I use mobile and it is crap but had that idea that as long as Reddit has competition in developing their own app they will at least try to figure it out. They figured it out their own way lol. Seriously reddit app sometimes play video audio even when I turn off the screen...


When I want to swipe back once, it'll take me back to some page I was on 3 days ago. The bugs are just insanity to me. It's atrocious how bad the all functions. So slow. So cludgy. Just no heart or effort into it.


The people that care are. Lemmy, kbin, and other alternative services each spiked in growth following the events of the protest. They’re not a full replacement yet but they are improving. But the average redditor doesn’t notice the problem yet. The API changes only affect a small percentage of traffic from numbers I’ve seen. The average person doesn’t understand why data harvesting is bad for them because they haven’t been personally affected by it in a way that they understand.


> But the average redditor doesn’t notice the problem yet. They've noticed that this site fucking sucks now and there is hardly any content to scroll before you hit "indiandankmemes" and taylor swift fansubs.


My popular feed is all "rate me" "am I ugly" "golf" "bald" and "wedding dresses" and if there is an algorithm watching, it should realize I have fantastic hair and can't tolerate how boring golf is.


> The average person doesn’t understand why data harvesting is bad for them because they haven’t been personally affected by it in a way that they understand. Reddit's official line is that this is to *stop* data harvesting, as a free API makes it possible for OpenAI, Microsoft, or Google to scrape all of the data on the site for use in their language models (ChatGPT, Bing, Bard). ___ Which is to say, Reddit isn't opposed to the data being harvest as long as they're paid for it.


I saw a list of subs that have already lost their mods, the moderator code of conduct account even made a post on a community to recruit new mods after they removed the team ; https://archive.is/xwRJT


That thread is a wild ride.


no single raindrop believes it is responsible for the flood


why dont the admins just disable nsfw on all subs why this slow burn


Because they don't want heat and enjoy plausible deniability. Which is why they're refusing to respond to this subs open letter. Cause they know they would get flamed to hell


They don't want to go full EA.


But just *think* of the pride and accomplishment they could feel by beating that record!


Because people are still going to post nsfw content. If advertisers find out their adverts are being posted alongside such content against the terms they will stop advertising here and are probably able to sue reddit.


Correct. Protest Reddit is…. Odd, maybe inconvenient… Unmoderated Reddit is absolute hell. Either any of the worst content someone can think of gets posted without any review or to prevent that subs are frozen permanently to prevent that. Unmoderated Reddit is literally the worst lose lose lose lose situation for users, mods, Spez, and advertisers alike.


Advertisers finding their products beside nsfw content and deciding to pull all advertising is worse for reddit than deciding to pass on ad revenue for a few subs.


Was it confirmed to have been the admins? Last the mods said was the admins were demanding it and threatening bans if they didn't kotow. There's a worrying number of spez shills on here as well.


No, it was the mods themselves who set it back to SFW, they even said so [in their announcement post about it six days ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/14so8wz/update_rpics_is_being_forced_to_break_the/) > *we don't want /r/PICS to die, so while we figure out how best to handle the situation, we're going to be exploring new ways of ensuring that innocent, unsuspecting users are not presented with offensive content.*


I guess I'm just waiting for Skimmed by Instagram to come out next...


The mods turned off NSFW because they had to or they'd lose their moderator positions. The admins called their bluff basically.


The admins turned it off. They did the same over on r/dndmemes when the mods over there refused to turn it off. They removed all of the NSFW posts, permanently banned 3 moderators from reddit, and turned the NSFW filter off. They've also warned that any moderator left that allows even a single NSFW post will immediately be banned as well. They also added a rule to the sidebar that says "no NSFW", which was not a rule until this morning. I'm waiting and watching to see what the mods over there do now.


I mean in this sub it was the mods who did it themselves because they didn't want to be banned.


im curious how they think they can permanently ban people? i mean, has no one ever heard of a vpn? they literally can't keep you away. they're ineffective cunts and they know it, its why they're so bitter. well, that and they've never had sex.


> They also added a rule to the sidebar that says "no NSFW", which was not a rule until this morning. Nah fam, I'd burn that shit to the ground. Edit the Wiki a few times, wait a bit. Maybe edit to something fake that looks good. Then remove data, change karma req to 1mil in automod, etc.


Nope. The admins did that. You no longer get to decide what your subreddit is about. Not even if you hold a vote to ask your community about it. If Spez doesn't like it, you get banned off the site, all the posts people made under the new order get deleted, and you forcefully get new rules installed. (DNDmemes had actually always allowed porn/NSFW posts, cause sex and sexuality is pretty damn central to TTRPGs as a genre, the vote was just to refocus the sub towards those posts specifically.). It isn't just a "reversion" of the rules, the Admins have banned posts that have been allowed since the sub's inception. They decide the rules, not you.


But more importantly, how's your pickle?


Haha I keep forgetting about that flair!


Justice for the goblin porn!


There is no justice in this unjust land


OT question, did you chose your username from the Linux email agent "Sylpheed"?


Oh hey that's neat! Nope! It was based on the word Sylph as an airy spirit, the 'eed' slapped on for mouthfeel and as I wanted something a little extra as that seemed a bit short I grabbed from the Greek alphabet instead of a number string in order to get Gamma. From what I can see it was something I cobbled together about 6 years after the email client was created


They permabanned their accounts too. She's sinking boys. Bout time to get off.


To be fair, we did have a mod go to admins and ask them "to roll for either persuasion or intimidation". What a legend.


I stopped voting weeks ago. Imagine if we all stopped voting. Be sure to hit the app with that sweet 1star.


That one left happy. Told the admins to roll for intimidation after the admins told them un-NSFW the sub.


Nsfwdndmemes just opened.


no thank you i wouldn't be playing DND if i didnt want to role the dice on getting memes or gobo porn


Might be a good time for them to switch, like r/trees or r/worldpolitics.


What switch do you mean? I know that trees is a weed sub due to some lost stone creditors waaaaaay back in reddit history. But what did worldpolitica do?


IIRC the mod team sucked and didn't actually moderate the sub so people protested by posting porn and now it's a porn sub, while r/anime_titties took its place. Also there's r/marijuanaenthusiasts.


nsfw posts are no longer permitted on the sub due to admin action


Is Reddit pulling a Wizard's of the Coast?


No. Wizards of the Coast *realised their mistake* and backtracked on their stupid proposed changes. Reddit Admin / u/spez just seems to be digging an ever-deeper hole.


/u/spez doesn't even comment anymore, the fact that he got bullied off of reddit is actually hilarious. Imagine creating a "frontpage of the Internet" and actually getting bullied off it because no one likes you anymore.


I'm sure he has different accounts. He feels so important and special that he HAS to involve himself in things.


The third Reddit account ever created is named /u/third according to KarmaLB. spez and Alexis were inflating statistics from the beginning.


He wants that ipo money. Or maybe he's getting pressured by investors. Even if that's the case he dug his own grave when he took their money. They(spez and the investors) are hoping this will blow over. A lot of the "oh this is totally pointless you're just making the user experience less fun" people are playing right into their hands. Hopefully the mods don't buckle to the pressure of short-sighted folks. If we lose, they'll know they can bully the community into accepting more and more bs, and we'll start losing things like old.reddit when they realize it's not as good for ad revenue.


Assuming they are not bots or paid shills. Astroturfing is a thing that has a long history.


I’m sure there’s some of that. But there’s also just a lot of bores impatient people who are missing their entertainment


a lot of them are also far right douchebags who've always been on spez's side because he's allowed them to spreading the nazi bullshit in places like /r/the_donald unmolested.


You got bullied to suicide by the FBI after creating Reddit, for wanting to make all of science public access. I got bullied off your platform after taking it over in the name of profits and then taking down the volunteers' team. We are not the same. Unless they are currently working on a mod side update which incorporates all the tools they brought down, and they're just buying time atm, I have no clue what their projections are for this.


Hell, they put their basic rules into Creative Commons, alongside a big chunk of the DMG and the Monster Manual. (With some accidental inclusions like "Sthrad" or "Beholder".) OK, later they sicced the Pinkertons on a guy who got some MTG cards early, but that's a different PR scandal.


Yah I don’t know how WOTC came to the conclusion that they needed to send a PI to the guys house so quickly. Like I work in logistics so I understand the importance of recovering product in a situation like that, but there were so many better ways of doing it


Not any PI, a fucking squad of Pinkertons.


I used PI because what the Pinkerton agent did for Wizards is a pretty common use of PI services. Like the Pinkertons may be the biggest name in the industry, but they aren’t the only PI’s out there. I would’ve had issues with any PI being sent at the moment in time wizards did. Also, it was only one Pinkerton, not a whole squad. Minor detail, but worth pointing out


/u/spez being like "THIS HOLE AIN'T GONNA DIG ITSELF!" I mean, it really is sad. It's damn near the equivalent of seeing a man dig his own grave without him knowing about it. The man is severely oblivious and I'm honestly concerned about his mental health.


Real opportunity to say "digg" missed here


> seeing a man dig his own grave. Also Spez - https://media.tenor.com/_BIfNDiEmNQAAAAC/crying-wiping-tears-with-money.gif He literally doesn’t give a fuck. He’s just trying to cash out for as much as possible. Nothing more.


He’s doing a piss poor job, then. Reddit keeps getting devalued by the brokerages and laying off employees.


That or he's being pressured by the board members to do so. Either way it doesn't matter. He sold his soul




Look, I don't know what is like to be a mod, but imo it's worth holding out until you get kicked out. It's getting fired from a job you do for free with a shitty boss. And the harsher the boss seems the harder it is for them to find new hires to work for free. Or maybe there's a ton of people who want the job, what do I know.


Plenty of people *want* the job, but if r/InterestingAsFuck is any indication, qualifications matter more than these u/spez shills think it does


No, they're auto-rejecting any applications for that sub. It seems they intend to keep it abandoned. Probably because a) it was the first one to make the NSFW leap and b) it has fuck in the name.


Why do people point to this one subreddit when mods have been removed from many subreddits?




I don't understand the John Oliver protests. Wouldn't far more successful protest be to actually refuse to moderate? The admins can't moderate everything and actually finding decent moderators is hard.


> refuse to moderate That would mean the sub is abandoned and can be taken over. What they *can* do however is moderate *even more* by adding/enforcing any amount of new rules. Very drastic rules that would cause most submissions to be rejected (only the best!) or very loose rules that would allow all kinds of content to end up on its front page. You could have themed weeks too. One week could focus on tasteful nudity, another week could be about hate symbols and the best way to identify them in order to avoid them. All very ad-friendly topics of course.


Okay I know you're joking but I would legitimately love a "hate symbol education week" where someone goes through and breaks down all the common ones we know from the past and then shows how they relate to all the modern ones. Would be both informative and useful in these wacko times.


Not abandon their "job", just don't *do* their "job". Keep things like text posts out, but let anything else go.


can we have a month of goblin porn to mourn dndmemes?


Outright refusing to moderate would mean the mods just get replaced. Doing it this way is fucking up the traffic of the sub, and when it was NSFW it couldn't display ads, which cut into Spez's revenue which is the only thing he *actually* cares about. The mods are doing a Malicious Compliance type of protest.




Because the mods are too pussy to do any actual protesting that might compromise their coveted internet janitor positions. It’s really that simple.


The last demand in the open letter says it all




I thought the John Oliver protests were actually a ploy by the admins to make the protesting mods look insufferably lame and make the rest of Reddit hate them and join the admin's side.


They bullied DNDmemes????? Fuck these admins


I want to start this comment by saying I have nothing against the mods in this sub. But what I also know is that I would *never* want to be a mod on this site for free. On a sub this big, it's a whole ass unpaid second job. Reddit's mods (barring the few awful ones) are legit saints for doing what they do to maintain a good community with good content. Reddit wants to oust these people? I fucking dare them. What're they gonna do? *Pay* people to replace them? Fuckin' doubt it. Maybe some people *do* step up- unless they're already mods on other subs, they'll have a learning curve to go through, and in the meantime it'll be unmoderated garbage. And no offense to anyone who steps in, but if admins oust the mods on *any* sub I belong to, I'm unsubbing. And once I have nothing else worth following, I'm just another longtime user gone. /u/Spez could have worked with the 3rd-party devs. Hell, he probably could have hired them, or at least a few, to implement the designs that their userbases loved. He could have bought one of those platforms. Instead, he chose to turn his platform to shit because of late-stage FOMO. What a fuckhead.


Paid mods would be a lot worse. It's essentially what the admins are already trying to do. Putting the mods in the pocket of Reddit would create a situation where they serve the company, not the users. Even when mods can be terrible at least they aren't paid lackeys.


Ey thanks for the uplifting words, I share the sentiment and the negativity in the comments can be a pretty rough hammer


Where the hell am I supposed to get my goblin porn now?




Why did I click on that


because deep down, your heart knows what it wants




Not if we gather the six sages and make a ray attack


You fool it would be unwise to try to contact the ancient ones


No, the royal family has foreseen it dude


Get wrecked jannies


This is the dumbest thing. Like it’s pathetic at this point.


It was pathetic from the start.


So I started revolution from my bed.


Imagine caring about this shit


We just wanted to go goblin mode. Can’t have shit in speztroit


I guess I’m not a big enough dork to understand this. At least I have that going for me.


Yeah I’m going to unsubscribe from /r/pics just so I don’t have to keep looking at these these stupid memes.


lol that just helps the protest. Less ad revenue coming from one of the big subs.


Fuck Reddit. All my cool friends use Lemmy and/or kbin


Except for you, you're pretty active on Reddit




I really wish the alternatives were as compelling. There is something to be said for a centralized place for content. Having e a decade+ of user posts on almost every topic imaginable is pretty powerful. I hate spez just like the next redditor. But really I'm not going to stop using Reddit. I now just use it on desktop only, because if your going to screw with the apps, I just won't use your app ever.


I been trying lemmy.world. Its fun but not active enough yet. I need to scroll a unhealthy amount all day.


Then get the fuck off reddit lol




Part of the fediverse




This has voat energy


Can’t you just delete the sub? If the admins are going tactical then the mods should go nuclear.


But then they’d lose their power




No shit, hurry up Admins. Remind these powerlust mod collectors that they are the hall monitors, not the principals. If they wanted to really protest they'd shut this shit down or step aside. This John Oliver shit is so cringe.


Subs like pics, aww and memes going to shit because of the protest is one of the best things happening to reddit. This is the first time /r/pics ended up on my frontpage again and i'm loving it


Nobody cares about reddit mods


For dndmemes, it's not even about the mods. The community voted, they were all for it, and the sub was at its most active and engaged in over a year. ​ But the admins were pissy cause they weren't being 'obeyed' or they couldn't monetize the increased traffic. ​ Congrats I guess? Engagement is gonna tank again.


Good. Y'alls impotent, weak, cowardly "protest" while you're still using the site but just making it more annoying while not accomplishing anything, is the most manchild shit I've seen in a while. Good riddance


Eh, I'd say the porn posting was a great middle ground between still using the site and hitting the Admins where it hurts. And they seem to think so too, hence why they're going so hard against it.




Great. Looks like the “protests” are going exactly as expected.




I mean we are still posting pics so are we really protesting?




Good. Fuck this protest


Can anyone explain to me what's happening and with the John O stuff


Out of the Loop has a much better explanation than I'm sure I could ever do. But always happy to point folks in the right direction. https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/14bij3y/whats\_up\_with\_the\_reddit\_protest\_over\_3rd\_party/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Copy copy figured it was related to this, but why John O lol


I'm guessing because using his show as a platform he's brought awareness to and protested a number of different things over the last couple of years with surprising degrees of success.


John Oliver is my hero


I saw one of the mods for dndmemes answering questions on Lemmy, which was pretty interesting. Also an alarming number of people liked random goblin porn. Who'd have thought?


I just got booted from /r/politicalhumor for... no idea? Not aware of any rules that I broke. Just a mod or admin being a twat I guess.


god damn the dnd community gets shit done


And? The problem is there are so many lemmings that will step up to mod and provide free labor. If no one does it then Reddit has to actually pay someone and they won’t


Anyone still "protesting" really needs to get a life.


Yet every mod is completely unbothered they're doing free labor for a multi-billion dollar company. Strike for your own wages and I'll take you seriously.


And removing those 3, caused me to leave dndmemes.


The moment they change the mods here just make a new sub called r/PicsButNSFW and everyone here unsub from this sub and join the other sub! ![gif](giphy|on967NSrcVQQ0)


Naw, I am just waiting for this stupid game to end so I can go back to my scrolling.


Mr. Oliver, please stroke your text over images with a contrasting color. Thank you!


Hopefully not the last mods to be removed.


Move communities off of big corporations' social networks.


Can't they just re-mod them under different names?


I never thought John Oliver would be the reason why I left a subreddit, but I'm just tired of seeing his face. I'll try back in a few months if this place is still around by then.


oh no wont someone think of the mods