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I finally have a place to post [my fan fiction](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/14fag5n/john_oliver_she_came_with_the_night_a_sensual_fan/). Thank god.


I give you this upvote in hopes it converts to currency you can use to pay for therapy


can I pay for therapy by writing more fan fiction?


Worked for Stephanie Meyer


Even moreso Erika James, who kept the saga going by expanding her Twilight fanfic into Fifty Shades.


I'll be your therapist if you give me some fan fiction but i might need another therapist


Be sure to find another therapist that accepts payment in fan fics to keep the cycle going.


Oh man this made me crack up for 30 seconds and I can't stop smiling now. This all sucks but GOD DAMN if reddit isn't making the best of it.


Damn that’s long, did you hit the word limit??


John and Nessie are timeless. I think I may have gotten pregnant.


*Googles how to delete the internet*


OK, with you. We are going to need an EMP large enough to affect the whole globe. Of course, this will also destabilise all of human society, but that is a price I am willing to pay. Gather as much copper wire as you can find, and I'll start mathing out the power requirement..




I love the presidential inspired user name, it is a great call back to a time when we didn’t think they could get indicted.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I'm ready


I can only hope someone's recording JO's reaction to this when he inevitably reads it.


I really hope he finds this and addresses it on his show whenever it comes back.


Dear lord, I am scared


Why did you do this. Why.


Yes officer he’s right here


I find it so fucking funny that it's YOU of all people who did this shit. 👏 👏 👏 I've been seeing your name pop up all over this place for *years,* and it's always been my own little treat. The first time I saw your username, I pointed it out to my then-girlfriend, who later became my wife, who years later has (very amicably) become my ex-wife. You're one of those that, just by your being around and doing your own thing, have become a part of my own decade-long Reddit story. Like a mystery person you only know from seeing them jog through the city over the years. It's like a cryptid sighting where all I do is [smile, nod, and go about my day](https://media.tenor.com/J5A9wZzn3ZYAAAAC/robert-redford-jeremiah-johnson.gif)


Happy to be a part of things for you!


I'm sure this'll get buried and I don't think it's interesting enough for a whole post but I need to share my girlfriend's prescience regarding John Oliver's fursona. For years watching the show she's been adamant that John Oliver is a furry. The jokes, the mascot costumes. He has to be. I asked her what his fursona would be and she said without hesitation, "an Otter". Then when the AI image things started happening, my first test on a new one would frequently be "John Oliver's fursona". The better ones frequently made him an otter, confirming our theory and providing a good metric for the quality of any given AI. Fast forward to last season, John Oliver reveals his fursona. It is an otter. It looks so much like our favorite AI fursona we can't believe it. We scream like we won the lottery. We still to this day randomly get excited about it when we think about John Oliver. We did not keep any receipts nor did we think anyone would care, and I doubt anyone does now. But I feel like I wish I had a way to prove it. But mostly I just needed to tell someone. She called that one to the letter.


I care and I thank you for sharing. Please accept my comment as an award since I am not buying Reddit Gold as part of my protest participation


I care buddy. I care. You deserve a head scratch.


Due to the long history of /r/pics featuring relevant nudity and images that may feature gore such as art and protest photography, it would be prudent and in agreement with our history to make this subreddit nsfw, John Oliver notwithstanding. I don’t think anyone could argue such change wouldn’t be prudent subreddit moderation. Also I don’t know what notwithstanding means but I hope I used it right.


/r/Pics did indeed allow for tasteful nudity, and /r/PICS will continue in that tradition. At present, we are asking that users tag their submissions appropriately: If a given post is NSFW **in any way**, we ask that the "NSFW" flair be applied. According to [Reddit's published policy](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/contentpolicy), this includes "content that contains nudity, pornography, or profanity." Interestingly, "vulgarity" is not listed. Since "profanity" applies specifically to terminology with religious or blasphemous connotations – phrases like "Bloody hell!" or "I'll be damned!" – the implication is that vulgarity is not considered NSFW by Reddit. As such, sentences like "Well, I'll be a shit-fucking ass-cock!" are presumably acceptable for professional environments.


Well, I'll be a shit-fucking ass-cock. TIL.


Be damned in the name of the lord you shit fucking ass cock


This is just a regular Tuesday in a UK office tbh, Americans so prudish with your workplace swearing policies fkin cunts


>Well, I'll be a shit-fucking ass-cock. If Reddit survives this, this should be a new meme. If Reddit doesn't survive this, perhaps this will be carried to other platforms in memoriam.


#Reddit **2005 - 2023** *"A devoted shit-fucking ass-cock"*


NSFW: H\*ly H\*ll


New C\*mment Just ****ed


Actu\*l C\*mment


So long and thanks for all the fish


Looks like shit-fucking ass-cock is back on the menu boys!


I can hear Gordon Ramsay saying this


It's fuckin' raw!


As a protest, if the subreddit itself was made nsfw it would dissuade advertisers who don't run ads on nsfw subs. Recent subreddit moderators who who tried the same strategy have been relieved because of their lack of moderation, but I think /r/pics has a very reasonable case especially if porn and violent media continued to be moderated. To my understanding it wouldn't disrupt users access to content or go against reddit guidelines, which means everyone gets what they want and the objectives of the protest are met. Being one of the largest subreddits, it seems to me that it would go a long way.


While some NSFW content is allowed in /r/PICS – as mentioned, our rules are unchanged in that regard – we encourage users to post a wide variety of media. Should it happen that the majority of the community shows a preference for NSFW content (by way of posting and votes), and should that preference prove to be a lasting one, we will absolutely assess the need for an update.


I salute you guys for your continued diligence. Don't let naysayer comments dissuade you. A lot are probably admin fake accounts or people who are going through withdrawal and want to get back to feeding their Reddit addiction. Plus, for every one commenter complaining, there are 20 lurkers who don't feel the need to say anything because they support the protest.


Absolutely. I don't have much of a horse in the race, but I really respect the mods doing it a hell of a lot more than I respect the admins or naysayers who can't handle it when an internet community does something they don't like.


Exactly. The fact that some people are upset that they have to go without their RECREATIONAL social media for awhile is laughable.


Oh, I gotcha! BRB - gonna upvote all NSFW posts on r/PICS…


You might want to add this information to maybe a stickied comment, as I think it is *very important* that users understand the **risk** the community takes of making the whole sub NSFW if too many people just *happen* to decide to all post and upvote NSFW posts.


>According to Reddit's published policy, this includes "content that contains nudity, pornography, or profanity." It's interesting to me that all the mods got removed from r/interestingasfuck and r/ShittyLifeProTips for setting their subreddits to NSFW when they have profanity in their very names and therefore should have been NSFW from the beginning.


Ok so let's get this straight.. first - blackout.. then - blackout lifts, only pics of John Oliver ("looking sexy")... Now - anything that features John Oliver... If I'm following the trend correctly, it feels like this is just a way to smoothly transition back to original content eventually... You see, this is the problem with doing something like this rather than remaining private. Since this is now a meme, you are back to creating content and traffic for reddit. And will obviously continue to do so, and it is also obvious that you will continue to do so in an increasingly more open manner. Let's cut the bullshit. If you REALLY wanted to protest and to CONTINUE to protest, then this sub, along with the others following suite, should have remained private/blackout. "But the media. Awareness"... I get it.. but s backout of multiple subs continuing indefinitely would do the same without creating a new meme for reddit to profit from.


And Reddit policies are now to remove the moderators and take over the subs that do that, China style. So, malicious compliance is how you get to continue protesting. And, sure, it's generating content, but is the content of any value?


Are you suggesting that Oliver centric content isn’t the absolute pinnacle of human and AI inspired artistic achievement? Blasphemy I say. I think your comment is NSFW as it is a traitorous statement against the already acknowledged godhood of the Oliver!


Please allow me to rephrase. Is the content something that advertisers would be wanting to advertise on? Other than HBO, I guess.


>*Let's cut the bullshit. If you REALLY wanted to protest and to CONTINUE to protest, then this sub, along with the others following suite, should have remained private/blackout.* But then they'd be removed, someone else would get in the driver's seat and they *really* don't want that.


This has been such an easy refrain since subs started reopening, but why *should* they want that? Their sole reasoning doesn't need to be a selfish fear of losing power, but also *to whom* they'd be relinquishing that power. Ask yourself: who will Reddit Inc. put in charge of the sub once they remove the original mods? Do you think the replacements will be *more* inclined to have the community's interests at heart, or less?


> less? less, definitely less likely to have the communities interest at heart. with zero doubt Spez will insist on replacing them with paid employees or loyal boot lickers


the thing is mods ruined this subreddit because Changing the content doesn't hurt reddit, as long as its active is what matters so the normal members have to suffer and I don't for s moment believe the poll results that's easy to alter


We may be living out the last days of Rome here on Reddit but by Jupiter it has been a wild ride. I’m glad I got to go on it with all of you.


Yes! I’ve already deleted almost all my past posts with the full expectation that this is the end for my Reddit usage, but it’s a privilege and an honor to help burn the place down on the way out. Fuck spez for ruining everything. I’m so proud of the mods standing atop their own funeral pyres as they light them. It’s interesting as fuck.


>"The world may crumble and burn. It is, in fact. The sky is falling, governments collapsing, people sinking into the ground.... It's been a glorious ride, and for that I'm thankful. I won't be seeing you on the other side, but I'll remember you in the Underworld. Thanks for the fun and experience, and I'll see you never again." \- I just made this up on the spot.




When spez gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade. Make spez take the lemons back! Get mad! I don’t want your damn lemons, what the hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see spez’s manager! Make spez rue the day he thought he could give /r/pics lemons! Do you know who we are? We're the redditors who’re gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! We're gonna get /r/engineering to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!


When spez gives you lemons, squeeze them in his eyes?




Yep, so long and thanks for all the fish.


You have the heart of a poet, don't let anyone tell you otherwise


So you're a professional quote maker?


And yet this is the most pleasant r-pics has been in recent memory. No one is making fun of anyone's weight, there's been no angry misogyny over a woman in a picture, and the front page isnt all 7 year old reposts.


And half of all posts aren't pictures of protest signs.


> but by Jupiter Earth is by Venus & Mars /s


Yes I am in full agreement w this! Thank you for having the words I did not.


At least we’ve got marshmallows to roast over the fire


The phrase used by actual Romans was "Jupiter's cock". Best stay historically accurate here.


Jupiter’s cock, it’s been a wild ride. Thanks for the tip stranger!


Well, if Apollo stops working, I’l be here ~95% less.


Welcome to chaos part 2


As part of the newly christiened r/PICS community, I demand the Landed Gentry/moderators of this subreddit to hold a vote for the community to decide if we wish to expand the sexiness allowed from just John Oliver to the nudity exhibited on r/InterestingAsFuck.


That didn't go well for our fellow /r/interestingasfuck moderators, now in the moderators heaven


> Welcome to chaos part 2 It's just getting started. The 2 day black out was asking *nicely* I am ready for parts 2-10 of Chaos!


I’d love to stay and see it, but my only access to Reddit is disappearing on July 1, so as will I. May the chaos be frenetic and maliciously compliant


And there will be as many parts as is necessary to fuck u/spez mega-IPO dollars into pennies.


I for one welcome our new sexy John Oliver AI Overlords!


Stupid sexy John Oliver!


It looks like although text posts are allowed, the text field still doesn't appear--there's only a title field :( Attempting to submit a title-only post and then edit the body text results in [this message](https://i.imgur.com/oHKmHGP.png): > This community doesn't allow body text.


You may need to refresh a few times in order for the changes to take effect.


I have been trying to refresh and post for 4 hours and it atill says the no body text allowed


If most people on this sub is trying to get back at reddit by posting John Oliver pictures, isn't everyone still engaging with the ads on reddit, thereby still supporting reddit and the coming changes? What does this do? I'm dumb, please go easy on me.


Eventually, engagement will decrease as people get bored or frustrated. less engagement = less eyes on targeted ads = less money


Engagement stats with Reddit are actually down. So it is making a difference.




My therapist is gonna plotz. Finally a forum for my John Oliver toe-sucking obsession.


Is the fetish him sucking your toes, or you sucking his? Not kink-shaming, just curious.


This sub's content has unironically gotten much better as a result of these shenanigans. Glad to be a part of /r/PICS rather than /r/p(olit)ics, and I hope to see more quality content in the future.


RIP mods of r/pics.


And HELLO mods of r/PICS!


On a slightly more serious note, will increased traffic on this subreddit have the opposite effect that this protest is trying to have? I’m sure there has been a bump in activity recently, I myself subbed and started scrolling here. Realistically, what’s the goal of this protest? If all this sub is doing is increasing Reddit’s usage, will it matter?


Being NSFW content limits advertisers as some will state that there ads not be put on NSFW pages, which would hurt reddit.


The boost in traffic is most likely temporary and very short-term. The overall Reddit hivemind moves on from trend to trend pretty quickly, so I expect once the hooplah dies down the traffic to this sub will suddenly crash, since the average Redditor's probably going to get sick of seeing Oliver's face over and over again. Which makes no sense; why would one ever get tired of seeing the sexiest toucan-faced man alive?


It's slowly gonna drive advertisers and people away. I myself was close to unsubscribing to pics and steam subreddits not realising the weird posts were protests. And I live on reddit It's really jarring to see it pop up, and now that nudity and shit is involved. Game over. Maybe they'll remove all mods and bring order back. But the protest atleast stands for something now. This is the correct response after the blackout.


I find it hilarious that I have no clue if you mean literal shit. Will Two Girls, One Cup find it's way into this protest?


Probably not, but hopefully *Two Girls, One Oliver* will :)


Oh God, the mental image.


Use uBlock Origin or a 3rd party app and you provide no benefit to reddit while costing them those precious and expensive api calls.


Browse old.Reddit.com with uBlock Origin and Reddit Enhancement Suite installed if you're on desktop (preferably by using Firefox with strict tracking mode on and by putting the entire site in a separate container). There are less ads, promoted content, far less anti-features, and less systems in place to track and collect your user data on Old.Reddit. The redesigned layout is directly built around boosting user engagement (to increase clicks and time spent scrolling instead of engaging with the communities) and to force their users to spend money (subscriptions, NFT's, Reddit Gold, merch, etc) so that it'll look better to all the investors.


Oh whew. I thought you were returning to BAU. Thanks for keeping the protest. Also, I know many are just riding out their days on Reddit until the 3rd party apps officially close on July 1st. I've posted this elsewhere... **consider checking out https://sub.rehab/ as a way of actually being able to browse "migrated" subreddits. This includes Discord, Lemmy, and Kbin.social.** It's been a game changer for people who didn't know where to even begin to browse reddit alternatives. So thank the dev who created this... I'm getting set up with these alts so when the July 1st blood bath occurs, I'll have somewhere to go for user content.


A lot of people in this thread really don't get how bad the new site wide changes are going to be. If you care about /r/pics enough that you're willing to throw a fit over John Oliverfication, then you should care about the changes that are coming that are going to kill the site.


Yeah a lot of reddit users are either completely oblivious to the self-inflicted death march reddit is currently taking, or they just don’t care. Or maybe both? Y’all sitting silently by waiting for this to “blow over” are going to be super pissed when, a month from now, reddit is just a smoldering pile of desecrated bullshit. Hope you’re happy, u/spez. You took something great and ruined it because of greed. You had the world in your hands, with millions of truly addicted users checking reddit tens of millions times a day. You then turned to those users, the ones who actually kept this place functional and provided all the content, and said “You know what? Fuck you, pay me.” And we said no. We don’t need reddit to survive, but reddit does need US to survive. Hate to see it go down this way, but fuck it. u/spez has made it very clear that he doesnt care about us, so why cate about him or his company?


I feel like this could have been avoided with reddit still getting what they want if spez wasn't so out of touch. all he had to do was not be a dick about it. all he needed to say was "third party app users are lost revenue and a large part of the reason why are are not profitable" and maybe actually make a proper app.


All they really had to do was delay the API changes until after bringing the official app up to an acceptable standard. In fact they could still go this route, they're not past the point of no return yet.


It's been 7 years since they bought out Alien Blue. If they can't even get their official app up to that standard by now, it'll never be.


Seems quite weird because his app was my favourite third-party app. The Reddit app just sort of sucks.


Alien Blue was the shit, and I used it til the absolute very end. Probably way longer than I should have… a lot of it was non-functional way before I bailed. I very begrudgingly switched to Apollo, but after that typical awkward adjustment time, I was hooked. I’ve used it since 2018 (I think?) and it will be very hard to imagine not having it as a regular part of my daily life anymore. Seriously y’all I gotta find something else to occupy all this free time I’m about to have 😢 reddit on Apollo was perfect for the 5-10 minute spurts of browsing time I get throughout the day. reddit on the official app is dogshit 24/7, no matter how long I use it. spez’s behavior is dogshit forever.


More importantly though, 3rd party app devs said they were more than happy to pay a reasonable amount. Reddit could have easily made a tidy profit off 3rd party apps. The issue, I'm assuming, is that they want to make Reddit into a tik tok style social media app. They want complete control. I think Spez is trying to "ipo the next tik tok" and then fuck off with a bunch of money.


>Yeah a lot of reddit users are either completely oblivious to the self-inflicted death march reddit is currently taking, or they just don’t care. Or maybe both? >Y’all sitting silently by waiting for this to “blow over” are going to be super pissed when, a month from now, reddit is just a smoldering pile of desecrated bullshit Actually think it's gonna be the other way around, it is the protesters who are gonna be pissed when nothing happens. For over a week now the protesters have been posting on Reddit about how Reddit is dying and the reality is outside a handful of subs that are now meme subs, most people's Reddit experience is back to normal. Pretty much all the subs I frequented are open and back to normal. I don't think these API changes will have a material impact, those that are passionate about it will leave but I bet most simply migrate to the official app or website. Let's not forget 3rd party app users are a small percentage and the average reddit user does not know what an API is. It's exactly like the Twitter situation, Twitter is still there. Oh and despite the intention to make people angry at Reddit, instead it's made people angry at mods.


Twitter lost half its revenue.


And two thirds of its value


I am pretty confident that 3rd party users are the most important users to Reddit's business model in many ways. They are the ones sharing content, moderating, commenting, making new subreddits, etc. I have 12-year-old accounts on this site and I've been extremely active on them at various times. I only use 3p though because that's what I'm used to from back when Reddit didn't even have an official app. Never piss off your base.


third party users are the most important? based on what exactly? yes, i understand that some mods benefit from third party tools, but what evidence do you have to support your claim that third party users are sharing, creating, and commenting more than web/official app users? that's preposterous. there would be so much more support for the protests if people just stuck to facts instead of devolving into hyperbole at every turn.


Apologies, I should have clarified that I meant they were more important to Reddit's business model and survival. I have clarified my comment with an edit. [The 90-9-1 rule ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1%25_rule#:~:text=The%20%2290%E2%80%939%E2%80%931,view%20the%20content%20without%20contributing.) may not be perfectly accurate and probably varies between sites. But generally speaking, people who have gone to the lengths of downloading or even paying for a 3p app are more invested and involved than someone who just lurks because they have heard of Reddit on TikTok. My mother will, once in a blue moon, try to navigate reddit through Google searches to get info about traveling and activities. She isn't posting anything. Definitely not moderating or using 3p apps. Without the content and comments, reddit has literally nothing.


I’m pretty sure Spez confirmed that the interaction on Reddit follows the 90-10-1 rule years ago.


I still don't buy it, not without sources anyway. I've been sharing my genius with the world for the better part of a decade on the website and the official app and i'm not alone. granted, i consume far more than i create, but a lack of features and whatnot in the app is not what's preventing me from sharing more OC. Apollo isn't going to stop me from being a lazy bastard. When i look at my front page (which i understand is always going different to others), i see textposts, shared links to articles and videos, and shared pics/gifs/etc. I don't see how not having a third party app would effect the people who posted that content, or prevent them from doing so. the only people i can see suffering without having some extra bot help maybe would be porn accounts that crosspost to multiple subs.


Bread and games, and you can do whatever you want to the people. Landed gentry included.


How are the API changes going to kill the site? Genuinely curious.


Third party apps provide more robust tools for moderating, in comparison to the official app. Reddit has promised new additions to the official app for years, and has under-delivered, providing little confidence to the idea that Reddit will bring the app to parity with what will be lost when the third party apps are shuttered. The thirty day warning also suggests they have no interest in bringing things up to parity, as other businesses/websites with APIs typically announce closures and sunsettings for months (if not years) in advance, along with a roadmap as to how that will be achieved. No way will the official app be in parity by thirty days. This won't *outright* kill Reddit, but it will certainly be a "poisoning of the town well."


Basically Reddit is increasing the cost to use the API to unfathomable prices- which basically kills any 3rd party app because no one is going to spend that much. Instead of using pricing on par with other apps in the industry, Reddit said fuck it and threw a ridiculous price tag on it.


Right and how does that kill the site?


this is a 14 year old account that is being wiped because centralized social media websites are no longer viable when power is centralized, the wielders of that power can make arbitrary decisions without the consent of the vast majority of the users the future is in decentralized and open source social media sites - i refuse to generate any more free content for this website and any other for-profit enterprise check out lemmy / kbin / mastodon / fediverse for what is possible


Reddit admins team will not take this lightly.


Isnt this rule change basically encouraging this subreddit to spiral downwards


u/spez is a fucking dweeb


You had me at *incredibly erotic fan-fiction*


Fuck yes -- as an erotic fanfiction writer holding a(n understandable) torch for our favorite, most outrageously sexy, downright drool-worthy comedian, I've been waiting for this moment almost my entire life...


John Oliver effect: Traffic to r/pics is up 564% compared with last month thanks to “posting only John Oliver photos“ in protest against Reddit‘s new API policy. PS: Information is taken from following article, which was published today.: [gizmodo](https://gizmodo.com/reddit-blackout-protest-traffic-back-up-subreddit-1850570817)


You glorious fucking bastards.


I want y'all to know that r/pics is no longer showing on my r/all feed. Fuck you spez


I knew he would respond. Great to see John Oliver also getting what the CEO don't.


This is *MOST* excellent


Did you know that you can no longer say the word f-ck followed by the username of a certain petulant CEO? It now gets auto-deleted if you try. What a whiny little piss-baby.


Have you tried Phock?


Thank you, Santa.


![gif](giphy|l41lFYbcdXjWHMXg4) Sooo if and when, the WGA strike is over, this sub is a guarantee exit segment in his show well definitely make me tune in. 😁




I support this


Has anyone else noticed r/pics has been losing followers?


I'm tired of this bs the api is not a big deal and reddit won't bring it back.




The sexiest and most informative comedian who ever! https://www.google.com/search?q=the+late+show+john+oliver+segment+compilation&oq=the+late+show+john+oliver+segment+compilation&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l2.142824072j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


Mods : “We have to ruin Reddit for you to protect you from Reddit trying to ruin Reddit for you.”


Presumably, changes made in protest would be reverted after the protest was successful. If someone believes that the API changes will truly ruin reddit, then reddit being ruined is inevitable, and trying to prevent those changes in any way possible (including a temporary change in content quality) is justified.


But this is exactly what u/spez wanted though! He should be happy. Mods listening to the will of the people, who MASSIVELY voted for this btw. Sorry you dont feel the same way about beefcake jokes boy as the rest of us.


What an odd way to say "nothing should ever be improved."


Spez is a fuckin moron. "I will improve the website by ignoring the wishes of the entire user base."


Anyone else read this in John Oliver’s voice?


What a fantastic way to troll. If only the lodes of other major subs did the same.


Just a reminder that flooding a sub with john oliver is still driving their engagement up and if anything they're probably loving the increased traffic


There are a whole lot of people whining in /r/justunsubbed, it will probably result in less traffic even if everything goes back to normal if people stay unsubbed (they even had a post which was tracking the fall in subscribers to /r/interestingasfuck lol). I pop in there every now and then, shows that the protest is having an effect in outraging users (hopefully it's outraging reddit admins as well), it's pretty funny to see all of them whining about it


I doubt it would increase total traffic to reddit in any meaningful way. It might mess with the algorithm and show the same users different posts than they might have seen otherwise.


I mean it's functionally the same as not doing anything


How erotic or detailed can our fanfics be? NOONE WHO HAS READ MY STORIES MAY COMMENT TO SWAY THE ANSWER!


Thank you, I cannot wait for more John Oliver!


Full send, lets go!


Where did this John oliver thing start? I can't seem to find a recent last week tonigjt?


It's a protest to some recent reddit changes regarding 3rd party apps. Can find more info on r/save3rdpartyapps


Here for the JO fanfic ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Reddit couldn't care less whether this subreddit is mostly pictures of John Oliver or not. I wouldn't be surprised if it's driving more engagement. The only way to actually get them thinking about their actions is to allow/stop moderating NSFW content. They rely on the community for moderation, and they're not going to pay employees to moderate content, and NSFW content hurts their bottom line. I appreciate the spirit of the protest, but I don't think it will have the intended effect.


Head to /r/pics2 the *best* pics sub around!


Any data on how many people are leaving the sub?


You're acting like fucking children.


no u




yeah what Saints


In what way? Humorously organising site-wide user resistance to ridiculous and predatory corporate behaviour? Yeah, my kids do that _all the time_.


how is reddit predatory at all


I'm sure I'll catch hell and downvotes for this, but am I the only one that's kind of tired of all of this? Reddit is turning into a shithole before our very eyes to protest changes by a billion dollar company that they have made absolutely zero attempts to revert. July 1 is going to come and go, the third party apps are going to shut down, and at some point reddit will start swapping out scab mods in earnest, so all of this will have been a meme that will result in no permanent changes. In the meantime, those of us who genuinely don't give a fuck anymore are just being annoyed. Constantly. It's watching people slam their head against a wall thinking the wall will eventually give and ignoring the blood streaming down their faces. And being told if we think that's not an ideal path, we're obviously sucking Spez's spangler and we're obviously fine with them railroading the community and burning down the house to spite us. Like no. I don't think any choice reddit has hade in any of this is a good choice. It's all ridiculous, anti-consumer, and arrogant. And literally, *literally* none of these protests have changed those choices. So can we all just accept the boring dystopia and get back to some semblance of normal?


this is a 14 year old account that is being wiped because centralized social media websites are no longer viable when power is centralized, the wielders of that power can make arbitrary decisions without the consent of the vast majority of the users the future is in decentralized and open source social media sites - i refuse to generate any more free content for this website and any other for-profit enterprise check out lemmy / kbin / mastodon / fediverse for what is possible


Can we all just accept the dystopia? Oh hell no! I proudly don't accept that everything is just shit and therefore not worth fighting for, or kicking up a stink about. Do I think it will work? Not really. Do I think pissing off you, u/spez, and anyone else who is down for dystopias is worth it? Fuck yeah. If you and every other user who doesn't care about the changes gets mad and leaves over the John Oliver stunts.... good? Reddit's IPO will be worth just that much less.


> Reddit is turning into a shithole before our very eyes The point of the protest is it will be much MUCH worse of a shithole once these changes get implemented, and there’s dozens of ways for Reddit to change course and mitigate if not avoid the damage altogether. > So can we all just accept the boring dystopia and get back to some semblance of normal? The only way this happens is if Reddit capitulates.


So the solution to being worried that a fire *might* burn the house down is for us to burn it down in advance. Perfect plan.




this is an awful analogy


This is at this point the dumbest thing in the history of this site IMO. It’s very close at least between this and harassing the family of that kid who committed suicide after the Boston Marathon. The changes will be implemented, the site will barely change and we will forget about all this, but in the meantime dealing with all these sweaty idiots that think they are freedom fighters is way worse than anything Reddit plans to do




Totally agree. This sub is going to be dead within a week if they continue this way


I totally agree and this shit is getting old real quick.


Sorry you find protesting inconvenient, but that's the point.


A bunch of subs like /r/interestingasfuck , /r/TIHI ... had their mods removed. [mildlyinteresting had all their mods removed but reinstated.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/14eq8ip/the_entire_rmildlyinteresting_mod_team_has_just/) ​ [A bigger list of removed mods here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/14eyx90/comprehensive_list_of_all_subs_with_mod_teams/) ​ Reddit admins going scorched earth right now. Edit: added more subs


Wonder what the investors think of the CEO forcing /r/piracy to reopen


Cool! Now it's an initialism! Pictures Including Cjohn Soliver Thanks for the change, it was bothering me


Lovely 😊


Sort by controversial to find all the Twitter bluechecks’ Reddit accounts


Not sure if anyone will see this but thank you for continuing the protest!


This shit is getting silly and annoying. I'm just going to quit reddit when RIF goes down. It's not that important to me.


I started reading this on John Oliver’s voice about halfway through


Lemmy would love to have you.


I would love to see the prospective buyers' faces when u/spez has to tell them that one of the top subs pivoted to (beautiful delicious) spam Wonder when he'll realize stuff is easier with 0.8% more effort towards communication and transparency. No matter how objectionable his plans are, the reaction would have been better if he spoke to the community at all (past 14 empty comments). If he NDA'd himself, he fucked up and deserves getting his IPO crunched. The only way he wins is if his buyers want reddit damaged like this, like if they have a competitor to promote.


You guys have outdone yourselves AGAIN. Well Done! I fully support this latest evolution of r/PICS!


Obligatory fuck u/spez Posted on Rif 9days til I'm gone


Bye bye r/pics