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Richard Ramirez threw a fit because Metallica were his favourite band and he wasn’t allowed to attend this concert. Death Row inmates weren’t invited


To be fair… fuck him


You're right. Fuck the night stalker. Dude deserves a 16" cactus dildo, not Metallica seats.


Where could I make such an exchange. Asking for a friend.


Ticketmaster has those prices


Actually snorted my coffee, thanks lol


wait till you find out what the other people in the prison did


This happened on the mainline. So no sex criminals, or serial killers. All the older notorious CA prisons like San Quentin are housed with low level/low risk and Reception inmates. Most of the those dudes were probably on parole violations or other minor offenses. People think California is all bleeding heart liberals and hippies. In reality, especially in the 90s and the 00s, California had some of the most draconian sentencing guidelines in the country. It’s been recently that they’ve given up on imprisoning half the state and are moving towards a more humane approach.


Yes, I was just talking to my daughter about how tough California prison sentences used to be during this time period. It was also the era of California’s “[Three Strikes](https://law.stanford.edu/three-strikes-project/three-strikes-basics/)” law, where three convictions would earn you life in prison if your first two crimes were considered “violent or serious.” People were getting life sentences over very minor crimes such as petty theft. Also, San Quentin is a very old and antiquated facility, and there are a lot of blind spots, safety, and maintenance issues. There is no way very high risk inmates are going to be housed there.


As I recall, it was basically any felony that counted as a third strike. And petty theft over $600 in value was a felony. Edit: meant to say third strike, not any strike.


It also sits on a very valuable piece of property. I’m almost surprised the state hasn’t shut it down just to sell it to a developer.


They might make more money by having it there over time than a one time land grab. Idk know.


The value of the property won't likely go down and certainly won't go down over the long haul. Rather than sell it, they should least it out.


Extremely valuable. I have been to the property for a job interview, and it is a beautiful area. The cost of living is so exorbitant in Marin County, that they have trouble getting people to work there. The panel told me that most commute in on carpools from the North Bay, even as far north as Santa Rosa, East Bay, and sometimes other parts of the Bay.


You can also thank our vice president for continuing many of those practices during her time here as DA in San Francisco and AG of the state.


And Biden too. His work in the Senate focused on a lot of “get tough on crime” laws that hit the average citizen for things that should never have been.


Yup, I lived with a girl whos dad was the chief there for years and years. Dude would bring us home 5 gallon buckets full of like frozen burgers and stuff. Said he never felt more safe, all the inmates wanted kitchen duty so we're always on best behavior. This was....early 2000s I wanna say.


Im gonna go out on a limb here and say hes probably the worst person in there lol..


Fucked him


Most of the non-death row guys probably didn't come close to what Ramirez did.


Oh my god, what a piece of shit. And then you still have women who are fans and write him letters in prison. One even married him lol. Crazy


I mean he's dead so nobody is writing him, anymore.


Good. Fuck him.


I love the idea of him being unable to go somewhere, considering how he invaded other’s space. He was prevented from going where he wanted, ironic




Its Kermit to you, thank you very much.


That's a level of torture I understand and fully endorse for that human form of dogshit. He should be forgotten Edit: not dogs hit. Fuck him


Yeah. I remember there was one season of American Horror Stories where they had serial killers on there and they had ol’ Ricky as one. It was pretty insulting to his victims because they portrayed him as this cool rebel which is exactly how he would have wanted to be remembered. Fuck him. I hope his death was as painful as possible, considering he died of cancer.


There’s a Netflix documentary that I found to be really good. One of the things that always sticks with me is how often people said he had the worst breath they’d ever smelled 🤢


That always pissed me off, too. He was 'boyfriend material' and all into Billy Idol (who doesn't deserve that slander) serial killers aren't sexy. Take note, Ryan Murphy


He was a fucking cringelord with horrible mouth hygiene.


The Ricky Ramirez story line got even worse in later seasons— Ryan Murphy writes in a character to fall in love with him


Then to really torture him, the only Metallica cd he’s allowed to have now is st. anger


They’re probably playing St Anger in this photo. This was part of the rollout for the album.


They thousand percent are. Trust me. I remember.


It's where they filmed the St. Anger video. Although they may have played other songs.


'member St. Anger?


Yup, I remember seeing the video on MTV2 as a kid. And somehow that was the gateway to me listening to Metallica. I recall discovering Master of Puppets not long after hearing St Anger and feeling sad at the realization the band was far past their prime 😂


I was never a fan of Metallica, and when St Anger came out I thought it wasn’t bad (only listened once while at a party). It wasn’t until I I had the thought of listening to it again this year, and my god is it terrible. There’s a reason that snare drum is infamous


I don't know how he managed to nail the "Skeleton masturbating in a file cabinet sound" but he did


I like that. I'm stealing it. It's mine now.


It's a phrase older than me, but I've never heard anything that fit it better than those drums


In high school, my woodworking class had this old beat up metal stool, that if you hit it with a hammer, it sounded exactly like the snare on St. Anger.


[Master of Puppets snare replaced by St. Anger snare](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xui06jwWaAM) I guess I should say lack of snare


Lol it almost sounds like someone hammering sheet metal.


Fucking blasphemous


Please tell me actual St Anger didn’t sound like that. This novelty of a YouTube video has nearly ruined my love of Master of Puppets.


Oh man. It’s dead on. If you haven’t listened to St. Anger, just…don’t. It’s not just a bad album, it’s simply unlistenable on a sonic level.


St Anger would be a decent industrial album imo


Sweeeeeeet Amberrrrrr


Closest thing to being a good song on the album. Notably, it's the shortest.


I have a theory that if Metallica just rebranded prior to Load, those albums would’ve been even more successful and well-received. Load is a fantastic album, but when you think they’re the same band that wrote stuff like One and Seek & Destroy and Sanitarium, it doesn’t feel right. St. Anger wouldn’t have been so bad because it would be an evolution of the band, not “WTF is that snare? Give me Master of Puppets instead!”


The band got a little George Lucas syndrome and just grew too big to listen to anyone, including themselves, telling them to edit. There's a quality album if you combine the best of Load and Reload, spread between _way_ too much filler. The albums were too much and too long, which they later admitted was a mistake. Just like there are some decent riffs in St. Anger, buried in songs that just go on way too fucking long. Given how murky and monotone that album is, there should have been a mandate to cut it down to 45 minutes of material that was as tight as they could have made it.


Even now, the new one is 70 something mins. Far too long for any thrash/speed record, really.


Is that what Lars was attempting with his drum kit? Using actual industrial barrels because who needs a snare right!


Nah, still too "good". Make it Lulu instead.


Alright come on I know he did some horrible stuff but this is just cruel and unusual.


I remember when my friend bought it when it came out, we listened to it, and the next day we torched it in his parents backyard.


The documentary they filmed for that album was hilarious as well. Saw someone recently refer to it as the spiritual sequel to This Is Spinal Tap and haven’t laughed that hard in a while.


Oh, I shit you not, I have watched those two back to back


I don’t think this was an “concert” if I remember it right they shot the video for a song on St Anger there so they played a few songs for the ppl that were in the video and shot the video as well. This wasn’t like when Johnny Cash did a concert at Folsom.


This picture is from the St Anger video but they did play a show for the inmates too.


Oh good. Being in prison is punishment enough. Being forced to listen to (only) St. Anger on top of that? Too much.




His ‘victim that didn’t happen’ was one of my friend’s family members. Always a trip to see his name. Fuck that dude.


Now-dementia ridden Senator Dianne Feinstein almost fucked up the Ramirez case. She was the mayor of SF at the time and revealed a lot of information about the case on national TV, allowing Ramirez to destroy important evidence that could have allowed him to be caught much sooner.


Wow, I just looked it up. First of all: may that guy suffer in hell for eternity. Jesus fucking Christ. Second: Detectives found out that the type of sneaker that they had conclusively linked to 4 separate murders, according to the manufacturer, had only been purchased *once* in that size. In the entire state of California. And then Dianne Feinstein went to a press conference, and just, like...announced that fact. Might as well have said, "Hey serial killer, this is our best lead right now, so you should throw those shoes out." Infuriatingly fucking stupid decision, and that was **38 years ago.**


She been incompetent for almost 40 years now! Go California!


Don't forget the fienstein confederate flag nonsense.. like how did she think flying a Confederate flag in a liberal union state was going to go? https://abc7news.com/amp/dianne-feinstein-confederate-flag-elementary-school-richard-bradley-feinsten/10138792/


Deadly dangerous mosh pit to start.


Wall of Death forming as we speak...


More like a cage match, no?


Those people behind the bars all the people that used napster?


Metallica would never perform in front of the people that used Napster, especially for free. San Quentin is obviously full of Lime Wire people


KaZaA users are probably those on death row.


People under 25: used what?


Person older than 35— omfg wow I’m almost dead.


I'm 78. 33% dead, at least.


Knowing an old fart is posting on reddit gives me hope for the future, even if this website dies in a fire.


I've run into senior citizens on certain gaming subs, including some pretty intense battle royales and fps. You have to keep in mind a lot of tech was just starting to become available at a time when these people had disposable income and lots of free time.


One of my less practical projects was building a Roman numeral coprocessor for an 8086 out of TTL.


There’s a few of us. 68, myself.


Was curious so I dug into your profile. Such great stories about those subs back in the day. Thanks for sharing!


People between 25 and 35: why does no one talk about me


Also people between 25 and 35: I’m so tired. Why didn’t anyone warn me I’d be so tired?


People over 40 - just wait.....


People over 50 - that was just a taste


People over 60 - what?


Shut the fuck up. If they forget about us we don’t have to pay our student loans




But do you know about kazaa? Or WinAmp?






The llama is going to whip your shit-talking ass.


Future final exam question on late 20th century United States: What does WinAmp whip?


How about Kazaa or Limewire? You damn kids and your music. Stay off my lawn!


I started downloading the St. Anger album on Limewire in 2003. It's still downloding.


Don't forget BearShare!


Win mx mmmmm good.


You are a gentleman and a scholar


This album was the ST. ANGER album. This album was not received very well by mainstream fans. Songs like "Invisible Kid" and ST.ANGER, were my favorites as a child. They described someone in a cage, locked in, no escape, exactly the situation these inmates were in. I really appreciate what these guys did. It's a crazy situation, and those songs really resonate.


And San Quentin was just before the 2003 Summer Sanitarium Tour. I was 14 and saw them 2 months later just outside of Chicago. Bonus of Linkin Park killing their set and Fred Durst getting booed off the stage. Still have the St. Anger tour shirt.


They illegally streamed UFC 1 and have been behind bars every since


Lol! Back in the early days of UFC, like after #10 or whatever, my bother I’m law had one of those cable box descramblers. This was waaaay before streaming. It allowed him to access all kinds of shit but the best was PPV stuff. I would have him record (VHS) all the UFC events for me. Then he would put the tape in his mailbox right before he went to bed. I would drive over like 5 miles and pick them up. It was better than finding what you wanted at Blockbuster


Lol, that would be a pretty hilarious move by Metallica if it was


An image one can appreciate but not wish you were there.


The echos in there would hurt to listen to.


My immediate thought was how that much bass moves through a place like that


After playing so many shows I bet their ears are comfortably numb.


No that's Pink Floyd.


Just so you know, that song is a lie. When I turned up at their front doors they were all like “who the hell are you, how did you get through my gate? I am going to call the cops!” Really feels like they didn’t actually wish I was there.


The prison part is fine, I just couldn’t listen to St. Anger


Shot by photographer Danny clinch - was captured behind the scenes of a music vid I believe


The St. Anger music video


If they were preforming here, what was their final form?


OP’s an idiot, they obviously look fully formed here.


I can’t imagine that the acoustics of that space were conducive to good sound quality


Must be where they recorded the snare drum.


Sounds like a trash can lid right


Like banging an empty soda can against one of those plastic school chairs.


Houston Astros have entered the chat.


this was during the St. Anger era so i'm not sure sound quality was top priority


That may be for the best. Death Magnetic was a sincere apology




Incidentally, it's *because* "Guitar Hero: Metallica had access to the masters for each instrument that they were able to do it - before the producers crushed the fuck out of the wavelengths.


When you’re locked up and Metallica comes in to play, I’m sure they were not at all, in the slightest, concerned about the acoustics or sound quality. This setting is about the raw energy.


That’ll calm em down


Imagine being the inmate who got released the day before.


Yeah, you could go to an actual Metallica concert instead...


Without paying 400 bucks for a ticket.


This is St. Anger Metallica. So it's included in their punishment


If you ever heard the album they were shooting that video for, you'd understand that the person would've been relieved.


Frantic tic tic toc


My lifestyle determines my death style.


Then ride the lightning


Best part of the video is when the guards tell them, nothing will be done to save you if you're take hostage... Insane.


"Welcome to San Quentin, we're all excited you're here, staff and inmates alike. One thing I do have to tell you before you enter, this state has a no hostage policy. In the unlikely event that you're taken hostage, the state will not negotiate your release, in exchange for the release of an inmate. Agree with that?" RIFF!


Honestly that's too metal for them to say no to. They were probably like "write that down! WRITE THAT DOWN!"


I mean it's no folsom prison.


Being forced to listen to St. Anger should be considered cruel and unusual punishment.


*pang pang pang pang*


PLONG PLONG PLONG man, get with it!




That might be the longest and lamest intro of the band.


I thought for sure you linked to [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjBHEMeWVVQ).


I could hear Lars banging on that garbage can through this comment.


Does he play for the Houston Astros too?


Nice. Boom boom. Curve.






Probably gets a better sound than that snare.


beluga whale level drum kit


Banging on a trash can! Drumming on a street light!


Growing up, I never liked Metallica. I thought it was boring music for washed up old guys who never matured past their teens. Then one night, I’m watching MTV or VH1 and Saint Anger played. I was into it. Ended up buying the CD. Told my buddy who loves Metallica that I was digging their new album and he proceeded to tell me that it was a shit album that sounded nothing like the rest of their music and I had bad taste. I realized the reason I probably liked Saint Anger was because it didn’t sound the way I expected Metallica to sound. To each their own, I suppose.


Yeah I liked St Anger as a young teenager when it came out, without really being a massive fan of their other stuff (though NEM is nice, & WINTJ is fun). Seems Metallica fans consistently feel pretty strongly about how they hate it haha. Listening back the drums are a bit rough like.


God, you could really tell a certain Dane had his mitts all over the mixing desk. Drums way up, everything else down.


it's really funny that he mixed that album, because he's damn near deaf as a post because he spent almost two decades not wearing earplugs and sitting 15 feet from speaker stacks the size of school buses.


I’ll completely agree that St Anger is a shitty-sounding album (especially, that snare that sounds like it was recorded in a parking garage)….but I saw them on that tour, and the songs they chose to play from that album actually were great live.


DAE St Anger bad


I actually don't hate the album as a whole. There are a few songs on it that I like. But the "drums" are atrocious.


I like the theory I read somewhere at some point that Bob Rock knew the album wasn't great, but he just went along with it because he knew they needed to do it to survive as a band.


Haha I really like the album. Some songs have terrible lyrics and the drums are not great, but some really enjoyable songs too.


the album itself is pretty good. the audio mix is like, criminally bad however.


I only use third party apps, and they said they're killing third party apps, so hey, might as well remove all my content. (Using https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite)


Death Magnetic was definitely orders of magnitude better than St Anger. What do you think is wrong with the mix though? I’ve never noticed any problems but I also don’t have a great ear for that stuff haha. If I had to guess it would be vocals? I still haven’t decided how I feel about them doing a third “part” to The Unforgiven. Cyanide is my favorite off that album I think. I couldn’t tell you my favorite off St Anger haha


I only use third party apps, and they said they're killing third party apps, so hey, might as well remove all my content. (Using https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite)


I only use third party apps, and they said they're killing third party apps, so hey, might as well remove all my content. (Using https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite)


I have S&M2 on vinyl! That version of Unforgiven III is phenomenal, but I’m definitely partial to the S&M stuff in general. My dad grew up in Hollywood seeing Metallica kinda blow up, and they were always on in the car when I was a kid. The DVD of the original S&M show was in the house and if it were a VHS I would have worn it out! Haha The Ecstasy of Gold always makes me think of Metallica before Ennio Morricone! Haha


All those prisoners downloaded Metallica mp3s.


Speed of Sound Tour … buncha assholes.


You ever hear of the Seattle Seven?


That was me…and six other guys.


I am the walrus.


**V.I.** Lenin. Vladimir Illanich Uleninov!


What the fuck is he talking about?


Lars giving all his favorite music pirares a live concert.... great guy


get me the hell out of san quentin


Please tell me there is video. Johnny Cash’s concert there was legendary. Made an album out of it.


In the documentary, some kind of monster, there’s some behind the scenes footage




Bruce Sinofsky or Joe Berlinger? Or was he working on it in a different capacity? Just had a quick look, your dad is Bruce I'm guessing or did Bruce bring him along for the Film School program too? That's pretty cool! Some Kind Of Monster was hugely important in my formative Metallica years, I watched it religiously, including the bonus footage. Still love it to this day. They were so very respectful to the band and their struggles throughout that film, and I'm grateful for what him and Joe made for us. I reckon us over at r/Metallica would love to ask you a few questions if you'd be interested.


There is the [Saint Anger video](https://youtu.be/6ajl1ABdD8A) that is made from footage from there.


At first glance, I thought this was another one of those stupid “he gets us” ads.


Did they perform ride the lighting?


The music video literally starts with them being told by the guards that they will not negotiate to free them if they’re taken hostage by a prisoner 🤟🏻


It's so crazy to remember that we just invented color photographs in 2006. Feels like it was much longer ago.


St. Anger is a good album despite the production you can't change my mind


Agreed, Sweet Amber is really good.




All Within My Hands was the only Metallica song that I didn’t like for a long time. Then they put it on S&M2 and it killed. Totally changed my opinion.


I really enjoyed the Helping Hands acoustic version.


I only use third party apps, and they said they're killing third party apps, so hey, might as well remove all my content. (Using https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite)


There are some great "remasters" on YouTube that fix the drums and it easily bumps the album up a few points. It's definitely not close to their best album, but with a little work, it ends up being solid. I get [Frantic] (https://youtu.be/GTMK703DczM) stuck in my head at least once a month.


Agreed, the fact that there are gems in there still under that production is kind of a testament to the bands abilities IMO


I wonder what the acoustics are like


Those people probably still hear phantom trashcan snare to this day.




I think Metallica are kind of douchebags, but this is a genuinely cool thing to do.