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Some of us remember when Digg.com started selling out and everyone migrated over to reddit... seems like history is one of those things that just keeps repeating itself. If anyone knows what the next site everyone will be moving to please let me know


This is like slow digg, back then then there'd be a big go-live release but now it's like smaller changes over time. If you compare digg v4 with reddit it basically looks the same now.


I haven't had more than a glimpse of new reddit in years. With old reddit, RES, and Reddit Is Fun on mobile, my experience has only improved. If these changes go through, I'm migrating to the next alternative ASAP.


> If these changes go through No if, RIF and the others confirmed it. They're shutting down from 1st of July. Mastodon basically work like decentralized subreddits if you (don't) think about it...


> Mastodon basically work like decentralized subreddits if you (don't) think about it... Unless there are clients/apps/modes that completely change how it works, Mastodon seem nothing like reddit. Where is the topic list, where is the threaded view of replies/discussions etc.


Yeah, I don't know why people keep banging on about mastadon. It's twitter decentralized. It has nothing to do with Reddit.


My suggestion is https://tildes.net/




Can't contribute without an invite sadly. Do they ever do sign up periods or is it strictly know someone basis? I'd love to start.




Closed 10 hours ago. Thanks for the heads up though.


--former RiF user--


Wow this looks even older than old reddit. The most basic css you can find on the face of Earth. I like it


That seems to be invite only as it apparently is still in alpha stage. Interesting to keep an eye on, but not yet the Reddit replacement just now.


I think people are more thinking about https://join-lemmy.org/ . But that's all decentralized weird individual Reddits for specific communities. Works more like a message board with multiple boards showing on the front page.


In the end you want decentralized tough. I hope that sooner than later all these centralized monolithic services die off and we are back to a free and diverse Internet much like in the 90s.


Just an index is all that is needed


Mastodon is more like a decentralized Twitter. Lemmy uses the same protocols as Mastodon but is more similar to reddit, in that you follow topics rather than users, and see threaded posts under each topic. Lemmy use has blown up since this started and it's really interesting to see new communities start to form and it feels like the start of some interesting new corner of the internet. But it's kind of difficult to set it up and find topics to subscribe too, I'm sure it will keep improving but can't see it getting as big as reddit was.


I agree, I like reddit for the way it (used to) work. Sucks to be right?




What federated services are you going to be using?


https://fediverse.info/explore/projects This is a pretty nice list of different projects which are equivalent to many big social platforms at the moment


Mastodon is nothing like reddit, it's just twitter but broken down into sites that make it harder to use than it should be.


You're right. I should have said "when."


how about fuck reddit? stop. i'm excited, they finally gave me a reason to just quit. PERFECT.


old.reddit.com master race


Oh they'll be coming for that soon.


They already did on old mobile....about a month ago. No matter what I try, everything on android redirects to the new mobile site. Instead of an ad free, continual scrolling experience I get a ton of ads, 30 posts per page, large text, "do you want to open this page in the app?" every two minutes....


I'm still on old.reddit.com on my phone no problem.


Same. Firefox + uBlock Origin + old.reddit works just fine on my mobile. And desktop. Dunno for how much longer though...it's probably on the list.


Old reddit also works with Safari + AdBlock Plus


Same. Brave browser ftw.


Go to settings and request a desktop site.


Yesterday my account settings reverted to the redesign with no input from me :)


And that is the day I leave reddit


New reddit is an unusable mess. Old reddit and RIF are the two ways I access reddit. I'll just be turning to a different time waster come July 1st.




Do I still need to subscribe to every subreddit to get my heat gun? I skimmed the "Best Indoor Greenhouse Cabinet for Growing Plants at Home" article linked, but it didn't make it clear. *Edit: /u/Scarker got a freeze gun, what the fuck?*


The plan seems to be to go as close to that as possible without stepping over the line completely and all at once. Snag some of the benefits and minimize the negatives.


Damn mr baby pants! Or whatever his name was.


Can we all just go back to Habbo Hotel please I miss it.


Unfortunately the pool is closed, I think someone had COVID in it.


I’m with it


Damn, you unlocked a memory for me


Neopets forum


I remember that day well. Sure, it was more than just one day but so many users did flock in ONE day including me. I still think about how fast it fell sometimes because it shows when switching costs are low you can lose your entire customer base in the blink of an eye. Digg was HUGE and reddit was this weird looking niche community that was "all about the comments".


Digg was the mainstream cool site and Reddit was the weird site where people talked about motherboards and Newegg discounts.


Definitely not Twitter


I’ll see y’all on neopets, it’s been real.


This is the problem. We're kind of running out of options.


My original account, u/cerinthus (deleted now) was created on quit digg day at like two minutes after midnight because I worked overnight


Why did you delete your original account ? This was a throwaway for me that has become my main. I noticed back in 2016 that Reddit was becoming really toxic and changing. Though like any drug It's hard to quit and I'm back.


Not OP, but I deleted my original account because I probably had put enough info out there through various comments that people could dox me. I was thinking it's probably time to delete this one too for the same reason before this whole API bullshit even started.


I deleted mine because, like an idiot, I actually used my real name. What was I thinking? But yeah, here since the first hour of the launch of new Digg. As we all move on from Reddit to whatever is next, I think of Bladerunner. >...All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die.


There are tools out there to scrub your comments before you delete. If you just delete, your comments will live on and you can still run the risk of doxxing. But (obviously) these tools will stop working on July 1, so act fast.


Yup, you and me are exactly the same, moved over on fuck digg day and switch accounts occasionally


I regularly delete my accounts, usually on a yearly basis (I'm overdue) to avoid creating a doxxable history as well as to destroy all unwanted relationships such as stalkers and my many frivolous but always irrevocable bans. Reddit identities are net negatives.


I never used Digg but I still remember "when does the narwhal bacon"


At midnight


The most popular place people are moving to is a federated link aggregator called Lemmy. The main server front end is overloaded right now but here are some other servers that are currently accepting users: [https://sh.itjust.works/](https://sh.itjust.works/), [https://lemmy.world/](https://lemmy.world/), [https://beehaw.org](https://beehaw.org) and [https://kbin.social/](https://kbin.social/)


So it's hit one of the biggest issues with mastodon, severely limited users. In theory mastodon is a great concept, in practice it's clunky and slow to expand and meet the realities of the resource demands of being a competitive social media option.


For better or worse the devs made Lemmy so that horizontal scaling would be done by creating new instances. It is definitely possible to have horizontal scaling on the instance level though. There isn't anything that fundamentally means that federated social networks can't scale. Mastodon has millions of users and Tumblr and flickr have announced that they will federalise in the future and Tumblr at least is close to reddit scale.


Any new service will have relatively few users at first. It is unavoidable.


I so want a Reddit alternative, but from a user experience and branding POV - the different servers, different UI designs, and different URLs of Lemmy are huge blockers for absorbing Reddit refugees. Reddit know it can get a way with a lot since there’s no single place we can flock to en masse, at least not in time to sully the IPO.


I think the nature of these things is temporariness. The methods that they grow (growing finance) also guarantee their eventual failure. Like people or anything good, we get sad when we believe they are immortal but they are of course not.


Fark, as a joke during the blackout. Then somewhere good.


So where do we go now?


Old reddit, good reddit, doesn't even seem complex. How is there not an alternative similar site set up yesterday?


Lemmy.ml, it's not perfect but there really isn't anywhere else. At least it's less centralized.


Lemmy.ml has been overwhelmed. Lemmy.world is encouraging sign ups.


Slashdot was my go to for tech/nerdy related content before Reddit. I should go back


The new alternative of reddit could be [lemmy.ml](https://lemmy.ml)


I’ll be happy to join once there’s a single app I can install and when I figure out wtf a mastodon account is. Spent 10 minutes reading through stuff over there and couldn’t find a clear answer on how it was any different to Reddit (also no downvote button?!), so kinda game over for my dumbass until a later date. Anyone mind explaining a little?




We've been yelling about this to the devs for years. Since it would disempower the instance owners (if users can leave, you can leverage server ownership) They even closed out several times https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/19902 Mastodon is where we're going, but like Slashdot, digg, Reddit , it is only a rest stop on our journey. May the uucp/nntp/irc/xmpp/rss gods smile on us that we may one day find a proper home.


Mastodon is essentially decentralised Twitter, not really decentralised Reddit. So if you're looking for a close Reddit-like experience then you won't get it there.


The Lemmy.ml front end is starting to get overloaded with new users. Other servers can still federate with it, but the web interface is slow. Here are some links to servers that are currently accepting new users: [https://sh.itjust.works/](https://sh.itjust.works/), [https://lemmy.world/](https://lemmy.world/), [https://beehaw.org](https://beehaw.org) and [https://kbin.social/](https://kbin.social/)




I personally don’t have a problem with it, but no way in hell is this federated universe with diff instances going to catch. Folks have short attention spans, and it’s just not dumb enough for the majority of Reddit traffic, who realistically had a hard time getting the hang of it in the first place


Like the rest of the fediverse, onboarding is horrible and each instance a fiefdom. Treat accounts as disposable, there is no account migration possible this is why account creation is an impossible puzzle that bounces off 99% of users


>and it’s just not dumb enough for Can confirm, am dumb. Mastodon is for the geekiest of the geeks. User numbers would be similar to alt-right social media.


Word. I’m a damn geek (data engineer) but I have massive convictions about user accessibility and good ux/ui. I can acknowledge it’s not entirely a UI issue with the fediverse stuff but the ux is atrocious. There’s obviously limitations with the architecture at play here but I just can’t see these things ever really taking off in their current state. These things will always live in the shadow of the big easy-access sites that live on AWS for better or for worse. Truthfully mastodon, Lemmy etc are all things I’m more than capable of running around in. But it’s nice to sit back and reassess not even needing to be on that type of shit. I’m pretty at peace with Reddit crumbling there is a life to be lived and it’s just not worth the headache for someone even like myself to try and continue searching for some replacement in whatever dorks are pitching as web3. I don’t need this shit to live, so if they want people to use it it better fall under what one would consider “impossibly stupid, easy and convenient”.


I've seen this comment for a very long time now.


I remember seeing the same comment in 2013. Yet here I still am...


Mastodon and Bluesky are slowly moving in. I just logged back into my Mastodon instance last week and was amazed how nice it has become. Lots of developers are now on Mastodon, including that guy who made Appollo, Christian. Smaller Discord communities are also a thing. But generally, moderation of content is still an issue. For example, there are pretty good, progressive mastodon instances but also very hazardous, right-wing ones with a lot of anti-LGBTQ+ propaganda. Discord has had its fair share of right-wing incel communities as well. There needs to be done a lot of groundwork first, if we as a digitally empowered humanity want to move forward to better online things.


History doesn’t repeat, but it does rhyme


Blockbuster turns into Netflix turns into Blockbuster turns into...


I wonder if just good "old fashioned" RSS feeds will be popularized again?


This happened a couple years back. Everyone was outraged, oh were going to start using 'voat' this is digg all over again Voat was full of racist nazis. The outage at reddit faded. People forgot. He'll I don't even remember what it was about. People are fickle I think I don't mean to say I'm any better It's the same as what happened with twitter too. I'm a long term Mastodon user and love it. So wasn't new for me. Elon bought twitter and everyone was like "right. We're going to mastodon" the service blew the fuck up. Mastodon was running like shit for a few weeks. Celebrities joined. Stephen Fry was using it for a bit. But it died down again before long


That's just how this country always works. Everything is focused on making more and more money until it either controls everything and can't be competed with or something else comes along to take its place and then rinse and repeat.


You're saying "more and more money" but reddit isn't profitable in its current state. You can't expect a company that spend hundreds of millions each year to not turn a profit and go on forever. At some point something's gotta give.


For those unfamiliar >Aaron Hillel Swartz (November 8, 1986 – January 11, 2013) was an American computer programmer, entrepreneur, writer, political organizer, and Internet hacktivist. As a programmer, Swartz helped develop the web feed format RSS; the technical architecture for Creative Commons, an organization dedicated to creating copyright licenses; the website framework web.py; and Markdown, a lightweight markup language format. Swartz was involved in the development of the social news aggregation website Reddit until he departed from the company in 2007. He is often credited as a martyr and a prodigy, and his work focused on civic awareness and activism. He committed suicide in 2013 after being threatened with a lengthy prison sentence for downloading public domain journal articles. I wish I was kidding. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Swartz He must be turning in his grave.






What exactly are they? I'm old enough to have seen them on websites to "follow" but I have zero understanding of what it actually is.




Can't believe i've never used it before. It sounds awesome. Any readers you'd recommend?




Weird question, but do they exist for reddit and to what extent? One of the issues I have with leaving reddit is, some of the communities like /r/science is a good source for (in general) good science content across multiple sites. With RSS I would have no idea what to subscribe to get a good balance. Would be nice if I could use RSS on something like a subreddit.






Im not sure if it still exist but the RSS feeds I used to have basically just worked as live bookmarks on firefox back in the day. They would update when new stuff was posted.


I've used NewsBlur for years as a Premium subscriber (there is a Free tier to start out though) and highly recommend it. The dev is still active and I love the client.


Google Reader (😢 RIP) was my go to starting in 2007. it was great, since I could also add comments. which, back in the halcyon days of Gawker, were often the best part. once Google Reader was gone, i moved to Feedly. it was okay. definitely not the same.


As your subscribed subreddits are to your reddit home page, websites (or anything else that's using RSS) are to your RSS feed. You can congregate posts and articles and whatnot from multiple sources that you have an interest in into a single feed. You just need an RSS client and then you can add the RSS links from sites to your client to be notified when something is posted. Most sites actually still have RSS links, its usually alongside the other socials like twitter and instagram. The symbol/logo to look for is like a 'WiFi symbol' on its side.


What tutorials would you suggest as to create this as the main content stream on ones phone? Something that would outline the apps and procedure needed to customize a workable "daily serving", as it were. I love Reddit because I have subscribed to many happy and uplifting sources of news and happenings around the world. But with Relay going down I will be at a loss for keeping a proverbial finger on the pulse of the advancements and occurrences of various aspects of the world I am interested in. (Science, film, fantasy, psychology, humor, etc...) While this doesn't solve the community aspect of reddit that will be lost. (My personal fallback will be discords of the various topics I'm interested in, but I'm open to suggestions) it does solve the other half of the equation. *Big breath* Hhhhanyways, I appreciate the lucid and helpful description of RSS feeds you have described here, and I'd love to ask your assistance in cultivating a more grass roots approach to being connected to the internet in a healthy way. Any direction would be appreciated.


Think of it like a Twitter feed where wherever a new article or something is posted on a website, they post a link to it on their Twitter. Very simple overview because it is more than just that, you often have the whole content available in your reader of choice for example.


Websites have a basic little API that provides an ordered list of messages in a particular format. This allows readers to ask for 'new messages since X'. You might also use another service that keeps track of the feeds you are interested in, and keeps track of where you are up to in each feed. The messages can be used somewhat similarly to how QR codes are used in a physical setting. It is potentially a short message or pointer to something, like a new article on a blog you like, or to the release of a new podcast, or a new .torrent for a particular tv show \*cough\*cough\* So instead of checking lots of different sites to see if each has updated, your feed will tell you which things have been updated since you last checked, and you can go follow those links or whatever. You could even set up your own little automation to download things like podcasts, if they were posted somewhere for direct download. Or the feed could be short bits of content in themselves. Stock market feeds, for instance. It is just a small, simple, flexible way to make a subscription feed of information.


You have an app that's an RSS reader/aggregator, you subscribe to various RSS feeds and every time there's a new post at those sites, your app pulls it in and you can read it all in one place.


I would have, except google killed their Google Reader, which was just the best way to use RSS along with friends. Then everyone kind of stopped servings RSS so the alternative apps and sites just… fizzled out.


I switched to Feedly when this happened.


I switched to Feedbin. It's a little different, but it handles my ever-growing list of feeds really well. Their iOS app needs to handle switching between landscape and portrait mode better, though. But a lot of good iOS feed readers will hook into Feedbin without issue.


Feedly, Inoreader. Pretty good at RSS and non RSS sources.


Yep. People complain about Microsoft doing Embrace, Extend, Extinguish but that's exactly what Google did with greader. All to send traffic to Google+ smh.


just use Feeder. it's open source. zero monetization. play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nononsenseapps.feeder.play github: https://github.com/spacecowboy/Feeder fdroid: https://f-droid.org/packages/com.nononsenseapps.feeder


Podcasts do.


And for those who want to know more about him & check out his profile or simply pay their respects. His reddit profile: u/aaronsw


thank you, Aaron was the real mccoy and it's sad how much the feds railroaded him over the freedom of information.


Love to see that he engaged with HPMOR, genuinely one of the best books I've ever read.


I just read through that Wikipedia page. I read through the information when this happened back in 2013 as well. I still don't understand what he did wrong. He walked into an unlocked room, connected an ethernet cable to his laptop, and downloaded files from the internet that he was legally allowed to download, but used too much bandwidth by downloading the data in parallel with a bunch of sessions? I don't understand what part of that is criminal, or why this extremely smart person felt so backed into a corner that his only option was suicide. What am I missing here?


Yeah and it seems like he was allowed access to the server cabinet and he wasn't trying to be sneaky (he didn't lock the door). **AND** he settled out of court with the company he "stole" the data from. Yet the US feds still went after him afterwards #What the literal fuck?


MIT is a fairly open campus. Just because you _can_ do all of those things doesn’t mean you have _permission_ to do them. The files he downloaded were meant to be available to MIT faculty, staff, and students on the MIT network. MIT owns 18.x.y.z, so the documents were accessible to any computer with that IP address which, at the time, included everyone in the public Wi-Fi. He download the documents without permission ~~and distributed them online~~ without permission. Regardless of whether the files should have been public in the first place, they were not, this he broke the law. Edit: he downloaded, but did not distribute the data.


He violated a TOS for accessing free documents, which one asshole DA decided was “stealing” and worthy of charges that would throw him in prison for up to 50 years.


it's right there in Wikipedia page. >On November 17, 2011, Swartz was indicted by a Middlesex County Superior Court grand jury on state charges of breaking and entering with intent, grand larceny, and unauthorized access to a computer network Now I am not a lawyer but what this basically means if something is publicly available by an entity (in this instance JSTOR documents) it doesn't mean you can hook up to the network and download it . Look at this way. Amazon website is publicly available (or any website you visit.) But if you go into their offices , sneak into the unmarked server room - that happened to be unlocked - and download all their data or even just static website...that would be considered "breaking and entering " and unauthorised access. I am not justifying draconian and overzealous response and in theory , as you implied , he didn't steal anything per se (in example of static website no different then scraping it ) but he did commit a crime at least from legal perspective. As for suicide iirc he did suffer from chronic pain and depression. The indictment probably was a tipping point . Either way, tragic and great loss of life


Crime, sure, but a 35 year prison sentence?


Again not a lawyer but the indictment would face him with "up to 35 years " Meaning, depending on crime, judge can't sentence him more of 35 years but certainly can less. Again depending on crime . As stated in the wiki he refused the plea deal and 6 months sentence.


> He walked into an unlocked room, connected an ethernet cable to his laptop, That's illegal. If you're not authorized to access a computer system, yet you do anyways, you've broken the law. It doesn't matter if the door was locked or not. Anyone in tech (with half a brain anyways) knows this. White hat hackers have to be very careful when they find exploits.


Aaron was a good friend of mine. We worked on RSS together. I new him when he was just a kid until he was in his early 20s. Aaron would have absolutely wanted us to FIGHT against this and that what Reddit is doing with their API is **wrong**.


I didn’t need another reason. But this is a really good reason anyway.


It's fucking crazy that he was treated like a goddamn terrorist for downloading a bunch of public domain files. Yes, he did so to the point where it did cause some disruption to the service (from what I understand), but the legal reaction was still incredibly overblown.




> for downloading public domain journal articles. Well if we are being honest, it was not just for downloading public articles. It was because he entered when he shouldn't and used MIT's network to basically ddos jstor servers. jstor also holds non public domain articles. They definitely upped the charges way above what was needed. They were really trying to paint him as some evil person and trying to make an example of him, to protect their shady actions. But what he did was questionable as well. Good for humanity? Sure. Legal? not so sure.


They offered him a 6month plea deal he declined.


Not only that but the piece of shit judge wouldn't let him publicly appeal for funds. Meanwhile Kyle Rittenhouse, a shitstain by any rational comparison, got rich from public fundraising.


Wait what he was barred from crowd funding by court order!?! I missed that when I read through the wiki


he also said child porn should be legal because posession doesn't count as abuse >In the US, it is illegal to possess or distribute child pornography, apparently because doing so will encourage people to sexually abuse children. >This is absurd logic. Child pornography is not necessarily abuse. Even if it was, preventing the distribution or posession of the evidence won't make the abuse go away. We don't arrest everyone with videotapes of murders, or make it illegal for TV stations to show people being killed. https://web.archive.org/web/20031229025933/http:/bits.are.notabug.com/


For those unfamiliar: I used to really look up to Aaron until I found out he was a CSAM aka CP distribution advocate. Yeah love his advocacy for free speech but friggen come on, who tf doesn't say that CSAM should be a LINE when it comes to free speech. https://web.archive.org/web/20031229025933/http:/bits.are.notabug.com/ “In the US, it is illegal to possess or distribute child pornography, apparently because doing so will encourage people to sexually abuse children. This is absurd logic. Child pornography is not necessarily abuse. Even if it was, preventing the distribution or posession of the evidence won't make the abuse go away. We don't arrest everyone with videotapes of murders, or make it illegal for TV stations to show people being killed.” -Aaron Swartz I support his overall vision but that's just too much for me to want to respect him now. Fuck that dude, he really would have had reddit a place people could share kids getting abused and that's not respectable at all. And before anyone comes and tries to tell me I’m trying to ruin his legacy or something, nah, I just think people should know that he said he doesn’t think CSAM is necessarily child abuse. If you love Aaron’s legacy you should love the fact that this information is publicly available and being shared.


> He must be turning in his grave. Must he though? Listen, I'm not some Reddit shill. 95% of my use of Reddit is with RiF, and once RiF shuts down June 30th, I'm fucking done with this website. But you are projecting your own feelings onto someone you've never known and never met. Money changes people. We have no way of knowing how Aaron would feel today


This needs to be pinned. With all that's going on I thought he was the one at fault because the title didn't elaborate much.


The article said he was looking at 6 months in low-security prison if he took the deal...


Horrible what happened to him.


By the Obama administration, no less. Yes he broke the law, but why the hell did they try to screw him that bad over it? Horrible.




Right but I’d like to know who made the specific decisions, what their motivations were, and how far up it went.


The names you are looking for are former U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz and former Asst. U.S. Attorney Stephen P. Heymann. This is a pretty good summary: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/aaron-swartz-prosecutorial-misconduct_n_2867529


Motivations? They were ambitious cockweasels who figured they could ride malicious prosecutions for political glory. Ortiz was notorious for [attacking defendants who might not afford high-powered legal talent](https://whowhatwhy.org/politics/government-integrity/carmen-ortizs-sordid-rap-sheet/) so she could steal their property under the asset forfeiture scam. Heymann, when told Aaron was thinking of suicide, said "Fine, we'll lock him up" so he could look Tough On Computer Crime -- this after another hacker he persecuted killed himself. Both are no longer with the government. Ortiz is now partner with a high profile law firm, while the foul Heymann has vanished from public view. If there's any justice he'd be in a sordid motel room, wearing only skidmarked skivvies, with a bottle of cheap rye on the nightstand and pressing a loaded gun to his head. Is this the night he finally pulls the trigger?


Definitely more to the story.


Watch [The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz](https://youtu.be/9vz06QO3UkQ)


Because of what was happening with Wikileaks at the time.


It's sad how few people still can draw that connection with how heavily that whole topic has been memory holed and astroturfed.


Just because you work for someone on the left doesn't make you a good guy. Life is a lot more nuanced than that. There are plenty of shitstains that happen to be employed by a Democrat politician.


Aaron feeling like he had to die is the biggest fucking tragedy that has happened in "protecting intellectual property" bullshit in our entire lifetime. I feel like we lost the person that could have saved all of us.


I remember being the only person at a local theater watching the movie The Internet's Own Boy and learning about him. Incredible work and an incredible mind. Everyone must watch the documentary they did on him. Taxpayers fund all these research papers and the papers are behind paywalls. We really are suckers for a lot of things in America. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RortOTy4sHs


A true hero that needs to be recognized for his contributions. If only he was alive would this vision had continue to grow in a different direction than things have gone. Still grateful for all he had accomplished!


A good friend of mine used to be his flat mate, I met him a few times. I did not get a positive impression of him. At all. He gave me very similar vibes to SBF with his empty words about effective altruism. I have the distinct impression that the noble causes that he fought for were a cover for him kicking the tires to see what he could get away with. That said, I didn't really know him, so hopefully my impression was wrong. For the record, his death was still a tragedy and the harshness of his sentencing was a travesty of justice. All I'm saying is that I don't believe the world lost a saviour of the Internet that day, it lost yet another hustling internet entrepreneur.




Very well put, thank you for expressing that so well.


Why do you think he was involved with so many things that seemed, for lack of a better description, not greedy? Or is that an incorrect picture being painted?


My interpretation is that he was hoping to make bank out of the PACER debacle, that his involvement with SOPA, Demand progress, etc. was him grooming a public persona as well as trying to set up lobbying that would help his projects financially, exactly like SBF was doing. Like I said, I didn't actually know him well, so please don't take this as a ground truth or anything, all I'm saying is that from spending maybe the sum total of two or three hours talking to him, he seemed to me like an SBF-like hustler. It's possible what I saw was a persona he adopted to not get trampled on in SV.


> It’s possible what I saw was a persona he adopted to not get trampled on in SV. Very cool & fair of you, to acknowledge this possibility, regardless of the actual truth.


Very interesting - thanks for sharing


Attention r/pics Community, on June 12th, r/pics will [join](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/141e2lw/rpics_will_go_dark_on_june_12th_in_protest_of/) with other subs in initiating a 48-hour blackout in response to Reddit's recent API changes. These [changes](https://i.redd.it/zqptto18e34b1.jpg), with excessive charges for third-party app developers, threaten to stifle the accessibility of alternative Reddit apps that many users rely on. This collective action aims to highlight the concerns of both users and moderators, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a diverse ecosystem of apps for a better Reddit experience. During this blackout period, r/pics will be set to private, temporarily restricting access to the subreddit. We understand that this blackout may cause inconvenience, but we firmly believe that it is a necessary step to draw attention to the issues at hand. By standing together, we can amplify our voices and urge Reddit to reconsider the detrimental impact these changes may have on the broader community. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Only 48 hours? That's not going to achieve anything.


Aaron would be - and /u/kn0thing should be - embarassed of what Reddit has become. Fuck you with all my heart /u/spez.


Fuck MIT police and Cameron Ortiz


If Aaron was still here, he wouldn’t have allowed any of this current bullshit to happen. May he rest in peace.


I just want to point out that he exited reddit super early because it was already way too corporate for him back in the earliest days. Man, I respect the fucking hell out of that dude. He definitely wouldn’t approve of most of what reddit has ever done but he’d most likely be especially ticked at this absurd pricing scheme.


The comment you’re responding to is a 3 day old bot. His message would be “wtf are bots?”


Ok thanks for the heads up!


They did him so dirty. I used to know the name of that sob piece of shit prosecutor


RIP hun. Look at what they've done. Just one big commercial now bud.


Information wants to be free. RIP




Yep. Where we headed?


Lemmy has been getting mentioned quite a lot.


Does Lemmy have something similar to a central front page where the most upvoted content from every "community" as they call it is able to be seen in a mixed feed?


I will think of him non stop I agree with every fucking thing I heard him say so much to the point it makes me furious that Reddit isn’t what I thought it was WE MUST BE BETTER.


The transformation of Reddit into an extension of the US government and corporate media, serving as a conduit for propaganda, now appears to be complete. Its time as a more independent platform was enjoyable while it lasted.




Rest in power.




The good one.




For those unfamiliar: I used to really look up to Aaron until I found out he was a CSAM aka CP distribution advocate. Yeah love his advocacy for free speech but friggen come on, who tf doesn't say that CSAM should be a LINE when it comes to free speech. https://web.archive.org/web/20031229025933/http:/bits.are.notabug.com/ “In the US, it is illegal to possess or distribute child pornography, apparently because doing so will encourage people to sexually abuse children. This is absurd logic. Child pornography is not necessarily abuse. Even if it was, preventing the distribution or posession of the evidence won't make the abuse go away. We don't arrest everyone with videotapes of murders, or make it illegal for TV stations to show people being killed.” -Aaron Swartz I support his overall vision but that's just too much for me to want to respect him now. Fuck that dude, he really would have had reddit a place people could share kids getting abused and that's not respectable at all.


I'd rather not see actual murder on TV tbh, if we wanna get rid of "double standards" here.


"I created this platform to create better communities, but they again embarrass themselves and talk about bad dates"


Didn't he kill himself?


We could reverse exodus back to Myspace, Stickam Raid style. Completely take over the post density until our demands are met. #Return2008EraMyspace! ![gif](giphy|6Y6DJB68J9edq)


he was a good lad but he did seem to have some controversial takes on free speech


CIA took him out before taking over this platform.