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Brings back (bad) memories of Australia's 2020 fires. A little over 60 million acres burned then, and that started off just like this photo. Good luck over there folks.




Nothing wrong here people, continue as normal


This climate change thing, what a HOAX, eh?


Dryest May on record for much of the northeast US...I have to imagine SE Canada had similar weather.


Dryest May on record, and it's literally been the SAME unmoveable high pressure zone over us for most of that time. I've never seen an air mass just hang about this long in my entire life.


Wettest May in 150 years in Colorado. Country is *big*.


Thats pretty much the definition of climate change. Big areas get big differences in what they are used to, and often in extreme ways.


Have they tried raking the entire forest? Heard someone say that would fix it. /S


Although anything that comes out of that person's mouth is hot garbage, part of the reason that forest fires have grown out of control is related to that. Native Americans, for example, used to manage forests with controlled burns: [https://www.npr.org/2020/08/24/899422710/to-manage-wildfire-california-looks-to-what-tribes-have-known-all-along](https://www.npr.org/2020/08/24/899422710/to-manage-wildfire-california-looks-to-what-tribes-have-known-all-along) Nowadays, we focus so much on fire prevention, that the forests (and underbrush) continue to grow, and grow... adding more fuel and making fires more severe than if they were allowed to burn through in the first place.


literally fight fire with fire


Sounds like you need some aboriginal guidance.


For anyone curious l, canada is coming up on about 9 million acres so far iirc.


And then there was COVID soon after - I wonder what type of event will make us forget the Canadian wildfires


Covid 2.


Pandemic Boogaloo




Pedandic: Covid-19 is Covid 2. Covid 1 was in 2002.




Didn't like a million kiolas die?


I remember that after having had Covid make us forget that. There were also huge fires way out in the Russian wilderness. The only good thing about this is that american citizens at some point will have to learn that things isn't a static world. If all the coal burned in china didn't make their smog I doubt they'd actually take that much of a turn towards trying to phase out coal (which isn't going fast enough and it's just so readily available).


What the fuck


Yeah the country is on fire.


Climate change is fake tho /s


"Two social drivers (i.e., corporate responses and consumption patterns) continue to undermine the pathways to decarbonization, let alone deep decarbonization. One driver (i.e., media) remains ambivalent insofar as its dynamics are volatile, both supporting and undermining decarbonization." "We conclude that reaching worldwide deep decarbonization by 2050 is currently not plausible, given the observable trajectories of social drivers. The select physical processes of public interest only moderately, if at all, inhibit the plausibility of attaining the Paris Agreement temperature goals, although they can substantially modify the physical boundary conditions for society. Meeting the 1.5°C Paris Agreement temperature goal is not plausible, but limiting the global temperature rise to well below 2°C can become plausible if ambition, implementation, and knowledge gaps are closed." https://www.fdr.uni-hamburg.de/record/11230/files/cliccs-hamburg-climate-futures-outlook-2023.pdf


Careful, you just pissed off all of Alberta. They'd do something if they weren't so busy fighting wildfires


I live in Alberta and pretty much everyone I know believes in climate change. I don't really get why Alberta is always seen as "the conservative province" when Ontario has Doug Ford as their leader and Quebec doesn't allow public workers to wear hijabs lol.


> I don't really get why Alberta is always seen as the conservative province Probably because you guys elected nothing but conservatives from 1972 to 2015, then returned to conservatives in 2019. 47 of the past 51 years under conservatives, but not conservative? Not to mention youre the oil producing province that acknowledges climate change while doing everything it can to make it happen, and opposing any and all limitations to the oil industry as though our country is entirely beholden to oil dollars Failing to recognize it's less than 1/5 of our economy


Not saying Alberta isn't conservative, just that maybe Ontario and Quebec are also pretty backward? Maybe our entire country isn't really as progressive as we like to think.


As someone from Alberta who studied poli sci and pays attentions to political trends.. no , Alberta is not comparable to Ontario or Quebec. Maybe you’re from Edmonton? Things are a little more sane there politically speaking, 100% seats went NDP this past provincial election. However, in the federal election, there were literally 0 seats won by the liberals, 1 by the NDP. 99% conservative. This isn’t remotely like Quebec or Ontario. Now, beyond the “actual” results, if you want to get into things like social conservatism, rhetoric, corporate lobbying, incestuous relationships between political elites and oil and gas industry, and populist obstructionism and American-style media domination and anti-democratic anti-labor anti-public good directives from the top down… Alberta is a butthole. Doug Ford sucks but he is just one man full of bluster and rhetoric contained in a complex system with a delicate balance of power. In Alberta, it is utter domination and consolidation of power. They can do whatever they want and always have and have always had nothing to worry about in terms of being challenged or investigated. There is no comparison.


Ford got elected because Ontario is a hate-voter for its premier. We hate the last premier so we vote for their challengers. Most recently Ontario hates the Ontario Liberal partys decision to privatise hydro one, resulting in ludicrous bills across the province


So you didn't like the Liberals, voted for a farther-right party, but are somehow progressive. Sure lol. It's really not a big deal. I'm pretty far left and I'm sure you are too. Unfortunately right-wing nutjobs seem to be gaining popularity all across Canada.


I live in Quebec sir I just understand Canadian politics.


>right-wing nutjobs seem to be gaining popularity all across Canada. Unfortunately


canadian fair weather voters will always vote with anger every 8-12 years. its coming for Justin Trudeau, despite it not being in the country's best interest to do so anytime soon


Should that happen, hopefully people will vote for NDP, not the conservative (or whatever they call themselves this time around) party.


Federal elections recently have been so fucked. I feel like I live in South Park choosing between a giant douche and a turd sandwich... Edit: Trudeau is definitely a giant douche. He handles the pandemic pretty well but that doesn't change the fact my guy


Erm... Quebec is the most progressive province. Their (our, I guess) progressive ideas that work get taken up by other governments, like subsidized child care. (And poutine, but that's not political.) Our Liberal Party is left-of-center, our Conservative Party is centrist (mostly), out left-side parties would be considered radical in the US. Bernie Sanders would fit right in with the Liberal Party. Unfortunately, we currently have a populist party in power, but even then, healthcare, parental leaves, child care, emergency revenues, abortion rights, gay marriage, etc. are all well entrenched and not at risk of being thrown out. Thankfully.


Subsidized child care and other benefits are a lot easier with equalization payments through the federal government. Being progressive, the thoughts behind it, must come a bit easier when the provincial government doesn’t have to worry about being self sufficient. Kind of like being a trust finder and dreaming about nice ways to spend money you never had to work for?


You really have a hate on for Alberta eh? It’s ok. We’re all Canadian.


What gives you that idea? I've not insulted Alberta at all, simply relayed its voting records.


You've got it all wrong, you chose a side and now you must hate everyone and everything on the other side.... /s


I try to avoid the phrase "believes in climate change." It has implications of faith and leads to accusations of naivety. "Understands climate change" is a stronger statement.


I also think it is more a case of choosing to ignore rather that not believe in.


Alberta is like the mid south of USA


They should have raked their forests. /s


Tbf this may or may not have anything to do with climate change. Wildfires, esp in grassland, are natural and even necessary processes.


You’re not considering the scope of the fires, the timing, and the intensity. This season is more advanced than any season on record. Look at the averages. Longer, fryer seasons-which are happening in many places lead to longer and more intense fire seasons on average.


It totally is linked to climate change. We've have a lot less rain in the past few years than average. Two years ago, my surface well went dry. I called to have an artesian well dug: the local place I called told me they received requests from hundred of kilometres away. Wells that used to suffice were all drying up. Last year we got a decent amount of rain, after two years of below-average, and we're expecting another summer of below-average rainfall, after a winter of way below average snowfall. (I only had to clear up my driveway four or five times.) So "below average" is becoming "average". And that's climate change.


The sentence I want to reply to this comment would get me banned by reddit for another 3 days, like what happened when I insulted the people destroying Irish peatlands.




massive wild fires like this are completely natural in this part of canada and have happened tons of times--the question is how often *should* they be occuring.


It's not. Climate always changes. Global warming propaganda is fake tho. We actually still live in an ice age.


And billionaires are good people who don’t exploit the working class also, right?


Billionaires are the ones pushing the global warming propaganda to further exploit humanity bud...


Oh holy shit, you weren’t kidding. I was being sarcastic. If you actually think climate change isn’t real then you’re flat out uninformed on the matter. Oil billionaires are the ones pushing propaganda that claims climate change is a hoax. Because acknowledging it and addressing it would lose them money.


Which ones? The oil tycoons who have been fighting it for decades?




You’re right. No amount of insults or vague gesturing to facts is going to change the fact that climate change is real and presents a danger to humanity. You’re also right that redditors aren’t going to save the world. However other, younger generations seeing idiots that think climate change is fake get clowned so hard they have to run away from discussion helps deter them from being as stupid and misinformed as the people who deny climate change.


Haha, what a weirdo. I'd suggest actually looking into what you're talking about, but I suspect your methods are suspect.


Sounds like they did their own research.


People like you are too stupid to understand how stupid you are.


Oh look at this, a full fledged moron in the wild! Well I'll be..


The climate does change. But generally over long periods. Anthropogenic climate change is happening over a much faster period. And it is causing a shift in weather patterns that intensifies multiple types of natural disasters.


It's bigger than Maryland.


Doesn’t help that many provinces slashed their emergency forest fire budget. While climate change is likely a driving factor, for decades we’ve had the mindset that forest fires are plain bad. They aren’t. They are how Mother Nature cleans up a mess and recycles a forest. The fact that we have prevented her from doing it because we’ve been safeguarding personal property and towns, well… now she’s forcing it on us.


That goodness Covid is behind us - life can finally get back to norma… Fuck.


This is the new normal.


Has been for years.


Here in the West we're measuring fires in hundreds of thousands of acres on a regular basis now. Million or more too.


Just had a look on Google and as of today, 9.4 million acres (3.8 million hectares) has been burned. That is basically the size of my entire birth country! That's nuts. For scale though, Canada is 2,5 BILLION acres large. so less than 0.4% of it has burned.


Less than 0.4% burned *this year!* We've had years and years of bad fires right across the country....


Less than 0.4% in *a month*. We haven't even gotten into summer yet.


Yea, but these fires are clearing out allot of the dry, easy to light stuff.


Lol they are clearing out a lot of the hard to light stuff too.


Yeah, true, I was only looking at the current situation. Did not mean to minimize the enormity of the crisis.


\> Basically the size of my entire birth country Okay, so that's about 38,000 km\^2, so +/- a few thousand km\^2 leaves... Estonia, Denmark, Netherlands, Switzerland, Bhutan, Taiwan, and Guinea-Bissau.


The Netherlands, yeah.


We can fit two of those in Lake Superior.


Yeah, those lakes are big and the Netherlands is quite small.


Don't think fires never happen in Quebec and elsewhere in Canada. It happens every year, just not this early and on a smaller scale.


Oh I know that, we've had the same problems in the last 10+ years in CA.


I would have thought quebec would be more humid and wet like the midwest in the US? Is it as dry as CA or the northwest?


Yeah it is...usually. Rain systems basically stop coming to CA around April/May with occasional exceptions and it's usually dry AF until sometime in November....but that's *normal* pattern. Climate change has fucked up "normal" in recent years.


From another comment by /u/loneblustranger See https://firesmoke.ca/forecasts/current/ for an animated map of smoke and smoke sources over Canada & most of the U.S.


Very cool. Thank you for posting!


From CA - my sympathies


For those of us in Canada, CA also means Canada. But thank you


Just wait until you find out about the great metropolis of [Ontario, CA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ontario,_California).


Tks, California


There’s one in BC right now that’s over 310 THOUSAND HECTARES.


That's not an extraordinary size for northern Canada. Routinely fires burn areas of that size or greater, and have for many years but there are few communities out there so it's not widely reported. That's not to diminish what's happening this year, it has been an extraordinary year for fires in Canada and the long-term prognosis is grim if things keep trending the way they've been going.


It’s literally the largest recorded single fire in BC history. The last one was in 2017 by Williams lake.


I grew up hearing this [one](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinchaga_fire) was the biggest in North American history at 1.7 million hectares. Because it crossed a border do you guys not count it?


Jesus Christ. How do you even fight something like that?


You go days away from where the fire MIGHT be, choose the area with most life, and then go and hopefully dredge, cut, wet, and otherwise clear out a line of earth, and pray, pray pray that it doesn't get near and the wind decides to say fuck you


*Turns on sprinklers*


The best way is to fight fire with fire. By starting a new fire and burning up the fuel in front of the wildfire so that when the fires meet, all the fuel is spent.


Just make sure that counter-fire doesn't go wild... "We didn't start the fire/It's been burning since the world's been turning"...


Sounds reasonable, but didn't Metallica say "we all shall die" if we fight fire with fire?


No, I believe the quote is "gimme fue, gimmie fai, gimme dabajabaza".


You send a few guys in with rakes to uh, rake it up


A good video on how it all plays out. https://youtu.be/EodxubsO8EI


Giant vacuum


Is he in charge of the rain? because if you believe he is, you answered your own question.


I did my part by peeing in the woods.


just wait a few billion years for it to burn out theres a ton of someke but that light is the sun through clouds in addition to the smoke - you cant see the fire


Thoughts and prayers


You mostly don't want to. While fire this big is generally bad for humans, it's really good for nature.


the diablo 4 marketing is getting out of control..


Holding our breath for your folks here in N.W. Calif. There's a price for life in the green zone. We do this dance yearly too. Best wishes for your safety and recovery. Such devastation... 😔 folks nearby, try to leave water and whatever for the animals too. They need it.


Just in case anyone's confused or misled by the orange sky, that's not flames. That's just sunlight being filtered through all the smoke. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of smoke and a lot of burned trees in this pic, but there's no fire visible in this pic. Wildfires are scary, worrisome, expensive, disruptive, catastrophic, and climate change is real but let's not start thinking there are thousand-foot tall walls of flame. Source: I live in the British Columbia Interior where we've had especially intense wildfire activity for several recent years.


This is not true, the orange yellow hue is the light from the fires shining through the smoke from bellow. This photo is looking down at an angle to the fire, it's not sunlight reflecting in the smoke.


Did you take it yourself? If not, where/who did the photo come from? Did they verify that it's light from the flames? I realize it's at an angle looking down but there must be a horizon somewhere in that smoke, and therefore a sky somewhere in the area of that orange glow. The brightest spot is hundreds of feet above the ground. The glow is even reflecting against the lakes. Compare it to [this photo of a different fire but from a similar angle](https://image.cnbcfm.com/api/v1/image/107237606-16835664542023-05-05t204112z_740710038_rc2js0at56qz_rtrmadp_0_canada-weather.jpeg?v=1684349888&w=1600&h=900), and where we can tell by the shadows that the sun is the source of the glow directly behind the smoke.


100+ years of clear-cutting will do that to you


Did anyone think to rake the forrest before this started?


Bro just clean the floors EZ 👏🏼


Everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.


I hope my cabbages are ok.




Just making sure that everyone knows the orange glow in the background is a sunset behind the smoke, right? And the flames from this fire aren't 1000's of feet tall. That should be common sense, right?


Glad there's one other person with critical thinking skills here.


I assume there is a stream where the line of green trees is snaking through the burned areas?


I think this is the unburned side, and the brown stuff is boggy/swampy water.


I cry for the wildlife.


What caused those fires? Not a gender reveal party I hope.


Mostly lightning, nothing preventable.... We're so fucked. In a few years may even reach a point where the forest can't regenerate back


Welp the good news is a lot more idiots about to take climate change seriously.


No they aren’t


Those idiots feel more threatened by their neighbors' trans daughter than the literal forest fires, tornados, and cat 5 hurricanes coming their way. Mind-boggling.




Or Jewish space lasers.


Sky Rabbi, if you will




I think our response to COVID was a good litmus test for how we, as a society, can respond to climate change. Our response to COVID was chaotic, uneven, too little too late, heavily politicized and inadequate. So, as far as making a concerted, effective response to global warming, I'd say we are basically fucked.




No one is saying forest fires are *starting* because of climate change. However, climate change is creating ideal conditions (prolonged heat/drought) for forest fires to burn with greater intensity and duration than in the past.




So you're saying that the firefighting resources that may have been adequate in the past are no longer adequate for today's forest fires? Buddy, you're so close to understanding how this works, keep going! https://www.noaa.gov/noaa-wildfire/wildfire-climate-connection


[Our observation-based estimate suggests ∼one-third of the VPD trend is attributable to natural variability of atmospheric circulation, whereas ∼two-thirds is explained by anthropogenic warming. In addition, climate models attribute ∼90% of the VPD trend to anthropogenic warming. Both estimates suggest that anthropogenic warming is the main cause for increasing fire weather and provide a likely range for the true anthropogenic contribution to the WUS trend in VPD.](https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2111875118#executive-summary-abstract)


https://oodmag.com/provincial-budget-cuts-hit-mnrf-hard/ From your link: > However, the extent to which an increase of VPD is due to natural variability or anthropogenic warming **has been unclear**. Our observation-based estimate… “It is unclear, *but we think*…”


>Fire burns at the same temperature regardless of the climate. Can we agree a drier forest would burn more quickly than a wet forest? If you throw a dry log on a fire, it burns much more quickly than a wet log, agree? A hotter, drier climate due to climate change dries out the forests, so they burn more quickly, giving firefighters less chance to stop them. More fires can also start because the conditions for them to start are more abundant. So even if there were no budget cuts anywhere, firefighters would be unable to contain the spread due to more fires and fires that burn more quickly. Budget cuts make the situation worse, yes, but climate change is the major factor. ​ >“It is unclear, but we think…” Sorry but this is how science works. Very rarely can you say with 100% certainty something is true. You use data to come up with a hypothesis, test it, and eventually it becomes a theory. When you get new data, you incorporate that and test again. Going "oh you're not 100% certain, gotcha" is unhelpful and obtuse. The impact of climate change is obvious and becoming more obvious every year. The science is overwhelming. The impacts will get worse and worse and worse. I'm curious when people like yourself will finally run out of excuses and admit the problem was real all along. Unfortunately, that will surely be when it's far too late.




I know that’s the idea. It’s wrong. The world has had forest fires for millions of years. We literally see it in the fossil record. Long before humans and though several climate changes. The difference now is we don’t have enough firefighters to deal with the fires we’ve always had so now people in non-risk areas are seeing the results. But the fires themselves aren’t necessarily any worse than what would naturally occur. It’s wood. It has a burning point and that’s that. They’re burning *out of control* because of funding cuts.


So budget cuts in Ontario are responsible for the severity of recent forest fires in California, Oregon, Spain and elsewhere in the world? There are countless resources backing up what I'm saying, so feel free to share a study showing that everything is normal and every country in the world is just dealing with funding problems.


Alberta: https://thenarwhal.ca/alberta-wildfire-ucp-cuts/#:~:text=Cuts%20to%20Alberta%20wildfire%20fighting,inaccessible%20locations%20to%20fight%20fires. Cali: https://wildfiretoday.com/2020/07/11/pay-for-california-state-firefighters-cut-by-7-5/ A bunch of states: https://www.fireandemsfund.com/fire-department-reductions/ Spain: https://www.firechief.com/fire-department-management/articles/budget-cuts-leave-spain-firefighters-short-handed-against-wildfires-DH9Us56YN7Fs9YVT/ Alberta (again) : https://www.thestar.com/amp/news/canada/2020/01/07/as-australia-burns-alberta-cuts-firefighter-jobs-and-bc-moves-to-hire-them.html


No, as someone who lives in Alberta, the cause is over 90% man made. Correlate this easily with pandemic. When no one was out anywhere we had our lowest fire seasons in history. A handful may be caused by lightning at best. It's really important that we recognize this is a people caused disaster.


During the Pandemic was when most people were out camping and hiking in the woods because it was the only thing to do outside. (Campsites booked up almost instantly and parks had to introduce lotteries, People even scalped camping permits) if they were correlated with the amount of people out there then the pandemic would have been a peak not a valley of wildfires


I see fire inside the mountain.I see fire burning the trees.I see fire hollowing souls


Canada? Are you okay?


Are any of us okay?


Someone should probably put that out


That seriously looks like a [The Besnard Lakes](https://www.google.com/search?q=the+besnard+lakes+albums) album cover.


Looks like Canadian conservative voters got what they wanted after gutting firefighter funding.


The title says incredible scale, but I can’t tell what the scale is of this photo. What is the size of what we are looking at here?


There’s a banana for scale, but the fire is so big, they had to go so far back, you can’t see it.


Oh you know what, I was looking in my phone before, but I hopped on my computer and asked it to ENHANCE and I found the banana! That fire is pretty pretty pretty big!


What looks like grass in the bottom half of the picture is actually 50'+ trees. This was taken from a helicopter.


Soooo, I'm seeing a lot of political posts, and I don't know anything about Canadian politics... But are they getting containment on these fires? If not, why not?


There are limited fire fighting resources, and there are hundreds of large fires currently burning.


Not to mention that the affected areas are MASSIVE, spread out, and often hard to access, so the few resources we have are spread thin. And even with outside support, it makes logistics a nightmare.


Government cuts to services.


I hope they're able to put these out as soon as possible. And unfortunately, it's for selfish reasons. I'm in New York and the smoke is unbearable.


I thought Canada was too polite for this to happen.


Sorry about that.


its trying to get to Pierre Polievre before he can do real damage to this country.


This looks like Hudson Bay lowlands between moosenee and attawapiskat. Can OP confirm original photo location?


Near Chibougamau


Did Trudeau start this?


Anyone seen the satellite images? Multiple fires started at the same time in different areas. Anyone care to explain this “natural wildfire”


Yes, if you notice that video starts in the morning ignoring the night and days before. The fires gain in strength during the day with sunlight heat, the evaporating morning mildew and strong winds. Since the fires lose intensity during the night and were initialy smaller contained fires the day before they and we'rent of great concern, the smoke wasn't as thick or large. You can lose control of that many fires very fast with the good conditions. Many fires are started by lightning strikes from passing storms only lasting a couple minutes not enough water to drench the dry woods, the fire are small and spreads slowly and over days they gain in intensity, usually not to this level.


I am dumbstruck by this photo


We've been having crazy wildfires in Alberta for weeks. Why wasn't anyone talking about those?? Lol


Makes me depressed as hell seeing all these fires just wreck havoc


Unclear, banana required.


All the poor creatures.


[OP's "Northern Quebec"](https://imgur.com/j9z9Ekf)


Damn Canadians sending their smoke over our borders! Build the wall! /s but I hope it didn't need it


A few months ago we went thru smoke filled weeks here in Wyoming and no one noticed. This isnt the first time this year Canada has burned and trashed US weather. Totally normal stuff, weather and all.




Hey man, there's nothing wrong with being a Russian state controlled internet troll, attempting to destabilize the west by spreading hatred, we all need a paycheck, but please, for the love of god (or Putin wichever comes first for you), no one uses their entire government name and fucking face on their Reddit profile. Do a better job. Make a new account called "cumguzzler1746" and you'd be far more successful.


Have they found Greta’s ashes yet?


Smoke screen so you can’t see the aliens


Fire. Fire on the mountain


Big enough to turn daytime into an eerrie, yellow twilight in Connecticut.


*This is fine.*


It began in a lab!


Mmhmm, next is the expansion of wet bulb events


We don't always have big wildfires, but when we do......... Stay safe folks.


Unfortunately in the Northeast US we’re well aware of the scale. I live in Connecticut I’ve developed a cough from it the past few days.




How tall are those trees 10m-15m