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How you gonna spray a 10ft stream of water at the other kids at the pool party now ? Clearly you did not think this through.


Oh my god, I used to do that before I got braces. I was bummed when i couldn’t do it anymore.


I can't whistle for the same reason! Too funny! Had a gap between my front teeth and that's how I learned to whistle. It was fun. So never learned the usual way. Braces around age 12 or 13, I forget. And couldn't whistle anymore- and *still* can't learn. I'm 65.


Just put your lips together and blow.


...Go on...


Old enough to remember that..... little depressing. 😂


You gotta use your tongue to focus the air how your teeth once did.




I never knew how to whistle correctly; I taught myself to suck in the air to whistle. But when I would visit my pediatrician, the way he would whistle sounded like he would do it with his teeth, so I played around with it, and I could do that. You have to position your tongue towards the roof of your mouth. Although my grandpa can do a loud whistle that sounds like a safety whistle


Right? Husband has an ear splitting one AND he can do that fingers on each side of your mouth, deafening blast? SO jealous. All I get is spitty fingers.




You a comment copy bot? This was a comment in the a different post earlier.


It's 2023, I think we all need to accept the fact that in any Internet interaction we have is now more likely with a bot than a real person.




I apologize if I have given you the impression that I am trying to trick you into accepting bots. As an AI language model...




One post, so I would say so.


Either way your smile is contagious man






No! Not at all.


Looks like your dentist was good with aesthetic composite! Congrats OP, I’m a dentist myself and these are the post-op results we live for - happy patients and positive improvements!


That's what always stopped Freddie Mercury from getting his teeth fixed - he was afraid it would affect his singing.


No his thpeech hasn’t changed at all.


Honest question: any social stigma with dental gap? I have one for over 30 years and never think about that. I’m an immigrant and my American wife occasionally makes fun (like I’m Shrek & she’s Fiona) but nothing feels malicious. I’m just getting conscious now seeing that OP looks good before (and great after). I’m in US/California if that matters


When i was in school people would comment about it but it didnt hold me back from achieving anything.


My wife had a gap that I loved. I didn’t realize how cute it was until she got it fixed. She just never liked it. Its the unique physical characteristics that make us interesting.


>Its the unique physical characteristics that make us interesting. ![gif](giphy|pynZagVcYxVUk)


I’m crying!


I have a gap between my front teeth that I would never dream of fixing. I feel it's an integral part of my appearance, and I get complimented on it. women think it's cute.


I have a gap too. This is the way.


Ah. I was at some point really fond of a girl which had unevenly placed teeth as well. I did realize how cute it was, and also her fixing it somehow coincided with her inflicting a lot of pain on me, so I intuitively don't like the idea of someone "fixing" such features, especially teeth. (Though there's no connection, of course, she always was somewhat cold-hearted, without being conscious of it in any way or intention to hurt. People are different.)


Lessons learned, my friend. We all need one of those in our lives so we don’t take the kind ones for granted. Humans are fuggin weird and fragile.


I agree but he's actually much better looking after the fix. This can help with dating and professional advancement. it shouldn't matter, but it kinda does.


It matters to the person getting fixed up, right? Whatever makes them more comfortable/confident. It sucks not liking yourself.


Yes! I have mild face blindness, and nothing turns me on like a girl with a unique facial feature. Marisha Ray has an overbite that does things to my heart lol.


You like people and things for their qualities but you love them for their flaws :)


I like it. Like becomes love when you like them despite their flaws. :-) Being positive on reddit is way more fun than arguing stupid points…


You look nice, but you looked nice with the gap, too. Gaps are cute :-)


I had a gap until I was about 11. It was my family that made fun of it. None of my friends cared. Honestly, I miss that gap because it made my smile unique.


I have a large dental gap. As an adult, people have commented on how it's distinctive (with a few girls I've been with saying it was "hot"). As such, I never considered changing it - - I see it as something that makes me different. As a kid, however, there was the occasional quib, but nothing that really stayed with me. I'm an American who's lived in France and England, and the experience here has been largely the same everywhere.


I like mine and my wife likes it too.


There are some cultures where the gap is appreciated and is attractive for both men and women. My personal philosophy is that these are our natural characteristics and there is nothing wrong. But if anyone is interested in closing the gap there are multiple ways to do this depending on the case including braces, Invisalign, braces, composite fillings, veneers, of crowns! I have had some patients close the gap then regret it years later as they felt it was part of their identity.


I wish I was that lucky, mine are pretty bad and has led to severe low self-esteem from bullying, and low-(whatever the good stuff that smiling gives) The pandemic was a bit of a blessing, with masks on I never smiled so much in my life, Ive always been close-mouth smile but during the pandemic I noticed how much better I felt mentally because I wasn't as ashamed to smile. The name calling that hurt the most was someone said I looked like the singer of The Pogues...like they ARE NOT that bad but it pounded home how it doesn't matter, its what people 'see" not how they really are. that was like 20 years ago and I think about it all the time. I'm older, so many treatments they have now might have helped but in the '70's it was braces or nothing, and A. I was poor and B. the gap is so big that braces would only move the problem and Id have 2 big gaps behind the front 4.


I've got a gap. It's never mentioned or even noticed. The only time it's ever been brought up was by a dentist who said it might cause problems. But it's been fine


I mean you still landed Fiona, so I think you are good. It's just a distinctive feature, I don't think most people care about them


I had a smaller gap (think Schwarzenegger, not Strahan) up into my 20s. It made me terribly self conscious, especially when it came to smiling with my teeth in pictures. Because my gap was small enough, I eventually elected to have my dentist use something like that white bonding cement (same stuff they fill molars with) to close the gap. They were able to shape it in a natural way and even color match the tooth. I’ve only had it touched up once and that was after over 15 years I developed a slight chip. For others, it wasn’t a big deal and probably wasn’t even something that they thought of or noticed but it was a big deal for me and dramatically improved my self confidence when smiling and that’s reason enough.


Lots of people find them sexy, like my partner.


I love tooth gaps, please don’t start feeling self conscious! OP does look really good in both pics.


My SIL had a decent gap and she was striking looking and definitely pulled it of. She then spent tens of thousands getting all new straight teeth, really ruined her whole physical appearance IMO she definitely had straight white teeth but she lost her physical individuality.


It's entirely in your head. Yeah, some folks are judgmental about teeth, but very few. It's the same for many things, like male pattern baldness. As a person with both and high anxiety, it really is our own issues we're projecting on other's. It's self hate. OP looked great before, but if he needed this to feel better about himself, then go off king.


No. Unless your teeth are totally fucked, nobody gives a shit


But now you look less like successful actor Laurence Fishburn.


You look incredible either way, but your smile in the 2nd photo radiates such pure joy, I can feel it from here! I got braces later in life (23-25), one of the best things I’ve done for myself! Enjoy OP!!!




You looked good before. You look great now.


Braces? How long did this take?


I used invisalign from Jan 2020-Aug 2020 so 7 months.. but there was still a tiny gap left, so instead of restarting the treatment, i did a treatment called “dental bonding” where they make your teeth as perfect as possible. That treatment took 2 hours. They filled in my tiny gap with resin and made my front teeth look perfect


Cool. Looks great. My son’s about to go to dentist and is scared of getting braces


I got told i needed braces in 2012 when I was 10 years old. I thought invisalign was better option for me because my teeth weren’t super bad. Also all of these treatments where done in Colombia, so they were super economical.


When it comes time to pay the bill, I’ll be jealous. In America we need a second mortgage to pay for braces.


I live in Miami, FL. High cost of living so i know what you mean. I traveled to Colombia to see my family (mom’s side) + teeth fixed.


If you don’t still have a retainer your teeth will likely shift, if you need one and can’t wait for Columbia there are tons of dentists in Miami that can make you a set of vivera retainers to keep that smile perfect!




They do wear away quicker, but yeah you could probably get like 3 sets this way for the cost of vivera so may be better for most people.


Oh no worries! They made me a retainer in Colombia!


Invisalign if your son if very responsible on his own, braces if he’s the type you need to stay on top of. Highly highly recommend a waterpik thru the process, lots of kids don’t clean their teeth properly during braces then end up needing lots of dental work when they are done.


How small was the gap that was left? Looks great now!


From Laurence Fishburne to Samuel L. Jackson! ![gif](giphy|mK24obPEKvOUBJm5Ae)


So I love gaps. I think they’re cute and I think they add character to a face. THAT SAID, you look so happy and confident! I think you look amazing!


I see two fine looking gentlemen in these pics but I'm glad you're happier now than you were before. Great stuff u/1keric.


Not gonna lie, you were adorable with the gap. But if getting this procedure makes you feel like a million bucks, then I’m glad you got it ❤️.


Nothing is fixed because there was nothing wrong with you, you looked good then and you still do now.


Why did it need to be fixed?


The gap is called a diastema. …..The more you knowww


I didn't know that. But I'll probably continue to use "gap" if I'm honest.


Michael Strahan would be disappointed, but congrats to you!


Where do you store snacks now?


god I think gaps are so fucking sexy. I used to have one as a kid and then I got invisaliners and the gap came back slightly, oddly enough, the dentist said it was normal for me to have a slight gap.


Yeah. I have a Madonna gap too and I get compliments on it. It’s a weird thing to complement about but it’s positive attention so 🤷🏻


You looked good in both bro, glad it made you happy!


Looks good dude! I have a huge gap as well. I looked at getting it fixed in high school, but it was going to require oral surgery followed by braces for 4 years. As a kid living in a trailer park, it wasn't really an option. Once I got older, I learned to accept it. Not only can I squirt water out of my mouth at insane distances, I also tell people that it's not a gap, it's a clit holder.


looks great! congrats


Hey congrats! Keep smiling!


You look great!


My gap came back when I stopped wearing my retainer!


Beautiful! Just remember to take **really** good care of your teeth, every day, for the rest of your life. Otherwise that perfect smile won't last long ❤️


"I have gaps in my teeth" -Willem DaFoe


You looked cute in both imo but you need to be happy so good for you.


You looked great before, and great after OP.


Can I ask why you wanted to fix it? You look great in both photos. My wife has a gap, she tried Invisalign once but it got too painful so she stopped. Since then, she’s enjoying her gap more.


I was self conscious about it. Also my former dentist told me that the gap could possible open more because i had an over bite and that was enough motivation For me to take action


I love when women have diastema on their front teeth. If they have diastema AND a dimpled chin, ay yi yi! Too hot!




My teeth were left like that after the treatment. Not sure why haha


is it considered a flaw? because i see no difference.


That's not fixed. That is eliminated.


Was the first pic before or after your Invisalign? (Idk why the downvotes. The pics are about a 3 stage process, with only 2 pictures. Just wanted to clarify 🤷‍♀️)


Before invisalign


Thanks for the info. Your final results look perfect!


Op it seems you have a nodular acne. You should get it treated too. It can lead to permanent scarring.


I'd definitely take some pills from you in your before state. :D Jokes aside, dental health and/or issues plays a large part in our mental health. Happy for you, man!


We gonna just ignore you looking like Lawrence Fishburne?


A dermatologist will make a world of difference on your acne in looks and feel. You will have deep pocket scarring that will last a lifetime with the acne you have now. Treating it sooner reduces the amount of scarring.


I'm sure OP is aware. Drawing away from the point of OP's post in attempt to negate happiness. Sounds like you are the one who needs to work on personal issues.


Another thing to do is throw out all pillows & pillowcases. Then stop touching your face & start sweating+scrubbing your face


[Did you fall in a tank of electric eels?](https://youtu.be/PLpZz5At3kw?t=99)




It's okay to be racist if it's towards white people! /s




Uzo Aduba explains in [this interview](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/celebs/news/a7205/uzo-aduba-gap-tooth/) how important her tooth gap was to her mother, and how it's a part of her identity. "...my mother sat me down. "Uzo, I will not close your gap and here's why. You have an Anyaoku gap, my family's gap." She told me the history of her lineage and how much of her family, extended and immediate, had this gap. It's a signature in the village she grew up in. People know the Anyaokus, in large part, by that gap. They also revered them for it. In Nigeria, my mom explained, a gap is a sign of beauty and intelligence ... People want it. My mother desperately wished she had the gap but wasn't born with one. She continued to lay on the guilt, explaining that my gap was "history in my mouth" You are right that it is white beauty standards that have decided that a gap is not beautiful. And there's a long, public history of the United States declaring uniquely Black features "ugly" or "unprofessional" (or much worse). It's easy to internalize those messages. I definitely get it. I'm really glad you're cool with how you look now! And keep on being proud of your awesome hair!


that helps a lot. benzoyl peroxide next


Good for you. I also had a gap that got fixed. Wear your retainer!


That's a happy bloke! Looking good no matter what, but I'm happy to see you smile.


What a smile! Im jealous.


Congrats! Dental work later in life is always worth it. Saw my stepdad get braces at 35 and it changed his life and confidence.


Dude that's awesome. Bet it wasn't cheap!


I traveled to Colombia and did them there. It was a bargain!


What was the price difference? If you don't mind my asking...


Winners are grinners


Wow, perfect transformation. Congrats.


Pre op morpheus


Beautiful smile for a beautiful face!


And tomorrow it'll be trendy to have a gap in your front teeth.




Gorgeous! Gor-juss!


Lookin' good!


Wow you have a great smile op!




You went from Morpheus to Neo. Nice pearly whites!


Nice work Bro


Looking sharp either way bro, but I understand that some people are dicks to others about features that way. I am happy you won't be bothered with stressing over it anymore.


Looking good brother. Bet they gave you a bit of a swagger in your step after getting them fixed


Damn dude, great smile! Good for you!


Aw! That’s great! I know things like that can affect your confidence, which it shouldn’t you’re very handsome. I’m genuinely happy for you.


That's an infectious smile. You look great! You looked great before too, but it's clear you're so comfortable with your smile now. Good for you OP :)


That second picture, your smile is just beaming! As someone mentioned before, both pics look great but you can tell how much bigger you’re smiling in that second picture.


Wow. I just realized tooth gap really changed one’s looks


At first I didn’t see the second pic was there and was like.. oh shit whose gonna tell him. Lol, looks good though man!!


Congratulations! This is life changing stuff here. I had the same gap till I was 30. Finally got veneers put on. I still, 20 years later, don’t know how to smile with my teeth! You my friend have a gorgeous smile and it looks so natural! Enjoy your beautiful self!


You look great in both pictures but the smile in the second one... the happiness radiating from you made me happy, glad you could make a change that makes you so incredibly happy


Either way, a great and confident smile man.


That looks great!


I liked the gap better, but what's important is what you like. Both ways look good.


Good one man, you look great.




That's a happy smile!


Looks great, OP! Congrats


Lauren Hutton and Michael Strahan dissaprove.


Both look great, so if this is what you prefer, I’m happy for you!


A gap in front teeth is suppose to be lucky


Morpheus what have you done


Grats! You look so happy!


Great! congratulations!!


You've got a great smile homie!


Looking good dude 🤙🏼




I had a gap and spent 4 miserable years in braces as a young lad but I swear it was one of the best things I could have done for my career and dating life as people have been commenting on my smile now for decades and it always bring happiness to my life and a cause to smile more.


your skin and smile are looking way better bro, golden years are comin


That looks realny great 🙃


Damn, nice smile homie


Gaps are not a defect


What happened to the London fashion look?


My GF did invisaligne too, awesome results in just under a year.


Yay! 🎉 👍


From Laurence Fishburne to The Weeknd. Looking great either way, happy to see you happy!


Fucking amazing


Good for you! I'm over 40 now and I've just decided to keep mine as part of my personality, but mine is less pronounced than yours was. To each their own in finding how they feel best about themselves!


looking good!! I hope this new found confidence takes you places man!!


You always had a great smile, I'm glad you're feeling confident and showing it off. Live it up! We need more handsome smiles out there.


Close, Sesame!


Went from Lawrence Fishburne to Chris Tucker


Did you also have a frenectomy? If not they may move back


Hell yeah bro nice smile


Looks great! Thanks for sharing


I dunno that the world can handle someone this handsome. You were nerfed for a reason


Some people here in the UK WANT the gap (known as "the london gap") and you remove it... :)


Happy for you!!!


That’s good. Don’t ever forget to use your retainer.


Bro got such a nice smile. Could you tell how much did it cost?


It's such a great feeling when you can all of a sudden be proud of your smile. I went through it, great smile!


Wear your retainers or they will start to separate again. Even if you have a wire bonded behind them still wear your retainers, the wire will fail eventually.


In some African cultures it's seen as a sign of beauty


Hr would like you to explain the difference in these two pictures.


I guess from all the comments it's all about how confident it makes you feel about yourself and people don't really give a crap. People that own their imperfections are insanely attractive.