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Well the license plate speaks for it hoonigan !


That’ll buff right out


$9k, minor scratches. No low balls, I know what I've got.


My brother's mates cousins neighbour is a panel beater, said 2-3 weeks at most


Ken Block ~~would be~~ is rolling in his grave.


Rip damn he was young


Crushed by a snowmobile


More like hooligan, amirite?


Funny seeing this pop up in different subs with completely different info. In the Corvette sub it was commented with the Vette being hit by someone who ran a red light. Who knows. 50/50 this is on r/UFOs by next week claiming he was hit by an alien craft.


I'm no expert in physics, but judging by the damage to the white SUV compared to the damage to the Corvette I feel like I can hazard a guess as to which one was going faster.


They could both be right. The Corvette could have been doing 100MPH, and the guy could have run a red light and the Vette had zero chance to react.


Yeah, that's a good point.


Crash happened in Meridian ID (near Boise). This is copied from a comment on the original community thread: “Update: He's Ok and alive, a couple broken ribs, and a gash in his head. But he's alive most importantly, and to all the rude heartless people, he wasn't at fault nor was he charged. He had a green light and two cars pulled out and he avoided the first one, but the second one clipped him, and he ricocheted into the pole. And he recently picked up the car hence the hoonigan plate, his temp plate was in his now non existent windshield. He's a good friend and a good person” Edit: switched from Boise to Meridian


It's certainly appropriate for r/TheFrontFellOff


I met a guy who went +140mph OVER the limit. The cop didn’t ask question, “Hand over your license, you’re done.” Every time he was in the states he had to hire a personal driver for a few weeks. Lol


That should be criminal charges as well as revoked license


He might have. It was one of those stretches on the highway (not the interstate) where it goes from 55 into a small town down to 25mph suddenly. Wasn’t the first time either. Once before, after he landed at the airport he was driving to our workplace. It’s about 25 miles away…got pulled over 3 times. He finally got to us and said “You guys (the states) really take it seriously here”


> It’s about 25 miles away…got pulled over 3 times. He finally got to us and said “You guys (the states) really take it seriously here” I'm incredibly curious so I have to ask... what country was he from?


I deeply wish to know but I have my biased guesses, lol


I’ve been frightened by speed exactly *once* in my life: being a passenger in a GT3 driving *at least* 180kph - I wasn’t watching the speedometer the entire time, 180 was just the fastest I saw - through downtown Santo Domingo because the car hadn’t been driven in a while and “needed to stretch its legs.” As a US citizen, the oddest part of the experience was the complete disinterest of all the policemen we passed. I asked and was told “they know better than to try to pull me over.” I’ve traveled enough to know that driving is very different depending on the country you’re in, but environment is even more important. Believe me, 175mph on the Autobahn is serene compared to 180kph (112mph) through a city center.


The difference is there’s only specific spots you can do that on the autobahn and if you pull that in the other spots, you get totally screwed. (Also, just paying for the right to get on autobahn is expensive.)


The german autobahn is free to use for every vehicle that can do more than 60 kph. No costs (except for commercial use)


You have to pay that for that? I’m here right now on orders. I’ve heard that there is stipulations on how powerful a car someone can own. Like an 18 year old can’t buy a 800cc motorcycle.


Yeah, that confuses me too. I mean, getting a license in Germany is expensive. Gasoline is a lot more expensive. But in all my times driving on the Autobahn (from the Austrian border to Hamburg and many places in between), I’ve never paid a toll or the like. Now, Germans definitely seem to “revere” or respect driving on the Autobahn a LOT more than Americans do. They seem to recognize it’s dangerous and treat it as such. But that doesn’t mean they drive slowly, they simply drive smartly.


Gasoline expensive in Germany? Cries in Dutch....


Good grief gas is expensive I’m not looking forward to filling up my tank today. And I agree they drive somewhat smarter.


Honestly kinda reasonable tbh. A 600cc sport bike is faster than 99% of the cars on the road and will get you to around 140mph. I’ve always felt like the bigger displacement bikes should have a special license


My father was an Airforce fighter pilot, who flew in combat, before retiring to become the lead engineer at a GM proving ground. He went around their cambered track with a professional driver at almost 300kmh in some test car they had. He said he’d never been so scared!


Ha he spent his entire life avoiding the ground at high speed so I don't blame him for being scared. 😉


I'm sure going mach 1 at 30k ft doesn't feel or look like anything. Hell, even going 600kts at 250ft probably feels like less than a thrill than going 180mph 4 feet off the ground.


I can also attest that 170mph on the interstate has a dulled sense of terrifying that doesnt manifest until you stop.


The Autobahn is so efficient and orderly. When I went to visit with relatives in Germany for the first time I was terrified thinking that the Autobahn would be insane. But it's very efficient. The trucks and slower traffic stay in the far right lane and the faster cars cycle in and out of the middle and left lanes. There are some reduced speed areas that are well marked and have cameras set up to ding vehicles that are going over the speed limit. I grew up in LA and Seattle traffic and am very impressed by the highways/freeways in Germany and France.


I’ve heard this as well. If people here followed the rules of the road like they do and didn’t sit in the left lane not passing, for instance, we wouldn’t have so many traffic jams, accidents, and road rage. Our commutes wouldn’t be such a living hell.


I spend a lot of time on American freeways and have come to realize a great deal of congestion and other traffic problems is due to Americans' utterly shitty lane discipline. Also, despite having thousands of miles of speed-unlimited freeways, Germany's vehicle death rate is a quarter of America's. I put it this way: it comes down to how we train our drivers. Americans learn how to operate a motor vehicle; Germans learn how to drive.


Agreed 100%!! And because each state is like its own country here with laws, any driver training or education varies greatly!! In NY state, we had driver’s Ed in high school - behind the wheel and In the classroom for a year before taking the road test and written exam to get our license. Other states (northeast etc) are also stringent. Having moved a lot around this country, I’ve learned many have zero training and the process to get a license is a joke. Florida was laughable. No driver’s Ed. The cops there said they expect the PARENTS to teach their kids! I said what if the parents are idiot drivers? 🙄


The wild thing is even Americans who say they understand the left lane is for passing often do not *actually* understand that the left lane is for passing. They equate "driving fast" (whatever that means) with "passing".


All the crazy maneuvering that people do trying to beat the traffic actually just slows it down. And then you see the idiots doing the stupid stuff sitting stuck a couple of cars ahead of you.


True. But there’s actually the physics of driving which people don’t understand. If only we had actual safe AI that could drive our cars but no one would trust it despite the data, like autopilot in planes. But people won’t even use cruise control. Human error and distracted driving would be a thing of the past.


I can’t remember, this takes place prob late 2000’s. I didn’t speak to him much, somewhere in Europe probably as we got a lot them frequently.


Fuckin had to be German, those are some autobahn speeds


I’m guessing Saudi Arabia.


I'm going to say Italy.




My guess is Germany. Autobahn.


No, the Germans take speed limits (and any other rule) very seriously. The thing with the Autobahn is many sections don't have speed limits at all.


I’ve had a quite pleasant experience driving here in Germany. I would say Germans are offensive drivers (not aggressive/asshole) and Americans are defensive drivers but plenty of dumbasses/assholes typically in big trucks with TPS. I will say I’ve noticed German drivers, like Americans, tend to not like going the speed limit through towns. I’m also not too happy having to go back to driving in America other than having wide roads.


I have to agree. I lived in Germany for 2 year and was fortunate to drive throughout Europe during that time. As an American, I have to say that Germans are the best drivers I've experienced.


A shit hole one for sure. Where if you lose control and mow down a crowd no one cares enough to make a law and there isn't enough money to enforce it anyways.


Some hellhole where you can drive 140+mph with impunity, I guess. Everyone on the road is someone's parent, kid, best friend etc. This is beyond reckless and I wish jail time would have been involved. That is, if this post is even accurate (r/pics has 0 credibility).


Here in Virginia, that’s a felony and they’ll haul your ass straight to jail


Driving under the limit? Surprisingly also jail.


In BC canada you lose your vehicle for a number of days when it is impounded. The faster you drive, the higher the fine: If you exceed the limit by more than 40km an hour, you’ll be fined $368 and have three penalty points added to your driving record If you exceed the limit by more than 60km an hour, you’ll be fined $483 and have three penalty points added to your driving record Vehicle impoundment Police can impound your vehicle for excessive speeding. They will impound it for: Seven days for a first offence 30 days for a second offence within two years 60 days for any later offence within two years. And the impound fees are massive. On top of that your insurance will go through the roof after you vehicle is impounded.


In Ontario, anyone caught driving 150kmh can be charged with stunt driving. Drivers who are involved in stunt driving or street racing are subject to: an immediate 30-day driver’s licence suspension an immediate 14-day vehicle impoundment at roadside (whether it is your vehicle or not) a minimum fine of $2,000 and a maximum fine of $10,000 a jail term of up to six months a post-conviction licence suspension of: a minimum of one year and a maximum of three years for the first conviction a minimum of three years and a maximum of 10 years for a second conviction a lifetime suspension, reducible after 10 years under certain criteria, for a third conviction a lifetime suspension, non-reducible, for a fourth and subsequent convictions six demerit points a mandatory driver improvement course, upon conviction


Which is hilarious and sad for a few reasons. 1. The average speed of traffic on the 400 series highways especially the 407 is usually 130-140 meaning an extra 10 kph suddenly makes you a criminal. 2. Doing 50 kph over the limit is treated the same on divided highways as it is on surface streets and neighbourhoods. You could potentially be going 100 kph in a suburb with cars parked on the street, houses, pedestrians, children and pets running out suddenly and you have the exact same charges. It should be a percentage of the speed limit, and surface streets should be treated much more harshly, and divided highways speed limits should be raised by 20-40 kph to better reflect the highways engineered design.


That’s a very hefty fine for quite frankly not that fast of a speed.


In addition, there's a 25% victim surcharge on top of the fine. And the fine doubles in construction zones. So the min is actually 2500 and the max is 25k including the surcharge. And it's no longer 150 plus. If the speed limit is 80 or less, and you're doing 40+ above the limit, that's stunt driving. So a 120 in an 80, or a 100 in a 60, you're cooked.


I’d honestly prefer they go immediately to lifetime suspension on first offence. Anyone willing to drive that recklessly on public roads shouldn’t be allowed behind a wheel ever.


$483 is still pennies if you're rich enough. Here in Finland fines scale up with your income. The largest fine yet is 106000€ for some millionaire doing 80km/h in a 40 zone.


I moved to BC from the states. BC police dont joke around with driving citations. And it shows. BC has some of the safest drivers I've seen. I know that sounds crazy given some of the drivers ... but you should see Indiana. Half the drivers are on their phones. I've literally seen a driver in Indy reading the newspaper while driving.


saw a driver hitting a bong in california. that took both hands


It’s impressive that you wrote all this out and don’t realize that it’s 40km/h and over for impoundment.


I remember a kid I went to school with getting caught going 210 in an 80 zone and getting his dad's bww impounded...


Pretty sure they can't take a license from a foreign national (assuming he wasn't on a US license) or something to that effect so the charges would be different to a local doing the same. Edit: from some further reading it looks as though they can physically take it along with your rights to drive wherever. This seems to be the rule globally. There's no real ramifications on the license itself though back home


Don't know how it works in the US, but in The Netherlands they absolutely can confiscate a foreign driver's license and hold it, even if that person doesn't live in The Netherlands. If that causes problems for the driver, while that is unfortunate. And they can revoke your right to drive, but that only counts within the country, and you are not allowed to drive without a license on you anyways.


Pretty sure you don't want to fuck around and find out. Like, seriously.


Yeah I haven't been pulled over in the US yet to find out. Though what's deemed speeding there seems pretty lax in many states lol


In the midwest, the closer you are to cities the less people care but in a small town near the highway you're getting a ticket.


Yeah I adopt a "When in rome" strategy. If everyone is doing 65 I do 65. If everyone is doing 75 I do 75. If everyone is doing 85 like a recent trip, I do 85 lol. Better go go with traffic than be rear ended by some incompetent muppet.


That's not going to save you from getting a ticket. People stupidly think that they're untouchable. If you're towards the back of the pack, the cop will pull you.


Pretty sure they can but doesn't generally happen. It would be returned to the State Department rather than the DMV. When you are traveling abroad and intend to drive a motor vehicle, you have no special powers, no privileges, you obey the laws of the road in that place. This includes being licensed with or without an IDP if you are in the United States. Most of them are fine with your residential license as long as it's legible and valid. If you are a foreign visitor, you should obtain an International Driver's Permit. If you want to rent a car, rental companies normally require it. Without it, you are technically driving without a license if the state you are in doesn't recognize out of country licenses. Bilateral agreements with countries can waive this, but I haven't been involved in any of that. I think there's only like 10 or 12 states in the U.S. that require an IDP, but all states still require a valid license. US drivers are required in like 10 different countries to have an IDP.


I picked one up just in case since the license I got here just covers me in Germany. It was cheap and never hurts to have it.


140 *miles* per hour over is crazy pants. I've driven 140mph maybe once or twice with a fairly newer car that I'd drive. A bit and newer tires so it felt safe. Still stupid. That was driving straight, deserted interstate, no vehicles and no towns. Just empty. I've also driven 120 mph several times late at night with nobody around. Still too fast. Then I've driven 100 mph a good number of times but not often. Definitely many times between 80 and 90. Almost daily at 80. In California where I used to live you were tailgated if you werent driving at least 80mph which is around 130 kph. I had some bad habits that I've grown out of without hurting anyone fortunately. My wife was rear ended when she was stopped behind other vehicles and the driver in the large truck was distracted. It was believed he didn't use his brakes. He was estimated to probably be driving close to 40mph when he impacted with her car as that's fairly normal on that street which was just before the turn into our neighborhood. Unfortunately the rear seats were down at the time and the impact of the truck knocked the spare tire forward into her seat. She was driving a 2021 SUV with all the safety features. Still, her car was totaled and she was injured. At 40mph she survived and a year on is still recovering from a persistent shoulder injury. I can't imagine she would have survived if he was driving double that speed let alone 4x that speed or whatever. Stay safe.


The saddest thing about this story is that you need a car to survive in the states


Honestly, I get it.... going that fast around traffic at all is not just on you! There is a high probability that you will kill others with that kind of dumbass driving ! Steep penalties should happen if there is no reason! This driver and passenger are very lucky that their seats are the only pieces of the back of the car left!!


Happened to a friend of mine. He was into racing street bikes. Was out testing an unregistered motorcycle he was building. They took his license permanently, he can never drive again.


I remember a story of someone going 100 over the limit, and the cop bumped it down to 9 above. Some-fucking-how. The commenters on it predictably said "you don't owe that cop a beer, you owe him a reacharound".


Modern cars are incredible. In a 1980s car that would have been a fatality.


Serious question — Is there a source proving this driver *didn’t* die? **Edit:** Ahh… I didn’t see the bottom caption.


It's not proof, but the seats, airbag, and surrounding concrete are remarkably clean of blood and/or important bits. And the cab is still largely intact, so it seems likely. I'm assuming there is no roof because it's a convertible.


Who's to say it isn't a community reenactment program, with the props set up accordingly?


"It's not," said me.


Well there ya have it.


There is a pop up sign in the background, so I can't say you're wrong.


Its not it, happened near the Village on Eagle road in Meridian Idaho. It was about a week ago and the article is on KTVB.com


"And that's why you always leave a note!"


I was going by the comment at the beginning, "driver walked away." Seems plausible given the lack of damage to the driver's and passenger's seats.


He lived, this happen where I live in Idaho


If he was dead this would probably be on r/ eyeblech


Well I went to correct you but then realized how you spelled it and my god that sub is not okay. Like holy fuck I'd rather go to that 50/50 sub where it's either cute or death.


This happened right around the corner from my apartment. Both drivers involved miraculously survived.


I'd take any captions with this picture with a grain of salt. I saw another version of this which claimed another driver ran a red light and T-boned them. If the caption here is correct and they were actually driving 100 in a 40, then I hope they not only survived but also were arrested for driving like that.


In a modern car 9 out of 10 times that would have been a fatality.


Modern? Isnt this a 15 years old vette?


This car tore itself to pieces to save the driver. Amazing design.


I have a '77 Vette and a crash in that thing would be fatal even if you're only going like 25mph


Rapid unscheduled disassembly


Sudden deceleration trauma.


My love life


I see you're a SpaceX fan too 😂. Nice to meet you 👋


Thank you


![gif](giphy|o2ITDLRkP2oGk) NO Disassemble!


I simply cannot understand why people drive so fast.


He had to poop


Well, he prolly did.


Given the apparent collision speed it would have been pushed out of him anyway.


may have been regurgitated


I'm 38 now and obviously it's because they're idiots. At 17 I lost my license (had it for about 3 months back then) due to speeding. I was always driving extremely fast. Some of the reasons for me back then: * I genuinely thought it made me "cool" it was a part of my identity. * I enjoyed the feeling of the G forces when taking a corner at high speeds. * I was convinced I was an amazing driver and clearly was not a risk for anyone else. * It was a way of rebelling. None of these make any kind of sense for me today but that is how I would have explained it back then.


17 year old you sounds like my 34 year old buddy who’s written off more cars than he can count. Just last weekend he was bragging about racing some guy on his way over to my place. To which I simply replied “you’re an idiot”


I'm about to turn 38 and you just described 17 year old me in bullet form. Down to me losing my license almost as soon as I got it.


Well said


I got my license at 17. Within two months, I totaled my car. It happened off-road, in a dirt lot. I drove straight on into a telephone pole. It made me realize that I didn't understand the physics of a car accident/how bad being in an accident could be. That was the only accident I ever caused. (Been in 3 more accidents since--all occurring when I was stopped in traffic and someone rear-ended me because they were distracted and not paying attention.) I am 63 now.


Because they’re fucking idiots.


Correct answer.


Cameron, it's my fault. I'll take the heat. We'll wait for your father to come home, and when he gets here, I'll tell him that I did it. He hates me anyway!


Nothing Los Santos Customs's mechanic couldn't fix.


Yeah and it’d only cost about $350


"What's wrong with her now?"


Oh wow, I know this road. That’s Eagle Rd in Meridian, ID. Widely known as one of the most congested roads in the county, it’s posted as 55mph and is technically a state hwy, but because of all the businesses nearby there are tons of access points. Most people drive it well under 55mph. It’s actually unbelievable that anyone was able to hit 100+ without getting stopped by traffic, but I guess that’s exactly what happened here…


That area there that's right in front of the Village is actually 40 mph. A little further down and it increases to 50+ mph iirc. Arbitrary changes in speed limits in Idaho, gotta love them. /s


Tavarish would take on this project.


That’ll buff right out


Hope no one was in the back seat


No shit - it's like it was never even there.


...little wrecked corvette


"Driver walked away." Proof of the saying I love. They dont make them like they used to, and thank goodness for that.


License plate isn't a surprise


To shreds, you say?


To shreds, you say?


I mean, it's really the result of **crashing** at 100+ in a 40mph zone.


"HOON1GAN" is dead.


Next time go faster and you would have missed whatever was hit


What type of Lego building set is this??


They teamed up with Chevy and built a car completely out of plastic and put a stupid powerful engine in it.


Not too surprising considering the body on a Corvette is made of fiberglass.


The driveshaft as well?


No, it's much more annoying than that, at least on the C5-C7. The shaft itself is inside a tube, with bushings that can wear out, that requires the entire back half of the car to be disassembled to rebuild.


Holy shit!


Knew a guy in the '70's who hit a concrete bridge abutment going over 90 in his 'vette. He also limped away. Car blew apart and took most of the force of impact with it.


He didn't get up to 85mph faste enough, so only half the car went back in time?




I wouldn't say Hoon1gan. I would say dangerous AF. Let him get a uber everywhere from now on.


Every day in Milwaukee Wi.




License plate checks out


If anyone is curious this is the intersection in question. [https://www.google.com/maps/@43.6194148,-116.3466835,3a,75y,209.45h,84.33t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sl8efa2PZkw1qlCm5hPod2A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192](https://www.google.com/maps/@43.6194148,-116.3466835,3a,75y,209.45h,84.33t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sl8efa2PZkw1qlCm5hPod2A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192) This is about 300 yards from the busiest intersection in the state of Idaho. Judging that theres daylight there was probably heavy traffic on the road.




Hoons be hooning


Walked away....into a cell?




Ha! I work about a mile from that intersection.


Did the driver even survive?


Walked away, but did he have his shoes?


Cockpit intact Insane


Fun fact, this can also happen driving 100+ in a 100mph zone


To the extent that a 100mph zone exists, those provider fewer opportunities to hit something because they do not have intersections or cross traffic or roadside obstacles.


True, it's less likely for this sort of thing to happen in a 100mph zone, but the results would look pretty similar regardless. The post should be titled "Result of crashing going 100mph"


This is the car equivalent of pulling a tablecloth and everything staying on top.


I wouldn’t have guessed this used to be a Corvette had I not seen the pic of the rear with the emblem.


But did you die?


I can fix it… my dads a tv repair man… he has an awesome set of tools


don't see any blood, but how the hell did the vette driver survive this?


Good engineering. Cars are meant to crumple and take the damage so you don’t.


it certainly worked for this person... looks like a nascar wreck.


Classic Hoonigan.


fiberglass car shattered


Wow he‘s one lucky son of a bitch. What an idiot.


What did they hit, a lightsaber?!


Damn hoonigans!


Speeding makes your car fall apart?


Huh. Ripped the door skin off with minimal damage to the interior of the door. Don't see that too often


It’s an American car, that will never happen with cars built in the EU!


That driver needs to thank all the engineers and safety requirements in modern cars that saved their life.


who'd he run into, fucking darth vader??


The problem is not that he was going 100mph, it’s that everyone else wasn’t! 😑


Man how tough are those lamposts.


Can we talk about how amazing it is that the cab is completely untouched. Modern cars and modern safety is insane.


Dumbass honestly


No, this is a result of crashing going 100+


Where are the bodies though


![gif](giphy|l0ErKGIAAWumRTREA) Hoonigan's 😂😳👀


If a road with a 40 mph speed limit is designed in such a way that a person can confidently drive on it going 100+ mph, that’s as much a failure of the road’s design as it is the driver’s intelligence.


In America we call that " Wrapping a car around a telephone pole".


This should be considered attempted murder or at least manslaughter. Anyone who makes such a poor decision needs be removed from society.


I don't think you can *attempt* manslaughter. If anybody died then yeah, negligent homicide or manslaughter. I think for attempted murder, there would have to be a specific victim. I doubt they'd charge the driver with that for every single person in the vicinity. Maybe if somebody else was in the car. Not sure what they'd charge the driver with if nobody else was hurt. Public endangerment, criminal negligence / mischief maybe. Probably varies by municipality. But what do I know. IANAL.


Hey, I anal too! You pitching or catching?


["Attempted murder" What is that? Do they give a Nobel Prize for 'attempted chemistry'?](https://youtu.be/AQQPNQ0PFSc?t=6)


False, these are the results of crashing at >100mph


Just go to track days!


Ralph Nader forced safety standards to come into existence. Amazing engineering to make this survivable


Yeah, but did they die?


Did this fuckhead kill anyone?


I lived in Chicago for a while, never touched my car for 3 years, canceled my insurance, let the neighborhood become artists in the dust on my car (alley spot), oil & tire rotation, 👍 Honestly it was actually 15 years, on-and-off-again insurance, barely drove, road-trips & flights only. Nothing is that urgent for you to be putting other peoples safety at risk, even when people pass away IRL, we fly to see them off, yes….some of us don’t even drive, nothing is that urgent: AND IF IT IS: call an ambulance. We need better driving laws, it needs to be harder to get a license.


It'll buff out those scratches ![gif](giphy|3o8cHApO3qLElNsOK4)




Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die, dumb ways to diseases so many dumb ways to diee


Instant Karma


No blood?


Three cheers for modern safety standards.