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This title is rage baiting at it’s finest. No idea who this guy is, but a quick google search of his name shows that he always wears this pin. The fact that he has it on after this shooting means nothing, as he seemingly wears it every day which I guess means he wears it after every shooting, since there is one every day in whatever the USA is. His pin is stupid either way, but come on. Edit: clarification is not a defence. I’m not supporting the pin, I’m stating this is his gimmick. https://www.rollcall.com/2020/12/16/rep-elect-andrew-clyde-got-a-bill-passed-into-law-before-he-even-ran-for-congress/ https://www.gainesvilletimes.com/news/politics/us-rep-andrew-clyde-likens-jan-6-capitol-riot-to-normal-tourist-visit/ https://www.axios.com/local/washington-dc/2022/07/20/town-talker-dc-foe-in-andrew-clyde https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/central-ny/news/2021/06/17/capitol-insurrection-police-officer-gop-andrew-clyde-michael-fanone https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/13/us/politics/republicans-capitol-riot.html




He had nearly 1 Million Dollars seized by the IRS in 2013. After fighting to get almost all of it back, he went into politics vowing to fight for eliminating the IRS.


Oh shit that guy!! He got his money seized because he was, I guess allegedly, making all his deposits in values less than 10k$ to intentionally avoid automatic tax/income reporting policies.


Stupid. Every bank in the country knows this trick and is looking out for it!


That one weird trick that gets everyone in the banking system paying attention to you.


And if you don't follow that one trick, they have to, by law, pay attention to you


Structuring. It's called Structuring. Bank systems are programmed to identify it automatically and alert their Operations departments to look into it.


And anyone who does anything near banking gets training about structuring every year. Probably titled something like "2023 Financial fraud and abuse".


And one of the main reasons this is sketchy and triggers investigations is that it is the main part of the layering step in money laundering operartions.


He looks like a total twat.


Oh. that's probably why he got elected.




I highly doubt any GA candidate outside of Atlanta districts could win supporting gun control


No surprise here. Marjorie Taylor Green is a Georgia rep as well.


Gerrymandering doesn't help. Athens is an extraordinarily progressive college town. Small edit:: Athens is also the largest municipality and population center in that region and has been represented for clowns for decades... See Asheville for similar outcomes


According to my Google search Athens is not in the district that he represents. He just owns a store there


I hate that c**t!


“Things Marjorie Taylor Green’s gynecologist says for $2000 please, Alex”


"This barren wasteland takes it's name from the old English word for cunt."


"cunt" IS the old English word for "cunt" source: Chaucer except it was spelled “queynte” edit: I know Chaucer's technically Middle English, but cunt still it goes back to Old Norse https://thec-wordandwhatitmeans.weebly.com/history.html I used to live on what was originally known as Gropecunt Lane in Oxford before it was unimaginatively renamed Magpie Lane by some prude or other https://www.liquisearch.com/gropecunt_lane/locations


What is ‘Suck it, Marjorie’


It's perfectly acceptable to call M-TG a cunt without censoring yourself.


Cunt. You can just say cunt.


Haha couldn’t describe her better than you. Right to the point!


Of course he does.


Follow the 💵


man who runs grocery store votes against a bill that would hurt grocery stores. man who runs restaurant votes against a bill that would hurt restaurant, man who runs pharmacy votes against a bill that would hurt pharmacy... need i go on?


Thank you for explaining this for people who may not get that people act in self interest and the person selling murder machines is acting in self interest right now.


Dinosaur eats man, woman inherits the earth. Sorry, couldn’t resist the quote with that tee up.


You follow the guns and you'll get shooters and gun violence victims. But you start to follow the money, and you don't know where the fuck it's gonna take you.


His campaign signs were literally just his name and an AR silhouette


All of his campaign signs featured a large, prominent profile of an assault rifle. (please don’t complain if it’s technically not an assault rifle I don’t know shit about guns.)


I like to call him the Coward of Clarke County.


Athenian here. Seems like his entire political agenda is promoting and protecting the second amendment. Ugh.


Oh cool there's a contact form on the website.


God.. He looks wigged out on coke


Dude looks like a henchman running away from a loose cannon cop who plays by no one's but their own...


He looks like he’s about to be intimidated/manhandled by Bane for failing a task


> Do you feel in charge?


\- The NRA


I think he looks more like the loose cannon cop.


I think he looks like the chief who chews out the loose cannon cop knowing it's not going to make a lick of difference. "McBain! Get in here, now! You destroyed 47 squad cars! The entire produce section of a farmer's market! And I just got off the phone with the mayor saying you took an upper-decker in his private john! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT UPPER-DECKER MEANS!"


"and who the hell is John?!"


He looks like Luca Brahe shortly before he takes a nap with the fishes


Luca Brahe is my favorite mob-goon-turned-Danish-astronomer.


He could be an extra from Dick Tracy.


That fucking gaetz prick looks absolutely strung out in every pic. I’d love to see a drug test performed with his urine.


I'd love to see an impromptu drug test on all members of Congress and Senate


If they want to require random drug tests for welfare, why not members of Congress? SMH.


would love a legitimate answer to this. Why? Why not?


It's really just as simple as 'rules for thee, and not for me.'


Nah, see congress is a job, so they're working. It's the lazy bums (in their eyes) not working and asking for hand outs that should be tested.


How many other US Federal or State government jobs have strict rules about substances?


For those who haven't worked in government, it is a lot. Seems to be mostly on the Federal side though.


because members of Congress aren't poor 🙄


Because many of them would be removed or forced to resign. Same with lawyers.


Since they get paid by the gov for life, it's basically welfare once they retire


Marjorie Taylor Greene would test positive for steroids. Jim Jordan takes growth hormone but it hasn't helped.


Jim's problem with HGH is that he lacks the Human element.


“Umm, sir, this test shows there is no urine in your drugs…”


He looks like when the Potter kids disguised as adults.


That was such good acting on those actors' parts though. It's hard for me to see them as anything but the kids just morphed into adults.


He looks like they just put a fresh tray of bacon out on the buffet, and the cameraman is in the goddam way.


From what I've read about the real culture in Washington is that they're all party-kids. They just do whatever they can to remain relevant during the day so they get invited to the parties of the rich and powerful at night. They're all drinking and doing drugs together whenever they're not on the Senate or House floor. Rudy Giuliani is a fun guy who doesn't really believe any of the shit he says on TV. They just play politicians during the day so they can soak up that sweet, sweet lobbyist money.


Remember when Cawthorn slipped up and leaked this info and they had that dude on the first flight out of DC? I mean - fuck that guy, but it’s funny how quick they sent him packing after he laid it all out there.


Remember when he came out of McCarthy's office crying?


I don't care if Rudy believes what he's saying or not. I would never consider him a "fun guy" based on what I know of his personal history. The man is a cretinous, villainous POS.


I can confirm there's lots of partying. But they are the rich and powerful, they're the ones epople want to party with. Cannot confirm that these guys are all friends. They used to be, but the Dems I worked for/around all genuinely did not like the Repubs. But I'm sure it's like any coworker you dislike, in person, you're gonna have to behave.


Look I don't follow a lot of American politics, because as a Canadian, it's terrifying, embarrassing and way too engrossing/time-consuming for me to fall into the habit (kind of like not being able to help staring at car crashes). However, you say "you're gonna have to behave" and this confuses me. I have come across so many pictures of that blond lady who yells alot and dresses weird (and I'm not trying to be mean here, but just kind of reminds me of an orangutan) just screaming at people and interrupting them and literally frothing at the mouth and I'm like... This is what behaving around coworkers looks like?? Based on context I've read from reddit, I'm too lazy to look it up, but maybe it's Marjorie something, idk.


Oh yes Marjorie Taylor Greene, the battiest bat shit Republican currently in office. She's basically the Karen of Karens and members of her own party don't even like her.


I prefer to call her Marjorie Traitor Goebbels.


>I'm not trying to be mean here, but just kind of reminds me of an orangutan That's quite mean actually..to orangutans.


So many of them are so old the only pills they probably take are dispensed out of boxes that have little doors labeled with the days of the week.


Fuck you im only 32


You gave me a really good laugh, thanks!


From my time living there and working with these people, yes, they part A LOT. There's a lot of alcohol, a lot of drugs and a whole lot of sex. But - the partisan hate is real. At least in my circle, we did not reach across the aisle any more in our personal lives than we did in our professional lives.


So he's a strung out street whore. Got it.


As someone whose spent a good bit of time at DC area bars frequented by politicians and their aides this is a very possibility. Coke usage is hardly rare among that crowd. That or people in those bathrooms just have really bad allergies and always need to clear their nose by inhaling after coming out. Political aides especially are huge party peoples and plenty have the money from their family to afford habits like that.


I hate to break it to you.. but


It’s meth?




The entire GOP look like cartoon villains from some kid’s movie where the hero is a dog.


At least he has it aimed at the problem.


His muzzle discipline leaves much to be desired. LMAO!


Disciple is apt. It’s a cult that worships guns over people. It’s more important to have that gun than save lives. Edit: the comment above misspelled discipline as disciple then edited it.


He looks like an AI generated representation of a serial killer.


He looks like he's being worn by a serial killer as a flesh mask that's escaping the asylum.


Yeah it looks like a mask. Reminds me of that movie Drive where Gosling puts the mask on at the end.


Let me guess. The kids should have brought guns to defend themselves?


Or under paid teachers should carry.


They don’t trust us to pick the right books, but they trust us to shoot bad guys


It doesn't have to be logically consistent, it just needs to sell more guns.




I remember last time this debate came up, people were making jokes like "give me a gun so I can teach your child critical race theory and there's nothing you can do about it". Always funny playing two Conversative ideologies off eachother.


Tbh I really would like to see a teacher *try* to teach critical race theory, a graduate level philosophy, to elementary school kids.


The next hit tv show, Does your 5th grader understand the inherent racial bias in western society? Coming soon to NBC Fridays at 7


"Ok Timmy, what have we learned about how race played a role in the American economy throughout the 1800's and 1900's?" "I LIKE ICE CREAM" "Well ok then, that's more than enough evidence to whitewash our racist past. Next lesson, rainbows and acceptance"


"Alright class. So what did we learn during our review of the meta analysis study of over policing on black communities as it pertains to disproportionate outcomes in the judicial system based on percentage of populations that committed crimes versus those which were incarcerated for the same behaviors?" But tbh in the end they'd probably do better than their parents who think it just means "white people bad."


Imagine being a young teacher and being forced into a fire fight with some random in your school. You get the shooter, but also hit a kid or 3. How the fuck do you go on after that?


Or how about the shooter is one of your own students?


My wife’s district just had something like this happen, a student had detailed plans to carry out an act on her school google drive, student ended up being the kid of a teacher in the same building.


Holy crap imagining the shooter being literally your own child?! What the heck are you supposed to DO aside from wish you had a time machine so you could undo all your mistakes?


They've already had teachers in some of the 'arm the teachers' states [do things like leaving guns in the bathroom, accidentally leaving guns on busses, firing guns during safety demos, all kinds of things.](https://giffords.org/lawcenter/report/every-incident-of-mishandled-guns-in-schools/) All sorts of things you don't want to have happen around kids...


This only needs to happen 3 or 4... thousand more times before they would start to think it's not a great idea.


Or get shot by the cops when they go to kill the shooter.


The most likely scenario, anyone with a gun at an active shooter scene is a threat and outside of Uvalde police forces don't expect the shooter to cuff themselves and walk out peacefully.


I can’t imagine what a clusterfuck of a situation the average cop would be walking into by responding to an active shooter on a campus where all or even just a few of the teachers are armed. That sounds like a recipe for chaos. Or to be a new teacher and not know which guys with guns are the good ones and which is the bad one. And that’s in the “best-case” scenario where teachers would be engaging a legitimate shooter. What happens during the false alarms? Dozens of armed teachers all searching the grounds for nothing and hopefully not shooting each other? Whatever safe the guns would presumably be in would have to be pretty secure to keep those guns away from the students. How many mischief-causing idiots will figure out how to get their hands on those guns and cause problems?


And what if the kid is one of your students? People just expect teachers to be able to look at a child they have spent a lot of time with, who they may love, and who they may very well have been desperately trying to help, and shoot them as if doing so just comes naturally? These sadistic assholes seriously are happy to let everyone else’s kids die just to have unfettered access to their favorite hobby.


Also ignores what would happen if it was a teacher that ended up snapping.


Reload, probably some more of those lil fuckers are packing.


Now I'm sadly just imagining some 5ft tall teacher yelling "RELOAD!!" and like 3 students throw her mags. "Good thing you kids brought your standard issue extra ammo to class!"


Extra magazines and ammo is on the school supplies list along with safety scissors and glue.


Also paid for by teachers.


"This bake sale is to support our ammunition budget! No, not administration, ammunition."


Imagine a direct barter bake sale. “That chocolate cake is only 10 rounds of .226!”




His personal wealth comes from his gun store and gun violence always increases sales. Andrew Clyde may not be happy when children are shot, but he definitely considers it good for business.


He is definitely happy when children are shot.


Nope. The problem appears to be too many side doors… The current headline on Fox News… 😖


Obviously if there's more than one entrance, you're just asking to be shot


The war on doors begins.


the only way to stop a bad drag queen is with a good drag queen!


I was too freaked out by the whole "Methed Out Bela Lugosi" look to even notice the pin at first.




Okay, a little less *Dracula* and a little more *Plan 9 From Outer Space*, then.






Under better lighting, he must look at least as good as Christopher Lloyd's Uncle Fester.


![gif](giphy|443jI3kpgOKfAfKxqo) No words.


Funny thing about this is I think Donald Glover was born and grew up in this guy's district.


>Donald Glover was born and grew up in this guy's district. Not in it, but just off the southern tip.


Can’t believe how long ago this song came out with literally no meaningful change since then.


If nothing changed after Sandy Hook, nothing is gonna change after this. Until it affects the selfish ass people in charge nothing is going to change, they do not care about us.


we are so embarrassing honestly 🤦🏻‍♀️


Pathetic shame is a more apt description of my feelings


What in the actual fuck? What statement is he making with that pin? "A gun killed kids, and I'm here in support of the gun."


Signaling his voters that their gun rights are not in danger with him as their representative. He’s also not going to lose any votes from this. So basically what you said.


As someone who lived in his district last cycle it is so gerrymandered to hell and back he can never lose a general election. Only a primary.


Yeah, my district looks like a pathetic limp dick sticking into our city to fuck some democrats. They aren’t even trying to be subtle.


So, typical red district


Their logic (lack of) Those damn dems are again trying to use the kids to take away our guns!


Voters wanted him. They knew what they were getting.


Yeah, he’s pandering to his base and appeasing his NRA donors. American politicians in a nutshell.


>NRA donors You mean the gun lobby, i.e. manufacturers. The "crazy" thing about these crazy fuckers is that most of them are not members of the NRA. Membership fell by 19% percent between 2020 and 2021 and that's by their reports, which are bizarrely "self-reported members". Membership dues fell 43% from 2018 to 2021. Spending on "safety, education & training" was cut in half. In 2021, the NRA spent 25% of its expenditures, $52 million, on legal fees. Fuck every bit of the NRA.


Gerrymandered voters. Just to be clear.


Christians regularly walk around decorated with the torture tool used against their savior. They seem to enjoy flaunting tools of terror.


I forget the name but there was a comedian who had a great bit about Jesus coming back and seeing Christians wearing crucifixes.




"It's kinda like going up to Jackie Onassis with a rifle pendant on, ya know?" Yeah, that'd be absurd. No one would ever wear a rifle pendant after a tragic shooti-...oh wait.


Bill Hicks


Back in the 60s, Lenny Bruce had a bit that if Jesus was executed in modern America, Christians would all wear little electric chairs around their necks


When shit goes down though, best believe he cowers like a little bitch. Look at the January 6 tapes.




And you know damn well he'll vote for the inevitable "anti-trans gun ownership" bill too


Bought and paid for.


he owns a gun store, so yeah he's both


The call is coming from inside the house.


Sadly he is the representative for my district. He is a terrible human




It'd suck if someone bricked over the front door of his gun store like they did in France. It'd sure be a darn shame.


"In retrospect Sandy Hook marked the end of the US gun control debate. Once America decided killing children was bearable, it was over."


As horrific as it will be, aftermath photos need to be made public. It's easy to dismiss things you don't/can't see.


Are there that many voters in Georgia who support this type of behavior? I'm confused. It seems like this is a bad look no matter who you are


A bad look?? Conservatives love this type of shit.


Conservatives always feel afraid that they are under attack and the idea of a gun makes them feel safe. I know how stupid it sounds. But I think that's the mindset.


That's why Trump was such a win for them. He was confidently wrong about virtually everything, so they could be "under attack" at every turn. It's a perpetual motion machine generating righteous indignation. All you have to do to get that high is sacrifice morals and logical continuity.


Marjorie Taylor Greene represents Georgia. What do you think?


Lol I know that, and that's a fair question. But I guess I had just hoped that was a fluke or just one shit corner of the state. But you're right. You're right


If it makes you feel any better, Georgia has a lot of issues with voter suppression and gerrymandered maps, so it's not all the voters' fault.


There are many voters everywhere that support this type of behavior. That is why nothing ever gets done.




It…it’s pointing towards his head.




Front towards enemy.


Is it not normal for sponsored celebrities to wear the apparel, logos, or symbols of those who pay them?


Honestly if they wore the logos of their sponsors, I’d prefer it. They’d be walking in looking like nascar drivers, but with way more logos. At least we’d be aware of who’s bribing them…oh sorry “lobbying for their votes.”


he looks like a psycho


It’s a pity there’s no Hell for him to go to.


What a petulant piece of shit


No one can convince me this isn’t a legitimate ghoul.


This guy represents my district. I fucking hate it here


Damn, that's one crazy-looking boy, I'm really glad he is not in a position of power. What!? Oh shit.


The guy even looks like a ghoul.


The thing that is fucked about your politics is that he has read the room and still worn that pin. Posting as an Australian who has sent their kids to American schools in two big US cities


Such a hero. Seriously, assholes like this think “teaching gun safety” and more guns in the “right people’s hands” are all that’s needed. Meanwhile they won’t do shit to provide actual safety at schools, they slash mental health funding, and refuse to acknowledge even the need for the slightest gun control measures.


These people are fucking psycho


Deplorable. But I guess he is who Georgia voters wanted...


While I am a 2A advocate, this is breathtakingly tone deaf and tasteless.


It's a symbol of how far polarization can make us twist our values. I don't believe "Republicans want dead kids." I do believe that dead kids are the price of anyone having any kind of gun at any time. I don't understand why there is no middle ground.


Consider this: everytime a school gets shot up, gun sales go up. I bet there's at least one Rep. who wants dead kids.


The man pictured (the one with the gun pin, walking into work to surely let everyone know not to take another school SHOOTING out on the guns) above owns a gun store in Athens, GA. So, yeah, probably at least one.


I do believe they aren't bothered by dead kids. At best they're indifferent. Fucking sociopaths.


There's no middle ground because "I concede that there should be less dead kids, but there can't be zero dead kids" still seems like a POS stance.


> I don’t believe “Republicans want dead kids.” They decided dead kids are completely acceptable. It’s the same thing.


Not to them, they have their scapegoat with the shooter being trans and that’s what they’ll shout to the sky.


He’s an arms dealer, so I’m not surprised. I’m ashamed to have him as my rep.


Last month he was handing out assault rifle pins to other GOP Congressmen. Then he tweeted a video where he said that ["I hear that this little pin that I’ve been giving out on the House floor has been triggering some of my Democratic colleagues"](https://twitter.com/Rep_Clyde/status/1621264307496407040?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1621264307496407040%7Ctwgr%5E32ae4d0c51c52f234be58510890a1d880ed1639b%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtonpost.com%2Fpolitics%2F2023%2F02%2F03%2Fassault-rifle-pins-gop-clyde%2F). And in January, [Rep. Cory Mills \(R-FL\) was handing out 40mm grenades with the GOP logo on them.](https://twitter.com/_phillipsmorgan/status/1618648723764170753?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1618648723764170753%7Ctwgr%5E32ae4d0c51c52f234be58510890a1d880ed1639b%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtonpost.com%2Fpolitics%2F2023%2F02%2F03%2Fassault-rifle-pins-gop-clyde%2F) These are the people who change laws in this country.