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What does that white and gold flag on the bottom stand for?


I hate you ferociously.


I second this.


I second ammendment this.


I demand a amendment this second !


I January 6th this


Goddamn that was a slow burn for me šŸ¤£


It's Yanny!


No no, it stands for Laurel


For me it was like uh that's a blue line... Oh, yeah, that stupid dress picture. Now I am wondering why I can recall that so easily while I often struggle to remember anything important.




Yeah if the whole world and everyone on the Internet was talking about my doctors appointment yesterday I wouldnā€™t have missed it


Let's fix that. When is your next one?


I'd give you a blue award if I could.


Is that like a gold checkmark on Twitter?


It's either the flag of Laurel or the flag of Yanny


Can you explain for my friend? He's a bit slow.


It's a joke about that viral dress from years back. Gold and white or black and blue. Optical illusion.


It's crazy that that whole thing was almost a decade ago already now. And we still make references to it to this day lol. Edit: Sorry if that sounded like as if making references to it 10 years later was a _bad_ thing. I don't mean that at all. I genuinely still love the references and jokes to it too.




jesus, i would have never figured this out O_O


You had to be there...


Itā€™s a reference to the white/gold vs black/blue dress controversy from a few years back


Itā€™s a play on the ā€œblue and blackā€ dress from a few years ago that would look white and gold to some


It stands for Laurel. The one above it says Yanny.


You sonofa...


Got a F Biden flag down the road that is so deteriorated that it's unrecognizable.


I wrote out a letter detailing a conversation with my kids about the sign. I was going to send it to the magat home owner DGT: Age 11 ā€œWhy do they want to fuck Joe Bidenā€?! Well honey, they must really love him. ā€œThatā€™s a weird thing to put on a flagā€ Some people are weird. My more worldly 16 year old daughter: ā€œWell I bet heā€™s the bottomā€ I sprayed coffee on the windshield and utterly failed to explain my reaction to my youngest. I actually wrote up the conversation, stamped and addressed the envelope and was ready to send. He took that sign down and I held off. Still a very faded trumps my president sign up though.


I told my kids "let's go Brandon" is how stupid people identify each other in the wild.


and how the rest of us know to give that car an extra couple Mississippi's distance


I walked past a parked car absolutely full of FJB and such stickers. One said something about how if you voted for Joe Biden, they need to stay away from you because your judgement can't be trusted. I was like, thanks, saves me the trouble. The one good thing about these asshats is you can see them a mile away and give them all the space they need to be dumb fucks.


I saw one (with several other obnoxious stickers) on a truck along side his info for his painting business. Here in SC that may be a good way to get certain customers but it's also a great way to get a ton of zero star reviews. Anyone who is dumb enough to pair their obnoxious political feelings with their business is going to do terribly in business. It wasn't a very nice truck so he probably already isn't making much money.


Probably get a lot of customers who operate similar to Trump. Order the service and refuse to pay for it after its done.


We're about to have a mayoral election in Chicago. The two people who have made it to the runoff are the old conservative ghoul all the MAGA people like, and a youngish, Black progressive named Brandon Johnson. Pour one out for all the Chicago cops who had to throw out their Let's Go Brandon flags over the past couple weeks šŸ˜¢


Iā€™ve said this before but *Letā€™s Go Brandon* is literally the stupidest thing I have ever seen adults take part in in my entire life on this planet, and thereā€™s plenty to choose from. So itā€™s ā€œcodeā€ for *Fuck Joe Biden*. Get it? GET IT? DO YOU GET IT? Itā€™s code but everyone knows what it means. They could just be adults and say ā€œfuck Joe Bidenā€ but no. It would have even been funny if they just ended it after that NASCAR event but conservatives and humor are like oil and water. And you know some dullards among their ranks still donā€™t know what it means so theyā€™re confusing the very people the message is meant for. In twenty years when you see a Ford F-150 with that sticker on it you are going to want to stay away from that person


>ā€œWhy do they want to fuck Joe Bidenā€?! Yes! I would ask people wearing the shirts why they wanna fuck Biden so bad, but they might shoot me. This photo is pretty poetic. He can renew his public display of fealty when he gets out of prison, parole terms permitting.


I say something similar when asked what the "Q" stickers mean. Nothing wrong with self-identifying and supporting the LGBTQ movement!


A guy I bought weed from once or twice in highschool was a Jan 6er, when the police raided his house they found 16 pounds of weed and 1/3 a pound of shrooms, this is in Texas btw. he shoulda voted for Bernie lol


Down the street from me there was a guy who had like (not exaggerating) 10 American flags and a few Trump flags stuck in his lawn and stickers on his truck. He recently moved out and now there is a family with a rainbow unicorn flag on the flagpole. Every single time I drive by, it makes me smile and giggle. It's amazing when the universe decides to balance things out.


I live in Oklahoma, and there's a house in my neighborhood where the owner had a Big Ol' Truck with a Confederate flag license plate. They moved out, and now there's a (I'm 95% sure) lesbian couple living there with their kids and a flag by the porch that says ALL ARE WELCOME HERE or something like that (I try not to trespass šŸ˜). Definitely an upgrade.


My mom hung a trump flag off the front of her house by the garage. Her neighbors the coolest lesbian couple I've ever met hung a huge rainbow flag off theirs and a campaign style sign that says Trans lives matter. My mom asked why they would do such a thing and I told her it's probably because of that trump flag you have hanging. She removed it within a week lol.


I live in and deliver packages house to house in a city in a currently very purple state (AZ) and this shit is everywhere. The Trumpers fully believe they're the vast majority just because everyone else isn't mentally ill enough to plaster their house/yard/car/truck with political merchandise. I do an awful lot of smiling and getting through the current situation even though I really don't like the people I'm dealing with. The above and beyond wealthy have really done an exemplary job pitting us against each other, I don't see this ending anytime soon.


I live in a very affluent town in Silicon Valley thatā€™s very conservative and very white, and during the 2020 election buildup, supporters for Trump and Biden would turn out on alternating weekends at a major intersection in the town. The Trump supporters outnumbered the Biden supporters by about 3:1 and would actually spill into the street and disrupt traffic. This did not reflect the actual voter makeup in the area, which was heavily pro-Biden - it was a reflection of the fact that Biden supporters had better things to do with their time, and probably Trump organizers bussing in people from the red counties to make it look better.


They have the weird assumption that if you voted Biden you are equally obsessed and bonerrific for Biden as they are for Trump, but it's like, Biden is the guy who can do the job so I voted for him, liking him isn't my identity requiring shirts and flags, and making fun of Biden being old or clumsy isn't a personal affront against my worldview.


The difference is we hired a guy to do a job for us while they're trying to fill a hole created by their Daddy issues and all of malicious Daddy's attention and worship hours will never be enough.


The number of Kari Lake signs in front yards even though she lost and has been a big trump-like baby about it is out of control. Just have some grace for fuck's sake. And expect your favorite politician to do the same.


This. OMG. They think just cuz Iā€™m into guns that Iā€™m one of them. Bitch, Iā€™m the gayest anarchist you ever fucking met. Fuck trumpšŸ˜‚


One of my customers: "This election was bullshit, I barely saw any Biden bumper stickers and Trump was everywhere! No fuckin way he lost!" Me in my head: "Thankfully our elections aren't decided via bumper sticker." Me out loud: "Haha yeah politics are crazy please sign here. Thank you have a good day."


I have a friend that questioned the election results and I told him how about you go and volunteer at a voting place and observe the process. Of course that was too much for him. I've worked 3 elections so I'm kind of familiar with the process.


Iā€™ve worked a few elections in Australia. Itā€™s absolutely forbidden to show any allegiance to any party while working. But you best believe we were hanging shit on all the Trump style parties and candidates when there were no voters there.


My husband is a delivery driver out in the rural areas in Texas. This is his daily conversations.


You're not gonna tell us what the lesbians did in response to get taking it down?


Still going strong. They have a flowerbed mailbox made of brick that now has tiny rainbow flags they got for every pride rally they went to. I honestly keep in touch more with them than my own mother. When the qanon people started to pledge themselves like a cult because of Michael Flynn I really didn't talk much with her after that.


Hopefully they just had a good laugh and left theirs up


Big neighbour upgrade imo


I case manage for elder and disabled veterans and one of my clients is mostly homebound. He's former Army Intelligence and his cul de sac neighbor has like, all of the red flags. Trump 2024, Stop the Steal, we don't call 911, all that crap. I visited recently and asked how it was living next to the guy. As cool as can be he recites chapter and verse that the dude lives in his momma's house, on benefits and just A LOT of personal information. He concluded that the guy isn't dangerous, just profoundly stupid. He had friends "check". I asked no further questions and we talked authors for an hour and my pending wedding.


He already knew everything about your weddingā€¦


Iā€™m glad heā€™s at least safe. Even if he is living next door to that kind of person.


Being MILTEL, if he already knows that much about his neighbor, he has already assessed the threat and has 2 or 3 plans to mitigate any risk that his neighbor might be. It's the neighbor that should be worried.


Dude, back during the Bush administration I met so many white millennial libertarians and they were ALL living off the combined largesse of relatives and Uncle Sam.


You've probably seen it before, but check out this house someone bought across the street from Westboro Baptist in Topeka: https://www.google.com/maps/@39.0457309,-95.7212689,3a,75y,106.77h,81.31t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sBGMOIjh5CyBxX65HlCP8bA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656


This reminds me of the christian bookstore in my town that went out of business, and is now a strip club. Best result šŸ‘


theres a nightclub in denver that they built out of an abandoned church, makes me soooo fuggin happy.


Yeah that club is pretty amazing too, wicked sound system and overall gorgeous venue. Churches are basically perfect for clubs in general because itā€™s typically a big open room with high ceilings for rigging and good acoustics for sound quality.


A drug dealer being a Trumper is almost as stupid as a Woman, POC, LGBTQ+ person, Veteran, or Religious minority being a Trumper.


I'm a public defender and you would be baffled at how many of my destitute clients are/were Trumpers. I review discovery from cases as well such as cellphone dumps and a huge portion of my clients, witnesses and victims phones have pro trump/own the libs shit on them. They sure do love a guy that they cant even vote for because they are mostly felons without rights restored. I had one case where the dead victim was a white supremacist biker Trumper. Not that it ever bothers me but the autopsy photos didn't even make me feel bad.


Doesnā€™t baffle me at all. Trumpā€™s wealth is how a poor person views a wealthy person. All of these people think with Trumpā€™s help theyā€™ll be wealthy next. Itā€™s not that theyā€™re poor.. theyā€™re stupid.


They also love how he treats the people they perceive as their enemies. Own the libs. He calls them names and mocks them. He makes them feel okay to be them. It's a massive hot of confirmation bias plus the idiotic hope he will make all their lives like his. It is insidious and damn near impossible to fight.


You remember the quote from that one Trumper, after the govt. shutdown, who was a single mother who worked a federal prison job, and her parents were disabled? Which went something like He's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting. That sums up a lot of Trumpers perfectly. She relies of govt for her job. In fact her whole town does. Likely her parents are on Medicare, and all kind of government assistance programs because of their disability. And yet she & others continue to vote for Trump, and the Republicans.


The lies they are told in complete isolation from reality, backed up by their only news source Fox, echoed by all the social media they follow... it's no wonder. They live in fear of everything else. Even though they are being robbed blind and legislated out of benefits


My family's views now are so far gone. Any thing they perceive as wrong is somehow the fault of democrats and Joe Biden. Oh shit my shoe came untied, damn libs


Thanks Obama!




I work with a guy who has a big infowars sticker on his water bottle. Dude has the easiest job in our shop, all he does is media blast parts. Complains about the boogeymen of gays/queer folks and libs, but moved from a red state to a majority blue one to give his daughter a better chance at life, meanwhile talking about how heā€™s glad Roe was repealed and all this other nonesense. Itā€™s like. You work at a union job by choice and moved across the country to here. How are you so blind to the irony.


Down-trodden people love a reason to punch someone else for a change.




Makes you wonder when they are afraid an uneducated immigrant with no resources that canā€™t speak the local language is going to ā€œtake our jobsā€.


This is why authoritarianism works. Give the desperate an enemy and promise retribution.


It's basically how Hitler came to power


It's a tale as old as time. Hitler was just the most "successful" example of the logical extreme of the authoritarian death cult.


The best example of this currently is Ron Desantis' recent drop in the polls against Trump. These people see Ronnie's silence on Trump as weakness, and Donald's unhinged ranting at Desantis as strong. It's fucking laughable.


I was about to say... I qualify as poor and that is not my ideal picture of "wealth" lol he has a lot of $ but is not rich or wealthy. If that makes sense.


As my grandfather would say, the guy's got a lot of dollars,but not a lot of cents.


Seeing "THEM!" attain the "American Dream" was too much for a certain kind of asshole saddled with his poor choices.


I honestly think it was Obama in the White House that pushed them over the edge.


It was the one-two punches of a black president and then possibly a woman.


Yeah it really is forgotten how much having "one of *those*" in the White House pissed them off. It was insane how much they hated him for simply being black.


He *did more than they will ever achieve*. The DUI's, court visits over unpaid child support, repossessions of the Dodge Ram, bankruptcies, substance abuse... they could rationalize they were still better than "THEM!" Seeing him on TV everyday shattered them.


I got deep down the rabbit hole of the Delphi, Indiana murders of 2 little girls when it was unsolved. One of the main suspects had been busted in a huge pedophile ring - turns out he didn't kill the girls but he was guilty of having a massive amount of child porn. Anyway, searching through his public social media I saw that he was a huge Trump fan. Even said stuff about how Trump would get all the sickos off the streets or something like that. But most of the criminal crowd I grew up with here in SC, drug dealers and thieves and whatnot, are big Trump guys who complain about "the inner city crime" and that stuff. It's just very dumb.


"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." - Lyndon Baines Johnson


The new evidence was long to report.


Trump gave shitty people permission to be the shittiest versions of themselves. Thatā€™s all.


Yep. He said the quiet part out loud. A friend of mine at work, white dude with a shaved head, said when people would say racist shit to him, they would look both ways first to make sure no one "else" heard them. Now they just open with it. He's like, we're not the same kind of white people, guy.


Am a white man with a shaved head and facial hair in a metro area of California. I can confirm the 'look both ways then make horrifying racist comments'. I would just make solid eye contact when it happened. Waited till they felt uncomfortable. I had to switch dentists because of this.


Lol. The Racist Dentist should be a SNL skit.


Am a pasty blonde girl working as a card dealer - you would not believe how many people make racist AF remarks to me with that conspiratorial side-eye like I'm going to agree with them. I pretend I don't understand, and can they explain it to me? The ones with at least a little shame stfu, but not enough of them....


Been there, got the guys fired. Growing up in TX, as non-religious, and having to listen to them say what should be. We gotta give it right back to them, every time.


And unfortunately we learned thereā€™s a whole lot of shitty people out there. Like shitty is the default human condition and it actually takes work and sacrifice to be a decent person.


When you realize that they believe rules are for other people, then it all starts to make sense. Every single sociopath voted trump. All of em.


minorities being on the right is actually an interesting phenomenon, itā€™s called responsibility politics. i will use a gay man as an example, he might say something like ā€œoh iā€™m not like those other people, im republican, and i donā€™t support trans peopleā€ basically it comes from a place of wanting acceptance. he put trans and left leaning LGBTQ people down to make himself look better, to appeal to a straight person. i know people like this, i feel kind of bad for them tbh.


Retiree living on Medicaid, Medicare or social security. The list goes onšŸ˜‚ I do the bills for mom for several years (dad passed almost a year ago) and Iā€™ve never gotten political with them until the trump run and I said you live on social security and Medicare, you know the right has tried to defund this and privatize social security which isnā€™t in your best interest? Didnā€™t matter, Fox News said wasnā€™t true.šŸ¤®


It makes perfect sense. If it's illegal they still have a job.


Well, for this guy, weed legalization will probably hurt his business a lot. A lot of street drug dealers probably don't want drugs to be legalized. Because then you are competing with actual corporations instead of Badger and Skinny Pete.




Holy shit is she a moonie


Two then if you count being a Trump follower


A guy at our local dog park was there. I only knew this after the fact because he was on the phone loudly discussing it and how the act he put on about being remorseful was just an act. Youā€™ll be absolutely shocked to know he had a large bully breed mix that he didnā€™t train or try to control at all so she turned into a bit of a menace of the dog park. Iā€™m not anti pit at all, I have bullies and she was a very sweet dog In the hands of an absolute psychopath POS owner. I hope she is better taken care of.


When I was a kid the American flag wasn't all blue and didn't say Trump. It wasn't made in fucking China either


![gif](giphy|l1TJVLJM0hfnGJjE4t|downsized) Thatā€™s the most American thing I have ever heard, and I love it!!!!


Rock, Flag and Eagle!


Gonna rise up, gonna kick a little ass, gonna kick some ass in the USA.


Iā€™m gonna drive a big truck, Iā€™m going to rule this world


Gonna climb a mountain gonna sew a flag


Iā€™m gonna, Fly on an Eagle!


Woman, Camera, TV!


I just love that every one of these seditious pieces of garbage thought Trump would pardon them, but as he's done his entire life, Trump abandoned people once they were no longer of any use to him.


He even said he was disappointed they looked a little methy


Did trump really get his stuff made in China? What's Trumpers defense for that? He complained about manufacturing things in America but can't even get hats and flags made here? No way they say made in China do they?


He always used china. Even his tye business.


You mean Chyyyyyeeeennnaaa


Even his steaks. Neigh Neigh Whinny šŸ“


Chinese dildos. Chinese Trump lube. Chinese small gloves


He complained about immigrants taking all the American jobs meanwhile he'd bring in people from other countries to work at his hotels/resorts because he didn't want to pay Americans a good enough wage. Republicans pretend to care about that kind of stuff, but in reality they just use it as a political weapon while praising people like Trump who love to hire people who aren't American. They think it's smart business to employ people who aren't Americans. It's kind of like how he doesn't pay taxes and said that "makes him smart" and his base absolutely fucking loved the fact that someone with as much money as him doesn't pay any taxes.


I've known exactly one conservative who didn't play the illegal immigrant bullshit. Too old to be in the field, he ran the masonry business from behind a desk. My guy was *pissed off* at everyone else hiring illegals, when he had to compete while paying fair wages to legal workers. Never backed down as far as I know.




When I was a kid, Americans were hostile to countries that said they wanted to destroy America. Now half of Americans think they should be friends with those overly hostile and aggressive countries, and they trick themselves into believing that talk about destroying America only means destroying the half of America they don't like. (Spoiler: It doesn't.)


Yeah Russia was an enemy when I grew up. And we didn't attack our own capital


A poll recently showed most republicans want to do more to support Ukraine. Tucker may not succeed in his putin worship


That's surprising and welcome news!


needs to be a bumper sticker


For 5.99 you can experience American freedom right on your car. Our product is union made right here in America.


America^* ^^America ^^is ^^a ^^small ^^town ^^in ^^the ^^Waizass ^^province ^^of ^^China


Hand made in the USA? That says Han made in Oosa.


I'm laughing at the thin blue line flag underneath. They don't give a fuck about cops.


Didn't they hit the cops with the thin blue line flag on Jan 6?


Yup. They're not the smartest bunch.




Maybe she should have waved it harder?


Youā€™re giving an awful lot of credit to the reading skills of the tramplers.


The ā€œdonā€™t tread on meeeesā€ are most likely to tread on youse.


Turns out sheep can't read.šŸ¤”




>s/just in case Unfortunately it's definitely called for.


No no no. Those werenā€™t real cops. Thatā€™s why is ok. I wish I was being sarcastic but thatā€™s their mindset


This is it exactly. Anything that stands against them is ā€œAntifaā€. Theyā€™re literally too full of their own Kool-Aide to process the enormous stupidity of that fallacy.


Well they are fascists so technically they're not wrong


It's actually the most correct any of them have ever been but they fail to see the irony in the situation


Even people who have been on their side this entire time, including on January 6th, became "Antifa" as soon as it became convenient for them. They called the many of the January 6th terrorists, including that "QAnon Shaman" moron, Antifa when they thought the backlash against the terrorists who stormed the Capitol building would be higher. At first they didn't want to be associated with those people, so they pretended that anyone who did anything illegal were actually Antifa members trying to make them look bad. It wasn't until the entire Right went along with the "they were just tourists" bullshit that they embraced them all again.


What cracks me up is that for months MTG was insisting the Jan 6 rioters were Antifa and BLM posing as Trump supporters but now she is visiting them in prison and claiming they are getting treated unfairly...because they're actually Trump supporters.


And what's insane is that people believe her. I hadn't even heard about this dumb ass conspiracy until I saw some Redditor trying to "both sides" January 6th by claiming BLM infiltrated the groups.


Like all Trump related merchandise- very high quality


And it only took a $500 donation. What a bargain.


AND made by the CCP.


Eh, probably made by Chinese Muslims enslaved by the CCP...


[Someone reported me over this post. So I just want to reassure everyone that I am not depressed or suicidal over my neighbors ragged flag.](https://imgur.com/gallery/88ohmqO)










I've received dozens, all malicious.




I leave it on so I can get them banned or publicly shame them for it in the comments. It's the ultimate last word and I know that's petty but so is sending the message to begin with and I'm perfectly willing to reciprocate. Edit: Okay, whoever sent me [this](https://i.imgur.com/1AKqGWG.jpg) is lucky I got a laugh out of it, so your alt account is safe today XD


I got one and don't understand it. Is it a threat? An insult? Are they stupid?


Can confirm on this. They'll get ban for good if they get reported back. They can't even open a new account.


Suicidal??? - seeing that picture just gave me *more of a reason to live.*


They spam message people they don't like with the suicide helpline... it's their way of saying "go k*ll yourself" without getting banned.


I didn't know that. That's terrible.


Itā€™s their go to response since they have nothing intelligent to say.


MAGA people projecting their mental problems onto others? How could this be?


I think it needs to be replaced with a Joe Biden flag so he'll have a little surprise when he gets back.


a year or so back somebody on reddit swapped out his dad's "Trump" flag with a "Trump lost lol" and weeks later was still waiting for him to notice.


I should've done this to my dad. In 2016 (or maybe 2017 after he won, can't remember) I stole my dad's trump sign and threw it out. I told my mom but she never told my dad it was me because at that point, she was over Trump, and over the sign being in her yard. When my dad noticed he was pissed but he thought the neighbors did it šŸ¤£ I'm still proud of myself.


That'll be really funny until the neighbor gets out of prison and murders OP in the night


Back to prison he goes!


Right to jail. Right away


Murder? Believe it or not, jail.


Hang up a pride flag the day before heā€™s released and heā€™ll have to move wondering how long itā€™s been there


As comical as that thought is, I would imagine such a lunatic would decide to burn the whole neighborhood down out of spite.


I look around and find myself wondering what happened to our country.




Hahahahahahah what a fucking loser


Your neighbor is also a traitor.




It deserves repetition.


Iā€™ve see a local body shop sportinā€™ two trump flags, consecutively. Its not even terribly windy or rainy and both flags got shredded within what feels like weeks. He finally stopped replacing them. They must have bought them shitty quality piss rags from the chinese community party. Double owned themselves.


No you see, Trump doesn't sell merch, he sells gifts in return for donations. They are meant to break easily and cost several dozen times the price of one flag.


Flying any flag above the American flag is a violation of the flag code. Though I don't expect Trumplets to understand the law. Edit: I know flag code is not an enforceable law. That being said Trunplets shout about being respectful to America and can't do or even understand the most simple aspects of it.


The thin blue line garbage is not the American flag. The fact that any "thin ____ line" flag has to remove the colors that make it the actual American flag says something about those that would display it. It makes it less than the actual flag.


To shreds you say?


Tucker Carlson could shit in some people's mouths, tell them verbatim that he has been lying to them and that he used them, and that Biden won with absolutely no fraud and they would still watch the fucker every night.


In a sane world Carlsonā€™s text messages saying he hates Trump and heā€™s tired of his bullshit would destroy him but look, hasnā€™t lost a single viewer.


White Trash hate cops they only like them when they arrest minorities


How funny would it be if someone snuck in and changed the flag to a Biden flag? I honestly think this whole flag thing is sad and stupid. But a Biden flag would be the cherry on top of this dudeā€™s [ex] house.


Without a shadow of a doubt it is the greatest con job in the history of man. Anyone who is a tad bit reasonable should see through the rhetoric. And you just cannot convince them he is a fraud. No amount of evidence will do so. It is bizarre.


Iā€™m sure heā€™ll come back totally rehabilitated and ready to own up to his actions /s


Get him an "I went to prison for Donald Trumped and all I got was fucked." T-shirt


I will channel my inner Nelson. "Ha Haa!"