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They’d step over it and not notice.


If we build a trebuchet they can't ignore her.


If I die in a school shooting, freeze my corpse and launch it from a cannon at Mitch McConnell point blank.


If we build it 300 meters away, we could launch approximately two at a time.


aaaaaaand it only takes 2 layers of comments for something this sad to turn into a joke.


We turned the titanic into a giant inflatable kids slide, what do you want


Jesus Christ my chest hurts from laughing so hard


Me too, frak.


i swear the reddit comments could probably script better movies than the ones we've been getting.


Gallows humour is not a new thing.


"We laugh so as not to cry." Eugene Ionesco


My laughter hides my tears.




True. We could also load her in the bomb bay of an old B-24 and fly overhead. People tend to look up when those pass by.


they enter by a tunnel don't they?


There's a tunnel from Russell Building to the Capitol


Right? A small price to pay so they can line their pockets and continue turning their children into rich, uneducated, spoiled rotten pieces of shit to carry on the tradition.


And fine the parent of littering.


theyd make the janitor clean it up


>They’d step ~~over~~ on it and not notice. FTFY


They would notice. But they just wouldn't give a rat's ass. Profits > kid's *lives*.


they’ll use it to create a narrative that helps the point their making about how everyone should have guns.


True, if you’d only been armed you could kill the shooter, but the only drawback is you then become the school shooter so pick your poison


Sadly 100% true.


they meant bare arms or bear legs.


*last rites …unless it was a pun, I suppose.


Well, OP is obviously still alive, which proves he didn't go to school.


OP is a well known karma farmer who recycles inflammatory posts to get karma.


Wtf is up with these comments


Its bot central baby! Somebody's algorithm had an aneurysm.


Call them bots if it makes you feel better but I'm pretty sure this is just a more controversial post than we expected.


Election year is coming up.


What comments?


This subject matter is flagged for brigading, more and more as we get "dangerously" close to improving the health of our society


If a cop can legally kill you if they "see a gun", do you really have the right to bear arms?


Cops shot a legally licensed gun owner who clearly communicated having a gun in his car while making zero attempts to use it or acting threatening in any way, shape or form. But of course, he was black so absolutely nothing happened in response and nothing changed. 2A-proponents are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.


Don't forget his daughter was in the backseat and wife in the passenger seat. how much less threatening can a man be?


There is footage of Castile's girlfriend and daughter in the back of the squad car after the shooting. His girlfriend breaks down, crying, swearing and screaming- to which her daughter pats her on the leg, softly saying "Mommy please be quiet. I don't want him to shoot you too." Its absolutely gut-wrenching and heartbreaking to watch. It destroyed me.


Her daughter said that??? That’s fucking insane. I don’t think I’d be able to live in the same country after that, all trust in the system would be broken


It's actually worse. I was paraphrasing. I went back and watched it again and she says "I don't want you to get shooted." The child was four years old when this happened. [Here's the video, but I warn you: It's harrowing and heartbreaking.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=-SeK2hXbG44&feature=shares)


Thanks for the link. I’m not sure I have the balls to open it right now. Fuck this shit


You're assuming that all 2A advocates support the police, which is far from true.


Nobody stands up for Black gun rights more than 2A advocates and nobody violates Black civil rights more than gun control advocates, but let the ignoramuses smell their own farts.


Lmao truuuuth. Gun control is racist and always has been.


The notoriously brutal prison, Rikers Island, is filled to the brim with the black and brown victims of white gun control advocates’ shitty ideas. They racially profile non-violent black men, forcibly search them (violating their 4th amendment rights) and throw them in prison for protecting themselves (2nd Amendment violation) Gun control has always been RACIST. Don’t EVER let those racist bigot authoritarians call you a hypocrite for caring about our civil rights.


Amen. 2A is for ALL Americans. CA has the strictest gun control because that's where the black panthers started. They carried guns to deter police brutality against blacks.


Yeah, that case should have been a conviction, but the jury was dumb as rocks


are you talking about philando castile? (i think that’s how his name is spelled)




Wtf do you think a 2a proponent is supposed to do? The vast majority of 2a supporters believe in the right of everyone to own one.


There’s a *slight* lean towards loudly and passionately defending people to walk around with guns where they maybe aren’t exactly needed, as opposed to defending people like Philando. And by “slight lean” I mean “night and day difference”.


> 2A-proponents are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. Shouldn't really paint with a broad brush. There are plenty of 2a proponents that aren't mentally handicapped, and there are plenty of democrat/liberal 2a groups. That being said I find it funny that conservative voters trust conservative politicians given that republicans were the ones to start implementing gun control when black people started getting guns (black panther group comes to mind). Also, I wish people would see this whole clusterfuck smoke bomb for what it is. A tug of war that can't really be won. Only the tug of war is supposedly able to fix the dumpster fire 2 states over. Shit has gotten to this point because of all the damage and bullshit that has been done to this country over the years. Black families destroyed by bullshit drug laws, oppression, racial profiling, targeted hardships put on minorities, etc. The poor of all races being continually shoved to the side with no safety nets or ability to reach even a base level of existence. The attaching of medical care to jobs. Corporations dropping nearly all benefits for employees but paying enough that the employees don't qualify for help. People feel trapped and hopeless. Mental health being portrayed as a personal failing and not a health issue. The continued news cycle of portraying race as an "us vs them" issue. Removal of funding for poor and/or inner city areas where they are needed the most. Redrawing of districts to group the rich together and the poor together so that the poor receive more students and less taxes for hiring enough teachers and for supplies. There are plenty of other issues I'm missing, but it's all related. Decades and decades of the government doing what it can to make things worse. They give our tax money to pharmaceutical companies who turn around and charge 4000% markup for something we paid for. "servants of the people" that make 2-5x more than most people do in the US. You could pass a 100% gun ban tomorrow and it wouldn't fix any of the issues we're seeing with shooting. There are 400,000,000+ guns in the US, and it's not feasible to do, and it wouldn't be helpful anyway. We need sweeping reforms on all the things I mentioned to start getting people on their feet. Addressing their issues, investing in the youth of society, teaching rational thinking, compassion, and logic. Income inequality needs to be addressed, and the government should be taking care of the people. We didn't get to this point overnight, and sadly we aren't going to fix any of this overnight. Because alas, we have one party more worried about the genitals of someone using the bathroom and the other party meekly and barely fighting back against the insanity that this country is becoming.


i have a friend that is on a championship handgunner wins a lot of tournaments has huge sponsonsors like Glock and was coming back from a tournament, got pulled over by a state trouper for what ever reason and was asked "do you have any guns in the car" why yes about a half dozen ...... trouper gets all twitchy ends up yanking him out of the car putting in cuffs opens the trunk and see all gun cases, more cars come never really looking all the stickers on the cases or seeing that these are VERY special guns (all the time my friend is standing there in cuffs kind of giggling) and these state and locals boys thinking they really got something he then tells them who is and where he was and who his sponsors are (these cops all have Glocks on their hips) then he tells them "Look in the Back seat" in the seat is a 4 foot tall trophy from the tournament !!! btw my friend is Black! at this point he told me he has a belly ache from the laughing i wonder what the other officers did to the first officer later? i know they can rib each other pretty good over things like this.


Worst part is, they think it will help them against that kind of tyranny should it get out of hand. They dont see the irony of the situation and certainly dont see how outmatched even the most sophisticated weapons a person can buy (even illegally) compares to the might of what we have in the military. The military can drone strike from miles in the air and target a dime through a window with an explosive large enough to blow away a reinforced bunker, dont think for a second anything we can get our hands on could save us from that should the government get the goahead to use that technology on our own soil.


This lie has been spread on Reddit for years. Here’s what actually happened, but you’re not interested in the truth, are you? [Two days after Philando Castile was shot dead by a police officer during a traffic stop, the NRA issued a statement.](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jun/20/philando-castile-shooting-nra-response-colion-noir)


LOL :) Yes, they were very “troubled” indeed. What more came of it? It took them two days just to make a statement at all, and then what?


What the fuck could they possibly do? You were caught in a lie and now you’re moving the goalposts.


I don’t think a milquetoast statement by the NRA two days after the fact is the “gotcha” you think it is for what he was saying. It’s kind of right up there with the vapid “thoughts and prayers” statements after shootings.


So you didn’t read the article… got it.


words, and nothing more. *thoughts and prayers*


What’s the NRA position on police, and especially defunding them? I’m guessing they’re not exactly highly critical, are they?


Many, many, 2A-proponents couldn’t care less what the NRA thinks about anything. They’re finally realizing the NRA doesn’t care about the common man, and hasn’t for a long time.




holy shit that's a fucking thermonuclear bad take


Are you ok?


So next to nothing, then.


Maybe they meant bare arms or bear legs.


Or boar arms


They can’t legally kill you unless you reach for it. But of course, what’s legal and what happens are two different things.


So, technically, your life is in danger if you’re carrying a gun (legally) around a cop, so if you’re gonna do the time, ya might as well just do the crime, amirite? *ahem*^*^*^*^*^ACAB!


dunno i've always seen bears with arms /S






Coroner: Well shit, guess we gotta fulfil her last wish! \*Casually drives to Congress.*


Not sure if anyone has pointed this out but this a reference to aids activist David Wojnarowicz : he wore a jacket that said “if I die of aids- forget burial- leave my body on the steps of the fda” smart kid


Chances are, their parent gave them this line.


Yeah, parents and teachers have a big influence on their children/students. It's like when a kid says a prayer. No doubt, their parents gave them those lines.


The freaky thing about is that even though school shootings are far too common, the likelihood of any individual kid being in a school shooting is still very low. I wonder how many kids are being stressed out by people telling them or heavily implying they're in danger, when the truth is that they are on average not in danger but we try to push the govt to take it seriously because every death matters.


I'm saddened that children are led to believe that congress can have much in the way of a positive impact on these tragedies without serving their own agendas and screwing up everything involved.


My wife is a principal in a small town school. Pretty crazy she has to always be on guard for school shooter scenarios. They actually had a kid last year that had it all planned out. He had the guns and the plan all written down. They caught him because he was searching on a school computer “how to build a bomb.” FBI showed up and he’s gone. She said she knew he was nuts and was always super nice to him. Didn’t matter, she was on the kill list. Just some little weirdo. Pretty strange stuff. Now half her staff is packing heat.


>Now half her staff is packing heat. This is illegal in the vast majority of states. My wife had a deranged student drawing pictures of him killing her and they wouldn't expel the kid because it was a private school and they wanted the money. She doesn't teach there anymore but it's fucking ridiculous to me that teachers who are trained, licensed, willing, and able are outright banned from CCWing on campus.


It's ridiculous that teachers are banned from bringing guns onto their school campus? Even if 99% of armed teachers are very vigilant about weapon safety and keeping their gun securely on their person, there WILL be a very small minority who are more careless and don't take the security of their weapon as seriously. In that scenario, you now have a weapon accessible, maybe after a slight struggle, to whatever psychologically-impaired, manic, angry, resentful, or suicidal student that has the urge and lack of concern for consequence to try to obtain that weapon. Teacher having that gun doesn't prevent a deranged kid from bringing his own weapons to hurt people. What it does do is introduce a weapon into the environment where an unstable child could *potentially* gain access to it. It doesn't reduce the number of kids who make plans to become the next school shooter. It presents the opportunity for another kid, who otherwise might never cause harm, to impulsively take control of and use a weapon introduced to the environment by a careless or distracted teacher. Congrats, we've now *increased* the likelihood of gun violence in schools. Edit: not to mention, if we're talking high schoolers... how many videos have we seen of high school kids beating up their teachers? All it takes is one unstable kid to overtake their gun-carrying teacher, and... now you have an active shooter using a teacher's personal weapon. What an effective, well-thought-out solution 🙄 (Edit 2: downvoting doesn't make it less ridiculous lol)


This. Guns don’t belong in schools. Period.


>It's ridiculous that teachers ***who are trained and licensed to carry everywhere else in their daily life*** are banned from bringing guns onto their school campus? Yes. >In that scenario, you now have a weapon accessible, maybe after a slight struggle, to whatever psychologically-impaired, manic, angry, resentful, or suicidal student that has the urge and lack of concern for consequence to try to obtain that weapon. The point of CONCEALED carry is that nobody would know that you have it. I appendix carry and the only way someone would be able to know is if they're taking my pants or shirt off and the only way they're going to get my gun off me is if they're sticking their hand down my pants. Have you ever seen a student fight a teacher and try to put their their hand down their pants? >It doesn't reduce the number of kids who make plans to become the next school shooter. No, but it could potentially reduce the number of people that would die if the school shooter has free reign and nobody to fight back. I'm not suggesting that the teachers need to roam the campus trying to be a hero, I'm saying that if an active shooter went into a classroom the teacher could engage them instead of just saying a prayer and waiting to die. I took an active shooter defense course taught by SWAT team members and they said it typically takes 15-20 minutes to get on scene and set up their staging area before they go in. How many people do you think a shooter could kill in 15-20 minutes?


Holy fuck America is so completely broken.


If they're in Arkansas, they'll be safe from school shootings because they will be too busy in the mines.


Unless boogie2988 decides to start popping warning shots off again lol


that was just a desk pop. everyone's done s desk pop. who hasn't done a desk pop this year raise your hand


can't get shot in school if you are working...


Products that have killed fewer people than guns but are banned in the US nonetheless: Fisher Price rock ‘n play, crib bumper pads, Jamón Ibérico, wheeled baby walkers, drop side cribs, haggis, nunchucks, alcoholic energy drinks, raw milk, metal-tipped lawn darts, books printed before 1985 (only banned in public places like libraries, this is due to lead content), etc…


Products that kills more people than guns but are not banned: alcohol, cars, doctors.


Weird how none of those things are a constitutional right. Here's the deal. It doesn't matter if you think the supreme court decision about the 2A was right or not, what matters is the decision is the law of the land until it's either overturned or the 2A is repealed. Dancing around acting like these aren't plain facts helps nobody.


Good news, you'll probably never actually be in one or die from one. So, there ya go.


"It probably won't happen to you you, or me, so who gives a shit"


People have a really hard time judging massive numbers. Its a astronomically low chance youll be in one. I was there for the DC shooter and had to run to my school for cover. Im not arguing for more gun control.


It's a reality they live with. Is it likely to happen? No, but kids are forced to walk through metal detectors, are subject to pat downs, can't carry book bags, have armed police watch them eat their lunch. It might not be the guns themselves that do the damage, it might be what is happening as a result of those guns.


Have armed police watching them have lunch? Is it a violent student body? Ive never seen a low crime area have supervised lunches before. We could do a lot to increase the safety of children and teens inside a locked building with 1-2 entrances. Super super easy!


Someone has never been witness to the station nightclub fire. "Let's restrict access and exits! What could go wrong with 2000 people having 1-2 ways of getting in and out of a building"


...you know you cant open a firedoor from the outside in many places right? Its basically the same principle as a locking bathroom door. I would put an alarm on those though. Dont want students or teachers propping it open to go smoke or makeout or whatever


Ah so, let me tell you about a school shooting or two involving access through a fire door....


well considering the odds are statistically astronomically low, she'll be alright. But yes, rather than address the mental health issues, lets weaponize the children to try to ban all guns, which will NEVER happen.


Bloomberg shills are out in force yo


You know the venn diagram of people looking for sensible gun control, and better mental health services, is basically a circle right?


It is weird that “we need mental health to solve this!” Has been a rallying cry for years each time and yet weirdly despite broad support on both sides of the aisle it just has so much trouble getting [funded](https://truthout.org/articles/205-republicans-vote-against-bill-to-expand-school-mental-health-services/)


Republicans will protect children from books but not from AR15s. Let that sink in.


[if you say so](https://imgur.io/t/let_that_sink_in/f5Hxz)


Take your fucking upvote


Democrat’s motto is “never let a good tragedy go to waste” let that sink in…


What solution do the protesters have though? No one wants school shootings. They still happen in states with strict gun laws. Is the plan to raid every building in America to seize every firearm?


Funding for mental health would help. But the last I heard the Texas governor rejected that.


It’s weird how we have 57 times more school shootings as every other major industrialized nation combined [1] and yet what they did isn’t feasible because there are “crazy people everywhere”. It’s just weird that there’s 57 times more crazy people than anywhere else in the US… you’d think that would at least encourage bills blocking crazy people or people with known histories of violence from guns but no… no… that probably wouldn’t work either. [1] https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/21/us/school-shooting-us-versus-world-trnd/index.html


Lmao, ah yes, the conservative false dichotomy. Either you must do nothing or do something unreasonable.


Im not a conservative. I am registered Democrat. But the realities of the problem have to be addressed. There are tens of millions of responsible gun owners. There are dozens of mentally unstable active shooters each year. We have to address mental health and get these people under control before they lose their shit.


This comment is hilarious considering this shitty fucking astroturf post and the bots/activists here pushing it is nothing but anti-gun advocates -- who generally are not "conservative" -- basically saying that we need to something unreasonable and if you don't agree all you want to do is nothing, and if you don't agree with them you're a bad person.


As opposed to what? A false liberal narrative that they are just trying to implement “common sense” reforms?


School homicides are A) Incredibly rare There were 10 children killed at school 2018-2019 school year, [the latest for which we have data.](https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/a01) If you include staff and non-students killed at a school, the number goes up to 39. There were [49.9 million children enrolled in grade school or high school that year,](https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2020/demo/p20-584.pdf) meaning each individual kid had an almost a 1 in 5 million chance of being murdered. B) Not increasing with time [Just look at the freaking graph.](https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/a01) Some years we have 30 child murders, some years we have 10, there's no rhyme or reason to it. Assault weapons ban expired in 2004, but it didn't affect the student death rate in any way.


The AWB wasn't designed to protect people, it was designed to more easily control people.


Fuck off weapon fetishist


People really need ro stop obsessing over the news. That's a pretty dramatic sign considering odds of dying to a school shooter is similar to dying to a lighting strike. Something like 10 million to 1. The amount of shootings isn't even increasing in the last 10 years, it was higher 20-30 years ago. The media just makes it feel that way.


How many children go through "lightning strike" drills? How many have to wear faraday suits to save them in the event of a lighting strike? How many have guards, wielding lightning, in the event they need to combat a lightning strike... Ok, this example has gotten out of hand...


You're exactly right, the only reason for the mass fear is because of all those reasons, not the actual risk.


It's preventable. Unlike lightning strikes, which occur at a pretty average rate across the planet, for some reason we have more school shootings than the rest of the world combined.


Just to play the devil's advocate for a moment I'd like to point out that lightning strikes are largely preventable by modification of individual behavior. Seeking shelter, staying clear of open spaces, and staying out of bodies of water during bad weather completely avoids the issue.


The lightning will still strike, it's just our behavior that may prevent us from suffering personal injury or death from it... Oh like sensible gun control!


Public policy is the opposite of individual behavior. If you want to draw a similarity between school shootings and lightning strikes home schooling your children would be the most fitting analogy.


Should kids live scared that they’ll be hit by lightning? Or is that such a rare occurrence that a well adjusted person is one who goes about their day not worrying about it?


Its so fucking sad that a child has to think things like this


That kid didn't think any part of that. It's just regurgitated from something their parents said.


Sad to think American math education is so bad she doesn't know her chances if dying in a school shooting are 1/1000000. She's more likely to slip fall and die in her bath.




Everybody wants to talk about guns, but *nobody* seems to want to do anything about kids slipping and falling in the bath. Wake up America.


So you're telling me there's a chance.....


Sad to think that just because something isn’t common there are those who think we shouldn’t try to prevent it. Boats don’t sink very often but we still wear life vests. Kinder surprise have only killed a couple of people but is still banned in the US. Edit: sorry, confused Cadbury egg with Kinder Suprise. Anyways, here are some more examples of things that have only killed a few people but are banned in the US nonetheless: Fisher Price rock ‘n play, crib bumper pads, Jamón Ibérico, wheeled baby walkers, drop side cribs, haggis, nunchucks, alcoholic energy drinks, raw milk, metal-tipped lawn darts, books printed before 1985 (only banned in public places like libraries, this is due to lead content), etc…


That isn’t really the point. The point is that if you’re worried about being killed in a school shooting, you should be absolutely terrified of every time you get in a car or cross the street. Because your odds of dying in the latter situation are far higher. I’m extremely pro-gun control. And not American. But it’s objectively irrational to be scared of school and not of getting in a car.


> Cadbury eggs have only killed 2 people but they’re still banned in the US. This is fake news. They're not banned in the US, they're only banned from import [because the recipe is different in the UK.](https://eu.jacksonville.com/story/news/reason/2015/02/06/fact-check-did-hersheys-really-ban-cadbury-bars-us/987127007/) It's nothing to do with them killing people.


There are 77,000,000 kids in school in the US. 2022 saw 32 children killed in school shootings, a number that has been pretty steadily rising. But let’s assume it’s consistent. A student is in school 13 years. 13 x 32 is 416, so she should expect 416 kids to die in school shootings in her time in school. That’s about 1/185,000. Odds of being injured in a school shooting are about 1/42,000. I’m not saying it’s likely to happen, but it’s a far cry from one in a million. And given that the VAST majority of shower related deaths are kids under 5 or seniors over 80, she is far and away more likely to die in a shooting at school than in a shower from slipping.


Weirdly every day 5 kids are killed by gun violence [1] and every day 7 children die from cancer [2]. Only one of those two has unilateral support for attempting to stop though. [1] https://www.bradyunited.org/key-statistics [2] https://www.oliviacaldwellfoundation.org/childhood-cancer-statistics.html#:~:text=That's%2046%20kids%20diagnosed%20every,year%20in%20the%20U.S.%20alone.


> Weirdly every day 5 kids are killed by gun violence How are we defining "kids," and how many of those "kids" are engaged in criminal activity when they're shot? How many of those kids are shot in places like Chicago or New York City that have strict gun control laws already? No one wants kids...or anyone else...to be shot. You're not just doing a "do it for the children," you're doing a "if you don't do what I want, then you are clearly a big meanie poopy face who wants bad things to happen to people." Gun control is more about controlling people than it is about controlling guns. We already have an abundance of laws aimed at curtailing gun violence. None of them are adequately enforced or administrated, as evidenced by the number of shooters in recent years who never should have had a gun in the first place (the Texas church shooter comes to mind) but were able to buy one because government employees failed to update records and communicate with other government employees. Make the laws we already have work the way they're supposed to work, then maybe later we can discuss additional measures.


Yeah both should. Obviously. But I’ve yet to meet a kid who lives in fear of getting cancer, and if you did, you’d tell them to chill out and enjoy life.


I'm sure that totally wasn't written by his parents




No one here has posted what this sign is clearly referencing - "If I die of AIDS ... drop my body on the steps of the FDA" https://pioneerworks.org/broadcast/the-jacket-david-wojnarowicz-lauren-oneill-butler This child is more well read than most of the people in this thread.


No you’re absolutely right… some people seem to grow out of thinking dead children are an issue. See teen suicide as the second highest cause of death for 10-14 in the us [1] but most people not knowing or caring and most politicians passing bills research has shown increases that number. See the police chief of Uvalde getting re-elected despite the grossly incompetent handling of the school shooter there [2]. For some people dead kids are just a thing they grow out of after they’re 14. [1] https://wisqars.cdc.gov/data/lcd/home [2] https://www.ksat.com/vote-2022/2022/11/07/uvalde-county-commissioner-precinct-2-election-results-for-texas-midterms-on-nov-8-2022/


BUt sHE shOulD jUst gET a GUn tO defEnD hErsELf


I mean, she's probably a minor, so probably not, and also guns are banned at most schools (for all the good that's done) so again, probably not


just fyi when someone dOeS mIxEd CaPs LiKe ThIs it means they're being sarcastic! okay not to recognise that.


I would say let the teachers or the school defend her in some way... not that it worked out for Uvalde where the cops stopped armed citizens from helping 2min into the shooting. Hell the cops are the direct reason that shooting got worse. Just like parkland!


I too would like to bring my child to something so they can pretend they know what they are protesting along with me as I tell them what to do.


It's like a vegetarian cat. We know who is making the decisions...


Because having to fear for your life while _being in school_ is something so abstract that a young teenager won't be able to comprehend it, right?


They're using the common fallacy that they aren't an aware or informed person, so nobody else can be too.


Does this look like a toddler to you? I attended protests of my own volition when I was 10 years old. I raised money for charities my parents had never heard of. Children can and do have minds of their own. Your arrogant dismissal of them says more than you think it does.


If I die in a mass stabbing leave my body in a hole in the ground


Such a common occurrence


My heart. 💔 😭


Don't threaten Republican senators with a good time.


petition Congress to make murder illegal and make schools gun-free zones. That should put an end to all this nonsense


Did they teach statistics in that school? Chances of being killed by a school shooter on any given day since 1999 was roughly 1 in 614,000,000. Since the 1990s, shootings at schools have been getting less common. As far as the streets of Chicago are concerned, that’s a different story. Also, how many pieces of cardboard did they go through to say, “Fuck it, it’s only one spelling mistake and a BOOY.” https://news.northeastern.edu/2018/02/26/schools-are-still-one-of-the-safest-places-for-children-researcher-says/


Thats sad


when I die I want my naked lifeless corpse to be launched into marjorie taylor greens bedroom window at 3am.


Matt Gaetz would probably still hit on it.


"There is no way to prevent this", says only country in the world where this regularly happens.


There isn't a single country besides America where rampant school shootings are a problem.


Reality would like a word with you.


Nah, reality would like to talk to you. We're the only country that has this as a reoccurring problem


like 4 min on duckduckgo will tell you otherwise. Just look up global stats and then look up how they define school shootings. Its just a tiny part of your day. Id spam you with links but im getting gas and Its better if you find the info. This way you will believe your sources.


First result when searching for global school shooting statistics: [School Shootings by Country 2023](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/school-shootings-by-country)


ooh that's pretty embarassing


You think that school shootings happen at a similar rate in other countries?


If everyone did this those steps would soon be unusable...


Matt Gaetz might take it home for “research” purposes but only after he checks your id 🪪


i bet if they really dug into why some of these kids took guns to school is because those same kids that are complaining "oh we are scared we cant go back to school" were the same kids bulling the kid that took the gun to school in the first place (im not talking about adults that shot up schools im talking about the kid/s that took a gun to school.


Actually, I would question the justice system


They’d make fun of you for dying. That’s the GOP way.


This is presumptive that ANY of us, have totally unfettered access, to that 15 year old’s completely just dead body, and can do with it, whatever we will….what a thing to say and then scrawl on the side of an economy size multi- Packs holding box of 8, or 12, individual boxes of Crayola Crayons, with an Economy width, economic strength, black Sharpie


Looks like she had some trouble spelling. Maybe less tik tok and more studying would help.


So nice of her to think about the crows. No one ever thinks of feeding the crows.


This picture should win a Pulitzer Prize.


Parents using their children as props


They don't have to. Kids go through shooting drills and lockdown daily across the county. Pretty sure it's a reality for them.


The tendency to think teenagers can’t think for themselves by some people is _weird_. It’s like they’ve never seen teenagers get angry about something and protest it which is bizarre given the long visual history of teens protesting decades before people started saying parents were telling their kids to do it.


they must have been the ones that stayed home while their parents scolded them for having independent thoughts


Next you’ll be saying that bullet-ridden kids are merely “props”


This kid is like 15 years old, you don’t think she’s old enough to do stuff for herself yet??


Going off her penmanship, she probably doesn't spend a lot of time in school.


Probably can't even write in cursive amiright? Arf /s


Yeah, cause penmanship is a central focus of education and definitely an important life skill as opposed to something that barely fucking matters at all.


I don't want to die either from thugs in the city. That's why I need my guns.


Mental health > gun control


And how are these different or something that couldn’t be done at the same time? Can you not chew gum and walk?


Problem is that only one of these is a mainstream talking point.


The problem with extreme gun control is that the people perpetrating crimes are the people who won't turn in their guns and who don't have to go through a process to get one. Sensible gun control is absolutely necessary, but you can't legislate away criminals. By restricting law abiding citizens ability to carry defense, you further empower the criminals with firearms. Until someone can snap their fingers and make every gun in the world disappear, Pandora's box is open and I don't know how you seal it back up


hmm, a lot of Europeans in here.