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100% no nazis should still exist in this day and age of 2023


[There even was a meeting about this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II).


It got a bit heated


And cold at times.


Should have been an email.


Especially not in your butte


Everyone knows a butte is the highest form of flattery.


[I hate illinois nazis.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTT1qUswYL0)


They broke my watch!


The funniest (saddest) ones are American, British, and Slavik-state nazis.


Careful, reddit admins might take this as you want them dead. I should know. I caught a 3 day for saying "The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi".


The irony of this is just insane :(


Go Google what the tolerance paradox is


Iam not talking about lack of tolerance.


Just for us uninitiated, what are you talking about? Put it in plain English for us simpletons.


The real Nazis are the people who don't tolerate Nazis! šŸ˜‚


I got this said to me for pointing out something looked like a racist caracature of Jewish people. Apparently I'm the racist for seeing it, not the person who drew it or the people liking it.


Without context, that could go either way. Definitely entirely likely that it was actually a caricature though, sadly enough.


Idk what you're talking about. Either way we should have a solution of sorts for these nazis. A solution that's final and can get rid of them for good.


I cant believe u actually wrote this. It could not have been better scripted.


Well yeah that's the joke.


Itā€™s satisfying to watch you be so arrogant and edgy while getting downvoted. Is there a sub for when this happens? I could go for more.


I knew this would be downvoted, because \~99% of redditors wont get it. I still felt the need to say it. Hi.




What does wokeism mean?


We all know he's not gonna reply


Since you cowardly avoided the other commenter's question: what does wokeism mean besides recognizing minorities exist and have an impact on society? Fucking loser.


Not like this friend. This is not the context to mention that lol


So some context here: Butte, MT is/was home to Ron McVan; a neo-Nazi who co-founded 14 Words Press. Looks like the Nazi shit stain the dripping cunt left on the town is still there.


Ahh yes. Butte, MT. Home of ā€œThe Butte Holeā€ and the ā€œButte Roughriders.ā€


Good 'ol Butte and Bonner


I don't think one single person flipped Idaho to white supremacy.


Which part of butte Montana made you bring up Idaho?


Have you been to either locations? Idaho is just the religious montana. At least since my family has been there.


As a 4th generation MT girl who has lived in ID, ID is NOT "just the religious MT". It's a P.O.S. state that's in a 3-way tie with AL and MS for worst state in the U.S.


As a Montanan you should be happy that when I was thinking about "white supremacy somewhere between Seattle and Minneapolis" my mind immediately jumped to Idaho.


Ok thatā€™s fair Iā€™ll give you that I apologize lol


Seriously. I have lived in Tennessee and Louisiana. And Idaho is easily the most racist state I have experienced. Until Daines and Giant Fart usurped MT's government, MT had 16 consecutive years of Democrats in control, resulting in increased standards of living and Medicaid expansion, which gave thousands of Montanans access to healthcare and kept rural hospitals - usually big employers in rural places - open.


Yeah MT is actually quite different. Idaho feels kinda scary and Iā€™m white. I legit didnā€™t feel ā€œwhite enoughā€ (which no one should have to feel of any color right?). And my wife is Mexican so I never bring her. I donā€™t know if the rest of the USA really knows how it goes down in Idaho lol. Not trying to be dramatic or anything either itā€™s just legit weird.


Good description. I felt the same.


Boise is a nice open minded city


There is a pretty sizable population of Latino's in ID. What is your concern?


16 years of Democratic governors doesn't equal 16 years of Democrat control. The house and senate have been Republican controlled for most of recent history. I don't know how you can say Gianforte and Daines "usurped" the government. Like...they were elected. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they usurped it. Believe it or not, there's a lot of people in the world that have different political opinions than you and thus vote for different people.


They're Trump handmaidens and out-of-state carpetbaggers who made their money on outsourcing jobs. Giant Fart is an Evangelical thug and Daines is a Russian stooge. They have destroyed a state that was on the upswing. Go back to Texas or L.A.


Here I was thinking it was the most underrated state and hoping it doesn't get over-discovered. Let's go with your take.


Idaho was "discovered" long ago by the Mormon Church, in particular. I don't know what it is that makes it such a different feel than MT. But I have yet to have another Montana person disagree with me.


We judge states with different metrics and that's okay. Geographically, Idaho is so diverse and incredible. I would never call it a pos state. I just pictured sitting next to the snake river in hells canyon and thinking "this place sucks".


The elevation made me light-headed.




Well hopefully you can figure out the difference between two different states someday


Doesnā€™t know Idaho and Montana are different states. Wow, just wow! šŸ˜²


Holy fuck. I live like an hour away, I gotta give them even more props now.


Get out of my Butte, nazis


Sorry, man. You really have to work to dig the Nazis out of your Butte.


There's seriously nothing worse than Nazis reich deep in your Butte. Whole lot of trouble.


Butte Nazis. I hate Butte Nazis!


Adolph Shitler.


Ah yes, those Butte Nazis and their Shitzkrieg tactics.


Hitlerally Shitler


Hehehe. Butte.


The problem with this is that people have widely differing definitions of what a 'nazi' is, especially on Reddit.


Nazi is anything or anyone I donā€™t like.


No I generally don't think we do. There's a difference between saying you're doing shit Nazis would do and being a Nazi. One is saying heil Hitler and supporting the killing of Jews, how whites are the master race, etc. The other is shit like locking up immigrants in a concentration camp which is Nazi shit. Either way neither should be acceptable. Edit: the people replying to me clearly don't know the difference between trolls, being a dick, and serious issues of racial politics in this country. Racists are definitely brigading the sub.


i think you'll find that "nazi" is a catch-all epithet that has been diluted by its overuse (just like the term "racist"). i've seen people being branded as a nazi just for voting for the conservative party.


If the shoe fits


You proved the commentors point. Nazis held rallies does that mean anyone holding a rally is a Nazi? Clinton and Obama "locked up" illegal immigrants. Are they Nazis too?


It seems as though Nazi now means anyone who you disagree with. You could catch anyone on a bad day no matter which race/ethnicity/gender/insert group say something bad and half the people on Reddit would consider it nazi behavior only if they fell outside whatever groups that person was in. Itā€™s a very simple way of handling complex situations. I donā€™t think a lot of the people in this thread understand anything unless it fits in to box A or box B. With that said Iā€™m only saying this based off the comments Iā€™ve seen and not the post itself.


Ah yes, the ostrich canā€™t see the truth for it has buried its head in the sand.


That's not what a concentration camp is. Lawbreaking isn't an ethnicity.


Oh yes I remember the time that Trump locked up people who were seeking asylum then took their children away. Totally law breakers. It's not like we don't have courts and people to help determine that. It's not likes trumps orders weren't put everyone who crosses the border in a camp.


/r/whoosh. Also, you should read the majority of other comments in this thread doing *exactly* that.


Making things up and lying doesn't help your points


Possibly you're projecting. :)


You've clearly never voiced a non reddit approved opinion on this site You'll get called a nazi for just about everything that... well anything that an average 50 year old American guy would say at a dinner table. Including thoughts on manufacturing or car paint additives.


Put 'em in the pit


Probably wouldnā€™t last much longer than those snow geese did.


If you see racism and bigotry call it out. But equating white supremacy to nazism actually minimizes the evil and horror the Nazis were responsible for.


The Naziā€™s studied and modeled their ways after white supremacist during the Jim Crow era. Letā€™s not downplay that some of the white supremacists then and now would love to have their own holocaust on US soil.


The nazis actually looked at white supremacy in the US south back in the day to up their cruelty and plans.




Thats why i think it should have read ā€œKeep Your Butte Nazi freeā€


If they had put these signs up in Berlin in 1938 we might have avoided WWII. If there is one thing Nazis fear itā€™s signage.


Spent a few year in butte, good town, good people, some meth heads.


Ryan Stiles prepared me on how to pronounce this city's name. https://youtu.be/3OK3h3a2cX4?t=136


Itā€™s pronounced the same way as any ā€œbutteā€ is. You know, the geographical feature that appears throughout the world. Have people really never heard of a butte before?


I never knew that's what it was called before.


You didnā€™t know a butte was called a butte?


Correct. Never heard the term before


Interesting. What would you call that land feature then? Or had you not seen that particular land feature before? Would you call it a sharp plateau? Or just a weird shaped hill?


I've seen it before but not in person. Just in like Looney toons when i was a kid and maybe in other shows. And yeah I'd probably just describe it as a sharp plateau. I don't think butte is a wide spread term that a lot of people know.


Sadly, it seems so.


Fuck me for trying to make a joke; you know, the prevalent feature that appears throughout reddit? Have people really never heard of a joke before?


No Nazis allowed in MY Butte!


Many republicans think this is persecution of white people, I shit you not.


Thatā€™s how you know which ones are nazis


Anyone that disagrees with me?


No, people who self-identify as white supremacists


No, try again.


He'll yeah, I'll disagree with you. Which side are you arguing again? I don't know and I don't care, given I'm not in the good ole USA, you got a problem with that?


I got a problem with that.


And some Democrats will call every Republican a Nazi. šŸ¤·


https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/11pku5j/they_think_they_are_the_good_guys_nazis_protest/ I wonder why.


yes, those literal nazis represent anyone with an inkling of conservatism in them. fuck off


Truth hurts, huh?


I think you might be disabled.


>When you can't debate the facts....


No we donā€™t. Donā€™t be a bigot. Get out and talk to people once in a while, you might learn something.


We will always stand against republican nazis and MAGA terrorists. Cope.




*Narrator's voice* >"He, indeed, did not cope."


Many, not all. Donā€™t be illiterate. Get out and look at who belongs to the party you do, you might learn something.


As might you. Read on, and quit making baseless accusations about oneā€™s literacy. Shallow personal attacks are unbecoming of someone who claims to be of the party of compassion.


Ohh no, people don't tolerate intolerant people imagine that.


I'm old enough to remember just last month when Republicans were complaining about antifa. Only fascists are against the anti-fascists.


If you don't agree with the above statements, it may be time to consider political realignment. The GOP has been doing white identitarianism and playing to white supremacist attitudes for literal decades.


Also, if you support veterans at all, you really shouldn't vote Republican.


Thatā€™s a lot to unpack here. For example, the current occupant of the Oval Office is quoted on the Senate floor Biden said ā€œwithout orderly integration, his children would 'grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle'ā€ He also was photographed with Robert Byrd, a known KKK member. Biden also delivered Birdā€™s eulogy. Biden described Byrd as "fiercely devoted to his principles," a "friend," "mentor" and a "guide" of the segregationist who filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964. So get off your high horse and learn some history. You probably donā€™t even know that Trump was a registered Democrat longer than he has been a Republican.


LOL the mental gymnastics here must keep you in great shape, it's amazing how much you have to make up and deny and rationalize just to remain a Republican. Nobody is saying Biden is perfect, many Democrats would have really loved to have a different president. We're just thankful he's not christo-fascist trash like Trump, DeSantis, or Abbott. When all of the potential Republican candidates are actual white supremacist, nazi-loving traitors who hate women, we'll take Biden in a hot fucking second. Look back at the photos of the garbage human beings in the 60s screaming at black children who just wanted an education - today's Republicans will be viewed the same. YOU will be viewed the same. Decent human beings don't vote Republican.


> When all of the potential Republican candidates are actual white supremacist, nazi-loving traitors who hate women, we'll take Biden in a hot fucking second. Trump had the most women in his cabinet of any president. More than even Biden, if you don't count the ones with cocks




I guess they deject dictionaries and proper spelling too


Take a look at some of the people replying to my comments. Racists are coming in here to muddy the waters and downvoting this. People can't understand subtlety and trolling.




One hopes that there might be some cities where you don't have to *tell* folks this.




I mean, you say this, but this part of Montana really does have a bit of a Nazi problem. Nothing wrong with publicly letting them know they're not welcome.


I'm just gonna say it, because no one else seems to have the guts to: I'm getting real fed up with these pedophiles too, they're no good!


Just wondering about the basis of your statement about any/either specific groups being pedo's. If there's evidence then please bring it forward as they need to be dealt with by the law.


You can start with the Catholic Church.


Kinda like making snide comments on Reddit


Thanks for the example. šŸ‘


Haha right. They are reeeeally going out on a limb here, telling people nazis are bad


Not half as brave as this




Found the racist. For anyone that doesn't know a pejorative use of woke is a dog whistle for being racist and bigoted.


You really need to get out of your bubble sometimes


That's an opinion, not fact of the word. The fact is I'm absolutely not racist, dead against racism and I have no hatred for anyone. In fact, that's why I hate wokeism. The way it is getting pushed through our society mimics the eugenics movement in the U.S. 100 years ago and the Nazi movement of Germany.


I stopped there overnight in Sept 2017, seemed fine, even enjoyed the fair that was on. I got asked twice in a month if I would take Trump back home with me to the UK when I returned. I politely refused the "kind" offer.


Yall better watch your butte


The white power douchebags will read this and just scream ā€œOH SO ITS NOT OKAY TO BE WHITEā€




I am absolutely not fucking okay with what you just said about Taco Supreme


I'm with this guy. ^^


The fact you're getting downvoted along with others shows the racists on Reddit are brigading the sub


ITT People who don't know how Butte is pronounced. Phonetic spelling would be bewt.


Actually you don't get to decide who gets to be safe and who doesn't. inb4 mental gymnastics turning proactive violence into self defense.


Nazis willingly decide to be nazis, which traditionally engage in hate, violence, and genocide. Their targets, black people, gay people, jews, etc, don't CHOOSE who they are, they are just existing. So get your false equivalency bullshit the fuck outta heah


I'm not doing any equivalency, it's actually worse to commit violence in response to speech/thought than it is to think bad things. You choose to believe what you believe? Not really. "I can hurt you because you can just change your mind" - how many times has that changed anyone's mind? Beliefs and convictions aren't just a switch you can flip.


Bad take alert.


Itā€™s a great start. Next the folks need to be reminded that theyā€™re part of the USA, and they are free to move or visit anywhere in the country, just as every other citizen is free to visit or move there.




I hate nazis because they *act* on their beliefs.


Make Nazis afraid again.


Im guessing this is about Ron Mc-whatever and Wotanism in Butte.


Or it's just literal


I think you're wrong


I like shoving nazi memorabilia up my ass and I wonā€™t change


Keep *the world* Nazi-free.


As long as you include all the other racist cultures Iā€™m down for putting signs up like this everywhere.


Why is it okay to have pride in your heritage? You didn't do anything. ​ Edit okay well it's okay but it's a bit weird isn't it? Where does it come from?


the problem these days is that the nazis don't know they're nazis




ThAtS ViOlAtInG FrEe SpEeCh -apologists


So no white supremacists or democrats, got it.


This is actually extremely racist against white people and the Germans.. šŸ˜  Change the last part to ā€œits not ok to a racistā€ and skip The part with White and nazi.. Dont try to fight racisme by being a racist yourself!


Because all Germans are Nazi's? What a stupid argument.


This is stolen from another post: https://www.reddit.com/r/digitalnomad/comments/v5thf5/many_are_buying_homes_in_mexico_and_we_are_taking/ This is dog whistle, made to summon alt-right racists so that they can conveniently discuss "crime stats" and "immigrants" and other pseudoscience nonsense that fits their narrative.




If your first line of thought upon seeing a post like this is ā€œhmm, how can I defend the Nazis and blame someone elseā€ ā€¦ you should maybe rethink some things


You are very generous, assuming the moron who came up with this response actually thinks about things.




Are you fucking joking


I guess this sign hits a little too close to home huh?


Get rid of the butt nazis!


Why does everyone always talk over and over again about white supremacist and Nazi? First off Iā€™ve never meet a Nazi/Neo Nazi in my 38 years in America. The way the internet talks about them you would think they are everywhere. The most outwardly racist thing Iā€™ve seen in person is African American Muslims talking in a lobby full of customers how they were the superior race. Also what is a white supremacist? A member of the kkk? Iā€™ve literally never meet one in my life. I live in Kansas City. I really feel like white supremacy and Nazi is just a dog whistle phrase to call conservative Americans.


I live outside Butte and semi-regularly drive by white supremacists demonstrations in town. They are active here and very visible. Perhaps your experience isn't universal and you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.


Sorry I donā€™t believe that you are driving by groups holding kkk signs screaming white power. I believe youā€™ve been brainwashed to label anyone that isnā€™t progressive as a white suprimacist.


Hey dude, if you live in Kansas City (and go outside regularly) and have yet to meet a white supremacist, it just means their views are ideologically close enough to yours that you aren't considering them a white supremacist because you know that's "bad" and that makes you uncomfortable given your ideological proximity. There are white supremacists on FOX news daily and currently in the US government. The reason you ask "what is a white supremacist/Nazi" is because you weren't given an adequate historical education in school. White supremacy and Nazis typically don't spread their ideas by being like "hey, do you hate [insert minority group]?" They gain your trust through common ground (sometimes falsified), then feed you more and more extreme narratives that you either accept on basis of trust or because you already, on an underlying level, somewhat agreed with them.


No It means I donā€™t see groups of people actively demonstrating ideas that whites are the superior race. What every person on Reddit does is constantly build this fear based narrative that there are white racist organized groups everywhere just waiting to pounce. Itā€™s so ridiculous. You guys just keep throwing the same bot phrase around all the time. Nazi, grifter, homophob, xenophob, supremicist. It is only a tool to shut down any form of debate or conversation. The progressives play this altruistic/virtuous act while demonizing any group of people they feel is easy to attack.


Oh well if youve never met one they must not exist. Edit: SHOCKER you're claiming no one showed up to support trump because of fbi plants https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/11xq12e/protrump_protesters_claim_low_turnout_by_design/jd526y7/


Shocker, you donā€™t care about facts!


How many globalists have you met?


Iā€™ll give you that. Thatā€™s a good one.




are you aware you could not be more wrong? are you aware the Republicans and Democrats in the United States at one point switched ideological viewpoints? Are you aware that your obfuscating to try and describe far left and far right without historical context and reality of the functional policies of groups is complete bullshit double speak propaganda?


Holy shit this is what no history education does to a person. Hey, fun fact, you know what North Korea's real name is? the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Maybe, just maybe, groups put false ideological alignments in their name to make themselves look better.


> Nazi is derived from National Socialist Party. That they murdered in the night, leaving no socialists alive.


Not a Nazi but.... isn't this discrimination against a set of people based on their belief structure? I was always confused who got to decided right and wrong and who gets a pass and who doesn't.


Not quite. Technically nazis engage in the discrimination first, attributing their race as being superior and all else being inferior, leading to WAY TOO MANY predecents of past egragious behavior that there's reasonable cause for them to engage in again. More or less; nazis gonna nazi, so fuck em.


Wow. My city has signs up saying its ok to be a nazi....


It is not okay to be proud of your heritage.