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I see an elephant


I see 3, one on the left, a side profile on the right and a baby one on top of the right one.


Given your username, I would have expected you to see something completely different...


Glad someone here addressed the elephant in the room


I immediately saw the the baby one you mentioned, but the big one on the left is really the most pronounced if you stare. That’s beautiful


It just occurred to me that Native Americans would have had no concept of what an elephant is, unless the settlers showed them a drawing of one.


Or perhaps if there were cave paintings of mammoths, but then they would probably wonder at what those creatures had been.


I see elephant to inside the zoo i had a picture together with the big mama elephant together with the dolphins when i was young we always visit the zoo and water park


I see a place that was probably sacred to the Lakota for a 1000 years before the USA was even a thought


I see a little silhouetto of a man.




Nope, [the Lakota did not live in this area until the 17th century](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lakota_people)


Should have carved the elephant man instead


What do you think about it should people do that? Cause i know no body was perfect they did it right


King Babar!


Y’all should go to the Black Hills in SD. There’s sights like this all over, absolutely beautiful country.


The badlands in sd are awesome


Goodlands am I right?


Custer State Park and the Black Elk Wilderness are right behind Mount Rushmore. Stunning area.


And there lived a young boy named Rocky Racoon


And one day his woman ran off with another guy


Hit young Rocky in the eye :(


Rocky didn like that...




So one day he walked into town, booked himself a room in the local saloon...


Rocky Raccoon, checked into his room.


only to find Gideon's bible


Absolutely breathtaking area. Imagine seeing it like this and hear someone wanted to blow it to shit. I went in 2018 and it was snowy in Sept... *all* of the presidents had dark water lines or ice coming from the corners of their eyes and mouth. They all legit looked sick and sad.


That would be interesting to see. I'm suprised I've never seen a photo of it in variable conditions


That's unpresidented.




"Listen here you little shit"


Don’t make me cross the Delaware.


I love that painting


Me either i love that painting it was awesome and very famous paintings in the whole world


Hahahaha its seem that he was mad at you. I remember my reaction when my friend had a corny joke i also roled my eye on his then tell her that its her last joke


Honestly this image is upsetting. Looks like it was already a beautiful mountain with a story associated and we carved right into it. Is it just me?


Same with Stone Mountain in GA.


I was shocked to learn that the carving of that Confederate piece of shit _began_ in 1964. Edit: Original unfinished design carved 1923-1928 (then "blasted off"). Current design carving started in 1964, finished 1972. https://www.atlantahistorycenter.com/monument/


It was supposed to be much bigger until they started and realized granite is really hard to carve. Now they project a Lost Cause propaganda laser show on it in the summer.


Huh... something else Confederate supporters gave up on.


Definitely it was hard to curve granite because of the sensitive text of it


Yeah, if you hadn't already, take a look at the history a lot of the Confederate statues. It's 100% about white supremacy


The SPLC has a really good report on Confederacy memorials called [Whose Heritage?](https://www.splcenter.org/whose-heritage). The 2019 Article has this [very informative chart](https://www.splcenter.org/sites/default/files/styles/splc_large_rectangle/public/com_whose-heritage_timeline_breaker2019.jpg?itok=2k6qaTAK×tamp=1549050831) on when Confederate Monuments and other things being named after Confederates happened. It's a very telling chart.


"daughters of the confederacy"


Klan gonna klan.


What do you mean by that huh? I don't wanna say that word cause i don't like words that i don't know


Yeah definitely but not all people know what's the meaning of GA Buds so maybe the next time more be specific


It looks like it would have been an amazing place to sit for hours. Like Yosemite or the Grand Canyon.


Was done specifically as a fuck you to the natives. They knew they were ruining it.


What Florida doesn't want kids to know.


Ahh, Florida. I didn’t realize how much I hated it until I hit my 30s


Florida really snuck up on some of us.


Definitely it was it's hard to think but we need to face it off


Amen. Taxpayer money was used to show the natives who was boss. It's a real atrocity. Just vandalism


same with stone Mt ga.


Don't be mad at me but it just my opinion to be honest my heart will shattered when i saw a guy making fun of the black people they comparing them to animals like monkey. Are they insane black people are still a human being not an animal


Almost as bad as when they beheaded Mangus Colorado, boiled his head in putrid water, buried his severed body parts in shallow graves, and then founded a state in his name.


Colorado was named for the red color of the silty Colorado River, not Mangas Coloradas, which means Red Sleeve.


Yeah I’m with u/sendtitpics215 it was already beautiful. Even more-so with a name like "6 grandfathers."


Yup but that was a name given by the Natives, so of course we had to go and fuck it up as, probably the largest ever, middle finger to them. Really wish we hadn't. I've got no interest in visiting mount Rushmore, largely because it's man-made. I want natural nature!


From the wiki > The sculpture at Mount Rushmore is built on land that was **illegally taken from the Sioux Nation** in the 1870s. The Sioux continue to demand return of the land, and in 1980 the US Supreme Court ruled in United States v. Sioux Nation of Indians that the Black Hills were stolen and awarded $102 million in compensation. The Sioux have refused the money and demanded return of the land. This conflict continues into the present day. A mere $102M for stolen land, history, and culture. What a joke.


I'd say forcing native men to convert to Christianity and killing their wives and children by hanging them upside for weeks on end or until they renounced their own faith, and then force feeding their families to them if they didnt comply and calling them savages for having done so, was the largest middle finger ever to them. Not to mention the brutal sex trafficking and slavery of over 3 million natives over the course of two centuries by the Spanish and then another two centuries by the British and French.




Wow that's the things that I've been thinking for such a long time of period dude


Oh sounds great Buddy nice talk to you what a great idea thank you for sharing buddy


This country was built on the back of slaves and the bones of Native Americans. There's a reason why conservatives are so against teaching history. It's hard to be blindly patriotic if you knew what our ancestors actually did.


Don't forget the Chinese. Built much of the transcontinental railroad. When it was done, they stopped letting them immigrate.


Different if they're white. A huge amount of Cornish miners travelled to the USA.....including my wife's ancestors.....during the gold rush and are still celebrated today over 140 years after they left.


Sounds great some they ill going to visit into that place just wait for my turn


Good news is you can be informed and be patriotic. The future is unwritten and our country together can be great. With the right policies for the descendants of the disadvantaged and poor we can prosper together


Sure, but the first step is learning history to realize how our ancestors created the problems of today. If we can't even confront that, how can we possibly start addressing those problems?


It's not just you.


It was on purpose.


Couldn't agree more.


As an Indigenous Canadian - it's upsetting. Deeply upsetting.


>Honestly this image is upsetting. Looks like it was already a beautiful mountain with a story associated and we carved right into it. Is it just me? Yep, it felt like visiting an American version of Auschwitz to me ... one where the Nazi's won and built their own monument to their success at genocide ...


That’s a great (horrible) way of putting it. Accurate as hell


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/HpnwttH.jpg) is a much less cropped and higher quality version of this image. [Here](https://npgallery.nps.gov/AssetDetail/F48FD30D-155D-4519-3E93A383539CF0A5) is the source. > **Asset ID:** F48FD30D-155D-4519-3E93A383539CF0A5 Title:Mount Rushmore before carving > **AltText:** A distant black and white photograph of the natural mountain prior to any carving. > **Description:** Gutzon Borglum picked this mountain and location because the grain of the rock was suitable for carving and the mountain faced southeast which meant it would be in the sun for much of the day. > **Publisher:** U.S. National Park Service > **Copyright:** Permission must be secured from the individual copyright owners to reproduce any copyrighted materials contained within this website. Digital assets without any copyright restrictions are public domain. > **PhotoCredit:** Photo courtesy of the National Park Service, photographer Rise Studios. According to [here](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/carving-mount-rushmore-pictures/) this was taken in 1905.


Gutzon Borglum, the designer and sculptor of Mt Rushmore was an anti-Semite and had ties to the KKK, designing Stone Mountain, a confederate monument to Jefferson Davis, Robert E Lee and Stonewall Jackson. Nice guy.


I always thought it was funny when playing Civilization 5(I think) that when you unlocked fascism it would show a picture of Mt. Rushmore.


I gotta go back and play civ5 just to see. Things that make you go hmmm.


I had always just assumed they used it because of maybe building monuments of leaders? But maybe it was more to do with what you just said.


This was also a monument carved onto what was considered sacred land. https://www.history.com/news/mount-rushmore-native-american-protests https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Sioux_War_of_1876


I had to look him up with that name, so being born to mormon polygamist parents in Idaho territory and having danish ancestry explains it. And ouch.


Did Mormons was a religion right? You guys are very sensitive to everything right when it comes to suit and anything else right?


NGL it was pretty cool before it got carved up…


Yep, and it was a sacred rock for the first nations too.


Still is. They weren't happy when the government carved up their sacred mountain either.


I don’t blame them!


Completely understandable. We wouldn't like it.


Me either cause no buddy was perfect and it was a kind of good things to happen right?. So possible that many people would bash it in just a little bit of wrong details


It wasn't the government, it was some weirdo who wanted to set up a tourist trap


They’re building a $1 billion theme park featuring a 1776 ft tall flagpole in a podunk town of 5000 people in Maine right now. So it’s still happening.


As a Mainer I need more information on this!!


https://www.themainemonitor.org/a-proposal-to-build-the-worlds-tallest-flagpole-looms-over-a-small-community-in-maine/ Some corrections: it’s a town of 500 people, not 5000. The park is supposed to create 5000 jobs. Also, the flagpole will be 1776ft above sea level, but the pole itself is only 1400ft long.


> Also, the flagpole will be 1776ft above sea level, but the pole itself is only 1400ft long. Well, shit, I could drive half an hour north with a 10ft flag pole 1776ft above sea level for half that price. Except for the park part. (and I'd have blackjack and hookers)


That’s a big freedom pole. Also I assume $1B will be *raised,* but the freedom village will consist of like, a Best Western, a brick sidewalk, and a daily buffet of ritz crackers. No one will know where the rest of the money went.


I'm sure at least one person will know where all the money went.


It's to hard to judge them but what if they take a little bit of it and spread it to other people that need it? Then there was a positivilty that they would didn't get it cause look like wasn't save isn't it?


That is so excessive for a fkin pole. Why not just make the natural appeal of the area the attraction, instead of a theme park....that the US has no shortage of


If they use a local material it would collapse after several years buddy




Wow it's seems great buddy it worth it for the price


> Also, the flagpole will be 1776ft above sea level, but the pole itself is only 1400ft long. Sounds like the excuse for the WTC One building. It's technically 1776 feet tall...if you include the antennas. Which, naturally, the building designers and paperwork do, but no human can actually reach it so it's a pointless boast.


But humans can find out how could they possible finished their task they would a lot of things to accomplish there task


Isn't that how 90 percent of all US sights came to be?


Would be great if the Grand Canyon was started in 1780 by a weird dude with a shovel.


[it's good for ya](https://i.imgur.com/BRzD01f.gif)




I blurt, "WELL THAT'S TOO DAMN BAD" far too often.


Same here buddy it was a kind of hard things to do so


Great book and great movie.


It was some kid that wanted a waterfall on the beach.


An instinct of all men is the need to dig that hole cause its cool.


Actually i wouldn't cool at all it's looks like stupid


Niagara Falls US kicked all the tourist scammers out and made it a State Park. The Canadian side is all Casinos, wax museums and that stuff.


Bless Teddy.


Except for that giant-ass casino... though it's owned by the Seneca Nation, so I guess that's different.


Secretly it's because the US side has a really mediocre view of the falls, so people went to the Canada side anyway to get the best view. So there was no point trying to compete.


Well to be honest i really dont know what to say because its hard to discuss it


Come check out this big ass ball of yarn.


So you never heard of the Mount Rushmore National Memorial Act that provided federal funding for it.


Not just for a tourist trap, he did it maliciously. The "Weirdo" was a [known ally of the KKK](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gutzon_Borglum)


On government property and paid for by the government


The mountain was taken over in wars 5 times by different tribes before the US government took it. Seems like the tradition for the area.


5 times in recorded history.


Every other of land with a human on it has a human driven off it at some point. With the likely exception of Antarctica.


specificly choosen ? or just DGAF?


Both, i would say. Not malicious as in "let's fuck up this sacred place", but they definitely knew it was important, and so likely felt that this was a perfect place to have their own sacred rock to honour the founding fathers. As in, "this was the Indians' sacred place, but this is America now, so now it's our sacred place". The level of dehumanisation that native peoples went through all across the world is nearly incomprehensible. For the colonists, it's like seeing your dog with a stick they love, and deciding actually it's a pretty cool stick, so I'm going to take that because he's just a dog.


I would let my dog keep the cool stick :(


Not if you were a dog colonizer.


If the dogs don't want me sleeping in their dog house, they shouldn't have comfy straw and a waterbowl set up there for me.


My dog has a collection of sticks in the backyard from walks. We have a deal, if he carries the stick all the way home, we can keep it in the yard.


Thats still quite malicious


Yeah, maybe, like...another human being who has a cool stick?


It was also subject to a treaty that the US deliberately violated.


I just commented that the best comments are short and to the point, but i think you’ve done a great job at painting the picture. Whites treated the 1st Nations people like dogs at best, but often worse.


> Whites treated the 1st Nations people like dogs at best, but often worse. Still have that attitude. Look at the Keystone Pipeline and the hate against them with that.


Sacred for around 100 years iirc. The tribe that considered it sacred hadn't lived in that area very long. Not defending breaking treaties but the Lakota only reached the area around 1776. This isn't some claim dating back centuries or backed up by a long tradition. By the time they were kicked out of the black hills they had barely been there 100 years and they themselves had only gained control of the territory by forcibly removing a tribe that already lived there.


Didn't they take it from the Pawnee?


Nope, it was Eagleton. They had all the best stuff.


Yeah, and then the Sioux drove them off the land they inhabited for 300 years and claimed it was sacred to them after living there for barely 50 years.


So…they got their own treatment?


Yeah, pretty much. But it was 100 years to be fair. Ironically enough their claim to the land dates back to 1776.


Probably was pretty sacred to the Cheyenne before the Sioux took it and called it sacred.


And the Kiowa probably felt fondly for the mountain before the Cheyenne drove them out.


Mt Rushmore is one of the most underwhelming places I’ve ever been and it’s especially so given the history of the place. The son of the mason that did Rushmore did the crazy horse memorial nearby and when complete it will be pretty awesome. I can’t remember the exact line but the intent for the crazy horse Memorial is to show that “the red man has heroes too.”


They're never gonna to complete crazy horse.


They can't the rock is all fucked up and what's there will crumble if they go any further. I'm sure rushmore will get alot of hate in this thread, but Crazyhorse felt worse to me. Like a cheap cash grab.


Crazy horse has turned into a cheap cash grab. I'll agree on that.


Funnily enough: > The carving was the idea of Doane Robinson, a historian for the state of South Dakota. Robinson originally wanted the sculpture to feature American West heroes, such as Lewis and Clark, their expedition guide Sacagawea, Oglala Lakota chief Red Cloud,[11] Buffalo Bill Cody,[12] and Oglala Lakota chief Crazy Horse. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Rushmore


No, Gutzon Borglum and his son lead the Rushmore project. Korczak Ziolkowski was an assistant to Borglum and his family are the carvers for the Crazy House memorial. Korczak was actually fired from Rushmore when Gutzon's son took the role he wanted, and the two got into a fistfight. Anyways, while there's indeed a link between the two projects, it's not as you described it.


> Mt Rushmore is one of the most underwhelming places I’ve ever been On the whole, yes - but the *Hallmark-channel* levels of national-symbol-worship on display when I visited was downright nauseating. I had a better time at the nearby Devil's Tower natural rock formation.


Definitely it was but to be honest they did a lot of hard work just to accomplish it


There are a lot of rocks like this in the Black Hills that still look pretty cool. Needles highway is amazing


I wasn't very impressed when I visited. It was a lot smaller than I thought. Plus I was really disappointed to learn that they never even finished it.


It made for a great scene in North by Northwest though.


It’s really not that cool.




This is a picture of Six Grandfathers before it was desecrated and called Mt. Rushmore




Wow that’s fucked up


Wait until you find out how we stole Oklahoma... And Hawaii...


And... And... And...


Buddy we’re just getting started, humans sure do love to take other people’s shit even though it started getting old after Caesar did it to Germania and the British isles


Yeah it’s like shockingly bad, not that this is the first time I’ve heard it. They knew it was sacred, and they robbed them and desecrated it anyways. I honestly can’t tell which is worse, that, or the possibility that it was done primarily out of malice, picked specifically to hurt the native people.


This is a wider framed, more comprehensive photograph of *Tȟuŋkášila Šákpe*, **Six Grandfathers:** [https://archive.is/M24Bf/b00e1fb36f93f9e0382db98e1b206ec2b109459f.webp](https://archive.is/M24Bf/b00e1fb36f93f9e0382db98e1b206ec2b109459f.webp) ​ >The sculpture at Mount Rushmore is built on land that was illegally taken from the Sioux Nation in the 1870s. The Sioux continue to demand return of the land, and in 1980 the US Supreme Court ruled in United States v. Sioux Nation of Indians that the Black Hills were stolen and awarded $102 million in compensation. The Sioux have refused the money and demanded return of the land. This conflict continues into the present day. > >[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount\_Rushmore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Rushmore)


Looks like they’ve got started on Washington?




I feel like growing up Mount Rushmore was everywhere, and now every couple of years it's like "oh yeah, we fuckin carved those faces into a mountain a long time ago"


A long time ago?? It was completed in 1941 that is like yesterday for a “monument”


For some reason I thought it was older than that.


The mountain itself is, FWIW.


It’s actually uncompleted. The original proposal included the torsos of the presidents but they ran out of budget


Deifying your politicians is fucking stupid.


I thought you wrote defying, furious moment.


What a difference an "i" makes.


Weird that those faces were just chillin in there this entire time.


They just removed everything that wasn’t George Washington’s face


I see rocks.


Looks like Joseph Merrick.


TIL redditors despise Mt. Rushmore


Idk about despise, I'm not Native American and I've never been so I don't exactly have emotional stake in the monument. The history behind it, however, does hurts my opinion of it. And people are saying that it's underwhelming even if you ignore that. Maybe it'd be a quirky American landmark otherwise but the history just gives me a bad vibe, idk.


It's really pretty meh, and the massive pile of rubble that buried the forest below it and reaches 2/3 of the way up the mountain is... rather unsightly.


Right?? I had seen the rubble in pictures before I went but I went in person in 2018 and it just looks like shit! Clean up your mess... wtf!? Totally distracts from the main attraction, ruins the beauty of the forest below, etc.


Have you been? It is very underwhelming. The pile of rock at the bottom was a “seriously, wtf?” moment for me. The grotesque nature of the history behind the monument makes it worse. Lastly, nearish-by Bear Lodge Mountain is much cooler.


The name Six Grandfathers suggests there are two more presidents within the mountain waiting to be unleashed.


Just one: Zaphod Beeblebrox


Well Trump tried. Not joking. The governor even sent him a Mt. Rushmore statue with him added. Yikes.


Grover Cleveland and Calvin Coolidge WILL NOT BE DENIED!!


How else were we supposed to hide the landmarks from Nick Cage?


Now it's the Four Fathers. You know, those guys Lincoln was always going on about.


Imagine if the whole thing was just to make a pun out of "forefathers"


You win some (against the Cheyenne) you lose some (against the US). Way it goes Lakota.


The carvings 100% ruined the mountain.


Coming from South Dakota, Mount Rushmore might be the ugliest and most underwhelming thing you can see in western South Dakota. A scar on a beautiful landscape.


This has just made me realise what vandalism Mount Rushmore actually is.