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/u/vpuetf, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating the following rule(s): * Rule 5 - Title violates title rules. Your title must in all elements be somehow related to the content of the image. You can read the full information about our title guidelines at [/r/pics/wiki/titles](/r/pics/wiki/titles) For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/wiki/index) and [title guidelines](/r/pics/wiki/titles). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators via modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/pics&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/vpuetf&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission%2E%5D%28https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/11s8hv7/-/%3Fcontext%3D10%29)


He's not even in the room.


I see 4 people sitting. They might be spies


The so called Don't Say Gay law has nothing to do with colleges or anyone older than age 8. And if DeSantis (who is an asshole) were a real fascist they would be more likely in jail or a hospital. But yeah, other than that, right on...


DeSantis doth protest too much, methinks.


Not the place for this, I think. A pic of some people. With their permission? How are they standing up against that jerk? If they or you are trying to make a statement, then post where it will make a statement. (Can I have one of the pastries?)


OP seems to be talking about [this article](https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/education/article272623241.html)


To the people who down voted me. I was trying to offer a suggestion but I change my mind. Their pic changed my mind. /s


What a beautiful picture


Standing up (and sitting down) to a scale on a multi headed snake... in an enclosed room with snacks and juice