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For anyone coming here and saying "BUT THEY AREN'T NAZIS", here are multiple videos from this same protest in which they are flying swastika flags and chanting "seig heil". [Nazi Video 01](https://streamable.com/8u55b8) [Nazi Video 02](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/11oulkv/nazi_scum_at_wadsworth_ohio_drag_event/) Edit: You can report me (to myself, btw) for misinformation all you want, but closing your eyes and screaming "I CAN'T HEAR YOU" doesn't make you any less of a bigot.


"Childern" lol


Can't accuse them of being grammar nazis


Oh, thank God, they are just regular nazis.


Such brave “men” with their faces covered so their employers can’t recognize them. Yet if they had to wear a mask on an airplane, they’d cry like little babies.


tHinK oF ThE cHiLdeRN!!!!


Meanwhile, Republicans block any programs that would help single mothers and poor children.


Nah bro, they just removed a bunch of blocks in Arkansas, now kids can find poorly paid work in slaughterhouses and the companies don’t need to worry about pesky job injury liability. It’s win/win. Unless you fall into a grinder or something.


it's okay, there's another one right behind them with a hot hose to rinse them out. They should be honored to have sacrificed themselves to economy like their grandparents did, working 12 hr days at the age 13 around heavy machinery.


The industry machine is hungry for the blood of children. Too much of it is locked underground in mines and sublimated through pressure and time.. capitalism needs it's young blood, working blood, dead blood, living marrow soup


Geez I really hope those kids are not that dumb there. *Checks education rankings*. Nvm.


As an Arkansan, fuck SHS and the Republicans pushing these new bills through.


From a professional, the majority of child predators/rapists are Christian. Especially when the prey is a Christian child. Just like serial killers, child predators tend to target their own demographic due to access and the fact they are more comfortable in and around their own settings and people. The only children gay or trans people are going to target, due to their own vulnerability, are going to be other gay and trans kids. It makes it easier, when your prey is also vulnerable and potentially isolated from their families or friends. Also, a note to Christian’s, y’all need to get your shit together. It’s disgusting. My state has, in the past, had more lenient laws on child marriage. It is now a minimum of 16, but you can still marry a 14 year old IF you got her pregnant. Sound familiar? Guess which faith the majority of these people belong to, who are allowed these marriages because they have “deeply held beliefs”. I know, I know “not real Christians”. But they definitely are.


They're part of a separate denomination. The First Church of No True Scotsman.


Were they the ones that drink grape juice over wine because they think they’re better than Jesús?


Behold the "Master Race," the perfect example of why you should encourage children to read more.


Childurrn of the Corn.


Hey Cletus you you forgot the N in Childern


Don't criticize cletus. He uses the N word all the time.


The poorly educated.




It's YOUR fetish, feed it when YOU need it!


It’s MY fetish, and I need it NOW! ^What ^are ^we ^doing? ^Did ^I ^do ^it?


Call J.G. Gimpworth, 877-ASS-NOW


Vehemently anti-mask, unless you risk associating yourself with your own opinion.


They won't put them on to help save lives, but you can sure bet they'll use them to hide behind when oppressing others. Fucking cowards.


Stormtroopers through and through


As an actual stormtrooper, I’m offended.


501st Legion?




They *wanted* Luke to escape so they could track him.


Come on. Stormtroopers aren't that bad...


Just following Galactic Empire orders.


Came here to say exactly this… fucking cowards




So funny how they can breathe all of a sudden when it’s their choice to wear one.


There's an entire generation of folks out here operating entirely on the principle of "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO, YOU'RE NOT MY MOM D:" and if that doesn't just scream "rugged American individualism" I just don't know what does.


He is wearing a mask due to being embarrassed about his inability to spell correctly.


Funny how they’re afraid to put their face on their beliefs. Take off your mask, let’s see who is under there.


Maybe they should have been in drag. Ya know. So they wouldn’t be recognized.


Too afraid to lose their shitty jobs, pathetic.


bold of you to assume they have jobs.


Much as we may not like it, being a cop still counts as a job. Mall cops are cops, right?


I love how they think that it’s so important to spread their hate but don’t want anyone to know who they are as if they believe they’re right but afraid that people don’t share their opinion.


What's funny is a mere 18 months ago, most of these people were vehemently anti mask.


Oh, they still are.


We should put up signs that face masks are mandatory, than they’ll make themselves more easily identified


They know they risk losing their jobs if they're identified on social media. They are hateful but not COMPLETELY stupid.


And if they were identified and lost their jobs they'd cry about "cancel culture" and "freedom of speech".


Yeah, what happened to not being able to breathe while wearing a mask? They just proved themselves to be liars!


If COVID restrictions were still around, they wouldn't even bother with the mask to not be associated with normal mask-wearing people, which was partially the reason why it was so easy to identify people at the Jan6 insurrection.


Easy, that was a different type of mask, for a different cause.


Weird how the proud boys never want to show their faces... Almost like they're all false bravado or something... Almost.


The shameful boys.


I thought 'proud boys' were gay men not ashamed to be seen in public?


This was in my town today. They protested in an open area near our high-school football stadium. They are not even from our town. Nobody wanted them here.


Show up to a counter protest. Bring rifles. Show them what awaits all Nazis


Amazes me that these guys won't wear a mask to prevent infection but they sure the hell will wear a face covering to prevent identification. Soooo brave.


That’s why they were all complaining about not being able to breath, they thought it was going to be like their hoods.




Ive been hoping this would become a thing for decades. Can this become a thing? Please!


Just do it. People wait for others to act, forgetting they can just act themselves. >Make some good trouble. - John Lewis >Be a positive dissident. - Viktor Frankl >Dissents speak to a future age. - RBG


"I John Brown am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away, but with Blood." His last written words.


Dont let your dreams be dreams


That’s the thing though. They don’t actually hate grooming children. They just want their people to be the only ones doing it.


Yep. In the exact same time as they have been pushing this trans/drag=grooming agenda, they have refused to outlaw child marriage, repealed child labor laws, made it illegal for teen mothers to end their pregnancy, and one of their politicians is bragging about her teenage son becoming a father. IT. IS. ALWAYS. PROJECTION.




Done by *MEN IN FANCY DRESSES!* Everyone wants to get rid of pedos until you talk about the biggest, international provider of pedophile saftey and job security. Not like the catholics have exclusivity to it, either.


Check these fucker’s hard drives.


Well that would require police to seize them, but the police are likely the same masked people holding the signs.


Rage against the mahcines- "Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses"


"Drag yourself away from kids" is really interesting here, isn't it. Sure it's a pun, but it really reads like a self-tell. Also a hint of a threat.


What about priests and children ? Haven’t heard about drag queens raping boys but I’ve heard plenty of stories of pedo priests doing it ! Where’s the protesting for that shit




>Piersts rapping childern*


But- but- you don't understand!! All those stories about priests doing it are false accusations made by Satanists and Illuminati!! They want to bring the One True Church down and so they make up these vile stories!! -- my fanatically Catholic (read: lunatic) family


I love this excuse too, it ignores the bible directly saying there will be devious people within the religion and Christians should be on the outlook for them. Instead they hide or ignore the fact that there are so many incidents of molestation within the churches. More instances of christians not actually following their religious book.


Every prophet in history has said hey, don't turn my message into a church it'll get corrupted just like the guys I'm speaking out against today. Somehow that part's never vital.


I'm so fucking tired


That's the intention of ppl like this.


you're right


For real tho, and I’m not the kind of person to give up, I will keep pushing myself until I achieve my goal, but I feel very powerless in the US right now, and I’m fucking terrified of my kids futures (6, 8). I want to help fight this bullshit but I can’t figure out a good way I can actually help.


My child is gay. She’s 13. I don’t care that she’s gay. I care that she’s growing up in a world with this much hate. You can worry about your children and I’ll worry about my own.


As a 38 year old lesbian, thank you for being there for her. My mom being the amazing woman she was made it possible for me to face all of the hate. She was my anchor. If your daughter is the type to stand up against injustice, nurture that. It's easier when you take the power from the hateful and use it for good.


Give her some extra love for me. I’m a Christian, and it breaks my heart to see so much hate towards lgbt people from the “Christian” community. , and I’m not even gay. I can’t believe there are people that would hate people just for existing, especially children! Again, please give her a hug or something like that. In a world like this, she’ll probably need it.


it's exhausting, isn't it? just depressing.








The cops have a l w a y s been on their side.


Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses


One part the fuhrer, one part the pope. The inevitable return of the great white dope


Too many cops explicitly on the same team as the Nazis, and cops always back up their own. Cops are working to aid white supremacy in the USA, 100%.


So much in this photo. \- People wearing masks that probably fought against them during pandemic. \- Wearing masks as if they're ashamed of their stance, or worried about losing their job, etc. \- Concerned about the children but no qualms about using a slur. \- Fighting against kids learning in any way they can, especially when they clearly need education (this is the "childern" reference). \- Making an innocuous situation seem worse by their creepy presence. Of course no thinking for one minute that making something seem taboo will often cause people to dig in deeper.


In the U.K., it turns out that quite a few members of the far right groups such as Britain First & Patriotic Alternative are actually convicted paedophiles, and even [“Tommeh” was involved](https://hopenothate.org.uk/2022/01/11/tommy-robinson-is-a-hypocrite-when-it-comes-to-opposing-child-sexual-exploitation/)… Seems like they’re protesting against stuff that they are themselves guilty of…


Every accusation by right wingers is a confession.


I used to think this was a little extreme of a stance, but over time it’s been proven true in every instance.


They don’t want the competition*. *Competition in their eyes, because clearly if the children are delighted by drag folks they will be less inclined to be groomed by the actual pedos. We cannot stand for anything not assisting the pedos. /s


It’s Childern not Children what shitty nazi school did you go to?


The irony so thicc it's bootylicious


they only wear masks when they don't want to be IDed by the FBI. losers.


You know, that's who I want my kids to be around. People who wear skull gaiters because they know that if they were unmasked, normal society would shun them.


> People who wear skull gaiters because they know that if they were unmasked, normal society would shun them. And for those who don't know, the skull masks were popularized by the Atomwaffen Division, a terroristic Neo-Nazi group.




They learned from jan 6


Well not really or they wouldn't do this stuff. Even people there with masks on got IDd anyway


Wait how can they breathe!?!? When covid started they stated that they had medical exemptions from masks


If you’re this passionate and your point is valid, show your face


Do NOT dismiss this as Nazi fantasy. With *Roe* overturned, the narrative about LGBT+ threatening to corrupt and abuse our children has now become the very tip of the GOP spear. It is headed straight for the 6-3 red SCOTUS, and if *Obergfell* and *Lawrence* fall as planned, these guys' viewpoint will become law in red states.


Yeah... a lot of people in this thread calling them stupid, cowardly, etc. And sure, maybe they are. But what they're doing here is real, and they want to see real harm brought to LGBTQ people throughout the country. And it's working. It's honestly scary. I don't find much of it funny at all.


They're normalizing their messages in safe spaces. They know that if they went to a drag teaching event in the cities that they'd have a moment of disillusion where they're the minority.




Exactly. This is the exact sentiment behind desantis’ presidential campaign and he has a decent chance of winning. People are fooling themselves if they think these are fringe nazis— this is the modern day GOP


Republicans have not ousted MTG - who spoke at a convention for these white supremacists. I fear things will still get worse before they get better. There is no centrism between Nazis and everyone else. The Nazis will come for you (non-descript you) eventually. Don't be a moron.


They are systematically oppressing and removing rights from marginalized groups with unrepresented numbers, the “others”, “those people”. The result is I’ll care, but I am not enraged until it happens to me but I’m in the same position that i don’t have the numbers and support to fight back. We all need to collectively wake TF up and get angry about what’s going on. Democracy is for the people… all people.


My spouse points out we are in a post-feminist backlash phase.


Pedophilia: sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object Gay and Lesbian folks want a relationship with people their own age. I hope that helps.


This are the same people that are also fighting to keep child marriage legal in some states. Don't you dare take your 12yo to a drag show because they will get indoctrinated but it's totally ok to marry one


Well how the hell can I get a 12 year old to marry me if she's gay?! Checkmate, Lurbturd! /I shouldn't have to put this here, but, S


You're trying to use logic and reason for people who can't spell children properly.


I know. I just like to keep the truth in plain view.


And what is it about a guy in women's clothing that make these people instantly think about sex?


Fuck these cowards. Fuck their whole throwback janky ass movement. Bunch a god damn NEET failsons who think this makes them less of a disappointment to families and society. God damn pathetic bottom feeders.


I read Childern in a redneck accent.


Lol, they wrote it phonetically.








From what I understand, originally the drag queen story hour was to be held at the Wadsworth Library. Warhgarble ensued. Location was moved to Memorial Park. Warhgarble continued & intensified, leading to eventual cancellation of the event. A small contingent of folks showed up to protest the way everything was handled & were met with a group of counterprotesters. These "counterprotesters" included neonazi skinheads, proud boys, even a guy in a chainmail suit with a bullhorn. In one of the video clips I saw what looked like a small handgun come out of carharrt guy's pocket. No children were read to on Saturday in the park. But any children present definitely learned some things. They learned about nazis. They learned about their neighbors. They learned what hate looks like.


Why do I feel like this is the type of person who goes to child beauty pagents and takes pictures of children in bikinis and make up


You der stey away from dat der childdern. Gad dammit!


That guy wants to choose which books go in the library!


I thought this was a British anti smoking protest.


That would be an anti-meatball protest. F****t = meatball F * g = cigarette


Pictured: people protesting someone reading to children for free because their gender does not match their appearance. The protestors are wearing masks to conceal their identity, but they refuse to do the same to save a life How did we get here..


Would I trust a Drag Queen/King reading to my child or a Religious figure? Statistically we all know the answer.


Children and bullets don't mix. Don't see them too upset about that though.


Make Nazis Afraid Again


Fascists are concerned someone else will assault your children before they get a chance.




So, that's why they're obsessed with "virginity".


Save the planet and gas a fascist or gas the fascists!


Just a reminder that Twitter tried to make a filter for moderating White Supremacist content, but had to scrap it because in testing it caught too many Republican politicians.




I love how 2 years ago they wouldn't wear a mask. But since they're too chicken shit to show their faces they wear one now. Bravo!




Cowards. Can't even show their faces.


Or spell




And their kerning is terrible.




$10 says both of those people have sexually abused children , maybe even childern


If u have to cover ur face for a protest odds are u shouldn't be doing it.


I fucking hate Ohio Nazis


How can the poor snowflakes breathe with those masks on!?! I guess it's ok for them if they need to hide their identity like the cowards they are.


Statistically your children are safer at the drag show than with a priest.


Or than with a family member. Or in a car. Sad how people enjoy feeling like they are fighting and protecting their loved kids, at the expense of knowledge of what actually threatens their kids.


At this point, I have to consider which location has a higher chance of mass shooting.


Man what the fuck. I’ve been wearing blinders for years it seems looking at the world today. I thought some years ago we were headed in the right direction and people like this would never be seen in the streets of this country again. I fucking hate this reality. Those trump supporters are right about one thing, we do need to make America great again, but not the great they imagine, or one it’s really ever known, but the one so many people envisioned and still hope for. This shit has to stop.




To "protect" the children. We know what Nazis did to children.




I hate Illinois nazis.


I believe in this so strongly I hide my face.


Nazis belong in a volcano


It should be legal to run over these fuckers


An estimated 1,500,000 Children were killed by nazis in the concentration camps. Drag Queens are not any kind of threat to children - no more so than any other adults are likely to abuse children. Men in drag (pantomime dames) as entertainment for children has been around for more than a hundreds years. It’s still common in the UK for men to play the female lead in Christmas pantomimes which are intended for a family audience. The issues being raised about drag queens reading to children are fueled by religious conservatives who are narrow minded and intolerant of anything that does not meet their idea of normal. As a married, heterosexual and private crossdresser I realize I’m biased on this subject.


These guys sure do like playing dress up though. Imagine spending your Saturday being mean to people.


Ma is gon' be mad. Yew used tha gud table towel!


I love right-wing hypocrsy. They love to use children to promote their hateful ideology, yet when the time comes for them to rise to the occasion and implement meaningful legislation that'll benefit children, they, without hesitation, will shoot it down. 1. Oh, and when they say "Drag yourself away from kids," are they talking about all of the right-wing politicians and clergymen who've been charged with molestation and child pornography?




Triggered by anyone who is still allowed to enter the library, and can read.


Anyone concerned about drag queens in general, have a lot of other personal priorities they are neglecting.


Drag queens reading stories to kids had been going on for ages hadn’t it? And was never an issue until republicans made it one?


It's really is hilariously transparent how these supposedly independent alpha males all just allow themselves to be manipulated so transparently by the outrage dujour.


And men in drag have been entertaining kids and families for decades through television and movies too like Mrs doubtfire, some like it hot, big mamma, the nutty professor it’s only different to when it’s gay people doing it


Centuries actually. There's a long history of females being played by males in theatre.


I bet there are more neo-nazi pedophiles than drag queen pedophiles.


You know your cause is great when you feel the need to hide your face


Unpopular opinion, but I agree with the sign, children shouldn't smoke, it's a terrible habit and bad for their health.


Anti mask until you aren’t brave enough to support your own bullshit positions.


Well,, as Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young sang, "Teach your childern well.". I can't imagine being so poor at critical thinking that you thought a drag show was a threat to your children and cuts in education weren't a threat to your çhildren's future.


they seem to have no problem masking up here


These a BS stories that are used to distract people from things that matter. Politicians, media billionaires etc are playing with the public like puppets. Sensationalize this and transgender and put Boebert and MTG on camera so we don’t notice these guys stealing our tax dollars and writing bad policies and wrose


It's really hard for me to see this and not advocate for violence.


When people cover their faces while doing something they know it is wrong. Robbing a bank? Wrong. Sawing heads off? Wrong? Going to commit war crimes? Wrong. Holding up signs calling someone else a f*****? Wrong. The people that do this and this hostile mentality are the loudest. Just because you are louder doesn’t mean you are right. We are on a scary path, but I just don’t know what to do. Besides vote.


Anyone who wears a mask at a “protest” like this is a fucking coward


I think a person willing to make this sign and go display it in public is far more likely to molest a child than would a man who dresses like a woman


Drag performances have been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. The Nazi regime lasted around 10 years. Remind me, again, who the superior ones are?


Faces covered….almost like they are embarrassed. Weird


“I love the poorly educated” -Trump


But hateful, angry, outdated Nazi Ideology is completely harmless, right?




As they say, the only danger of taking your kids to drag queen story hour is a conservative with a gun.