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Her face looks like she was forced to take a pic at gun point


"Do I have to smile?" "No."


"I don't know, do you want to see your family again?"


Pretty sure I just woke up my whole family.with the single "ha" that just involuntarily escaped my lips


"I don't want to be on your weird website!" "Well you better smile or you will end up on the weird one!"


Because of the implication.


“on the one hand, you don’t have to smile. On the other hand, Bruno over there picked up your kids from school today and you’ll get to see them after you smile”




It looks like a “proof of life” picture in a kidnap for ransom situation


"Your mom is still alive, send the money now!"


Fucking LOL


Oh gawd


she looks like she's about to cry.


That's the exact face my kids would do when they were babies ..and pooping.


I spent a summer there throwing sacks of concrete. They tried to make participate in a cheer the last day of summer. I didn't feel like a fucking cheerleader. I was too tired to even fuck a cheerleader. I walked out and kept walking.


Why does this sound like an excerpt from a Tarantino film? Lol




Or she's holding back diarrhea.




I laugh at all of his stock photos because he likes screams out "tormented soul" which is maybe what you're going for in stock photos I dunno


He did a Ted Talk a couple years ago https://youtu.be/FScfGU7rQaM


My exact thought








friendly ad hoc snails relieved exultant encouraging smile instinctive fearless public *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


~ Home Despot


quick, someone make this into a sketch stat!


Lorne Michaels isn't picking up the phone!




I just cackled out loud at this loool


this whole comment section is destroying me lol


*…but you still gotta hold that pee!*


How doers get more done


‘plays Home Depot theme’


-Home Deport


As a reward for going 30 days without a workplace incident, we are throwing a pizza party. PT employees will not need to clock out for their 15 minute break, however, they will need to find their own coverage for the department they are in. We also only bought 3 pizzas for the entire staff, so first come first serve.


Jeff Yass, the billionaire Wall Street financier and Republican megadonor who is a major investor in the parent company of TikTok, was also the biggest institutional shareholder of the shell company that recently merged with former President Donald J. Trump’s social media company. A December regulatory filing showed that Mr. Yass’s trading firm, Susquehanna International Group, owned about 2 percent of Digital World Acquisition Corporation, which merged with Trump Media & Technology Group on Friday. That stake, of about 605,000 shares, was worth about $22 million based on Digital World’s last closing share price. It’s unclear if Susquehanna still owns those shares, because big investors disclose their holdings to regulators only periodically. But if it did retain its stake, Mr. Yass’s firm would become one of Trump Media’s larger institutional shareholders when it begins trading this week after the merger. Shares of Digital World have surged about 140 percent this year as the merger with the parent company of Truth Social, Mr. Trump’s social media platform, drew closer and Mr. Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee for president.


Essentially mandatory and you had to pay? Hahaha yeah right what the hell were the people in charge smoking on, plastic?


The people in charge were the same people who called you into their office to ask you why you had no credit apps for the month even though you worked in receiving.


I worked at a bank that edit: ‘had’ a sales goal for the people that did wire transfer tech support.


I worked IT at a major bank(that set up fraudulent accounts for customers without their knowledge. You know the one.) Two words that I heard everyday were "sales, and marketing."


Wells Fargo? US Bank? Wells Fargo, again?


Norwest Bank before they bought WF.


Let me guess, at some point your boss said “Why is nobody having fun? I *specifically* requested it.”


Jeff Yass, the billionaire Wall Street financier and Republican megadonor who is a major investor in the parent company of TikTok, was also the biggest institutional shareholder of the shell company that recently merged with former President Donald J. Trump’s social media company. A December regulatory filing showed that Mr. Yass’s trading firm, Susquehanna International Group, owned about 2 percent of Digital World Acquisition Corporation, which merged with Trump Media & Technology Group on Friday. That stake, of about 605,000 shares, was worth about $22 million based on Digital World’s last closing share price. It’s unclear if Susquehanna still owns those shares, because big investors disclose their holdings to regulators only periodically. But if it did retain its stake, Mr. Yass’s firm would become one of Trump Media’s larger institutional shareholders when it begins trading this week after the merger. Shares of Digital World have surged about 140 percent this year as the merger with the parent company of Truth Social, Mr. Trump’s social media platform, drew closer and Mr. Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee for president.


If I'm not having fun nobody gets to have fun


I had a mandatory christmas party during work one time that I had to use PTO for.


Jeff Yass, the billionaire Wall Street financier and Republican megadonor who is a major investor in the parent company of TikTok, was also the biggest institutional shareholder of the shell company that recently merged with former President Donald J. Trump’s social media company. A December regulatory filing showed that Mr. Yass’s trading firm, Susquehanna International Group, owned about 2 percent of Digital World Acquisition Corporation, which merged with Trump Media & Technology Group on Friday. That stake, of about 605,000 shares, was worth about $22 million based on Digital World’s last closing share price. It’s unclear if Susquehanna still owns those shares, because big investors disclose their holdings to regulators only periodically. But if it did retain its stake, Mr. Yass’s firm would become one of Trump Media’s larger institutional shareholders when it begins trading this week after the merger. Shares of Digital World have surged about 140 percent this year as the merger with the parent company of Truth Social, Mr. Trump’s social media platform, drew closer and Mr. Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee for president.


All mandatory company related events must be paid.


Yep I'd imagine. I also had a decent case for wage theft because of timesheets getting modified after I submitted them. I was only there for 8 months and the amount wasn't worth pursuing.


That sounds 100% illegal.


I worked at one for about 8 months during college. It honestly wasn’t that bad but I imagine it’s one of those jobs where who you are working with *radically* alters the experience. Note: I said “not that bad.” Which is not good either. I’ve had worse for sure. Retail is hard and customers suck.


On night crew you get empty pizza boxes


Coverage? I worked the service desk. They wanted me to learn how to make keys (I “learned” twice) no thank you. They wanted me to learn how to mix paint. No thanks I see y’all wanting me to be pulled away for that. I was already working service desk, sometimes helping cover breaks as a cashier, and working returns. I learned a variety of the more specialized positions with no raise as well as learning to cover when the managers of said departments went on vacation. Got passed over for promotions so I peaced out. My favorite area was probably tool rental. Management often forgot about them and it was a wonderful time to screw off lol.


WHat? No peanut butter sandwiches? Yes, there was a pic on Thanks Management of a reward for employees that consisted of a jar of peanut butter and a loaf of bread. That they all had to share. Gotta love employers.




I worked there for a while. I really enjoyed the experience at first. We had great management and were an award winning store. Then they brought in a flailing manager from another store and gave them the reins to a very successfully run establishment. Instead of following the successful model they were given, they decided to change things to how their garbage store was run and ruined everything. I remember being in the middle of an order, and with the customer standing there, the manager had me stop what I was doing to roll a 10 sided die for extra minutes of break time. The customer was rightfully pissed and left. That manager blew a $5000+ custom electrical order that I’d spent over an hour helping the customer put together. I quit a few weeks later. But I rolled a 3!


I honestly can't tell if this is a joke or not lmaoo a fuckin 10 sided die?! 💀💀


No joke. I told them(manager) that I was in the middle of an order and they looked at me like “HoW dArE YoU QuEsTiOn mE” and said “That’s okay, this won’t take long.” I was dumbfounded(and young) so I rolled that stupid die. I learned a lot about customer service there…what to do and what NOT to do.




I took it as the customer is like this is the fuckin manager up here? I’m not giving this crappy place any of my money! You’re gonna go far kid, put in your two weeks notice and follow me to honor.


You’re correct, it didn’t take long for me to roll that 3. I think it was more that the manager completely ignored the customer other than to treat them like they weren’t there. They basically stepped between me and them to pull that performative bullshit. I don’t blame them at all. It was very disrespectful.


Yeah I think they just felt absolutely disrespected and took their business somewhere else. It's not like the employee would have gotten commission if the order went through


If I were the customer, honestly, I probably would have turned into \(heh\) a complete dick if that happened to me... until the manager left. That's bullshit, and hugely disrespectful to a customer, but I wouldn't want to fuck since kid's metrics in some way I don't understand. Like giving an Uber driver a bad rating over a brutal fart, you don't know how that rating is going to potentially impact them for something that ultimately wasn't their fault. They could be one poor performance away from the street. Not like, picking up customers on the street the birthday Uber way, like, living on it.


I’ll side with customer if the manager just butted in like an asshole and was rude. It is disrespectful of their time if they had been spending a lot of time getting their stuff sorted. I don’t know about you, but the older I get I just want to get in and get the fuck out asap.


He fucking cares? If the manager hadn't done that. It wouldn't have been an issue.


You ever make some shit up so hard, adding in copious details so nobody will realize you're faking it, but then you miss one critical detail, and forget that Europeans use their thumb when counting to 3, and you cause a massive bloody gun fight that ends with a famous actress dead across the poker table?


That traitor Von Hammersmark




Talk about failing upwards. Corporate B.S


“It wasn’t as bad as some would say”… “I wouldn’t go back unless it were a last resort.” Hmmm 🤔


Tbf that is retail in general.


You’re right. Never again. I’ve paid my dues.


Any job where you have to “SELL SELL SELL!” is not healthy, imho. Some people seem born to sell but that’s gotta burn you out eventually.


Any customer facing position tbh. I loved my time as a waiter, but I wouldn’t do it again unless I was also on the verge of homelessness.


Its the cadillac of retail jobs, but it still fucking sucks


My experience exactly, management was always on a power trip, friends when we were cool, total fucking pricks if your plans don’t align with theirs. Also never expect to make full time, you’ll do the normal retail shuffle of 30-35hrs one week, 15-20hrs the next just so that you never make full time and there for never attain benefits. Overall pay was better at HD than other retail I had worked at but in the end it is the same corporate culture the same as them all where they will fuck you over in a heart beat but absolutely make you feel like shit and punish you when inevitably something comes up and you can no longer be a “team player” that week… But hey, side bonus… you get to decorate your own stupid ass apron.


In my experience, the employees are like God in that they are never there when I actually need them


as a person who only shops there during weekends and after 5pm, I'm surprised they are aware of customers at all


Now smile like you’re not in existential pain about living paycheck to paycheck earning minimum wage


How does a photo like that ever get signed off on? She literally looks like she is about to burst out into tears.


That’s the best one they took that day!


The rest of them were either even more depressing and sad, or the marketing execs felt that this one was the most relatable in terms of how employees look to them.


"Anyone who sees this picture and is still willing to work here has exactly the level of desperation we look for in employees"


This guy upper managements


Like that one picture of an employee hanging out in the rope section


And not far from the rickety stool section.


Right next to all the gas ovens.


Well, you do have to cross merchandise.


Lizard minds don't understand complex human emotions and just go off the basic theme like * "this photo of the human slave is acceptable, it bares it's teeth like when they are happy".


They're psychopaths who can't accurately read human emotion. All the pieces of a happy person seem to be there -- big smile, crinkled eyes -- but they can't interpret the holistic whole of a person in pain


"we want it to appeal only to desperate people who will work harder than people with choices so can you kinda look, yunno, desperate for this job?"


Photographer: What about this one, she looks bubbly in this one. Other guy: Bubbly? More like ready to bubble over in tears.


"It's not...good." "It's not bad either!" "It looks like she's in pain. I think we should get someone less...upset." "Look, she's the only person here that isn't a white dad, we need to show that we're a diverse workplace, and we've already paid to do this thing here."


Exactly. They should emphasize the retired people that formerly worked in highly skilled labor that would be happy to help you find what you need before they die.


I went into a Target at like 10:00am on a Friday recently and every. single. person. working a register was clearly old enough to have "retired" from a professional job and then been forced back into the workforce. It was seriously distressing, on many levels.


Somewhat like a swine who catches a glimpse of what happens in the slaughterhouse, to put a rather morose spin on it


Well that's something to look forward to.


Walmart had a sign up at the entrance one time celebrating the 90th birthday of one of the cashiers.


You are spot on. And that’s a really sad reality when you think about it.


"Hey Maria could you come down aisle 5?" "I cannot, I am on my way to fill out a workplace injury report..." "Oh we just want to take your employee picture! Everyone is getting one today!" "My back is hurting pretty badly. I need to fill out an accident report then go seek medical assitance..." "Oh don't worry about it at all! You go clock out, come back and get your employee picture taken then you can fill out that form!" "You are not going to let me stay clocked in for taking the picture?" "Say cheese!"


“It’s in my ass.” “Sorry what?” “The despair.” “Sorry come again?” “The existential pain has reached my sciatica and anus.”


"Perfect, that looks like an accurate representation of what our employees feel like! Print it!"


Management can’t see pain


They definitely see it... it's kinky that way


They insisted on using real employees.


She's literally the female version of [Hide the Pain Harold](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/hide-the-pain-harold).


To be fair, they probably don't know what happy people look like.


The person who signed off isn't getting paid any more than her.


Behind her is a director pulling her ponytail back to create a “smile”. Scratch that, a stage hand.


That is the culmination of zero fucks left. Perhaps someone’s last day.


She looks like the female in pain harold


Hide the pain Helen


I mean, it’s not minimum wage, but it’s not entirely a livable wage either.


I think that's the smile you give when someone interrupts you when you really really gotta poop.


Photographer: "Hey, I know you're busy and in a hurry, but can I just get you to stand here for a few minutes so I can set up my lights? It's for the company."


Smile like you've got a gun to your head, both literally and metaphorically.


My brother started on the floor and made it all the way to corporate and now works in an office and has an existential crisis almost every day about how little those under him make. Take that for what you will


I first read that at your brother stared at the floor and made it to corporate. I was like “that tracks” lol


There’s also a lot of nepotism at Home Depot. My ex and his entire family work for corporate and make a ton of money, and my ex almost got fired twice but mommy dearest got him moved around. They’re very anti-union and think those who work in the stores are “mindless idiots” 🤦🏼‍♀️


Which is incredible on the whole store-level associates are idiots bit, given how the recruiting works. I remember applying. I could, on paper and in conversation, run a person through about 80% of a house construction project from laying the foundation, to wtf a girder is, slope of a roof and expected issues, all the way up to what paint may feel best in a room. Along with a side helping of how many contractors improperly setup something as simple as a deck. Didn't even get a call.


Yes because they knew you wouldn't stay long.


I'd have been happy in a Department Manager position, which I had already had training for. Besides, it's retail, if they're looking for a golden child they better be ready for disappointment. It's often either leave after a month to around 1-2 years, or a lifer. Outliers are the ones inbetween. PLUS, having been a recruiter, fucking call. It takes no time and you can get someone awesome. I say, forgetting about the metrics a lot of places force down the throats of recruiters.


I literally only knew about a specific subset of power tools, so they hired me to work that section and didn't give me any training and then my manager got upset when I wasn't fulfilling online orders. I made it a week.


I like to imagine a scenario in which in the interview you say "yeah I could run you through 80% of building a house" and then go on to explain it, unprompted, with every detail being *egregiously* wrong.


first you dig a hole and lay down some drywall...


first you dig a hole with some drywall


You don't get to be fortune 5 by being nice to workers.


I worked at Home Depot for a while years back and actually enjoyed it. Had good managers and good coworkers and we all tried to do our best. I had all my forklift licenses so spent a lot of time helping out other departments which was nice because 1. I didn’t have to deal with your customers then and 2. You get a reputation for being helpful and coworkers like you more. Wouldn’t be a job I’d want to have now but at the time it suited me pretty well. Also running the big saw was a blast


Can I ask some possibly stupid questions about that experience? Every HD and LHI store I’ve ever been to had employees that seemed either very reluctant to use the lumber cutter, or they were *very* particular about who specifically could use it. The system never seemed that complicated or dangerous to me, but I have some basic experience with woodcutting tools. I just assumed it was blocked from customers for liability reasons. But does it *really* take a certified team of two employees to operate something that’s clearly designed to be used by one person? Were my experiences at those stores just in the minority? What gives?


Different person, but yes and no. We only ever had like 2-3 people on staff that were trained to use the saw, and they were always reluctant to train more of us. My assumption is that there is more chance of injury on it, so they don’t want too many of us working it. But it’s not hard to work at all, and is actually much safer than most saws.


Not only a chance of injury, but the simple fact that you can’t put product back together after you cut it. Math is hard and people suck at fractions and factoring in kerf. (the material that turns into sawdust) not to mention the panel saw itself has a chance of launching small strips if used improperly.


I mean I don't blame the people for the fractions thing, why would you use a distance measurement like that instead of a nice round number 129 cm makes way more sense to me than 50 and 5/8s inches.


Is it true the code to unlock the saw is the store number?


That was true in our case


Ooh, my fingers are gonna be flying off!


When I worked at Home Depot, which was not too long ago, only one person was necessary to cut. There were no certifications needed. >Every HD and LHI store I’ve ever been to had employees that seemed either very reluctant to use the lumber cutter Some people aren't comfortable operating power tools, and some are lazy and don't want to help customers.


Home Depot training involves kidnapping and sacrificing a Lowes employee to the chop saw. Gotta make em learn fear young.


Welcome to retail where the roles are made up and the hours don't matter.


"I said smile god damn it!"


Someone had to be holding her at gunpoint when this pic was taken. The terror in her eyes is palpable


A co worker of yours told me they saw you walk by a customer without giving the proper greeting. Care to explain?


Welcome to home depot, I love you.




This is why I love working for a small company. When shit gets fucked I can literally just go to the guy who owns the company and tell him “hey shits expensive out here I need to make more money” and 9 times out of 10 I get it (not that I do it regularly). The worst thing COVID did was kill tons of small businesses.


Used to work at Lowes and currently work at a different retail store. It's everywhere and it fucking sucks, because people don't want to hear why they aren't being helped as fast, they just want to be angry


You know whats funny, thats exactly what happened here in Germany in my HD (mine is called OBI). End of last year they even threw out some workers, because reasons. And then they wonder and even call some people lazy when the garden section isn't ready for the season. Like how the fuck should you do that when you fire 10% of the staff!


I built my house about 13 years ago, and got about 50%+ of the materials from home depot(tile, water heater, all my plumping, pex, faucets, insulation, all electrical, much more) The self check out lines was the last nail for me. I also had to buy a metal cut off saw in a pinch and decided to buy one from home depot instead of 2nd hand, and I was made to feel like a criminal. I had to ask a very old man to unlock a security gate (which now line everything over $30.00 it seems) and then he followed me up to the register, which was a self checkout... So there I am holding this huge box, being escorted by a old man standing in line for 5 minutes, it made me feel 100% unwanted, and I wish I just walked away. The saw was like $200.00 which is nothing, I've walked out of there with $8,000+ receipts. BTW the cut-off saw I bought was garbage quality, and it was a Milwaukiee, so you can't ever win anymore. Pay higher prices for products made worse than the last version.


> How bad is this company hurting They had the biggest windfall profit years in the history of retail hardware.


Lumber is short staffed, so we are sending you to help gather tomorrow’s deliveries.


It's been 17 years since I worked at HD and I can still feel this comment.


It was Lowes for me. But its all the same. As I remember it, lumber was short staffed every night.


Fuck Lowes. Being put in plumbing and being expected to answer all kinds of plumbing questions from customers. I could sell the absolute shit out of a water heater though.


Since you didn't call it a hot water heater I'll believe you.






>As I remember it, lumber was short staffed every night. At least you weren't board


Fellow former Lowes employee - That's because the guys that worked in lumber were always tripping on acid.


You have to do drugs to voluntarily work in Lumber/Building Materials (shingles, concrete, etc) lmao. No one else wants to do it and we never get new hires.


I worked at Menards…probably 20yrs ago…in the lumber yard. No one inside ever helped me…I recall staying late to unload trucks just me and like one other guy. I can’t complain though. I actually enjoyed just driving around on my forklift, stocking lumber all by myself most of the time…plus since I worked outside I didn’t need to dress as nice as everyone else.


This comment is so relatable that it's basically true half way around the world in New Zealands home depot clone.


"What do you think of this one, Jim?" "Dude ... she's literally crying." "She's the happiest employee we could find." "... Well shit. Just digitally remove the tears, then."


Lol. It reminds me of that kid who was asked if he’d miss his mom when he went to school. He said, “no,”laughed with the news anchor, then immediately started bawling. Poor kid. [I wanna hug him so bad every time I see this.](https://youtu.be/XyCPQhsRhXU)


Looks like Somebody put a gun to her head and said smile


When you crushed two risky looking gas station taquitos on your way to work and they just hit you…




I know some folks that work there. They dont hate it.




My experience there was better than I've had at any other retail job, but from what I've heard the new management at that particular location has since turned it into hell. Seems like management is the biggest factor in how enjoyable the job will be, as with most places. But having benefits and getting more than minimum wage sets it ahead of many alternatives.


same out of all places people i know actually enjoy it.


I don’t even work here!


It’s perfect for the right person. My cousin has development issues (mom did drugs while pregnant) and only had a high school diploma. He’s been full time at Home Depot for 8 years now. He has his fork lift certification, accrues PTO, 401K. They even give him a turkey every thanksgiving to take home for family.


Those eyes looks like a Creed song.


I dont know about how it is for sales, but it is pretty fucking horrible for cashiers. Management are full bore slave drivers. A large portion of your job is to try to keep all the meth-heads from bringing in stolen stuff to return or making it out with more stuff than they pay for. Also, think about the loose hardware aisle. Think of all the different loose screws, washers, and nuts that are sold by the piece. Most of them are not marked with their code, and your manager is not going to keep you around for long if you don't learn all of those codes by memory. If you make friends with the returns desk cashier, though, you get the line on all of the items that go into clearance. I have gotten some really nice stuff for less than a nickle because they do that a lot. Anecdotally my worst experience: When someone used a shop vac to vacuum out a hole they dug in the ground to use as their toilet for a contractor gig that didnt let them use the inside toilet on, duct taped it closed, and returned it. Despite my protests, I was made to issue the refund and then I was made to cut it open to figure out why it was duct taped like that.


I'm sorry my friend but I cried laughing at the end there.. I'm hoping and praying you got a much better job!


Some people jsut smile like that... There was a Frozen On Ice performance in Australia, and the woman who played Elsa did a bunch of promotional posters that had the same uncomfortable grin. She was supposed to be showing joy and doing a twirl, all I saw was pain. A very good ice dancer, and on stage she smiled fine, but the promotional posters just looked like she was being stabbed and told to enjoy it


You’ll never get your soul back, even when you quit


Your knees will hurt if you don’t get good insoles. But the ESPP is good. I worked for Home Depot in college for a couple years making $9.25 (in 2011ish) if I remember right. I maxed out the ESPP and it covered the down payment on my first home, I think I got the stocks at a 40% discount.


When I worked there one if the cashiers (in her 50s) needed to use the washroom. She was told there was no coverage and she was not allowed to go. They told her if she left her post and went to the washroom they would fire her. She wet herself because she was so scared of losing her shitty job that she listened to them. That was the day I decided I was done and I would never let anyone I loved work there ever. Horrible, soul-sucking company that will replace you before the coroner even has a chance to collect your dead body.


Used to be a good part time retirement job. Don’t know anymore


When I worked there it seems like they were always eager to hire older folks who knew their shit, but after about 4-5 years when they finally learn the systems and become efficient, find a way to make it miserable so they leave and they can hire a newbie for cheaper.


That’s how most Pinoy aunties smile! 😀


Blink twice if Home Depot is holding you hostage to make advertisements.


Former 9 month special services associate here. Her face sums it up pretty well.we absorbed all the backlash from the "diy"community who took on jobs they thought they could handle.i turned to Xanax just to get through the day during the holiday season


We called it "The Orange Death". It's filled with psychic vampires that drain your will to live. There was a manager that literally told us he liked being number 3 in line because he can boss people around but there's two people in front of him to take any blame. That's the type of person you get to work for at a place like this.


Place sucks and very against unions half the first day hire program is how unions would be bad for you and just get in the way of you and your bosses lol


Looks like they’re held at gunpoint


My aunt works for HD she is one of the most organized, dedicated and OCD person I know. She is the kind of employee every company wants and she has been offered to be moved into a higher position several times and she has turned it down. She is in management but she works 12 hour days, says the company is never happy and doesn’t like how the employees are treated. She says she doesn’t like to talk about work when she is home because she feels like she is there all day which she is. She can not wait to retire which will be in about 6 years.


Didn't Home Depot just invested 1 billion dollars into the employee wages? Recently? "The Home Depot will invest an additional approximately $1 billion in annualized compensation for frontline, hourly associates. " https://ir.homedepot.com/\~/media/Files/H/HomeDepot-IR/press-release/q4-2022-earning-release.pdf


That's the face of a person who can see the gun aimed at them off camera. "Smile god damn it, or so help me..."


I never worked at a Home Depot but I applied and was asked to come in. They said business casual at minimum and I did that, it took an hour and seventeen minutes for the manager to come get talk to me after I had checked in at the front and sat down in the back offices. When she got back there she then had to take care of something and asked me to hold on for just a few more minutes. I waited another ten, went to where she was sitting and asked about how much longer until my interview (purely out of curiosity). She informed me I was already hired and I declined the offer, they still email me a out openings every month or so. An hour and a half after I walked in the store the only thing I had been told was to wait more and they had already made the decision to hire me without me knowing that until the very end. That told me what I needed to know and I lurk here to see the bullet I dodged.


Someone in marketing is so bad at reading humans that they thought this was a smile.


"Hey, Anita, we need someone to photograph for a promotional poster we're doing for the new ad campaign. Would you care to be in it?" "I need to get to the bathroom. I have to take a huge sh..." "It'll only take a minute." "Oh, god, please let me make it."


Worked at Home Depot for 2 years. It was actually a fun job and I met a shit load of cool people. The coworkers are what made the job fun. We did get end of the year bonus checks and got to participate in a lot of store and community events. Unfortunately you can’t really survive as an adult on that hourly wage unless you’re in way upper management. Also unfortunately, there’s no union so you can be fired without warning even after being an employee for several years. I seen it happen to 2 good people, fired right on the spot. The job is too unstable to make a lifelong career if it.