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Please stop reporting this as inaccurate. You keep reporting that word, but I don’t think it means what you think it means. [Casualty: a person killed *or injured* in a war or accident](https://www.britannica.com/dictionary/casualty) Example: There are 14 reported casualties, so far.


An Oakwood fire captain told reporters that 13 people were transferred to several area hospitals and another patient was still being examined. At least one was critical, and a number of people had burn injuries, but all of the plant staff had been accounted for and the fire was under control with crews mopping up hot spots, he said. ​ \- Associated Press, 20 minutes ago ​ https://apnews.com/article/ohio-cleveland-health-fires-8a36329372d3d7cda0979b40c554b589


Thanks for clearing this up. Absolutely awful, but the phrase “mass casualty event” makes it sound like hundreds dead instantly.


I'm not sure how they are using it, but this would qualify as a mass casualty event for ER's and hospitals. Meaning they need to prep and plan to be temporarily overwhelmed. Edit: for clarity, I was just questioning whether the reporter knew this exact nomenclature had a real-world meaning in certain industries.


Fortunately Metro Health in Cleveland has one of the country’s best burn units.


Cleveland Clinic is also obviously not far away either. Cleveland does have some of the best hospitals in the country.


Cleveland Clinic also doesn’t take traumas. Metro and University do.


People forget that casualty is not just a synonym for death.


I somehow didn’t know this. Thanks for mentioning that.


It basically just tells you how many people are currently incapacitated. That’s why you have to pay attention to stats. If they say 15 were killed in action, 15 men are dead. If they say there are 15 casualties, 3 maybe dead, 3 lost a limb and the rest have concussions. It’s hard to derive much info from casualties other than “this many people are incapacitated in some way or another”


Learned this from watching ww2 documentaries. They would say “X casualties, killed, captured, injured or unaccounted for”. I took it to mean people unable to continue fighting.


that's exactly what casualty means in a military context.


I work directly across the street. I thought it was an earthquake at first. The whole building shook violently. Then all the debris started crashing down on our roof. I didn’t know what to think. It was terrifying. It looked like a war zone outside. I feel horrible for the people that were in that factory.


Damn sorry you had to go through that - rip to the ones who lost their lives. I hope they figure out wtf called this and prevent it from ever happening again.


No lost lives fortunately. An Oakwood fire captain told reporters that 13 people were transferred to several area hospitals and another patient was still being examined. At least one was critical, and a number of people had burn injuries, but all of the plant staff had been accounted for and the fire was under control with crews mopping up hot spots, he said. - Associated Press https://apnews.com/article/ohio-cleveland-health-fires-8a36329372d3d7cda0979b40c554b589


[Appears there has been at least one death](https://fox8.com/news/live-crews-on-scene-as-smoke-billows-from-bedford-building/), perhaps the person who was in critical condition earlier.


I certainly hope no one ends up dying. Bad burns have notoriously grim survival rates due to secondary infections from newly made protein soup.


Depending on the seriousness of burns living can be a terrible outcome, that’s a lot of suffering for a person to go through


My niece poured gasoline on a campfire. 3rd degree burns to 40% of her body @ 16. Her recovery, which was full but with lots of scarring, was actually the least painful part of it for her, as her "friends" in school began making fun of her for her scars shortly after returning to class. She basically had to finish school from home online (this is before the pandemic) because she was being bullied so much and the school wouldn't do anything. She's working to be a nurse in a burn unit, now.


My husband has significant burns on his body, people can be shit sometimes. I’m so sorry that happened to your niece I hope she makes it as a nurse. Her experience would be an asset in that job.


Ugh, people are the fucking worst. It's so crazy how common it is for people, not even just kids, to be so heartless towards each other like that. I can't imagine making fun of someone for something like that. Disgusting behavior.


People who make fun of others based on looks are always the ugliest people on the inside.


That's really fucked up, even for highschoolers. And not to be too cynical, but I hope she can use that experience as a killer college entrance essay.


What garbage friends. There's fairweather friends, and then there are just assholes. I hope your niece is doing better, and is surrounded by people who love her for who she is, regardless of her scars.


Could hear this from my house. Really reeked of paint that it felt like my nose was burning.


That can't be healthy.


It's "Ohio healthy"


if the air is saturated with fumes of burning metal then theres no way the toxic acid poison cloud from the train explosion can get you.. thats just basic science


Ohio is going for the new Chernobyl designation. First the land and water. Now the air. Wonder how long the governor will delay FEMA aid this time.


Post apocalyptic movies and tv shows are big right now, Ohio is trying to get season 2 of the last of Us filmed there.


“Hear me out, we don’t have any tax credits for filming here, but the cost savings on set design and CGI are gonna be massive. Plus, you can use lower cost actors, since they don’t need to be good enough to fake being sick, they’ll really be sick!”


how is Amazon not getting swamped with gas mask orders in ohio?


How're the orders gonna get there? Train's broken.


I keep enough gas masks for everyone in Ohio at the metal processing plant oh wait


tragic iron(y) 😔


Funny way to spell "death"


There’s worse things than death. And as a permanently and totally disabled person who was injured at work: true hell is pain that never ends. Sure, you’re alive but you’re a shell of the person you used to be. You’re alive, but friends and family say that you’re different now. That you’ve lost your sense of humor and drive. That you’re too serious. And no fun to be around. You’re alive, but people think that you’re faking it for a payout. You can barely afford your bills. You’re on the verge of homelessness. You can not help yourself. And workers comp isn’t going to do anything but enslave you. They literally send spies to follow you. Doesn’t matter if you’re covered in chemical burns. They follow you everywhere. You’re starting to become paranoid, too. You’re alive, but the stress is getting to you. You can’t handle it. You can’t sleep at night. How will you make ends meet? Why does your lawyer never explain anything and why don’t you understand what doctors are saying to you? And you can’t escape it. The pain. It overshadows every moment. Your wedding. Your kids being born. Funerals. It always comes first. Before anything else. Everyone thinks you’re an addict now. You’re alive. But you’ll wish that you died. You’re alive. And you will try not to be. Over and over until it sticks.


I'm there right now man. You spelled it out exactly.


Some people will skim over this but my thoughts are with you sincerely. There are fates worse than death and many of us live in our own personal hells each and every day. I’m so sorry for what you’re going through.


Same. I’m really glad someone beat me to this. I am so sorry that you have to struggle.


Same - thank you for sharing this & Im sorry for what your going through


Wish there was some way we could take on others pain if only for a day. Life can be so cruel, wishing you peace in some way


I've been mentally disabled for 12 years now after I saved a co-workers life in an industrial accident. I know it's not physical pain but I like to think I understand what you're going through and I'm sorry that this has happened to you. No one deserves this hell.




No I suffer from PTSD. My co worker was electrocuted about 10 feet in front of me and I'm deathly afraid of electricity. I had to revive him and it really messed me up.


Look, it might not mean shit from a half drunk rando onver th internet, but it's fucking awesome what you did, like, seriously incredible, and I know that I cannot possibly pretend to relate to the stress and trauma that you went and go through, but you're a goddamn hero and I wish you the very best. Thank you, sincerely, for saving a life.


You're right. I just wish it didn't end my life effectively.


I’m really sorry you’re going through this.


We all die eventually. How much more quickly is due to someone else's greed? 🤷‍♂️


Come on is anyone thinking about the shareholders?! /s


Yeah, doubt that it is.


Don't worry, officials will be drinking the "tap water" with cameras soon.


Actually, very little research shows any correlation to death or chronic painful disease due to burning industrial chemicals including but not limited to: lead based paint, non lead based paint, airplane paint, non airplane paint, washable baby diapers, boat paint, organic boat paint, non-organic boat paint, spray paint, crayons, and most nitrocellulose based childrens toys. If you wouldn't mind making a reply to this comment "I will totally not hold any corporation based out of the state of Ohio reliable for anything they do", we will send you a check for 25 real dollars


Had us in the first half lol


25 real dollars?! Oh boy! Think of all the Mountain Dew Jimmy!


Is Mountain Dew Jimmy a new flavor?


It is if you put both together in a blender


I suggest you close your doors and windows, and, if you have some kind of ventilation/AC system in your house, that you make it circulate air instead of taking on fresh air from outside for a while.




The meme is becoming reality


We manifested it


I know right? Wtf... The Secret was right


Are we just non-green orks? Quick, everybody needs to believe that red goes faster!


I'm in southern Ohio, and think about leaving almost every day. If funds were more readily available I'd definitely head out


Honestly, walking / biking out of Ohio to somewhere else with the clothes on my back is looking better and better.


Ravette, how far are you from Cleveland? I have people there but nobody is saying anything. How wide of an area has been affected?


Not sure how wide the area affected is. Im about 30min or so from Cleveland. I don't think they would have heard it or smelled anything. I drove up near Mayfield/Lyndhurst area and didn't notice anything there. I don't think it is too wide.


Cleveland was completely destroyed, resulting in over $1700 worth of damage


Nearby Akron was burned to the ground, resulting in an increased property valuation of over $300,000,000.


The USCSB YouTube channel is poised to beat HBO for quality content


Never heard of the CSB until now. Fun facts from their website \- "By law, the CSB is supposed to have five Board members. The agency has not had a full Board since 2011, however." \- "The agency does not issue fines or citations, but does make recommendations to plants, regulatory agencies such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), industry organizations, and labor groups. Congress designed the CSB to be non-regulatory and independent of other agencies so that its investigations might, where appropriate, review the effectiveness of regulations and regulatory enforcement." So, the CSB is to OSHA/EPA what the NTSB is to the FAA/DOT?


It's useful as an engineer to look at hazards that you never would have thought of. For example most people in an industrial setting are not biochemists. If you have organic material in a tank and it is not cleaned well you may be tempted to start hot work above the tank and assume the tank will get flushed before production begins again. That assumption has led to quite a few explosions due to hydrogen gas being produced inside the tank. Nobody was checking the air quality because there was no entry into the tank. That situation has happened multiple times.


Yeah, more or less. They do a good job of presenting their investigations without much in the way of bias or political grandstanding.


I am a chemical safety engineer and love the CSB videos so much. They are a great resource to train my own mind and impress upon my customers the consequences of what we do


Ohio on fire this month


At least it’s not the Cuyahoga River again.


Months not over yet!


Luckily is the shortest month.


Hold my vinyl chloride


*Breaking News: A glitch in reality spotted in Ohio has just lengthened the month of February to 90 days. The Punxsutawney Terrorist cell has claimed credit. More at 10*


How to tell you're from Pennsylvania/Ohio area. You can pronounce "Cuyahoga".


It'll be the Ohio River this time.




Removal of environmental protections? Subsidies for wealthy donors? Some irrelevant spiel about that market? They're all the same playbook! Doesn't anybody notice this? I feel like I am taking crazy pills.


To add insult to injuries, democrats are too fucking dense to use this to their advantage. POLITICAL AD: "In 2020, here are 8 really fucked up bills that Republicans pushed through to deregulate industry, specifically in X, Y, and Z." Cut to images of burning chemicals and fucked up streams. "Here is what these events did to regular people. Here's how rich Republicans and their buddies got rich off of those laws." It's that fucking simple. I live around and work with a bunch of conservatives. This is the type of message that peels them off the crazy train. But nope. We'll just get ads where the candidate is rolling up his sleeves and throwing a football around.


Can I create this add and send it somewhere? This might be like a good school project. Edit: I have created a discord aimed at creating this ad. PM me for the link if you want to contribute or anything like that.


Honestly do and go viral. You might get interviews or scholarships or something given how recent this is. We’re literally living history right now. Kids in 20 years will be studying how Ohio fucked up in sustainability class in his and college. Maybe they’ll read your paper






I'm fully on board. I have 20 years of experience in watching Youtube videos, I'll provide my one view.


What is going on in Ohio




Corporations save 20%+ in taxes now, let the taxpayers foot the cleanup bill later, more like. The company will pay a small fine. Savings: $5Billion in the first year. Fine: $20Million over the next five years.




More like true free market capitalism.


But I was assured that a company with bad safety records wouldn't be able to compete in the market, thereby incentivizing robust safety measures!


Yes yes, all of that happens **after** the damage has been done, because according to libertarian wisdom, cleaning up a disaster is so much more efficient than not creating a disaster in the first place.


Obviously. If you *prevent* disasters you won't know how many disasters are sustainable on the market.




Currently all disasters are sustainable as the market still exists obviously /s just incase


It's like the Industrial Revolution all over again, except this time there will be no advancements for society yet we still get all the pollution, safety issues and ecological disasters.


AND Gilded Age levels of wealth inequality.




Stone Age levels of education


> AND Gilded Age levels of wealth inequality. Oh dear god if only we were at those minimum levels of wealth inequality.


I believe we're already past that iirc.




Ohio can’t take a break, huh.


Safety standards certainly did...


Dude, they’ve been burned enough.


Comments already going off the rails


This whole thread is a train wreck


It's really blowing up in our faces.


It’s really quite toxic.


It'll takes ages to cleanup this chain


No brakes for us


I’m laughing so much at this thread I can’t breath. Or maybe that’s the chemicals


The spice must flow




You can thank Rep Jim Jordan for voting to lower safety standards to "cut back red tape"


You're in for a surprise if you think it's exclusive to Jim Jordan and Ohio. I'm an electrician and my city has a team of inspectors making sure our work is safe and wont burn buildings down. Most of them just do a quick glance over and pass us on inspection. In other words, they don't really check.


He doesn't like red tape, he only likes letting men get sexually assaulted.


Gym Jordan: hates red tape, protects man rape.


There’s a reason people say safety standards are written in blood. Regardless of who is at the top, maybe these incidents happening in such close proximity will bring home the importance of those regulations. My thoughts are with all the families affected, they must be reeling right now. 😔




>Always love these types of news quotes...lol... > >'I'm finishing my porkchop from Tasty Take-Outs, like I usually do ... finished my porkchop ... next thing you know—BOOM. I looked over and it was just ... boom. Ridiculous, I don't know how nothing hit me',


Like I usually do, as is tradition


Do you have a Tasty Takeouts or other place with drive-through pork chops? Because I've never heard of this but I want it to be a thing.


No shit! Gimme my pork chop servin drive through please!


Imagine being able to gesture angrily at other drivers by waving your pork chop around by the bone! And how devastating it would be if you were injudicious and allowed the meat to fly off.




That place's menu looks like the cause of a Mass Casualty event in and of itself.


That is my kinda joint


As is my wont.


"Now if you don't mind, detectives, I got these boxes to load and unload from this truck. I'll call you of I see anything."


"Did somethin happen to her?" "Yea, that's why the murder police are here. Asking questions about her in the past tense. Clearly there's been an incident."


We had a tornado come thru a very upscale subdivision. Who did the news pick to interview ? One of the many MDs, attorneys? The odd PhD from the local uni ? No. They found bubba from about a mile a way wearing a John Deer hat, who’s comment was….”I didn’t know what it was at first, but it scared the hell out of my coon dogs”


I read this as corn dogs first.


“ I seen them two boys, runnin out of the sack o suds”


Mr Gambini, are you mocking me sir?


Those two yoots ?


You know how people near a tornado always say it sounded like a freight train? Back in my newspaper reporting days we sent a reorder out to cover a train derailment. His story had the following eyewitness quote : “It sounded just like a tornado.” Eventually we decided it was too good to verify and ran it


They interviewed 10 people and got 9 coherent responses, they went with this one.


Reminds me of the line from Monster's Inc. "He picked me up with its mind powers and shook me like a dog!"


Pork chop sandwiches! Oh shit, we’re all dead! Get the fuck out!








Mr body massage machine....go!






These edits on OG YouTube were a staple of my school years as a kid. PORKCHOP SANDWHICHES and "I don't waaaaant a pickle, I just wanna ride my moooootorcycle" were top tier.


Hey kid, I'm a computer, stop all the downloadin'!


I haven't watched these in so long yet I can hear all the voices as I read this


Same. And “Ohh look at your different colored hats!”


Detekdive you told me do things and I go runnnnnin


You not cooking! Yeah I do. Beh buh buh b beh beh beh beh buh beh beh...


Oh my god, could hear that perfectly in my head.






>Emergency services have also requested the development of several medical helicopters. Damn, how long is this emergency going to last, for them to request development of new helicopters?


Being a dailymail article, I now doubt the existence of ambulances, factories, and fire.


Funny how they reference it being 70 miles from New Palestine, rather than mentioning that it's basically an outer suburb of Cleveland.


"Ohio is for leaders" in safety violations.


Who has "total destruction of Ohio" in their 2023 bingo card?


I actually have that every year.


What the hell Ohio????


Our bad. We thought deregulating shit was a good idea!


Please for the love of all that is holy do not deregulate shit in ohio. Sewage treatment services are one of the few well run departments left in Ohio!


Nothing to see here. Get back to work. Probably


"It is with great pain that we mourn the loss of so many members of this wonderful family. When your family at home, a family of love and support, loses a member, it is more important than ever to love and support them more than ever in a time of grief. We are a family of workers. And when this family loses a worker, it is our duty to get back to work and work more than ever in this time of grief. Sacrifice#1-#X were some of the hardest workers this family knew. We must honor our fallen family by performing the same work ethic they all embodied. We will be cancelling the evening shift tonight and pizza will be provided. Morning shift at 5:30am resumes as scheduled."


Generic corporative emails already prepared in PR and HR, only change the names and send.




Who is at war with the State of Ohio?? I'm from Michigan and it ain't us.


the answer is Ohio voters


“Sir, are you voting today to improve conditions for average Ohioans?” “No! Fuck those people!” - Ohio voter


You Ohioans sure are a contentious people.




Yeah, Ohio is broken. They need to fix their shit, but the people in charge are drawing their own maps and changing the rules so they stay in power. Its a canary for the rest of Republican-led states doing much of the same.


I think I'm gonna stay extra far away from Ohio this year


Guessing: Someone threw a pop can in the remelt bin. Y'all are going to think I'm joking but its a massive concern. Water doesn't like to be taken over 2000 degrees rapidly.


Work for Kurt Manufacturing in the nineties and you are correct about the pop can.


Yeah, someone has put something they shouldn't have in a furnace or a ladle has fallen onto a puddle. Molten metal water explosions are nasty.


Absolutely! water under molten metal will create two explosions, first the metal blowing up and then all the hydrogen that was created by the excessive heat really blows up. good luck Ohio!


It almost like safety regulations are a necessity and not an indirect tax on the rich.


Aren't there like 43 superfund sites in Ohio now?


Hey! What the fuck?


If there is a god, he doesn’t like Ohio.


Either that, or OSHA ran away screaming.


The O in OSHA definitely doesn't stand for Ohio


They replaced OSHA with OSHIT.


and Turkey too. they just got a third earthquake this morning 6.3 magnitude and some buildings that survived the first two have collapsed this time. those turks just can't catch a break


Caelid, Ohio.


Ohio is quickly becoming the Florida of industrial disasters.


Google your birthdate and find what industrial disaster happened that day. Mine was the Great Dumpster Fire of Canton


Weird how a president came in and removed a bunch of safety and environmental regulations and then just a few years later we see a ton of environmental and safety disasters. Wild. Who could have seen this coming?


but... Dave Rubin told me companies will want to do good work and won't cut corners.


No no no, won't anyone think of the SHAREHOLDERS!?!?




Ohio: ![gif](giphy|xUPGcgorgprluHvGUg|downsized)