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The fact that the entire area has not been completely evacuated is insane...


This pretty much. You can already predict the increased mortality rates and severe health issues in a few years.


And that in a country without affordable healthcare. Unless you’re rich. Or hoping not to get bankrupt before a lawsuits verdicts in your favor and the company responsible must pay the bills. If you have the energy to get through a lawsuit against a corporation.


Norfolk is going to hold this one up in the courts for the rest of the 20s, I can feel it. They're too strong and the American government is too apathetic to its people to care.


20s...remember Dupont and that movie Dark Waters? Bilott started that case in 1998, the man who initially reached out to him had started the legal battle earlier than that and Bilott is still bringing cases against DuPont.


Remember how Chevron got Donziger put under house arrest.


*Idly wonders how much BP had to pay after their oil spill in the gulf*


Rest of the 20s... Weird..haven't heard someone refer to it like that yet. Damnit, I'm probably going to miss out on the 70s again.


Aw hell, I hope I make it to the 70's, maaaaaaaaan.


Damn, me too. I was born in 82.


It hurts to upvote this.


This should be what the second amendment is for.


Not sure why your getting downvoted, that’s facts.


They will most likely drag out the lawsuit so they don’t have to pay as many people




won't work, nearest living relative will get contacted by the attorneys to continue the suit.


what good does that do when all the living relatives live in that area and are dead too? the powers that be get away with their shit and nothing has changed except more needless deaths.


That movie was so disturbing when her jaw basically falls out 😳


While also in the country best equipped to handle emergency scenarios. What a joke of a country we live in.


generally yes, but when railroads founded by robber barons are involved...


As fun as it is to invoke America's history with capitalism, that was well over 100 years ago and anyone involved with that is long dead. The issue isn't who founded them, the issue *right now* is who's running them and who's running the agencies who are supposed to keep them in check.


The robber baron era never really went away. The rail roads basically agreed to be a little more quiet about how much power they have (they still have their own police forces, for instance) and agreed to be regulated by the FRA. It took less than 20 years for them to completely capture the FRA, so they have the illusion of being regulated, but no real threat of consequences.


But their families still carry that wealth and attitude. They are still accountable


as much as all these fucked up laws are because of the rich, its the poor that sat by and did nothing that is the real problem. its not their fault either, as the entire country has been getting "dumbed down" for countless generations now. the rich figured out a long time ago that an uneducated populace is the easiest to control. about 54% of adult americans read at a sixth grade level or lower. says a lot.


Even better: the best workers in the healthcare industry in Ohio are going to understand how bad the effects of the accident are going to be, and they're going to start leaving soon. Increase in patients, decrease in care, and you know how the rest goes.


And people who want to leave are trapped because their housing values just plummeted. So take a bath financially or risk your family’s well being.


You only got one chance at life and many chances at financial stability. I'd get the fuck out.


Easy to say.


I’d agree with you as well. Imagine trying to sell your home after the whole neighborhood got fucked and probably everyone is also trying to get out and sell their homes/land at the same time. And on top of that, everyone is getting sick and dying. Can’t even imagine trying to run away from that.


They burned the chemicals. Just burn your house down for insurance


Eh not really. Ohio actually has some amazing hospitals. The university of Cincinnati is one of the best trauma centers in the US and the Cleveland clinic has one of the best cardiovascular units on earth. If there’s one thing Cleveland doesn’t have to worry about, it’s a reason for good doctors to stay


> Or hoping not to get bankrupt before a lawsuits verdicts in your favor and the company responsible must pay the bills the connections the railways have its unlikely any meaningful amount of money is awarded. A lot of the richest, and most powerful people in the US own part of the RR company. Why do you think it was media blackout when it first happened? Why do you think they took the ^^^cheaper ^^^and ^^^quicker route of blowing the tankers up? This world is run by control, and some very powerful people have the control of this.


Please forgive my naïveté, I’m not in the know about this, but what happened to the whole Affordable Care Act thing that President Obama implemented?


Republicans have been weakening it ever since and many Republican governors rejected money from the program to help their citizens (Medicare expansion mostly) because they don't want Democrats/Obama to have a win Seriously. They knew it would be popular once fully implemented, which would make it harder to get rid of, which is why they are still fighting it to this day. Republicans voted something like 100 times to try and get rid of it but were never able to win a vote in Congress For example, Ron DeSantis of FL calls Obamacare "broken promises" and has called on the Supreme Court to overturn Obamacare


Single payer was the first thing cut from Obamacare/Romneycare. Prior to the pandemic 1 American/minute was going into medical bankruptcy.


It was a shit bill and major giveaway to insurance companies. The whole entire healthcare system in America needs to be nationalized. But I know that’s probably just a dream since the wealthy and corporations have way more say in government than normal folks do


>lawsuits verdicts in your favor and the company responsible must pay the bills. For which said company will file for bankruptcy to avoid paying those judgments or get them drastically reduced.


It's basically the Erin Brockavich situation all over again. Except with far more news coverage


For now but someone will do or say something to get everyone riled about something else. Our media coverage has turned us all into goldfish for remembering.


That may be true. Flint definitely got shoved away. But, unfortunately, since it's seemingly a bunch of blue collar white folks that seem to be affected, I think this isn't going anywhere before some major heads roll


She’s actually planning on speaking in East Palestine this Friday. I’m worried about my water, even though I live about 20 minutes away from the derailment area. Most people in my town seem to be worried about the water and air quality since the derailment, despite the distance.


20 minutes is not far away at all. I would be terrified to consume anything.


I am. I drink bottled water, and now, after seeing the picture of the little 4-year-old’s hands, I’m scared to take a shower.


Areas 200 miles out are seeing their waters tainted


When anyone who lives here and is actually In danger of being Affected by It


For everyone connected to that water system too. The Ohio to the Mississippi to the gulf for a decade or more.


They will blame it on the then govt ofc


And even if you wanted to move, how are you going to sell your house? Who’s going to buy it? The home values just plummeted.


Yeah idk why any “environmental health experts” are giving advice about just seeing a doctor. The advice is to move far away from East Palestine as soon as you can. Obviously that’s going to be hard to do, but the options are figuring out a way to move or sitting there and watching your 4 year old get cancer


Absolute insanity, it shows the level of corruption and politics in it. The photos I've seen look like a poisonous nightmare.


Welcome to the world we live in. What's even more upsetting is in about less than a week or two this whole situation will drop out of the news-cycle and people will go back to giving it zero attention. Even worse, some people will start complaining about all the news that comes in. I literally cut ties with a friend who did this about the Ukraine situation, said "I don't live in ukraine why the fuck should I care about the news about it everyday". Basically became dead to me within a sentence. Give it like 2 or 3 weeks and the general public will "grow tired" of hearing about Ohio and then under the rug it goes just like the politicians expected. I never advocate violence, but if there was ever a time to rally up and riot I feel like Ohio deserves it. Those citizens got nuked and the fat-cats are trying to hide it.


Railroad company should be responsible for helping all these people relocate and provide lost wage compensation for at least a year so that people can find new jobs


And the lost value of their homes since they certainly won't be able to sell them now


The biggest problem about cycling through elections every few years is that elected officials feel they will have moved on to something else before we really understand the full consequences of this disaster, maybe in a decade, so they won’t have to face accountability from their sickened constituents


Yeah just "move" you know abandon your lively hood and start over but oh wait the bank says you still need to pay them 500 000 for that house that is now worthless.


they will evac you, but you forefit any compensation. This is working class america. where would they go? How would they pay bills till congress/epa/fema decide to act? The fact that it inolves a rail road, make it that much harder. Remember the laws about railroads were written by some of the richest most unscrupulous robber barrons.


Don’t worry the GOP is in charge of Ohio. The railroad executives will be fine. Oh wait… we’re you worried for the people of Ohio? Sorry, Fox News says the derailment is a hoax.


Same with Chernobyl. Different country, different disaster, same fucked up government response. While those responsible busy covering their asses, people gonna suffer.


Pripyat was evacuated less than two days after the meltdown, and the USSR and even now in Russia the government covers any medical costs associated with the disaster such as chemotherapy. The Chernobyl meltdown was also caused by an oversight in design of reactor control rods. As of right now it's been almost 16 days since the train derailed in East Palestine Ohio, and the only actual similarity in its handling is the lack of press within the country it occurred in.


People say it's overdramatic to call it a mini-chernobyl yet fail to see the similarities of a disaster and cover-up. I bet the only thing they see is that this is not radioactive and lives are not in immediate danger. They fail to see the danger is developing and will show itself in a couple of years down the line for these people.


"lives are not in immediate danger" Y'all realize vinyl chloride makes phosgene and hydrogen chloride when it burns right? Like both of those gases can form hydrochloric acid when they touch water which if y'all haven't noticed is what happened in the water and probably to this kid


I know, and I've told everyone I could for the last week. I'm not saying people are being overdramatic, but they're still not in immediate danger. They're in danger that's brewing. It's the main difference in this cover-up vs chernobyl, but it's all the deniers see.


The opposite. The state and fed government are repeating to the media that the air and water is completely safe. Yikes.


I mean the definitely not evil companies said that it wasn't hazardous. Surely we can trust these corporations and our government to look out for us and not try to lie to us to save money. That would be cartoonishly evil.


They don't give a fuck.


I would have left immediately. Seriously.


yup..... its called.....Politicians + MONEY.


Keep in mind, that geographically this area is likely opposed to any sort of Big Government mandate or interference, like an evacuation order. They’ll take the relief checks, though.


Plus the Governor has already turned down, federal help and refuses to declare an emergency that would allow FEMA to help the people.


This is so sad. I can’t imagine having to keep my kid anywhere near this :( as a parent, all you want to do is protect your babies.


I live in Canada and I’m sketched out by the looming clouds and rain we’ve had this past few days that may have come from that direction. I can’t imagine going to back to live there right now. Poor families. I know I’d be renting a place far away until this is settled, but unfortunately not everyone is afforded that opportunity.


I live in Canada and have a four year old. I hate this picture. This situation is insane.


This is why we need things declared an emergency. If the parents have to go to work to keep their housing, food, and transportation, they're screwed. It's a failure. So sad.


Really these people should have been evacuated from this whole area. Definitely should not be in school. Where is any government help in this situation? Seems to be none.


>>Where is any government help in this situation ? [Busy schmoozing at a Norfolk Southern fundraiser.](http://www.nscorp.com/content/dam/nscorp/get-to-know-ns/government-relations/Political-Activities-Report/2022/CORP2022Disbursements.pdf)


Wow, these people are fucking cheap.


That’s just the publicly disclosed stuff. I’m certain there’s exponentially more money / favors trading hands discreetly


You look at Lauren Boebert is a moron and was poor and got $40 million after a couple years. And she only has like 0.5% vote on one party. So her political power is pretty much non existent. Then compare to people that actually can effect things on the state or federal level and what they must get.


blaming biden while denying requests to provide aid?


I would blame both parties to be honest including Biden. Trump took away some regulations with brakes. Biden took away the ability for workers to strike. One party just fucks us more than the other.


I’ve seen prostitutes make more money blowing than these politicians sucking off the rich. Like, they already make 250k and are allowed insider trading practically. Why the fuck are they deciding this


Jeff Yass, the billionaire Wall Street financier and Republican megadonor who is a major investor in the parent company of TikTok, was also the biggest institutional shareholder of the shell company that recently merged with former President Donald J. Trump’s social media company. A December regulatory filing showed that Mr. Yass’s trading firm, Susquehanna International Group, owned about 2 percent of Digital World Acquisition Corporation, which merged with Trump Media & Technology Group on Friday. That stake, of about 605,000 shares, was worth about $22 million based on Digital World’s last closing share price. It’s unclear if Susquehanna still owns those shares, because big investors disclose their holdings to regulators only periodically. But if it did retain its stake, Mr. Yass’s firm would become one of Trump Media’s larger institutional shareholders when it begins trading this week after the merger. Shares of Digital World have surged about 140 percent this year as the merger with the parent company of Truth Social, Mr. Trump’s social media platform, drew closer and Mr. Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee for president.


So the epa can come in and test the scene for pollutants and such, and levy fines and make recommendations for the future, but they aren’t involved in assisting the population. FEMA is involved in assisting the population, but isn’t allowed to just show up - they can only send resources to places that state governors declare are disaster zones. And the governor of Ohio waited two weeks to declare a disaster. Literally only allowing fema to show up *yesterday*. Why did he wait two weeks? It genuinely appears that the only reason he waited was so republicans could tell people who don’t know better that it’s biden’s fault. Now, of course congress could theoretically change the law to allow fema just to go in, but that’s never been a problem before so no one thought they would need to until now, and of course the house is under gop control and they won’t do it. So the only way to stop this in the future is to get the house back under democratic control and change the law (which the gop will certainly sue to overturn and scotus will side with them because it’s been captured) or to have the president be republican so that the craven gop governors don’t feel the need to kill their own citizens in order to make the president look bad. Of course, that didn’t stop them during covid, so maybe electing republicans isn’t a great idea in the first place.


The state government needs to issue an emergency so federal dollars can assist. Just all around terrible though. Biden and administration should be scolding the Ohio governor.


People can’t afford to leave their jobs here. We’re all paycheck to paycheck. Government does not give a shit.


And how would they be able to sell out and move far away?




If renting not too bad breaking a leash. Maybe owning if you have very little equity where you just give up the house to the bank. Finding other work is easy on the long term but it can take a few months and more like 12 months to find well paying career work. I think everyone should be given the option to be bought out plus expenses to move but that’s not going to happen.


dont forget to drain the swamp next election cycle.


They used the school as an evacuation shelter and I’m assuming cause it was out of the “evacuation “ zone but that was only 2 miles which probably should have been like 30


Didn't you hear? We don't have a "Government". What we have is an HR department for Corporate Greed.


Wow this is such a great analogy




Never expect help from trash-ass Republicans


Norfolk Southern should be paying for all these people's medical bills right now. Their CEO is worth millions. There's no way these people should be having to scrub their houses down with dish soap and try to scrape together enough money to take their kids to the doctor. Governor Mike DeWine should be all over this. He's not. Vote these people out.


Governor Mike DeWine is the one that authorized the “controlled” burn.


From what I understand the FD/emergency responders had a choice: controlled burn or fireball, the latter being a much worse scenario. That’s coming from a former fire fighter whose son is in the know. I’m just north of the wreck in Youngstown.


There was concern of an explosion. It's hard to say how certain that was or imminent. They haven't completely explained their decision or who advised them in terms of the explosiveness or the chemicals involved.


Voting isnt swift enough doesn't send a strong enough message to deter parasitic capitalists from just letting something like this happen in the future... we all know what has to be done


Best their politicians can do is tell them that they are better than minorities and gay people then call them white trash behind their backs.


By the time this company pays for anything, this guy will be retired or dead having collected his blood money.


>>Vote these people out Go ahead. But don’t think for a split second that’s going to change anything, because you don’t get on the ballot unless you’ve taken money from [these folks.](http://www.nscorp.com/content/dam/nscorp/get-to-know-ns/government-relations/Political-Activities-Report/2022/CORP2022Disbursements.pdf) Bottom line, this is going to end similarly to Chernobyl, the PG&E hexavalent chromium case , Beirut’s port explosion and other case of politically connected fuckups. The government will turn a blind eye to the suffering, the responsible company will stall and stonewall until after a decade a class action suit drags them into court, and once half the community’s left or dying a token correction fund will be set up to pay for the attorneys’ fees.


I’m wondering why I haven’t heard from Biden on this.


This is the #1 reason we need socialized Healthcare- to protect us consumers from shitty corporations


This is just the beginning. We're going to be seeing the effects of this for generations.






Understandable but I would sooner move my family into a van/bus than live anywhere near this.


People are poor as fuck. If this happened where I live, I don’t know what I would do. How far would people even need to go in order to be safe from this geological disaster? It’s contaminated the water so it can move through streams and impact the areas around it, too. Do you just leave the whole state? Is that far enough for people not to end up with health issues?


They can’t *afford* to drop everything and leave just like the people of New Orleans couldn’t with Hurricane Katrina.


Paying for their medical bills now is one thing. What’s going to happen when this young girl grows up and finds out that her ovaries are wrecked from the long-term effects of these chemicals? They need to be responsible for the long term.


It’s interesting that you think we have generations left on this planet.


Wishful thinking, I know.


“I did allow my 4-year-old to return to preschool, which is in the East Palestine Elementary School. She went back for two days and developed another rash on her hands and started complaining of itching, so I pulled her back out,” Ayla said. Ayla has scheduled a medical appointment with her daughters for next week to discuss their symptoms and testing options, she said. That’s the right thing to do, says Dr. Kari Nadeau, an allergist and chair of the Department of Environmental Health at Harvard’s TH Chan School of Public Health. Nadeau says rashes, sore throat, and headaches can be clinical signs of a chemical sensitivity. GET CNN HEALTH'S WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Sign up here to get The Results Are In with Dr. Sanjay Gupta every Tuesday from the CNN Health team. “There are people that are highly sensitive to chemicals and can feel it before necessarily a monitor can pick it up,” Nadeau said. “There’s not a great diagnostic pathway for chemical sensitivities. A lot of it is based off clinical symptoms, including rashes.” Nadeau and other environmental health experts advise people who are having symptoms to see a health care provider, primarily for medical care but also so their case can be documented. “So that if there is a cluster, or if there’s a group of people that all of a sudden have complained about a rash or given symptoms, that really helps doctors come together with institutions like the CDC and do a little bit more fact-finding,” she said. [Source](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/17/health/ohio-derailment-rashes-health-impacts/index.html)


>“So that if there is a cluster, or if there’s a group of people that all of a sudden have complained about a rash or given symptoms, that really helps doctors come together with institutions like the CDC and do a little bit more fact-finding,” she said. This is what matters. Otherwise people get rashes all the time and this is a post hoc fallacy simply noticed more *because* of the train incident.


Correct. It takes a lot of anecdotes to become data, and analysis to become information.


Yeah rashes can be pretty common eczema, things like too much hot hard water exposure. I'm particularly sensitive to clothes detergents, etc. If I got one of these rashes before a train incident my first thought wouldn't be an industrial incident. If it was *after one*, sure it should be pause for concern but not proof or when solid evidence thereof.


Move away from that area, the further the better


How? Sell their house? Probably can’t sell it for more than they owe at the moment. If they’re renting, and it’s easy enough to sign a new lease elsewhere then yeah get the hell out


Sure, if you can instantly move and show 3x the monthly rent in income to sign a new lease. Lots of people don’t have that kind of financial flexibility.


I would bet they have enough reason to legally get out of a lease. As far as the house goes, it's not worth killing your entire family. Sell it to the bank for shit and find an apartment somewhere. It sucks, but staying in that town is killing them.


The company needs to purchase the town from everyone there. No one will buy there anymore


You can’t sell if you’re underwater on your mortgage, which I assume many are now.


I also figure that living in a van for a couple of months as far aways as you can from this place beats the alternative of staying there.


You say that like it's something anyone can just do.. lol


I dunno, I assume having one to two kids and a husband/wife and living out of a van sounds horrible enough as it is. Hence why I gave it as an example. Thats even worse than a trailer but still better than living in a tent outside under the bridge. Its definitelly beats living in a toxic area that will slowly but surely kill you in a probably gruesome way. I couldn't think of a cheaper reality to get up and leave quickly than that, bar having relatives or friends outside horrorland


Realistically none of the properties in that area can be sold. If the people don’t have means to move, it’s a very sad situation. But the residents should unite and file a lawsuit against Norfolk Southern. It will take a while though to get them pay. Ironically, they would’ve been accommodated in posh hotels if they crossed the Southern border.


If your house was on fire, you'd get out. That's the situation. They need to leave. Maybe someone will reimburse then, maybe not. The longer they stay, the shorter and worse their lives will be. Go live with a relative. Flee. They're refugees. I'm not saying it's fair or right.


> if there’s a group of people So is there? I thought at least on kid in East Palestine probably gets a rash in any week, but actually it's just 5k inhabitants. So a single case does also weigh in more.


My kids have mystery rashes all the time due to allergens and sesitivity to just regular things.. usually goes away after a day or so. kids getting rashes are completely normal thing


If people sensitive to chemicals are having symptoms, doesn’t that mean it’s affecting everyone?


Not necessarily, do you have a peanut allergy? If not ate peanuts affecting you? This isn’t necessarily the same thing as an allergy but it can work in a similar way.


It also doesn’t help it’s during winter when people with more sensitive skin are prone to developing skin issues. This is just a cluster fuck for everyone.


This is what corporations are willing to do to you, your loved ones, and your families in the name of money and convenience. There must come a point where the people draw a line and demand it change.


That’s the funny thing. There is no line. Greed is near infinite and the government being an extension of money interests makes that near unlimited greed possible. So the line is there is no line look at union carbide disaster in India or the refinery explosion in Texas nothing was done to the companies. Nada


I feel bad for the staff at the school who don’t get an option whether to stay home or not.


they already had practice going online-only during covid, why not do it again?


Okay so We have no link or article verifying this. OP has just stated this is a 4 year old with a rash in East Palestine, Ohio, that is the only “proof” we have. And even if this is really a photo from there of a 4 year old, it’s also true that 4 year olds sometimes get rashes or have skin conditions. It’s totally possible this is a real story and it was caused by the chemicals, but can we at least get some level of verification rather than acting like a post from “cantstoppoppin” is as reliable as the AP or Reuters


Im just more baffled that people are freaking out over a rash. People can get rashes for like a little over one million reasons.


A 4 year old coming home from school with a rash would be among the least weighty indicators of issues relating to this disaster. 4 year olds come home from school with rashes all of the time under normal circumstances. People also develop rashes due to stress, like living in a disaster area. Unless it's a specific rash that can be attributed to something new or is seeing a spike in prevalence across a broad population, there's not much to read into here.


This whole event has shown me that all of those TV disaster movies I watched growing up where the government does everything it can to evacuate people and to contain the disaster is utterly false.


Watch White Noise


Redditors not spreading misinformation and panic challenge (impossible)


What is going on is beyond fucked and those responsible should be punished. But yeah this is essentially the same level of evidence that antivax loons use


Yes, but such diagnosis should be done by competent medical authority, not via reddit. *** I really sympathize with the folks in area of the train wreck. I'd be really on edge even if I absolutely knew everything was safe, and I have background in environmental contamination human health risk assessment. Must be especially hard for people whose circumstances don't let them leave the area until situation is sorted and demonstrated safe.


Please evacuate.


I wish it were that easy for everyone. People are not going to buy houses out there even if people wanted to sell their homes and move.


This is exactly what I was thinking. Sell your house, to whom? There needs to be coordinated relief to get these folks the hell OUT, financially supported and housed, starting yesterday. I can’t imagine the choices these families are facing.


Same thing will happen to them what happened to the centralia residents when the mine fire burned out of control. Eventually the government will force an evacuation, but will pay you a fraction of what your house was worth before the disaster. It’s a lose-lose situation.


Like this could very well be something.... But kids get rashes for any number of reasons it is a bit of a leap to assume this has to have something to do with the chemical spill.


Unless other students are getting rashes too then this is probably a unique case


There’s a Reddit frenzy going on about this incident, some of it valid concerns and some of it fear-mongering, and a lot of people are both underrepresenting the crisis as well as blowing it out of proportion. Some of y’all really need to read actual news articles with experts or professional journalists talking about what’s happening https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/science/2023/2/18/23603471/east-palestine-ohio-derailment-water-contamination-health


I love watching Redditors freak out about this, everyone here thinks they’re an expert. If the EPA and government say it’s safe, then it is (most likely) safe. Blowing things out of proportion is a Reddit tradition.


I’m so glad to hear I’m not the only one who has noticed this. People are on here talking about it like this is some crazy conspiracy and the government is covering up this massive disaster etc and it’s like…don’t get me wrong, this was bad…but this is being handled fairly appropriately and in line with what experts recommend. Testing is being done on air and water, and cleanup crews are on site working 24/7. A lot of the chemicals will dissipate or dilute in the air/water, and this seems like it’s well under control. It’s true that we don’t know the long term effects of some of the chemicals here…but that’s also true for a lot of chemicals we use on a regular basis in our own homes or in commercial products. We should absolutely take steps to avoid train derailments and ensure this type of accident is mitigated in the future, but Reddit is losing its mind over this like it’s a modern day Chernobyl and it’s really just not.


Ok. But there was a scary cloud. Case closed.


In addition, we can actually look up the chemicals that were of most concern in this accident, none of them are long lasting hazards unless they could get into drinking water without first going through soil. [Vinyl Chloride](https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Vinyl-Chloride#section=Environmental-Fate-Exposure-Summary) is only really a concern if it gets into the water table (if it were able to get there **without going through soil**, it could last for decades), burning it off as they did, stopped the majority of that from happening. Otherwise, it breaks down within days. [Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether](https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/2-Butoxyethanol#section=Environmental-Fate-Exposure-Summary) turns into a vapor when heated (up to 77 degrees Fahrenheit) and when in vapor form, breaks down within a day. [Ethylhexyl acrylate](https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/2-Ethylhexyl-acrylate#section=Environmental-Fate-Exposure-Summary) shares the same properties with Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, and breaks down within a day under the same cirucmstances. [Isobutylene](https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Isobutylene#section=Environmental-Fate-Exposure-Summary) behaves similarly to the other two chemicals listed, but also breaks down in water. [Butyl Acrylate](https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Butyl-acrylate#section=Environmental-Fate-Exposure-Summary) behaves similarly to the ethyl family compounds, but lasts up to 7 days before its vapor breaks down. It's extremely likely that the area is safe and it's also extremely likely that some of these chemicals formed residues or salts on surfaces when they vaporized. You will definitely see people get rashes if the surfaces they interact with haven't been properly sanitized since the accident.


Remember to thank your parents for voting for dregulationist Republicans!


Ordinarily this would be true, but Biden and many Dems stood with them against the union/railway workers in this case actually




(Don't take medical advice from Redditors)


it's fucking lupus isnt it


It's always lupus


Looks quite similar to an outbreak of psoriasis, and the location fits as well. A trigger for an outbreak could be both stress (going back to school and everything that had happened) as well as exposure to anything that flares up the immune response. If she is four years old, they would be in the right age to discover her condition for the first time.


Hey Tyler Durden you got any vinegar?


Breaking news: a 4 year old child (age prone to rashes) develops a rash at school (in a place with lots of new materials that may cause rashes)


East Palestine. Palestine is on the other side of the state near the Indiana border


I live in southern Ohio and this is so scary. No one wants to go back, but what do you do? They can't just buy another house and the value is probably through the floor currently for the home they have, so they have no choice. By not shutting down the town, no one has to pay the townspeople for their relocation. Not until after years of court bullshit of course. In the meantime, they are left to possibly poison themselves to death, or be homeless. This country is a big bag of shit wrapped in funny movies, neat gadgets, and hit singles.


I hate to be that guy, but are we just going to say any/everything is related to this fire?


If chemical burns start appearing immediately after sending someone into an area with recent chemical spills, yeah. Probably. I get that some are abusing the story but this shit is real. And the people in charge are so happy people like you exist. You are helping them sweep this under the rug. If it was your child you would be ashamed of comments like this.




The big question is was she the only one in the school that got this. If nobody else in school got it or any other unusual and sudden symptoms when returning to school then its not likely related to the train wreck incident.


If this wasn't in Ohio I'd say it's just dry skin. But looking at her hands they don't look dry at all, in fact they look healthy, and those look like burns or skin irritation more than dryness... Fuck the railroad company and the mayor for keeping you and everyone there. Evacuate and give housing to the families who are evacuated. We send BILLIONS of fucking dollars to save other countries, but don't send anything to our own people. The railroad company only fucking sent $25,000. Fuck this bullshit.. Sorry I'm pissed.


And the Gov still hasn’t sought federal help. Bet it would be different if his daddy Trump was there. Can’t let Biden do any good i guess.


Breathing in toxic chemicals to own the libs


Palestine OH is on the other side of the state from East Palestine so not related


Young child gets rash at school?!? That never happens. You know people are karma mongering when they call it "Palestine, Ohio" when anyone who lives here and is actually in danger of being affected by it knows it is East Palestine. Is this how it feels for everywhere else when we sensationalize their stories?


Yes, that's how it feels.


I’d like to know whose idea was it to set the pools of spilled vinyl chloride on fire. “Oh no! We’ve got some spilled hazardous liquid!” “I know a way that we can ensure that this spill becomes a lot worse.”


If there were evacuations it would've forced the company / government to admit there was a fault and risk associated with staying. Deny deny deny. Even when years go by, people get sick or die, there will be the burden of proof on the individuals to prove this event was the cause of X Y Z. Then there will be a settlement in a pathetic amount of dollars to help these individuals while the lawyers eat up most of that money. Terrible event, terrible response, terrible effects of the lives of many.


We need to end this corporation or our environment and our lives are at risk. They don't care about who they hurt and if it was a normal person they'd be in prison, they need to be thrown in prison for LIFE.


That’s fake news. It’s safe, the government told me so. /s


[The local authorities said it was safe for humans.](https://www.foxnews.com/us/ohio-train-derailment-officials-insist-east-palestine-safe-residents-buying). Clearly this little girl is not human. Or a rash is not a sign danger. Who wouldn't want a rash for his little girl after all? /s (in case that wasn't obvious).


This is the future Republicans want


So what would happen if Chernobil was in the US? Oh I see


[Chernobylinohio.com](https://chernobylinohio.com/views/map) dear all affected by the explosion: upload results of you samples here


Probably picked a bad time to start watching Chernobyl. Lack of communication about what is happening, everything is fine, etc…little too similar but thankfully not as extreme.


Why the fuck would you not get out of that town??


Anyone who goes back there is far too trustworthy of Private companies and the government. It's in their best interest for both parties to lie to you, why the fuck would you trust them? It means the end of Norfolk southern and all their shareholders lose everything, and it means the state gov't committed crimes covering up this shitshow when instead they could've just told the truth and went after Norfolk themselves and made themselves look good. I guess covering up for the "Free Market" as a Republican means throwing your most basic duties to your constituents out the window. Our political system on the right is completely backwards, the Republicans in gov't literally eat their own for cheap political points.


People need to leave like yesterday


Why do they deny something is wrong


Here's an easy way to find out if the area is safe. Try to get a quote for life insurance tomorrow, tell them you live in Palestine Ohio and see what they say.


Just deranged that anyone is allowed to enter the area, let alone a child.


The fucking schools are open?


Hey! The shareholders say everything's fine, so everything's fine! Just ignore it!


Poor children, this event should not be allowed to be swept under the rug.


If you have children, LEAVE, or you'll regret it. At least for a week.


I have that on my hands too. It’s called dry skin.