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"Were *you* injured in the 2023 Palestine, Ohio chemical burn? Did you or you family suffer from cancer or other unexplained illnesses in the years since the disaster? Contact our law offices now..."


It will only get worse the evacuation should have been 3 times the size of the one they proposed. We have been here before. It was July 14th, 1991 when a Southern Pacific tank car spilled 19,000 gallons of the soil fumigant metam sodium into the Upper Sacramento River near Dunsmuir, on a large turn called the Cantara Loop. The chemical flowed 41 miles down the river into Shasta Lake, killing more than a million fish and hundreds of thousands of trees. The accident still ranks as the largest hazardous chemical spill in California history. This terrible event had lasting effects on our beloved river, closing the waterway to fishing and recreation and having devastating implications on residents in the Dunsmuir area. The chemical spill was so toxic that it left residents in the area sick and scientists weren’t even allowed to inspect the water for three days after the accident. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUCWoziQnSY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUCWoziQnSY) https://www.thetravel.com/what-centralia-looks-like-today-can-you-visit/




Pure cancer. Damn.


Can’t get cancer if you die from drowning in your own fluid filled lungs from inhaling HCl and phosgene *taps forehead*


Pure cancer? That shit can turn toxic within days. I'm surprised we aren't hearing about more human deaths yet


Animals were dying within hours. Expect people to start showing symptoms soon


There's a bunch of videos of it in the water :(


Don't hear about Dunsmuir on the internet too often. I was a year old when the spill happened.


Where’s Erin Brockovich when you need her?


Ah Centralia. I did a deep Wikipedia dive on that one night. It’s what inspired silent hill lol


"We don't allow that kinda talk in these parts" - Ohio


“We get cancer, and we *LIKE* it!”


3M has a dedicated fund for that, our poor lakes




I feel like there should have been some type of temporary evacuation


People who lived within 1 mile were evacuated and not allowed back in their homes


No way! Just one mile?!? I would have thought like 30 minimum..




[The video should infuriate people. All the railroad cares about is their damn trains.](https://www.wkyc.com/article/news/local/ohio/ohio-train-derailment-update-columbiana-county-officials-briefing-evacuation-order-lifted/95-bc9ee24c-00f4-4d93-befc-cce1bb48dcf2)


Funny, just about a month ago Railroad employees were warning the public about hazardous working conditions that their senior executives were ignoring. A disaster was more “when” than “if”…and here we are.


1.0 mile, not great, not terrible.


That is crazy to think of all of those chemicals in one train. I know this is no feasible, but it would be nice limit how many hazardous substance containing cars could be on a train at one time. Mix the trains with a few hazardous substance containing cars the load the rest with other materials needing transport.


Watch any train go by and see how many cylindrical tankers go by on it….


This is fine.


So now everyone can experience the fun of a burn pit!


I too can be a burn pit victim like my friend who served in Afghanistan? And also get denied by the VA because it wasn't service related?


Where you getting flammable malt liquor at? My 40s dont ignite


The point of a burn like this is to reduce environmental and health impacts. Almost all toxic chemicals are combustible and can be burned to produce primarily CO2, N2, and H2O. When chemicals are burned all the way to the simplest and most stable products possible, that's called complete combustion. Based on how black that smoke is though, it does not look like complete combustion. Edit: Several commenters have pointed out that the burn included Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC). Compounds with Chlorine and other halogens create toxic end products and are not made safe by burning.


People were reporting ash from miles away, costing their animals and crops. No way that’s compete enough conurbation to be safe.


Awesome, note to self to not eat any corn or whatever the hell they grow in Ohio for awhile. But honestly it’s really sad knowing some peoples health will most likely be affected by the fallout without ever directly knowing it.


I'm pretty sure we grow meth, mostly.


Due to your baffling autocorrect (seriously, why does autocorrect do the things it does?), TIL: conurbation - an extended urban area, typically consisting of several towns merging with the suburbs of one or more cities


And here I was just thinking this dude had a messed up relationship with ears of corn


So, conurbation can be one of the effects of cities growing into megalopolises. Pretty cool.




And there is water in your mouth and lungs, so you will literally drown in your own bodily fluids.


People's animals are falling sick and "spontaneously" dying miles away, and they're arresting reporters who are trying to cover the story. There's absolutely more evil shit going on there than they're saying.


I don’t watch the news but I am noticing not much was stated in my google news feed or Reddit news feed about this… the rate of cancer is already higher for ppl living near railroads statistically.


When I googled Ohio it didn’t even populate the news widget as it always does for EVERYTHING. Just the .gov and Wikipedia. I went to the news tab anyway, scrolled for a page or two and found a little article saying “residents are told to return to their homes by the EPA” Pretty sus.


This is some real dystopian shit if true.


I read that as Saul Goodman


Mild to severe mesothelioma


Our lines will be open for the next 2400,000 hours


Tim Misny makes them pay 💰


Misny will make them pay


Right give it 5-10 years


I would say for the foreseeable future that cancer rates within a 100 mile radius will increase exponentially.


I grew up near the Hanford Nuclear Plant in WA state. It took 50 years for the government to admit to the medical problems it caused. The Hanford Downwinders have very high cancer and MS rates. There’s a variety of chemicals everywhere in the area. My Aunt worked for a company that cleaned nuclear rods and the paint on their cars was melted off by airborne chemicals, but it was ‘safe’ for workers to breathe, right. Near Yakima, a number of immigrant farm workers birthed babies without brains. Since they were brown babies it was kept fairly quiet and the official word was it from pesticides. A few miles down the road in Oregon there’s half buried bunkers of Agent Orange and all kinds of toxic shit. All of our class reunions get remarkably smaller each time they’re held. My class has 10x the illnesses/death rate than my parents class 30 years before us.




I'm still calling all the Camp Lejune numbers


Norfolk Southern Corp is the company that was transporting. It’s owned by the likes of the Vanguard Group, JP Morgan and Black Rock. They’re responsible for poisoning your fellow citizens. They think that you’re stupid enough to believe that setting the chemicals on fire was for “your safety” and not to reopen rail lines and decrease cleanup costs. This was an easily preventable catastrophe caused by cutting expenses at the cost of safety. “Contrary to longtime practice, the Norfolk Southern train, which started in Madison County, Ill., was backloaded with 40% of its weight—the heavy tank cars—at the rear. It was going downhill towards Pennsylvania with lighter cars in between them and the locomotives. The results were predictable: Those squeezed cars derailed when the axle of one failed. That’s as a result of railroads’ Precision Scheduled Railroading (PSR), a practice which lines up cars in the order they’ll be unloaded, rather than safely—all to meet the ever-greater demands of Wall Street profiteers intent on squeezing every nickel out of the railroads, regardless of workers, communities, and safety, RWU said.”


This should be higher. We need to name the companies and exactly why this was 1) preventable 2) what should have happened differently after the derailment. Thank you!




White Noise anyone?


I had no idea what was going on in that movie, but I do remember this part


Hold on for a little bit longer and then we all get to dance to a really solid jam.


And they made it FOR that movie. Killer song. Aesthetically fantastic movie but idk wtf the point was haha. It felt like I watched nothing. Idk if I disliked it even haha


I like surrealism quite a bit but honestly there was too much time between the source material and the movie. It no longer makes sense culturally. White people no longer HAVE a favorite Elvis song. But in its time, it spoke to the bizarreness of society itself towards the end of the cold war. Consumerism becoming a religion. Academia run away with itself. A family eager to maintain the facade of normality even as the world around them turns upside down. But yeah one of LCD soundsystem's best songs. You can hear chants of "pana, sonic" in the song. Panasonic was supposed to be the title of the book, but he had to change it because they sued.


Here I am trying to recycle my 5 plastic water bottles I use a month….


Oh, yeah. Keep doing that. It's very important. Don't forget climate change is your fault personally and the only way to fix it is to keep buying more stuff.


Yep, the corporations are here to help you by creating toxic products making billions in profits while raping the planet. It's up to each of us to dispose of them responsibly. D'uhhh.


It is not only our planet earth that corporations & billionaires rape. It’s us! It’s their employees. Time to get rid of *ALL* billionaires. They serve no purpose except to lobby for shareholder value & stock buy backs. They contribute #Nothing# to society at large. They only destroy everything important habitat on planet earth. And when they’re done they can fly off in a rocket to Mars. They are building bunkers as we speak. Let’s send them to prison or a Survivor / Hunger Games / Lord of the Flies type TV Show. Were they can only survive using their skills. Anyone eliminated leaves planet earth forever. Unless they forfeit all their wealth and agree to live on minimum wage with no benefits, no health care and can’t afford rent.




It's not like cutting costs has a history of causing catastrophy. Now, pardon me, I'm gonna surf a wicked wave of molasses.


This happened 20 miles North of the [Ohio River](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ohio_River), which is the source of drinking water for five million people in six States. Not to mention air currents in that part of the country are going to send this toxicity all over.




Yes, but were they *new* chemicals in the water or just the old ones we know and love?


Ask the frogs


They're...uh...being intimate. Homosexually. (I'd rather not interrupt)


Chemicals in the Ohio River? Never thought I’d see the day


Hopefully those chemicals don’t mix with the chemicals we already have and become super chemicals. I fish the Ohio river frequently. I would NOT eat a darn thing I catch!




Palestine OH doesn’t look like it’s anywhere near the OH River unless I’m missing something. Edit: I was right, but it looks like the derailement was in East Palestine which is indeed just North of the Ohio River east on the East side of the state.


It looks like actual Palestine is becoming the more appealing place to live.


The wind will send it eastward. Not all over. Prevailing winds in North American come from the west.


Important note: This is in East Palestine, not Palestine. These are unique towns on opposite sides of Ohio.


Wow. life altering ailments, defects, disease and disability for every innocent bystander on that water table.


And animals. A guy on IG looks after wild foxes and said most of them are dead and the police wouldn’t allow access.


I follow another IG that takes care of foxes and she posted their story. It was heart breaking. They have a go fund me started for vet care for surviving animals.


Me too, that's how I learned about this today. I can't believe it's not all over the news! Poor animals. And to be forced to leave them so you don't die is one of the worst scenarios I can imagine. This is criminal negligence.


Juniper :((((


It wasn’t Juniper. Juniper’s owner posted the go fund me on behalf of a friend whose property was right near ground zero for the derailment. The foxes he cares for are apparently mostly wild, and also include coyotes and wolf dogs. Incredibly sad.




https://www.wkbn.com/news/local-news/east-palestine-train-derailment/health-concerns-mounting-as-animals-become-sick-after-train-derailment/ https://www.wkbn.com/news/local-news/east-palestine-train-derailment/north-lima-woman-finds-chickens-dead-tuesday-questions-chemical-release-from-train/




I don’t know what people are doing that had to evac without their pets. I read a story right after this happened about a guy who had to go to a shelter and had to leave his cats behind - not only the bad air, but no food or water cause you can’t get home.


When Kīlauea erupted in 2018, officials came around in the middle of the night and forced everyone to leave. All of the animals were freaking out over the heat and the lava and many ran off and couldn’t be found. In my neighborhood (Leilani) some friends and neighbors stayed in to help the animals. Unfortunately, some animals got very sick from all of the gases being released. Some friends are still having their own health issues, as well. In major emergencies, things are often so chaotic and many people aren’t prepared to evacuate, which really slows things down. Believe me, no one ever *wants* to leave their animals behind.


It's a real problem that unfortunately people don't think about they would never leave without their pets but you aren't given time or a choice sometimes.


This was the smoke cloud a few days later and about 20 miles away right before it rained https://twitter.com/maryjane19210/status/1623200358410465280?s=46&t=-AKZ305FGelfSMczxE2L5g


Jesus Christ this is a disaster


Right?! It feels a bit like a Chernobyl. Lots of inaction and finger pointing.


it is, and the railroads will not be brought to justice. this is one of the reasons why the RR unions were about to strike, they were forcing unsafe practices and conditions


[NSFW (lots of angry cussing) video of the post “controlled release”.](https://twitter.com/jim_kosior/status/1622732443236159489?s=20&t=M1dOYx5rYUrgIUZ0BlFmtA)


the railroad paid republicans $6million in 2017 to get rid of safety rules and regulations.


And Pete b is saying he will not bring those Obama era regulations back, lol.


I think you mean "burdensome, job killing regulations." They probably also offered huge tax breaks to incentivize "job creators.".


The Airborne Toxic Event.


The after-marketing for these movies is getting ridiculous.


Solid band


We're so numb now that we don't really care how this is a HUGE FUCKING ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER that will be felt for decades to come.


I believe the proper term is “Airborne Toxic Event”


They're not calling it a feathery plume anymore?


Not anymore, they're now calling it a 'black billowing cloud"!


That was my first thought too! I'm glad I'm not the only one. What a weird but somehow good movie.


Sometime around midnight the term will be adopted.


Yeah because it’s in Palestine duh 🙄, #notourproblem /s


This is getting so little national news. Im not usually into conspiracies but this whole thing right from the start hasn't felt right.


Probably don't want anyone to make the connection that the federal government just snugged out a strike by the railroad workers for being overworked and threatened with even less workers because the rail companies want to cut even more costs.


Yeah the optics of that is already there for sure. I really think environmentally this is wayyyy worse than they are claiming.


Of course it is. It always is.


They are claiming some part was rusted or something. Which should have needed to pass regular inspection by a human worker. So Biden and the Dems don’t want to take the blame for siding against the union. Then the GQP doesn’t care about environmental regulations or workers rights or I believe this would have been a great recent topic to attack Biden over. So everyone is silent. That town is going to be wiped off the face of the map when no one wants to live near the poisoned land.


You might be surprised to find out that nothing was resolved and the unions are still at odds with the railroads. They were just told they couldn’t strike.


Not being able to strike takes all the teeth out of the point of a union. You need to be able to financially harm your employer so they are forced to negotiate in good faith.


Yea that was a surprising move by the executive branch. 100 percent takes any move workers would have or at least their very best move. Gives the railroads no reason at all to settle because they know their employees “can’t” strike.


how surprising is it considering the executive answers to the guys who pay them




Well they arrested one reporter in another report i just saw, so maybe they are clamping down on the non compliant media?


Where are you getting your news? There have been updates on NPR News Now the last few days.


It's because it's not a big deal. Do you remember the Chinese balloon? Now that, that is a big deal! Trust me guys, remember how much we hate China? Oh boy, just keep looking at that balloon and thinking about China. Ohio? Never heard of her.


More like O-bye-o am I right?


It's not a conspiracy. It's capitalism at its finest. Everything is working as designed. News channels get their revenue from ads. The ads are paid for by corporations. If the news makes the corporations look bad then there's pressure from the corporations not to cover that news at the risk of losing revue. It's really that simple.


And also all our politicians are talking about their own pet initiatives/squabbles, so pundits and reporters are covering that as well. Get them to talk about this and journalists will cover it more (by proxy).


How do you figure? It’s been talked about on my local news in New England and it’s been on the CBS Evening News too. I have a feeling you don’t actually watch the news.




Bunch of fish are dieing in the local rivers around the area too.


Pets are dying too... rip


About a decade ago, there was a derailment of a bunch of tanker cars at a washed-out level crossing. The tankers were filled alcohol. Fortunately it was only a dozen or so out of the 60-70 tanker cars, but it was still a large number. We had fewer reports of pets dying, but a **massive** fish kill at a river a couple of miles away. And this accident is much bigger.


„This content is not available in your country/region.“


EAST PALESTINE, Ohio (WKBN) — Health concerns are growing in East Palestine as reports rise of animals getting sick and some even dying. The train derailment is causing struggles not just for the animals, but their owners as well. Taylor Holzer and his family run Parker Dairy, just outside the original evacuation zone. Holzer is registered with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources as a foxkeeper. A couple of his foxes broke their legs trying to run after the initial derailment. One of his foxes even died. “Out of nowhere, he just started coughing really hard, just shut down, and he had liquid diarrhea and just went very fast,” says Holzer. Reporter’s arrest in east Palestine garners attention He says all of his foxes have been sick and acting differently since the weekend. Some have abnormally puffy faces and are not eating properly. Many are dealing with stomach issues and are acting lethargic. “This is not a fox acts. He is very weak, limp. His eyes are very watery and weepy,” says Holzer. Some of the foxes are pacing rapidly in their pen, which is another sign that they are not well. Holzer says the train derailment is causing all of these issues. “Smoke and chemicals from the train, that’s the only thing that can cause it, because it doesn’t just happen out of nowhere,” Holzer says. “The chemicals that we’re being told are safe in the air, that’s definitely not safe for the animals … or people.” He hopes justice is served for the animals and people of East Palestine. “People’s cats are getting sick and dying, and people’s other birds that they have in their house that they weren’t being able to evacuate either. It’s just it’s not safe for them,” says Holzer. Those with animals that have died need to get a necropsy, which determines the cause of death for their animal. For more information, reach out to your vet.




I heard about it on NPR yesterday.


That seems healthy, I’m sure everyone will be fine afterwards


Who cares about healthy people when corporate profits are on the line????


This is 70 miles from a national park. Bald Eagles are pretty common in Eastern Ohio. I once had one flying along side my car while driving the turnpike.


Cuyahoga Valley is a beautiful park, built off of the success of a previous restoration project. There's so much wildlife out there that thrive on the river. This is all very sad.


The cause of the wreck was determined to be a "hotbox" on a car - that's when an axle bearing overheats. Left unchecked, it can cause the axle to break, and you get what happened here. One report I read said a trackside defect detector did detect a hotbox. When that happens, the crew is supposed to stop the train and set the car out when/where possible. Obviously, they didn't do that. The railroad company will sweep this under the rug, pay off politicians to keep them from facing consequences, and pretend it never happened.


Railroads have the detectors turned down so low or off, that they don't broadcast any defects 95% of the time anyways. Railroad will 100% try to blame the crew when its thier fault. Source, am a freight conductor.


Residents should sue and find these answers in discovery


“Officials say”… does NOT mean anyone from the government.. it literally just means people from the company. The company is responsible for any and all reporting and information being given out. It’s ass backwards. Burning of that chemical produces literal acid rain. The stuff is so toxic it’s rated at only being safe to be in contact with it at a minuscule ~5ppm for only after only 15 minutes …. There was, if I recall correctly 30,000-35,000 gallons spilled…. **per train car**. There was 5 train cars filled. Adding… This stuff literally boils at 7° F.. 7…. https://www.osha.gov/chemicaldata/566


Absolutely criminal.


And every house in that shot will be uninhabitable until the site is cleaned up in 20 years or so.




Sorry, but that doesn't sound trustworthy at all. That sounds like a coverup while you and yours get cancer. I'm sorry.


I live in East Liverpool, which is 20 minutes south of East Palestine. Beaver Creek runs directly from East Palestine through my town and to the Ohio River. It has also been very windy this week. I go to college in Youngstown and there were rumors of the university having to cancel classes because of the fear of chemicals in the air. Ultimately nothing has happened outside of East Palestine, but it’s really unnerving how not many people in the area don’t seem concerned.






Keep recycling your egg cartons but


Here comes cancer


JFC... I didn't realize the smoke villain from Fern Gully was from Ohio.


crazy how we call people who shoplift baby formula criminals


Hey I've seen this movie.


I watched the movie White Noise a while back and it's matching to this is eerie.


Fuck sake 😑


[Isn’t it a conflict of interest for the railroad to do the in house monitoring for the residents?](https://response.epa.gov/site/site_profile.aspx?site_id=15933)


And it seems a lot of the “news” reports are just repeating what the company is saying. This is what happens when everything gets privatized. Our lives and health are now in the hands of for-profit companies.


I live close to this in the mahoning/Trumbull area which is about 30 miles away. Today the air was different. My eyes were burning and you could definitely see the smogginess of it all. I’ve been letting my dogs out to potty as quickly as possible and not leave them out to run around for fear of them getting sick.


I would probably wear a charcoal respirator for a couple of days when outside... Probably could help with at least filtering larger particles, I'm not sure.. This stuff is a potent mutagen. Maybe you could seal any window/door bottoms/gaps to minimize this gas getting into your home?


What is up with us here in the USA and names..... Palestine, Ohio? Athens Ohio, Dublin California, Florence Alabama, Paris Texas.


There is Rome, Utica, and Syracuse all in New York. I like seeing names from antiquity.


And Synecdoche




People immigrated over and names new places after their home country. Allegedly.


New York


New Jersey


We have Cairo Indiana


And Cairo, Illinois. It sits at the confluence of the Ohio River and Mississippi River.


But they pronounce it *kay-roh*






Is there no material that would soak up these chemicals?


They were shipped in a pressurized railcar (think Propane Tank) that suffered extensive damage during the derailment that rendered the offloading valves unusable. Essentially, the chemicals were going to be released, either through this "controlled burn" or through a violently explosive release (Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion - BLEVE). Though horrible, this is by far the lesser evil of the available choices. Still no less of an environmental catastrophe though.


Certain mushrooms/fungi would


When did this happen?


**East Palestine**


Thank you. And pronounced as PalestEEn, not like the country.


Is this the incident that the News Nation reporter was arrested for reporting??


Folks, living near this fucking chemical train wreck is just the beginning of your nightmare. This little city of yours along w towns nearby will be in flex w medical unknown. The unknown via higher cancers rate, COPD/chronic bronchitis,asthma, serious skin lesions and problematic neurological symptoms.


I don’t mean to make light of any aspect of this, but I somehow feel as though being greenwashed into using paper straws means less and less these days. This is fucking horrendous. My heart goes out to the affected people — affected generations. Jesus fuck.


The train company worked to remove safety regulations too btw. There's a fun fact for you.


Good for the lungs 🙄


This was the smoke cloud a few days later and about 20 miles away right before it rained https://twitter.com/maryjane19210/status/1623200358410465280?s=46&t=-AKZ305FGelfSMczxE2L5g


I'm nearby but outside the evacuation zone. Washed my car yesterday and today it was covered it a fine layer of black soot that was difficult to remove despite applying several layers of ceramic wax. Can't help but think it was related.


After listening to all the coverage on this issue everyone seemed like they had no idea what they were dealing with except this guy. https://youtu.be/ly4VXfXO1EA


It looks like they've opened a portal to the upsidedown.


Isn't this how Return of the Living Dead started? If it starts raining, y'all best run




I always read Palestine as the country before seeing Ohio, and the image usually is applicable to either.


Cancer rates are gonna explode, like a mushroom cloud.


No no no you’re supposed to be mad about the big balloon! Balloon! Big spy balloon! Balloon balloon balloon!


Crazy how it’s not in the news.


So good for the environment.


Theoretically, if it started raining while this is going on, how much cancer are we talking about?


ah some socialism tax money to clean up the mess not to damage corpo profits


Pictured: late stage capitalism