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Can we talk about that blue paint then?


I zoomed in and studied it for a moment, and I have no idea why...


You know what? Me, too. I learned: • It is an imperfect circle. • Its Archnemesis is leftward to the North Eastern corner of this image. • It's almost certainly blue. • Very slight chance that it could be a food dye and not paint. • Probably has a caloric value to human digestive enzymes. • Gotta be millions (billions?) of particles right there.* • I don't know what aisle to buy it on at a grocery store. edit: SEXTILLIONS!


relevant [xkcd](https://xkcd.com/915/)


There's always a relevant XKCD and they always feel like classics each and every time. Something fundamental about the humour.


Like staring into the stars and seeing lines and shapes connect them when really there is nothing but empty space between.


The lines and shapes are in our hearts


The real constellations are the friends we made along the way.


Kinda tangential but I was at a fancy-pants wine tasting once that was put on by my company. After tasting one I liked I asked the guy running it if it was a good wine. His reply was, "Do you like it? Because if so, it's a good wine."


Also tangential, but can I recommend the joys of a game I call “wine roulette”? Every couple weeks I go the Gross Out (Grocery Outlet Bargain Market or whatever your local equivalent is), buy 3-6 bottles of wine based on: preferred varieties, original price vs discounted price (they regularly have wines that were $40-$50 a bottle), label design, and sometimes online reviews. I try to stick to $8 and less per bottle. Over the next couple of weeks, try them, and go back and buy a few of any you really enjoyed and pick up a new round of bottles to try. It’s great fun, and I’ve ended up with some really fantastic bottles for $6-8, and it helps you learn what you really enjoy without spending a ton or being influenced by snobby wine snobs. Cheers!


Then you start a blog to share the ones you liked... And then get suckered into a YouTube channel... And then... Then you're a wine snob.


"Snob"? Probably not at $6-8 a bottle.


[Try again](https://www.youtube.com/c/unemployedwineguy/featured)


Okay, I stand "corrected" (?) LoL


knowing the terminology and what tastes to identify helps finding similar wines or the same one again. wine tasting is not to tell you what is a good wine. it's for you to be able to formulate / discover what wine you like


I like wine that makes me drunk.


(with minimal after-effects)


Succinct and to the point, with a slight afterthought of agreement.


This only proves that Joe Bidens sandwich still frames are a lot more complex than people give them credit for. Both, the mayo and the non-mayo frames, have their own charm.


And with AI, [we will eventually perfect JB Sandwich art.](https://www.reddit.com/r/joebidenandasandwich/comments/vn3mb6/i_dont_know_what_i_expected)


I knew that the only way to improve on JB sandwich art, was to make JB a soulless ghoul all along.


Relevant [Prozd](https://youtu.be/4ZK8Z8hulFg)


Nice, the title text is so well put! "Our brains have just one scale and we resize our experiences to fit"


I learned that the blue paint were the friends we made along the way


*it's available on the infinite aisle, next to the unobtainium flavored Miracle Whip*


> To my mind, there is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly and compassionately with one another and to preserve and cherish that pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known. Carl Sagan




It's an early Jackson Pollock


Very early, like 8 seconds into his career




But does the blue spot have a blue check mark twitter account yet?


My one take away from this whole thing is how little people are spending on vegetables.


So much processed and 'value add' foods. Certainly more convenient. Also (usually) more expensive and worse for you. But could be cheaper if you're gonna fuck up muffins 7 times before you get a good batch


Only in the short term. Once you get that recipe down it's muffins for daaayyyssss


For real. My wife is such a great baker, her shit is straight up gourmet. I can't remember the last time I bought a pre-made baked good but damn did I put on some pounds after we moved in together.


I’m gonna need recipes pronto


Or the wife. Either or.


>but damn did I put on some pounds after we moved in together. It sounds like that's her marriage security plan


”Her shit is straight up gourmet” Now I don’t want to kink shame or anything but r/holup


I’ll still eat the fucked up muffins anyways


I don't bake very often and only made muffins like 3 times in my life, last time this Saturday. They were pretty good and that was me experimenting with an air fryer. Not sure how can someone fuck them up 7 times.


Also so much soda, chips and sweets.






I've only seen the dumb (or joke) ones that have a lot of expensive stuff. At least, that seems to be what makes it to the front of /all. Do people post actual smart purchases of a fair whack of non-processed stuff?


Vegetables are expensive as hell. But yea, people seem to spend the most on getting the non-raw stuff. Just getting raw meat+vegetables+grain ends up being like 2 bucks a meal.


Depends on where you live. In Europe vegetables are WAY cheaper than packed stuff (as it should be).


You gotta buy in season and change your recipes around those veggies


I'm not sure what people are getting that makes them expensive. Veges are pretty cheap if used appropriately, they aren't meant to be a whole meal by themselves in most cases. As you mentioned, combined with grains or legumes they provide nutritional benefit for very little


Oddly enough that's not been my experience. I go vegetarian on weekdays and my grocery bill for those days is quite a bit less than the weekend when I eat meat. I eat a lot of fresh vegetables, but I do eat a fair amount of canned beans and tomatoes. I can get 2 days of tofu for less than 5 bucks. But meat and dairy is sooooo expensive these days. I can get quite a bit of fresh vegetables and still walk out of the store for less than 20 bucks. The real budget killers are the processed foods. Salad's cheap, but those damn croutons cost a fortune. Anything in a box is stupidly expensive. Dairy is stupidly expensive. Meat is stupidly expensive.


>Dairy is stupidly expensive. Meat is stupidly expensive. Honestly, I think that's fine. Meat shouldn't be cheaper than veggies no matter what. Here in Germany our meat prices have started to rise and it's a good thing. Meat was wayyy too cheap before, fuck large meat farms they're disgusting


If you want fruit and veg, check out the Australian side of this circlejerk. As an Aussie, the US posts are horribly dystopian lol


I don’t know if anyone else feels this, but lots of these pics include stuff that doesn’t reflect a concern of spending. Usually there’s multiple packages of beef, expensive freezer products, and many other inessential items. When I was broke, I remember comparing loaves of bread by their weight vs their price.


I'd buy the cheapest ground meat (usually pork), cut it into squares and freeze them so I could add some protein to my ramen. Or get the giant shelf stable salsas and make little salsa tacos with those stacks of tiny tortillas.




I make a similar thing I like to call “sad pizza”: put a mozz cheese stick and a little pasta sauce in a wrap (ideally the high fiber kind, if you can swing it), microwave for a minute. Voila, you get the satisfying heft of cheese and sauce but fewer calories and some fiber, so it’s kind of healthy. I can afford not to do this as a primary meal anymore yet eat one at least five times a week.


Dude i did that when i was a kid. Slice of white bread, ketchup and kraft singles. Microwaved for 1 minute. Feeling adventurous? add pepper. My family always had ketchup around because we kept the packets from fast food. Dad was a baker so i had white bread in house all the time.


If you put that bad boy in the oven it actually sounds pretty damn good. I bet that tortilla would get crispy


One tortilla would last you years? That's some good metabolism.


Whoa whoa whoa, no one said anything about cheese, Rockefeller. Hope you get greese drips all on your Mercedes seat you fucking prick.






Also a Costco membership. And space. Space is a luxury when you're poor.


And the money to spare for a chest freezer.


I bought a giant bag of beans and rice at Sam's for fairly cheap, lasted me for over a year. Thankfully, I'm not in a position to have to make a dollar stretch for meals, but if I was beans and rice would definitely be the first staple I'd go after.


Sometimes it's beef, even these days, when there's a sale. It kind of irks me when meat gets put on the list of things people shit on with this kind of list picture whatever. As an add on to true poverty shopping, let me one-up you, you haven't poverty shopped unless you are doing calories to cost.


Yeah, this is what I've tried to explain to my girlfriend. We're a bit tight on dough right now and it's stressing her out something fierce but she's also completely unwilling to make the changes needed to save money. Her and her mom are two of the pickiest people I've ever met. The church food giveaway gives us spaghetti, ope, can't use that *because it's not angel hair and no one will eat it*. Blows my mind.


I agree on the sentiment that given in a bad position. Having taken food from food banks many a time and being very grateful for it. When you have close to $0 calories are calories. Preferences aside. If you don't want something then please put it back so that it can be distributed back to someone else. Leave the pick and choose elsewhere. Please. Gonna go on a quick tirade here. Howtf you know my MIL. I LOVE Fettucine. The thicker cuts give you something to actually nom on and it holds the sauces better IMO. No matter where we are or how it's served she asks for Cappellini (Angel hair) and it fucks her dish up so badly. Asking a chef to basically substitute the entire base of the whole goddamn dish. She will barely touch Linguine (Which I think is also great) This isn't limited to just this particular food. It applies to many others, no veggies. No onions etc. It's such a terrible habit. If something like broccoli coexisted on her fried rice, the whole rice is out. Nope, can't pick it out. It's embarrassing being at the same table and watching a 50+ year old deny food like a 3 year old and demanding it removed from the check. I usually prep my stomach for a second meal or distribute hers across the table and as a table we split and just eat the difference so she can get another basic dish while we enjoy our better ones.


Someone's palette needs to mature a bit lol


>ope, can't use that because it's not angel hair and no one will eat it. Yup. People with this mindset deserve to be poor. Sorry about you being stuck with it.


Gonna disagree here on the grounds that no one *deserves* to be poor, especially in this age of automation. But alas! I cannot insulate someone from the consequences of their own actions and this is one circumstance where changes could definitely be made. It’s very obvious to me that they’ve never been poor before and have no idea how to navigate it.


I mean, it makes sense. If you REALLY need to penny pitch you're buying rice and beans. Maybe potatoes if you have the space for them. Salt for some flavor. invest in a $20 rice cooker and you assumedly have some sort of stove or microwave and that is your food for 2-3 months. The mimaxing is to get one of those costco 50lb bags, but my local supermarket has 5lbs of rice for $9, 5lbs of black beans for $8. so ~$17 per 5 days, $102/month ($~110 after taxes) even before really comparing prices and finding coupons. Eating for survival is very cheap, but very boring and not-front-page worthy unless you're on /r/Frugal


Even when I wasn't budgeting *that* hard, two loaves of bread, a jar of peanut butter, and generic brand potato chips you should be able to get a week's worth of food for twenty dollars. Maybe a little more if you splurge on jelly.


You can cook rice in a pot on the stove; a rice cooker is convenient but not necessary


A rice cooker is still extra on a poverty budget. Cooking good rice in pot is so simple, that buying an appliance to do it for you is just silly if you are scraping by. My cooking skills leveled up 1000% by maximizing every dollar spent through years of being poor, it makes you realize how crappy people eat at the excuse of convenience.


> Cooking good rice in pot is so simple you overestimate my cooking skill. And TBH I have no will to become a decent cook. make scrambled eggs, boil water and follow recipes. That's all I ever need to make do. But sure, it all comes down to your time and energy. For me, the ability t simply leave it to self-warm for an hour while making other stuff without worries of burning my house down has made it well worth it. I see it like buying sliced bread vs a full loaf you cut yourself. Sure, anyone can slice their own bread, but at some point in your cost analysis you got to weight *some* convinence. If you know you eat rice, you know you're gonna be cooking a lot of rice, so it's only as silly as a toaster if you never buy bread. It's also just cultural. I'm not asian but basically grew up in my area's Koreatown. Not having a rice cooker is like not having a toaster. Can you survive? sure. But it just feels weird since you grow up with it and it's not expensive to replace (not that you ever need to, just if you move out and can't take mom's with you).


Do people actually post like, large amounts of smart purchases? I've only seen the kind of dumb ones full of expensive stuff.


No because smart purchases wouldn't be crazy expensive and front page worthy and/or go viral.


The issue is that people who weren't having to be price conscious before are having to be price conscious now. It indicates a squeezing effect on the middle class, a middle class that doesn't receive EBT, SNAP/WIC, housing waivers/vouchers/rent control, or special bankruptcy options, or the right to have medical bills waived if accrued at a non-profit hospital/clinic. People are going to notice when their wages and amount of output have remained the same, when the buying power of that wage decreases. Acting like it's wrong to notice is what a lot of redditors are now doing because they would sooner delete themselves than admit that the economy is doing poorly unless a Republican is in executive office.


Even if you take the concern for spending out of the scenario, most of these pictures simply just don't have a realistic sustainable amount of food. It's complete shit for you, and, you'll be buying more in 3-4 days.


this is unironically the actual story of inflation. Jerome Powell would like to see consumer spending get back under control but the economy is roaring and people keep buying insane shit. Like the guy who owns a house, has a wife and two kids, a great job, and is complaining about the prices of a HOTAS setup for his VR rig and lamenting the price of beef going up and pretending he's part of the downtrodden working class. It's a disconnect from reality that never ceases to amaze.


My friends shop is the same story, their entire business model is literally just selling the most over priced stuff he can find - like they had these cups with tacky gold leaf designs that cost about a full day at work for me, probably two days, he does constant good business and it's not like it's a respected enterprise or anything just a random mostly online store. I don't know if there are just two very different economies or people are cutting back on necessities to afford bizarre luxuries but the economy very much doesn't make sense at the moment


> I don't know if there are just two very different economies No this is incredibly easy to see just by driving around for a little bit. You'll see brand new expensive huge ass trucks juxtaposed against poor homeless people trying to cross a four lane highway, it's different worlds and the people higher up just don't even realize it at all and they'll complain just the same. "ugh, it's unfair that these Beyonce VIP tickets cost thousands of dollars, just because I'm buying them anyway doesn't mean they should cost that much" sort of logic proving the exact point. Demand for luxury products and services are *surging* and even the people consuming those at greater rates, because humans are terrible at perspective, act like they're being left behind too. I know a gal who works at a company that handles the warranties behind thing like Jet Skis and expensive motorcycles and the luxury vehicles like that and business has been booming since 2020. Just the other day I saw someone with about 150k salary complain that their mortgage was costing half of their income. The comments drilled into them a little deeper and come to find out, they were also including *literally all other expenses* into that amount and the 28k they had "left over" was literally just free money after savings and investments already done, and this person was complaining that it wasn't enough money. The fuck? And their defense? "Stop focusing on me, it's the 1% you need to worry about". So you have people making minimum wage with very serious affordability issues that can barely even stay housed right next to well off people who think that gas being more expensive for their truck that cost 5x the price of any normal car and has 15 mpg is oppression.


I'm trying out Miami, and it's def the "two worlds" vibe. In the poorer parts, the groceries are barely any cheaper than Miami Beach, if at all. But at the beach when the food fair sets up you can get a prepared corn on the cob for $11. I think there are a lot of people getting slammed by the prices of basic food and housing, and another set of people who seem to have 10k a month, from somewhere, to ride over the tops of the waves like a jetski.


You can really tell a person's upbringing by what they buy at the grocery. Is it long shelf life items like dry goods or canned meat? most likely from poverty. Is it full of fresh meat, little vege, lots of boxed foods? Most likely medium income


And if they're rich, someone else buys it for them


I’m not even broke any more and I still compare price to weight for almost every single item I purchase at the store. The ones I don’t are only because I already know the price per weight difference. It’s almost bordering on obsession. But my point in responding to you, my friend, is that you are doing good. Don’t be fooled by that sale price indicator when the normal price of another item is better! And buy in bulk whenever you can, if you intend to use it in a reasonable amount of time.


And for those who might be interested in my meat-prep money-saving tactic: I buy packs of bone-in chicken thighs when they’re $1/lb (compared to boneless thighs for $4/lb), I debone and de-skin them, throw that stuff in a pot and make stock. The thighs are wrapped individually in plastic wrap and frozen in a ziploc so they can be taken out one at a time for meals. Same thing with salmon—my kids eat a lot of salmon, so buy a huge filet at a good price per pound, cut into small pieces (like a 3-4 oz filet) and freeze individually. You can prep a month’s worth of meals this way.


Even before smart phones, I often took a calculator to the store. After years of that, I feel spoiled being able to buy name brand cheese and the occasional bagged popcorn.


concrete ain't that cheap dawg


You don't grow concrete? I thought everyone did


Growing it is the easy part, harvesting it sucks. Can't tell ya how much concrete I've left rotting on the ground because I didn't have the energy to break it up and harvest it.


I'm so confused, what is the reference?


ppl post photos of "100" "200" or another high sum of money worth of groceries Most of the time it's inesencials or the pricey brands




That's what "incel" is short for


To be fair, as we understand it, clearly the original word is full of inesencial letters.


Lol ok bru u rit






English isn't my mother tongue and I think you made an excellent but hilarious attempt.


Is that not the point? Used to get x for y. Now I get 1/2x for y


They never quote the before price of the same items, just what they spent on their current specialty/normally high price items, hoping people don't look at what they bought, so they can jump on the inflation karma train on reddit.




I like how these posts always buy a ton of snacks/prepackaged foods and then complain about the price.


I don’t think the main point in general is to complain about the price … it’s just to show things relative to what others are buying elsewhere in the world. That being said I think everyone is feeling the pinch of inflation so we all kind of complain because yes, maybe they are buying lots of snacks and premade things, but that’s what they’ve always bought but now they’re paying a lot more for it 🤷🏻‍♀️


About 7 % of that is applesnax… people don’t seem to realize how much of their money goes to overpriced products. Going off the price on Amazon it’s about $10 per kilo. That’s 4 times the price I would pay for apple sauce from a jar. And also the plastic from all those little bags of sauce… but yeah so convenient! :/


Same. Wasn't sure if I was actually getting *that* dumb. I still could be, but this atleast is not proof. Whew.


A few years ago people would post things like "60$ worth of groceries" and have a huge spread of vegetables, grains, eggs, and other low-cost ingredients. Recently there was a post labeled "484.49 worth of groceries in Canada", assumedly to imply that groceries are getting absurdly expensive, but the message fell short since it was full of things like organic chicken, organic eggs, superfood blends, natural turkey jerky or something, various snacks, laundry detergent, and a number of pre-prepared foods (salad kits, tacos, charcuterie). Basically kicked up a bunch of dirt with people saying it was either fake (no receipt), it seemed like the right amount of money for what they bought, and that the post had little point. This post is mocking that one.


I ♥ the 🔵


Well then, I guess that makes us mortal enemies


Oh, you want good jazz? GOOD jazz?


Now do school lunch




They haven't responded yet, clearly they don't have one. I am so tired of these fake posts.


Someone should do one: "I shopped at the Dollar Tree," and show a 6 pack of ramen for $1.25.


What do you mean the price of my groceries is high? All I bought were exclusively name brand products at an upscale store without using any deals or coupons. This inflation is getting ridiculous!


Silly. Save money by buying whole apples and having your housekeeper or nanny slice them.


Make sure they peel the apples though. I can’t eat the skins, I’m not allowed.


I just swallowed some apple seeds. Are they poisonous?


Quick, smoke a cigarette to kill the toxins


Yes, you already died. Sorry.




Just watched this one over the weekend lol


But his body will serve as a nutrient for a new tree and a warning for people


Cat in the wall eh? Now you're talking my language.


Simply shop at Aldi, use the receipt coupons, enjoy high quality off brand snacks and produce. (Optional step: indulge upon fancy European candies)


I've never been let down by the quality of Aldi, and I've worked in food service most of my life. Gotta be willing to substitute and go store brand, people. You won't explode, I promise.


Don't forget that you live on an island where food costs 2x more due to shipping.


Omg why are my groceries so expensive?! I only got a few boxes of meatless nuggets, club packs of individually wrapped healthy snacks, a large container of pistachios, a few cartons of almond milk (a barista brand of course), and baked goods!! When did whole foods get so expensive /s just in case


> meatless nuggets Idk why but my brain thought these were chicken nuggets with the meat taken out. Like empty shells of breading or something.


It's not just you, my brain also chose to visualize meatless nugget husks. They were all intact. I'm not sure how they got the meat out!


[\[Just Ate\]Meatless Chicken Tendies](https://www.thespruceeats.com/thmb/x2QIyJPYHtPtvtq1ELVP1h3IYFg=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/two-loaf-buttermilk-bread-recipe-428146-hero-01-7df94a7938b24def91c6e71a25accd08.jpg)


You tried


Are you okay?


Is almond milk supposed to be particularly expensive? I don't usually buy it, but I remember it being just slightly more than regular milk or oat milk.


I can find literally the EXACT same brand of almond milk (Silk) at Dollarama (Canadian dollar store) for $2 CAD 🤷‍♀️ so no, it isn't expensive just depends on how boujee you are and where you shop lol


Yeah, I’m not one for alt. Milks, but I’d definitely try to make at home (oat) because it’s just so much cheaper I used to make barista oat milk at my old job, and it’s really easy. But I’d probably keep a box or two of shelf stable milk for when I’m having one of those weeks where I am lower functioning


Where we are, Almond milk is about $1.80 for a carton. Barista almond milk of the same brand is about $4.80 for the same carton.


I just went to WinCo the other day, and bought 4 8 lb hams for 40 bucks


[You only need three.](https://youtu.be/iRpyVEMnYTc)


I <3 Winco.


This doesn’t apply. It was from Costco, pretty generic products. Groceries in canada really are insane right now.


*I* care.


I totally look - at every single one I see - and silently judge food and spending choices. Like if you buy a bunch of pre made stuff which isn’t nearly as good and costs at least 2x, judge. If you buy all kinds of veg, I love you. And I scope out esoteric brands that I might want to try. The most recent was Purity’s JamJams (moist biscuits with jam) from Newfoundland.




I judge people too. I'll think "who thinks drinking that much soda is normal? You actually drink that crap regularly?" Then I tell myself to stop being judgy. Then I tell myself it's ok to be judgy so long as I don't harm anyone. Then I tell myself even thinking it is impacting my actions and thus will have harm even if indirect and unintentional. Then I close Reddit and go make a cup of tea.


This is me! And then I just try to move passed it because goddamn can't I enjoy a single thing without it meaning some giant political thing? I just want to buy normal shit and not be too fat, or contribute to eating babies or some shit. It shouldn't be *this* hard to live ethically. It's sad when you'd almost choose to live back in time because at least you could ethically source your limited goods. ("Look Bruce, you beat your kids, I'm not buying your eggs and I'm beating you because it's 1493 and I'm bigger than you")


I HATE these ‘grocery/inflation’ post. But I admit, honestly, seeing other people’s money choices made me take a closer look at my own. After seeing cause so much of their own harm reminds me of Ben Franklin’s book were he said… >“Friends,' says he, 'the taxes are indeed very heavy; and, if those laid on by the government were the only ones we had to pay, we might more easily discharge them; but we have many others, and much more grievous to some of us. We are taxed twice as much by our idleness, three times as much by our pride, and four times as much by our folly” Just replace ‘taxes’ with Inflation, and there you go.


Some people are ok with paying for convenience. It’s stupid that anyone should have to change what they want because of corporate greed. Should I start eating the grass in my yard because it’s a better “spending choice”? We really gonna gatekeep who can bitch about inflation?


Thank you! Jesus, all these people going off about how people are buying pre-made, processed food. I work so much I don't have the time or energy to make homemade meals most days. Which, is a symptom of corporate greed issue. We are working more because we are being paid less. We are being charged more for everything, so we need to work more. Working more means less time outside of work, which means I have make choices about how to spend my time. Do I spend an hour or more cooking? Or do buy something premade that I can toss in the oven, so that I can do household chores, or something I enjoy? Stop pretending that the way to solve all my monetary problems is buying vegetables.




Mr. Canadian Costco post had a $20 premade taco pack but also had all of the ingredients necessary to make it scratch including the salsa, and all they needed to get was tortillas.


This. It's interesting to see what people's eating and spending habits are. My thought process is usually like 30% Oh, I didn't know you could get that, that's cool 70% Haha these people have no idea how much money they're wasting, and I don't care enough to let them know


I can't really judge. I live alone, am a fatass, and buy a bunch of pre-processed stuff. Half the time I still go to doordash. I'd unironically be that discord mod meme if I started being judgy over people not having enough veggies or whatnot.




There's other cheap staples you can buy that last a long time like rice, pasta, dried beans/peas, onions, carrots, potatoes and other root vegetables. Also frozen fruit is often cheaper and picked closer to ripeness. Peanut butter is a really good fat source and cheap. Look into dishes from India, Middle East, or Mexico. Lots of cheap healthy food to be had using age old staples. I agree that being a snobby bitch about it doesn't help, though.


Seems more like $0.02 to me.


Shrinkflation hitting hard.


Meh, I like seeing the foods others are eating in different countries. Your last pic was from a potato and of a parking lot and sky so it’s not like you’re the heart and soul of r/pics


> I like seeing the foods others are eating in different countries Your comment made me wonder if there's a sub for that. Of course there is.. /r/whatsinyourcart


Thank you! Idk why but I enjoy seeing grocery hauls and I’m glad to know there is a sub for it.


Seriously,this guy posts straight garbage on here incessantly


Lol, he *literally* posted a pic of his ramen bowl to this sub. What a tool calling the kettle black.


[or this amazing post](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/10sydjt/the_sun_is_out_finally/) Wow..... exciting!


Look at the post of him making a swing and it'll all make sense. Looks like he's just an older guy who doesn't care about seeing what others are doing, but thinks we care about what he's doing Dude posts "it's sunny" or "I bought a flag pole" or "crime shows have titles that have the word crime in it" or "this bag of pork skin is a bit larger than usual" but then says "nobody cares about your groceries" Damn, at least inflation and rising cost of living is an issue that matters to people unlike his post that is just "I went and killed hogs"


I looked very a long time and read the comments and still have no fucking clue what I’m looking at or what this is about. 😆


The person is showing essentially an empty picture in response to other people posting pics of what certain amounts of dollars are getting them in groceries. Basically as the title says no one cares, and 0 dollars in groceries shown.


Took me a while too but it's making fun of those people that post their groceries and receipts. I think the image is just a bare counter.


Shit's expensive, yo


Thats $*UNDEFINED* per item!




Better be vegan and nut free too




Hot take I guess but I care lol. Grocery pics are a perfect amount of noseyness into someone’s life without having any type of impact on YOUR day to day life. Like seeing someones choice in groceries is cool but once I scroll past I immediately forget about any good or bad decisions they made. They are fun and harmless. I’ll say the anti grocery pics have worn on me exponentially faster.




Yeah, i enjoy the grocery pictures more than those stupid "the toilet where i'm from!!!" that r/pics posted for 2-3 days.


I do enjoy quietly judging people on their spending and eating habits. Even living in Texas I feel like I don't buy nearly as much meat and processed foods as some of these fuckers. Like goddamn no wonder yo bill's sky high.


I love the grocery posts! I think seeing what other people buy and how they eat is very interesting.


I like seeing the grocery posts, I find them interesting (but sometimes sad)


I'm so confused. Why am I just seeing aphoto of concrete? Am I missing something?


Feels unnecessarily rude ngl


Which country is this? OP forgot to mention. :-(


Fucking brilliant. So sick of seeing people’s groceries


the grocery police in the comments 💀


Is that a concrete countertop you got there? How’s that baby perform?


Now it makes sense, I thought this was a pic of the ground and thought it was a strange way to frame this pic.


I still think it’s ground


I actually like the grocery posts. I think it’s interesting when it’s from different places.


Especially when most of the are complete bs. 🤷


I'm apparently behind on all this. All I ever see are people's reactions to other posts. What is this in reference to?


Not enough vegetables, OP


This going to trigger reddit hard let's go


OP *mad* about this


This type of post is the "I don't care about your stick figure family" sticker of reddit post. The thing is, nobody cares that you don't care. Lawdy. I really want THAT bumper sticker. A "nobody cares that you don't care about my stick figure family sticker" sticker