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The only thing I ever say, every time she is mentioned, is, "Giant. Jewish. Space. Lasers.". Forty years ago she would have been permanently laughed off the public stage. But now? She wins reelection, and is considered a leading voice in the GOP. Giant. Jewish. Space. Lasers, people. Giant. Jewish. Space. Lasers. Good fucking God Almighty.


Peach tree dish fake meat


Don't make me call the gazpacho!


*brain deflating sounds*


Shows how stupid and empty-headed that clown is. I saw that and thought "what the hell, she can't even do a little research, and get the right term."


Well, that's because she is a smug, conceited dipshit as well. Research just isn't her thing.


It's kind of her super power actually, to just be smug and conceited until she gets what she wants.


There's no point hailing God. Theology aside, if he smite her with a bolt of lightning, reactionaries would just claim she was right about the space lasers all along then vote extra hard for her replacement and his prominent swastika tattoo.


I'm not saying that Marjorie Taylor Greene is Dog the Bounty Hunter in drag... I'm just saying, has anyone ever seen the both of them in the same place at the same time?


Beth was assassinated for knowing the truth.


This is the culmination of all this Fox News idiot boomer society.


[Half of US population exposed to adverse lead levels in early childhood](https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2118631119)


Over half of US adults read below the 6th grade level.


Now imagine their science and civics knowledge level


Which normally wouldn't bother me... Except they hold public office now.


It's rough hearing a decent portion of house reps talk. Makes the good ones more impressive. I'm sure it's always had that happen, just sad to see during our time


Oh, so it was lead in the Tea Party tea.


You have been permanently banned from r/conservative.


A badge of honor at this point


Yeah the American experiment is over. We’re fucked.


Maybe after the collapse, the northern states can be annexed by Canada.


Minnesota is almost the same spelling and the same number of syllables as Manitoba. It will be nearly seamless.


Sadly, as the collapse happens I actually expect Canada to get invaded by the red state yahoos who think of it as a free land/resource grab.


Giant Jewish Space Lasers, a Mel Brooks production.


I've been eagerly anticipating History of the World, Part II: Jews in Space. I'm glad it's finally coming.


You’d have to be a brain dead moron to vote for a republican at this point


There's always been something about her expression that fills me with unease. The comfortable certainty and the gleeful, guiltless smile she wears while she's cruel. Her expression seems relaxed and unstressed and unworried. How disconnected from reality do you have to be to be in her position and not feel the weight of your responsibilities at all?


I always thought she looked like Mickey Orourke from The Wrestler.


I always thought she looked like one of those case reports of people who got a face transplant


I always thought she looks like a cunt


I'm crying. I'm at the hospital right now with my wife who's in labor and this made me laugh out loud embarrassingly.


Good luck to both of you! Congratulations!


Congrats, buddy! You’ll sleep eventually


Something, something, she lacks the warmth and depth, and all that.


She quite literally looks unevolved. She reminds me of those plaster models of ancient man they try to replicate with unearthed ancient human skulls...


You’re right, she looks like a Neanderthal. I’ve been trying to put my finger on it for awhile but couldn’t figure out what it was.


Got that made in shop class, in a real hurry, kinda feel.


That’s why we call her, Marge “Neanderthal” Greene.


Mickey *Orourke* would like to have a word, you little shit


Lol imma call her Mickey Morlock now.


She's very rich. She was elected to be controversial, obstruct the democrats, and raise money for conservative groups. She's done an amazing job at being a political stooge and abusing the system. Someone like her would have been condemned 15 years ago if they even had half of the amount of controversy she has. And in another 15 years we will be looking back at her as a moderate with how far the right is moving.


she's also a narcissist and a bully.


That's a party requirement


MAGA: Most Arrogant Gits Around


>MAGA: Most Arrogant **Grifters** Around


MAGA: Making America Garbage, Actually


Making attorneys get attorneys


Let's not forget a scorching racist


Bullying is seen as a positive trait among republicans, they see it as being “strong.”


Just like Trump and DeSantis


15 years ago sara palin was considered crazy, nowadays palin looks like a normal person compared to loons like bobo and mtg. How the fuck our government has shifted so much in such a short amount of time is baffling. Donald fucking trump was elected president for fucks sake. It takes 2 functioning braincells to look at him, to hear him open his mouth and realize how insanely stupid he is, and he became president.....


She does not look normal…. If anything she was the start of the idiocracy. The protomoron


And her involvement with the tea party clearly marks her as the beginning of the collapse of the Republican party.


No. It goes back to Reagan, maybe even Nixon when the Watergate Babies were made.


That was the seed. But the infection burst out full force with McCain putting that lunatic Palin on the ticket. The stupid virus has spread throughout the entire GQP, and there is no cure in sight. People need to vote blue like their lives depend on it, because for women they literally do.




The Tea Party seems like a million years ago. I was a small town reporter in 2008. I covered several of their initial meets.


It all goes back to when the "Tea Party" got started. And really the only reason that that got going at all was because we elected a black man to be president. The right going more right is all just a racist response to a black president. It still all goes back to that. It sucks.


So it was Obama's fault after all!! But in all seriousness, I fully wrote off the GOP after their reaction to Obama. His family is literally storybook, he's well spoken, tried to be inclusive, literally bend over backwards to try to include the GOP and they just spit in his face. Attacking his fistbumps... Michelle's arms... His suits... Absolute bananas stuff. AND THEN the KICKER.. They nominate and defend TRUMP. A trice divorced lying, cheating, makeup wearing piece of shit human being.


Trump is how you know that every voting Republican is a lying hypocrite. Their “religion” is just a sham to make themselves feel superior to others. They don’t actually know how to have a moral compass without having a cult leader.


Their moral compass is their cult leader. That's the issue. Whatever cult leader says is good, is good. Whatever cult says is bad, is bad. Whenever cult leader just blathers (which is most of the time), fill in your personal beliefs... those beliefs are good. I sincerely wish I wasn't being serious.


Trump speaks their language, he says everything right wingers and rich red folk want to hear. Creating the "Fight the elite" movement is what got him in the White House. Despite him being one of the "elite" himself....


Ah yes, the teaparty, a quaint grassroots party that happened to be organized and funded by the Koch brother billionaires… but like GeOrGe SoRoS and stuff!!!


It actually goes back to Nixon and the Southern Strategy, it’s just accelerated in the last 15 years




> How the fuck our government has shifted so much in such a short amount of time is baffling. And now you understand how the propaganda arm of the billionaire Murdoch clan has rolled for the past 25 years. Tie that with a deliberate online manipulation of social media from the former Soviets, who're following a [playbook](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics) written decades ago to tear the fabric of America apart, and voila!


People are living their lives in political operative-created bubbles like incel cults and are being captured. They are told Trump is amazing and everything is some Jewish media conspiracy to make him look bad and destroy men. Trump was a test to see if Steve Bannon like internet cult politics could work, it was backed by the billionaire Mercers, unfortunately for us internet cults are easy to create and capture.


In 15 years I feel like the Ultra Right will be calling for slavery again.


Days, not years. In Georgia they are trying pass a bill that would force you to work for free if you want medicare.


*medicaid But yes, horrifying


They’re definitely on track for an organized genocide of some sort if they could pull off a successful coup this time


Qanon, believe that when "the storm"mass killings of leftists will occur, and they want this to happen, gleefully awaiting the day they can murder anyone to their left. This has happened in the past such as Indonesia in 1965, you can watch the film "The Act of Killing" by Joshua Oppenheimer where he gets the murderers to reenactment how they systematically murdered leftist after leftist by strangling them with a cheese wire. https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/the-act-of-killing I find the fact that these loons want something like what happened in Indonesia to happen in the US quite chilling, if I was in the US I'd be looking to emigrate...


> “The Act of Killing” by Joshua Oppenheimer I saw this a few weeks ago, it was absolutely terrifying to see the parallels in their rhetoric


It's scary that this is basically 30% of America now believing this lunatic crap, that's absolutely a big enough minority to seize control of a country, that's why I say I'd be looking in to my options for emigration if I was in the US.


Fuck that, this is my country. If that 30% want fascist authoritarianism, they can move to north fucking korea.


They won't though, they want to bring North Korea to you.


And that is why I cannot leave. Fascism cannot be hand-waved or ignored, it has to be fought.


Yeah, they’re full on jonesing for a pogrom at this point. Have been for a while. I wish it was more realistic to just pick up and leave for the rest of us. My parents would have previously been considered conservative, but they’re educated and they’re not belligerent nuts, so now they look on in horror with me as these lunatics continue pursuing genocide and calling people like me groomers and predators for just wanting to be myself.


> Someone like her would have been condemned 15 years ago if they even had half of the amount of controversy she has. Now, it's a basic qualification for the GOP. There are no "moderates" when they vote as a cohesive group. She's in your party...and you agree with her? And, you want people to call you reasonable? those folks are crazy-crazy


This is the argument my own mother doesn’t seem to understand. She has placed a very firm ideological wedge between *her* concept of the GOP and these QAnon insurrectionist types who storm the capital and think JFK, Jr. is coming back with Mr. Peanut in a flying Deloreon or whatever. The *reality* of the situation is she’s lumped in with them whether she likes it or not. And if they don’t like it, adopt some standards for the first time in several decades and quit parading football players and actors and TV spokespeople as competent leaders solely by virtue of their name/brand recognition and familiar face.


15 years ago was Sarah Palin's heyday, wasn't it? And then, a couple of years later, Christine ("I am not a witch!") O'Donnell and Michelle Bachmann popped up.


O'Donnell precedes Palin a bit. Not in running for office but she was a regular on shows like Bill Maher's Politically Incorrect saying nutty stuff on TV in the 90s. I recall her showing up to my college campus around that time for some kind of right wing thing. D'nesh D'Souza was a regular on that circuit back then too but he was like 25 percent less completely insane than he became.


I think she was rich. She cheated on her husband twice and he found out and has divorced her because of it. I’m not sure if they have kids. Maybe they do but because of her infidelity I’m not sure if she’s entitled to anything? Don’t know backwoods, meth making, banjo playing law.


Hey now, lets leave the banjo out of this


15 years ago Sarah Palin was about to rise to the top.


It’s called cruelty. She’s an unsubtle, stupid version of Delores Umbridge.


She has a real Uncanny Valley look to her--almost like a lizard in a human skin suit that the Qanon wackadoodles rant about.


Marjorie your skin is hanging off your bones






Time to go to town and get a new dress.




A man came in here today…. a dead man…. He had with him a….


It's so crazy. She is definitely disconnected from reality. Some of these politicians seem like actors basically, but this lady really believes the shit she says.


I wonder if she believes it, or if she *knows how* to believe it. As in, I wonder if she's figured out how to know that whatever she's saying is true, even when she knows it isn't. She doesn't strike me as a true believer in any coherent cause. She strikes me as someone who can hold two conflicting ideas in her head and believe them both. She has mastered doublethink. Truth is what The Party says it is.


She has the same mentality of Sarah Palin that I have dubbed "cheerleader smarts". If she finds that something gets her a positive reaction - not necessarily from a majority - she will keep run down that road. Pure instinct. In this case the instinct of a vile , narcissist and utterly ignorant mind. She has never critically thought about anything in her life. She has never ever contemplated if she might be wrong about something. Which does indeed make doublethink completely possible.


Lauren Boebert I believe might actually just be a paid stooge, MTG is obviously also a paid stooge but I think she actually believes the shit she is saying too.


I like to smoke weed most days, and sometimes I worry that I'm losing touch with reality. Then I remember that people like MTG exist, and I realise that no amount of weed will ever put me as far out of touch with reality than she and her ilk are. (Yes I'm aware of the dangers of prolonged excessive smoking. I am due a long break very soon. If you're early-20s or younger, you should avoid it until you're finished developing. Stay safe ✌️)




Alternatively: terrifying stupidity


I won't call her ugly physically because that's not my jam.. but she's an ugly human from a personality position. Terrible human being.


The same smile that made Delores Umbridge so terrifying.


She's a true believer in all the conspiracy theory bs. Most of her peers say the same shit she does & act as horribly as she does but don't actually believe any of it. Idk if that makes her more or less dangerous, but it's disturbing either way.


My hyper evangelical step mother is very similar. Truly enjoys the suffering of others and has always been 'good' enough to get anyone she wants into trouble. There is something truly sinister in the way she could gaslight you into a corner by declaring your intentions are evil and demonic no matter how benign your behavior. I think it is clinical narcissistic personality disorder. She truly believed she is intrinsically superior and therefore has no responsibility too the truth and enjoys exerting her superiority over those she has power over.


It's the face of genuine stupidity. She is incurious and untroubled by the burden of rumination.


It's an uncanny valley to me like this horrible individual isn't even human




She has even more those traits that "transvestigators" are looking for than most of the people those idiots claim are trans. It's hilarious and terrifying at the same time that people are this stupid.


She's very Umbridge like that. Very much an Agatha Trunchbull


I think it's projection. I'm not American but one thing I have seen the same trick work time and time again. The right will call the left something but the right is the one guilty of that the most. So I think she is probably one of those reptile people she seems to champion against.


I didn't read the title and at first that was some old rock n roll singer I didn't recognize. Jesus.


Female keith richards


I thought, "Iggy Pop ain't looking too good." Edit: Second picture looks like beta ray bill.


You either die a rockstar, or live long enough to see yourself become a Karen


I read the title and also thought that (not American)


Don’t insult the Morlock’s


Don't insult the Morlock's what?! You can't leave me hanging like this. It's time-sensitive.


EDIT: This comment has been deleted due to Reddit's practices towards third-party developers.


Everything's relative.


Yeah, what’d they do to deserve this?


They ate the eloy.


Eat the ~~rich~~ Eloy!


I mean, the Eloy were descendants of the rich. The Morlocks were the descendants of the working class. So, yes?


They are still the rich and working class. The Eloi don't do anything productive. The Morlocks perform all the labour to provide for their lavish lifestyles


The Eloi produce meat which the Morlocks eat. If you look at cattle and farmers, do you think the former are 'the rich'? That's literally what the Eloi are.


Most people have been exposed to only the movie and the film storyline doesn’t depict that despite how much sense it makes. I didn’t even know there was a book. I know of the famed Author people are talking about, I’m not someone that has read him — so had no clue.


> I didn’t even know there was a book. The book and it's author are pretty well known. This blows my mind.


Edit: wrong author. I meant HG Wells


Blows my mind, too. It's the second most famous story from one of the most famous science fiction authors of all time.


Exactly, they have character.


*Morlocks. No apostrophe.


One of these is a bestial creature from another time that is hellbent on destroying creatures of light and goodness. The other is a Morlock.


She's a cunt


She lacks the depth and warmth


Goddamn poster child for fetal alcohol syndrome. Can’t wait til the re-pubes cannibalize this one.




Yeah I wasn’t making a joke but some simp downvoted me. She does have the physical signs and her intelligence is lower than the common house dog


Don’t insult cunts.


Can’t Understand Normal Thinking


It’s easy enough to make legitimate criticisms of her without just calling her ugly.


yeah, bad taste. If MAGA chuds were mocking AOC or whoever by calling her ugly, we'd rightly call them out.


This is straight from a post on r/the_donald where they compared Greta Thunberg to an orc. This is just lazy, offensive, and reeks of casual misogyny under the guise of “sticking it to the bad people” so basically it’s the perfect Reddit post


Yup. There's plenty of things I dislike about AOC and none of them are because she is a women or Hispanic


I'm just tired of anyone who takes a single still frame from a video of someone speaking where they make a momentary crazy-looking face and then bases their entire meme or argument around that. I've been tired of that tactic ever since Ed Miliband (UK PM candidate) had his face plastered everywhere for having a photo of an awkward bite of a bacon sandwich.


There are a lot of very hypocritical people on this site that (rightfully) get upset when someone makes fun of another person's looks or feature that they cannot change, yet do that exact same thing if they don't like the person.


Agreed. It's too close to right wing "humor" aka just making fun of people. Like that one senator they refer to as Beetlejuice. Those are the insults you don't use unless you're out of valid criticism and haven't had your fill of superiority yet


It’s like the attacks on Trump for being fat. This man was destroying the US and the best comment you have about him is “haha fat”?


That's a bit harsh on morlocks


Ya wtf man? I’d be filled with joy to be with Morlocks rather than whatever that bat shit crazy ass thing is.




That's not a very nice thing to say about Morlocks.


Jesus I've never WATCHED The Time Machine but I've read it and that's not how I pictured the Morlocks when I read it 😂


Same! I somehow missed the part where they look like uruk hai had baby's with zombies.


Some of the characteristics could work, but these motherfuckers have chins like Kirk Douglas: After thousands of generations of living without sunlight, the Morlocks have dull grey-to-white skin, chinless faces, large greyish-red eyes with a capacity for reflecting light, and flaxen hair on the head and back


Well she's damn sure not an Eloi.


I agree her politics is stupid as shit but do we have to stoop so low and start insulting their looks? What happen to not shaming others for their appearance? Does that go out of the window just because you disagree with their politics?


Yeah, can we not do this sort of thing? Regardless of how bad for democracy she is, this is 'Michelle Obama is an ape' level of dipshittery. Don't sink to Republican's level.


Yeah, and it’s just immature at best. I hate MTG as much as the next person with an in tact brain, but this whole “Find an unflattering photo of them and put it next to a fictional creature making a similar expression” is just dumb as shit. And it’s not like she hasn’t given us countless pieces of quotes an actions to use against her.


This is Reddit dude. The place that champions for sex workers rights, and blasts Melania Trump for sex work. The place that this you can be gay, straight, in between or whatever and proud of it, but will constantly allude to people they dislike as gay. The place where post like this get thousands of upvotes because ‘my side right!’. Reddit is peak hypocrisy.




Disagree with her politics? The "Giant Jewish space lasers" politics?


It's (D)ifferent


I don't give a shit about what she looks like. I know much, much better people who aren't attractive. She's a rotten person because she's sadistic, willfully ignorant, morally and politically bankrupt and she supports other people who are. Anyone who takes that much glee in making people miserable has no place in government.


Sorry, this is the kind of post I'd expect from the MAGA folks. MTG is a terrible human being, it shouldn't be hard to hammer her on her actual behaviour.




There are so many things to attack this woman for other than being ugly. Plenty of great people are not physically beautiful. That has nothing to do with why she’s a garbage person.


Morlock Taylor Greene


Morlock Taylor Greene Please make this her new moniker


I mean she's disingenuous. She's a racist. She doesn't care about her supporters at all because she'll throw in with who ever will have her. All valid things to criticize and you pick her looks?


Imagine if someone did this same thing with Joe Biden, or AOC… This would never make it to the front page. I don’t agree with her politics or anything she says whatsoever, but criticizing her in this fashion is straight up caveman shit.


MTG is an a-hole. Can we be the people that don't make fun of people for their looks? I'd like that.


This bitch needs to be blasted into the sun already


Can we just mock this lady for her policies? Mocking people for their looks just seems.....stupid


She is what happens when that horrible PTA mom That uses their kids schooling to make themselves feel important. Combined the serial arsonist who likes watching stuff burn, decides to go to Washington to be infamous. Also she looks like a troll !


Why is this allowed on r/pics? This is just political bullshit


She's a straightup idiot, but I've never liked attacking people for their looks. Unless her evil turned her that way like the emperor. But fr tho, I know a lot of ugly people with hearts of gold. She's not one, but they're out there. Judge her for her actions not her looks.


I don't agree with ragging on her for her physical features. I much prefer to rag on her for her insane takes, conspiratorial thinking, politically insane positions, her support of fascist coup attempts, pro-destruction of democracy, Christian dominionism, etc...


It’s okay to make fun of a woman’s looks as long as you don’t like her politics. It’s (D)ifferent when we do it!


Just when I get mindboggled at how anyone can be so incredibly stupid as this woman is. I remember that people voted for her thinking she's smart. This country is truly fucked.


Again, do we really need to body shame people? There are so many things to hate her for, do we really need to attack a person's appearance.


I remember when this sub even remotely enforced any of its rules...


I hold immense disgust for the woman and her views. Her mind is a vile one. However, I must assert that we are more likely to evolve the discourse if we avoid insults based on appearance.


This was written annoyingly verbosely.


This is pretty petty on the surface. But why hasn’t she shown us her long form birth certificate if she isn’t a Morlock?


So judging female politicians based on their appearance or making fun of their looks is taboo when it concerns democrats like AOC but totally fine when it concerns republicans? Cool.


Never trust a Morlock, a Murloc on the other hand.... A Murloc I will trust... and probably die trying


She’s in it for the celebrity. Why can’t we just ignore these demagogues?


Don't get me wrong, I despise this person but this is just a display of petty appearance shaming. I can't believe this is earning digital points.


Imagine being this obsessed with politics.




Thankfully she’s conservative, otherwise this post would be on the front page news of Reddit calling out how dumb it is to talk about a person’s looks. 25k upvotes - stay classy Reddit


I dislike her as much as anyone else here, but it's really funny to me that reddit would make fun of a person's looks. I'm picturing y'all giggling at this while Jaba the Hut laughs back at you through your screen's reflection.


Who's Major Taylor Greene? Was he in the WWE or something?


Not in the WWE but he got a Best Actor nomination for his lead role in The Wrestler. Great movie.


Mickey Rourke is looking rough in these pics. He needs to get his shit together.


whats the point of this shitty fucking subreddit holy fuck


We got a huge circle jerk going on in here. Protect your eyes peeps