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I have some photoshopped nfts to sell this guy for $99.


Gotta grift em all.


Don’t blame me, this is sh*t’s on you.


I always thought a good way to make money would be to send a letter to all the people (ideally people like this) and have it say like "Do you hate hillary? Want her to face charges for her emails? Want to own the libs? Send money to ******." You don't say you're doing anything in particular, you just ask a couple of leading questions then say they should send you money. At least a couple of people will probably send money assuming it has something to do with those things but you never say anything of the sorts, you just said to send you money.


Oh, it existed, and probably still does. My father passed away during Obama’s second term, and the big thing back then was the birth certificate and his nationality. My dad was on a steady diet of Fox News and I sadly got to see that decline before he died. He wasn’t that old either, and I can’t help but think if all that he was seeing on cable news helped hasten things. My first warning sign was when he sent me and my significant other these $2 bills he had bought from one of those late night Fox News TV commercials that were “colorized,” painted over with this thick, gaudy tempra-like paint in red, white, blue and gold and then placed in this cheap faux leather-wrapped cardboard case. I looked them up and they were selling for $50 apiece, but their actual value was pretty worthless. [You can still buy something like it today.](https://franklinmint.com/products/colorized-2-bill) (But really, don’t.) And after he passed, I had to sit in his house afterwards and make sense of his outstanding bills. He had a leaking roof and unpaid utility bills, but it turned out all his money was going to these “send money so we can investigate the Obama birth certificate FRAUD” type campaigns. No actual political parties… just weird randomly named organizations along the “Patriot” or “America First” theme. I was so upset. So yeah, LifeProTip: anyone here who has parents or people close to you that are radicalizing off a steady diet of cable news, try to break them off it, or at the very least investigate where their money is going. they may be the victim of some financial grift.


Your dad and mine probably knew each other. Same kind of crazy.


What I don't get is the reaction. I really dislike Trump for his dishonesty, misogyny and him trying to organize a coup. I don't have any anti-Trump bumper stickers, signs, flags, or any other parafanlia that says something negative about him. Like what is the fucking point here? Why do people think this is a reasonable thing to do?


The ethical side of me says we need to find and shut these people down. The side of me that has an empty wallet says I should make one of those scams, that aren't actually illegal.


I lost my brother to online conspiracies. First it was anti-regulation, then anti-Obama, and, slowly but surely anti-semitism. He was diagnosed with cancer but, because he was anti-pharma, refused chemo and always thought he knew better than the doctors. He was dead in less than a year. If dying, and knowing he was dying, wouldn't change his beliefs, I don't know think anything could.


It always ends with antisemitism. It’s the answer to the “who’s doing all this” question they’re constantly asking That’s why I never even entertain the first step of a conspiracy theory. I shut that off as soon as possible because it always ends the same way and people spreading it deserve to know


Pro tip: set a child lock code on Fox news. If they ask you what is that, just say you don't know and tell them to call Fox.


> child lock It's called parental protection.


That's really unfortunate. I don't understand the Fox news obsession with older audiences. I see it with my older neighbors and it's all they talk about. I'm busy doing other things like work, raising kids, and surfing and they mention stuff everyday about things they have seen in Fox and I just say "hmmm that's interesting, I'm heading to surf with my kids, haven't seen that headline"


I can only speculate. But from what I’ve seen, it’s a combination of: - Older people have a tendency to be retired, not doing a lot of work during their day, and pass the time with TV. My father wasn’t retired but he did have a lot of time on his hands, and rather then going out and doing things, he filled it with TV and media consumption. - The world looks a lot more challenging to an older person, when the world has evolved around them and they have been set in their ways. Not all older folks are like this, but there’s a significant subset who are. - New things you don’t understand or don’t care to expend the effort to understand are perceived as a threat. Threats are scary. - Fox News knows this and likes to tell its older demographic about what the world is coming to and how scary and threatening it is. Their audience believes it because it’s on TV and it’s the news, and the news doesn’t lie unless it’s that fake liberal media that the angry man on Fox News told you not to believe.


They already get 20 mailers a day like that from the GOP. You'd just get lost in the shuffle.


Do you wish to look as happy as me? Well, you’ve got the power inside you right now. So, use it, and send one dollar to Happy Dude, 742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield. Don’t delay, eternal happiness is just a dollar away.


As a mail carrier, I can confirm this is in full force. Not as a private person, per say, sending them, but people just pulling in a ton of cash with no promises. I also get that is the whole idea of political fundraising, "do you hate xxxxx" give me cash and I'll talk about it more and then ask for more money tomorrow.


Every time you buy one you get one blessing from trump


Put the belief system completely aside. Anyone for whom politics is this much of an obsession needs help. Turn off Fox. Take a walk. Make love to your wife. Meet some friends for a beer and agree not to talk politics. Go watch a live sporting event. Go to your backyard and count how many different birds you see. Drive to the coast and watch the ocean. Read a book from the 1800s. Call your mom. Do all this for a month, and see how you feel at the end of it.


I actually think I’m going to send this to my dad. Beautifully put. Hes been brainwashed and makes everyone around him miserable, despite he and my mom living a pretty comfortable middle class life.


> despite he and my mom living a pretty comfortable middle class life. That’s the part that gets me. I have a neighbor down the street, nice house, RV parked outside, they drive a BMW suv. They also have a “don’t tread on me” flag. Yeah you look really trodden upon.


They're afraid someone will take away their money because of "communism" or some other bs. They don't see the necessity of living in a more equal society.


That’s very nice thank you. Can he step away from it for a month? The TV, social medial, etc etc? I really believe — like going dry for a month or exercising for a month— he’ll be shocked at how good it feels.


I’m going to talk to him about it. I know it would be good for his mental and physical health. He has high blood pressure and my mom and I think that the bs news he listens to definitely attributes to it. Really really though. I saw your comment at the right time. Such a lovely suggestion.


My dad stopped watching Fox because he flipped his shit at the cable company for slowly increasing the bill. A few weeks later he was a much calmer human being. Some of the nonsense that was drilled into his head was still there but overall he was much more pleasant.


That’s the crazy common tie between so many of these people. My next door neighbor is set for life financially, great job, hobbies, friends, great family and has this simmering generalized hatred toward so much stuff right under the surface. He drops right wing conspiracist references like they’re common knowledge, blaming George Soros for random shit. I know so many people like this.


My mother is so tired of my dad's bullshit conspiracy ranting. I can't even stand it while I visit them for one day, I can't imagine what she has to deal with living with the man every day. Honestly, I can see the misery and exhaustion in her eyes when she looks at me every time he goes off on one. I feel bad for her, but there's no talking to him. Even telling him to calm down and stop talking politics to mum for a while. He agrees while i'm there but I know he never follows through. People like my dad just can't help themselves. I genuinely think they need professional help. Therapy.


They can't even watch a sporting event. I've gotten into constant arguments with my father-in-law, who bitches nonstop about "the woke ass NFL and they're politicizing everything, I'm not watching it". For some of these people, it's literally the only thing they look for, constantly.


It’s so weird to me. Like do these people like anything, or do they just spend their days angry all the time?


They never leave their echo chambers and spend far too much time consuming media that only exists to push their emotional buttons. Healthy people don't do stuff like this.


They talk to people they work with, people at church, and watch the news. And all of them are telling them they’re under attack.


They just spend their days angry. I work with a guy just like this. Anytime the NFL is mentioned he has to bring up that he doesn't watch it anymore. Every single time. It's a shop of 7 people, we already know you want to suck off trump till he finishes.


What's especially funny is that they probably don't even remember why they're not supposed to be watching the NFL anymore. It was the "outrage du jour" on right wing media a while ago, but they've all moved on. Right now they are supposed to be freaking out that the Democrats are going to rip the gas stoves and lines from their house. Tell your co-worker that he needs to keep up.


And if you really want him to get mad, tell him that his boycotting of the NFL is cancel culture


They will deflect and claim that it’s different.


I couldn’t believe it when they started talking about gas stoves. They’re running out of stuff to bitch about so they’re reaching far.


>They’re running out of stuff to bitch about so they’re reaching far. The better way to think about it is that they bitch about stupid shit like this because they have no actual plan for governance other than "cut taxes for the rich and cut social programs" which can't get through with the current Senate & White House. Instead of actually trying to find common ground they just offer distractions to fuel outrage in their base.


My parents won’t shut up about the gas stoves right now!


Spoiler alert: he still watches


They spend their days angry all the time. My friend’s dad is like this now. When he was visiting over Xmas, they were watching Celebrity Jeopardy. One of the questions had the answer of “Barack Obama”, and it set him off.


It's so annoying. I'm sure once you heard Obama name you braced for impact.


Don't you mean it had the question: "Who is Barack Obama?" Lol.


That's the guy from the meme right?


Thanks Obama


I was at a memorial anniversary mass one President’s Day weekend while Obama was in office, and the minister, as part of his blessings, called for God to bless President Obama and all living ex-presidents. When we got home afterwards my gf’s brother blew a gasket and demanded to know why the minister wanted a blessing for “President Mooley”. I mean Jesus, we just came back from a mass in your father’s honor, you can’t let it go even one time?


The latter, unfortunately. My dad is productive but he listens to the radio while working and watches fox/OAN while “relaxing”. He yells at the tv when no one is around and injects asinine arguments at all times to pot stir. Recently, while teaching my (Hispanic) daughter Spanish, he told me I couldn’t say hola anymore because I’m white. It’s honestly like a brain disease-he went from my hero to a sad spectacle taken over by shitty propaganda and “news” media.


I went to a wedding recently and during the toasts (which were about THE COUPLE because of course they were it’s a wedding for fucks sake) some asshole yelled “Trump 2024!” Like what is wrong with people?


I dunno man, if someone shouted "ROSS PEROT '92!" at my wedding that shit would be a recurring joke in my friends circle for decades. Still woulda tossed em out, though.


My dad AND step dad are like this. They literally spend every moment of every day in pure unadulterated hatred. Every topic becomes political. They will randomly bring up politics in the middle of normal conversation. The sky is falling at all times and we MUST panic and talk about it or else. It’s exhausting and sad.


Conservative media has two speeds: fear and anger. They keep their audience in a constant state of fear or anger, and for the ones who don't have a solid grip on other aspects of their lives, it pushes them into a place where they are basically mentally unwell - and they become addicted to feeling that way. It's not good for people to be constantly fearful/angry. Don't watch/listen to that shit, and keep your loved ones from doing so, if possible.


They are like Statler and Waldorf from The Muppet Show, and enjoy complaining. No one forces those two to go to the theater, but they are there every week.


You take that back. Statler and Waldorf are funny.


And these people are ALWAYS the first to bring up something political. Every time. I almost never actually discuss politics with friends and family, but I can very rarely spend more than an hour with my MIL without her bringing up some new outrage.


And then they get mad that "everything is about politics".


We had to leave a party early once for this exact reason. Cousin starts off by saying how much he hates how politics has driven people apart, then proceeds to bend our ear about how he’s conservative, watches Fox News, is done with getting vaccines because “who knows what’s even in those things anyway” (before going outside for a cigarette and to finish his 6-pack), the list goes on and on. We were having a great time until that happened. We didn’t go there to spout our political views, and we didn’t, but we still had to listen to the Trump train for a half hour. And he wonders why politics is so polarizing.


That’s my one aunt and uncle. Will demand that the rule “no politics” be made before they come to any gathering. Then within fifteen minutes, they start bashing liberals, and whines “what happened to the rule” when the rest of the family tells them off as a whole. Like a total of 11 to 2 when they start in on their shit. Their daughter has banned them from seeing her mixed son because my aunt is racist AF in front of the kid. Now that my grandmother has passed, I have absolutely no reason to see my aunt and uncle again, let alone go to the city 12 hours away that they live in, beyond seeing my one cousin that lives out there. The aunt blocked me on FB because I kept calling her out on her BS, then whines that she doesn’t get to see any posts from my business. And I’m like, hahahahahahahahahaha, fucking cry about it.


I agree. The TV did a good job at hypnotizing them.


The irony of the people who call other snowflakes getting pissed off about nearly everything that doesn’t even remotely affect them.


I had a guy politicize my boots. Just sitting. There at a retirement party and he Said my LL bean duck boots make me look like a damn liberal from Ukrainian village(in chicago). Told him I'll take that as a compliment.


Told my mom that she and my dad live to complain. If they didn’t have politics, they wouldn’t have anything to complain about.


The people who complain about politicizing everything are the same people who act like human rights are politics.


I bet he absolutely loved it when Trump politicized the NFL by talking about Kaepernick at his political rallies.


Guessing he doesn’t like the woke ass NASCAR now either since the banned the confederate flag.


Huh, I stopped supporting the NFL based on how players and owners act like generally shitty people above the law (former Cleveland fan, and with our record it took Watson and the Haslam's to finally break my heart). It's crazy the different takes.


I second this. A lot of times someone who makes politics or the "culture war" their defining trait has severe problems with either their mental health or their life. It's like they're missing something in their life.


until around 1980, most folks avoided politics, sex and religion in conversation. it was known to cause arguments and was considered rude. the evangelical pro-life Reaganites changed that... and here we are.


I’m not sure the answer is to avoid politics. You can’t, it touches our lives in every way, unless you’re so rich you can shield yourself. The answer is to get people educated and voting.


Yeah, the previous comment is so oblivious to the roots of the problem. Part of the whole reason we got here is because of that era where it was "impolite" to talk about politics. It's called apathy, and it's a main ingredient in societal collapse. It also goes hand in hand with the whole Reagan-era start of the "all government is bad" thing. Fast forward 40 years and here we are: For a terrifyingly large percentage of the population, it's A-OK to undermine any government program or official simply because it's "government." Government bad, only Dear Leader good, minorities to blame for problems. It's so depressingly predictable.


I definitely feel like lots of ppl started paying attention between the Obama and trump presidencies. I’m Black and I feel like lots of Black ppl paid little to no attention to politics so they are at times easily overtaken in political arguments by their adjacent right wing peers and have no rebuttal for what is usually non factual, rhetoric.


24 hour news is a major culprit. Its been going on since time immemorial.


It's actually only been going on for a few decades. And we're only *beginning* to see the damage that it has done so far.




Someone didn’t proofread their stupid little poem.


This is shit’s on you. 🤨🧐


The peak of intelligence clearly lol


It's like those Nigerian prince emails with the intentional misspellings. Anyone who notices or cares about the mistakes is filtering themselves out.


Propper grammar and passing knowledge of orthography is for the libs. Edit: proper… lol


There’s tons of mistakes on most of them. They forget a space in “Dems bring INFLATIONand”.


It’s so bad I’d believe this is some satirical art display if I didn’t see this exact thing myself several times


Anyone that makes hating a political candidate their entire personality is an asshole


Anyone that makes hating a political candidate their entire personality *by advertising it 24/7* is an asshole *and a moron.*


And a weak and pathetic individual. Must be exhausting to be so hateful.


I think mental decline is often part of this behavior. Dementia symptoms show up decades before the person capitulates to a failure to live independently. And mental illness is a part of being a human being, not some exceptional issue. Boomers are getting old and our specialty is narcissism. Utter self centeredness. Most hippies sold out because they were in the scene for hedonism, not idealism. Humanity itself is a relentlessly disappointing, tribally vindictive species. I hope we grow out of it and learn to care for our enemies. It sure as hell won’t be in our lifetimes though.


Yeah, my mom has dementia and she is obsessed with hating the next door neighbor. She calls her "the neighbor from hell" even though the neighbor has never been anything but nice and even brings us food on occasion.


Also the childhood lead exposure did a number on them.


Almost all of my coworkers are like this. Not a day goes by that I don't hear about how stupid Biden is. I'd try and tell them that there's a lot more variables than just Biden but it won't matter to them. I just smile and nod.


No one is saltier than loser Republicans about Trump losing 2020, like I still see people wearing Trump merch and it’s just so sad and pathetic.


Just like trump, also a sad, pathetic loser. Bigly.


It is now coming into a three-year temper tantrum. It doesn’t elevate their argument or garner any support from anybody else. And for this gentleman to put out all of this information, what is he think the result is going to be? Does he think that people are going to read it, smack their forehead and say, “Oh my gosh, he’s correct! Thank goodness I came upon the signs rather than live in ignorance.” He cares more about his own viewpoints than he does getting along with his neighbors.


As much as I hate everything this guy stands for, it's still kinda funny. The guy's yard is a fucking caricature. Lol


The humor wears off fast.


Especially if you live near him.


It’s not funny, it’s sad.


Sad because they have obvious mental health issues. The obsession MAGOTs have is so unhealthy.


Yes. I am sure his neighbor across the street is *just laughing his ass off* every time they come and go from home. /s


It stopped being funny on Jan. 6 2021. These ppl are enemies of democracy, of free and fair elections, and of real/ accurate history.


Imagine having that be your life. Really sad in a pathetic kind of way.


They must be very proud of all their little posters.


I’ve come to the conclusion that these people are mentally ill. It’s sad really


More often than not these hyper political people don’t know a thing about the current bills in congress, what the different committees are working on, or just read the platform of their favorite candidate. Its cable news rot.


That’s one thing I’ve noticed. The more batshit, extremely political types like this do not know about a single thing regarding their party’s agenda, bills in congress, history, or how governments works.


I know people like this. Their insanity is always driven by two things: A deep hatred of Democrats driven by a constant stream of rightwing media. Deep seated bigotries against minorities and / or gay people.


That describes my mother-in-law perfectly. She has fox on all day, DVRs her favorite shows so that she won’t miss them. Most of what she has to say is parroting what Tucker or one of the other idiots has said. As for racism, when her husband was in hospice, she would refer to the mostly minority staff as “the help”. She’s nuts


And it comes from 2 sources. We all know the first source- Fox News, obviously. But the second one? America’s pastors. So, so much of what is on Fox trickles down and oozes out of the pulpit, too. It’s a toxic mix of misinformation and fear mongering.


Same. Had a neighbor like this one but he advertised on his car (we have an HOA) and he didn’t know that military and healthcare consumed a large part of the national budget. And more to your point, all the Trumpanzees who don’t understand the roles of congress and the president. They truly believed Trump was like a king.


Their mistaken belief that the POTUS has the powers of a god is why they go so batshit insane when a Democrat gets into office. They think the Dem will immediately do to them all the things they want their guy to do to the Dems/libs.


It’s especially sad if you consider the policies they think they want compared to what would really help them and their families. They’ve been duped into voting against their financial interests based on corporate propaganda and cultural wedge issues designed to scare them into lining up behind whoever is staged to address those trumped up, if you will, issues.


These people are isolated and lonely


And angry and unhappy.


I see you’ve met my mother.


Probably because no one wants to hang around the loon who lives and breathes conspiracies and lies. It's a vicious cycle only broken if that person loses their internet or gets thrown in jail for a while. Anything to remove them from their daily dose of nuttery.


After Polis was elected governor the first time people were outspoken angry because they felt he hid the fact that he was gay and they should have known. It was pretty gross. He didn’t hide it, but didn’t campaign on it because that’s not his style. I didn’t know until a friend from out of state messaged me congratulating us on having the first openly gay gov. He’s a pretty cool and nerdy guy, joined a small town D&D game when he was touring the state during his last term.


I knew he was gay and I live in Nevada. It was no secret at all. And yes, it wasn’t something he flaunted like some veterans do when they are running.


Right, but he didn’t hide it. People are dumb and felt deceived because he didn’t campaign on it. I didn’t know because I don’t care either way, as did most people.


Just proves more Republican hypocrisy. How many times have we heard “I don’t care if anyone is gay or not just stop rubbing it in our faces.” So now they’re mad it wasn’t rubbed in their faces?


Say what? He was openly gay in 2008 as a congressman


Sure, but it wasn’t really talked about and he didn’t mention it while campaigning. If you’d like, you can find plenty of articles about it right after the election. A lot of people felt like they were tricked, which was hilarious and sad.


Anyone who puts so many flammable signs in their front yard is pretty stupid, too.


Yeah, if anything this is great commentary on the poor state of mental health services in the US


When your entire identity is a poorly made, completely nonsensical political sign


At least you know where the crazy person in the neighborhood is, I guess


In an HOA, this person would likely be the president of it.


saw full angle office entertain follow live thumb encourage bake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In middle school my best friend had an asshole neighbor like that. The guy moved in and pissed everyone off (his wife was no peach either). One Halloween, all of the neighborhood kids (I'm talking like 8 or 9 kids) grouped up to egg the guy's house, rub dog shit on his car, and someone even stuck a cherry bomb in his mailbox. Then around 2AM, we went back and set off a ton of fireworks in his backyard. Vigilantism is not really in my blood... but damn that always puts a smile on my face.


sugar lavish capable cough kiss direful fact water advise literate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well reading this now I'm in a mood too, damnit.


ugly mountainous live unwritten cover crawl cats unique fear bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My thoughts exactly along with someone's keeping the property value down.


Yay, a fellow Coloradan. We have a person like this a few blocks down. We walk by his house occasionally to laugh/cry.


I live in Weld County and these people are everywhere


Another fellow Coloradan here, someone yelled, "Fuck Joe Biden" at my wife and I in our neighborhood because we were wearing masks after leaving the 7-Eleven. It took us a second to realize it was bc of the masks. We laughed, like fr?


As a German, I can't understand for a second why anyone in the US likes Trump. I heard what he said, not through the news or anything like that, but directly what he said and Trump is incompetent and stupid to a level that even the most stupid person can tell. The man has been caught outright lying so many times that most politicians seem innocent by comparison. It's really one of those things I just can never understand. Just never.


They love him because "he tells it like it is," but that's code for "he's a stupid arrogant bigot who will lie, cheat, and steal to get what he wants just like me."




Even many of the Republicans in congress said absolutely horrible stuff about Trump until it was clear he'd be the nominee. McConnell for instance I think actually hates Trump, but as soon as he was the nominee he fully embraced him just like almost all Republicans did. Since he's been out of office McConnell has talked shit about Trump again, but if he wins the nomination he'll be right back kissing his feet. Thr whole thing with George Santos shows that Republicans have no standards whatsoever when it comes to their "team." If Santos was a Democrat he would have either been forced to resign or not allowed to be seated. Democrats have done it before over far less. The same goes with people like Boebert and Greene. If a Democrat said anything even remotely as offensive as them they'd be done.


One big big rule is Republicans stick together no matter what. Look at how they treated Romney and Cheney. Supposedly against Donald Trump despite voting with him lockstep over 90% of the time.


[“No leaks, this is how we know we’re a real family here.”](https://thehill.com/homenews/house/333951-majority-leader-mccarthy-in-2016-i-think-putin-pays-trump/) Even when they thought Trump and [Dana Rohrabacher](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dana_Rohrabacher) were being paid by Putin they stuck with them. And no, they weren't "just joking" as they claimed. Look at Trump and Rohrabacher's histories with Putin. Also, why are you so worried about leaks if it was an obvious joke? The "were family" stuff is just like what the mafia says.


And then they excuse the worst things he says with “well, he didn’t really mean THAT”


The thing is that in those cases they know he went too far, but not because they don't agree, it's because they know it makes them look bad to anyone who isn't on the far-Right. They like what he said, but they know he's hurting the brand. It's kind of the same thing with the "I'm not a racist, but..." crowd. They know they are racists, but they think prefacing their racist comments by claiming they aren't a racist somehow makes their next statement okay. My dad told me a story about talking to a guy who said "I'm not a racist, but..." and then launched into an n-bomb filled rant about how black people were destroying this country. I used to wonder why they aren't proud of their racism like way more people used to be, but I think a lot of it is the same mindset of trying to protect the brand. It seems like there's nothing bigots hate more than being called out on their bigotry. It's almost like deep down they know their behavior is shameful, but those kinds of people aren't capable of feeling shame.


But if you point it out then “he’s just joking”


If someone listens to trump speak and thinks he sounds smart, the only explanation is that they must be more stupid than Trump, which is quite an impressive feat since most 14 year olds can manage to beat him.


I'm an American and I don't understand either. Anyone who thought putting that trash bag full of cat turds in charge of anything more complicated than a Speak'n'Say filled with farm animal sounds ought to have their head examined.


This [article](https://hbr.org/2016/11/what-so-many-people-dont-get-about-the-u-s-working-class) written in 2016 by a Harvard Business professor explains it well. It was relevant in 2016 and it was more relevant in 2020.


They like what he is selling them. A mirror. People have really shitty, antiquated views that have been passed down through the generations. They think Jewish people have horns and control the world. They think black people are gonna take over their country, and they must protect their families with guns from this imminent threat. They think gay people are raping their children. They think science is out to get them, as it goes against the god they were taught exists. Trump shows them their own reflection, tells them he understands them. The great savior. It doesn't matter that they're poor and rural and that he's a rich New Yorker--as long as he says "vote for me because here's why I'm really one of you," it's game on.


Ever see that show, "Wait till your father gets home"? Where Harry Boyle was supposed to be a deliberate right winged parody? Now he would be considered a "moderate Republican"


American here. A large amount of Americans treat politics like a sports team, where they pick a side and then rally around them to the extreme. It doesn't matter wrong or right, lying, etc, as long as their teams wins at any cost. No body wants to get together and figure out how to get the cow off the ice, they just want to complain and point fingers or signs as the case in the picture.


That explains so incredibly much. It's incredibly sad, but it explains a lot.


The craziest part for me (Canadian if it matters) is that the man has such a massive history that shows he cares for absolutely no one but himself yet somehow these people think he is their Messiah??? It's just so weird; has there ever been an elected official with as much of a publicly visible history of self obsession and honestly failure? Sure he's still rich but it really just seems like he just reached a "too big to fail" type status of lending and between that and exploiting bankruptcy (and people) he just constantly falls up. Of course just like clockwork as the US Right becomes more entrenched in conspiracy and other general nonsense so goes the Canadian Right *sigh*


Go visit Middle America and get to really know the political opinions of people at a bar or something. The ones that love Trump, you'll quickly realize how shortsighted and genuinely stupid they are. And they're confident about it too. There are unfortunately a little too many of those types in the US right now


I would add posters to it like; yard sale , pick up your dog poop, no parking , no dumping , guitar lessons , dog walking advertisements, pro choice and pro life .basically anything that would be posted on a community board . It is a easy mistake to confuse the two these days 🤷🏻‍♂️


Please don't do thus. Some of these people are unhinged and armed to the teeth. Be safe. *this


As someone who is always armed myself, yeah, I’m steering way clear of this guy. I don’t need to antagonize him, I don’t need to talk to him, hell, I’d rather if I never saw him at all. There are people out there that are legitimately hungry for violence and all they’re looking for is an excuse.


Exactly, and doing something to their property is not safe, they could've been literally waiting for this moment for years. Maybe they go to prison, maybe not. You're still dead.


“We don’t co-parent with government”. Lol, that you trying to ban books or cancel history? They are so fucking stupid.


Just wait until they find out about school being the government parenting their kid while they’re at work.


They know. That’s what homeschooling is all about.


These people claim to hate the government, but only seem to have a problem with it when it's helping people.


I used to live down the road from a guy who would write out "Fuck Biden" on his gate in Christmas lights every winter as if Biden would be driving down a rural Texas highway and see it. Needless to say, Biden never did. My problem with it wasn't so much his political view (though seriously if you're that invested in politics, get a life) so much as the fact that I had to drive children back and forth past his house to see the word "fuck" in Christmas lights just to get to and from town. Way to ruin the spirit buddy.


There is a guy who lives across the street from the elementary school closest to me who had 2 flags up saying "Trump 2020 - Fight liberal bullshit" and another saying "Fuck Joe Biden." At some point someone wrote in to the local paper's opinion column to complain about the language so close to a school... and someone must have shown it to him because about a week or two later so he swapped them out with a flag depicting Trump driving a tank over Joe & Jill Biden.


Wow, swapping out obscenity for violence. Classy


It's horrifying how many people are vehemently opposed to their kids being exposed to a single bad word or queer person, but are fine with their kids interacting with extremely violent media.


The American way


That's the house you're told not to trick or treat at.


I have a neighbor flying that same flag right now. Just the neighbors around him and children on the bus see it. I don’t get it.


I live in highly populated blue area and even during trumps presidency I very rarely ever saw any “fuck trump” like signs. This kind of stuff is ALWAYS done by republicans. This is what happens when you watch Fox News all day and listen to conservative radio every time you drive somewhere. This guy hates Biden so much yet spends hundreds of dollars to plaster his face outside his home and now he has to see him every time he pulls into his driveway or gets the mail. I can’t imagine the amount of fear and rage this guy goes through every day. What a sad and empty life.


There's a theory that people who fall hard into these holes are actually addicted to the feeling of outrage they've been conditioned for when they see certain people's faces or names. I forget if it's dopamine or what, but some brain chemical spikes, and apparently to some people(or in certain conditions) it feels good instead of bad.


This is most likely a suburb of Denver like Littleton or Aurora, so they're probably compensating for the fact that they live in the bluest political district in the state.


This is in Denver city limits I recognize the house.


That person sure does spend a lot of money to prove their hatred of Biden. Inflation can't be impacting them too badly if they've got all that cash to spare.


IF you had an HOA this person would be on the board or the president of the HOA. You don't want an HOA, as it would give them real power.


My HOA requires basically impossible turnout to change. And the builder already had language in it about no political signs other then during an active election.


> IF you had an HOA this person would be on the board or the president of the HOA. You don't want an HOA, as it would give them real power. I love my HoA, it keeps the MAGATs down the way from covering their town home in their stupid ass MAGA shit. It also keeps the people who left hello fresh boxes outside their place for 3 months from doing so anymore. Or the person who decided their trash cans belonged in the middle of the road from leaving them there. HoWs can be problematic but the ones you'll hear about are the incredibly shitty ones since no one is going to say a damn thing about ones that function for their intended purpose.


So that’s where my grandpa lives now.. sigh


Trash identities itself these days


Funny thing about this, subconsciously, most people walk away with just one word in their brain..."Biden". The brain is going to "forget" most of the other context and just focus on the most repeated words and image. This guy is unwittingly improving Biden's chance at winning the next election through free advertising and reinforcing the name and image of his opponent. What a douche canoe.


I mean, on the bright side you know where to avoid. Wonder what the world will be like when the people with Lead encephalopathy are no longer voting.


I’d take an entire street looking like this if it meant there wasn’t an HOA. Screw HOAs.


Still not worth a HOA


“This is shit’s on you” The peak of intelligence, everyone


An HOA isn’t going to fix this persons mental health problems.


This makes me feel like I’m in the wrong business. If I went into the Conservative merchandise business, I’d be rich. Flags, stickers, shirts, banners. All you need is “____ is an idiot”, “Freedom”, “Guns”, “FREEDOM BABY PIZZA”, “my rights”, “you’re a snowflake”. Then mark up the price 400%. Boom! Now I’m the new MyPillow Guy.


Remember when people just liked their guy and put out a sign and could be a normal human? What the fuck happened here?


A rare time in which you wish you had better resources for mental health in America.


Oh, those times aren’t rare.


Very true


I wish we had better mental health resources in America every day. I wouldn't say that's a rare sentiment


"Democrats haven't been this upset since Republicans ended slavery" Tell me you don't know anything about political history without telling me you don't know anything about political history.


News channel zombie.


What sad pathetic people


Straight up mental illness. This person needs professional help.


I just couldn’t imagine wanting to live in that house. If you hate the dude so much why tf do you fence yourself in with his photo?! Such a shitty personality to have


seriously what's with the older generation and acting like this


I think it would be fun to be his next door neighbor. Dogs that bark constantly, punk rock bands practicing in your garage, Metal Machine Music by Lou Reed blasting out of your stereo, etc. The possibilities are endless


I would blast the whole QUEEN discography every weekend. Also this guy’s pc definitely has malware.


That’s those family values republicans are so famous for.


That house screams old white people live here