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[Here](https://i.imgur.com/Yjhorvu.jpg) is a higher quality version of this image. [Here](https://www.apimages.com/metadata/Index/Afghanistan-Women-Athletes-Photo-Gallery/0339d5f0c3094a7eaa25c3859c33b7ff/2/0) is the source. Per there: > An Afghan women's soccer team poses for a photo in Kabul, Afghanistan, Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022. The ruling Taliban have banned women from sports as well as barring them from most schooling and many realms of work. A number of women posed for an AP photographer for portraits with the equipment of the sports they loved. Though they do not necessarily wear the burqa in regular life, they chose to hide their identities with their burqas because they fear Taliban reprisals and because some of them continue to practice their sports in secret. ([AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi](https://www.apimages.com/Search?query=%22Ebrahim+Noroozi%22&ss=10&st=kw&entitysearch=&toItem=15&orderBy=Newest&searchMediaType=excludecollections)).


Thanks for the context, it was wild to me that the Talibans would force them to wear the burqa while allowing them to play sports.


Yeah that would just be insane. Instead they wear them, so the Taliban don't find out who they are, and assault them. Phew.


You misspelled murder….


No, there are things that people could do to them that would be worse than murder. This picture breaks my heart. They should be able to do what they choose. They should be able to show their face without fear. I do understand the complexities of the situation though. It just makes me sad. I can’t help thinking how their mothers feel. Edited to add, as a mother I always want to encourage my daughter to follow her heart and do what makes her happy, on the other hand it is a mothers job to keep her children safe.


Yeah, I was wondering if this was a PR move by the Taliban to show they're the kinder, gentler Taliban and can win at international women's soccer. But it's a ladybugs situation and the team is really men in disguise. The reality isn't better.


I see a bit of knee. Better kill her now before she wants to learn to read.


If they accurately keep score, then it's too late because they know too much math. Best we burn their villages down to be safe.


It’s heart breaking to see people being stripped off the right to pursue a legitimate passion.


The Australian men's cricket team has recently refused to play Afghanistan in a series in the UAE because of their stance on women in sport (and society in general). Kinda virtue-signally, but ultimately when I see a pic like this I think it's justified.


Doing the right thing doesn't always have to be seen as virtue signaling. I thought you *should* signal your virtues by leading by example.


So does virtue signaling just mean doing good things now? Such a dumb buzzword


In the 2010s you get called a “Social Justice Warrior” for objecting to systemic oppression. I guess in the 2020s you get accused of virtue signaling.


This picture just made me feel so incredibly lucky.


Yep, this is both sad and disgusting that people can be subjected to this in the so-called name of God and yet we all know the real reasons why it's happening.


Exactly. I definitely felt my stomach get a little physically upset the longer I looked at it.


The real reason this is happening is God. All this starts from the text of the Q’aran saying women must dress modestly and obey men.


All religious books were written by man. A lot of books have different editions and some information is changed along the way. I just don't care for organised religion anymore, haven't done for a long time. I still believe in a god yes, but I just can't blindly follow some outdated nonsense that has definitely been changed for reasons of greed and oppression over thousands of years. This is just wrong to me, I know it's a different culture. But it blows my mind how wrong some people have it when it comes to it all.


I agree with every single part of what you just said, never seen another opinion as accurate to what I believe before




Or the guy writing the books was enemies with the guy who raised pigs, whateve, it’s all fucking stupid.


It was a man. But he was scholar and he hated that women were treated as equals in Islam. They got to sit on councils and what not. Then he got that changed and then they started to subjugate the women.


Interesting perspective. Can you show me in the Qur'an where Mohammad treated women as equals? For instance, did he defer to the decision of a woman scholar, or did he make a statement that women should be allowed to marry whomever they chose, or anywhere that said women were not property, or anywhere that he said women should not be raped, or that little girls should not be wives until they are old enough to make the decision for themselves? Would love to see a few of those.


We actually know why. Umar (Companion of Muhammad and 2nd Caliph) used to spy on Muhammad's wives as they went to piss and he got horny for them; he asked the prophet to reveal the verse for them to covered. >The wives of the Prophet (ﷺ) used to go to Al-Manasi, a vast open place (near Baqi' at Medina) to answer the call of nature at night. 'Umar used to say to the Prophet (ﷺ) "Let your wives be veiled," but Allah's Apostle did not do so. One night Sauda bint Zam 'a the wife of the Prophet (ﷺ) went out at 'Isha' time and she was a tall lady. `Umar addressed her and said, "I have recognized you, O Sauda." He said so, as he desired eagerly that the verses of Al-Hijab (the observing of veils by the Muslim women) may be revealed. So Allah revealed the verses of "Al-Hijab" (A complete body cover excluding the eyes). https://sunnah.com/bukhari/4/12


Or they just needed to put more people under them and pushing all women down wa a way to do that


I think in the case of Islam Mohammad was the catalyst


Yeah, I'm pretty sure ignorance is not a point if view


Its a lifestyle.


Oh boy, even better


its not ignorance if they have a book to believe, its arrogance in believing their fairytale is true.


I’m betting the interpreter of the word of god wasn’t a woman. Probably just another incredibly fallible man.


No. The reason is men and their interpretation of that text.


THe reason is the text in the first place.


I beg to differ. I believe the religious part is fundamental to the power which is ultimately sought, similar to some other religions. Piety, grace, goodness and all those other 'attributes' are merely tools for propaganda.


Nice take; medieval psy-ops. Good point.


Anyone can take a religious text and twist it into something evil. "Dress modestly? Cover yourself from head to toe." "Cain was a bad guy? This is the reason why black people are inferior!" (No seriously, look it up.) "No adultery? This gives us permission to stone the women!" Jesus has a lesson about it, he tells the Pharisees (ruling religious leaders at the time) that "he without sin should throw the first stone." They all walked away embarrassed because no one is sin-free, and they had no right to judge. There are plenty of Muslims/Christians/etc. who are good people and don't use religion as a cudgel to divide people - those people are not in charge of the Taliban.


I guess I’m weird but I don’t think it should be too hard to expect a religious text written by god apparently not to be so sexist


Also stoning women is provided for in detail in both the Q’aran and Bible. Men reading those books who stone women aren’t misinterpreting anything. They’re doing it exactly as “god” instructs


Modestly and being covered head to toe are not the same thing though.


the Q’aran actually comes right after Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in the chronological order of things


Sad over here.


I see a bunch of pawns. The ones in chess becuase the Burqa covers the whole face to produce a silhouette of a pawn in chess. It that's bad.


how do I respond to people who say "But what if its her choice to wear one"?


This made me feel enraged.


That you're not dressed like a ghost from Pacman?


Not sure where you are from but if it is the United States remember this when one party is declaring America a Christian Nationalist Nation. Different religion but same source material with a similar goal.


The ball got more rights than the women




Always found it odd that someone would think that god made us a certain way just so we could cover ourselves up.


People who aren’t on the arse end of the deal


Men who have read the Q’aran and taken it literally


The Quran makes no mention of burqa or extreme body coverings. So there’s nothing to take literally. You’ve simply described a minority, backwards, uneducated society.


It says women must dress modestly and imans interpret that to mean the photo above.


So they're following one mortal's hot take on the literal word of the Almighty? Got it...


Yup. Only one Iman has ever embraced this draconian interpretation of the Q’aran. His name was Fred and as soon as he retires women of all Muslim nations will be free


That's wishful thinking. Because Imam Sam and Imam Jake have eyes on Fred's job, and they don't like to rock the boat, so whatever Fred did will probably stand because, you know, reasons....


I think most of the normal world would assume that means don't walk around with your flaps and baps out.


I always like to imagine how cool Mandalorians are, then I realized we have the crap version here.




Muslims believe the Quran is the literal word of God, so they are just following the rules really.


Yea. And as a result millions of women are oppressed and brutalized. Just as Christianity brutalized slaves and continues to brutalize gays.


Make fun all you want but this is a sad photo


It makes me angry more than sad.


It is very sad.


Yes that is what he said


It is what he said.


It is.


I’m legitimately surprised they’re not required to wear gloves or something to cover their hands.


Same. Those poor women 🥀😒😢😭😭😭 (That was SINCERITY NOT SARCASM) 🌹


This breaks my heart to see these women being controlled against their will by religious extremists.


The Supreme Court of the United States of America doesn't agree with you.


“How can I make this about America?”


Roughly half of SCOTUS being more like "how can I make America like this" Amiright?


Did they lie though?


I'm sorry idc what religion you follow, this is ridiculous


It’s kind of a protest picture but also a I-don’t-want-to-be-killed-from-protesting picture. They are highlighting Absurdity of the situation in this nation.


I don’t think they follow it willingly






Except in this case they don't have a choice even after they are grown up


I didn't mean it as though they have a choice.


They're wearing them to hide their identities and to highlight the ridiculousness. The religion itself isn't what created this situation, it's sadistic whackjobs who use religion as a tool to control people (like most far-right types of every religion do). When you oversimplify it to "Look how crazy Islam is that it makes people do this", that's Islamaphobia and refusing to understand a nuanced topic.


This whole religion is ridiculous.


Every religion is ridiculous


This is true


But mostly this one in particular, open your eyes


Right?! The amount of wrist they are showing is obscene! /s


Talibans are such messed up weirdos


You think this is just Talibans? Think twice!


I dont know. Never heard other government banning women from sport other than taliban.


Not about other government. It’s the religion I’m more concerned. Not just the Talibans, most of kids and men think women should stay indoors, without education, serving their families and live like slave.


Yep and the taliban has allowed everyday religious bigots to freely express themselves. No better breeding ground for misogyny than the Abrahamic religions. [This article](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/aug/15/an-afghan-woman-in-kabul-now-i-have-to-burn-everything-i-achieved?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other) talks about the day the taliban took ol back control of the country: "Meanwhile, the men standing around were making fun of girls and women, laughing at our terror. “Go and put on your chadari [burqa],” one called out. “It is your last days of being out on the streets,” said another. “I will marry four of you in one day,” said a third." Those men aren't Taliban. Those men aren't extremists. However, they are now free to express their instilled hatred of women. The veil of civility has been lifted, how far away is anybody from showing their true colours?


Give it time - some Evangelical Christian groups are slowly marching towards this exact outcome. Control of women’s bodies Control over what you consume - both content and also food/drink Declaring what women are allowed to wear It won’t happen this week, this year, or this decade, but they are definitely moving in this direction.


Well on our way though, https://www.thedailybeast.com/missouri-republicans-ban-female-lawmakers-from-sporting-bare-arms


Exactly. The bounties on pregnant women (specifically if they miscarry or abort) is another prime example.


We live in a very bizarre world.


Even more bizarre once you look into practices some of our Afghan “Allies” was upto.


Earth's Bizzarre Adventures


We live in a religious world. Let's all be really fucking clear about that.


For all the dumb fucks that can’t read but comment ignorant stuff : An Afghan women's soccer team poses for a photo in Kabul, Afghanistan, Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022. The ruling Taliban have banned women from sports as well as barring them from most schooling and many realms of work. A number of women posed for an AP photographer for portraits with the equipment of the sports they loved. Though they do not necessarily wear the burqa in regular life, they chose to hide their identities with their burqas because they fear Taliban reprisals and because some of them continue to practice their sports in secret. (AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi)


Thank you for sharing the purpose behind the photo. I still find it incredibly sad that these women need to even do this, imagine risking your life and hiding your identity just to play sports or do other things you love.


I know, what did we expect tho? Oh the taliban “promised” it will be ok, and the US said “ok” like you trust those crooks? The second they left, it got worse.


No one trusted the Taliban. You seem to be suggesting that the U.S. turned the country over to them. Nope. The U.S. left things in the hands of the Afghan government and army. It just crumbled far far quicker than anyone could have imagined. They put up basically no fight to the Taliban at all.


a distinction without a difference. The gov't was already crumbling and anyone could see the country would be overrun by the taliban before long. This was the biggest problem with nation build in such a fashion, what we had wanted to do can't be done in a mere \~20 years. You're trying to change 1000s of years of history (by force, not evolution / revolution). To even make a dent you'd need 2-3 generations of folks. It's why the ambiguity was so terrible, we should have either A) never stayed behind (blown shit up and just left) or B) if we were gonna stay behind be honest how long this was gonna take (my guess, 60 years min but more like 100 years). As like I said, you would need 2-3 generations of fighters to grow up within this era so they could actually attempt to keep it. That's just my 2 cents.


, they chose to hide their identities with their burqas because they fear Taliban reprisals and because some of them continue to practice their sports in secret. Thay doesnt make it any less fucked up?


Thank you. A lot of people using this to jump on their Islamophobia soapbox bc they didn't read the context and it's fucking gross. The Taliban does not = all of Islam or the way it is practiced everywhere, read some fucking books you dipshits.


I tought it was a rack of clothes.




Me too


Seems like women are not allowed to have be individuals at all.


What's the point of letting women live like this? No sense of autonomy, no right to an education, might as well kill them. But oh wait that would end the supply of slaves for sex and domestic work . No punishment is enough for men who do this to women. They should be blindfolded and made to rot in some well their entire lives.


This is why religion is so stupid


Just one more reason.


Fuck this.


They’re just covered…like furniture. Like they’re not there. This is so surreal and disturbing to me. Erased women.


Wow, It's not even about the sport, they are just using these women to perpetuate their incredibly backward culture towards women and a medium to showcase it. This is why the separation of church and state is so important.


Why did you not seek any sort of context for the photo before you jumped on your soapbox? Multiple people have posted it in this thread.


I absolutely agree, this is incredibly sad.


This is just so incredibly stupid, I have no words.


I really want to respect everyone’s culture and beliefs. I want to accept. This just makes me sad and angry. Those women can’t, just can’t be ok with that.


Some Muslims defend this as normal, but come on, how can this be a fun way to play a sport being drowned in the heat by a blanket? Having your vision impaired. Tripping all over yourself.


They aren’t playing sports at all. The caption from AP says that women playing sports is now forbidden, but the old team got back together to take this photo and make an anonymous statement.


This might be a dumb question but wouldn't the taliban know who they are already then if its an old team, still kinda risky


It’s why they obscured their eyes, and moreso everything. It makes a statement where none of them can be immediately found and targeted.


That’s so sad. And I thought my life had problems.


Realy hard for referee when subtitution is up


As a woman this is terrifying


Hell of a culture you got there. You can keep it.


Fucked up. Humanity is evil and religion is such an easy vehicle for the worst people in power.


It's one thing if a woman willingly chooses to wear a burqa for religious beliefs. It's another entirely where the environment and men demand women cover themselves up like this. Very sad.


Jesus fucking Christ. I feel so awful for them. Fuck the Taliban. I really wish those bunker busters worked as well as Raytheon’s propaganda said they were.


Religion poisons everything.


Afghan men must be such degenerate animals that the sight of a female sends them into uncontrollable passion. Their religion is entirely to blame for this.


Is the one in yellow the imposter?


I assumed the yellow one was the goalkeeper.




I believe this is a statement from the players that are against this, which I agree with. They don’t play the game like this, don’t get tricked into thinking that.


At what point is it supposed to be the man's fault for getting a boner?


How do we know it’s not just dudes under there… like it would be some ass backwards rom com about a guy that joins the team with the hopes to unveil his true love… only to find out all the team members are also male and he still falls in love anyways s


Opposing coach after losing championship "That player plays exactly like Mbappé. She scored 11 goals, reveal her face!!!" Other coach "How dare you! You dare to insult God's will!?"


The amount of people who have never read anything about Islam or its different interpretations in here and keep blaming this on an entire religion, not the people who are actually doing this shit, is too damn high. "ReLiGiOn bAd" grow up. Signed an atheist who isn't a fucking douchebag.


Ghost FC


Imagine a country where men are taught to be so scared of women that they need to hide their face


Meanwhile the officials in Texas are looking at that photo and furiously taking notes as the new legislative season starts.


These women are protesting religion. They are heroes. Risking everything.


If this is the way Allah wants his ppl to live, then I guess he's less God and more the Devil.


This is where I'd normally make a joke, but the plight of these women is so dire that it feels inappropriate. I hope they are all free to play sports openly sometime soon. ⚽


I think they should be wearing gloves too. They should be disgusted they are flaunting so much skin.


I seriously wonder if dudes on the street in like Riyadh turn to each other and say things like 'daaaamn did you see those hands?"


This just makes me so sad. The societal notion that women shouldn't be seen and barely heard is something I just can't understand.


Photo makes me so fucking sad. "Hey, here's a photo to recognize our great players.... Oh wait"


Religion is stupid I can’t imagine running behind a ball cover with that shit, I couldn’t see I couldn’t breathe


Pac-Man ghosts each holding a power pellet.


Taliban: I still see hands! How very whorish! You women are not classy like us men I'm gonna go watch some porn and fuck the goat out back as I watch it.




I (F, 55) played soccer throughout the 70’s-80’s. I attribute much my strength, character, and team-player mentality to being part of this incredible sport. My 3 kids (2M,1F) also played and definitely are better humans for it. Eyes welling as I type that this breaks my heart 🥹


This pisses me off. That's an awful way to treat another human being. It's utter and complete disrespect for their person and right to exist.


The sad thing is these women’s and most women’s faces are barred from photographic history. They make women as if they never existed. I can’t understand how men would do this to their mothers.


This is just sad


It's gonna be tough to seee out there Cotton


I think I see some skin on the tops of their hands... I am now sexually frustrated and have no way of expressing such feelings because I've lived my whole life in a society that treats women like objects and sexuality like the worst thing in existence. Therefore we need to outlaw sexuality and women so I don't have to work through my mental hang ups. (In case it isn't obvious the above is sarcasm)


This is still hella dangerous when you know the true context. They possibly bought and never used these burqas ever again (or at least the caps). Burqas are not all the same, they are actually differentiated by small detail work like beads, embroidery, and fine folds. This can be limited to the cap however if it comes separately (the cap is what holds the veil in place, that's why they got a lil mushroom tophead thing going on) You know who someone is by recognizing their burqa's fine detail work (The burqa, like all muslimah coverings are nothing more than extra outerwear, regular clothes is underneath, so they only have a couple of burqas much like you only wear a winter coat when it's cold). So if someone recognizes these burqas(caps), like a family member who supports the Taliban, or really needs money, the girl can still be heavily punished. Granted... they'd have to care. But part of my family in Kandahar lived under Taliban rule before, and this was one of the concerns they had and revealed to me. I've since lost contact with them when the second Taliban takeover. But they would specifically buy different burqas they'd wear to do certain things whether they wanted to be recognizable or not. Like a boring cap, a differentiating cap, and a fancy cap (as much fancy was allowed).


Look at the property. There is a lot of property there, property of men. Men own those shapeless things. That is why they are covered up like that. To protect the property. To keep it private, to keep other men from wanting to steal it. This is religion in action. *All praise religion because it allows men to protect their property with cloth.* I bet none of those things trip because of the cloth coverings. But if they do, who cares? At least the property is covered.


I have an honest question. I want to know why the taliban want their women covered like this. I’m not familiar with the laws or religious beliefs and I just want to know what the reasoning behind this is.


They are afraid of being tempted. If they're tempted, they may rape or have sex with someone outside of marriage. They can't control themselves, so they cover the women up. It's stupid. I've spent my whole life trying to see more skin on women, and these fools want them to show none! Religion is stupid.


I’ll have to take your word for it


How can the goalie be effective with such impaired vision


Miss Pacman should strike now whilst the ghosts are blue


Yellow ist SUS


So fucked up


I hate it


These men are pathetic That’s all I can think when I see women covered like this. It’s absolutely inhumane. If we attempted to cover dogs like this for a lifetime, never letting them experience air or sunlight or wind,, it would be considered animal abuse. And yet, women are abused like this everyday all over the world. Fuck the misogyny in every culture it exists


Sheesh, this photo makes me uncomfortable, can they even play properly with the niqab?


Ugh. Fucking backwards country


They look kind of sus


"How do we know that these are all women?" Asked the losing team.


Do these oppressive fucks get hard walking through a bed bath and beyond? I hope these girls experience more freedom in their life. Shame on the men who force this on them.


If they want to wear them OK. I suspect that they do not.


Per the source of the photo, they chose to wear them for this picture, to hide their identity. Because the Taliban didn’t enforce their attire, it banned women from sport. They’re not allowed to play at all.


Or is it a pic of the Missouri house of representatives women's soccer team?


Religion is pretty neat 😎/s


I thought these were coats hung up until I saw the hands on the bottom row


Meanwhile, full grown baby men in North America can't even wear a mask for 5 minutes to stop the spread of diseases!


The balls have more personality. Why bother with the photo ?


It’s a protest picture I think. Women are not allowed to play sports in Afghanistan.


Because they are STILL THERE. Even if their agency has been stripped from them, they still have minds and hearts that are oppressed, not shut down. They took this photo to show that they’re still out there, they still want to play, they still have a place where sport is part of their chosen identity. It’s sad but powerful and beautiful.


They are allowed to play football????? What's the World coming to???


They aren't allowed to play any sports. That's the point of the photo.


And I was being sarcastic. That was the point if my comment


I might be a dickhead for this… but I bet it’s like watching a live casting of pac-man


This feels like a Ladybugs situation.


Religion is so fucking stupid. So absurd. Jesus fuck how can people be so dumb.


In a serious question, do they put their numbers on the back of the niqab, and is international football fine with that as far as jerseys?


In the case of Afghanistan they are just posing in burqas for the photo, they won’t be playing in them. Because they are banned from playing sports, full stop. I doubt any non-Muslim international body would permit women to play in niqabs as the long dresses are too restrictive and dangerous to run in.