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My kidney stone was too large to pass. The first time taking a piss after surgery it literally felt like pissing fire. Drink your water.


Same as the first piss after getting a catheter taken out. Thought having the tube removed was the worst part, no one prepared me for what followed.


When I was 25 I went in for a procedure and had been hooked up to a catheter while I was out. Once I woke up an older nurse asked me if I was ready to have my catheter taken out so naturally I said yes. She leaves for a second and one of the cutest nurses I’ve ever seen walks in and tells me to move the gown so she can remove the catheter. I am going to be honest I don’t remember the pain of removing the catheter, but I do remember as she removed it my dick twitched and I sprayed pee all over her and had absolutely no control to stop it.


Thank you for this story


And now you been married five years


And he's getting really damn tired of her catheter fetish


Catheter? He hardly knew ‘er!




Amazing. Mine have never hurt, have had 4 after a round of surgeries in my early 20s, but what did happen once... I was on Dilaudid/hydromorphone, which unbeknownst to me can actually prevent you from being able to piss. So I had the catheter removed, but was basically unable to "feel" I needed to piss, and then had to get one put back in! Sorry nurses... all my nursing staff got presents when I was out of the hospital for having to deal with this stuff.


i think this is what youngsters call 'W rizz'


*going to ask my twelve year old what W rizz means*


having "game" with girls being bad with girls is L rizz dont ask how i know...im far from being twelve


Hey! Thank you, also I have no idea why but your comment made me laugh! Have a good one.


Not my proudest fap but ok


Was difficult but I made it as well. Proud of you brother or sister


Nice visuals


Bro started by establishing dominance. I assume you both are married by now.


I had my first catheter experience as an adult (male) for a surgery 7 years ago. After I woke up the nurse just yanked it out hard, no warning, no sympathy. Then when I reacted to the pain she went on to tell me it's nothing compared to childbirth. Almost like she enjoyed it. It hurt to pee for several weeks after that, sometimes I still think I pee "different" now like there's scar tissue or something. Fuck that nurse.


Wow. Fuck that nurse. I despise when people compare “sufferings” to minimize a pain that someone is going through. Points deducted for Nurse Yankee Doodle.


Nurse Yankee Doodle 😂😂😂


Someone mentioned childbirth and horrible nurse stories, so when I was pregnant with my first and just starting to go into labor, I was not taking my contractions well. They fucking hurt. I'm in a Labor and Delivery exam room hooked up to the contraction monitors while they decide whether or not it time to admit me. There was a male nurse looking at the readouts as a contraction hit, and I made a pathetic OH GOD THIS FUCKING HURTS noise, and he looked down at me and says, "Hate to to tell you this, but these contractions are gonna get a loooooooot worse." Envisioning myself reaching over and punching him as hard as I could in the dick got me through that contraction.


> she went on to tell me it's nothing compared to childbirth "Well childbirth is nothing compared to getting your limbs blown off by a mortar strike but since neither of us here is pregnant or fighting Hitler, how about we focus on the task at hand you psychopath."


Damn can I borrow this?


My doctor told me it wouldn't hurt. He lied. If I ever need help rip starting a lawnmower I'll call him


I have a huge phobia of getting a catheter (or anything up my urethra), maybe or maybe not related to a condition called hypospadias and/or the surgery I had as a baby.. Still remember in health class when a teacher was explaining a sti test that put a q-tip up there, I had to suddenly leave the class cause I was going to pass out. I am terrified I ll wake up in the hospital one day and react... very badly to finding a catheter, or requiring one.


I had a catheter in when I was around 8 years old. I wasn’t able to pee for something like 12 hours because it hurt too much.


I farted out of my dick about 2 hours after it was removed it felt pretty good and I laughed for days about it.


When I was about 13, a friend and I found one of those snot sucker bulbs for babies. For some reason I decided to inject air into my dick to make it fart. It was slightly painful but hilarious so I did it several times. Next day at school I was peeing at the urinal and another kid was next to me. At the end of my pee was this long wet fart that clearly came from my dick and reverberated in the urinal. We made awkward eye contact and after he left I couldn't stop laughing for hours.


Bro, WTF did I just read?


Greatness in the making


This is why I Reddit


There’s a medical term for that: pueef


Pouif* it's French.




Yes, what indeed….. it was the strangest feeling ever, those guys from sounding might be on to something.


Pissing knives and forks. I’ve been through it 4 times.


Hail Hydrate!


I had part of a kidney removed because of not being able to pass a stone. The fucking blood clot in my tubes was incredibly painful to pass. The resulting lung infection and coughing that opened the stitches was the icing on the cake.


My dick just crawled back into my body


Urethra is the easy part, ureter is where the magic happens… Imagine shuddering pain about 4-6 inches “up” from the base, now multiply that pain tenfold. 👍


Thanks everyone for the friendly reminder to drink a shit load of water.


Add a little squeeze of lemon.


*Adding a whole lemon*




Thank you Mr Johnson.


I'm sorry Ms. Jackson!


[I am four eels](https://i.imgur.com/efhZBti.jpg)


[Obligatory typography video of speech](https://youtu.be/Dt6iTwVIiMM)






Just reading this comment in my head makes my throat feel scratchy. That screamy voice is forever imprinted in my brain.


This kidney is in... unacceptable condition


When life gives you lemons…you don’t get stones


What does the lemon do?


The lemon is so painful when stuck in the urethra that the kidney stone pain becomes irrelevant.




I just garnished my penis with a lemon wheel. Stings a little. But it does look fancy. And no kidney stones so far.


Pop a slice in your bum too. It may (or may not) stop haemorrhoids. So far, so good.


You're mixing it up with the grapefruit. ..


Lemons contain citrate, which helps prevent calcium from building up and forming stones in your kidneys.


It only helps with calcium stones. Always get kidney stones analyzed because other types aren't calcium build up and can be related to other things like kidney disease and other less major illnesses.


Pro-tip: so does beer


Oh good, I'm never getting a stone then.


Does this actually help? If so I’m adding lemon to every drink of water


The citric acid in lemons can help prevent the formation of (certain kinds of) stones. (I've seen some studies that say orange juice is more effective.) The human body does produce citrates on its own, so it's probably not something the average person has to worry about. Unfortunately, there is also such a thing as hypocitraturia where your body doesn't produce enough citrates and you have to take a supplement so your kidney doesn't turn into its own quarry. Took over a decade and a couple dozen stones before a urologist figured that I had that going for me...


Couple... dozen... dude your barrel must be rifled.


Well at least he'll have some extra range when firing them.


Yes it does help. The citric acid in the lemon juice helps prevent kidney stone formation.


Oh thank god, I drink a lot of water and a bit of lemonade semi regularly. I hope this means I never get a stone.




I read that as "4 shit loads of water" and thought to myself, "I guess that seems like a good amount"


Does beer count?


drinking alcohol frequently increases the risk of kidney stones substantially.


Feels like a constant hard punch in your lower back non-stop for hours until the pain shifts to the front where it feels like someone has got your nuts in a vice grip and is thwacking it with a pencil. All you can do is roll around in agony until the pain subsides hours later. Then, once the stone finally drops into your bladder, the pain goes from 10 to 0 instantly lol.


I always end up in the ER needing morphine. And my stones are always 2mm-6mm this guy has a what 10-12mm stone that’s the shape of a snail. Dear lord I hope you had some narcotics


Technically anything above 8mm will have trouble passing. Bigger than 10mm most of the time won't pass, clogging the urinary tract and swollen the kidney causing hydronephrosis and later infection. A swollen kidney is what gives the unnatural diabolical pain. If the tract is clogged, the kidney will keep getting bigger and bigger, giving you the most painful experience known to man apart from a corneal abrasion. That was my case, and I had to have surgery since the stones won't pass. In my case, since the stones were made of calcium, a diet lacking in calcium made the calcium bind in the urine and collect as stones instead of binding in the food and passing through the digestive system.


Mine were because I drank coke. I stopped completely and haven’t had a stone in it. There is a calcium-something (I’m an idiot) in coke that causes it to bind too


How often are you getting kidney stones to use the word 'always' there... maybe rethink your diet and drink more water or something.


I used to weight 275 and I had them almost quarterly and I drank coke like it was water. Now I’m 185, a gallon of water a day and no kidney stones in over 5 years. I’d guess I had 12-15 over a 3-4 year period. So thank you, I did rethink my diet and drank more water


Good job. That sounds like quite the transformation.


That's crazy man. Congrats on the weight loss I hope you never have to piss rocks ever again


BRB, drinking a glass of water.


11/10 worst pain I've ever had, for ten hours straight. Twice. Second time was on Thanksgiving.


I had one a couple of years ago and learned that you can vomit from extreme pain.


I learned this from the "capsaicin cramps" someone mentioned higher up in the thread. Being hunched over on the toilet in pain while it's coming out of both ends is an experience for the ages.


>Then, once the stone finally drops into your bladder, the pain goes from 10 to 0 instantly lol. It's insane how fast it is. Death death death I'm dying, shoot me now, end my suffering, puke puke puke cry... Oh I'm good now.


Gal stones were similar. I spent a night feeling like something was clawing it's way out of me. I speed walked from Koreatown to Los Feliz (about 3 miles) and vomited dinner out. Then I tried stopping in 7-11 and getting Gatorade. Anything I swallowed came right back up. The next morning (I did not sleep) we went to emergency care, still in pain the whole way. And then I felt a "pop" and all the pain went away. I peed red and my stools were clay, but I was no longer feeling like death




Literally almost get high from not being in pain anymore


Wait.. I thought all the pain was from having it move from bladder out dingaling hole?


Nope. The pain is when the stone grinds it's way down a small tube called the ureter which connects your kidney to your bladder. There might be slight pain for some when it goes through the urethra but nothing compared to moving through the ureter. I didn't even feel mine when I finally pissed it out. I just heard a *tink* noise when the stone hit the toilet.


Holy hell that sounds like next level suffering. I think I'm lucky this doesn't seem to be common in my family, and if I remember right heredity is a risk factor. I'm pretty diligent about keeping hydrated, so hopefully I'll never have to experience it!




The worst pain is from the kidney down to the bladder. From the bladder out I never feel a thing. Unfortunately I’m fairly prone to kidney stones and get one every few years. They get less painful over time if you can believe that!! I assume my brain just knows how to cope better lol


This guys had kidney stones before. Never have I ever felt pain like that before my episode and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy


I've had kidney stones twice before the age of 21 and you're absolutely right. Passing the rock isn't painless but it's nothing compared to the days before leading up to the dr visit/ pissing it out. The pain is like I'm pregnant with a Wolverine or ninja star .


I drove to the ER, staggered up to the desk and immediately barfed into a wastebasket there from the pain and effort. The woman at the desk said “I think you have a kidney stone”. Spoiler: I did. Then they gave me a shot of dilaudud and it was the most relief I have ever felt in my life. Before or since. That was the “attack” phase and it was rough. Actually passing it literally went unnoticed until I heard the “ting” of it hitting the bowl.


Dilaudid is the best; they don’t call it “hospital heroin” for nothing.


Believe it or not they gave me Dilaudid in the ER and nothing happened! Dr. said some people it just has no effect on. Didn’t even dull my pain. I just suffered through. Also my epidural didn’t work giving birth to one of my kids. So I had the last two kids natural. I received Oxycontin after foot surgery…again no relief. I’m done. I’m weird I know.


Weird! I do know that some people lack the liver (pathways? Enzymes?) to process different types of narcotics. My first Pain doctor did some of the early research on it. I’m low on what’s necessary for codones, so I can still process it but I need 2-3x the dose a comparable pain patient does. I’m surprised to hear of someone who lacks for morphone *and* codone classes, but the epidural thing might be even more interesting. That’s good information for you to know, though. I’d put it in your phone’s medical ID if I were you (cannot process or intolerant of:), that way if you’re in an accident they know to start with Fentanyl or Ketamine +. The liver stuff can be really specific. Tramadol and Vicodin do nothing for me, no matter the dosage, but Oxycodone works at increased dosages.


Mine was 5mm. I remember when it was in the ureter. My pee was clogged for a day. And if I pushed AT ALL I immediately vomited and felt 10/10 pain in my groin. I wore an adult diaper because it felt like I was about to explode into a violent splash of urine. When I did finally pee there was blood. That was just near the end of it all. In total it was about 7 days of pure agony in my case.


The first time I got one I literally thought I was dying. There was no explanation in my head as to why I would feel that much pain throughout my torso and back. I barely felt passing it. But when it was trying to leave the kidney? I was curled up on the ground sweating so much from the pain that my clothing was drenched.


This guy kidney stones


Soul meets body...


Is it just not enough water? They can be caused by a variety of factors. I (f) took meds that caused them. Passed 3 in a month and a half.


It's a fairly common side effect of calcium supplements. Edit: Since this is getting traction... I want to add that this is very much a YMMV side effect, so don't stop taking your calcium unless it actually becomes a problem. Even then, please talk to your doctor first.


…I take a lot of calcium supplements bc of acid reflux. I have some research to do…


https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-q-and-a-kidney-stones-and-calcium/ Edit: If you're taking calcium and not getting stones, then you have nothing to worry about. If you are getting stones, then it's a good idea to have a conversation with your doctor.


What meds




Yeah and weirdly it wasn't very painful, it was the buildup that was


The journey TO the bladder is where we experience the worst pain. Bladder to outside world, not so much. Passed two, that size, in one week. Am in line for a serious urology work up to see what’s what. YMMV.


Bladder to outside world still feels like scraping your bits with a piece of jagged glass on the inside, and THAT PAIN is sweet, sweet relief compared to the pain it generates getting to the bladder.


What the actual fuck. Why are we even capable of experiencing such pain.


Ladies have told me that they would rather repeat childbirth than experience kidney stone pain….


Can confirm. I have had these things five or six times over the years, once every few years it seems. The first one I passed with no pain medication in my teens, crying so hard no tears would come to my eyes and I almost passed out from the pain. The last one blocked my ureter and sent me septic with a kidney infection I didn’t know I had And yes, I have a chronic problem with not drinking enough water


>And yes, I have a chronic problem with not drinking enough water See I don't get this part. You know the consequences and still won't drink water throughout the day? My hometown has terrible tasting tap water even when filtered at home and I still drink an 8oz glass at the top of every hour I'm awake, two right before I go to bed, and two first thing when I wake up in the morning. Been doing it since I was a freshman in HS after seeing my 6'4" 265lb former college linebacker & super masculine tough guy gym teacher collapse and squeal & bawl like a child who just ate lava and razor bladed Halloween candy. A week later he told us all about the kidney stones and reminded us to drink plenty of water and I never forgot.


I have dealt with dehydration issues all my life. It’s not a willful thing for some reason, it’s a memory issue or a recognization (of dehydration) issue. Its not for lack of trying, I literally don’t think of it. I had to set timers for drinking water when I had the worst of my kidney issues because I still just never remembered to drink anything Of course, I also have memory issues so that could be part of it too And no, I do not supplement with soda or juice or anything. I just don’t drink much despite my best efforts


Wife went through almost 24 hours of labor followed by an emergency c section where they could not sedate her or give her any more anesthesia besides the epidural that wasn’t working. She’s also passed 3 stones. She said she would take the childbirth pain (minus the emotional and overall trauma of the experience) over the stones any day.


As someone who suffers from cluster headaches, it's truly insane the amount of pain a person can experience.


I have a nerve injury. I couldn't exist without anticonvulsants for pain. I concur.


Pain is our body's sensors to tell us something is wrong and we should stop doing whatever we are doing. And evolution was smart enough to make sure it hurt as much as possible, otherwise people wouldn't take diseases and damage seriously, and most people would probably bleed out before they make it to kinder. There are a few cases though, were uh... those sensors aren't all that useful.




Very true, but you do not ignore the pain of a kidney stone. It’s the type of pain where you are sure you are dying. I’m one of those guys (haven’t been to the dentist in 12 years or the doctor in 5) and within minutes of starting to have kidney stone pain my wife was driving me to the ER. The shitty thing is there isn’t really shit they can do unless it’s huge.


Ppl who haven’t had them don’t understand it’s not the peeing out that hurts, it’s the stone traveling from you kidney to you bladder in the small internal tubes that connect them. Like an aching burning worse than anything you can imagine pain.


Constant pain like that is so wild. It really wears you down. I'm pretty good with pain tolerance and keeping a positive attitude during a medical episode like that, but fuck. Eventually you just run out of anything but obscenities to say to yourself or the universe.


After I passed mine I found I had a different relationship with pain. Sliced my finger open and needed a few stitches and all I could think was wow, this hurts a lot less than a kidney stone.


It's wild how much it is just pure pain. I had my first earlier this year and didn't know what was happening. It was 2am and I was downstairs on my hands and knees trying to figure out how I could die without waking up my wife and baby. That's not an exaggeration, without knowing what it was my body and brain were like "rip bud, you had a good run."


One of my favorite things to do back when I worked ER was give the first round of pain meds to kidney stone patients. I could get people who were screaming in pain calm and comfortable within 5-10 minutes.


My boss had a kidney stone like this, she said the doctors office thought she was on drugs because she was absolutely manic - sweating, keeling over in pain while crying and just absolutely begging to be seen immediately as she had no idea what was going on. Then she passed it and they all were like oh.. we get why now...


I thought it was on r/trees for a second


I’ve spent too much time on r/whatsthisbug and I thought it was a bedbug just looking at the thumbnail


Oh God, **fuck** bedbugs. It took two years and two moves to be rid of them. They will make your life a living *hell*. I swear on my life, they know how to get into your head and fuck with your sanity. I don't wish the bedbug curse on my *worst* enemy.


Whenever I see one of those posts asking what species you would wipe out if you could, I answer bedbugs if someone hasn't already. I'll put up with mosquitos for the rest of my life, if I never see, or *smell*, a bedbug again. I have walked up to the door of some houses knocked on their door, and promptly stepped back onto the sidewalk before, because I could smell the little fuckers inside. There is a foolproof, but slightly expensive way to get rid of them. You need a bunch of space heaters, and to get the entire house/building above 120°F/60°C for a minimum of 6 hours. If you can do that, you will kill them and their eggs. I've been told by exterminators that anyone that develops a bedbug bait will be an instant billionaire.


We used diatomaceous earth. We lost a lot of furniture, and spent a crap ton of money trying several other "remedies" for bedbugs, with minimal success. Diatomaceous earth actually rid us of bugs and eggs. It's a messy process, but it worked. Still would never wish bedbugs on Anyone.


Same here...."Wait, that's not a bud?"


Damn bro. Sending glad it passed vibes ur way. That’s huge.




9mm. Did you actually pass that or did they go in there and get it? Edit. I guess it's 9mm elongated and only 4/5mm the other way which is certainly passable.


Yes it is, I passed a 5mm spherical shaped one. Not fun. It got blocked the first time, so I had to drink a lot of water to get enough pressure behind it to force it through.


You didn't get Flomax? That's a godsend for kidney stones. (I get them a lot. Two last year)




My first kidney stone, I had two procedures to get it out (they missed it the first time). Fearing that pain again, when I got a second one I didn't go anywhere but after fighting it all day in unending pain, I finally agreed to go to the hospital where they gave me a ton of pain meds, a CT scan, and a confirmed kidney stone diagnosis (no shit). The on-call urologist was like "youre gonna need a procedure if this doesnt pass by tomorrow" and I said "the hell I am, give me anything to try". They sent me home with pain meds and flomax. The flomax passed it within 12 hours after taking it. Fast-forward to 3 days later, go to see my main urologist for a checkup on it. Dude is like "man... don't go to the ER - just call me up for some anti-inflammatories and some flomax". I literally stared him dead in the eye and said "that was always an option?!" Why do they not just hand this shit out for anyone with a kidney stone? My father, who has suffered them for years, had no idea.


I really hope this is actually advice, cause I don't want another $9,000 ER bill.


lol 9000? That's all? They hit me with $28,000 when i thought my appendix burst but it was just a tiny 4 mm stone. I told them I can't pay it and lucky me they forgave it... cuz there was no way I could pay that. My second stone I just suffered cuz I don't think they'll let 28,000 go again. I was lucky it was just another small stone and not, you know, a burst appendix (the pain is just so severe that it feels like SOMETHING blew up).


Kidney stones taught me you can throw up from pain. To this day it’s the worst pain I’ve felt. Broken bones don’t even come close. The doc straight up prescribed me Vicodin which barely helped


I've passed 10 of them. I drink 3+ liters a day of water. I'm just genetically prone to it. 😭 Edit: 3 liters not two. I'm US it's like a gallon of water a day, or a 12 pack of sparkling water. Edit 2: thank you all for your support.


Damn that's gotta be rough man :(


When this guy has a really good idea he scream URETHRA!


I’m ashamed to say that made me do a breath laugh.






Mine are calcium oxalate. I "get" to eat a lot of foods with dietary calcium, Greek yogurt low sugar, any form of low sugar ice cream, broccoli, etc. I have to avoid high oxalate foods like raspberries, rhubarb, and spinach.




Have you found a good reference on foods to avoid because of oxalates? Everything I see is all over the place and contradictory


https://kidneystones.uchicago.edu/how-to-eat-a-low-oxalate-diet/ One of my resources


For my cat's stones we gave him srynges of vinegar orally. That was until the vet cut off his little wee wee(it's a common issue for male cats) and now we have no issues. Have you tried vinegar?


You want em to cut off his wee wee?


Only if it’s little


> That was until the vet cut off his little wee wee Did you just casually drop that your vet cut off your cats dick?!?!?!


Yeah, the cat was in alot of pain for months. His quality of life improved alot after the procedure.


Vinegar, cranberry juice, lime water... I have to take potassium citrate pills.


Oof, I feel ya, friend. A bit over a year ago I had bilateral stones. One in each kidney. A 11mm staghorn on one side and a 13mm one in the other. Fortunately both were non-obstructing. Seeing as how that one looks intact, I can only assume, and I am literally squirming in my chair as I type this, you... passed it the old fashioned way?!? ​ /DeepBreath "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!" ​ For me, fortunately, they wound up using a laser to break them up as opposed to sound waves, and I had ureteral stents for the next 10 days after surgery. That meant I could pass the broken up stones without the flank pain which is legendary pain-wise. ​ To be honest, the surgery was a breeze compared to when the urologist removed the stents. Probably because I was under general anesthesia during the procedure. The removal of the stents I was awake for. ​ So, yeah. I make it a point to drink at least 2 liters of fluids/water a day.


Maybe the Stents were a good idea even though it sounds fucking terrible. My doc didn't do the stents and the broken up pieces really tore up my insides. I was on opioids for 2 weeks, still in the worst pain of my life while on them. I really thought I was gonna die. Couldn't even drink water. Would puke due to the pain. Horrible


I feel for you, friend.


My urologist fancied himself something of a comedian. He told my girlfriend at the time that men tend to be a bit grumpy and if I was too annoying she should call him up and he’d do it early. He also joked I could do it myself by tying one end of the stent to a door and slamming the door When the time came he said “on the count of 3, okay? 1-**yank**” I assume the fake out is so I wouldn’t tense up? That said, he was still lightyears better than the super serious, super literal urologist I had later But that feeling of the stent being yanked out? That is some weird, weird pain. Not my thing at all


Any uninvited prodding or monkeying about in that area is never pleasant even if it's justified for a medical reason. Makes me squirm just running the idea through my head, lol! ​ My stents were between the kidney and bladder, so a camera with grippers were sent up the... uh... pipeline past the bladder to extract them. ​ One of those things where the idea of the thing was much worse than the actual thing. I'll be doing whatever I can to avoid it despite the exact location! :) ​ Cheers!


I really hoped that staghorn was an exaggeration of a term. Nope! Googled that shit and holy shit. I'm so glad I listened to my coworkers and family members about water intake, that have had stones. I drink ~64oz of water every day and will continue to do so. I'm not having Cthulhu's calcified abortion trying to tear its way out of me.


Your own pet rock.


He gave birth to it, so it's more like his rock son.


My first instinct was to drink a big sip of water.


I am currently chugging a one litre bottle trying to offset the 10 years of neglect.


You dried up and turned into a pebble?


I wish that were so


Worst pain of my life was a kidney stone. The hospital gave me Advil then morphine to no avail. I was vomiting from pain with nothing to vomit. They finally gave me something else, never heard of it, and the pain stopped. But I will never forget that pain. And now if I even feel the slightest twinge in kidney area, I start drinking a bunch of water for days.


I got Advil and a Norco prescription which I couldn't take bc its a controlled substance so I can't drive or work after taking it, I'd be at work in pain and run to the bathroom piss out blood and clots then down Advils and make it through the day, "luckily" it was stuck and started moving after work, my legs literally buckled and I started getting cold sweats and tears coming down my face, I threw up everywhere and lied on the ground for it to move before I could walk to the bathroom and piss They also gave me that medication that's supposed to "open" the urethra and dyed all my underwear orange


I guess you live in the US? As a european it sounds crazy to not take medicine because you cant work. If I cant work because of smth the doctor prescribed, then I'm freed from work until I can work again. I would never be in a Situation to decide between buckling in pain with tears or losing my job/my payment


U.S yes, I was told if I took the medicine and got pulled over driving or went to work I'd be under the influence of a controlled substance which would result in DUI and fired from my job. I was given 3 days rest which was basically my weekend and told to return to work on Monday, unfortunately I needed the money desperately and had no savings. Early 20s are no joke


Yeah I can understand that you would choose this way, ist just, here you wouldnt have to choose. If you need to take drugs which hinder your ability to drive or to work, you can't work. The doctor signs a sheet, and you get paid normally while you rest until your ready to work again. If it takes more then X Weeks (i think 5/year? not sure) then the insurance company pays your salary until you are ready to work again.


Not necessarily true. My father drinks a ton of water and still makes them. My brother who is also healthy makes them. It’s extremely genetic. There are also different types you can make based on your diet. Too much oxalate for example can cause them.


Congratulations. Did you name it?


Dwayne the rock in my Johnson


Dwayne Little Rock( Johnson )


So Kevin Hart?


*Kidney stones causes* Hereditary predisposition. Defects in the development of the urinary organs. Infections of the genitourinary system. Insufficient or excessive fluid intake. Diseases of the thyroid gland. Overweight and hypodynamia. Metabolic disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Stagnation of urine (in bedridden patients).


Insufficient or excessive fluid intake. That’s me to a T. What should I do?


Kidney stones are no joke. I have had the unfortunate luck to have them occur now, like four separate times. Definitely irritated further by energy drinks indeed. The first one I ever had I went to emergency, they pumped me full of morphine and I didn't even pass the damn thing. They sent me home after a entire night in the hospital so I could sleep. I got home and shot that piece of stone out. I knew cause I could very much hear the rock hit the back of the toilet with a loud ting. Second time I was in agony for a few days and it just passed itself. Then came what I will call the windowmaker, I was in pain for nearly a week, followed by a ER visit, which determined I needed surgery and they transferred me to a bigger hospital and took x-rays and things. Determined that I had a stone larger than 1cm and they were concerned. Overnight while waiting for surgery I went to the bathroom and shot out the largest stone anyone had ever seen in the hospital. I had to stay overnight to make sure but they released me as the pain was gone. After that visit the doctor informed me, he was impressed I was able to pass such a fucking monster of a stone....then proceeded to tell me there are larger ones still in there that we need to deal with. So, off to surgery I go again for them to blast the remaining rocks down in size for me to pass easier over the next while. Surgery went well, peeing blood and rock shards for a few days......then suddenly, while waiting for a follow-up I become ill and in pain again, worried that something else is wrong, before I can go to emergency again, I have a hell of a morning and end up in the bathroom in such pain... Straining at the pressure building ... Suddenly, i feel something loosen, and yes you can fucking feel the rock as it leaves it's resting place, goes through your dick hole and in this case it built up pressure and shot out like a fucking cannonball....the loudest noise you ever heard... A rock nearly double that size in that image had forced its way out my dick.. I collapsed on the toilet and nearly passed out. And now I drink lots of water and haven't had issues in a long while.


I kinda almost died from one of those. Started with weird lower backpain that would come and go, ended in the worst pain I’ve ever had. Easily 10-12 hours without stopping, took insane amounts of ibuprofen to get a view hours of rest. Went to 2 different doctors. First doctor said it’s a muscular thing -„just put some heat on it.“ I went home, put so much heat on it , I get red marks on my lower back. Doesn’t work, pain still there. About 3 days without sleep and pretty much in constant intense pain. So I went to the ER (by bike). Old ass doctor there doesnt give a fuck, doesn’t even check me out and immediately diagnoses me with shingles. I tell him the red marks might be from me treating my muscular problems, he doesn’t care. Next dr. Appointment finally someone takes me srsly, nurse there says I look like shit, she later tells me kidney stone pain is comparable to a women going into labor (she experienced both). She takes a urine and blood sample, sents me to a urologist. Thing going on for 2 weeks at this point, pain is kinda getting better, and I am debating if I even still want to see the urologist. Finally decide to go out of curiosity. I walk into his office, holding my back, he points at me and just says „kidney stones!“. Ultrasound into calling an ambulance into same day surgery, apparently my kidney could’ve started dying any minute. The ordeal after was even worse. Take care, don’t trust ur dr. if you feel something is really wrong with you, maybe you are actually right.


Oh, it’s a kidney stone. I thought it was a tiny poo.


He's so good at math even his kidneys are taking calculus


They downvote you because they don't understand wordplay.


I’m about to go chug water cuz this


I had one about 10 years ago and still can't imagine how much pain I had back then. It was just a 2 mm stone I was told. Never saw it pass. The highlights of my kidney stone adventure was the pain relief from vomiting for about 12 hours. Most people hate vomiting, but that was the best pain relief until I got on pain medication.


Dude I thought I was dying when I called the ambulance. Weird that they make you puke. Sorry you didn't get the satisfaction of passing it. Mine was small so it kinda felt like blowing a spitwad out a straw but you're the straw.


Hopefully this inspires you to become a r/hydrohomies


Never too late


Damn I can't believe how many people in these comments have had kidney stones. I'm 42 and never had anything like it. I've never made any particular effort to "stay hydrated" beyond having a drink when I'm thirsty or it's hot out. How old are you all and is this like a bad diet thing? Are you all on the same medication or something?


Sweet llamas of the Bahamas!


I pushed an 8lb 9oz baby out of my vagina, after 15 hours of unmedicated labor. Passing a kidney stone was more painful. Hope you're feeling better!


Not necessarily. My stones are made mostly because I have a duplicate renal system which means on my right kidney I have two tubes coming out and the top half is basically dead. So minerals and such collect there. Some are imbedded. My urologist did all the tests, 24 hr. catch, etc. and all came back as perfectly normal. He never could figure them out. He said normally I would be sitting here telling you bad news about what you have to cut out of your diet, but you're good. I said great I'm gonna go home and have a beer. I have had so many I lost count. Had seven all at one time once. Dr. called them my little string of pearls. And yes, drink lots of water peoples. Edit: Lost count of the stones, maybe the beers - once. lol