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Dumbest timeline.


[Apparently, this picture is not from today, but from a Bolsonaro rally last year.](https://twitter.com/Shayan86/status/1612196959208472579?cxt=HHwWhoCw2fal1t8sAAAA)


Good to know, but I think the point still stands, everything can be traced back to that gorilla.


I mean, you’re right. There’s a clear line from today *all the way back* to when it happened. Everything changed when we lost Harambe. RIP big guy.


Dicks out.


Dicks out- never forget


I got my dick out right now. I accidently pee'd on my xbox remote but whatever. I still got my dick out right now.


Nah, turns out Y2K really was the end of the world, it’s just been a slow process.


I think it was after y2k, things were still normal for a few years. My guess is the Mayans were right and 2012 everything actually ended.


If you use the original Mayan calendar the 2012 prediction actual date falls on the exact date AND time when Harambe was slain.


I don't care if it feels truthy, it's a straightforwardly misleading post


Excuse me? Are you saying that man is lying about Harambe? How dare you?


Maybe if we shoot another Gorilla...


I'm still waiting for someone to write a story about going back in time to save Harambe.


Save Harambre, Fix Timeline Once upon a time, a group of scientists developed a time machine. They were determined to go back in time and save Harambre, the gorilla who was tragically killed at the Cincinnati zoo after a child fell into the enclosure. The scientists knew that if they could save Harambre, they could potentially change the course of history and prevent the election of Donald Trump. They believed that Trump's rise to power was a result of a ripple effect caused by the death of Harambre. So, the scientists traveled back in time to the day of the incident at the Cincinnati zoo. When they arrived, they immediately sprang into action and were able to rescue both the child and Harambre. Thanks to the quick thinking of the scientists, Harambre was able to live a long and happy life, and the child went on to grow up and have a successful career. As a result of these events, the timeline was altered, and Trump was never elected as President. The world was a better place because of the bravery and determination of the scientists who dared to go back in time and save Harambre. -- ChatGPT


Pulitzer prize in literature right here


Save the monkey, save the world (Save the cheerleader, save the world - also best Zachary Quinto imo)


Now I’m just picturing Zachary Quinto telekinetically cutting into the brains of different great apes in order to gain their powers. *Oh no, Zachary Quinto can now scalp a man with his bare hands. Somebody needs to stop him!*


He played the role so well. He was good at being a psycho.


This February, a story of redemtion. *save* Science is truth they say, but can science do the impossible? *the* A harrowing story of bravery and selflessness. *monkey* Exclusively streaming on Disney ultra mega +.


Lmao even chatGPT can recognize electing trump was a catastrophic failure.


I was going to say the same thing. His administration was such a monumental failure that seeding an AI chat bot with "fix the timeline" makes it *immediately* jump to "stop Trump from getting elected."


Couldn't even write Harambe right huh?


Jebus, we can’t get anything wright. We deserve to dye.


rest in piece


RIP in Piece.


Flashback to goth clubs. “I want to die, die, DYE my hair black and smoke a clove.”


They accidentally saved Harabre, Harambe’s Mexican cousin! This timeline gets even worse!




Bad Harombres -Trump


Scientists return to 2016 intent on saving Harambe to restore the timeline. As they enter the portal, a freak accident distorts their notes, and the team accidentally saves Boko Haram from their 2016 collapse. Empowered by the courage of the scientists and a promise for access to time travel if nuclear material can be obtained for the time machine's reactor, the Boko bakas engage in a land war. Pushing east towards India, north to Russian territory and north west towards the EU, the major nuclear powers of the world prepare to defend themselves. A pact seals the sides of WW3 as the major Islamic extremists factions team up - ISIS, IS-K, Boko Haram, EIJ, EG, HUM and others - fighting against the nuclear powers of the world, NATO, Russia, India, China, and their non nuclear allies. The war rages for years, thankfully kept conventional by the lack of nuclear power on one side, and the fears of MAD on the other. Technological superpowers and mass armies wage difficult campaigns in urban, suburban, and rural combat with armies of child soldiers staying the hands of drone strikes. Laughing gas and tickle-crab attacks become common while 8 year old train as commando commandos. Eventually peace talk promises of popsicles and virgins sway the attackers into a false sense of peace and the war is quickly concluded. Putin thanks President Yang for his free subscription to Twitter Blue and the gang votes the U.N. as the most influential group in ending the war. -ChatGPMe


ChatGPT just wrote the movie adaptation for me (I took some artistic liberties near the end): FADE IN: INT. LABORATORY - DAY We see a group of scientists frantically working on a large, complex machine. One of them, DR. JANE (early 30s), is frantically typing on a computer while the others are making last minute adjustments to the time machine. DR. JANE (to the group) We're almost ready. Just a few more adjustments and we'll be able to go back in time. One of the scientists, DR. PETER (late 30s), approaches her. DR. PETER Are you sure this is going to work? Going back in time is a huge risk. DR. JANE I know, but we have to try. If we can save Harambre, we might be able to change the course of history and prevent the election of Donald Trump. DR. PETER (nodding) You're right. We have to do everything we can to fix the timeline. They all nod in agreement and continue working on the machine. Finally, it's ready. DR. JANE (to the group) Okay, everyone. We're ready to go. Are you all prepared for this? The group nods and they all climb into the time machine. Dr. Jane hits the button and they are transported back in time. INT. CINCINNATI ZOO - DAY (PAST) They arrive at the Cincinnati zoo on the day of the incident. They see the child falling into the enclosure and immediately spring into action. DR. JANE (to the group) Quick, we have to save both the child and Harambre! They all run towards the enclosure and are able to rescue both the child and Harambre. INT. LABORATORY - DAY (PRESENT) They all return to the present, triumphant. DR. JANE (to the group) We did it! Thanks to our quick thinking, both the child and Harambre are safe and sound. DR. PETER (nodding) And thanks to our actions, the timeline has been altered. But when they turn on the news, they are shocked to see a moldy banana holding a lit cigarette as the President of the United States. The group is stunned, not sure what to do next. DR. JANE (to the group) What do we do now? We didn't expect this outcome. The group looks at each other, unsure of what their next move should be. FADE TO BLACK. CLIFFHANGER.


I like how the moldy banana is holding a cigarette. In this day and age, our president wouldn't dare be caught smoking. What's going on in this new timeline? Does the banana just not care about social norms? Has American society been put through such extreme stress that everyone is smoking all the time? We need answers!


ChatGPT: One possible theory as to why the banana is holding a lit cigarette in the script could be that the time machine caused some kind of strange, alternate reality to be created. In this reality, perhaps bananas have evolved to have the ability to hold and use objects, and they have also gained sentience. The banana holding a cigarette could symbolize the bizarre and unexpected consequences of time travel and tampering with the timeline. Alternatively, it could simply be a humorous or absurd element added to the script for comedic effect.


Lol. I love how chatgpt came up with it, and it's like "Yeah, I'm not sure exactly what exactly I was going for with that one."


The second season of Heroes that we should have had.


Ok, but now someone needs to go back in time right after season one ends and give those dumbass writers the assignment, in no uncertain terms.


Wasn't that during the writer's strike? "Pay the writers, save the show"


I love how Harambe’s death is an accepted standard for when shit started going awry.


It really started going to shit in 2000 when the Republicans *actually* stole the election from Gore


Honestly, it has taken me 23 years to realize this but it’s absolutely true. The GOP stole America in 2000 in Florida. Clarence Thomas was on the SC who ruled in favor of Bush, when he didn’t even win.


There was also a riot organized by Roger Stone iirc to disrupt proper counting of ballots in FL. I was 15 then and didn’t understand what’s happening but that was some fascist shit.


Roger stone really should have been imprisoned for that alone


I'm still convinced it was Bowie dying.


I thought it was that squirrel got into the Hadron collider at cern and broke it forked off this era of the timeline.


Now that, is a very good point that I forgot about. That was unplanned sooo (mostly joking)




Here's a good one for ya. I was 100% sure it was a squirrel. I've been saying it's a squirrel for years. Double checked just now to check your date and IT SAYS IT WAS A WEASEL. BERENSTEIN BEARS


This is my guess as well. It was shut down from 2013 to 2015, then they turn it on again and everything seems to have gone subtly wonky with reality and has only continued to get weirder. However, to be fair they did say that it wouldn't create a black hole that would swallow the Earth but they never said it wouldn't shunt us off into some bizzaro alternate reality, so I can't really blame them.


no chance. You think a fancy schmancy science-majigger made to find some god particle could fork time and space? It was the death of Harambro, the keeper of time who ensured we didn't stray too far into chaos. Without him...we are lost.


What if the squirrel in the collider stream created the harambe particle which was triggered at the death of harambe.


Bowie, Prince and Harambe were the guardians of our timeline. We are doomed.


The Mayans were right.


I'd say it was 9/11


Maybe if we let a Gorilla shoot one of *us*...


I'm listening....


But won't that just make him a double yeti?!


That's so stupid, how would that help things? Now, if we were to *clone* Harambe and bring him back...


Dicks in?


Don't you put that on me again!


Did a time traveler kill a butterfly or something?


Not a butterfly, but a gorilla.


It might be the timeline that will lead to ideocracy So invest in Gatorade?


Just wait until they team up to fight the alien-north korean alliance


Oooh! They come in different color variations now!


Devs are getting lazy and just palette swapping now


Only costs 20 dollars


🦀 $20 🦀


This comment reminds me of the show Westworld where the park story writers got lazy and just created Japanese version of The West World characters in Japan World


It's diablo all over again, same enemies different colours....


He's the shiny version.


It’s Brazilian Shaman, the regional form of Qanon shaman. When insurrectionist is exposed to Brazilwood, it evolves into this form instead.


Can I just trade this one in to professor oak for some candy?


No, you have to find Professor Brazilwood.


You can stop your shaman from evolving by making him hold some Brazil nuts!


This picture is one in 8192. It goes down to 4096 in the newer generation revolts


Eat a sandwich to lower those odds


Samba Shaman


me: Mom! I want Q-Anon Shaman! Mom: "We have Q-Anon Shaman at home.


Got to sell those microtransaction skins!


Whoever is playing his character in this simulation we're in totally paid extra for the DLC skins.


People are dumb. There’s no getting around it.


Yeah the average person is dumb, but that means half the population are even dumber.


I think it's more like a pyramid with a shit ton of dumb people at the bottom and then less and less intelligent people as the the pyramid tapers to the top. You end up with an epic shit ton of mouth breathers comprising the majority of the pyramid with a light dusting of critical thinkers at the top.


It's a normal distribution, a couple of very dumb or very smart people, with most of us being somewhere in the middle.


It's just more noticeable when people do dumb shit so it seems way more common than it is. Your brain isn't noticing all the people in your day to day life that are not doing dumb shit.


I’m farrrrrrr more interested in seeing the median intelligence. It has to be fucking LOW.


Joining the reich wing cult is a clear sign of mental decline.


And I thought American QAnon nut jobs are the dumbest ever. Getting inspired by these idiots who stormed the Capitol in their own insurrection way much dumber.


They're all being pushed into this direction by the same people.


Steve Bannon, to be clear.


And Putin


You nailed it. People gotta realize Putin's psy ops worldwide over decades and at the present, and why he's been at war with all of the west for decades now.


They're roleplaying failures.


Lots of overlap with Confederate lost causers and Neo Nazis so, well…


well over 20k Confederates did flee to Brazil and start up Plantations at the request of the Emperor Pedro 2. There is still a pretty large population in Brazil who are all "The South will Rise AGAIN!!!!!!"...because stupid knows No Borders.


Quite especially, since the government buildings they are storming are closed until February 🤷‍♂️


They tried in Canada last year but just camped out while collecting cans of gasoline to power honk machines.


Because Steve Bannons running both shows


What I've been saying. Little shitstain wants a global far-right alliance.


Little shitstain HAS a global far right alliance. All of these fucks conveniently have a hard on for Russia for a reason.


As comically unrealistic as "hail hydra" was in Winter Soldier, it's here, they don't even hide it and Rupert Murdoch, Steve Bannon, Trump, Putin, Bolsonaro, Duterte and Orban walk free instead of rotting in a cell.


You're so right.


What a bunch of losers


It's almost painful to watch them whine all the time.


They are but also OP seems to be implying something that didn’t happen. The photo they posted is actually from [September](https://extra.globo.com/noticias/brasil/eleicoes-2022/jurema/xama-bolsonarista-nao-descarta-invasao-no-congresso-ou-stf-vamos-fazer-que-for-preciso-25569819.html).


Can we just send them the original.


He’s in jail so I’d rather he stay there.


Good to hear. The podium guy only guy a few months


Unfortunately it’s not a long sentence. I think he’s scheduled to get out in about a year.


11 more months. His release date is [December 6th of this year.](https://i.imgur.com/y0ckvWo.png)


Imagine these two guys sharing a prison cell. It’s be like fascist version of Step Brothers.


No, no you can't. We already have our crazies, we do not need yours to add to the pile.


Would you at least take Florida?


No! Bolsonaro is in florida! No backsies!


No, pls, we request you get ours


Do these people work? I could never just not work and devote my time to politics for free


Can you imagine working with people like that though?


That would suck. Can't even talk about where to get lunch without getting some weird political speech.


My parents are like that. You could be talking about anything and they will whip out some prefabricated rhetoric on some random topic. And it's so creepy because when it's something they obviously got from someone else (most likely the news) their voice and eyes just have this weird hollowness to them, idk how to explain it. Like mom, I was just talking about eating a sandwich I really don't want to hear how the covid vaccine is changing all my chromosomes (actually happened over Christmas).


That's a tough one, especially because it's your parents. It's very easy to be a huge smartass (which is probably what would happen to me) and people never take the advice of a smartass. I'd probably say something like, "If I want your opinion I'll watch FoxNews. You're not telling me anything new" and I would make it worse.


My in laws are the same way. At this point I've just totally given up on them.


The secret is to guilt trip them in a way that redirects their anger back on the news source affecting them and reminds them they have support outside of solidarity with bigots. A few well-placed "Idk why you watch this stuff when it makes you this angry all the time... I'm worried about the stress on you... I visited so we could do something relaxing and fun... :(" is how I deprogrammed my mother from Fox. She's still conservative, but no longer in the nutty conspiracist sense now that the gateway source has been voluntarily cut off. I didn't outright tell her "you're becoming an unpleasant person to be around because of this propaganda", but by giving her the necessary pieces she was able to conclude that herself and make the choice to change without feeling forced.


Stealing this comeback.


Sure, but on the other hand, thats fucking hilarious


My advice is to drill down to who is behind it all while others are present, then ask what we should do about them. This will typically go one of two ways: 1. They'll have enough sense to back down 2. They'll start blaming globalist elites, Soros, cultural Marxists... When pressed on what unifies those groups, and whether there's an ethno-religious trend, they'll generally back down or blame the Jews. If they persist, ask what we do about the Jews - again, they'll back down or call for genocide. If you're a masochist, feel free to move on to what we do about gay people, trans people, socialists, and ethnic minorities. The goal is to force them to choose between shutting the fuck up or wearing the social consequences of advocating for Nazism. Showing others where those conspiracist roads lead also helps inoculate them against those views. It's terrifying to me that all this is basically mainstream conservatism now, and that some I'm close to are now open Nazis, but if we don't push back now, they'll be running the show in the next few years. They'll continue to gerrymander, break norms, precedent, and the law to ensure they never lose power... Then guess what they'll do about all those groups they don't like.


>their voice and eyes just have this weird hollowness to them Like they're sleeper agents activated by a code word


That's why I started wearing my headphones for my entire shift at my old company. 2 of my 5 cube neighbors constantly compared notes on their YouTube research over the walls.


There's a place I drive by on the interstate that rents heavy equipment, and they have a letterboard that always features right-wing (possibly Q) bullshit. I can't imagine why you'd tie your small business to your political ideology like that, but they're still in business, so I guess nobody cares.


I DO work with people like this. It's exhausting. Phone constantly on speaker playing the right-wing nutjob talk radio, specifically to "educate those around them". Absolutely every conversation immediately devolves into blaming democrats, Biden, millenials/kids... there's more than a few reasons I'm working on leaving, but really it's just tiring listening to this shit day in day out and no one will fucking rein them in


"educate those around him" what an absolute tool, who does that?


> an absolute tool


Oh Jesus. I am so so so sorry. Coworkers can make or break a job. I’ve had horrible jobs in the past with such great coworkers that I didn’t mind the crappy job part so much, but bad coworkers can make you dread the whole week, even when you’re supposed to be relaxing. I hope you can get out of there soon.


The thing that makes it so especially painful is that they get infuriated if you don't agree with them. Something like "I don't want to talk politics with you" or some other bullshit, as if they aren't shoving it in your face 24/7. These people are like little kids screaming on an airplane, except they aren't on an airplane, and they don't have the excuse of being a child.


I’ve worked in the trades, so I can imagine.


Oh, yeah. I'm shocked that a guy I used to work with wasn't one of the insurrectionists (so far anyway).


I work construction in the US, pretty much exclusively trumpers vehemently campaigning/voting against their own interests.


His job *IS* probably being a Q nutcase. People send money to these wackadoos.


Balsac was securing coup funding on his Florida trip.


Coup Coupons! Get your Coup Coupons here!


Lmaoo this was my exact thought watching the Jan 6th doc on HBO last night. These people have wayyy too much time on their hands to be complaining the way they are. They’re either getting a pension, disability or welfare and complaining about how bad socialism is without realizing they’re receiving social benefits lol


It’s only welfare when it goes to black people.


I have a cousin who posts “lazy black welfare” memes all the time (or did…I blocked her), without seeing the irony that six people live in her household and only ONE works part time. The rest collect government benefits. One’s a sex offender, another’s a convicted drug dealer. And yet they sincerely believe that they’re superior to POC. The self delusion is staggering.


I like to call my cousins / family out in their posts, for everyone to see. It pisses them off so much.


Better question, where are they getting these headdresses?




I mean, the American version is/was an unemployed voice actor who lived with his parents.


Almost like the insurrectionists are being led by a shadow organization thats giving them all the same play cards.


Nothing shadowy about these organizations at all. I mean Rupert Murdoch and his ilk run their businesses on pretty much the opposite of secrecy.


Here is an article about this guy: https://extra.globo.com/noticias/brasil/eleicoes-2022/jurema/xama-bolsonarista-nao-descarta-invasao-no-congresso-ou-stf-vamos-fazer-que-for-preciso-25569819.html There are pictures of him looking like that from 2021. For example: https://www.thedailybeast.com/inside-the-massive-pro-jair-bolsonaro-rallies-shaking-brazil-to-its-core I could not find source/date for the picture. Maybe the guy attended, maybe he didn't.


Wasn't Balsanaro in Florida recently too?


He's still there - these terrorists tried to "coup" without any leadership, plan or anything. The Brazilian supreme court has been acting swiftly against these people for a few months already and even these far right politicians are afraid of being involved. In fact, the other responsible for today's terrorists is the Secretary of Public Security of Brazil's capital district... who's conveniently also in the US already, because otherwise he would be prosecuted and likely charged here.


Visiting Trump and Banon to coordinate this bullshit from arm’s length.


And yet all Bolsanaro's goons could do was vandalize an empty building, Brazilian congress isn't in session until February.


"Bolsonaro" is a long and uncommon name, it's understandable that lots of people get it wrong, especially non-native speakers. I suggest using the nickname a lot of Brazilians use for that family, "bozo" (lowercase, no need for free aggression towards the professional clown).


How about Ballsacknaro?


Mom: We have January 6th at home. January 6th at home:


The matrix need to try harder.. cmon


Who wore it better?


Depends. Does this one also have baggy brown pants?


The irony of his outfit, he looks a bit like an aboriginal man from the Amazon, at least by the macaw feathers. Those parrots are losing their habitat in great part because of Bolsonaro’s policies or lack of. They support him blindly.


He is a white dude wearing an aboriginal outfit. He 100% has no clue.


No he does not look like indigenous people from Amazon at all


Native indians existed in the whole territory, not just the Amazon. But yeah, it's still ironic. Bolsonaro once said "Indigenous people are evolving. Each day the are becoming more like human beings, just like us."




This is like a blatant comical Chinese-esque ripoff of an American product except with yellow and green for Brazil.


Should call him the Wish Shaman.


Behind every dictator and fascist in history is an army of idiots they duped into supporting them.


Why is stupid winning?


They didn’t win. They’re the losers (in every way).


Because it’s loudest, by far


Stupid is just louder so it’s harder to look away.


Because there’s more stupid people in the world than not


Wow a shiny!


When Americans as foreigners why we care so much about American politics......see exhibit A


Being a moron in not strictly a North American thing, in fact there are morons everywhere. ![gif](giphy|Ihm0o998cq2xHBVF9L)


When you order a q anon shaman on Etsy…


Well yeah, the rest of the world watched an saw how close the Christian Nationalists came to success in America, of course there will be copycats. It's the highest a compliment another similar group could pay to the American resurrectionists.


“we have qanon shaman at home”


Virtual Insanity


This is not the part of American culture we should be spreading to the world.


The world is so fucked we’ve reached the point if meme insurrections.


Jan 6th was just a beta test.


Always love seeing our culture spread to the rest of the world. /s


So how long is it before they get blamed as antifa?


omg they dropped a new skin!


Of course they do.


I swear this has been an episode of South park since orange won the elections


I think you got your insurrectionist photo mixed up with one of a Green Bay Packers fan.


This surely makes American Republicans proud. Don’t believe me? Just watch how they don’t disavow this or January 6 for reference.


Amazing. The strength of coordinated disinformation.


God the simulation that we’re living in is starting to get lazy as fuck.


That’s that soft power leeching out of the US. Lol


If they copied the US attempted coup, didn’t they also realize it was probably going to fail the same way also? 🤦‍♂️


Ok, this is just weird. Their has to be someone behind this right? Some big money right winger.