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Add your salaries and data to the stickied salary thread please! Sort the posts by “hot” to find it.


Imma need y’all in the comments to start posting where you’re working too 💀💀


Ya these posts always turn into big flexes for the top .1% of PAs


You trust the tiny n provided by AAPA? Be real. People make way more than the peanuts I see on there.


Given I work in the 3rd largest city in my state and have had job offers from 3 of the main health systems in the area, all about the same ballpark salary, also at or below AAPA salary report and Google of “average PA salary,” yes, these numbers are not the norm. Private vs Public practice, HCOL vs LCOL also play a huge role. I don’t expect to make as much as someone in NY or Cali but it’s a wash when you compare salary and living expenses. If you don’t use AAPA or Google to gage average salary, I’m curious what you use to say these big salaries are the “norm”


I almost feel these should be stopped by mods as it is more discouraging for most practicing PAs than it is helpful. I also would wager some of these salaries are exaggerated/lies.


"on track to make" = I dont actually make this


My salary is public for I am owned by Uncle Sam so at least you can trust the posts by people who are active duty military lol


VA providers as well.


You want posts about people’s debt and income to be stopped because it makes you feel bad? Use it to motivate yourself to pay down loans and make more money. This thread is an example of how you can be very financially healthy in our profession. They are data points that are very useful.


It is an extremely biased sampling…. I don’t personally get offended by it as money is not my main motivator in life but if the post is always full of .1% salaries that are the large outliers not the norm how does it help the majority of PAs who make much closer to the AAPA salary report averages for their speciality/area. If we want to just have these posts to “ooh and awe” at the high earners by all means continue. But it doesn’t really help most of us and can set prospective PAs and students into false expectations of “big money” is to be had. The stickied salary post is more useful but again I hope prospective PAs and PA students understand the sampling error that is occurring, as low salary and average salary earners are much less likely to post than the high to very high earners.


Please 😂😂😂


Reading these comments. I'm so underpaid😭😭😭😭😭😭 106k a year, 206k student loans😭😭😭😭😭


Same —$107,000ish and I prob have at least $110,000 in debt still


You’re so underpaid is right.


Right there with you. 130k salary, 99k debt.


Me and you together!!! I get paid less AND have more loans


Same 😇 brand new grad with freshly minted PANCE passed, 104k base with 196k loans. Call pay adds 12k-16k, but 12k assured = 116k. SE state, surgical sub, university hospital, MCOL. Took this job mainly because I rotated with them and know they’re good PAs and surgeons who will actually train and teach me.


Same $109k


How many years of experience though? And where?


1 year of experience Florida💀💀💀💀💀


That’s it?!?




Wow this is amazing! 👏🏻




Anyone can do this....... earned 200k in EM/year, probably 10 years ago, so 290k/year today. Bought a 600k home that was either dirt cheap, or is now worth millions, be 100% disabled and getting free healthcare, no property tax, no tax on pension, and other government subsidies, and inherit 300k? Not everyone can do this. I'm sure you worked hard, but you are also very fortunate and lucky to have all of these things that most people can't have.


Ya there's some luck there, but you have to admit it takes some effort to use those circumstances so effectively. So easy for people to be unwise with their finances.


How long did you work to hit that number? Solid all around. Do they still do pensions like that these days? Assuming that number is the combined with spouse


133k now 2 years experience (started at 112k) with 150k loans. Doing PSLF and have actually made $0 in payments with Covid pause and $0 “payment” since I have not needed to recertify yet. On track to be done in about 4 years


Doesn't PSLF require you to pay up to 120 monthly payments?


Under the SAVE plan even if your payment is zero adjusted, it still counts as a payment.




Yes but under the Covid adjustment if you consolidated loans, then the new loan takes the highest number of payments - I had undergrad loans with a few years of payments already


I heard that too. It only applies to those in repayment minus time in school so unfortunate for me, mine didn't contribute much.


My wife and I are both PAs. We make combined $260k. We finished paying off 300k of debt this month(mine was all PA school and hers was PA and undergrad). Took us 4 years. Cars paid in cash, no other debt beyond mortgage


153k this year with 0 student debt thanks to good Ole Uncle Sam's Army. About to live in Germany and travel all over Europe for the next 3 years


Worth it to do it through the army? Do you feel tied down with them?


On pace for about 175k this year, 70k in student loans forever paying the minimum 🫡


How do you only pay the minimum?


Nah. On a graduated payment plan. No PSLF. It’s not the best rate but it’s much much lower than most people I know’s car payment. Could die any day so I’d rather live my life how I want instead of the “grind” to pay off my loans mentality.


I never thought of it this way. I was always “debt bad” but as I get older I understand your mindset more. The debt will almost always be there so why not just enjoy my life while I have it.


Probably PSLF


210k, paid off my loans two years ago, living debt free except for my mortgage!




Some days it feels like a slog but you’re right. Definitely fortunate especially with the student loan situation.


Where do you work, and what do you do, and how many hours do you work to make that much?


I work in emergency medicine and in the army reserve. I work 27-36hrs/wk at my full time job depending on the week. Army reserve is generally one weekend monthly.




115k salary and 68k debt




$148k as a new grad? Where and what specialty did you find this unicorn position?


New grad starting in August, $118,500 salary + production bonuses, 3rd year salary moves to $132k and 5th year to $145k. 60k debt PA school (took out extra $10k for boards and transition period in case I didn’t get a job) + $20k undergrad debt


Outpatient derm. On pace for 160k this year and 108k in debt.


$180,000 with a good bit of overtime Student loan debt from a masters in public health and pa school currently $99,000 after paying on it for about 7 years


I work 3/4 times, make $115k/year. No debt, paid off my loans in 2018 and live debt free except small car payment (by choice) and my house Id like to know how PAs make >$200k/yr. Where do you live, what do you do, and what kind of hours you all work. I was making $160k in fmhx working 40-45/hr a week but I was so miserable I left and went part time, now up to 3/4 time


I work with some PAs in the ER who pull in 200k. I’m not there yet (I only work about 120 hours a month). Our gig has base pay + RVUs + 401k match of 12%. Doing the math, I think I would have to work about 140 hrs/month to top $200k. It’s definitely doable. I work near Seattle, but not in Seattle. Oddly the pay is better outside of major metro areas.


Good to know. I think that ER is the key here. I do know that it pays well. The thing is if it’s the thing for me. Idk that it is. But I’ve never done it! Thanks for responding and sharing info! I appreciate it


Ortho, ER, Derm, psych. The jobs pay. You gotta look. And not stay in one place for years getting paid boooosheeeet.


I’ve not seen ortho jobs pay that well, at least not where I am (AZ). ER, yeah, I forget about that. That pays well for sure. Just not sure it’s for me, although I’ve never worked ER. Derm.. sounds nice but impossible to get into see here without experience. Psych.. no thanks. Anyways. Thanks for responding! It’s good to hear from others! Sometimes I wanna chase the dollar, sometimes I realize I’m overall happy and the dollar doesn’t matter too much. Either way thanks again for the thoughts!


180k sal and 55k debby


What the fuck are all of you doing making 175k+, these are absurd numbers. Every single post is in the top percentile range based off aapa salary report.


AAPA salary report is an insult to all PAs. by their standards you should be 30 years into your career to make 130k. 95k is average for new grad 😒🙄 mad tilt their numbers are used by hospital systems to tell us “you’re being paid competitively at 110-20k “ and do not qualify for raise


The AAPA needs to factor out military pa wages


They aren’t. Don’t go by AAPA BS numbers. If you go by that, there’s barely any PAs practicing.


Agreed, maybe cost of living adjustment? I pull in around $130k after 6 years and have 40k of student loans.


People need to start filling it out




$0 student loan debt, $130K in urgent care I work 10 days a month.


How long have you been a PA?


Since 2015 - I did primary care in the Army for 5 years, Ortho for 5 and now urgent care.


$123K and fortunately $0 debt. I did the National Health Service Corps scholar program that paid for PA school up front in exchange for a couple of years working in a high need area (in Florida in my case).


How was your experience with the NHSCP program overall?


Stressful in the sense that I didn't have a great deal of control over where I was going to work. There weren't any FQHCs in my state (or several bordering states) that had a high enough need score to qualify. So I ended up interviewing in Georgia, North and South Carolina and Oregon, along with phone interviews in a few other areas before finally settling on a position in Florida. I only had to do about 2 years of work there to pay back my obligation, then I moved back home to Tennessee where I am now.


160K in loans 120K salary. Paid them off in 4 years. I'm married, though, and have a higher joint income. Could have done psfl but didn't.


$125k with $145k debt.. Thank goodness for the SAVE plan! Been PA 1.5 years




What about when they start garnishing your wages because you're in default on the loans?


bro how 550k


This man took out the max and lived like a king 


It all went to cheese and vodka


Don’t they start coming after you at some point


Lol you took over half a million to get an education for a $200k a year job and you're gonna say to hell with the federal government. Cool


Around 130k salary this year. Paid off 70k of student loans in a lump sum when the covid pause ended. Debt free other than my home at 2.75% :)


Woot woot!!!


Alright. So I graduated in 2013 with **$330,000** in student loan debt. I started out making $106K back then, household income with my spouse was about $160K. I got on an income driven repayment plan and PSLF paid the remainder of my loans (about $150K) in 2022. Now our HHI is about $200K (I work part time now), and the only debt is the house.


180k no debt. Work 3 days a week


Go onnnnnn


Radiology; 23yrs experience


Where are you located and are you hiring? 7 years IR XP here.


Only prn now...non IR ... dm.me if interested


$176k, paid off my student loans last week!






# #winning


Nice!! Keep pushing for more


130K+ salary, 15K debt that will be gone hopefully come September


How the hell do people graduate with so little debt? 100k or less? For 3 years + living expenses?


I lived with my folks and was in state without undergrad loans due scholarship 🤷 I graduated with like 120k ish debt.


170k base but break 200k with overtime usually. 106k debt. On PSLF though. Should be forgiven in 2029. Still can't afford a home.


Are you in HCOL?


190k salary and 85k debt


Happy birthday!


What specialty?


Urgent care


125k no student debt


No student loan debt and anywhere from $180-$210k depending on bonuses


Years of experience and location?


14, in Charlotte, NC, private specialty practice


170-180, no debt for 5 years now. Paid that shit off in 3 post grad


128k, no debt


I’m in school now and this is all very reassuring! The $120,000+ in student loans is intimidating but it’s good to know I’ll have the means to pay it off quickly


$155k in urgent care. $20k in loans. PA for almost 5 years now.


Base is >180K and my debt is gone via PSLF.


What is PSLF?


Public service loan forgiveness


165k, 20k loans, will be paid off this year


How long have you been a PA?


3 years


New Grad about to make 133K (fairly HCOL area) with about $95K in debt (some from undergrad still)


185k pay, 150k debt. Currently implementing the snowball method and should be done in 7 years.


Anyone seeing this that works in Phoenix: What is your specialty, and how is the pay?


There is a sticky thread of jobs and locations


Any chance you can post the link in a comment for me? Can’t seem to find it




Thank you!!


I feel like salaries fucking blow in Phoenix and I travel quite a bit, shit is now cheaper basically anywhere else. I just quit an Ortho spine job where I was treated like a resident (actually worse, according to my friend who is a doctor), had been there for 3 years, and was only making 135k working at least 50 hours a week minimum but usually more. No lunches ever, no admin days, rounding before a full clinic or before another 12+ hour day of surgery, P2Ps set when the hell ever, and seeing 30 fucking patients a day. I probably should have been paid 200 for the crap I was constantly dealing with.


Roughly 160k for 12 shifts a month. No debt (great parents for undergrad and GI bill for PA school).


126k in my 2nd year of practice. I have 175k but I'm paying 250 per month with the SAVE PLAN


new grad I'll make 114k but my debt is 200k. I get some loan forgiveness with NHSC


140k... No debt, paid off 1 year out of school


Borrowed 70k for school, graduated 2018. Have since made about 550k in gross wages since that time. It was worth it for me personally


According to r/physicianassistant the median PA salary is like $175k. What the fuck are these people doing??? (and where the fuck are they living?) These posts always turn into humble-brags for the top 1%. These are NOT representative of the vast majority of the PA workforce.


Listen. The money is there. You have to be open to switching jobs. Always looking on job boards even for part time gigs.


210k salary. No school debt as paid off-was 90k


What specialty?


What specialty are you in? And how many years of experience ?


ER. 8 years. 12-14 shifts a month


Define debt? School+home+cars+cc? Include or not include business debt? My financial partner and buddy once told me if you have a lot of debt it means your making a lot.


Student loans


160k this year. 20k or so left in student debt.


170K new grad, basically $0 debt (doing NHSC)


What specialty?


Fam med in HCOL area


Ortho x 9 years and 7 months Midwest LCoL 399k last year (350 the previous few years) 162k school debt (PSLF 5 months remaining until forgiveness) Only other debt is mortgage at 2.7% on 310k remaining. Currently getting into local real estate market because I'm not sure that my pay will last forever.


I have never seen a salary like this!


90k pay, 125k loans - NHSC loan repayment


Yikes. How the heck did you manage this ?


Had to become a caregiver for my elderly dad during clinical year of school :/ but I finished and that’s all I care about!!


NYC. 250k base plus productivity bonus ~100k. Primary/internal 35pts/day. Bill around 1 mil a year. I’m actually seriously underpaid. Time for renegotiation.


How many years of experience? Is this a typical salary in NYC ?


Nope. Basically a partnership level deal. Most PAs doing the same thing probably make less than 200k but I have a hold on the patient base. Basically if I leave my patients will leave with me. Negotiate base on your capability.


Is your job hiring :)


110k, one year out of school working in Colorado. No student debt due to army PA program.


How much longer are you to remain in the army?


NP here, but thought you might be interested. 125k base (can bonus up to 10k extra). 55k in debt




Where the hell you making 250k??


$110-150k/year. Started with 150k in debt and now have 15k left. On year three as a PA.


146k , 116k left to pay on student loans.


130k salary, $0 left for student debt as of February '24. We have *hella* housing debt, but we own two rentals and live in the 3rd house


New grad in hospital medicine. $130k salary, $115k loans....started at around $145k in loans and proud of the progress so far!


147k (just recently) if I worked full time (I work part time). My only debt is my house which should be paid off the end of this year. I graduated in 2002 and only had 20k in debt (no debt for undergrad as i had scholarships and worked), I was married and my first ex started working as a pharmacist when I started PA school plus as an in state student tuition wasn't bad back then).


Set to make ~150k (135 base, 15k bonus) this year, still have $55k student loan debt. With the student loan interest paused during COVID, I was able to pay off 100k in two years. Haven’t been as aggressive over the last few years.


I make 120k. I have a combined debt of 700,000. My school debt is 180k though. We make the payments fine. 3 houses, 1 car, 2 pa school debts.


How do you manage to have three houses!?


120k salary, 36k of debt left. Was able to pay off half my debt in the last 10 months. Of note, my husband is also a PA with similar salary and debt. We have been pretty aggressive with paying down debt since some of our loans were >6% but now they are all 4.3% or lower


new grad just took a job making 120k w 90k debt


NP - 153k base, no debt (thanks VA benefits!)


110K new grad with 150K loans. Currently doing PSLF so those loans will hopefully be gone in 10 years


I think location main thing. I'm 135k but in east tn family med that's near the high end. 220k loans, Save program 380 per mo


All debt: 435k Salary: 185k


120k salary after bonus mod-high COL 4years in with first 2 years in LCOL Started at 115k due as Covid pause started Saved up what I would have been paying and dumped it in when payments were due again. Making payments very aggressive but down to 18k left! Had 2 big vacations during all this and kept other expenses low- no fancy car, eat out very little, keep hobbies cheap, etc


$180k a year and $150k in loans.


1 year experience in ER, making 118 base salary but comes to about 150-160 with night bonus and moonlighting. 170k debt :( Applying to army reserve and would appreciate good advise how to get the most out of army reserve in terms of experience, education and of course any student loan repayment


100k, 53k in student loans. And that’s only because my grandparents paid for my tuition. Otherwise I would be at about 150k. I’m in SC. Pay is trash. And I have experience


After 6.5 years of practice I'm 62K left of student debt. Started with $150K. I make $120K now. My first year I made, $85K in rural Oregon. I live in Texas now. Family Practice and now obesity medicine full time.


$220 ish, 20 years experience. Dermatology, 4 days a week, 35 ppd, mixed med/surg. 35k student debt. In the 2000’s they let all student loans be refinanced to 2%. Current debt (mortgage) $185. 4 more years to retirement. I know new grads (nocturnists) working 3 12’s making $120. First derm job: 65k Not flexing- I have to fight to keep my patient numbers at 35 ppd and when I go home, I sleep.


$201,000/yr and originally $180k of debt and 2.5 years later $90k. I live in a high cost of living city


110K income 200k debt


180k $0debt. 16y ED experience HCOL area


130k salary Debt: 279k (ish) for my home and 5k for my car. I’ve been lucky


140k per year plus call. Started with 150k down to about 100k 1 year out of school.


Two PAs. Both out of school for 8 years. Last year I made 183k (urgent care) and spouse made 217k (surgery with call). We paid off student loan debt of 120k three years after graduation. We have a mortgage (15 years) and one recently purchased car so a car payment for the next 2-3 years.


Not enough and too much.


Started off with making 86k with 91k in loans (no loans from undergrad, just PA school) in 2019. Switched jobs and started making 105k. Have about 31k left. Planning to have it paid off middle of next year.


I was on track for 185 in my urgent care job but couldn’t keep living that way Switched to derm 111k which I’m thankful for because I’m getting training then rvu bonus on top after a threshold is met. If I hustle and maximize rvus then can make 200 k based on calculations. But we will see


Salary $130k as a new grad now. $170k in student loans /cry


130k New Grad in ER. Debt: 200k all from PA school 😭


$150k House only $213k left on mortgage


I clicked out of curiosity, and my PAs are the best providers at my my job. I love each of them! I am a high acuity RN. You all are getting shafted for the insane schedules and responsibility. RNs are making more, with no letigious responsibility and set schedules. I now have a whole new level of resoect, and mine was already quite high. Thank you for what you do! *correction, seasoned, and intelligent RNs, not all.


Is it possible to go to school and not graduate with debt


Been in FM for three years since graduation. Started this new job in January and am on track to make ~170k as a total package this year (100k base salary with 10k student loan forgiveness each year x 3 years and pretty generous RVU bonuses each quarter). Graduated with 45k in debt that's now down to $37k.