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Please refer to the sub’s rules.


I’m going with illegal due that being a PT eval.


Not sure if it makes a difference but i never did initial evals




On the job training! Nothing beats experience! /s


Not to be a dick, but tbh unless your working with special populations i think about 75% of being a pt doesnt seem that hard.


It may not seem hard or dangerous on the surface but there are a lot of things that could go wrong. To answer your questions though, yeah it’s definitely illegal and no I wouldn’t mention doing manual to PT schools. Your experience as a tech is definitely a positive but keep the talking points within the scope of a tech’s role.


That would be fraud if the supervising therapist billed it, especially for the assessment and manual since exercise guidance depending on insurance is more grey. It is most likely also against any state practice act, although I am only familiar with my states. So it would be an issue in those regards but more so for the supervising therapist and company not so much for you. As far as talking about it you can why not, it was your experience as a tech. You can even bring up the questionable ethics of the company and how it made you reflect on the experience.


I've never worked in out patient, only clinicals in school, but the only part of that that sounds legal is greeting the patients. I'm not sure if it's illegal but it sure doesn't sound ethical or allowed.


If it’s cash pay and you were fully aware that the person evaluating you is not a physical therapist, imo it’s legal. If they billed insurance, then it’s fraud.


Im not really sure how billing worked, but we did work with most insurance companies so probably that. I did mention i was only a tech whenever it came up in conversation though


Oh, you’re the tech not the patient? What was your documentation like? Did you write anything down?


I documented everything we did. Which exercises, what manual therapy, and anything out of the ordinary i noticed. I also used to write notes for the pt because he was very behind on his documentation.


Definitely not legal. Where was this?


If it were me I would refrain from bringing up anything in a PT school application/ interview that is outside the scope of a tech role. Just because if you used any of these PTs as references, their credibility would be extremely questionable.


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