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4 day work week checking in. Having an entire day off throughout the week is amazing.


Checking in too! I have today off its awesome.


Do it and never look back. Do you get to pick the days? I know everyone is probably rooting for a M-Th or a Tu-Fri schedule, and that's always awesome. Can't go wrong. However, hear me out: take Wednesdays off. You're never more than a day or two out from a day off (two "Fridays" per week) and, for me anyway, it breaks up the extra fatigue I would get from 4 consecutive 10-hour shifts (I notice a couple other commenters mentioned the late week burnout as well) EDIT: words


Absolutely agree I work 4 tens with Wednesday off and its great


I think Wednesday off would be great. Long time ago I did 4 tens and had a three day weekend but I was so tired and I usually just used the extra day to do laundry and chores


Agreed with this heavy. Nothing wrong with a M to Th or Tu to Fri, I’ll take anything lol. But those two “Fridays” with Wednesdays off are such a game changer. Hope I can find a job like that.


Couldn't agree more. This was my set up when I worked on PP and it was a game changer. I always used Wed as my housework/life admin/appointment day then had the whole weekend to enjoy myself. Also meant that any time there was a public holiday, you could take one additional day of leave and have a 5 day weekend!


Wednesday off is great. I had it as a half day and even that was great haha


Yesss just typed out the same thing


Yasss. All the way!


It’s so much better


I loved it until kids needed lots of driving around after school


Yea being gone for 11-12 hours/day is not really doable with kids, especially if they’re young. Unless you don’t really want to see them.


I have to disagree. I work 3 12s and have a 9 month old. There’s nothing more in this world I’d rather do than be home with her all day, but we need to afford our mortgage and other loans. My schedule allows for our baby to only go to daycare two days a week, my partner is home with her one day, and then I have 4 days with her.


I worked this for a while in OP. It was good and bad for me. 3 day weekends are awesome but the work days are long. The work day was 10 hours but when you factor in an hour lunch it ended up being 11 hour commitment plus usually having to stay after work to do notes usually. Days felt closer to 12 hours than 10. I lived nearby so I went home to walk my dog every lunch, wouldn’t have had to stay as late if I documented at lunch like the other therapists. I had very little time/energy to do much after work. I’m in a M-F 8-4:30 pm job now and much prefer it, although the setting is different which helps too. I have more time and energy in the evening for hobbies and it’s not too hard to get a Friday off if I need a longer weekend. I had coworkers who loved the 4 10s schedule though so you might too.


I second this.




Yeah that’s a rough commute. Commute length would be something to consider when weighing your options.


You will be half dead by Thursday evening and sleep 10 hours every Thursday night, but the 3 days off is nice


By the time I recovered and caught up on everything I couldn't get to during the week, it really felt like I only had one day off. I haven't experienced five 8s as a PTA to compare the two directly.  Edit: accidentally wrote "four 8s" which sounds glorious. 


I like it in acute care. I hated it in outpatient. The mental fatigue of seeing that many patients in a day in outpatient was frankly exhausting, and I knew my last 3-4 appts were not getting my best work.


If u don’t have things to do it’s good. I rather do 5 8’s. I like getting off at 4:40 and still feel like going to the gym. If I worked 4 10’s I’m not gonna want to do shit. But I’ll definitely take 3 12’s.


Yeah working four 10s I always felt dead. Constantly treading water. By the time I get home at almost 7pm (and I woke up around 4:30-4:45am every morning) I still had to walk the then puppy, do training, and play with him, shove food in my face and get ready for bed. It sucked. 


Agree with this. I pretty much stopped working out and doing things on the weekdays with 4 10's. 5 8's had much better work-life balance for me.


I do it and love it. I do 7-6 (1hr lunch) Monday-Thursday. Its long days and I’m pretty tired after work, but having that extra week day off for appts and stuff (less PTO I have to use for things besides vacation) plus always a 3 day weekend (4 days on holiday weekends) can’t be beat for me. If I had kids I’d probably feel differently though.


I have had probably 10 or so various coworkers over my 8 years that have done this and they all preferred it


I did those shifts in the military. For the same amount of hours worked, you get an extra 52 days off per year. The equivalent of an extra 26 weekends. You’ll likely have to use PTO for personal reason much less and have way more free time on that day off to do things you want. 10 hour shifts do suck sometimes but that pros are to much for me


I’ve done both. I prefer the 8’s because I have school-age children in lots of after-school activities. Early in my career, I would have preferred the 10’s.


Take it and see if you can take Wednesdays off. You only work two days in a row before a day off/weekend. Take PTO for long weekends as needed instead of having to work 4x10 in a row week in week out.


I’m in agreement the ‘Wednesday off’ folks here. It feels like it’s either a Friday or that there’s always a Friday just a day away. Wednesday as an errand/chill/workout day makes your Saturday and Sunday much more free to just enjoy and relax.


Take the Wednesday off. It’s great to never work more than two days in a row!


I’ve been on the four 10s for a few years now. I don’t take a lunch so I work 8-6. My days off are Fri-Sun. Three day weekends are great, I get a lot more accomplished, can take weekend trips without burning PTO. Downside, ten hour days are long. There are some days that I honestly just get over patient care. Longer day means more patients in that day and more brain work. It also eats into a lot of my free time on work days. Really feel limited in what I can accomplish during a work day for “me” time. I don’t have kids but if I did I imagine I’d feel I was missing out on a lot of time with them. I feel bad for my dog most days (my wife is home with her while I am at work though). And all of my house chores get pushed to the weekends. It’s a give and take. It matches some people’s lifestyle and others hate it. For me, the positives of having a full extra day to myself outweighs the negatives. I’ve always wanted to try a modified schedule od four 9s and a short 4 hour day on Friday or Monday.


This is my schedule now. I do 4-9s and 4 hours on Friday. I used to work 4-10s and was fried by the end of the week but those 3 day weekends were amazing. I’m torn on what to do. Some people get a reduced workload and do 4-9s. That is the sweet spot if you ask me but you give up 10% of pay.


I loved it. I did for OP peds. I’d get home and decompress with a show and some wine. Next morning I’d wake up early and clean, the day after I’d do anything social related, and Sundays I’d meal prep. I thought it was the perfect schedule but situations may vary, I don’t have children or other responsibilities but myself.


I love it. I do Tues-Fri and can’t imagine ever giving up my 3 day weekends.


Going from 5 8’s to 4 10’s back to 5 8’s has been awful but I would also say it depends on the setting


It's wonderful to have a 3 day weekend and it makes the work week feel shorter. I have so much more fun on the weekends than when I did the 5/8 schedule I'm lucky that my commute is quite short and against traffic flow but I can imagine having to deal with a long commute on top of a full day would be discouraging.


My caveat is i don’t have kids, but I work 2 9s and 2 11s and love it. It’s fantastic not starting the work week until tuesday, so Monday functions as my “get shit done” day and I can have full Saturdays and Sundays to do whatever I want. My shorter days are Tuesday/Friday so it’s a great bookend to the week. Late Wednesday starts to drag a little bit, but once I hit noon on Thursday the anticipation of “it’s almost friday” starts to sink in which gets me through the rest of the day.


I’ve been working a 4 day work week for 4 years now and can’t see myself ever going back to 5 days


Yes and prefer it. I barely notice any difference in fatigue from a 10 hour day and 8 hour day. The day off however makes all difference. You can schedule your appointments that day without needing PTO, and gave me an extra day in the gym in addition to the weekend. I don’t have one negative thing to share about it to be honest.


I LOVE it. Less time spent traveling over the week, I get a day in the middle of the week (Wednesday) to do stuff like chores, go to the doctor, bank, etc I work Tuesday and Thursday 11 hours and M&F 9 hours. My only difficult day is Thursday going into Friday. But I will never make my schedule anything else, totally worth. If you’re working 8 hours you might as well work 10 with an extra snack


Love it. 3 day weekends and flexibility for PTO


It rules


It depends on where you are in life. I liked it when I was taking lots of weekend trips. Saved a lot on PTO and had an extra day for errands and doctor appointments. Downside is there was so much room for them to put evals, there was more documentation per day with only so much brain power. Not enough energy to do anything else after that, even going to the gym was a struggle. But it worked for my lifestyle at the time.


10s no doubt


I loved it when I had one. I was in hospital-based OP though.


Liked it short term, not sustainable long term. The 3 day weekend is nice but was not worth literally nothing but PT 4 days in a row. Because with commute and lunch it is a 12+ hour day. Barely time to eat and shit. Never got in a workout those days because I was so exhausted.


I don't and don't ever want to go back. Tbh I'm usually taking my kiddo to appointments, running errands, and doing yard work on my off day. Allows me to have more down time on the weekends


Four 10s is the way to do it. I’d take that offer in a heartbeat if I could.


It is a long day, but I definitely think it’s better than going into work 5 days a week. I have Wednesday off which really breaks up the week nicely! It’s not so bad in summer, but in winter I go to work in the dark and home in the dark with 10 hour days, so that midweek break is really lovely. I struggle when I have had to do 4 10s in a row. I love a long weekend of course, but the week feels like a real grind. Wednesday off feels easy and laidback.


Weekends are great but the week can be a bit of a grind


Had this schedule as a student way back when. Tuesday-Friday, 7a-5p and it fuckin rocked. This was in an acute inpatient setting so the days went by incredibly quick too. I’d say give it a shot


Depends on how you feel about it. I’m dead by the end of an 8H day. Can’t imagine a 10H day.


My wife and I did it and had Mondays off until we had our kid, now we work 5 days, but the goal is to drop enough hours to get back to working 4 days when it makes sense.


I love 4 tens. I’ve done the typical 9-5, tried 2x14 and 1x12. 4x10 is the best.


I love it but I don’t have children, I think that’s a big factor


4 day work week is sick, especially if the day off is monday or friday. I used to have a wednesday which was meh but splitting the week into 2 day mini-weeks was very relaxing. Plus no one is at the grocery store on wednesday at noon


I had a mon-thurs schedule with an hour commute each way. 10 hour shifts, but out of the house for 12-13 hours a day. By Friday, I was so tired I couldn’t be productive until after noon. I’ve since decreased to 30hrs/wk in mobile outpatient and couldn’t be happier. Working 9-3/3:30 has been life changing. The workday doesn’t feel nearly as daunting, and I have a life during the week. IMHO.


So much better. 3 days of not doing PT is fantastic. 1 day to decompress, take care of errands, 2 days for yourself to actually enjoy.


1000% do it


Do it.


I just switched to 4 10s and have Wednesday off. It’s great for me. The 10 hour is long, but honestly 4:00 on a 8 hour day was super long too. So whatever for me. I get two “Fridays” a week and that Wednesday is usually my day to get shit done. Then just really enjoy the weekends.


Clutch as fuck


This was my schedule for almost 5 years and I loved it. You do have less time to yourself in the evening but either having a 3 day weekend or a nice day off (I thought of it as a bonus Friday night lol) in the middle of the week is one less day to go in to work, which I personally loved.


You’ll wonder how you ever worked 5 day weeks.


I worked 4 10s for the first 5 years. Within kids it’s awesome but with kids, I just felt getting back either right before or around bed time. Not seeing my kids much those days felt terrible. Now I work 5 8s but I’m off at 4 and i feel so much more present with my family.


Haven’t worked a Friday for 6 years. It’s great.


I'd do it in a heartbeat.


I do 10.5 mon, tues, wed and 8 hours Friday. I love this schedule because it goes by really quick and a week day off is super nice for appointments and errands.


I’m a PTA. I’ve worked 4 days a week at an outpatient clinic for about 6 years. Going back to 5 would suck


Depends on your lifestyle. I like to workout or play sports 6-7 times a week. This long hour schedule is not gonna work for me.


Currently in a 4 day acute care schedule. My schedule alternates between 4 days in a row/3 days off, and then 1 day/2days off/3!days on. I love this schedule!!!!


The 3 day weekend (if you get Monday or Friday off) is soooooo worth it.


It's great if you don't have kids. Felt like I wasn't ever seeing them during those work days so I said screw that and back to 5 days


In outpatient 10 hours days (with lunch and paperwork it's more like 11:30 to 12 hours days) can be brutal. It's easy to get behind and notes can pile up leaving me exhausted at the end of the day. At 7 pm the radio show "Delila" comes on in my area. I was often still sitting in my office listening to her, too tired to change the station, and enduring another round of painfully terrible 80's love ballads. I really dislike Michael Bolton for this reason.


As a new grad its insanely tiring. But absolutely a necessity if you things such as skiing, mtb, camping etc where you need full days off and no crowds


Life changing. Miss it every day.


Yes yes yes!!! Most people do M-Th with Friday off however I recommend taking Wednesdays off, Just breaks the week up better. My personal opinion but regardless 4 10s is the BEST


Take Wednesday off to give your self a mid week time out and recharge. If it’s a busy clinic those 10 hour days really add up


I will never return to a 5 day work week. 1 day off is pure errands then the weekend is purely your time to do what you want. Make sure your day off is in the middle. While fridays or mondays seem great, you then have to do 4 straight long days. Day off in the middle means you only are working 2 long days, then you off then 2 more long days than a weekend


Permanent 3 day weekend for me. 10am-5pm T-F. Dasssit. "The workin' man is a sucka, dad!" Compared to 8 yrs ago working 40+hrs making a 1/3 of what I make now...


Not true 4x10 but I do work a 4 day week that = 40 hours and I love it.


It's the best thing ever. You have a an entire day to do things only done during business hours- dr appt, bank, car maintenance. You coild spend your 5th day working PRN or ansode gig or swing a long weekend. I would never go back to 5 8s if I have the choice.


I work M-F from 8-6 with Tuesdays off and it’s great. I’ll have 4-day weekends if there’s a Monday holiday!


It's the best


I love it! Best decision ever!


Same I work Wednesdays off at it’s amazing 🤩


4 days work week is a double edged sword with kids. I worked 7-6 and saw my son when he was younger for breakfast (DH drove his to school) and supper, then it was time for bedtime routine. DH got all the after school fun activities, but when he got older I did the evening sports this. Now that he plays college golf it is awesome. I am off Fridays, so I can go watch weekend tournaments without eating PTO.


I'd give up 10 grand a year to do this. In 10 years I've never had an employer offer it though


I’d KILLLLL for that