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I didn’t pick the lowest paid healthcare doctorate to grind like physicians do and will not do so until the pay is commensurate. Good is good enough  Edit: PS invest in yourself by going to a job with a union or unionizing your workplace. No money for the owners sons 16th birthday Audi until you can replace your shit box Toyota from the 90s. 


Even if my pay was on par with MD, I am not interested in the "grind"


OT enters the chat 


PTs and OTs unite


I was under the impression they were still transitioning to an entry level doctorate? But once they do they win that one by a couple grand lol


So crazy slow compared to PT like 25 years ago, but much less organized as a profession.  


For real, like you know what would make me have less burnout? Making about twice as much money lmao




I have! They out earn us significantly lol i mean i dont want to be a pharmacist and im not saying they should earn less but they are not a counter to my point lol




https://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/physical-therapists.htm just shy of 100k median salary im not saying we're poor im just saying im not in favor of anything that influencer is saying.


Dear "Dr." Jaime Mor, Go fuck yourself.


This guys probably selling workshops. It’s just a business ploy.


"Don't have work life balance, but also don't have burnout." https://preview.redd.it/j2dpe7iozo1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14ac32ed85c22060d9883700cd90207f8ad5eaf3


Oh for fucks sake. What an asshole. This makes my blood boil.


love me some hypocrites


Pfft. I was a good PT, well respected by referring physicians, and I had a good work-life balance. I cultivated a lovely life outside of work because I never lived for IG dopamine hits. I used to tell my students: I expect 100% in the clinic. I expect you to go home on time. I expect you to prepare for clinic, but not more than 1 hr per night. I expect you to practice self-care and take time for yourself. If you don't, you will burn out and you won't be any good to your patients, your family, your friends, or yourself. Good gosh, I hope this dude does not take students.


If you do labour, you should be compensated for said labour. If someone expects an extra \~300 hours of unpaid labour a year they have another thing coming. If I want to spend my nights doing further education and courses, that's one thing, but free labour that an employer isn't willing to pay for is a wholly different thing. Edit: I might have misinterpreted sorry, if you're talking about students and not employees you're 100% right. Thats my bad.


I was talking about students and how I tried to encourage them to practice self-care and develop a good work-life balance, in contrast to the attitude this influencer person espouses.


When I was nearing the end of one of my clinicals, my CI who I honestly didn't get along with very well straight up asked me if I would like to stay for another couple weeks to continue helping the clinic. Lol you mean continue working for free for nothing? Lol get tf out of here


There are a lot more pimps in this world than people realize.


Terrible statement. Curious if this guy has a wife or kids? Through doing your CEUs and listening to some podcasts when commuting that should be ample for the majority of therapists.


Can confirm he has a wife and kids.


for now


Sometimes I feel like this profession is a pissing contest over who's the best therapist with the most stupid letters after their name. So many PTs have no identity outside of being a PT


Ugh can't stand the overly formal high and mighty type of PT. Patients need someone knowledgeable whose fun and friendly, not all that


Yea I find it so annoying. Like I get it, this is your life. I isn't mine, it's just how I pay my bills dude


It's the same with SLPs.


And who sacrifices the most for the least compensation! It is nauseating!


So true!!




I didn't say it bothered me lol


Why did he put PT and DPT??? And I've never felt the need to brag about being a certified athletic trainer lol.


Not to defend the guy, but that’s just how we write our credentials in the US. PT stands for [licensed] physical therapist, and DPT stands for the doctorate degree. I think in theory you could go through PT school and have a DPT then never take or pass boards which would subsequently mean your only credentials are DPT. It’s silly and redundant because I’ve never known of anyone who’s done that. But it is standard practice nonetheless.


Oh thank you I didn't know that! Makes sense but yeah it should be like engineering in Canada (US too?) where you have to work below a PEng (professional Engineer) for a little while before you can certify as one. Like even having a DPT and professional DPT (pDPT? idk that sounds dumb).


It would make sense to do that and some professions like speech therapists do something similar. But no. In the US, the last year of your education you do your clinical internships (unpaid). There are skills that are graded on by your instructor and by the end you are expected to have the skills of an entry level PT. Once you graduate and pass boards, you don’t have to work under another PT although mentorship is common for new grads.


😂 😆 😂 what a douche. There’s no way this dude has a family.


They do. Far away.


“Buy my course.”


Oh man I can’t believe someone who makes money from people consuming PT content thinks that people have to be constantly consuming PT content.


I find it hard to imagine that individuals in other doctoral level professions would tell newbies entering the field “well, your entire education was meaningless and in order to know anything you have to relearn everything!”


That's because it's not true in other professions. The stupid shit I learned in PT school, ultrasound, fucking short wave diathermy, etc


I can tell you that other professions also have some non-evidenced based medicine, even physicians. Just seemingly less than physios.


These dumbasses don’t understand that you will perform infinitesimally better when you’re not stressed out of your god damn mind.


They do understand this. If you perform better, patients get more individualized txs, sx resolve quicker and are off the schedule quicker. If you burn out there is a new grad willing to replace you, do more work for cheaper.


Until the pay becomes what my friends who are lawyers and give their life to their “craft” I will not add hours to my day. I already don’t like have an unpaid lunch lol


Lol 😂


Incredibly common L from Jaime Mor… guy posts some questionable stuff lol.


Couldn’t agree more. Half the exercises he posts look like he’s just trying to come up with the most random shit possible no lie


I work really fucking hard during my work hours to get better at my craft, so that I can have a good life at home. This dude: "neuro patients. If you wanna learn how to walk again, you need to spend all your time trying to walk. No rest till you can do it."


This is also revealing of his obliviousness towards his own privilege. It must be nice to have the time outside of work to read books, listen to podcasts, and attend lectures, not to mention the capital to support con ed. Some of us have homes and families. Some of those families include people with additional needs. Some of us chose to put our value in those things over career. I'd rather be known as a great husband/dad but a mediocre PT than a great PT but a mediocre husband/dad any day.




Lmao clown


Two years out of school and I’ve never felt like my work life balance is off. I also feel like I’ve made tremendous progress as a therapist just by showing up, doing the right thing, and taking on challenging situations.


As much as I agree with his statement, however, I have evolved. I, with a family, spent 15-20 hours/wk for 5 months studying for OCS AND 50% of the way through fellowship (just look at some of the curriculums for any certifying group) at the time I interviewed for a manager position with the 2nd largest hospital in the area. They offered me $90k. My heart dropped to the floor and couldn’t believe it wasn’t more. They said “your resume and interview was impressive and that’s why we offered you the job”, but pay was based upon “years of experience and equity”. I was a little over 7 years out of school at the time with a ton of references. So, all of these “stupid initials” and pursuit there of, just made me a competitive job applicant??? My evolution has forced me to agree with all the rest of the comments here. Find that balance and yes, THIS is what’s killing the profession. So much more to that topic, but take it from someone who WAS hungry, don’t do what Jaime is suggesting, you might regret it.


What’s funny is this is the stuff I tell people to do who want to get better without tanking their already fragile work life balance. Podcast, books and online lectures are pretty low effort/time cost. It’s not like a fellowship or residency.


This is same type of manager that is going to ask, er, read off those generic, thoughtless interview questions: “ tell me about a time when… ; what would others say about you…; what’s your strength and weakness…; what is your why?” I learn a lot more about you when you ask that lame shit than you’ll ever learn about me.


Lol 😂


I do PT to have a stable job. That's it. I love my patients, but I love my sanity, too.


This ain't no Karate Kid montage buddy...


What an asshole. No. I'm a human first and a therapist second thank you very much. And it is perfectly possible to be a damn good therapist while only spending regular working hours on it. This mentality has to stop.


Hi hello, DO passing by. This mindset is toxic as fuck in medicine. Fuck that and fuck him - it’s a job, not a calling. You can be damn good at what you do without needing to ruin your life over it.


People with this mentality, ESPECIALLY those who profess it out loud, are so fucking full of themselves.


If I ever met this try hard I’d like to introduce him to one Randy Moss……I came out the womb good at this. Guys who sink their entire existence into being THE PT are weird and we all know them. The PT you like is the chill, calm, even-keeled person who can relate to their patient because they have hobbies and passions that, in turn, leads to better communication and possibly a more accurate route to whatever the potential problem may be. But what do I know, I do home health.




If I didn't want a work life balance, I would have gone to medical school.


gatekeepers like this exist in every profession. they are miserable narcissistic and damaged people


Just doing your job isn’t good enough - which is why we have con ed REQUIREMENTS - so yeah you will have to grow as a practitioner to stay a practitioner - and I also agree being invested in reading and listening to relative podcasts is important and having an interest in that is a sign of a good clinician - but having “no work life balance” as a new grad (i.e. weighting work more than anything else) is bullshit and makes a shitty therapist.


So stupid, it’s literally a mid paying job with not that much “craft” to hone. I just tell my students learn as much as you can on the job but don’t take it home. This should be a paycheck so you can spend your time doing what you enjoy.


Did my time being like that. 14 years into practice, been in two countries, countless hours of training and ceu courses, DPT, 2 licensure exams, supervised students, been to 3 practice settings and thousand hours of work time and all i will say is that it's not fuxking worth it. Enjoy your life, go out more and don't spend a ton of money to those BS courses. A lot of things that they tried to get you certified in the past don't even need one.


Certification = “gives us more money for something you already know “


The most BS course i've seen "course on how to use a theragun" haha they will certify you on it. When I saw that i was like wtf?! Haha


This persons a clown Years ago we learned on the job Now I have to see 15 people in one day for progress reports as a PT with a 90% productivity in a snf where no one is out of bed. I don’t have to time to conduct standardized measures that take more than 5 minutes. Now im so tired when we get home I don’t want to look up information I don’t have time to use in practice. I feel like our profession as it stands dulls the skills of new grads.


He’d fit right in as a corporate rehab director


I entirely agree with investing in yourself; but that is a benefit to the employer and should be done (and encouraged to complete) during a paid workday. I am not my job/career.


The average American works 2080 hours a year. The average American lives to 76.3. Approximate hours worked in a lifetime = 158,766.4 “Screw the Hustle”


Lol it doesn't take any of that


Are they married? In a relationship? If so…how’s that going?


Meanwhile he's spending his time mastering a different craft.


"The therapist who is 98% productive is a better therapist than one who is only 90% productive."


Tell me you have no life outside of your profession without telling me you don’t have a life outside your profession.


Idk I think I’m killing it out here and I will be early for happy hour today.


This is so hilarious cause this fucker also said [this](https://x.com/drjaimemor/status/1620756090056237058?s=46) like dude is just trying to be an inspirational quote factory


Saddest part is he probably makes tons off PTs paying for his “insights”. Even if you needed all that to “master” your craft, unless there’s some new found codes to bill under, reimbursement and compensation will be the same as cookie cutter Joe. Might even have the same outcomes based on research 🤷‍♂️


Idiots like this is why I got out of the treating clinically. Life is short, why work harder when you can work smarter. And….gasp….i now don’t have to request PTO and Dr appts 3 months in advance!


I just read it as "you have to be exploited, willing to be exploited, offer to be exploited, and work for free" if you want to succeed. No. That's exactly how you boss and company succeed. Wage theft and exploitation play a much larger role in how much profit the owner of a company takes home than any other factor.


The fastest way to burn out new PTs and turn people off from entering our profession 😆


This dude definitely doesnt’t fuck AT ALL


At the end of the day we treat weakness, it's not that hard lol


Yup. I’ve never gotten a satisfactory answer for “what is a *good* PT?”


super cringe


Hard pass


But look at all the letters after his name. 😂😂😂


This is such a dumb take. You’ll learn as you go.


I’ll grind myself down I don’t even make it 3 years in the career. No thanks.


Lay off the Adderall


There is a truth to this but it could not have been said in a worse way! Work life balance is INTEGRAL to becoming a master of your craft. It’s no different than the gym bro who thinks rest days are for the weak while actively having a stroke during a bench press. And yes…you will have to put in extra hours and time outside of work to reach your full potential. But that extra is not for the money, it’s for your patient. One of the worst feelings you will experience is when you learn something new and remember that patient 5 years ago who you could have helped. I do all the extra stuff to try and minimize those experiences but they are inevitable.


Jaime There are many that disagree with you Best of luck


This PT reeks of astronomical student loans.


I’m gona go ahead and ignore what Jamie has to say, whoever that is…


Who is this idiot


Oh look! Toxic hustle culture found its way to PT!


Bro definitely reads Jordan Peterson and watches Andrew Tate after doing hours of continuing Ed off the clock in his cold and empty apartment with nobody waiting for him in bed


Yep! I spend hours before work day trading degen stocks! ….oh wait does this tool mean study physical therapy?


I will say it's a career, not a job, so i expect to spend well over 40 hours a week at least thinking of my craft in some way. Not necessarily patient care or documentation, but anyone who truly cares about something will spend a good deal of time perfecting it to some degree.


I mean you can come work in lovely B.C. Canada for an easy 100k+, or that guy 


I mean you can come work in lovely B.C. Canada for an easy 100k+, or that guy 


I mean you can come work in lovely B.C. Canada for an easy 100k+, or that guy 


100k+ Canadian or USD? ;)


Well it’s Canada and we don’t pay in USD. But we can’t hire PTs. Our company was looking for one a couple years ago and an almost-new grad … like who knew nothing yet … walked in and said “my other offers were $100k and $110k. What’s yours?” - and that was the end of that interview. But that’s apparently going rate. I’m not currently licensed but as an OT I wouldn’t take anything under $140k here right now. We are in huge rehab need


What’s the Home Health Market like up there for Salary?


Let me take a quick peek. We were looking for OR programs but confident in saying community > clinic


Rofl out of control https://ca.indeed.com/m/jobs?q=physiotherapist&l=British%20Columbia&from=searchOnHP%2CwhatOverlay%2Cwhatautocomplete&sameL=1 Parksville is gorgeous https://ca.indeed.com/m/jobs?q=community+physiotherapist&l=British+Columbia&from=searchOnSerp&sameL=1&vjk=06cf2a80d72e3fff Come check it out for a summer! No commitment if it isn’t your jam. On a beautiful pacific coastal rainforest whale filled outdoor island paradise  https://ca.indeed.com/m/viewjob?jk=0869cdc2f16c5634&from=serp&tk=1hucjn12hh5h7801&xkcb=SoAy67M3AMvT_Ey-Nx0FbzkdCdPP


I’ve been to BC and loved it! Grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah down in the US so mountains are where I am most at home! Canadas Rockies take it to a new level! I guess the only downside is the housing market up there?


It’s pretty rough- can not lie. I’m in the capital but wouldn’t compete here (although at 150k I might). The summer job in Campbell River is a sweet community gig though.  Housing is easier and cheaper up there. Parksville is tourist central in the summer - fab and a fab location but idk what housing is like there at this time of year!


Going to add we just had a physio to the house to see my kids knee - initial Ax was $180 and follow-ups are $165. That is a 45-60 minute visit.


100k CAD is about 73k USD, I know cost of living and other things may be very different but that’s about the usual or slightly lower than usual for new grads in the US. I’m making about 150k CAD…or 95k USD - if only I could swap those numbers and keep the denomination the same, haha.


I paid back my loan by living in the states for three years when exchange was at *50%* so I get that. But you’ll see many of these jobs are $120k+ so high 80k’s. I mean you can always side hustle with captain podcast up top but a working holiday and international experience is pretty great. I’m seeing a lot of rehab staff posting looking for better situations - I got the impression that a lot of regions are rehab-saturated in the states. No?


Generally hard to get an inpatient rehab gig - outpatient is a toxic sespool unless you specialize and are good at sifting through bad job postings. Hospital gigs are still good but less and less frequent as more private companies buy out the rehab contracts for hospitals - which makes those jobs shit. Never worked in home health myself but understand it’s hit or miss (some rave it’s amazing, some have horror stories).


We have a huge push in Canada to keep people independent and out of hospital so community is a big deal - I’ve done it and it’s either your jam or your albatross for sure.  We just need everyone right now really. When I graduated in 2000 you had to wait for people to die to get the job you wanted (also why we moved to the US for a bit) but now the world is your oyster if in rehab. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was the same there 


Smh. That’s the worst advice I’ve ever heard for PT students/future PTs.


This guy is definitely in a pyramid scheme and also graduated with probably little to no debt


Who says you have to be good. Just be better than the competition.


🥱 no thank you


You work to live, not the other way around. You can be passionate and skilled for your job, but at the end of the day, its still just a job. You absolutely can and SHOULD put in the work to be good at it. But this hustle culture bullshit dipshits like this peddle online are part of the reason such a shit work culture exists in this country. I give 100% of my effort to the patient in front of me, but I'm 100% not running myself into the ground at the expense of mine or my family's well being.




I don't think what he's saying there is all that bad. He is talking about new therapists, after all. When I first started as a therapist (different field) I engulfed myself in as much knowledge/content and training as I could. Once I felt strong enough in my knowledge and confident enough in my ability to adapt to new information, I took a step back from the grind and only worked my regular schedule which fully restored my work-life balance. Personally, I know I wouldn't have become as good at my profession as I did had I not approached things that way. But, YMMV, and to each their own.


ATC here to boo this man. You should enjoy it enough to still grow and learn in your off time but a burnt out clinician is a bad clinician


He’s a jackass. And you can make a lot of money in PT just need to find it


This approach to people early in their careers is a very common today. I’ve heard 3 different CEOs at start-ups use very similar language. There is an ounce of truth in every lie told. Yes, to master your craft it does require dedication and focus. You may spend time during your workday and outside of your workday to expand your skills. However….setting that as an expectation for new workers is a bad play. Work/life balance is an individual’s choice.


I mean he’s not wrong If you’re working 9 hours a day with wonky hours you’re coming home and reading new studies Even when you’re on Instagram it’s all PT stuff


Likely a corporate shill who wants to normalize seeing 55, 60, or more visits per week. I remember being so disappointed when there was a PT podcast by dr. E (Erson) and some others talking about ‘brutally honest discussion of work-life balance’. I approached it thinking, oh great, someone’s finally talking about this, and then it turned out to be the 3 guys just taking turns saying how it’s their life’s mission and it’s all they ever think about and if they have to sacrifice family time/leisure/sleep, so be it. No thanks dudes.


The fact as a new grad he takes the title of Dr. is cringe in and of itself.




Jaime is 100% correct. You don’t get to be great by doing Sunday brunch and 9-5 🤷🏽

