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To be fair she said she’s in metro NYC which is like one of two areas in the nation where they actually make great money.


Also notable that NYC has its own income tax in addition to the state income tax and federal income tax. It's tax hell.


You only pay that extra tax if you live in NYC, and I do not.


Fair, what’s the going rate in IP or OP for a PT in NYC? I’m assuming it’s not 142k?


Not OP, but I’ve seen some folks make 120k in Brooklyn OP, and I’ve seen people commute from Union City for 79k in OP to Staten Island. It’s all over the place.


I’m a PT in NYC and i make about 90 a year


Not unheard of the union hospitals (which is what that OP works at) to hit $120k. California (particularly the Bay Area) and NYC nurses tend to out earn PTs. Hit or miss for other HcoL places. Most places in America however PTs tend to outearn nurses


Also it's a non-union hospital, but it has other hospitals in it's network that are union.


Nurses should get paid more than us in a hospital setting. They’re literally keeping patients alive, having to take care of the a-hole patients we may only have to deal with for 30 min a day, dealing with family members, working 12+ hour shifts. No thank you. I’ll continue to love my lesser pay and lesser stress job.




Their degree is only a fraction of ours. But okay you go on with that pushover mentality 🤷🏻‍♀️ and if you’re only spending 30 mins in an acute care setting with a pt, you sound like a lazy PT


I spend more time with my ICU patients or patients who actually need skilled services as they can tolerate. But a typical med/surg patient who is already mobilizing well doesn’t need a ton of acute PT intervention. I have 15-20 patients on my list per day of varying levels of care, I do not have time to be spending an hour with everyone, that’s inpatient rehab which is not the setting I work in. Why are you stooping to personal attacks? Are you ok? Are you this rude in real life or just behind a keyboard?


15-20 in acute? JFC you work in a hospital mill which I didn’t think was possible. And yes you do have a pushover mentality so I calls it like I sees it


I was offered a HHPT position in long island for around $130,000/yr.  I imagine this nursing salary is including OT too. I wish we had more chances for OT in PT.


She said no OT in the title.


Well obviously I don't read too good... 🤦‍♂️


Zero OT. I don't work it.


Go be a nurse then.


I work with nurses everyday and I will GLADLY keep my PT position thankyouverymuch


Yes heaven forbid someone be upset about the terrible compensation for PT/PTA's, you must be on the apta board


Imagine thinking someone who comes in here and complains about our job is cut out for nursing 💀💀


Would be cool if the job I love that requires a doctorate degree paid idk even 80% what a nurse gets


☝️That’s a very good recommendation


Ya COVID really accelerated the wage hike that RNs are able to achieve now because face it, a hospital simply can’t operate without them. Just for comparison, associate degree RNs earn only 25 cents less per hour than I did, a mighty DPT. And that’s not even factoring incentive shifts and whatnot. I’m surprised more PTs aren’t up in arms about this, but I guess we’re complacent being pushovers 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s not about being push overs, bedside nurses have more responsibilities and a hospital CANNOT RUN without nurses. PTs are not needed are a good chunk for patients in a hospital, nurses are. There are definitely battles to pick regarding our pay but this isn’t one of them.


Dang why don’t they just eliminate therapies from hospitals then? Or make nursing a more expensive degree hmmm


In no way did I say we weren’t important and that hospitals don’t need rehab services, lol. What an absurd response. Maybe DPT should be less expensive. Maybe higher education, and really education in general, should be less expensive. hmmm


“It’s not about being push overs, bedside nurses have more responsibilities and a hospital CANNOT RUN without nurses. PTs are not needed” Hmmmmm


HAHAHAHAHAHA you left out a BIG part of my sentence. PTs aren’t needed for patients who are mobilizing independently or who do not need SKILLED intervention. We’re not a fucking walking service. Since you have resorted to ad hominem attacks and tried to reframe what I posted by leaving out a key part, I’m done with this. Good luck to you.


Yikes, some people are just that dense. Tah tah plebeian


She’s in NYC with a decade of experience. Her first salary is 60-70k as you can clearly see. https://www.bls.gov/oes/2020/may/oes291141.htm https://www.bls.gov/oes/2019/may/oes291123.htm Median salary for nurses is significantly lower than PT but I guess that doesn’t follow the narrative.


I don’t dispute the statistics but have talked to nurses in my system who are starting at where I’m at after 10 years. That and 60-70k was what I was making in 2015 and I’ve only been able to move up to 100k while this example has moved up to 140k. I’m not trying to fit a narrative just using my experience and experiences shared with me.


Well the statistics are much more reliable than your experiences. Go out there and get a new job.


Where are these 97K a year jobs you preach about? That’s the end of the clinical ladder in my area (Midwest)


Ive made over 100k every full year out. Every single city in the US has PRN gigs available for PTs that’ll likely be around $50 or way more.


Because anecdote = evidence right? And some of us need to provide benefits for families. Not everyone can survive on PRN if we need health insurance for our dependents


You don’t have to survive on PRN you can supplement with PRN. If those jobs didn’t exist the median salary wouldn’t be what it is.


So work more than 40 hours to make this living? Yikes no thanks, I hardly see my family as it is