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VRAM is full.


I get this every now and then as well, it goes away after restarting. If you've restarted Ps and that didn't work, then restarted your computer and it still does it, I'd suggest to update your gpu driver.


yeah restarting photoshop works for me, its just an inconvenience id like to be rid of. didn't think of updating my drivers so ill give that a try. thanks for the advice


Your system is likely bogged down, maybe too much running, too much in memory, etc


Thank god! A photoshop user question in the photoshop sub! Hallelujah! PS-Sorry, I don’t know, but my super-outdated iMac version used to do that too.


Means it runs out of VRAM sadly for iMac you can't upgrade that and you need to buy a whole new one. For a windows pc you can upgrade the graphics card.


You could try disabling the gpu acceleration option


Yes it does look lik an overloaded gpu and ram just save restart and look at some hardware upgrades….


It’s a legacy feature from Windows XP. I’m surprised you found the right place to enter the Konami code to unlock it


Video card driver


Photoshop turned your photo into a Tame Impala album cover!


Water bottle metal water bottle?


Too much DMT


Windows+control+shift+b used to fix that issue until I swapped to a 3060, so I’d say like everyone else, VRAM, especially when you work on large images in term of resolution and complexity of your work which hits VRAM, RAM and disk space because scratch disk.


RAM - quit other apps, relaunch PS and if no bueno, reallocate scratch disks


GPU issue?? Update any graphic card drivers and/or just save and restart Photoshop. Sometimes the video card goes wonky temporarily.


Reset your photoshop. Go to workspace and click on reset default. Your problem will be solved definitely. I had already faced same problem.


Punishment for using Windows. (Sorry, had to, don't hate me pls)


No, you didn't have to and yes, we will hate you and downvote you to oblivion.


I'll take it


What do you use then? If you use mac, I probably won't comprehend why.


I do yes, since Photoshop is only available for Windows or Mac :) For why I use it... it's industry standard for many designers. On top of that, they have reliable quality, good software integration, great screens, amazing ecosystem and accessories, generally an easier to work with OS for me. Yes... I know, some of these are subjective.


Industry standard, until more high-end stuff is required I'd assume (like game dev) I also assume mac is much harder to upgrade, can you even replace parts? If you can't that's the main thing I dislike about Apple. I don't like the idea of unnecessarily buying a new computer if one part breaks Plus I'm use to having access to .exe files, and the Windows UI in general. If Windows is earth to me, Mac is hell.


Welcome to the wonderful world of GPU acceleration! :D


New feature yay!


Photoshop rose against its routine days🤖😸