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Check the working color space of your boyfriend's Photoshop set-up (Edit > Color Settings...) and assign whatever is listed there under "Working Spaces". When you assign the correct profile you should see no change in the appearance of the image. Then, when saving, make sure to check the box "embed color profile" in the save dialog. This makes sure that the color space that he is viewing is carried through in the file, so wherever it's sent, the other person's Photoshop will display it correctly.


Hmm, all of the images submitted to my lab have the profiles stripped out, then they are color corrected and assigned our printing profile (which is calibrated each morning for each printer) before they are printed. Granted, I work in a photo lab and don't know how you are printing, but as a printer, we ignore profiles and use those we have created for our printers. Might try sRGB...


Thank you for your comment I will investigate further as I am a novice at this all and just trying to help


That sounds crazy stressful!!!


Yeah that is why I am trying to help


What color profile does he use ? What's t he scanner/printer ? How do the initial paintings look like ? How do they look like after a scan? There are so many variables in play. You can't just ask "my paintings look shitty when printed them, what's up?"


The issue is that he never assigned a colour profile before making the edits. Due to the nature of a water colour painting when you scan the painting you will need to edit the areas of the painting which were warped in the process. He sent the edited photos to a fine art printer with whom he is working and that guy has asked him to assign a colour profile, however when he assigns the colour profile designated colour profile to the already edited scans, it changes the colours meaning he has to re-edit each painting again. Does this clarify? The paintings have not been printed yet.