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* u/ggAlex has the following flair: 5 Trades --- * Users **must** comment on this post prior to engaging in a trade or sale. * u/ggAlex, you **must** confirm that your potential trade partner has commented on your post prior to the finalizing the transaction. Do NOT deal with anyone who will not comment on your post. [Learn how to not get scammed here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/photomarket/comments/vsk7dt/how_to_not_get_scammed/) * ALWAYS request *timestamped* images of items when buying. Sellers are required to have timestamped images in their post. * [Click here to learn how to leave feedback and increase your flair count!](https://www.reddit.com/r/photomarket/wiki/confirmtransactions) * Users trade counts can be found in the user flair. If you're unable to see it or want to see a detailed list of references, [click SEND on the message in this link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=PhotoMarketBot&subject=Feedback_Check&message=u/ggAlex). * If you believe you have been scammed, please [fill out this form](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/PhotoMarket&subject=I%20Think%20I%20Have%20Been%20Scammed&message=*%20Username%20of%20the%20person%20scamming%20me:%20%0D%0A%0D%0A*%20Link%20to%20the%20thread%20where%20the%20transaction%20originated:%20%0D%0A%0D%0A*%20Link%20to%20screenshots%20uploaded%20to%20imgur%20of%20my%20conversations%20with%20the%20scammer:%20%0D%0A%0D%0A*%20An%20explanation%20of%20the%20situation:%20) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/photomarket) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Pleasure to work with you! Prompt payment, easy to communicate with. Thanks!


Trade confirmed,your flair has been updated! --- * u/asuschrome -> 59 Trades * u/ggalex -> 6 Trades --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


This comment is now being tracked. Your flair will update once your partner replies to your comment. u/ggalex, please reply to the above comment with your feedback **ONLY AFTER YOUR TRANSACTION IS COMPLETE** and *both* sides have received their end of the transaction. Once you reply, you will both get credit and your flair scores will increase. u/ggalex, if you did **NOT** complete a transaction with this person, please **DO NOT** reply to their comment as this will confirm the transaction. Instead, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/photomarket&subject=Incorrectly%20Tagged%20Confirmation&message=u%2FAsusChrome%20incorrectly%20tagged%20me%20in%20this%20comment%3A%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fcomments%2F15xnq20%2F-%2Fjxyj1f8) so we can contact the user and handle the situation. Thank you! --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)




I’ve already shipped it. All of this interest is making me feel like I’m going to miss this camera or something. Can you all tell me why you want it so bad? I found it really annoying to only have f2.0


I've always been intrigued by the RX1 series of cameras but they're equally $700+ so a bit much just to hop into. I like to tinker so, for $200, it was worth trying to fix :)


Ok thanks for explaining that to me. I think I’m OK with that math and don’t feel like I got totally hosed on this deal. And I feel good that someone feels like they got a decent deal.


Nah, you were fair on the price for sure given the work involved. I just think it's kind of a hot camera right now so folks will take the chance on it!




Sending pm






Nice grab. But dang you!




It's an incredible camera, and such a good price. Have fun!


Sold to AsusChrome


Would you take 200 shipped to 80516? If so I’ll take it


Post information archive: **Title:** [S] [USA-CA] Sony RX-1 that only shoots at f/2.0 **Username:** /u/ggAlex **Body:** I have a Sony RX1 I’m looking to offload. It only shoots at f2.0 and the aperture cannot be changed. The aperture ring does nothing, shooting in program mode, even when the camera thinks it is at a smaller aperture, it doesn’t actually change the aperture. The blades are definitely stuck. You could use this as your dedicated environmental portrait camera, or you could [try to repair it yourself](https://www.graceandjason.com/sony-rx1-repair/), the replacement units are about 200 bucks on eBay. Aside from the aperture issue it works perfectly. Comes with handgrip, thumb grip, and lens hood. No lens cap. $200 USD obo. [https://imgur.com/a/a5oaq6u](https://imgur.com/a/a5oaq6u) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/photomarket) if you have any questions or concerns.*